Thursday, January 23, 2014

Understanding DePuy Knee Replacements

When you make the decision to have knee replacement surgery, you will need to have a thorough discussion with your doctor about what you want to achieve by having this type of procedure. Not all artificial knees are created equal. Manufacturers design different implants to address a variety of issues. Your doctor will likely have a preference for certain types of artificial knees to use in both partial and total knee replacement surgeries. You should know what brand of knee implant your physician will be using. DePuy is a leader in manufacturing artificial knees that are used by many experienced surgeons.

There are two different options for DePuy knee replacements. One is a fixed bearing platform and the other is a rotating platform. If your surgeon will be using one of these artificial knees, be sure you understand how it will work and why it is the best choice for your situation. DePuy also maintains an excellent website with plenty of helpful information about what you can expect before, during, and after your knee replacement procedure.

If you have surgery to implant DePuy knee replacements, be sure you are properly prepared for the recovery period after your surgery. You will not be able to jump right out of bed following the procedure and get back to your normal routine. You will come home from the hospital with a swollen, painful knee. Medications will be available to help you effectively manage your pain, but you can expect to still have a degree of discomfort. As your knee heals and you follow the exercise plan as prescribed by your physical therapist, you will feel better. Your goal should be to work your way back to a pain free joint.

Before you go into the hospital to have your knee replacement surgery, have a plan in place to speed your rehabilitation. Your surgeon should be able to advise you as to what range of mobility you can expect to achieve with your particular type of DePuy knee replacements. If you want to take on an additional exercise program to enhance your mobility and improve the function of your new knee, there are options available. Always make sure your doctor approves any type of rehabilitation plan before you begin. You don't want to risk damaging your new joint. You may want to explore Pain Free Knees at for one excellent choice of an exercise plan to implement following your surgery.

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