Saturday, December 14, 2013

Don't Let 'Arthur-itis' Get You!

My Aunt Helen once said to me "Sooner or later ole Uncle
Arthur-Itis will get you." She lived to be 99 years old, so
apparently Aunt Helen was able to hold Uncle Arthur at

Osteoarthritis is one of the most common medical
conditions, affecting an estimated 15.8 million Americans.
Usually it is chronic and occurs when the cartilage erodes
that normally cushions the joint and protects it from impact.
As bone rubs against bone, a person will feel pain and have
difficulty moving the joint. Osteoarthritis can range from mild
to severe and age is a leading risk factor.

Symptoms of osteoarthritis include joint pain and swelling,
limited flexibility, grinding sensation with joint motion, and
numbness or tingling in an extremity.

In Aunt Helen's day, doctors usually told the arthritis sufferer
to rest the joints. But if she were here today, her doctor
would likely suggest exercise and/or drugs or dietary
supplements instead.

There are prescription drugs available that help many
people and your doctor may recommend one of them.
Sometimes he may have to try several in order to find one
that helps you without undesirable side effects.

Another new treatment is a series of hyaluronate injections.
This provides lubrication and nutrition to the joint; however
some studies have found no benefit.

Also available are dietary supplements that help with
arthritis pain. Studies suggest that glucosamine sulfate, an
over-the-counter supplement, may provide benefit for those
with osteoarthritis in the knees. Other non-prescription
supplements include chondroitin and MSM which are often
combined with glucosamine into one capsule. Another
option is SAM-E, a product available in health food stores,
which some people find to be of benefit. SAM-E also helps
combat depression and should not be taken with
prescription drugs for depression.

Recently interest has developed in the role of exercise for
arthritis. Dr. Ronenn Roubenoff, MD, MHS, a rheumatologist
and associate professor in the Friedman School of Nutrition
at Tufts University in Boston, says, "Often what happens with
someone who has arthritis is that a doctor says to go out
and walk in order to reduce the pain. So the patient tries it.
But in people with arthritis, the knee is the joint most
commonly afflicted, followed by the hip, so walking hurts
and that leads to a negative cycle. The person stops
exercising and gains weight because they're not engaged in
any physical activity. The extra weight then puts even more
pressure on the joints and the pain feels even worse."
Indeed for every pound you weigh, each step you take puts
up to 3 pounds of pressure across your knees and hips.
Every step you take down, as when you are descending a
staircase or stepping off a bus, puts up to 6 pounds of
pressure on your lower limb joints per pound of body
weight. Gain just 10 extra pounds and you're facing as many
as 60 extra pounds of pressure on your knees every time
you step off a curb.

Dr Roubenoff, along with Miriam Nelson, PhD and
Kristin Baer, PhD, of Tufts designed a study to test whether
certain kinds of exercises not generally recommended for
people with arthritis would help them move about more
freely and without pain.

After just 4 months, the two dozen exercisers in the Tufts
study experienced a 43 percent reduction in pain, compared
with just 12 percent in a control group that did not do any
strength training. And physical function in the exercise group
improved by 44 percent overall--almost twice as much as in
the control group.

Why is it that strength training can free up a person with
arthritis in a way that aerobics alone cannot? How can
strength exercise help a person with knee or hip arthritis to
walk and get around better, when walking without strength
training first might only cause more pain and

Dr Roubenoff says: Think how a car functions on a bumpy
road. It's the role of the shock absorbers to take each bump
as it comes so that a jarring shock isn't sent up to the
passengers. If the shocks fail, the car's spring and axle
assembly absorb the jolt, but the passengers really feel it.
In your body the muscles are the shock absorbers. The
joints are the springs and axles. Thus the better shape the
muscles are in, the better they can take each shock as the
body hits the ground, sparing arthritic joints and thereby
sparing the person further pain.

Strength training directly targets the muscles and when they
are stronger, you can walk and get around better because
the joints affected by arthritis are relieved of much of their
shock bearing burden.

I can testify that strengthening leg muscles help relieve
arthritis pain because I constantly hear participants in my
strength exercise classes tell me how getting stronger has
helped relieve their arthritis pain in knees, hips and

Now you're probably asking, "What exercises should I do?"
Squats are the exercise most recommended for arthritic
knees--they help strengthen the quadriceps, the muscles in
the front of the thighs. For instructions on doing them
properly to avoid injury, visit my web site: My book "Over 40 & Gettin'
Stronger" contains an easy to learn weight training workout
for the entire body.

While squats help most people, I find that one person out of
everiy 100 cannot do squats without pain--they should not
do them and should check with their doctor.

Phyllis Rogers is not liable for any injury incurred while
doing the exercises recommended in this article.

Some Facts on Medical Tourism

Owing to the fact that there are many health problems that people of different races want to get solved at a comparatively low risk as well as low cost, there has been an increasing migration of diseased individuals from their home countries to other parts of the world.

This practice has been popularly termed "medical tourism," otherwise known as health tourism or medical travel or global healthcare.

Health-Care Services Common to Medical Tourism

For one reason or the other, individuals travel across international borders to access health services that are available in their destination countries. Similarly, medical tourism could also be referred to as the practice whereby some physicians, doctors or health-care providers are itinerant travelers to different parts of the world to deliver health-care services to potential patients.

It is worthy of note that the health services that medical tourists commonly seek to have include dental surgery, joint (hip or knee) replacement surgeries, cosmetic surgeries, cardiac surgery, psychiatry, alternative treatments, in-vitro fertilization and freezing embryos for retro-production, and surrogate pregnancy.

Countries Associated with Medical Tourism

It is worth stating again that one of the major causes of medical tourism is the relative cost of undergoing a certain medical procedure. For instance, carrying out a liver transplant surgery costs about $250,000 in United States compared to that of Taiwan which costs about $90,000 USD. Another major reason is the lack of adequate health care facilities and services.

As a result, more of medical tourists come from places like Europe, the US, Canada, Japan and the Middle East. Health service providers from such countries stand the chances of losing billions of dollars revenue.

In the same vein, the countries where medical tourists usually consider for medical procedures include India, Jordan, Malaysia, South Africa, Thailand, South Korea, Tunisia, Argentina, Israel, Ukraine, and New Zealand.

Potential Risk of Medical Tourism

It is quite vital for medical tourists to be well aware of the risks involved in seeking health care in some other countries. This will help to determine what could be done so as to minimize or eliminate the risk factors of medical tourism.

1. Low level of expertise of some health-care service providers. There have been cases where some even practice outside of their field. This is highly risky.
2. Low health-care standards. Some countries other than First World have low standards in the health sector.
3. Lack of proper Health Insurance Scheme in some Medical Procedures.
4. The possible risk of post-operation complications after tourists' return to home countries.
5. Lack of physical contact with the physician after medical care for essential medical check-up.

Factors Responsible for Medical tourism

1. High cost of health-care service. In fact, one of the major reason why medical tourist travel from First World countries to other places is as result of the high cost of health-care services.

2. Convenience and speed. In countries like US and UK unlike in some other countries, many health care services require long waiting times before the medical procedures are embarked on.

3. There is advanced medical technology in many countries today. Many countries are taking advantage of medical tourism by providing high standards of health care services.

4. Lack of local health-care services on certain medical problems. For instance, a medical tourist may seek help for in-vitro reproduction in a foreign country if it is not available in his own country.

From the foregoing, the views held by individuals about medical tourism are not the same at all. Some people from First World countries see it as a risky medical alternative. However, since many countries are now taking to advanced medical technology, some still consider that it is worth doing.

EMS - A Cure for Osteoarthritis?

EMS stands for Electro Muscle Stimulation. In simple terms an electronic machine is used to stimulate the muscles. In more complicated terms it is a low voltage waveform, applied through conductive pads, placed at strategic points on the body, to stimulate muscle motor nerves.

Normally when we exercise the brain sends signals via the spinal cord to nerve sensors which cause our muscles to expand and contract. As we continue to exercise lactic acid builds up in and around the muscle and we start to tire.

An EMS machine works by applying a controlled signal to stimulate the same nerve sensors, causing the muscle to expand and contract. The increased blood flow to the muscles helps deliver the essential nutrients for recovery, speeding up the rehabilitation process. The work relaxation cycle of an EMS machine also facilitates the removal of lactic acid from the muscles, allowing them to relax quicker.

The medical profession use EMS machines to treat a variety of conditions in rehabilitation units with encouraging results. Most treatments are specifically for conditions which require muscle stimulation. They are most commonly used on people whose muscles have weakened after long periods of bed rest.

Osteoarthritis of the knee, a condition more often found in older people, is usually caused by general wear and tear on the knee joint from normal day to day activities. Sometimes it can be the result of some old injury sporting or otherwise. Knee problems are often exacerbated by lack of proper support to the knee joint by the surrounding muscles. The end result is deterioration of the knee cartilage resulting in more pain.

Strengthening the muscles surrounding the knee is key to easing the pain of Osteoarthritis sufferers. Health care providers usually start off by having patients work on strengthen their quadriceps (the large group of muscles which run along the front of the leg from the knee to the hip). EMS is introduced as an additional therapy, along with a number of other non load bearing exercises, particularly for osteoarthritis patients, to improve muscle strength. EMS offers great benefits for the elderly, who tend to be the most common sufferers osteoarthritis, as well as other patients with limited mobility.

Another benefit of using an EMS machine is the TENs effect some programs have. (TENs stands for Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation where transcutaneous means through the skin.) Low rate programs usually between 2Hz to 5Hz with a pulse width close to 200uS encourages the release of endorphins which in turn gives pain relief that can last several hours.

EMS machines come in a variety of shapes, sizes and prices, depending on whether they are used for medical or body toning. Most machines used for medical purposes are small compact and portable and will have 4 electrodes, while body toning machines use multiple electrodes and may not be portable.

EMS is a treatment option for a wide range of injuries or conditions caused by or related to muscle weakness, as well as joint, tendon, and nerve injuries. It has also found a place in many other walks of life from beauty treatment to bodybuilding, often with some too good to be true claims. While no EMS machine will give you an instant six pack by sitting around supping beer, it does have a many uses in athletics, rehab and bodybuilding.

EMS machines should only be used on the advice of a doctor or other health professionals. They may not be suitable for certain conditions. Always follow the manufactures instructions supplied with the machine. EMS machines should never be used by people who have a pacemaker or have heart problems. Pregnant women should avoid using EMS machines as the affects on the unborn baby are not known. Never place EMS electrodes on your head or neck

Treatment of Stiff Knee Pain - Does the Pain Have You Frustrated? Improve Stability With a Brace

Case Study For Treatment Of Stiff Knee Pain

Stiffness and pain is often a symptom of arthritis or osteoarthritis of the knee. This is a condition that is incurable and can also present with pain and swelling. Treatment for stiff knee pain depends upon the patient. In some cases, surgery is recommended whereas in others, conservative medical treatment is prescribed.

How Mike Treated his Stiff Knee Pain

Mike was a retired, healthy, 70 year old man who liked to golf. He noticed lately when he got up in the morning that his knee was very stiff. It took a bit of limbering up for him to get it going. This began to occur with increasing frequency.

In addition to the stiff knee, he also began to experience pain. The pain in the joint was more pronounced after he golfed. He thought perhaps he had hurt his knee in some way but could not recall any specific incident. Like many people, Mike did not seek out the advice of his doctor until the stiff knee pain got so bad that it was impossible to ignore.

The doctor examined him and also performed an x-ray. He diagnosed Mike with osteoarthritis of the knee. This is an incurable condition that affects many people and can result in disfigurement of the joint to the point where the person cannot walk. Mike was told he could treat the stiff knee pain in a number of different ways.

These included:

1.) Medication and wearing a knee brace
2.) Exercises to preserve the use of the knee
3.) Knee surgery

Mike was not happy about the diagnosis or the prospect that he might not be able to play golf; the game he loved so much. He was also not happy with the idea of undergoing knee surgery. He had a golf buddy who underwent this type of surgery and was none the better despite it. His friend walked with a pronounced limp and still complained of pain.

The Option of Conservative Treatment

Mike chose to treat the stiff knee pain conservatively. He decided to use the anti-inflammatory drugs as well as a knee brace. This helped considerably and alleviated much of the pain. When he did feel pain, he took over the counter pain killers (Always speak with your physician about taking medications/drugs.)

In addition to using the knee brace and medication, Mike also decided to lose weight. He felt that by losing weight he could take some of the stress off of his knee. He also decided to take up swimming to exercise. His doctor told him that swimming was one of the best exercises for people in his condition and could help him keep him more active. On top of that, the swimming also helped him lose weight.

The Outcome

Mike found that after 2 months of treating the stiff knee pain conservatively, he did not experience the pain much at all. The knee brace helped him a lot when he golfed and enabled him to enjoy the game even more. The swimming kept him fit and enabled him to lose 20 pounds. The stiff knee pain still bothers him a bit once in a while but not as often as it did before and is nothing that he cannot handle. He is in better shape than before and did not have to undergo surgery.

Bottom Line

If you want to help treat your knee pain then a knee brace is a very affordable, conservative approach to helping to deal with knee issues. The support that they can give you can really help you with your current pain problems, while helping you to avoid future ones as well.

What Food is Bad For Arthritis?

The links between diet and arthritis have been the subject of a lot of talk, but very little conclusive advice can be found on what food is bad for arthritis. The recommendations may differ among different types of arthritis, and for the most part, foods that aggravate arthritis may vary on a case by case basis. In the end, each sufferer from arthritis must be responsible for cutting out foods which make the condition worse.

For most types of arthritis, including osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, there is no real set of dietary instructions. In the case of gout, a low purine diet is advised, and sufferers should avoid meat, beans and alcohol. There is, however, plenty of unproven advice on the relationship between food and arthritis. Many recommend avoiding foods belonging to the nightshade family, such as tomatoes and peppers. Others recommend cutting down on packaged snack foods and reducing consumption of saturated fats, which often requires cutting down on meat consumption. Some feel better when they remove glutens from their diet, and others when they eliminate dairy products.

While none of these recommendations has been supported by scientific evidence, doctors recognize that an individual may find that certain foods can aggravate arthritis. On an individual basis, these common culprits can be foods to test with to see if elimination improves the condition. For those who suffer from arthritis, figuring out which foods aggravate the problem can take some real work. There are no universals, but certain foods are common aggravators.

The relationship between diet and arthritis can be very individual, but some general recommendations can be made. Maintaining a healthy diet is important, and weight loss can help ease some pain of arthritis. Losing weight can be especially effective in osteoarthritis of the knee. Omega-3 fatty acids can help limit arthritis inflammation. Limiting consumption of fat, cholesterol, sugar, and alcohol is a good idea overall.

XXL Knee Brace - How to Determine Which Support and Size You Need - Special Report on Knee Bracing

Do you believe you need an XXL knee brace? Let's make sure...

Here is the common way to take your measurements.

1.) Taking Your Measurements

A.) Take a circumference of your thigh, in the area that is located 6" above your knee center. 6" is equal to 15cm. This is a very important measurement, so record your answer.

B.) Take a circumference measurement at your knee center. Again, keep this on record.

C.) Lastly, it is important to complete this process by recording what your circumference measurement is 6" below your knee center. (Again, 6" is equal to 15cm.)

2.) Now That You Have Your Measurements

After taking your measurements and recording them, you can go online to many knee brace shops and figure out what size brace you will probably need. - Many times, the measurement 15cm above your knee is all you will need, but having the remaining two measurements will be of great help.

3.) A Custom Knee Support vs. Non Custom

Most of the time you will be able to find a well-designed, "non-custom" knee support that will help provide you with the support you need. These braces are far less expensive than custom knee braces, and most of the time people do not need to spend a ton of cash on a custom knee support. - Just a word to the wise.

Custom made knee supports sound fancy, but you are really going to pay a heck of a premium, compared to what you probably could have of found in a non-custom support. - In the end, it is your choice, we are just trying to make this point so you are aware of your options.

4.) The Benefits of Knee Braces & How They Can Help You

This article does not attempt to provide medical advice. But, if you have knee pain or instability problems a knee support is a great conservative option for treatment of knee ailments. Many times people will note that their pain and instability reduce (greatly) as a result of wearing a knee support. - Make sure to talk to your brace provider if you have any questions because they will be able to help you find the brace you need.

Do not look back wishing you could have done something more for your knee while you had the time. If you have pain or instability problems you should consider a knee support today. They can really help.

Friday, December 13, 2013

What Is the Significant Difference Between Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis?

Rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis are two widely different forms of arthritis, which is a general term that features over 100 rheumatoid disorders.

Although the two forms can produce a lot of pain like upper knee pain, the biggest difference between them is the fact that rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease whereas osteoarthritis is an organic results of aging. Osteoarthritis (OA) is often known as degenerative arthritis while rheumatoid arthritis is also degenerative.

An additional way to characterize the visible difference connecting RA and OA is that, rheumatoid arthritis is about inflammation of the tissue around the joints while osteoarthritis concerns degeneration of the cartilage involving the joints.

Rheumatoid arthritis is thrice prevalent in women than in men and exists in about 1% of the total population in the United States. Generally impacts the smaller joints of the hands, wrists, feet and generally takes place concurrently on both sides of the body. It is an inflammatory ailment that affects the synovial membrane surrounding joints, therefore thickening the membrane and consequently causing the joints to lose their normal capability to function.

This ailment can happen in children as well as older people, even though during periods of remission, there is no pain present like Knee Pain.

There is swollen knee pain indicating joint inflammation and may even be warm to touch, systemic symptoms which includes fever, general fatigue or body stiffness enduring more than one hour. Joints are affected on both sides. A positive blood test for RA auto-antibodies. The lungs, heart and kidney may also be affected.

Osteoarthritis is way more common and less incapacitating when compared with rheumatoid arthritis. It is regarded as a disease of aging and while it is common in people over 60 years of age, younger individuals are affected from it since bodies aged at a different rate.

The chief force behind OA is wear on joint cartilage, which work as shock absorbers that prevent bones from rubbing together. When cartilage is impaired caused by excessive use or injury, it results in OA, leading to joint inflammation and swelling in the joints. Whenever bones begin rubbing against each other, Knee Pain develops.

Have You Swollen Knee Pain?

Knee swelling

Swelling in the knee joint can be an indication of a plethora of problems. Knee swelling occurs when there is an accumulation of fluid around the knee joint; this may be as a result of trauma, disease or infection.

Injuries that occur as a result of physical activity may cause damage to ligaments and meniscus both of which if damage can result in swelling. Determining where the damage occurs depends on how rapid the knee becomes swollen. Often if the knee becomes swollen immediately after physical injury then it is an indication of ligament damage, if swelling occurs gradually over several hours then this indicates damage to the meniscus. In cases where knee becomes swollen without any sign of physical injury, it is an indication of an underlying disease, often arthritis.

Apart from injury the most common cause of knee swelling is disease, especially in older individuals. The more common diseases that result in swelling are osteoarthritis, gout and bursitis. Both gout and osteoarthritis causes degradation of the cartilage around the knee joint causing severe pain and inflammation. A bursa is a fluid filled sac around the knee joint that serves as a gliding surface that reduces friction between the cartilage and joints. When this sac is damaged one experience intense pain followed by swelling, this is known as bursitis.

Some more common causes of knee swelling are the presence of tumours and cysts, pseudogout, nutrients deficiency and pigmented villonodular synovitis.

Whilst most knee swelling can be treated with anti-inflammatory medication, it is important to get a proper diagnosis of the problem first before any treatment is applied. Methods of diagnosing knee swelling are but not limited to:

• MRI- this is able to detect any abnormality in bone or knee joint

• X-ray - this is to ensure that the patient has not broken or dislocated any bone in the knee joint, it can also use to detect arthritis

• Joint aspiration- this involves withdrawal of fluid from the swollen area to undergo further laboratory testing, it is a quite useful diagnostic tool when checking for pathogens or diseases.

Upon determining the cause of the swelling treatment may range from something as simple as bed rest to the more extreme case of orthopaedic surgery. In mild to moderate cases taking a break from physical activity to relieve tension and the knee joint in conjunction with the application of anti-inflammatory drugs or antibiotics (if swollen is caused by infection) can be used to reduce swelling. Another useful treatment process is the periodic application of ice to the affected area, which should be done while the foot is elevated as this helps with circulation.

Surgical methods can be used to remove fluids that build up around the joint or to repair damaged tissue, however in extreme cases where the knee is unable perform its duties; the knee joint itself might need to be replaced.

The restriction caused by knee swelling can greatly affect an individual's life, so if you find yourself suffering from this problem now is the time to do something about it. Make an appointment with your physician to get a proper diagnosis of the problem, then adapt a treatment regiment and take your life back one kick at a time.

Can You Handle Your Back Pain After Knee Surgery

The last stage for most of the people is on the operating table for a number of different causes, and because of this there are thousands of people dealing with pain after knee surgery, including back pain. This back pain that's experienced after having surgery can be due to a couple of different things, depending on what the surgery was for in the first place. It doesn't seem reasonable to have back pain after knee surgery since that's was the surgery was supposed to finish, but usually there is a certain healing time to be had before the person having the surgery starts to feel relief.

A lot of strain will be put on your back during your ambulation period either through crutches or through a walker. In place of getting relief from the actual knee problems after having knee joint surgery, patients still report having low back pain after surgery and it seems to hurt them when they need to move themselves. This will further increase your trouble.
Pre surgery requirements include proper conditioning and toning of back and lower limb muscles so that patient do not face must trouble after surgery.

Use A Walking Aid To Avoid Back Pain After Surgery:

Use an aid while walking to avoid pressure on your back as well as knees. Start with two crutches and as the condition improves move on with a single crutch.

One of the treatment to get rid of back pain after knee surgery that you can try at home is to lay on your back with a soft pillow under your knees. Do not put any undue strain on your knees and keep your back straight. This will keep the pressure off from your back and help in relieving the pain. You can also try resting your knees on a pillow that's placed on a chair. Lay on your back and place your knees on the chair. Both of these are great remedies to relieve back pain after knee surgery.

Exercises Are Must To Avoid Back Pain After Knee Surgery:

You should not forget to perform your mild and simple exercises for back pain, and at the same time as doing exercises if you feel pain you must at once stop your exercise and cool down before recommencing once more. Another way of exercising for back pain after knee surgery is to strengthen your critical muscles in the abdomen, lower back, gluteus and quadriceps. And, you can also perform back and leg muscles strengthening by doing isometric exercises which do not involve any movement and strengthen your muscles. This will certainly help you with your back pain after knee surgery.

Hyaluronic Acid Powder

Hyaluronic acid powder is used as an ingredient in cosmetics. It is actually deemed the next generation anti-aging supplement by medical researchers.

Applying hyaluronic acid in powdered form to your face forms a thin transparent visco elastic surface film on your skin. With constant use, it can give you healthy skin texture, producing more supple, elastic and toned skin, thus making you look younger. It preserves the moisture in your skin and alone can be a very effective moisturizer. Complementing it with a commercial moisturizer or powder provides more surface area coverage. It can also be applied to damaged skin and used to treat rough skin surfaces.

By drawing in and holding water, hyaluronic acid powder hydrates the skin, delivers nutrients and removes contaminants and other toxins. It also allows the turnover and regeneration of kertinocytes, which slows the appearance of wrinkles, lines, darkened spots and other signs of aging. The use of hyaluronic powder as a cosmetic product has been used for centuries in China. It is only recently that the Western world has discovered its use.

Aside from powder form, hyaluronic acid can be injected in the face as a remedy to facial wrinkles. It works the same as injecting collagen in your face, but the effects of hyaluronic acid last longer and cause fewer allergic reactions.

Hyaluronic acid is also used as a supplement. You can inject it into the knee to treat osteoarthritis, which protects the knee fluid and gives you stronger, healthier, and more flexible joints. It can also be applied to the eyes to heal the cornea abraded by your contact lens or induce the healing of the tissue after a cataract. There is a difference between hyaluronic acid as a supplement to be taken orally, as an eye drop, and as an injection.

Discover the Effective Ways of Treating Knee Arthritis

There are a number of injuries and diseases that can affect the knees and the most common is joint inflammation or arthritis. Arthritis is a common disease of middle aged and older people but it can also occur in young adults. This kind of problem could last a lifetime if left untreated that is why it is important to find ways of treating knee arthritis.

The knee is a very important part of the body and having knee problems may affect activities like walking and running. Suffering from this kind of problem could be very disabling and frustrating. It is best to find ways in treating knee arthritis before this condition becomes a lifetime problem. Here are some tips:

Seek help from medical professionals. There are different forms of arthritis and it is best to consult your doctor or a rheumatologist who are experts on dealing with joints, bones and muscle problems. Before treating knee arthritis, there are numerous testing to confirm the diagnosis like X-rays, bone scan, blood tests, etc.

Medicines. In most cases medicines are needed for immediate relief of pains and swelling. Ask your doctor for the recommended medicine for your condition. You may also take into consideration that drugs have its side effects.

Exercises. People with arthritis may benefit from exercises programs to strengthen the bones and muscles. Exercises can relieve stress on your joints. You have to know what movements to avoid and what type of exercises are beneficial in treating knee arthritis.

Alternative remedies. There are cases that people with this kind of joint problem becomes frustrated after trying so many treatments and still suffering from the pains of arthritis. Natural remedy is another option or an alternative treatment that some people find inexpensive and effective.

Joint Pain Relief - Is There Anything That Can Help Relieve the Pain?

I have suffered with pain in my knees and elbows for quite a long time. I believe that most of the pain can be attributed to all of the sports I played as a teen and young man as well as some arthritis in my later years.

I was an avid bowler, bowling in two to three leagues a week with a 200 average. As I did my approach to throwing the ball the pain in my knees was really killing me. As a result of favoring my knees I would strain my right elbow. I had to quit bowling altogether because of the pain in my knees and elbow. I tried an elastic support for both my knees and elbows and neither worked.

I had been told from a number of my friends and relatives that Glucosamine would help with the pain. I bought Glucosamine tablets from a vitamin catalog and continued to take it on a daily basis for years but it did not help at all. Glucosamine is marketed to support the structure and function of joints and the marketing is targeted to people suffering from osetoarthritis. Unfortunately I had to quit bowling.

I love playing golf and I still had pain in my knees. I did wear an elastic support for my knees and I was able to continue playing. As the day went on the strain from my swing and walking up and down hills, the pain would get worse. If I twisted my foot, even a little bit, the pain shot through my whole body. I got through all eighteen holes but my golf game, which wasn't that fantastic in the first place, just got a whole lot worse.

On a visit to my VA doctor, I mentioned the pain and he asked me if I was taking Chondrotin Sulfate. (Chondroitin sulfate is a major component of extracellular matrix, and is important in maintaining the structural integrity of the tissue).I told him I wasn't and he recommended that I start immediately.

I then ordered Glucosamine, Chondrin, MSM tablets from the same catalog company. After about two weeks of taking these tablets the pain started to ease, but not 100%.

I discovered that there was a fourth ingredient that could be taken for the relief of pain I was seeking and that was Celadrin Oil. Celadrin is made up of a combination of highly effective ingredients. The oils found in the product are similar to fish oil, are safe for those allergic to products containing fish oil. The product helps by allowing users to gain more flexibility in the joints and reduces swelling and inflammation. I now take all four of the supplements in one dose and I can now say that I am 100% pain free. I now play golf without any elastic supports and my golf game is now back to normal. I haven't tried to resume bowling but I intend to try that in the very near future.

You can find out more about how to relieve joint pain by Clicking Here

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Joint Pain and Recovery From Injury - The Impact of Collagen on Connective Tissue and Anti-Ageing

The following information has been collected from various sources (see references on the Advanced Nutrition UK website) and has been backed up by the rapid recovery of my son-in-law following a serious operation to his jaw. My wife and I have also experienced the benefits of pure collagen capsules (most notably for arthritic pain and when kneeling down to play with our grandson!). I feel that many people could benefit from this awareness and hope the following is helpful.

In recent years Collagen Hydrolysate (CH) is increasingly being used as a nutritional supplement, especially for the treatment of degenerative joint diseases and for the management of skin care.

Numerous international clinical studies have been able to confirm the positive effect of Collagen Hydrolysate in the treatment of degenerative joint disease. It is important to note that ordinary collagen cannot be absorbed readily into the body and the hydrolysate process is what makes this possible.

Clinical Studies

In clinical studies involving over 2000 patients with diagnosed Osteoarthritis of the hip or knee joint, there was a statistically significant reduction in pain, a decrease in the consumption of analgesics and improved mobility in patients who had received a daily dose of CH over a period of at least 3 months. Overall, treatment of the patients involved with CH over a longer period of time was regarded as being remarkably successful, with more than 75% of the patients reported improvement of symptoms.

Comparable results were obtained with a number of observational studies on persons suffering from painful joints or athletes whose joints were subject to increased mechanical stress. In these cases too the administration of Collagen Hydrolysate resulted in substantial pain reduction and improved mobility. Recently, these results could be confirmed in a prospective, randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind study conducted at Penn State University in University Park, Pennsylvania on 147 athletes.

In addition to the reported efficacy of CH on joint health, clinical studies also indicated a positive effect of CH on tendons demonstrating a significant improvement of tissue strength.

Studies relating to skin care revealed a pronounced improvement of skin function and increased skin hydration after CH ingestion on a regular basis.

Ingestion and Distribution of Collagen Hydrolysate

Intestinal absorption of Collagen Hydrolysate could be demonstrated by means of a commonly accepted experimental model. It could be shown that more than 90% of the orally administered CH is rapidly absorbed by the intestines and appeared in blood plasma, accounting for a high bioavailability. These results were confirmed by a study performed on healthy human volunteers in which major constituents of CH derived peptides were identified in human serum and plasma after oral ingestion.

Investigations on the qualitative absorption revealed that CH is not completely broken down by the digestive system, but that a variety of collagen fragments, including up to 10% high molecular form peptides are absorbed following oral administration of CH, with some individual variability.

In additional studies with labelled CH, it was shown that a significant amount of collagen peptides could be detected in skin and cartilage tissue after one single administration, indicating an accumulation of these peptides within the connective tissue.

Mode of Action

In addition to obtaining proof of clinical efficacy of Collagen Hydrolysate, a significant number of research projects have been started worldwide with participation by a number of international institutes of repute with the goal of investigating the mechanism of action of the substance.

Cell culture experiments investigating the efficacy of HC revealed that the treatment of the cartilage cells with CH induced a statistically significant, dose-dependent increase in type II collagen synthesis of chondrocytes compared to the untreated controls.

These results clearly indicate that CH has a stimulatory effect on both important structural macromolecules of the ECM - collagen and proteoglycans, and thus might be of therapeutic relevance to slow or even halt the progressive degradation of articular cartilage tissue in osteoarthritis.

Beside the impact of CH on cartilage tissue, preclinical studies suggested positive effects of a CH treatment on tendons and skin.

Investigations on skin seem to indicate that the administration of Collagen Hydrolysate enhances the hydroxyproline content in the soluble fraction of skin, which may be related to skin collagen synthesis. Moreover, it was stated that CH treatment might increase the water binding capacity of the epidermis. More recently, it was reported that the ingestion of CH induces increased fibroblast density and enhances the formation of collagen fibrils in the dermis.

Safety of Collagen Hydrolysate Ingestion

In numerous investigations it could be shown that collagen hydrolysate has an excellent safety profile.

Collagen hydrolysate is a food product, and the FDA lists it as GRAS (generally recognized as safe), the highest possible safety category. Moreover, the Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices and the Ministry for Consumer Affairs in Germany as well as the World Health Organization, have also confirmed that CH is safe and that there is no risk involved in consuming larger quantities on a regular basis.


Numerous preclinical investigations have demonstrated the positive effect of Collagen Hydrolysate on the metabolism of connective tissue. The results seem to indicate that CH treatment stimulates the synthesis of cartilage tissue, affects the size of collagen fibrils and the composition of glycosaminoglycans in the Achilles tendon, enhances the collagen synthesis and the formation of collagen fibrils in the skin and increases the water binding capacity of the epidermis.

Clinical studies have demonstrated the efficacy of CH in the treatment of degenerative joint diseases. Moreover, CH ingestion seems to have positive effects on tendons as well as on skin function and hydration.

Based on these results and due to its excellent safety profile a treatment with Collagen Hydrolysate on a daily basis might well be of particular importance for the synthesis and maintenance of connective tissue.

There seems to be excellent scientific and corroborative evidence that Pure Collagen Hydrolysate can be beneficial to joint pain, recovery from injury involving connective tissue (Achilles tendons, ligaments) as well as improving the elasticity and health of the skin, hair and nails.

It does seem as though pure collagen hydolysate (types 1 & 2) capsules can in many cases have a noticeable beneficial effect on joint health & strength, as well as reducing the pain associated with forms of arthritis. In addition, many celebrities endorse the anti-ageing properties of proto-col pure collagen capsules.

How Does Cervical Spondylosis Occur?

For stressed and busy people, neck pain is very common. It can be due to many things you do and oftentimes, it is mostly related to your age. As you age, your intervertebral discs little by little degenerate just like other of the parts of your body. Usually, this leads to arthritis. Neck arthritis is also known as Cervical Spondylosis. It is the deterioration of the neck's joints, and is common in old. High percentage of people older than the age of 60 is at risk or is affected by this condition. Cervical spondylosis uncommonly becomes a disabling type, though it's a type of arthritis.

Loss of water content and disc degeneration of your spine can cause arthritis. When you were younger, water content is higher in your spinal discs. However, as you age, the discs start to weaken and dehydrate. This leads to a problem resulting from the decreased height and settling of the disc spaces.

Increased pressure in the surface joints can result to the degeneration and development of arthritis which also happen in hip arthritis or knee joint. The cartilage that wraps and shields your joints is destroyed. Complete destruction of the cartilage can lead in rubbing bones (bone colliding with another bone). Bone spurs may grow in the surface joints as a reaction of the body to the worn-out cartilage. This happens to better support the spinal cord. As time passes by, this overgrowth of the bone, which are called bone spurs, may constrict the gap for the nerves to cross. The narrowing of the space in between the spinal cord is called stenosis.

Cervical spondylosis can attack anyone, especially the elderly. If you're wondering if you are one of them, take a look at the following risk factors.


Oftentimes, people who have family history of neck pain may acquire Cervical Spondylosis. A handful of studies show that the occurrence of cervical spondylosis increases with patients who has a family history of neck pain. Confirmation for this information is still pending with continuing research.


Smoking cigarettes stimulates constriction of the blood vessels due to its nicotine content. This may cause you different symptoms, one of which is neck pain.


What you do in your job affects your body. A job that uses many overhead work and strenuous movements involving the neck is linked with the development of cervical spondylosis.

Mental Health Issues

Not only strenuous physical activity can make you susceptible to cervical spondylosis. Even mental and emotional imbalances can result to neck pain. Anxiety and depression is highly associated with cervical spondylosis.

Trauma or Injury

The most common and immediate cause of neck arthritis is trauma or injury to the neck, head or trunk area. Some examples are car accidents, job injury and accidental fall from high places.

Chances of having cervical spondylosis increase if you have these symptoms. Assess yourself if you have these risk factors. If you think you are a candidate for this condition, take the initiative to change those things or activities that you can modify. It's never too late.

Knee Joint Pain Causes and Treatment - Information That You Should Know

Knee joint is the junction of two large bones of leg in which pain can be caused due to many reasons. The exact location of the pain helps medical experts to diagnose the problem better and quickly for treatment. Like any other joint of the body knee too is prone to the injuries, infections and disorders, in fact in older people complaints for knee pain is more common than compared to any other joint of the body.

The knee joint is formed by two bones femur and tibia supported by four ligaments and a patella also popularly known as knee cap. This whole joint is covered by synovium and is filled with synovial fluid which provides nourishment to the cartilages and keeps them elastic. Synovial fluid inside synovium also keeps cartilages smooth and slippery to ensure friction free and pain free movement of the knee. The knee joint joins thigh and shin bones to make normal activity like walking possible. This joint can bend up to 135 degrees and extend to 0 degrees. It is a weight bearing joint and complex in design which makes it most commonly injured joint of the body.

Injuries can promote pain in the knee. Any traumatic event can cause damage to ligaments attached to the knee joint. As knee has four ligaments attached to it exact area of pain can help the doctor to find out the particular ligament that has been damaged. Pain occurs when weight is transferred on the joint. Swelling of tendons also referred as tendinitis or jumper's knee, injuries caused to meniscus by sharp and quick movements can cause mild to severe pain in the knee joint. The pain due to tearing of meniscus is felt with a popping sensation and locking or feeling of unstable knee. Swelling of tendons causes pain below the knee cap or at the back of the knee joint. All of these knee pains may also occur due to old age or overuse of the knee joint like in sports and other activities.

Osteoarthritis and rheumatic arthritis are other common causes of pain in the knees. Osteoarthritis causes damage to cartilages which eventually exposes ends of the bones to rub each other to cause severe pain and inflammation and also can cause complete immobility of the joint. Rheumatic arthritis makes immunity system attack its own healthy tissues which causes damage to the tissues present in the knee joint causing inflammation, redness, pain and infection in the synovial fluid. Arthritis also promotes secretion of fluid in the joint which gets accumulated in the form of a cyst at the back of the knee joint also known as baker's cyst.

Knee joint pain due to arthritis or any other disease, infection or disorder is treated along with the major problem while joint pain in the knee due to any injury can be treated by hot and cold compresses, massages with warm oil or pain relieving ointments and creams, light exercises like walking and cycling, yoga and aerobics. Knee replacement surgery is the last option medically available to treat a completely immobile and painful knee.

Knee Braces - What To Look For

What to look for in a knee brace really depends on the type of injury a person has sustained. For mild injuries such as a first-degree sprain a more inexpensive, lightweight brace made from nylon, Lycra, or neoprene can be used. This type of brace will provide some support and compression and is usually used in conjunction with or alternating with ice pack treatments. Knee braces of this type are relatively inexpensive and should really be kept on-hand in every home as a possible first-aid treatment for minor sprains and pulls that can occur during recreational sports or even doing household tasks.

A second-degree sprain may involve some ligament tearing and will require slightly more support. While compression is still provided, these knee braces will usually also include some type of hinge mechanism to allow some controlled movement of the knee to prevent stiffness. This type of knee brace may also be made of nylon, Lycra or neoprene, but usually with the addition of straps, thicker padded support and sometimes even plastic "armor". These knee braces are a little more expensive than their more flexible counterparts and usually would be purchased on an as-needed basis, although serious athletes or weekend warriors may want to keep one at the ready.

A third-degree sprain is more serious, involving a rupture of the tendon and usually requires surgery. Braces for this type of injury need to provide a lot more support, while still allowing some movement. This type of brace may even require a prescription and will be covered under some medical insurance policies. Some of these knee braces include a system that allows ice water to circulate through tubes around the knees to keep the pain and swelling down which is a big necessity in many cases.

Other injuries and disorders may call for any one of the types of knee braces that have been discussed here depending on the severity of the injury. There are even some braces specially made for certain ailments, such as arthritis, which can reduce pain, stabilize the knee joint and even help to build muscle. It is a good idea to ask your doctor or physical therapist to make a recommendation as to the type of knee brace that is best for you. Using the right type of knee braces can have a big impact on the quality and speed of your recovery.

Once you understand the type of brace you need you will want to find the best quality brace at the best possible price. An excellent place to find high quality knee braces from manufacturers like DonJoy, Aircast and Procare is at They offer a 90-day guarantee and free shipping on orders over $100.

It is important to remember to wear your knee braces whenever you do any type of physical activity. Even activities such as walking or light house cleaning can reinjure your knee if you do not take proper precautions and allow enough time for healing to take place. Healthy knees are so important not only to sports performance, but to your everyday quality of life so it is vital to choose your knee braces with care and use them properly as needed.

How To Stop Pain Without Drugs

The power of enzymes to reduce pain, swelling and inflammation is so well established by so many studies, it's a wonder that enzyme therapy hasn't taken America by storm.

Alternative doctors everywhere are discovering the wonder of these incredible nutrients,especially in Germany where doctors successfully treat osteoarthritis with enzymes. They also consider enzymes to be as effective as prescription medicines.

Here's an example. A German study involving 1004 rheumatic patients and 141 doctors reported 76% to 96% improved or considerably improved after receiving enzyme therapy.

Do enzymes help relieve osteoarthritis; the more common type? You bet. Dr. Cichoke reports a test of 80 patients who suffered from osteoarthritis of the knee. Half received an enzyme formula and half were treated with a leading prescription pain reliever called diclofenac. The enzymes proved just as effective as the drug in relieving pain by day or by night, at rest or in motion.

The Germans have also studied healthy athletes to see if enzyme therapy relieves pain and swelling and speeds up healing. The results were startling.

In a study of a hundred athletes, half took placebo and the other half an enzyme formula. More than three out of four of those on the enzymes rated the results as "good." Only 14% of those on the placebo were willing to say the same thing.

Neither group knew which pills they'd received. The Germans have really taken the results to heart. According to Karen DeFelice, German and Austrian teams training for the Olympics consume "millions of enzyme capsules." Dr. Cichoke says it's common for German prize fighters to take enzymes to prevent injuries and speed up recovery.

Drugs merely mask the pain, but enzymes get at the root cause and actually heal the underlying problem.

The non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs or NSAIDS that most of us take for pain are not healing drugs. In fact, they can be very damaging, even fatal, if taken over the long-term, the way many arthritis patients do.

NSAIDs block our response to pain so we don't feel it, but do little or nothing to heal the pain or injury.

Athletes have good reason to know this. Sure, they want to stop the pain, as most of us do but their most important goal is getting back on the field. When it comes to speeding up recovery, more and more athletes are finding that enzymes are clear winners over pain drugs.

In one of the rare American studies of enzyme therapy, Dr. Cichoke himself analyzed 64 football players. Half the athletes were given enzymes and half were given a placebo. Neither the players nor the doctors knew which pills were which. The idea was to take enzymes regularly as a food supplement rather than wait to begin enzyme therapy AFTER an injury had occurred. Using enzymes in this way for prevention, Dr. Cichoke and his colleague Leo Marty found that athletes who took enzymes recovered from injuries up to twice as fast as those on the sugar pill.

Dr. J.M. Zuschlag tried enzyme therapy on 20 karate fighters. As you can imagine, karate folks get pretty banged up. Half took a placebo and half took enzymes, without knowing which pill they were taking. The edge they got from enzyme supplements was astounding. Bruises healed in 6.62 days on average in the enzyme group compared to 15.59 days in the placebo group.

During the course of the study, the athletes who took the placebo missed 10 days of training on average while those who took enzymes missed only four days. Athletes on enzymes got over pain and swelling in about four days but those on the placebo needed about ten days to recover.

To an athlete, especially a pro or college athlete, those are eye-popping results. What's more, the Germans have confirmed this again and again. The players who supplement with enzyme preparations lose less playing time, recover from injuries faster, and experience no side effects. The side effects from prescription drugs on the other hand are often serious and the athletes lose more playing time.

Writing in the Annals of the New York Academy of Science, E.A. Fulgrave states that for many major sports injuries, enzymes can reduce time lost from two months down to two weeks!

What works for these athletes can work for you.

Enzymes can even help you recover faster after surgery. The evidence is found in, yes, another German study, this one on patients undergoing knee operations. It took fewer days for the folks supplementing with enzymes to be able to bend their knees, compared to the patients who got placebos. The enzyme group could also stand and walk earlier, and suffered less pain and swelling.

This isn't a case of some people telling a researcher how they feel. It's a study of hard, objective fact: the number of days it took to bend, stand up and move.

Besides these studies, Dr. Cichoke reports many individual stories of quick healing and recovery. In one case, a college soccer coach injured a vertebra while playing goalie. The pain, muscle spasms and immobility were so bad that his wife rushed him to an emergency room. The doctors there gave him pain drugs and muscle relaxants, and told him to stay in bed for two weeks. Three days later, he was no better. In fact, he had to crawl from his bed to the bathroom. He saw another doctor who urged him to try something else: enzyme therapy, which he started a week after his injury.

The results were like a miracle

Within 24 hours, says the soccer coach, "I had literally lost almost all of the pain. I could stand erect, next to my bed, without having to bend over. The reduction of pain was remarkable."

The case of a high school long distance runner is just as dramatic. The boy developed knee problems, with pain so severe he was thinking of giving up his sport. Instead, he tried enzymes. In a week he was almost free of pain, even though he didn't take a break in his workout schedule. Within two weeks, he was totally pain-free and running seven miles a day.

Not all of us will experience such quick, dramatic results as these two injured athletes, but big studies of hundreds of people in pain, do confirm that enzymes work.

Considering the wealth of studies on not only arthritis patients, but also injured athletes, cancer patients and all kinds of people with pain, there's no doubt in my mind that enzymes are the missing nutrient that can mean a new life for many people. What do you think?

Muscle Milk - Why Do Pros Buy Muscle Milk?

Muscle Milk protein has reached new heights among those who seek to build up lean muscle and lose fat. However, with just about all modern muscle building supplements, a lot of newcomers wonder if this protein is actually good for you or not and whether they should buy muscle milk.

The primary reason many beginners don't buy this product is due to the apparent high amount of fat it incorporates. Unfortunately most neglect to understand that the fat content is not your everyday type of fat that is stored away in the body, it is a fast burning fat that's utilized to fuel energy to your muscles and assist in the growth of lean muscle. Almost never is this fat stored in the body.

Whenever you have an good workout routine and are aiming to put on mass and increase lean muscle, then this is the best supplement on the market and can work well as a meal replacement and especially as a before bed protein supplement. While you are sleeping, this protein has the power to repair your muscles from training and will prevent you from losing muscle while you sleep.

So is it good for you? Yes it is. It does not incorporate any harmful ingredients whatsoever and when used correctly it provides great results. Did I mention the taste? It is no secret that muscle milk is the best tasting protein ever made.

Muscle Milk comes in a variety of forms including protein powder, muscle milk 'n' oats, ready-to-go drinks and the popular muscle milk light.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Muscle Building and How to Avoid Knee Joint Replacement

Healthcare experts advise a knee replacement procedure when pain and damage on the knee turns into something serious, and pills,supplements and previous treatments do not ease the pain any more. Your physician will request X-rays to inspect your knee bones and cartilage and check the extent of injury, and assess whether the pain might be from a different source.

Although knee replacement surgery is regularly performed on individuals who are overweight for the reason that they are more prone to knee problems, surgery of this nature is not recommended to people who are severely overweight because replacement joints are more prone to fail in them. Contrarily, power-lift exercises cause damage to the knees and may create reason to have replacement as well.

The short term impact of performing a total knee replacement in an obese patient have shown that obesity was associated with an increased length of hospital stay, discharge to a rehabilitation facility as opposed to home and a higher complication rate. The alterations turn out to be more important as BMI rises, especially to those who are severely overweight because they may experience more issues with their wound, infections, and medial collateral ligament revulsion.

Both men and women who are too fat are more inclined to undergo knee replacement surgery, and the fatter they are, the more they are at risk. Men who are obese are five times more likely to have a replacement knee and women are four times more likely to have it.

People, who are too fat, regardless of age, stand for the biggest number of beneficiaries of knee replacements. However, although overweight people are credited for most knee replacements, the more overweight they are, the more prolonged the process is before they can have the surgery. The discrepancy in wait time is not a factor of bias against overweight or obese people.

The orthopedic surgeons say that knee replacement surgeries are given earlier to those who have lesser risks of developing complications. In order to gain muscle mass, weight lifters often carry extreme amounts of poundage which has the capability to create the need for replacement as well.

Knee replacement involves surgery to replace the ends of bones in a damaged joint. This surgery creates new joint surfaces. The edges of the injured bones of the thigh and lower leg and commonly the knee cap are covered with synthetic planes coated with metal and plastic. Usually, doctors replace the entire surface at the ends of the thigh and lower leg bones. However, it is increasingly popular to replace just the inner knee surfaces or the outer knee surfaces, depending on the location of the damage. This is referred to as uni compartmental replacement. People who are good candidates for uni compartmental surgery have better results with this procedure than with total joint replacement. Orthopedic surgeons commonly cement knee joint parts to the bones.

Joint variations as result of osteoarthritis may as well extend and injure the ligaments that attach the thigh bone to the bone of the lower leg. After surgery, the artificial joint itself and the remaining ligaments around the joint usually provide enough stability so that the damaged ligaments are not a problem.

Surgeons usually use regional anesthesia for knee replacement surgery. Although, the choice of anesthesia is dependent on your doctor, your general health, and to some degree, on your own choice.

Precautions should be taken when weightlifters perform heavy lifts, like power lifts. Athletes should bind there knees with appropriate supports, especially when using the squat type exercise. Heed this warning or you too may be in store for a knee replacement.

What Is An Approved Osteoarthritis Medicine And Should You Consider Natural Remedies?

Approved osteoarthrits medicine may be effective at relieving pain, but is also accompanied by negative side effects and in some cases increased risk of developing life threatening diseases. For example, Vioxx was an approved osteoarthritis medication that was recalled because an alarming number of patients experienced heart attacks, strokes or blood clots.

Bextra, a COX-2 inhibitor similar to Vioxx, was removed from the market for the same reasons and because of a link to Stevens Johnson Syndrome and other skin disorders. Celebrex, also a COX-2 inhibitor, is still on the market but it and all other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs carry a warning label that "users may face an increased risk of cardiovascular side effects and gastrointestinal bleeding".

Another approved osteoarthritis medicine is prednisone and other corticosteroids. Corticosteroids, when taken orally, can increase blood sugar levels, particularly in diabetics. Long term use can cause dependence, depression, fatigue, blurred vision and abdominal pain. A safer and increasingly popular use for this type of osteoarthritis medication is injection directly into the affected joint.

Approved osteoarthritis medicine includes narcotic pain relievers, such as Vicodin, Tylenol with Codeine and Oxycodone. The makers of Oxycodone were recently required to pay millions of dollars in damages because sales representatives were told to advise doctors that the drug was less addictive than other narcotics, when in actuality it is one of the most addictive.

Side effects of this type of osteoarthritis medication include liver damage when accompanied by alcohol use; this side effect also accompanies the use of non-narcotic over the counter Tylenol and other acetaminophen products. Less serious side effects include constipation, drowsiness, dry mouth and difficulty urinating. It should also be noted that narcotic pain relievers do not reduce inflammation, but work by blocking pain receptors in nerve cells.

Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) is becoming increasingly popular among arthritis sufferers. Although CAM therapies cannot be classified as "approved" osteoarthritis medicine, some additional form of therapy is recommended by most doctors. Therapies may include dietary changes, increased physical activity or nutritional supplements.

Fish oil products cannot be labeled as osteoarthritis medication, because of FTC regulations. However, omega 3 fatty acids and fish oil supplements are used by 11.7% of people who use natural products for health reasons.

Clinical studies have shown that when used on a regular basis, omega 3 fatty acids improve joint mobility and decrease pain. People whose blood does not clot properly or who have conditions which include bleeding (bleeding ulcers, for example) should avoid omega 3 supplementation, because it thins the blood like aspirin, but otherwise, there are no known detrimental side effects, only additional health benefits for heart and brain.

On the University of Maryland Medical Center's website, they state:

"Several articles reviewing the research in this area conclude that omega-3 fatty acid supplements reduce tenderness in joints, decrease morning stiffness, and allow for a reduction in the amount of medication needed for people with rheumatoid arthritis."

Moreover, they say: "....several test tube studies of cartilage-containing cells have found that omega-3 fatty acids decrease inflammation and reduce the activity of enzymes that destroy cartilage. Similarly, New Zealand green lipped mussel....another potential source of omega-3 fatty acids, has been shown to reduce joint stiffness and pain, increase grip strength, and enhance walking pace in a small group of people with osteoarthritis.

There may be newly approved osteoarthritis medicine in the future. But, in our opinion, it makes more sense to try healthy natural alternatives first.

In the end, you should speak to a health professional to understand your options, but be sure to ask them about potential side effects, although, unfortunately, not all of them can be known in advance, which is why Vioxx was sold for years before it was realized it was responsible for numerous deaths.

Delegation - How Nurses & CNAs Work As a Team

When work is delegated to you by a nurse, what does that really mean? Here's the definition of delegation:

Delegation is when a nurse entrusts the performance of a selected nursing task to someone who is qualified, competent and able to perform that task.

Every state's Board of Nursing has regulations about which tasks may be delegated by nurses to nursing assistants. Most states have certain tasks that can be delegated without first assessing each individual client. These tasks include routine things like weighing, repositioning or feeding a client.

However, in most cases, nurses follow a five step delegation process. In this process, the nurse:

1. Assesses each client thoroughly before delegating any tasks to you.

2. Plans how the task should be performed, based on the client's individual needs.

3. Trusts you with the task, but because you are working under the nurse's license, the nurse remains responsible for the task.

4. Gives you clear instructions and adequate supervision.

5. Follows up to see how you performed the task and how the client responded.

As you can see, delegation is a decision-making process that requires knowledge and skill. For example, it's not just the task involved but also the client's condition that determines if a task can be delegated.

Consider this situation:

Sally is a nurse on a medical-surgical unit. She has three patients who need help with their personal hygiene:

Mr. Smith is 68 and is recovering from a massive heart attack. He is very weak and his blood pressure drops whenever he changes position.

Mrs. Campbell is 49 and is recuperating from a knee replacement surgery that went very well.

Mr. Taylor, age 26, was in a car accident a week ago and suffered several third degree burns on his arms and upper body. He is able to stand without assistance.

Should Sally delegate the responsibility for bathing these clients to the nursing assistant? She assesses each client individually and decides that Mr. Smith is unstable and she wants to observe how he responds to repositioning during a bed bath. And, even though Mr. Taylor is ambulatory, she needs to assess and treat his burns during bath time. Sally decides that Mrs. Campbell is the only patient whose bath she should delegate to the CNA.

As a CNA, when you have tasks delegated to you, you have the right to expect that:

  • The task assigned to you is one for which you have been trained and is an approved task in your state and at your workplace.

  • The client's health will not be jeopardized by what you have been asked to do.

  • In the past, your performance of this same task has met the standards of your workplace.

  • You have been given all the details you need (either orally or in writing) to perform the task safely-and you understand what is expected of you.

  • The nurse will be available (either in person or by phone) should you have questions about any aspect of the task.

If you have an issue with any task that is delegated to you, it is your responsibility to speak up. Remember...your client's health may depend on it!

Expert Tips on How to Prevent Cycling Back Pain and Injury - Cycling Health Benefits

Cycling Health Benefits

The Tour de France has inspired millions of bicycle riders of all ages and from around the world to get fit and have fun through cycling. Whether you are a novice bike rider or an experienced cyclist, it won't take you long to discover the numerous health benefits associated with bicycling. Likewise, learning how to cycle safely and how to prevent back pain and injury while you ride will go a long way in enhancing your cycling experience.

Since riding a bike is easy on the joints, it is one of the easiest forms of exercising. It provides a terrific cardiovascular workout for your heart, builds muscles in your legs, quads, hips and core, and ultimately increases spinal stabilization. In fact, even people suffering from conditions such as osteoarthritis, joint pain, and hip and knee replacements are able to cycle and keep pace with other cyclists. Finally, riding a bike is simply good old-fashioned fun and a great way to spend some quality time outdoors or enjoy the company of fellow cyclists.

Causes of Cycling and Back Pain

However, the sport of bicycling has also been associated with upper and lower back pain. According to sports doctors, the three primary causes contributing to cycling back pain are: bike fit (riding a bicycle which is not properly fit to your body); core muscle strength (which you can improve through Pilates and certain types of yoga, as well as through back-strengthening exercises); back posture or riding style (the degree to which you are hunched over while cycling).

Additional causes for bike riding back pain include overly taut hamstrings, poor posture on and off your bike, lack of flexibility, and cycling on rough terrain (which can jar and compress the spine, causing back pain). Finally, musculoskeletal conditions such as misalignment of your spine or leg length discrepancies can also give rise to back pain during cycling.

Expert Tips on How to Prevent Cycling Back Pain

  • Have an experienced professional (i.e. from your local bike store) help adjust your bicycle to properly fit your body

  • For better back posture while cycling, keep your chest up, distributing weight to your arms; occasionally shift positions and gently lower and lift your head to loosen the neck muscles

  • Be sure to both push and pull with your legs while cycling

  • Invest in bike accessories such as shock-absorbing seats, shock-absorbing seat and handlebar covers, shock absorbers on the wheels, and gloves

  • Combine back-strengthening exercises and yoga with your cycling routine to prevent injury and to provide the ultimate workout

Knee Braces For PFPS (Patello-Femoral Pain Syndrome) - What Are the Best Ones?

What is PFPS (Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome)? This condition causes pain in the knee and is also known as runner's knee.

It can cause you to feel pain under or around your kneecap. When you walk down a flight of stairs you may feel this pain. You may feel this pain after sitting for a long period of time. When you kneel or squat, the pain may worsen.

This knee disorder is a very common one. You may develop it if you have injured your patella. You may also develop PFPS because of prolonged friction between the patella (kneecap) and the groove in your femur (thigh bone).

There are many things that could cause it. One knee or both knees can be affected by the condition.

Some of the common causes are:

Overloading. From sports where there is repeated weight bearing such as running. When you bend your knee, this can cause pressure between the femur and patella

Flat feet. Also known as pronating feet can increase strain in the knee joint.

Muscle imbalance. When the outer fibers of the quadriceps (a muscle of the thigh that extends the leg) are stronger than the inner fibers, this can cause patella tracking to be a problem.

What can you do if you have PFPS? You may want to try using a brace if you are experiencing this condition. Knee braces for PFPS work to stabilize the kneecap.

When you keep the kneecap from moving, the pain you feel from the condition may decrease. Knee braces for PFPS provide both warmth and compression to the patella and knee joint.

Knee braces for PFPS also provide support. These braces give you maximum benefits while allowing you to maintain full mobility. Most knee braces for PFPS are made to help with mild to moderate PFPS.

When choosing a brace you may want to consider braces like: the FLA Neoprene Patella Stabilizer Brace, the DonJoy Deluxe Donut, and the Cho-Pat Dual Action Knee Brace.

These knee braces for PFPS provide different levels of protection and support. Of these three, the Cho-Pat has received some of the best customer reviews. At a cost of $24.95, the Cho-Pat is very affordable. It is a level II brace, which means the brace provides more than just basic support and protection.

The other braces are also excellent braces. They are a little more expensive than the Cho-Pat knee brace. The FLA brace is priced at $43.95, and the price of the DonJoy brace is $68.95.

These prices have been referenced from

Painful Knee Ligaments and Tendons

Ligaments and tendons are soft tissues thus most injury that occurs in the knee tend to affect these body parts. Usually the damage that occurs to the ligament and tendons are related to some sort of sporting activity or trauma.

Ligament injuries

Ligaments are used to connect one bone to another. in the knee there are four main ligaments, on the outside of the joint there are the medial collateral ligament and the lateral collateral ligament, both purpose is to provide stability and limit sideways movement. On the interior of the joint there are the anterior cruciate ligament and the posterior cruciate ligament. These stabilise the knee when it is in different positions, particularly in forward and backward movements of knee joint.

Ligaments can be torn or ruptured under increased tension. Injury to ligament usually falls into 3 categories, grade1, 2 and 3. Grade 1 occurs when there is a sprain but no tearing of the ligament, grade 2 is when there is partial tearing of the ligament and grade 3 is when there is complete tearing of the ligament. The higher the grade of injury the more excruciating the pain, the pain is usually accompanied by swelling.

Tendon injury

In and around the knee joint are several tendons, the main purpose of the tendon is to connect the muscles of the leg to the bone. The tendons in the knee that are most often injured are the quadriceps tendon, Patella Tendon, Illiotibial Band and the hamstring tendon. The quadriceps, patella, and hamstring tendons are often afflicted by tendonitis, which is occurs when the normal motion of the tendon is impeded usually by tension or trauma. This causes the tendon to become inflamed making movement very painful. Injury to the Illiotibial Band is usually caused by a phenomenon known as friction syndrome, which results in the tendon becoming irritated. Contributing factors are tight quadriceps muscles and biomechanical abnormalities.

Symptoms and treatment

Symptoms for most soft tissue injuries are the same and the same can be said for treatment methods. The simplest of treatment for soft tissue injury (STI) is rest, and if possible do so while keeping the leg in an elevated position which can be achieved through the use of a pillow. Swelling can be reduced by applying ice to the damaged area; another treatment method is to compress the joint by applying bandage to the affected area. Pain killers and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medication may also be used to treat the problem.

In cases where damage is severe then physiotherapy to strengthen supporting muscles might be required for full recovery. In some cases though rare unless you are a professional athlete surgery will be required to repair the damaged soft tissue.

It is highly recommended that one avoids consuming alcohol or massaging the affected area in the initial stages of the injury as this can increase bleeding and swelling. It is also recommended that one avoid exercising and applying heat to affected area.

Tendons and ligaments are vital to the normal function of the knee however due to the fact that they are soft tissue they tend to be a bit more fragile than the other structures of the knee joint, the proper protection of these structures should be top priority.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

ACL Protection During Football

The greatest number of ACL injuries occur in July & August. It is obvious that this is the time that football and other contact sports begin, so the chances of injury are greater.

An ACL tear is usually a season ending injury. It accounts for 2% of all NFL injuries , with 20% involving special teams. There is no difference if the field is grass or artificial turf.

Lets look at the knee joint and try to understand why this injury occurs.

There are four major ligaments around the knee joint. These ligaments are designed to stabilize the knee and to control functional range of motion. The ligaments on each side of the knee are referred to as collateral ligaments. The medial collateral is located along the inside of the knee (medial is a reference to the midline of the body). The lateral collateral ligament is located along the outside of the knee. Most football players suffer from medial collateral ligament tears, due to side impact collisions with another player, resulting in stretching or tearing of this ligament.

Right in the middle of the knee there's two ligaments that hold the whole joint together. The anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) & the posterior cruciate ligament (PCL). The ACL is the more important of the two in reference to football injuries. If you tear the ACL completely, your knee is completely unstable and you risk further injury if not attended to.

When the ACL is torn, about 40% of the athletes will usually hear a 'popping sound' and then experiences extreme pain and swelling. One study of college students reported that a college football player has a 16% chance of ACL injury. Almost 50% of athletes who suffer an ACL injury will also have an injury to the meniscus (shock absorbing cartilage in the knee). ACL injuries usually mean players are out for the season. The treatment usually depends on the type of injury, but almost all players will have to go through some type of rehabilitation or even surgery.

A post-operative knee brace or knee immobilizer is sometimes used following injury or surgery.
These braces have adjustable hinges on the side to control range of motion during the healing stages. In many instances, a player will wear a metal or carbon fiber brace after healing, to provide additional support and protection, and prevent recurrence.

Athletes who suffer ACL injuries must seek out medical attention and receive proper treatment to avoid further injury and increased risk of arthritis in the knee joint.

Arthritis Treatment: Local Treatment for Osteoarthritis of the Knee

Estimates state that 12% of Americans between the ages of 25 and 75 suffer from osteoarthritis. This figure is expected to rise dramatically in the future because of a number of factors. These include the increasing incidence of the disease with age, the relative lack of effective symptomatic therapies, and finally, the absence of treatments that are capable of restoring cartilage.

Of the many areas that are affected by osteoarthritis (OA), the knee appears to have garnered the most attention.

While oral therapies including various analgesics such as acetaminophen and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) are often recommended and used, these carry with them the potential for systemic toxicity.

So the trend has been to use less toxic therapies. Most of these have local effects.
For example, recent guidelines issued by the American College of Rheumatology support the use of both acupuncture as well as transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation. (Larger electrical stimulators have also been used. While the data looks good, there has not been sufficient interest to pursue this mode of treatment. Since it is expensive, insurers are reluctant to pay.)

These are local measures that have the aim of pain relief.

The College didn't recommend topical capsaicin although many people do find this mode of treatment to be effective.

Topical NSAIDS have their proponents. The two that are currently available are Voltaren gel and Pennsaid. Both of these preparations contain diclofenac, a commonly used NSAID.

Various patches containing either diclofenac or lidocaine have been used "off-label" by some physicians to treat knee OA.

Finally, injections are frequently used for symptomatic relief for patients in whom other local measures have failed. The two different types of injections are glucocorticoids ("cortisone") and viscosupplemments. The latter are hyaluronic acid preparations that have both lubricating as well as pain-relieving properties. Local glucocorticoid injections should be administered using ultrasound guidance with sterile technique. They should not be given any more frequently than three times per year since there is animal data indicating cartilage damage ensues if glucocorticoids are given more often.

There are a number of different hyaluronates that are used by both rheumatologists as well as orthopedists. These preparations are all about the same as far as symptom relief. Like glucocorticoids, they need to be administered using sterile technique with ultrasound guidance. It cannot be overemphasized, particularly with viscosupplements, that the precise placement of the medication is critical to a good outcome. That is why ultrasound guidance is mandatory.

Arthritis and Rheumatism: Glucosamine Supplements

Arthritis and Rheumatism - How to differentiate them?

Inflammatory pain resulting from the joints is arthritis and pains arising from tissues surrounding the bodily joints such as muscle, bone, ligament or tendon is rheumatism. These conditions are common and have long been considered to be chronic, degenerative and untreatable. Standard medication can make up of aspirin, corticosteroids and other non-steroidal anti inflammatory medicines which go to alleviate pain. The negative side of a long term usage on these drugs can possibly develop the dire side effects of a kidney and or liver damage. These as well intensify cartilage breakdown and hamper the body's natural repair system.

The good news is that there are now many natural herbal substances that have provided an alternative treatment to these joint pain conditions. While these natural substances normally takes a longer time to show results, however in the long run, they could be just as effective as conventional approach. This comes without the side effects too!

On the contrary, one should be wary of any substances on the market that promise quick results. Many of such substances in fact work against the body's natural healing mechanisms and in worst cases may cause more harm than just joint pains. These drugs may contain harmful substances in order to provide an instant result may cause harm to the kidney and liver.

Glucosamine is an amino sugar that is naturally produced by the human body. It is present in the cartilage, kidneys and liver. Glucosamine is understood to aid in healing damaged cartilage, constructing new cartilage, protecting and cushioning joints, alleviating pain and anti inflammatory. In the course of ageing, the body's natural production of Glucosamine drops as well. This is a sign that more senior people take joint pain supplements in one way or another to address this joint pain problem.

A common and widely available joint pain supplement in the market is glucosamine. What is Glucosamine? Glucosamine supplement originates from shrimp or crab shells and comes in 2 forms: pill and liquid. Some scientific/ medical studies suggested most pills and capsules contain certain binders or fillers that in fact making it difficult for the wanted active ingredients to be absorbed by the body to the maximal. Glucosamine in liquid form is thus regarded as a better source in that the body can absorb much more effectively compared to pills. Moreover, nutritional supplements in liquid forms are absorbed much more quickly by the body.

Together with Chondroitin and MSM, Glucosamine pills are popularly used for the treatment of Osteoarthritis, one of the most common types of arthritis.

How Can Different Types of Knee Braces Help to Heal Different Injuries?

If you involved in heavy activities or intense sports, you may be at more risk of injuring your knees.

Injuries can take several forms. These can include a torn ACL, patellar tendinitis, torn medial ligaments or sprains, and in severe cases, torn cartilage inside the knee joint.

Surgery can help repair some of these injuries. Others can only be repaired by time and natural healing.

In most cases, while this healing takes place, knee braces can help immobilize or limit the motion of the knee to help the healing process. There are many types of braces available made for the different types of injuries that can occur.

For different injuries, how can knee braces help to heal them? As the joint heals, knee braces can be adjusted to allow for increase flexibility and extension of the knee joint. Lets see how the healing process can be helped with the use of knee braces.

A brace which can help with conditions such as patellar tendinitis and patellar femoral syndrome is known as the Cho Pat or need band. Patellar is the medical term for kneecap.

Patellar tendonitis (also known as jumpers knee) occurs when the tendon and tissues that surround it, become inflamed. This usually happens from overuse particularly in jumping activities. You will feel pain directly over the patellar tendon if you have this condition

Patella femoral syndrome (PFPS). Also known as runner's knee, is a common condition which occurs from injury to the patella from friction between the patella and the groove in the femur (thigh bone).

If you have this condition, you feel more pain when you climb stairs, sit for long periods or kneel for long periods.

Neoprene and elastic braces are often used when a person has a mild tear of the ligaments on either side of the knee.

These braces provide a minimal amount of support to help keep the leg from moving in a manner it is not intended to do while allowing for a full range of motion in the knee.

Braces that are designed to provide more stability and help to hold the leg in place often have a metal frame and hinges. These hinges can be set to completely immobilize or to allow limited motion of the knee joint.

The hinges can be adjusted to allow for greater mobility and you can keep doing this until the knee is healed.

Common Bone Diseases

Bones are a vital component of the skeletal system. Upon birth, an infant has 300 bones and as they grow this number decreases to 206. Human bones vary in shape and sizes. As people age, there is a possibility of acquiring certain bone problems if the right minerals like calcium, phosphorous and collagen are not present to keep bones healthy. Deficiency in minerals for the bones will trigger bone diseases. There are people who acquire bone disease from faulty genes. But most people develop bone disease as they grow older or due to unhealthy food intake. Below are common bone diseases that an individual may experience at some point in their life.

Osteoporosis - The gradual loss of minerals in bone will cause osteoporosis. Though bone tissues have a knack to patch up themselves still vitamins and minerals are needed. If you have bone mineral shortage, concave spaces might be developed and this will cause the brittleness and fragility of your bones. If this happens, this leads to osteoporosis.

Osteoarthritis - This disease can be characterized by bone joint degeneration and arthritis. Bone degeneration can lead to the collapse of cartilage which is an essential component to connect tissues. As two different bones rub each other due to cartilage breakdown, inflammation may arise and this causes osteoarthritis.

Rickets - As stated earlier, minerals like calcium and phosphorous are integral components of having a healthy bone. In addition, Vitamin D is also required to make the bone much healthier. Deficiency in this vitamin may attribute the disease called rickets. Lack of this vitamins will softens the bone and therefore makes your body more vulnerable to many types of bone fracture.

Paget Disease - This results in atypical re-modelling process of the bone. Bone swelling and distortion may occur if you have Paget disease. The distortion may intrude into the nerves and this will cause throbbing pain. Among the most affected parts of this kind of bone disease are the skull, spine and collarbone. It is also believe that Paget disease is genetics which means it can be acquire through gens. If in any case your family has history of this kind of disease, then you are most likely to acquire it.

Cancer of the Bone- This disease is referring to the unusual and unrestrained division in bone cells and tissues that leads to malevolent growth. Bone cancer may start as an ailment in the other parts of the body but after spreading the bacteria and viruses this certain ailment may cause development of the cancer cells. When cancer cells are developed due to mineral and vitamin deficiency, the bones are weakened and diluted leading it to a more serious ailment like cancer.

Those are just five common bone diseases which can be inherited or degenerative. Keep in mind that most bone diseases are acquire due to vitamin and mineral deficiency as well as faulty metabolism and abnormal cell division. Therefore, one way to stay away from this kind of disease is to stay healthy. Staying healthy means having a right diet and of course regular check-up with your doctor or your trusted osteopath. They can best help you with any bone deformities you may be experiencing.

Luxating Patella in Dogs (Trick Knee) - Is Surgery Always Necessary?

Luxating Patella/Trick Knee/Floating Kneecap is a common medical condition among toy and miniature breeds, although larger dogs like Labs might be susceptible. Basically, the dog's kneecap slides out of its groove and dislocates. The dislocation causes the dog to walk straight-legged or hop/skip instead of walking normally. If you happen to see a dog with a trick knee, you will notice the strange gait.

Sometimes the dog can re-locate the kneecap back in its groove on his own. That's called Grade I patellar luxation in dogs. As the dog becomes progressively more lame, the labels progress to grade IV. A canine with grade 4 luxating patella has a permanently dislocated kneecap.

What Happens If Surgery Is Not Performed?

When the owner elects to delay surgery indefinitely, it may because a few grand is just not available for doggie surgery to deepen the groove, relocate where the patellar ligament is attached to the lower leg, and/or tighten up the patellar ligament.

According to the veterinary surgeon who repaired the Grade I luxating patella on the author's year-old pup Simon, the dog may develop arthritis or tear his anterior cruxiate ligament (ACL) if surgery is delayed. Arthritis can cause lameness, and an ACL tear will require surgery for extensive repairs.

Simon was born with the condition but it did not show up until he was a little older, even though he was examined by the breeder's vet and by a second vet when he arrived in his permanent home.

Other Alternatives To Surgery

There are vets who are conservative about performing surgery. For example,a holistic vet might recommend maintaining the dog's ideal weight, a special carb-free diet, or certain medications to improve mobility. If the dog's condition deteriorates instead of improving, than the holistic vet would opt for surgery.

The dog's age might factor into the recommendation. Recently a reader wrote the author that her dog, a terrier, is too old for luxating patellar surgery. The dog has been on a vet-recommended diet for 2 months and is doing so well that he succeeded in jumping on the bed, more than a 2-foot leap.

Bottom Line - Surgery is not always necessary, but the dog's age and general condition dictates what alternative therapy may be recommended.

If your dog appears to have patellar luxation, check with a vet to see what course of action is best for your pet.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Killer Heels - Why Women Need To Rethink Their High Heels And 21 Tips For Better Foot Health

High heel shoes make woman feel sexy, in-charge, and pretty...but what are we doing to our feet? We all have them, those adorable, had-to-buy-them, high heel shoes hiding in our closets. Sometimes even hundreds of pair, but why do we choose to wear torture devices to look good?

High heeled shoes have been linked to many foot ailments like bunions, hammer toes, neuromas, metatarsalgia, Achilles tendonitis, ingrown toenails, and corn and calluses. Chronic knee pain and back pain can also be linked to high heeled shoes. Is this the price we have to pay for cute shoes? What is a fashion conscious woman to do?

As a podiatrist, I see twenty-something-year old women every day complaining of pain in their feet. Often, they attribute their pain to their exercise regimen or running shoes. After a thorough history examining their pain, we often realize that the shoes they run in are not the problem. It's the shoes they wear to work everyday.

Wearing high heels changes the biomechanics of walking and can have an impact on the entire structure of the foot and the relationship of the knee to the ankle, as well as your lower back. But there are steps (so to speak) you can take to minimize the damage from your killer heels!

1.Buy shoes that fit! Sounds like a no-brainer, but most women wear shoes at least a half a size too small. Measure your feet every time you buy shoes, even just a few extra pounds can make your shoe size larger. Remember that the number is just a suggestion, different brands can size completely differently.

2.Wear a wider shoe than you think you need. The shoe is not going to stretch that much when you "break it in". Most women also but their shoes too narrow!

3.Always buy shoes in the afternoon or at the end of the day. Swelling can cause a dramatic change in shoe size, so buy shoes in the afternoon or evening for a better fit.

4.Buy leather shoes, not synthetics. Leather is more forgiving.

5.Beware of the pointy-toed, high heeled shoe! These are a double-whammy! Try to avoid the severe point and go for more of a taper or square toe box.

6.If you have bunions and hammertoes, a silicone protective sleeve can help your pain from rubbing in your shoes. Make sure your toe box is wide enough to accommodate the padding.

7.If you have two different sized feet (and most people do), shoe stretchers can be used to stretch the toe box if one foot is only a little bigger than the other. If you have significantly different sized feet, some stores and websites will sell you two different sized shoes.

8.Try to avoid really high heels. Your feet (and knees) will thank you if you adjust your heel height to lower than 3 inch heels.

9.Try to wear a consistent heel height. Varying your heel height up and down can actually irritate your Achilles tendon.

10.Chunky heels are much more stable than stilettos. Try to wear a wider, more supportive heel or even convert to platforms!

11.If you have to wear heels and have a flexible flat foot, try "Insolia" insoles. They are relatively inexpensive and can make a 3 inch heel feel like a 2 inch heel by distributing stress from your forefoot to the middle of your arch.

12.If you have constant knee pain, avoid heels all together! One study showed a 26% increase in stress on the knee joint in heels higher than 2 inches. Osteoarthritis in the knee has been linked to chronic wearing of high heel shoes.

13.Always have a pair of running shoes or casual shoes in the car or in your desk. You never know when you need to make a mad dash for the airport or get stuck running errands. Always have a pair of Crocs or comfortable sneakers on hand for emergencies.

14.Applying lotion to your feet daily can help with corns and calluses. An emollient lotion with an exfoliant can help with thick, hard skin caused by shoe pressure.

15.Get a regular pedicure. Having a regular pedicure and keeping your toenails in tip top shape can help with ingrown toenails, also caused by shoe pressure. Make sure your pedicurist is using sterile instruments and never let them cut your corns and calluses with a sharp blade!

16.Never perform bathroom surgery on your corns and calluses. Also, never use those over-the-counter corn removers; the acid plaster in these products does not know when to stop and can cause nasty sores and infections!

17.Get a regular massage. Massage can really help with delayed muscle soreness and fatigue from the abnormal stress from high heeled shoes.

18.Stretching your toes after taking off your shoes can be quite helpful. This helps increase the circulation to the poor little tootsies that are cramped in your shoes.

19.Stretch your Achilles tendon and calf muscles at least every day if not twice a day. Regular stretching can help combat the shortening of the Achilles tendon that occurs from chronic wearing of high heel shoes. This shortening can lead to tendonitis and heel pain!

20.Core strengthening exercises can help stabilize your feet and decrease the stress from high heeled shoes. Every woman should do core exercises at least three times a week. They help with back pain, knee pain and foot pain caused by instability.

21.See your podiatrist if you have any pain that last more than five to seven days. A few aches and pains are normal from high heeled shoes, but if you have pain, numbness or burning that persists for more than 5-7 days, you have an injury. If you seek professional help early, many simple solutions may be available at your local podiatrist. A delay in treatment can lead to needing surgery or worse......

Women have been wearing high heeled shoes for centuries, but there are a few things we can do to make our feet more comfortable if we are slaves to fashion....and aren't we all?