Saturday, June 22, 2013

Knee Replacement - Otis Knee

Knee replacement surgery is a difficult topic for many people to discuss. If you have chronic knee pain, perhaps you hide it because you fear going under the knife. Truly, advances in medical procedures have come so far from where they were in the past, especially in recent years. Great changes have been made to benefit you as the patient undergoing surgery. Having a knee replacement Otis Knee surgery is one of the smartest decisions you can make with regards to your pending operation. The special replacement system is so advanced it has been named the single greatest achievement in knee replacement for more than a decade!

Having a knee replacement operation with Otis Knee begins with the use of custom cutting equipment prior to surgery based on MRI images of the knee. Every person is different and likewise every knee is different. This technology allows the surgeon to make very precise cuts in the bone specific to you. It ensures a number of things go smoothly including that the artificial knee to be implanted is of the proper size for the anatomy of the patient. The Otis Knee system promises to deliver quicker, less painful recovery time, wider range of knee joint motion and the ability to resume everyday activities sooner. This is possible because the procedure can be much less invasive with Otis Knee.

Other methods still being used by some area hospitals only focus on the gender of the patient. Artificial knees must be placed under greater scrutiny than simply the gender of the patient for the greatest healing success. With knee replacement Otis Knee, each knee is custom-fit with the perfect artificial replacement. Therefore, the recovery times are faster and greater mobility can be achieved. Most knee replacements keep the patient off their feet for six to eight weeks, but with Otis Knee, patients have been documented as only needing the aid of a cane a mere week following the surgery!

Hopefully, the aspects of this amazing new technology of knee replacements puts your mind a bit more at ease concerning an upcoming operation you may have. Combining the great benefits of knee replacement Otis Knee with the right recovery techniques, you will be back on your feet and living pain free in no time! It's up to you, the patient, to learn what post-operation methods you should utilize to regain mobility and get out of that wheelchair and back on your feet faster than ever!

There have been great advances in medical technology, but a successful outcome is determined by the patient's attitude and willingness to do the necessary therapy. It is up to the patient to find and follow an exercise program that has already shown proven results. Equally important is finding a trainer or mentor who has a positive attitude toward recovery from knee surgery and who can teach anyone the same mindset. Believing it can be done and working with someone who has already achieved the desired results is the key to returning to normal activities and remaining free from pain.

Tips For Recovering From Total Hip Replacement

After your total hip replacement surgery using the anterior approach, expect to stay in the hospital for at least 2 to 3 days. You will likely be in moderate pain for about a couple of weeks when walking after the surgery but you will receive medication if you need it. You can shower with your stitches because they have a protective film on it. They will eventually get absorbed into the skin tissue. Using a v-shaped pillow while you're lying down will help keep the new hip aligned and reduce strain. Walking and light mobility are very important to your continued recovery and will begin either the day of or the day after your surgery. With the anterior approach you won't need to do any physical therapy. You won't have any restrictions on movements either.

Complications and Warning Signs

Serious complications following hip replacement surgery are very low. About 2 percent of patients suffer from complications such as joint infections, heart attack or stroke caused by blood clots after major surgery. Any chronic illness would, of course, increase the potential for more complications and increase recovery time. Mobility and physical therapy help decrease the chances of blood clots and other clotting disorders that may lead to heart attack, stroke or painful blood clots.

Other rare complications may include dislocation, bleeding, stiffness, fracture or damage to the nerves and blood vessels. Lingering pain that is not eased by pain medications should be reported to your doctor. Over time the artificial joints, just like real joints, will show signs of wear and tear. Breakthroughs in prosthetics over the last few years have reduced the possibility of artificial joints wearing out, but it's still a very small possibility.

Recovering from Total Hip Replacement

The first few weeks after your surgery are the most important weeks. They will have the greatest impact on the success of your full and timely recovery.

Loss of appetite is a very common post-surgery occurrence. Don't let it worry you overly-much. Eat a well-balanced diet and supplement with vitamins if you aren't getting the recommended nutrients. Drink plenty of fluids to prevent dehydration and promote proper healing. Fluids are very important to both skin and muscle health. During the first several weeks, it is very important to keep up your strength, maintain hydration and exercise your new hip joint.

Normal physical activity should be resumed right away with no restriction in the movements. Your doctor will give you a list of exercises and stretches that will gradually get you back into your normal daily routine. Specific exercises performed several times per day will help restore movement and strength.

Top 10 Truths for Sleeping Well at Midlife

Are you in the one-half of Americans who do NOT get a good night's sleep every night or even most nights? Do you get less than the recommended 7-9 hours per night?

According to polls, lack of sleep causes mistakes at work, inefficiency, car wrecks, sex deprivation and problems with intimate relationships (as if less sex weren't a big enough problem in itself!)

When women don't get enough sleep, everyone is sorry! And fatigue is especially dangerous in an age of super viruses because lack of sleep suppresses the immune system we need to fight illness.

Rest is good for you and you deserve to rest well. Give yourself permission to go to bed by putting away that To Do list and making sound sleep your priority.

Here's what else we have learned:

1. Eat supper early and allow yourself to unwind an hour or two before bed.

2. Develop a sleep ritual that signals to your body (and your mind) that it is time for sleep. It needn't be fancy, just soothing, for example: wash face, brush teeth, brew cup of herbal Sleepy tea, turn down the bed, arrange pillows, set alarm, turn off overhead light, read, pray, set book aside, turn off light, sleep.

3. Create a restful haven. Remove piles of clutter and anything that makes you tense (him, too). Freshen bedding, try new or different pillows, flowers and plants. When you sit in bed reading or praying, everything you see should please and relax you.

4. Avoid bright or noisy clocks, radios, or other electronic devices. Cover shining displays or replace them. Set them away from the head of your bed. Definitely get that computer OUT of your bedroom!

5. Buy comfortable earplugs for the nightstand and for travel. Using a white noise-generator to mask sounds may also help.

6. Pass on the alcohol. Alcohol won't keep you awake, but it will wake you up around 2 or 3 am and make it hard to fall back to sleep. If you have overindulged, some experts advise taking an antihistamine (one of the drowsy types) and one over the counter pain reliever.

7. Reading for pleasure is fine, but avoid hair-raising mysteries that keep you turning pages. Spiritual or soothing reading is best. Reading in dim light causes eyestrain and sleepiness, so use a low light setting.

8. Wear comfy loose socks and even silk long underwear when it's cold. Turning over onto cold sheets WILL wake you up. Change your blankets and your thermostat setting with the seasons so you are neither too hot nor too cold.

9. Exercise every day -- early in the day. Do your neck, shoulders, arms, hands, back, or hips hurt and sometimes waken you? Get serious about stretching during the day. Program a meeting reminder in your computer, like: "Stretch arms & hips." When it pops up, do a favorite stretch for one minute while looking away from the computer. Set your reminder to snooze for an hour. When it pops up again, repeat.

10. If you do wake in the night, keep a change of night clothes by the bed if you are having night sweats. If you don't fall right back to sleep, don't lie there tossing, turning and fretting. Instead, get up, fix a light snack (piece of fruit, some yogurt) and read in a dim light.

If that doesn't knock you out, try some progressive relaxation. Lie on your back with a pillow beneath your knees; tense and then relax your toes, then ankles, then shins, knees, thighs. Continue up the front and back of your body, doing arms, shoulders, face, scalp. Breathe deeply.

Nighty, night.

Is Aromatherapy Effective for Arthritis?

Ever since Marcel Proust wrote about the ability to transport one's emotions via smells in Remembrances of Things Past, the use of olfaction (smelling) stimulators has fascinated many people, including physicians.

One type of alternative medical treatment is aromatherapy. Aromatherapy is the use of essential plant oils either massaged into the skin, added to bath water, inhaled directly or diffused into the surrounding environment.

More conventional physicians are also beginning to look into the medical properties of aromatherapy in the treatment of diseases. There are more than 200 oils, which are often used in combination to treat different problems, including headaches and insomnia.

The essential plant oils are obtained from the flowers, leaves, stems, buds, branches, or roots. The oils are extracted through a variety of methods such as steam distillation or cold-pressing.

When an essential oil is inhaled, the molecules enter the nose and stimulate the limbic system of the brain. The limbic system influences emotions and memories and is complexly linked to other areas such as the adrenal glands, pituitary gland, and hypothalamus. Through these connections, it is possible to regulate heart rate, blood pressure, stress, memory, hormone balance, and breathing. The essential oils used in aroma therapy are then theoretically able to have physiologic effects that may alter emotions or pain perception.

Essential oils can be toxic when taken internally so they should only be administered under the guidance of a qualified professional.

Aromatherapy blends for the treatment of arthritis are usually made from pure essential oils, but also from hydrosols and -- more recently -- phytols. For application to the skin during massage they need to be mixed with vegetable oil, a cream base or a carrier lotion. Essential oils must always be used diluted when applied to the skin. A dilution of 3% essential oils in 97% base is generally regarded as very effective and safe.

Examples of some oils which have been used to treat arthritis include:
Benzoin, Chamomile, Camphor, Cypress, Eucalyptus, Ginger, Juniper, Lavender, Hyssop, and Rosemary.

Few well-controlled studies have been done to formally test aromatherapy in arthritis. One recent uncontrolled observation was made by an orthopedic surgeon in Japan.

Dr. Nobumasa Shiba, director of orthopedic surgery at the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Hospital, became interested in aromatherapy as an alternative treatment for osteoarthritis in knee joints, which occurs when the cartilage in the joint wears away. About 1 million people in Japan have the degenerative condition.

To test the effectiveness and safety of aromatherapy for patients, Shiba carried out an experiment on a group of patients with osteoarthritis of the knee. Thirty-six patients, aged 40 or older who had had physical symptoms for more than three months, were entered into the uncontrolled trial.

The thirty-six patients massaged lavender oil, effective for pain, and rosemary camphor oil, to improve circulation, into their knees in the morning and evening for two weeks.

More than 75 per cent of the patients said their symptoms, including pain, had lessened.

The uncontrolled nature of this study obviously makes interpretation suspect.

A form of aromatherapy used by thousands of people in the United States on a daily basis are menthol-based topical arthritis rubs.

Aromatherapy needs to be studied more intensely before it can be formally recommended as a standard treatment for arthritis. It does seem to help with symptoms in some people. There is no evidence it has any effect on slowing the progression of arthritis.

What Causes Knee Snapping?

When you're working out, or playing your favorite sport, a snapping sensation within your knee can cause pain and frustration, and can lead to buckling or giving way, falling, and eventually, damage to the cartilage surfaces of the joint. The snap results when some structure within the joint is momentarily caught between the moving bones, tension is applied and is then suddenly released, much like plucking a guitar string.

The three most common causes for the painful snap are synovial flaps, torn menisci and loose bodies.

The most frequent source of snapping is a synovial flap or plica. The inside of every synovial joint is lined by a normally thin and pliant membrane, called synovium. Synovium produces a drop or two of joint fluid, which nourishes the articular cartilage and provides lubrication for the joint surfaces. This membrane often has a few small thin folds, left over from embryonic development, which can grow larger, thicker and stiffer to become larger structures, fibrous flaps or shelves, that get can get caught and stretched between the moving parts.

Pain is caused by traction, pulling on the nerves of the surrounding tissues, and the snap is due to the sudden release of tension, when it breaks free.

A torn meniscus can also cause a snap. The two tough, crescent-shaped meniscal fibrocartilages, medial (inner side) and lateral (outer side), that cushion and guide the knee, are often torn in athletic activities, especially the sudden twisting or cutting maneuvers in soccer, football, or basketball.

But tears can also occur by degeneration, just from getting older. Here, the substance of the cartilage becomes softer and begins to shred and fragment, eventually evolving into a tear, especially when repetitively crushed as with deep squatting. The meniscus tear fragment, like the flap of synovium, can displace and get caught between the moving femur and tibia, causing pain by traction, like a hangnail does, then snap when suddenly released.

Loose bodies are little pieces of cartilage and/or bone that are knocked out with trauma, fall out from a joint surface due to disease (osteochondritis dessicans), or are actually grown, like pearls, within the synovial membrane (synovial chondromatosis/osteochondromatosis), and then break free inside the joint. Like the synovial flaps and meniscal tears, these fragments can get caught between the moving parts.

Regardless of cause, significant snapping within the knee is always abnormal and needs to be addressed.

Above all, don't ignore it. You want to identify the source with an accurate diagnosis and prevent permanent damage to the joint. But in the short term, you can try some conservative measures to try to resolve the snapping.

Here's what you can do:

1. STOP whatever activity causes painful, recurrent snapping.

2. REST the knee in extension, that is, out straight. Every snap can potentially damage the articular cartilage, so that can be prevented by avoiding, or minimizing joint motion.

3. Apply moist HEAT a few times a day, for 15-20 minutes each time. If the snapping is of sudden onset, apply ICE for the first 48 hours, THEN begin to apply heat.

4. Try some OTC anti-inflammatory (NSAID), like Advil (2 tabs, 4X/day) or Aleve (2 tabs, 2X/day), provided you have no stomach problems, like ulcers, or a history of GI bleeding, and be sure to take it WITH FOOD OR MILK. If inflammation has caused a synovial plica to swell and thicken, this regimen should shrink it, by reducing inflammation.

5. If you don't get relief within a few days to a week, then it's probably not from acute inflammation and the snapping structure is now fibrous tissue, or cartilage, which will not shrink, even with reduced inflammation. Then, you need to SEE AN ORTHOPAEDIST, for definitive evaluation and treatment. Don't be afraid--it's what you DON'T know that will hurt you and no one can force you to have surgery. But if someone is trained to DO surgery when it's needed, then you will be getting a complete picture of your condition, including ALL your options.

6. If you don't see a doctor at this point, the repetitive snapping of an internal derangement can damage the articular cartilage of the joint and eventually result in arthritis. Therefore, if conservative treatments fail to promptly relieve pain and snapping, to prevent permanent joint damage, arthroscopic surgery is usually required, to remove the source of the snapping.

Dog Training - The Amazing Story Of Balto

When it comes to dog training, there is a non-stop controversy over what is the best way to train a dog?

Should a dog work for treats or should we train a dog using force. Should punishment be inflicted on the dog or should we simply try to ignore bad behavior and then reward good behavior.

Spending almost the past two decades working with and training dogs, I have obviously developed my own theories and methods. I strongly believe in a reward-based training system, and that we should spend more time rewarding behavior than punishing behavior.

I have formed my opinions and methods through a lot of experimentation and observation.


By also becoming a student of dogs. Dogs really are incredible animals and truly are man's best friend. One perfect example is the story of a dog named Balto.

In 1925 at a time when the world was turning to machines for all of its answers, a team of huskies were the solution to saving a small town in Nome, Alaska from diphtheria out-break.

Diphtheria is a highly contagious disease that would quickly spread to all of the people in Nome. Without the anti-toxin to combat it, there was no telling how many people would die in Nome.

Nome is about 1000 miles away from Anchorage, and trains at the time could get to a town Nenana that was about 700 miles from Nome, still a considerable distance away.

The one plane in Nome was taken out of storage and the citizens tried to start it. The engine was frozen. The other plane in the area had been taken apart and stored for the winter. Shipping channels were frozen solid. The only way to cover the 700 miles was
to use a relay of dog teams.

Twenty sled dog teams came together to cover the distance and bring the anti-toxin to Nome. It was estimated that it would take the sled dog teams about 13 days to traverse
the terrain from Nenana to Nome. The sled dog teams fought fierce winds, strong
enough to knock over both the dogs and the sleds. They battled freezing temperatures,
sometimes as cold as 40 below.

On February 1, 1925, the anti-toxin was handed off for the last time to a team led by Gunnar Kassen in the village of Bluff, Alaska.

Kassen's sled dog team set off to cover the final leg to Nome.

The lead dog...


Balto was a two year old Siberian husky born in Nome. Balto spent the early part of his life as part of a dog team that transported supplies to miners in the surrounding area. The funny thing about Balto is that he was considered a "scrub dog," meaning an inferior or slow-working dog.

Balto was far from being a "scrub dog" as you'll soon discover. You see, on the last leg of the trip to Nome, a blinding blizzard began, temperatures dropped to -50 degrees and generating wind gusts in excess of 50 mph. Kassen found himself unable to navigate, and
almost gave up all hope of making it to Nome in time.

But Balto knew the trail well, and, following his instincts, led the team through the cold
and snow. Over the next 20 hours, Balto slowly led his sled dog team over the final 53 miles.

On February 2 at 5.30 AM, the team finally arrived in Nome. The dogs were too tired to even bark, Kassen went to the front of the sled team and fell to his knees petting Balto saying: "Damn fine dog, damn fine dog."

The serum had successfully been delivered - only seven days after leaving Anchorage, and just 127 1/2 hours after leaving Nenana.

Balto went on to become a big celebrity and even has a life-size statue in New York City's Central Park. The bronze sculpture is New York's City's only statue commemorating a dog. The statue includes a plaque with an inscription that reads:

"Dedicated to the indomitable spirit of the sled dogs that relayed anti-toxin 600 miles
over treacherous waters, through arctic blizzards, from Nenana to the relief of stricken Nome in the winter of 1925 - Endurance, Fidelity, Intelligence."

I share that story because it really helps put things into perspective when we think about
training dogs. How can you read a story like Balto's and not realize what incredible animals dogs are and how closely linked we are to dogs.

When you think about it, there are thousands of Baltos walking around right now. Dogs leading blind people, dogs assisting deaf people, dogs helping people with disabilities, dogs finding lost people, dog sniffing out bombs, illegal drugs, protecting their owners, guarding, herding, hunting, and police dogs are just a few examples.

Dogs are now being trained to sniff out cancer, to detect when an epileptic person is about to have a seizure, the list goes on and on. It's one of the reasons why I am always preaching the benefits of positive reinforcement. How and WHY would we want to inflict pain on an animal that gives us so much?

Friday, June 21, 2013

Knee Replacement Exercises - Pre & Post Operation Exercises to Improve Recovery & Function

Knee Replacement Exercises - Pre & Post Operation Knee Exercises

There is a lot you can do to prepare for and ensure a successful knee replacement surgery. Prior to surgery, there are excellent exercises that you can do to maintain your range of motion and build strength. One of the main symptoms of osteoarthritis is the decrease in range of motion in a joint. In the knee joint, you will either experience a reduction in range of extension, the ability of the knee to straighten, or flexion, the ability of the knee to flex or bend. Once you know where your limitation of range is, you can select specific exercises to target maintaining range of motion.

The reason addressing this range of motion is so important is because it affects your ability to do daily functional tasks such as walking, going up and down stairs, driving, and standing. If your knee is unable to perform at its regular function, then other joints and muscles will unnaturally assist in executing movements which can cause pain. There are simple, easy to follow, quick exercises you can do at home that will help you target optimal knee flexion and extension. Some of these exercises will include stretches and some are strength exercises.

Strength Exercises

The most important muscle to strengthen prior to knee replacement surgery, is undeniably the quadriceps. When this muscle is strong, it acts as a shock absorber and protects the knee by absorbing some of the load placed upon the knee joint. Unfortunately when the pain of arthritis progresses at the knee joint, it spirals a chain reaction of events that weakens the quadriceps. When you have pain in your knee, you unconsciously transfer more weight on to the other leg which begins the weakening of the quadriceps muscle.

In addition, when your body experiences pain in the knee joint, the lack of use and range of motion creates a shortened, tight quadriceps muscle. Pre operation quadriceps strengthening may need to be non weight bearing depending on your level of pain. Also, you should select unilateral, or one leg, strength exercises in order to strive for balance in strength across the limbs such as the one leg press on the shuttle.

Post Operation Knee Replacement Exercises

Immediately post operation, you will be given an exercise program by a physiotherapist and supervised to ensure successful healing and return to daily activities. This may last up to eight weeks and it is imperative to continue your exercise program after you are released from physiotherapy supervision. Patients who continue with progressive, consistent exercises for a year post operation, gain amazing results in functional ability way beyond what they had at the three and six month mark. Your post operation exercise program will continue to include the range of motion exercises and stretches you need to target either knee flexion or extension.

Also, you will be advanced through a series of incremental leg strength exercises that will move you from isolated muscle contractions to dynamic, functional strength exercises. The post operation exercise program includes gait, balance, and agility training that will promote your safe, confident return to hobbies, sports, and daily life demands. In addition, once your swelling is gone, your range is good, and your strength improves, you can then gradually increase your cardiovascular training as part of your post operation goals.

The Incredible Benefits of Exercise for Knee Replacement Candidates

Exercise improves many of the symptoms of arthritis and can speed up recovery post knee replacement surgery. Gentle non weight bearing range of motion exercises lubricates the knee joint thereby reducing stiffness. By doing range of motion exercises that target where the joint is limited, either in flexion or extension, an individual can improve their function in daily tasks. Improving strength in the quadriceps muscle supports the knee joint and protects the joint by absorbing some of the load placed upon it.

If you want to participate in the management of your osteoarthritis by doing exercises, you will not only improve your overall function, but you will also recover quicker post surgery. With a small commitment of a handful of exercises done two to three times a week, you can drastically improve how you feel, what you can do, and your quality of life.

Knee Reconstruction Surgery - Four Sisters - The Same Injury, the Same Surgeon

To have one family member have a operation would not be anything to difference to hear about in society today, but to hear about a family with four daughters who required the same operation for the same injury and finally having the same surgeon do the procedure would be very unusual to say the least. With this extraordinary development questions needed to be answer to understand why this may have happened to four sisters.

Is this type of injury hereditary?

No it is not but under the circumstances you may think this because of the situation your family has found it self in. This injury is not like let say gout that is hereditary in some cases. Remember this knee ACL (Anterior Cruciate Ligament) is an injury that happens while doing aggressive movements in sports causing the knee area to twist awkwardly. Gout is a painful form of arthritis that means to have inflammation of the joints. This injury the ACL is very common in running, jumping and contact sports.

Would each daughter go through the same operation?

The first injuries were done by identical twin sisters, they had the same procedure done to different knees, one did her left ACL the other her right ACL. They also had the same surgeon who is the top in his field of knee and tumour injuries perform the operation. The twins went through the exact same procedure on different knees making their surgeon the first in his field to operate on identical twins with identical injuries on the same day. As for the other two sisters when their injuries occurred they also went through the same surgical process as their twin sisters with the same surgeon. It was a situation that the surgeon had not heard of in one family before in this country. with each sister having the same operation performed to their knee.

How long would the surgery take?

The surgery for each sister with out complications took around one hour per knee. This we know from when the twins first were done each knee had the surgeons marking on it for their operation and also so he would do the correct knee because they had injured the opposite knees to each other. So the surgeon was able to let us know with the other two sisters how long the procedure would be because of the twins, this also helped to prepare the two other daughters for their operation. This also made things easy for the surgeon because the operation on the twins was his template for the other two sisters identical injury.

How long would they be in hospital for?

Their time in hospital was from the morning of the operation and through two over night stays then home for resting. The reason for the two over night's stays was for a follow up on the surgery in case of after surgery complications. Secondly excess fluid built up from the surgery had to be drained from the knee area to increase their recovery and mobility.

When can rehabilitation start?

After a good two weeks resting while having leg elevated they will also need to start the walking process with the aid of there crotches, like back and forward to the bathroom or kitchen or their rooms slowly weight baring each day as much as they are able to. After this period and follow up checks with the surgeon it is time for the Physio to take them through the next step of recovery.

What would their recovery program be?

In all four operations even though they happened in different years the recovery program given to each sister was pretty much 99% similar for the four of them. This included the pre-work out requirements that had to be done before their operations. These pre-rehab workouts were done through their Physiotherapist who was there choice via their surgeon. This work before the procedure was the most important ingredient to a fast recovery for each sister, so making sure they did this work was left up to dad. Working on the quad, calf and hamstring areas for strengthening purposes was the main part of the recovery program before and after surgery. They most also do the work at home as well as in the gym.

There are many answers for many questions that you may want to know here are some that you your self may one day want an answer for. Remember that these questions and answers may be what you are looking for, but then again may not be. "Knee Reconstruction Surgery - Key Questions to ask your Surgeon" is another article written that could be of use as well.

End Knee Pain

Knee pain is serious business. Without freedom of movement in your knees you feel like a cripple. We see ads all the time for painkillers, heat wraps, and other temporary solutions to knee pain. I am talking about bursitis or arthritis pain in this message.

Whenever we injure our knees or any other joint our bodies will rush fluid to the joint. If your body fluids are saturated with inorganic minerals, these dead minerals accumulate in the joint. With inactivity an night these minerals tend to clump together forming crystals.

These crystals are not smooth like a pearl. They are jagged and sharp, like broken glass, or worse. The crystals stay in the joint and act like sandpaper.

Your body continually sends more fluid to the joint to dissolve the crystals and take them out of the vital domain.

The problem comes when the fluid sent to take away the dead minerals, is so overloaded with dead minerals, that id can do nothing but leave more behind. Thus the cycle of increasing pain continues.

Pain killers can dull the pain temporarily, but they can never remove the inorganic minerals that cause the problem. The medical schools should teach doctors how to eliminate these inorganic minerals. However, all they do is teach the doctor how too administer painkillers. Or they teach them how to replace a joint. There is no money in removing the cause of knee pain.

Think about it. If you needed to clean mud off the floor, would you dip your rag in muddy water? No you would dip your rag in clean water.

When we drink beverages loaded with inorganic minerals it is like using a muddy rag to clean mud off the floor. In order for your blood and lymph to be clean enough to remove inorganic minerals from your joints, you have to limit sources of inorganic minerals in your blood.

There is no supplement that can do this. There is no magic potion that can make it all better. You have to stop causing it. You have to take action.

I go into greater detail in my course, but here is a brief summery of where the inorganic minerals that cause arthritis come from.

Cooking food or drink, transforms organic (living) minerals into inorganic (dead) minerals. If you eat or drink too much cooked food your body is loaded with inorganic minerals.

Water loaded with minerals is another source.

You have to drink only pure water.

You have to eat mostly raw fruit or vegetables. Your calories should come from at least 75% raw fruits or vegetables.

I suffered for 13 years until I learned this. I changed my diet and lifestyle and within two months the pain was gone.!!! Within two weeks I had a healing crisis. By the end of that crisis my pain was 90% gone.

If you change to 75% raw too fast you may experience a healing crisis. I will talk about that in another lesson. Or you can take my health course. It is free. Just come on into my website.

Knee Arthritis - Tips to Help Mobility & Function

Although you cannot stop the progression of osteoarthritis, you can take an active role in the management of the symptoms, maintaining optimal function and mobility, and positively influencing your recovery from joint replacement surgery. Learning more about how osteoarthritis impacts the body and what you can do will promote safe, effective, and positive management of the disease. Here are a few principles to follow that will help get you started with your self management exercise plan:

The Weight Bearing Principle: Osteoarthritis is the degeneration of cartilage in your joint that then presents in pain due to the friction of two bones rubbing against each other. When your knee joint is loaded as it would be in a weight bearing position such as standing or walking, it creates an environment where there will be friction on the bones possibly causing pain. Now, this does not mean you should stop walking altogether, but this principle exists to teach you the following:

  • If you are already in pain or experience pain upon weight bearing, select non weight bearing exercise options. Pain will increase inflammation in your joint and therefore decrease your range of motion. When you select non weight bearing exercise, you are able to keep your body moving and maintain range without causing pain and inflammation.

  • If you are overweight, this is presenting a greater load on the knee joint and adding to your pain. You could greatly reduce your pain and increase your mobility by doing your best to lower your weight.

  • Avoid standing for long periods

  • Cycling, swimming, and non weight bearing muscular endurance exercises are best

Range of Motion Principle

Range of motion at your knee joint enables you to walk normally, climb or descend stairs, and sit or stand with ease. Therefore, it is more important in terms of function, to work on maintaining flexion and extension of the knee than it is to solely target strength. Your first goal in implementing specific exercises should be to work on knee flexion and extension exercises. These exercises are often forgotten about, but are truly the most important for you to do especially if you will be going in for joint replacement surgery.

Quadricep Strength for Ability & Recovery

The most important muscle you can strengthen to help you recover from surgery quicker and to help support your knee joint is the quadriceps. Often this muscle will atrophy, or shrink, on the leg impacted by osteoarthritis due to the avoidance of pain. There are many exercises you can do in a non weight bearing position to keep the quadriceps strong. If it even hurts to just bend your knee, there are even isometric strength exercises that can be done for the quadriceps that do not require any bending of the knee. Everyone should be able to perform at least one to two quadricep strength exercises that do not cause pain.

The Importance of Muscle Lengthening

It has been reported that close to 90% of the pain associated with osteoarthritis is linked to muscle tightening, trigger points, or knots in muscles. When you begin to feel pain around a joint, your muscles begin to shorten in an attempt to protect the joint and also because you will start to use that muscle less. The muscles that may shorten around the knee joint are your quadriceps, hamstrings, illiotibial band, calves, and hip flexors. When you implement a weekly stretching routine to target all of these muscles, you will greatly influence your function, post surgery recovery, and possibly reduce pain.

By applying these principles of limiting weight bearing, targeting knee range of motion, strengthening your quadriceps, and stretching, you will improve all the symptoms created by osteoarthritis. Choose to start today in becoming an active participant in managing the symptoms and improving your quality of life.

The Bill Of Rights Is Wrong ... Since When?

Walter Murrow was my hero, one of them really, when I was very young. I picked my heroes carefully. This small knowledge of picking your "role models" carefully was ensconced by the Boy Scouts of America. My membership in the Boy Scouts was almost mandatory. By my family. Me mum was a Scot.

The Bill of Rights is wrong! Since the last election. One where, I admit, though for the good of this country in a way, at least at first. (yeah, I typed that easy enough:) I thought, although I knew that as a normal rule, the Republican choice, (one of only two for us, but not by law! Too bad.) would be best at this time in America. I was not wrong about that! If the Democrats had been in office during the day of the "twin tragedies" as I have begun to think of them, then we would indeed not be in this war! I am not kidding you here!

The Democrats would not be fighting this war! Correct is this message of hind sight by those Democrats that are looking forward to their prospects during the upcoming election.

However, (you knew there would be one, "din'cha"?) that non-involvement would have been brought about through one of two "programs" they would have placed us under. (under" being the correct term here). Or perhaps both!

One would be a "pay-off". Throwing money towards the enemy sometimes works. It worked against the Iraqi, when our Government paid off the military elite, in order to be seen as "rolling over" the troops on the ground. By actually bulldozing, using tanks equipped with blades, they simply buried thousands alive in their interconnected tunnels and bunkers. The lucky successfully gave themselves up at the sight of the American Troops. Don't get too swelled up! the fact of one is that they had taken a visiting "American" Iraqi, gave him a weapon, and put him, although he protested, into the front lines of trenches. One day he was visiting relatives, the next, he was involved in a war, on the "wrong" side! How's that for a nightmare?

The other Iraqi bragged about how they were going to kill several Americans! Then the radio started telling of the slaughter, and the awesome attack of the Americans. They found out that the "reserves" had been put on the front line trenches. The "regular" army were placed behind them! In trenches of their own. And then the "Commanding Officers" were in trenches behind the second layer. However the truth was, they weren't even back in those trenches! They were either hiding out, until they could "help" themselves. Help themselves to part of the coming wealth during a "reconstruction" of Iraq and its Government! Most were leaving with family and money, and their "stuff" to other countries!

When the Iraqi found out how much of a problem they had. That they had been duped, much as you and I are, they asked the American-Iraqi "How can we fight? What is the best way to fight the Americans?" He told them, "Marines? Are you people nuts?" They pressed him, so he told them the best option. "DIE! Or go out with a white flag! That will give them a moment to hesitate, if they will, of pulling their triggers to kill you. Then you beg, on your knees, to give up! Maybe you will not be killed. Maybe you can successfully give up. Maybe you will live. Doing anything else, even sitting here and doing nothing, will be a certain death!" That was corroborated by the people screaming for help on the military radio they had. (this is the story I remember. If you remember it differently, good!) He was one elected to go out with the white flag, because he was an American, after all. He did, he did not want to, but he did. Telling the Americans that he was an American-Iraqi was received much as the reporters that went ashore in the first Iraq non-war.

They had entered an area on the beach landing within a "fort" made by stacking shipping containers. When they pointed the cameras at Americans, the got a lesson in "Right of Free Speech" themselves! Yelling "I'm an American! I'm a reporter for (CNN/ABC/CBS?CBC/) of any company, got them slammed down hard on the pavement, and their cameras landed hard also. You see, when you are in a war, be it a real war or a "non-war", you develop the instinct of a dog, because you want to live. As well as not caring if the "their guy" lived or not!

The "Demoncrats" would first pay off everyone that would take graft, weather or not they "performed" as agreed later. That might "fix" it.

If not, then they would call in the U.N. and other national governments like the A.U. This was done by the Republicans too, but the "Demoncrats" would want to connect some kind of American "Clerked" program for the ending of hostilities. That would be followed up, however grudgingly, by a "war slapping". Known by the term of "limited warfare", a kind of "Go get them boys!", then search, classify, and number, them all! But don't shoot anyone! That might "breed" others like them!

Where the heck do you think the first ones came from? We already "bred" them for centuries! So now they are getting the upper hand? Now, finally, they have the intelligence and money, and "volunteers" to carry out the "Twin Terrorism" against the U.S.? I think not! I think that is "horse puky"!

Speaking of the South end of a North-bound mule, what would the reaction be of the Republicans? The Republicons? They have showed us their reactions. Their plan went into effect immediately! War was declared! Against us! I ain't kidding you here!

They declared war on us, the Citizens of the United States. And then they sent equipment of a military nature, along with a few thousand maintenance men, and motor pool guards. Ok, I'm kidding your here. Those guards are really our Servicemen and Women that fights for this country, right or wrong. And they are to be backed by us. They are to be aided by us. They are to be defended from any criticism by us. They are also to be protected from senseless actions by the Military Legal System! They do a job. To do that they have to kill people!

Now, before you get angry, if you are not already, let me modify that a bit. Killing is "good". But the killing should be left up to the guy standing in his boots, where the killing is to take place! Or in the air, or in a vehicle or building, where the killing HAS to happen. Throwing men, women, kids, over the bridge railing where they die, is NOT against the Geneva Convention, if; it is accidental, unavoidable; and or necessary; IF the serviceman or servicewoman is under the IMPRESSION that his life, or his friends and cohorts lives, are in jeopardy! Now, that does not mean; Rape; theft; murder; mayhem; torture; is at any times RIGHT! But other than those acts, and the ones that are contained by the Geneva Convention, as they are legal, can and should be seen in the light, and by the testimony of; the American Servicemen and Servicewomen that are the perpetrators, witnesses, and or Commanding Officers; involved and on-scene!

Why is this to be tolerated? Even supported? Because "it" happens! Yep. Someone backs up and runs over a child? The horror of that should be judged. And sentenced. Appropriately. If a Policeman has to go to a homeowner's door and serve papers, and the homeowner comes to the door with a gun in his hands, anything, any act by the Policeman, from a verbal warning, up to and including killing the homeowner, should be supported. Unless, the Policeman is said by others, that he had done something against the law. Such as "dropping" a gun on the man after being shot. Or some other act that would be illegal as far as his authority permits and limits. Otherwise, you will not be able to "field" any Officers of the Law. (might not be too bad an idea? hugh?)

The Republicons have taken the initiative to gain their goals. They took seized the opportunity and took initiative for sure To reach out and grab the things that needed to be done to "protect" us! While at the same time the Republicans probably created the opportunity in which to seize! I ain't kidding you here!

If you want to know who started, and created, whatever you think they did; you only have to take an intellectual look at events! I am not going to be so stupid as to foster some "criminal conspiracy" upon you, where the "Republicons and the Demoncrats", supposedly "elite" persons within those organizations conspire to cause the "terror on 911"!

I am not that stupid. If you see it, and then believe it; good! If you don't...;good! You see, I am intelligent. (that don't mean I ain't stupid at times!)
I am intelligent enough to know that if anyone tries to "show" me something, and or convince me by yelling and calling me "stupid", then I not only quit listening, I know the very "proof" is now in question, as far as the persons ability to both understand the facts and know how to communicate it! Yeah, I just "dummy up". "Dummy up" is a good thing! When the Communists were killing the intelligent and the teachers and other education and politically savvy, anyone really smart, "dummied up"! Thus they had no job nor reputation where they lived, to place them on the list. (Where you probably are right now! Sorry, I only try to tell the truth. I don't write the "rules".)

Look at the SUBSIQUENT results of the "911" day that "Terrorists" hit the twin towers. I know you are probably tired of hearing of it, that day I mean. But I am not asking you to have a look back at those events. I am speaking of the subsequent event, both within this country and out of it.

Did anything "pop-up" on your radar, some small "thing" leaving a "blip" on the screen of your senses? There are some on mine! The following is a short list. From that, and or, your list, you can find out for yourself if you are being "duped" and also if you are being "dummied down" by yourself if not by others.

Is there anyone (I mean anyone!) saying there is a conspiracy here to challenge the facts?

Is there any persons that could profit by the events? I mean make money?

Is there a reason, that any can show you, that might be used as some kind of "proof" that this days work was done by other than those persons that are have said to have committed this?

Is there NOW some action by politicians, and the monied people and or large companies, that could not be successful if the act itself had not been committed?

Is there anything that the subsequent events, make those same three; (persons; politicians; large companies) Billions of dollars? This too would include any "allied" companies, who are aligned with us both politically and militarily, and or linked by very large national companies/

Here we will leave the Vice President or homesick, anyone that is "harped" and or "hawked" as being complicated by the NEWS MEDIA. The "news' media lies. Period. They do not tell you the truth, by withholding the very things that would put the STORY into perspective. You do not EVER get a proper perspective from the Television, Radio, and large Newspapers. And the small ones do not have the access, not the assets, to do more than "echo" the stories that are of a National scope. They will do, as the National "big media' does, give the "ain't we great and ain't we lucky. Now, don't rock the boat! Or we will affect our community so much we will have to pay more taxes!" Which is all a lie, as much as the story, mostly, they do. That is; if it is a big Political figure or big Company that is local! So, read the "funnies", and forget the rest! Like one man said to me long ago, "I read the paper. But only the "funny paper". I just look to make sure that Dagwood is still married. And then I stop. Keeps me sane." You should do the same, unless you are sitting in a position, where nothing else will occupy your mind. Theres bound to be something, pictures and writing on toilet paper packages the wife brings home, or the tags on your clothes that you can read. Interesting stuff right there!

The answer to all those questions, not even approaching a real listing of such, is YES! No qualifications. No abrogation. No "buts" (really, I ain't kidding you here) The answers are;

That as, there was a "general shut-down" of all aerial protection for Washington D.C. during a "testing of the assets", included everyone, except the "Terrorists"! Right there, you have to wonder...

There was an immediate "letting out of contracts" to large and medium sized companies, both foreign and domestic. You can't fight a war without equipment! But you don't have to "crank" it up BEFOREHAND do you?

There is now a "beachhead" for our politicians in the FAR EAST. That has been wanted for decades.

There were several other "small in comparison, "Terrorist" events! You just have to begin wondering? It is much like a some people that contemplate suicide. Some don't "cry out" for help. Women won't shoot themselves in the face or head. Men don't necessarily shoot themselves in the back of the head. Especially with a shotgun! And most especially if they have an "in" with a President of the United States of America! ( I haven't seen so many people "checking out" since the days of President Johnson!) There are too many people associated with too many outcries effecting too many powerful, to ignore! Unless you want to remain as a "dummy", which you might want to do?

The Oil pipeline, that was to be situated in the FAR EAST and could not become actual, due to political intrigue, is now able to go forward! We don't fight war for oil! We do it for money, from oil. And for pipelines, to deliver oil. Oil is money. Money is power. DO you have any oil or money? Right.

Now couple all that with this; The "terrorists" bodies, or "effects (stuff" has not been displayed. They were able to do a "re-construction' of the bodies of the Hussain's sons, but not the "terrorists"? This country of ours is being made into a Martial Law state. Does anyone know what the powers of a sitting President would be under a Martial Law, one that was Nation-wide? Awesome!

There is so many laws changed, that you cannot live as you once did! You feel powerful yet? "NO-knock"; NO-warrant" search and NO-arrest warrant; and tons of other things are not for your benefit! Believe me. I have seen the real war "theatre", and I know that dang WALL is not being built along the Southern border to keep Illegal Aliens out! A WALL cannot do that. Ever. Never worked for the Romans. Again the second wall didn't stop their losing England! Didn't work for the Communists in Germany! Won't work here. EXECPT to Imprison YOU! That will work. The key here is where they put the barbed wire circles. Inside leaning or outside leaning or both? Either will not be good for you and I, but it will tell us a bit.

Please remember, no person, especially one carrying an atomic bomb or device, can enter this country without it being known by someone. You cannot walk around with one, just like you cannot steal an atomic calibration instrument from a surveyor, as some have found out afterward. It is traceable! If any person was "caught" by either Government doing so, I would be more than suspicious! After all, our Government SMUGGLED aliens, and they were WAR CRIMINALS, into this country. Then SMUGGLED them out again! In order to have them come in, that is without the one or two that could not get a faked or real entry, as documented soon-to-be-citizens!

Mexico didn't smuggle them! Nor did Germany! They didn't escape from some POW camp! They were "handled" by our Government, in a "need to know" secret program. You may think, "Well, after all, it was for our own good! We built a working delivery system for nuke weapons! That stopped war against us!" DID it? Why are we at war not then!?

"Well, we used them aliens in order to build a spaceship and space parts delivery system! How about that?" Sure did! question is; "what did you know and when did you know it?" You see, there is a complete system, identical to the one you know, that you have not seen! It goes places you have not been told about! You been duped!

I know this article is getting too long. But having a lot of information will educate us to the point of being more than skeptical. I hope. If you know such stuff, voice it please. I would be interested. But will not be emailing or writing anyone.

All you have to do, if you are a Christian and still think that "parts of this system and government and people" are Christian based. And despite any machinations, we are a Christian Nation!" I say Good! I think that is awesome.

But when you read your bible, you find out that the King David of Israel, commanded his son not to; "let history head go down to the grave in peace."! He told his son who to let live, and whom to kill! Who to befriend, and who to war against! Right there is the best proof you will ever be shown! Get Ready!

Not for Christ to come. You should be ready for that already! But the next election, that is, if He "tarries", is going to put the nail in our countries' "Constitutional Coffin"!

CCL Knee Surgery and Rehabilitation

A dog's cranial cruciate ligament (CCL), similar to the ACL ligament in humans, when torn may need repaired by an orthopedic surgeon. The following information relates to recent experiences with the tightrope technique of repair.

Our 4 year old Doberman tore her CCL running up and down a steep hill at top speeds and quickly coming to a stop and turning to run back in the other direction. The first signs of a problem were slight limping. She appeared as if she hurt a muscle in her leg and needed to rest it. After a day or two of not running, she no longer exhibited any symptoms. As the summer went on, the limping happened more frequently. We took her to a vet that x-rayed her hips to see if dysplasia was the issue. Her left side showed a slight irregularity in the hip joint so the prognosis was the pain was coming from that and she was given some pain medicine and put on joint supplements. The instructions were to let her run and use her joints just like when a human has a sore joint it is better to utilize the joint to keep it strong. Unfortunately the more she ran, the more problems she exhibited. Upon taking her to a different vet, they began looking at her knees and that the problem might lie there noticing a slight bulge next to her knee joint. We were then sent to a surgeon specializing in this area. Upon testing, they were immediately aware it was related to her CCL and we were presented with the surgery options.

We selected a relatively new procedure called a tightrope. This is less evasive than the metal bone plate implant with teeth like claws that go into the bone and requires part of the bone be cut. The tightrope wraps around the joint, through a small hole in the bone, and is tied in a knot. The knot does not protrude through the skin as it is tucked under the muscle. The main incision along the knee is approximately 6" in length with another small incision on the inside of the knee of 2", both held in place with staples.

After surgery, there is a long 8 week rehabilitation time. For the first 2 weeks an e-collar is required in order for the dog not to lick the incision to eliminate possible infection. The surgeon stated that if the incision becomes infected, it could get inside the leg and once that happens, it would adhere to the implant and there would be no way to get rid of it and the implant would have to be removed and replaced. Also for the first 2 weeks, the dog needs to be confined to a small area that has solid footing. The risk of slipping needs to be eliminated due to if the dog slips and falls prior to complete healing, the implant could be damaged. Also, they are not to go up and down stairs during this time as well. When it's time to go outside, the dog must be on a lead and during the first 2 weeks a sling is utilized. The sling is placed under the dog's belly and held with straps along with the lead. The sling is not used to pick up the dog and not allow them to utilize their repaired knee, but instead is in place to be a source to prevent them from falling allowing you to catch them should they slip.

The instructions for the entire 8 weeks is that your dog cannot go outside by themselves off lead. After the initial 2 weeks, they can be let into other areas of the home to walk around with you. However, there are still issues with slipping and falling which should be addressed. Consider laying down throw rugs if you have wood or tile floors to prevent slipping. Even though your dog may appear to be feeling better, she is still not completely healed so we need to be cautious and attempt to eliminate possible hazards.

After 2 weeks, we took her back to the surgeon to have the staples removed. At this time, the rehabilitation begins. For the first week after staple removal, we were instructed the dog can be taken on one 15-minute walk a day. The next week the walk is to be increased to one 20-minute walk a day. The next week and the remaining time the walks are increased to two walks per day of 15-20 minutes each. It is recommended if there are any hills along the path, it would be good to allow them to walk up and down those to help build strength. There are also exercises you can do with the affected leg to assist with range of motion. A physical therapist can also be used and one of the techniques they may utilize is a water treadmill.

The most difficult part of this process is the dog cannot rationalize the situation and that being kept in one room of the home with limited access is good for them. Even just into the recovery, my dog wanted to play, was anxious to be let out of the living room, and was bored. Even though she appeared healed, there was evidence she was not fully utilizing her repaired leg. The majority of her weight for several weeks was on three legs. This was evident by her "tapping" her repaired leg. When standing, she would tap her foot on the floor thereby not placing full weight on it. The surgeon stated this is common and that over time with rehabilitation, she would gain the strength back and be back to normal placing equal weight on all four legs.

The above information is what I experienced following the procedure which might provide some insight if you are considering the surgery for your dog. However, for specific medical details, advice from your veterinarian or a specialist is critical.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Painful Knees When Bending - Special Report on Helpful Treatment Options

If you suffer from painful knees when bending, it could be the result of a number of conditions. You could be suffering from arthritis or you could have a torn ligament or torn cartilage.

Who gets Knee Trouble?

Anyone can have knee trouble. You already know this is possible. Though it is commonly associated with advancing age, knee trouble is not something strictly relegated to the elderly. On the other hand, in younger people, painful knees are typically the result of participating in high-impact sports such as running, basketball or soccer (and the list goes on).

No matter how old you may currently be, knee pain can stop you from participating in all the activities that you enjoy.

Why Treat Knee Trouble?

No one wants to endure painful knees. One way people start to deal with their knee pain issues is by diminishing their activity levels. Sometimes, this is not the best answer to dealing with your current knee pain issue. Staying active can be good for your body both physically and mentally (Speak with your physician for medical advice on this topic).

If you have knee trouble, then you should face this problem, instead of hoping it goes away. The good news is you do have options when it comes to treating painful knees.

What Options Exist For Helping To Treat Your Knee Pain Problems?

Some of the most popular ways of helping to treat your knee pain problems is by employing the use of medications, surgery, PT, and knee supports. Each one of these treatment options can help manage the pain, but some are more appropriate than others depending on your condition.

- Medication: Medication can help, but some forms of medication can have addictive properties or are only a temporary answer to your knee pain problems. Many doctors today are hesitant about prescribing pain medication because of their addictive qualities.

- Physical Therapy: Physical therapy is preferred by most doctors but is not always appropriate for all knee problems. If your knee pain is brought on by a tear in the ligament, sometimes an unsupported knee in a physical therapy session would only serve to aggravate the condition.

- Surgery: Surgery is the most invasive of all options. Despite this fact, surgery can be very helpful. It is also costly, may not be successful and has a long recovery period.

- Knee Braces: Knee braces are one of the safest and most effective ways to protect your knees. Knee braces are easy to use and will help support the knees when you are bending so that you do not put unnecessary pressure on the joint. Many athletes use knee braces to prevent serious knee injury, especially when participating in high impact sports.

If you suffer from painful knees when bending, you should not ignore it, nor do you necessarily want to curtail your activities because of the pain. Talk to your doctor about the options that are available to you and use a knee brace as a way to help support your knees when bending.

Arthritis Treatment: What Causes the Pain of Osteoarthritis of the Knee?

Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common form of arthritis and affects more than 20 million Americans.

There are two different types of cartilage within the knee. Hard hyaline articular cartilage is the tough gristle that caps the ends of long bones within the joint. Also located on either side are two semicircular pieces of fibrocartilage, a somewhat softer form of cartilage, called menisci.

OA is primarily a disease of the hyaline cartilage. Hyaline cartilage is made up of a matrix consisting of a combination of proteoglycans (complexes of proteins and sugars) and chondrocytes. Chondrocytes are located within the matrix... picture a gelatin mold with grapes. The gelatin is the matrix and the grapes are the chondrocytes. Chondrocytes are cartilage cells that manufacture matrix under normal healthy circumstances. They are responsible for nourishing the matrix as well.

However, when OA develops, a change in the metabolism of hyaline cartilage occurs. Chondrocytes begin to elaborate destructive enzymes causing cracks and fissures in the cartilage. These are called "fibrillations."

What has been a perplexing question is, "What causes pain in OA of the knee?" Cartilage has no blood vessels nor does it have nerves. So the topic of pain mechanism in osteoarthritis has been the subject of intense interest.

There are a number of potential suspects. For example, when osteophytes (bone spurs) develop, they can lift the periosteum (the thin top layer of the bone). Periosteum is rich in nerve fibers and certainly can be a source of pain.

It has been noted that blood vessels in bone underlying osteoarthritic cartilage can become engorged and this may elevate the pressure inside the bone which could also, theoretically, cause pain.

The lining of the joint (synovium) becomes inflamed in OA. Pain fibers are located within the joint capsule and these inflammatory processes could irritate them.

The joint capsule can contract or shrink leading to irritation of nerve fibers located within the capsule.

By the same token, if fluid builds up within the joint, it can stretch the joint capsule again leading to stimulation of pain fibers.

As mentioned earlier, there are two small pieces of fibrocartilage located within the knee. These pieces of fibrocartilage (menisci) have a rich blood and nerve supply where they attach to the joint capsule. OA often leads to tearing of these menisci. This can cause damage to the capsular attachment leading to pain.

Spasm of the muscles surrounding the knee can also lead to pain.

Finally, there is increasing interest in the role of the central nervous system- the brain- in causing the pain of knee OA. Recent studies showing the effectiveness of drugs like Cymbalta, a drug originally prescribed for depression, but also showing beneficial effects on pain relief in patients with OA, led to FDA approval for this indication in 2011.

Liberate Yourself From Pain With Arthritis Injection

Arthritis injection is considered to be a ground-breaking means to combat the symptoms of arthritis. The more commonly used means for treatment have included NSAIDs, steroids, and a selection of anti-rheumatic drugs. In most cases, these medications are taken orally or used in combination with other treatments. A few conventional treatments today also include surgery and the use of knee braces, especially for severe knee arthritis. With the recurring effects of this autoimmune disorder however, scientists are still on the lookout for the best treatments.

Steriod Injections for Arthritis Patients

Steroid injections for arthritis are typically used by doctors in order to relieve arthritis-related pain and discomfort. Doctors inject steroids directly into the problem areas, prompting the delivery of medication right where it is needed.

Although steroids may also be taken intravenously and orally, injections are able to reach painful areas more efficiently. These steroids may be injected into the knee, hip, wrist, hand, or shoulders. Injections are known to be effective for gout, rheumatoid arthritis, and a few other inflammatory conditions. Physicians would normally take into account your age and other medications you are using, before prescribing any steroidal medication.

This type of arthritis injection however could produce some ill-effects, depending on the sensitivity of the patient. Side effects are also more common in cases when the doses of steroidal medications are increased. Examples of side effects are infections, local bleeding, skin discoloration, and allergic reactions. These can be preventable however, especially when the injections are taken infrequently. If you choose to have the steroid injections for an interval of 4 months, side effects are less likely to happen.

Hyaluronic Acid Injections for Arthritis of the Knee

Those who are suffering from knee arthritis can expect to obtain relief from Hyaluronic acid injection. Hyaluronic acid is normally found in the human tissue, helping the body in flexibility and moisture retention. This acid is often described to be slimy and oily in texture. Although a well-known component for anti-aging skin products, Hyaluronic acid is also effective in arthritis management. Millions of Americans are dealing with arthritis presently, especially those on faulty diets and sedentary lifestyles.

Hyaluronic acid has been known to provide effective relief with only a few side-effects, or none at all. For many years, these injections have already been done on cases of knee arthritis. Hyaluronan injections for ankle arthritis are already widely practiced in Europe. In the U.S. however, the Food and Drug Administration has yet to approve the use of this component for ankle arthritis.

Development of Arthritis injection for Ankle Arthritis

According to pharmaceutical firm Carticept Medical Inc, injectables for ankle arthritis will be made available commercially the U.S. by 2010. Since Hyaluronic acid is a natural substance occurring in the body, it is useful in pain prevention and the absorption of shock as well. Since arthritis is known to attack the smaller joints, having injections ideal for ankles and thumbs will be valuable.

It is estimated that by 2010, the U.S. FDA will finally approve this injectable substance for arthritis of the ankles. This product will also treat arthritis in the hands or thumbs, toes, and other smaller joints. Unlike pain killers and steroids, an arthritis injection is expected to deliver pain relief without the adverse effects. This makes it ideal for more arthritic patients.

Understanding How Your Knee Works

The knee is a lower extremity joint connecting the femur and the tibia. Because the knee is responsible for supporting almost the entire weight of the human body, the knee is especially vulnerable to injury and to the development of osteoarthritis.

The knee is a very complex joint, made up of bone, cartilage and tendons. The knee is actually made up of two separate joints. The femoro-patellar joint consists of the "kneecap" or patella, which sits inside the anterior thigh muscles tendons, and the patellar groove on the front of the femur bone through which it slides. The femoro-tibial joint connects the thigh bone, known as the femur, with the tibia, the large bone in the lower leg. One unique feature of the knee is that the joint is surrounded with a thick fluid found inside a membrane.

The knee also contains the following ligaments, which most sports fans could probably list off verbatim considering the high number of incidents of highly paid professional athletes tearing one or more of them.

The anterior cruciate ligament (ACL). The ACL is probably the best known of the knee ligaments and is extremely important in good knee health. The ACL keeps the tibia bone from being moved too far to the front of the knee in relative position to the femur bone. The ACL is one of four major ligaments inside the knee. It connects from the back and outside part of the femur bone to the front and inside part of the tibia bone.

The posterior cruciate ligament (PCL). Not to be confused with the Pacific Coast League of minor league baseball, the posterior cruciate ligament is the second of the four major ligaments in the knee. It connects the back intercondylar area of the tibia bone to the medial condyle of the femur. An exam called the posterior drawer test is used by doctors to detect injury to the PCL. During the test, the doctor will position himself sitting on the end of the patients foot with the knee turned 80 degrees. The doctor then jerks the tibia backwards. If there is excessive movement, a tear in the PCL is probable.

The Capsular Ligament. Also known as the joint capsules or articular capsules form a space for the bone joints to move in. Each capsule is made up of two layers - an outer layer made up of white, fibrous tissue, and an inner layer which secretes fluid.

The Ligamentum Patellae. The Patellar ligament is an anterior ligament and is a strong and flat band about 8 cm long and is attached to the kneecap and to the tibia. Its fibres stretch over the front of the kneecap with the tendon from the quadriceps.

The Medial Collateral Ligament. The MCL protects the side of the knee from being bent open from a force from the other side of the knee.

The Lateral Collateral Ligament. The LCL protects the knee from a bending force from inside the knee.

The Oblique Popliteal Ligament. The OBL is a broad, flat, fibrous band.

As you can see with all these different aspects to the knee there is a high possibility of things going wrong within the joint.

RiteTemp: A New Modality for Treating Occupational Injuries

Occupational injuries are one of the most important and preventable health problems that occur daily throughout the world. While preventable, they are a human capital issue to business and a disabling socio-economic factor to the injured worker. The concurrent impact reaches far beyond lost time, missed schedules and production delays. In years past, scores of today's aging workforce labored in non-ergonomic jobs, never to be inoculated to improved ergonomics as part of today's assessment of human capital costs. Improper height of work stations, non-electric hand tools and warehouse staging areas account for a multitude of simply avoidable musculoskeletal disorders (MSD's) the aging workforce faces today.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Editor's Desk 2005 Report, of the 1.3 million sprains and strains reported, often involving the back, 43 percent of these injuries required more than one day recuperation from work beyond the day of the incident. When you combine the simple sprain and soft tissue damage with bruises and contusions, lacerations and fractures, approximately two thirds of all these cases resulted in cumulative lost work time, not counting the day of the injury.

The National Electronic Injury Surveillance System (NEISS) of the Journal of American Medical Association's occupational supplement records and reports non-fatal work related injuries from U.S. hospital Emergency Rooms across the U.S. NEISS uses a stratified sampling of 67-70 hospitals' emergency rooms that monitor injury trends 24/7 to aid in prevention activities correlating monthly reviews out of 5300 hospitals to separate work related and non-work related injuries.

The U.S. Dept of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) December 4, 2009 Report, where lower trunk (back) injuries being the most prominent, discloses a common denominator among other reporting agencies with like data - BLS, OSHA, CDC, to name a few. The underlying factor stated that resulted in the highest number of absences that directly correlates to the list below was overuse/overexertion (hyperextension) of muscles due to: (1) heavy lifting, (2) pushing, pulling or carrying heavy objects; (3) falls on the same level, (4) bodily reaction to avoid obstacle; (5) contact with object or equipment; (6) repetitive motion (tendonitis); (7) extremity or joint stress fractures; (8) carpal tunnel syndrome; (9) complex regional pain syndrome; and (10) fall to lower level. In a 2008 BLS Survey of Occupational Injuries, of the nearly 19 million state and local government workers with reported MSD injuries, firefighters and law enforcement personnel remain the highest among all workers with a 14.8 per 100 cases. Yet, this same report reflects that these state and local government workers ranked 1.5 times higher for the same injury than that of the private sector. While these statistics reflect high human capital costs for lost work time, medical costs and their ensuing socio-economic impact on the injured, OSHA and other organizations only collects data from a small portion of the private sector establishments within the U.S. or approximately 80,000 out of 7.5 million. Therefore the data does not effectively represent the majority of business, especially small business, where enumerating the data is impossible. Even state workman's compensation boards do not account for establishments with less than 15 employees so conclusions should not be drawn on this data alone.

The small business or self-employed injury affects the economic and social impact to a much greater extent where loss of time translates to loss of income for the self-employed. Numerous self-employed individuals interviewed stated they couldn't justify the cost-benefit ratio of workman's compensation insurance and choose to work 'at risk'. Drawing a parallel with a JAMA 2007 injury report and an Indiana Workers' Compensation report for that year, back injury accounted for more than 53% of all work-related injuries exacerbated by improper or repetitive motion-bending, twisting or lifting.

Succeeding to lower back injury, further data cites Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) as one of the highest maladies for absenteeism. A 1998 human capital cost reported three out of every 10,000 workers missed upwards of ten days at an aggregate cost of $30,000 per individual over a long time span. Surprised that CTS reported such high human capital cost, I decided to research this subject to clarify the misconception that CTS was a computer operator's nightmare. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a neuropathic malady in which the body's peripheral nerves become compressed or traumatized by injury within the carpal tunnel, a rigid passageway containing ligaments and bones surrounding the median nerve, usually at the wrist. This nerve controls sensations to the palm side of the thumb and fingers, sans the little finger, as well as impulses to small muscles that allow the fingers and thumb to move.

Who is at risk for CTS? According to the National Institute of Health (NIH), women are three times as likely to develop carpal tunnel syndrome. Another misconception, I assumed this was due to a higher percentage of workforce women in administrative jobs involving computer activity. Not true. In fact, a 2001 Mayo Clinic report found that heavy computer use (averaging 7 hours per day) did not increase a person's chances of developing CTS.

Dispelling the myth. According to Dr. Mark Souder, Family Practice Physician in Auburn, Indiana with an active patient roster of over 8,500 and voted Indiana Doctor of the Year 2010, states "Women may appear more prone to this ailment because their carpal tunnel is simply smaller in size. By no means is this a woman's disorder. I see plenty of assembly line personnel with neuropathic and tendon disorders caused by a host of underlying circumstances. Sometimes it's simply defined as new job misery having little time to adjust to motor function change. Many times it is short-lived and classified as repetitive motion disorder such as bursitis or tendonitis. First I rule out congenital disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis, overactive glandular activity, cysts and tumors. Then I determine if excessive repetition, vibration or mechanical problems of the wrist itself exist. Last year, under co-sponsorship by InMed, a company that evaluates new technologies, I trialed a new therapeutic modality-RiteTemp Medical on workers experiencing work-related musculoskeletal disorders. RiteTemp employs anatomically correct optimum temperature cool therapeutic devices that are not cold like ice or gel. These devices effectively deliver continuous cooling in the mid 50's Fahrenheit so individuals can wear any of the RiteTemp devices without worrying about frostbite and its complications. It's a truly effective treatment coupled with conditioning and flexing the tendons and ligaments to accelerate healing and return to function of the affected area. What I discovered in my trial that's ideal about RiteTemp as a modality is higher patient compliance and a reduction of the need for pain medication."

The occupations at the highest risk for carpal tunnel were sewing machine operators and manufacturing assembly personnel requiring repetitive hand motion with intricate movements. Asking around I actually located a large U.S. based sewing operation, whose owner is proactive in thwarting workplace injuries. Hentz Manufacturing and Markfore's owner, Bob Hinty of Fort Wayne, Indiana is an advocate of preventative medicine and conditioning therapy for his workers. Hinty's facilities, one of the largest sewing, silk-screening and embroidery operations in the U.S. that offers exceptional quality, quick turn-around, specialized and custom sewing that from the high-end line of ladies handbags and computer cases to Disco Bed for mobile transport of military personnel in the field. Hinty, in his facilities, takes a personal approach daily to involve job conditioning, safety compliance and goes so far as customizing work stations to account for petite to the exceedingly tall worker, especially when workers rotate to different jobs.

"Human ergonomics has many facets and they all must co-exist harmoniously in a high volume production facility," states Hinty. "When cross-training is required, which involves atypical motor skill or non-ergonomic functions, my supervisors regularly employ the use of RiteTemp Medical therapeutic devices as part of body conditioning and training." His recipe for success is a mix of mechanical science and human ergonomics that produces a "work of art" in the high-end fashionable Cinda B line of specialized handbags and totes. Hinty is in the forefront overseeing implementation of a new production project on the Gerber Cutter with one of his employees wearing the RiteTemp Wrist-Forearm to thwart overexertion of using new muscles until the muscles become conditioned to atypical movement.

When it comes to addressing the baby boomer population that have been working for at least 3 decades, I was fortunate to have an orthopedic surgeon that is one of several doctors participating in a pain study involving the RiteTemp Medical cool therapy devices as pre- and post-surgical recuperative treatment. The perfect example below was echoed by Dr. Richard Steinfeld, Orthopedic Surgeon of Vero Beach, Florida who recently conducted arthroscopic surgery on a business owner, who is active on his feet daily, to clean out the torn ACL (acruciate ligament) and meniscus in his right knee joint. Removing the badly torn meniscus during the arthroscopy revealed the looming problem that faces this baby boomer and our aging workforce - arthritis and other degenerative joint diseases.

Presumed from excessive rotation or torsion of the knee joint during high energy exercise, in this case, the patient experienced prolonged aggravation of the knee joint due to the repeated pounding pressure on the joint. Upon completion of the arthroscopy, I was privileged to have the opportunity to view the patient's injury and post-surgical outcome with Dr. Steinfeld. While the operation was successful, what was not initially revealed by the patient's pre-op X-Rays was degenerative arthritis, diagnosed as common among the baby boomer population from trying to be 'too healthy'. According to Dr. Steinfeld, former Navy flight surgeon who operates a private practice in Vero Beach, Florida, "The patient described herein who now has arthritis reported to Dr. Steinfeld and thereafter to me in his pre-operative interview that in his more youthful days he regularly ran five or more miles a day in hilly country, played racquetball twice weekly and actively pursued baseball as often as possible. We're invincible in our twenties and thirties. We're not invincible in our fifties. We ply tremendous torque on our joints by running. This patient is like many I see who has finally succumbed to arthritis.... He will need a total joint replacement in the very near future as he has bone on bone rubbing together, creating friction and discomfort. It's like having a flat tire."

As a participant in the pain study, the treatment prescribed by Dr. Steinfeld for this patient recuperating after arthroscopy outpatient surgery was to utilize the RiteTemp Active Knee as a regimen at first opportunity and continue wearing the cooling device as much as possible over the upcoming weeks. Different than all ice or gel cold therapy devices, this medical device can be worn without interruption as it does not get cold like ice or gel. It is a two-piece device with a live-hinge to flex appropriately on all body types as the knee bends during normal ambulation. While I was not privy to obtain a picture of this new active knee cool therapy device being used by this patient, an informational video describing this new "active modality" for physical therapy can be viewed at the YouTube site and refer to RiteTemp Medical Active Knee.

After a 30 day follow up with Dr. Steinfeld about this patient, Dr. Steinfeld reported that this patient was religious in utilizing the cooling device as often as possible and that pre-cooling of this patient's knee for one hour with the RiteTemp device prior to surgery in his opinion aided in reducing the typical post-surgical pain and swelling. He noted the patient reported only using Ibuprofen occasionally and did not take the prescribed pain medication reaffirming a higher patient compliance throughout the recuperation period and faster healing attributable to utilizing the RiteTemp as a better modality.

For more information on this "active medicine" technology visit the website or email me at and I'll gladly share worthy health information.

Knee Pain Fix With Food

Do you have knee pain? Millions of people suffer from painful knees and if you do you certainly are not alone. The medical field can suggest from keeping active, dropping some weight, injections or surgery.

Did you know that some foods may help?

1. Fruit containing vitamin C can protect the knee joint and supporting structures. The fruit reduces the risk developing bone marrow lesions. The vitamin C packed fruits are kiwi, papaya, oranges, mango, and grapefruit.

2. Fish and fish oil can ease joint pain. Omega - 3 fatty acids may block chemicals that cause inflammation in osteoarthritis but also blocks protein that wears down knee cartilage. The recommendation suggests two servings of oily fish weekly or a daily supplement of fish oil. The best fish for the Omega - fatty acids are mackerel and salmon.

3. Apple cider vinegar is a respected home remedy used by many to treat a number of common ailments and nagging aches and pains. This is my savior. I use one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar daily. You can add a little water if the vinegar is too strong tasting. I personally receive arthritis pain relief in my hands from apple cider vinegar. Apple Cider Vinegar tablets are also available at your local health food store.

4. Soy products contain isoflavones, plant hormones anti-inflammatory properties. Consuming soy protein every day for 3 months people reported less pain. Soy products can be soy milk or edamames.

Of course, for serious pain, the doctors advice is always best prescription.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Why Jogging Is A Waste Of Time

It seems logical. People who jog long distances are thin. Therefore, jogging makes you thin. Then again, if you apply the same logic to basketball, then apparently playing basketball makes you tall. The truth is, jogging is an activity enjoyed by thin people who have a natural ability to run long distances, but it is not necessarily the best way for the average person to lose weight.

There have been multiple studies showing that the greatest amount of fat is burned during moderate level exercise (such as when jogging or using an elliptical machine). Because of this, people tend to assume that moderate level exercise is the best way to burn fat. Unfortunately, they're not taking into account what happens after you stop exercising. When you put your body through that, it responds by storing even more fat in the future. Why? Because it wants to have plenty of fat reserves in case you go jogging again. This natural process is so effective that the only way to lose weight while jogging is to eat so little that your body starts metabolizing muscle for energy. This is not a healthy way to lose weight.

Another problem with jogging is how many free radicals it creates. The more oxygen you burn, the more free radicals are released into your body. This is bad for your body in just about every way, and it increases your risk of cancer. Of course, you can counteract free radicals by getting enough antioxidants in your diet, but they won't be enough to stop the damage to your knees. Most life-long joggers have to get knee replacement surgery. It's very unpleasant, and it usually means they can't jog anymore.

Finally, jogging is not as great for the heart as people think. It's true that jogging teaches your heart to handle stress for long periods of time. The problem is that your heart loses the ability to handle extreme stress for short periods of time. When people have heart attacks, it often happens when they lift something heavy, run up several flights of stairs, or hear some devastating news. When you jog, your heart loses its ability to handle events like these.

So what's the answer? Two things: walking and sprinting. Walking is a safe and effective way to lose weight without storing more fat, releasing free radicals, or damaging your knees. Several 30-second sprints once a week can kickstart your metabolism and strengthen your heart. (Note: Please get evaluated by your doctor before you attempt any sprints.)

Arthritis Knee Pain - 3 Natural Ingredients an Arthritis Pain Remedy Must Have

Arthritis knee pain is something that many of us want to deny is a problem but the truth is if nothing is done to correct the affliction then it can become a bigger problems later on.

We never imagined having to deal with arthritis as we get older. We might have thought we would have to deal with getting more rest to maintain our endurance or watching our diets because our metabolism has slowed down but having to manage arthritis pain, who knew.

The fact is arthritis affects over 50 million American over the age of 50. So needless to say, it is something we must address if we want to to live a healthy pain free life. There are many arthritis pain remedies on the market. You can find everything from prescription medication to natural supplements.

I am a strong advocate of natural supplements because they work from the inside out. Meaning natural remedies usually start to work at the root cause of arthritis. Prescription medications only address symptoms and never tackle the real cause of the problem leading to arthritis pain. So many have lost faith in conventional medicine ever finding a real cure for arthritis.

If you go the natural route, there are three ingredients that must be included in a natural arthritis remedy. They are Glucosomine, Chondroitin Sulfate, and MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane). These ingredients help to rebuild damage cartilage in the knee joints. Other herbs like ginger and white willow bark address the pain associated with arthritis without the side effects of prescription pain killers.

Arthritis knee pain can be debilitating symptom but there are natural products that can help you heal from the inside out. Remember - Natural supplements can't work for you if you don't give it a try. You must take an active roll in protecting your health.

Basic Hamstring Injury Exercises

What is a hamstring strain?

A hamstring strain refers to an injury or partial tear of the proximinal hamstring muscles. A hamstring strain is a common sports injury to athletes who are required to perform quick and hard muscular movements. Hamstring injury exercises are caused by violent muscular exertions sometimes tearing away a part of the tendinous origins of the hamstrings especially to biceps femoris from the ischial tuberosity. A hamstring injury is sometimes referred to as "pulled hamstring" which may have caused by a direct blow or accidental punched at the muscle located at the back of thigh. When this happens, there may appear contusions (bruises), swelling, tearing of some of the muscle fibers and rupture of blood vessels, producing blood clot or hematoma, with a feeling of soreness. The degree of the injury sustained can be determined by its appearance and symptoms:

* Bruises in the thigh area. Muscle tears will cause the tissue to bleed and bruise. The discoloration usually starts within the first few days upon impact starting at the thigh region and further down the knee towards the foot area.

* Swelling in the thigh during the first few hours after injury. Blood tends to build up due to the injury causing the thigh area to swell. Any other muscle movement or contraction can be very difficult and painful. The application of compressive bandage within the affected part can help suppress the swelling.

* Spasm. The most common reaction in hamstring injury is muscle pain. In case the pain continues despite first aid medications, muscle relaxants may be administered to help ease the pain.

* Difficulty of contractions. Sudden movements in the knee would be painful after a hamstring strain and may hamper the patient from walking normally. If contraction continues, the hamstring muscle may be completely ruptured.

* Weakness in the hamstring can persist for weeks for severe cases.

Function of Hamstring

There hamstring muscles are grouped into three called semitendinosus, semimembranosus, and biceps femoris, collectively called as the hamstring muscle group. The function of hamstring is for flexing or bending leg from the knee joint extending up to the thigh at hip joint. Knowing how the hamstrings work will give us the extent of the injury when the hamstrings are dislocated. The hamstrings are vital in our daily activities and bodily movements like walking, running, and jumping. In addition, hamstring controls the movements of the lower body. Despite these functions, hamstrings are not very elastic compared to other muscles and are prone to stress and pressure.

Severity of a Pulled Hamstring

Due to sudden extended pull on the legs, like kicking or performing a kick, athletes involved in sports like track and field, soccer, and basketball are prone to hamstring injury. To avoid injury to the leg and thigh, athletes has to undergo hamstring injury exercises or warm-up exercises before embarking to extensive workouts. A minor hamstring injury or "Grade 1" injuries can take about two weeks to heal. The tearing injury is usually microscopic that happened on the muscle fibers causing the muscle to bleed. A "Grade 2" injury is a partial tear in the muscle. While in severe hamstring strains or "Grade 3" injuries, healing may take to three months or even more. When this happens, the hamstring muscle can be wholly damage that may need surgical operations to treat the affected region. In case of a complete rupture, rehabilitation is required. Grades 2 and 3 injuries are considered serious cases requiring assistance from a sport's doctor, physical therapist, or trainer to help in the rehabilitation.

Treatment for pulled Hamstring

A hamstring injury can be a minor pull, a partial tear or a complete tear. Treatment for a pulled hamstring must start at once following an injury. The first 48 hours is vital and critical to the patient. Most hamstring injury responds well to plain, non-surgical treatments. For minor hamstring injury, the following treatment may be carried out by the athlete themselves or with some help. Recommended treatment for hamstring injury include rest, ice treatment, compression, and leg elevation.

* Cold therapy treatment. Apply ice directly to the injury at least 15 to 20 minutes within two to three hours for two days to reduce tenderness and pain. A thin towel may be used to protect the skin from ice burn. If there is swelling, continue to apply the therapy until swelling is reduced.

* Use of compression bandage. The bandage will give support and help reduce swelling. This will provide soothe leg sore and minimize intra-muscular bleeding.

* Leg elevation. To reduce swelling, the injured leg should be placed higher than your heart while resting. This will enable blood and fluid to guard against hamstring injury. Leg elevation must also be done during cold therapy treatment to help reduce the swelling.

* Leg therapy. If the leg pain and soreness had settled down, physical therapy can now begin. Mobilization of the injured lower limb is good to rehabilitate the muscle in the leg and thigh to restore strengths and muscle vitality.

Hamstring injury exercises; recommended

An injured hamstring takes a longer period to heal. For its full recovery, you need hamstring injury exercises such as stretching. If the leg strain is minor, then body exercises can start after two days from the happening of the injury. Continue with the ice treatment for one or two days until swelling disappeared. However, if the injury is severe, it may take ten to three months rehabilitation. For improved pain management and strength, hamstrings are trained with muscular movements like the knee curl, lifting as well as lower body exercises like stretching, walking, jogging, hopping, cycling and others.

* Stretching. It is vital for tight muscles and joints. Stretching will improve movements in the joint and promotes muscle flexibility, strength, increase endurance and improve muscle movements.

* Using weights for strength. When the injured hamstring became stronger, you can carry some weights to strengthen the muscle. Strenuous muscle training would most likely cause muscles to ache. Do not overdo, start in small amount of weight until your body get used to it. Always start with warm up exercises before indulging in excessive weight training. Hamstring warm-ups could include leg swings, standing bicycle, and lightweights.

* Walking, jogging, hopping, or cycling can be done gradually. At home, you can use some basic exercises like climbing stairs, or doing some household chores to increase strength and stamina.

Post-operative exercises must have the supervision of the attending physician or the physical therapist. If there is feeling of tightness or stiffness of the hamstrings, reduce the amount of exercises or just maintain stretching to make the muscle feel loose and comfortable. Until your injured hamstring is ready to resume sport activities, maintain the recommended hamstring injury exercises to keep the muscles fit and in good shape. Follow the exercises discussed above, to strengthen the hamstrings and prevent injury to your leg.

Golf Swing Proper Technique - How to Play the Perfect Shot

The perfect golf swing is of course a very personal thing to each individual golfer because of their size, weight, habits, experience etc but before I tell you what the golf swing proper technique is there are a few fundamentals you should get to grips with so you can better your golf swing immediately and start to make it a perfect one for you.

  1. Don't try to smash the ball into next week.
    With a bad technique you could be smashing it again from the woods.

  2. Keep your eye on the ball. Yes... pretty obvious but there are many golf ailments fixed by just simply doing this.

  3. Practice. Don't head off to the driving range to knock the stuffing out of everything. There are many shots in golf, not just driving.

The Professional Golfer has near perfect accuracy and skill, but very few people will take into account the effort and countless hours of practice he or she has placed in the area of technique to achieve it.

Okay. The golf swing proper technique based on a right handed player is this:

Remember, before you go through this technique to line yourself up correctly with the flag by using a small object that runs directly between the ball and flag, a leaf or stone for example. Run an imaginary line from the ball to the flag through the object and take your stance parallel to this line with your club square behind the ball. You are set up for your shot.

  1. Place the head of the club on the ground behind the ball, shaft in left hand lying across the top of the forefinger. Make sure it fits snug in the heel of your palm and you can wrap your little finger around the grip so there is no movement. Now place your right hand lower on the grip and fold your right hand over your left thumb. You will find the right thumb now naturally points to the right.

  2. You now need to grip the back of your golf club and there are three types of grip to choose from. They are the Vardon Grip (also known as Overlapping Grip), the Interlocking Grip, and the Baseball Grip. The Vardon is the most popular grip but I suggest you read up more on each one and choose whichever feels best for you. Please note it would be wise to learn all three for better diversity of play.

  3. Take a stance with your feet at approximately shoulder width apart which, along with the knees and hips, should be parallel to the target. Your right foot is placed straight at a right angle to the swing line, and left foot is slightly open making the body follow through the golf swing. Lean slightly forward at the waist, knees gently bent for flexibility. Your body weight should be slightly forward on the balls of the feet.

  4. Address the ball and check your shoulder position is correct by placing the club in the centre of your chest, then lean forward from the waist, gently flexing and bending the knees. Lower your right shoulder until the club touches the inside of your left leg.

  5. The back swing starts with the rotation of the body, not just the arms and hands, but also the shoulders, hips, waist and back which will stay at the correct angle and end up facing the flag with your weight on your right foot. The movement should be fluid and almost simultaneous with the hands maintaining grip throughout. Practice of this is preferable.

  6. On the down swing, push your weight from right to left rotating the body and hips allowing your shoulders, arms and hands to power the golf club through impact. Your hips should then turn with the shoulders parallel to the ball and continue until the whole body is facing the target. Allow your right foot to move only after impact.