Saturday, February 1, 2014

A Hurt Knee Cap - The Throb That Will Make You Sob - Brace Your Knee For a Different Experience

How does you knee cap feel?

Is the pain always there, or does it come and go?

There are many reasons why someone can have a hurt knee cap. This is a very common woe among athletes who participate in sports that involve a lot of jumping or running. The immediate as well as the underlying cause of the hurt knee cap determines the type of treatment that you will need to undergo to alleviate the pain and stem the swelling.

Torn Ligament - Most Common Cause of Hurt Knee Cap (Patella)

A torn ligament is one of the most common of knee injuries. It usually presents with pain and swelling and may also involve the knee slipping out from under you when you are walking. Many people with a torn ligament refer to this as a trick knee. This is a condition caused by a damaged ligament that causes the knee to give out when standing or running.

Torn ligaments are more likely to be seen in people who are active in sports or have played sports in the past as well as those who work in jobs that involve a lot of heavy duty lifting.

Osteoarthritis - Common Cause of Sore Knee Cap

If you have a chronically hurt patella your doctor will want to rule out the possibility of osteoarthritis. This is a condition in which the joint gradually deteriorates and it is accompanied by swelling, stiffness and pain. While this can occur at any age, it most often occurs in athletes and usually at an older age. Surgery is sometimes considered for those with this condition, although it is most often treated with the use of a brace and anti-inflammatory medication.

Treatment for Patella Injuries

The recommended treatment for a hurt patella depends primarily upon whether it is an acute injury or a chronic condition.

A. ) Acute Injury: If the hurt knee cap is the result of an acute injury, then it will be treated with ice and you may be asked to stay off your leg and wear a brace when walking to keep the knee straight. The support that these braces can provide can really effective because they help keep your knee aligned and protected. - (Moreover, it is important to always speak with your physician when you any acute injury.)

B.) Chronic Knee Pain: If the pain is due to a chronic condition, it will most likely be treated with anti-inflammatory drugs as well as a brace that can help you stay mobile. A chronic condition can immobilize you in the long-term and wearing a knee brace can be a very effective tool in your treatment plan. Supports are important in this situation because they can help prevent excessive and painful movements that really cause your flare ups to happen.

Surgery is considered to be the last resort for any treatment of the knee cap as it is not always successful and can also be painful.

Ways to Remedy 4 Knee Pain Causes

Years of stooping, kneeling and running around truly takes a toll on your knees, and women have it specifically bad: Studies show women are up to 6 times more likely than men to suffer from knee pain injuries like ACL tears. Got an achy, creaky, or weak knee? Discover the real cause of knee pain and check out great ways to fix bad arthritis of the knees for good.

Creaky Knees. Your knees pop, grind and ache while climbing stairs or after a prolonged sitting.

* The Cause. Though it is commonly called "runner's knee", patellofemoral syndrome afflicts even those who are couch potatoes. The creaking you feel is due to misaligned kneecap grating over the lower end of your thighbone. Women are especially susceptible to this syndrome due to their naturally wide pelvises that causes their knees to slant inward, creating a wider quadriceps or Q than men have. Experts also state that this Q angle places extra force on a woman's knees.

* The Knee Pain Remedy: If you regularly do high-impact workouts such as running or playing tennis, cut back (but do not stop in general or the muscles that support your knees will weaken) and add gentler activities such as swimming and yoga to your routine. You can also purchase new workout shoes when your shoes' soles are worn so that your aches and joints are passably cushioned.

Achy Knees - During physical activity, you feel a sharp pain between your kneecap and shinbone. The pain persists as a constant, dull ache.

* The Cause: Tendonitis, which happens when the tendons connecting your kneecap to the shinbone become inflamed because of repeated stress and overuse. Symptoms trigger when you increase the intensity of your workouts.

* The Knee Pain Relief: To alleviate knee pain and reduce swelling, take a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) such as ibuprofen, and ice, rest and elevate your throbbing knee, particularly following a workout. Also, consult your physician about patellar tendon straps, Velcro bands placed just under your kneecap, which alleviate knee pain by taking pressure off the tendon. If knee pain persists or worsens, immediately consult your doctor.

Stiff Knees - Your knee is swollen and puffy, and you have trouble straightening or bending it.

* The Cause: Osteoarthritis. The cartilage that cushions your joints breaks down due to use, age or excess weight, and makes your body produce more joint fluid in the knee so when the cartilage wears down completely, you are left with bone rubbing on bone and painfully swollen joints.

* The Remedy: Losing just 11 pounds can take pressure off your knees and reduce knee pain by 50 percent, according to one study. Additionally, taking NSAIDs, resting and using ice can remedy arthritis of the knee. If your knee becomes red or feels warm to the touch, consult your doctor, who may drain the excess joint fluid with a needle. About 25 percent of people with osteoarthritis need knee-replacement surgery.

Twisted Knee. You feel and sometimes hear a "pop,", and then your knee buckles, causing terrific pain. Typically this knee injury happens while playing sports.

* The Cause: The anterior cruciate ligament (ACL), and elastic band of tissue that stabilizes the knee, tears. Once again, women's Q angle comes into play. According to expert, a woman's kneecap pulls slightly to the side when she lands after a jump due to her wider pelvis. As a result, the quadriceps pulls harder on the knee. Experts also speculate that high levels of estrogen (in the latter part of the menstrual cycle) loosen ligaments and weaken their ability to protect joints.

* The Knee Pain Remedy: Consult your physician immediately. About a third of those whose injure their ACL regain strength and motion after 6-8 weeks of rest and physical therapy. So if the kneecap remains unstable, arthroscopic surgery may be needed. And if you play sports, doing exercises that strengthen your hip and butt muscles and practicing proper jumping and landing can decrease your risk of ACL injuries.

How To Prevent a Total Knee Replacement and Extend Your Knee's Life in Middle Age

Extending Knee Life at Middle Age - The Impact of Osteoarthritis

Team sports, jogging, running and performing other high impact activities that repeatedly cause the knee to twist, pound and turn the knees may cause stress aging joints. Highly active middle-aged people can develop knee pain as a result of osteoarthritis.

As a result of osteoarthritis, cartilage begins to wear away from the bone. One knee or both may be affected with the developing condition.

Symptoms and Diagnoses of Osteoarthritis

Pain is experienced in patients with osteoarthritis, particularly when standing or going up and down stairs. The knee begins to buckle and give way, sometimes locking in place or becoming stiff and swollen after prolonged use. Most patients report a feeling of an inability to straighten the leg or bend it when needed.

Most people with osteoarthritis are over the age of 55 and are obese and/or have a family history of the condition. While younger and more active individuals may develop osteoarthritis, it is less common. Younger people may develop the condition if the knee has suffered a significant injury and did not heal right away.

It is necessary to see a doctor for diagnosis and treatment of osteoarthritis. A comprehensive medical history and physical examination is performed and the doctor may order a series of imaging studies or tests before recommending a particular course of treatment.

How To Extend the Life of the Middle-Aged Knee

Total knee replacement surgeries are at an all-time high, as baby boomers report more and more issues with osteoarthritis of the knee. Doctors are promoting lifestyle changes that help people cope with the pain and symptoms experienced by the condition in an effort to increase the quality of life without the need for surgery. In the most severe cases, surgery may be the only option.

For middle-aged individuals, the earlier the diagnosis of osteoarthritis of the knee, the more likely conservative treatment will help alleviate the symptoms. Diagnosed in its early stages, the patient with osteoarthritis of the knee may benefit from low impact activities and other non-operative treatments that delay or completely eliminate the need for surgery.

In some cases, simple activity modification may be the only form of treatment required; however, in the most severe cases, lifestyle modifications may be of no benefit. In the cases where surgery is eventually needed, the patient will have learned to modify activities first in order to preserve the knee replacement joint.

Glucosamine for Joint Health and Repair

Glucosamine is an amino acid and sugar (glucose) combination. It is essential for the maintenance and repair of joints and is naturally produced in the body. As we age the body's ability to produce glucosamine from glucose decreases because the quantity of the enzyme glucosamine synthetase, responsible for the process declines. After an injury to joints, cartilage or spinal discs the body is often unable to make sufficient glucosamine for healing to occur.

Glucosamine acts as a supportive building material and stimulates the production of other ingredients essential for cartilage and joints. Research has shown conclusively that glucosamine considerably alleviates painful, tender and swollen joints. There is also a marked improvement in joint mobility in arthritis sufferers. In some studies there was also a reversal of cartilage degeneration. Taking glucosamine as a supplement can effectively inhibit cartilage deterioration. Clinical studies have shown that glucosamine sulphate relieves the pain and inflammation of osteoarthritis It is a safe alternative to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs eg ibuprofen). Although NAISDs are able to provide quick relief they have been shown to inhibit repair and accelerate the degeneration of the cartilage. Glucosamine achieves very positive results but it takes several weeks- so you need to be patient!

Glucosamine sulphate is the first line of treatment for arthritis - taking precedence over conventional medication in several European countries. There are no known side effects and no contraindications for its use - diabetics need to be careful as glucosamine might have an effect on insulin resistance.

Although the exact mechanisms for alleviating osteoarthritis symptoms is not known research suggests that glucosamine encourages cartilage matrix formation, reduces enzymatic break-down of cartilage components and had an anti-inflammatory effect. It also stimulates the production of hyaluronic acid in joint fluid. Hyaluronic acid relieves pain and improves mobility by repairing damaged cartilage.

There are many research studies into the benefits of glucosamine in arthritis. In a double-blind study 178 osteoarthritis patiens reported the effectiveness of glucosamine sulphate in reducing pain. In another study 252 patients with osteoarthritis of the knee received 1,500 mg per day of glucosamine sulphate in three doses. After 4 weeks glucosamine sulphate was more effective than the placebo in reducing pain and increasing mobility.

As well as having a role in treating arthritis glucosamine can be used following sporting injuries. After trauma or tearing during strenuous activity, the body often cannot make enough glucosamine for optimal healing. In one study 68 athletes with knee cartilage damage were given 1,500mg glucosamine sulphate daily for 40 days, then 750mg for 90 - 100 days. 52 of the athletes had complete resolution of the symptoms and returned to full training. Follow up after 12 months the athletes showed no signs of cartilage damage.

As well as glucosamine there are other substances that can play a role in joint health. These include:

· MSM (methyl sulfonyl methane) - a natural, safe and physiologically active sulphur compound. It has ano-inflammatory and antioxidant action. It is found in our bodies and in some foods such as raw seafood and fruit and vegetables. It plays a role in creating new cells and stimulating healing. It is used in the treatment of all forms of arthritis and joint infections.

· Chondroitin - is another important component of cartilage. It acts as a shock absorber by providing structure, holding water and nutrients and allowing other molecules to move through the cartilage. Glucosamine and chondroitin work together to protect the cartilage against degeneration.

· Vitamin C and manganese also work to strengthen the body's natural healing mechanisms.

· Multivitamin and mineral supplements and essential fatty acids also have beneficial effects on joints and musculoskeletal problems.

There are many studies that demonstrate the effectiveness of glucosamine in the treatment of joint and cartilage problems. Glucosamine is a safe alternative to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs eg ibuprofen). Although NAISDs are able to provide quick relief they have been shown to inhibit repair and accelerate the degeneration of the cartilage. Glucosamine and other joint and bone repair products take a little longer to be effective but it will actually benefit the cartilage and aid in repair.

How to Complete Your First One Arm Push-Up

The push-up is one of the best all-around upper body exercises.It's simple, it can be done anywhere... and it blasts your pecs, shoulders and triceps at the same time.

But it does have one tiny flaw:

It's too easy!

This doesn't sound like a flaw but it is because of human nature. You see, if something is easy we as humans quickly lose interest.

And if you can knock out dozens of push-ups (or press up with ease, you'll soon find yourself not doing anything just because you already know you can do plenty.

That's when it's time for the one-arm press-up.Now, if you can do 25 or more press-ups in a row, there's a good chance that you can already knock out a one-armed press-up.

It will be ugly... but you'll complete the rep.

But if you can't complete a single one-armed push-up... what should you do?

Some experts will tell you to continue to work on your normal push-ups.This advice is a little mis-guided as I've found the strength increase from normal push-ups does not readily transfer to the one-arm push-up.

So if you want to complete your first one-arm push-up... you need to adopt a specific training program for one armed push-ups.

In short... you need a plan of progression.

The fastest way to increase your strength in any given exercise is to practice the exercise often using sets of 3-5 reps and to never approach muscular failure.

So when practicing the following exercises, I want you to do these exercises 3-5 times a day, for 3-5 reps each time... and never approach failure.Don't think about this as "working out". Think about these exercises as practicing your form.

Ok, so if we want to complete our first one-arm push-up we want to get the body ready and used to the same motion.

Let's start with the...

One-Arm On The Wall

Stand an arms-length away from a wall. Spread your legs wide for balance. Place one hand on the wall and fold your other arm behind your back. Slowly bend your arm and try to touch your nose to the wall. Then explode off the wall.

Do 3-5 reps and then switch arms.If this exercise is to easy, go right to the...

One-Arm "Girl" Push-up

In this exercise, you are going to do a one-armed press-up on the floor but you are going to be on your knees instead of on your feet. This reduces the amount of weight you have to lift and makes the exercise a little easier.

Do 3-5 reps with each arm. Avoid muscular failure and practice this 3-5 times per day.

When this gets easy you are ready for the...

One-Arm Negative

For this exercise, you are going to focus on the lowering portion of a one-arm push-up on your toes.You want to lower yourself as slowly as possible.First, try to take a full 3 seconds to lower your body. Then up it to 5 seconds.

When you hit the floor, don't try to push yourself back up. Get on your knees, get yourself back into the starting position and practice lowering yourself again.

By following this proven plan of progression you will be on your way to completing your first true-one arm push-up.

It will be ugly, your spine will twist your shoulders will dip and your head will feel like it's going to explode... but you'll have completed your first one-arm press-up.

Bad Knee Pain? - Knee Joint Pain Due to Damaged, Twisted, Aching Knees Can Be Helped With a Brace

Bad Knee Pain

Question: Is your knee discomfort a small but consistent problem for you? Like a nagging pain that reminds you that its there, especially in those moments you were lucky enough to forget you ever had it!

Question: Or, can it flare up to the point where your knee discomfort has transformed into something that is really quite severe? - Unfortunately, knee pain can get so bad that when you bear weight on your leg, the pain can be something that makes your eyes want to pop out!

Question: So now what are you going to do? - Are you trying to figure out a way for the pain to go down, if not to totally leave you alone?

Introduction: At times knee discomfort is something that rest can help solve. Yes, minor knee issues can sometimes be solved temporarily with rest. But let's be real here... The problem that we all have is that we are so busy that rest is not always a viable option. On the other hand, people can not always just go off and rush into surgery to solve their knee pain problems either. This is obvious... Even if you could rush into surgery, you might get stuck with a sizeable bill because of all the related medical expenses.

Question: There has got to be another way to address your knee discomfort issues, right?

1.) Knee Support For Pain Reduction: One way in which you can address your knee problems and pain issues is with the use of knee supports. Knee braces are a great option to help you through those times when a little extra stability and pain reduction would help ease your mind. They can act as a great asset for you, almost being like your new best friend. - Just think about it,... If you do not have a ton of time to rest your leg, due to other things that are going on in your life, then you should think about other options for yourself. Surgery is usually considered a last resort for most people as well. This makes a knee brace a very sensible alternative to addressing your knee pain issues.

2.) The Bottom Line: In the end, the truth is that nobody wants you to have problems with your knees, on any level. But, the truth is that you have to be aware of your knee pain relief options when the time comes. Lastly it is important to get your knee brace from a specialist. Not just someone that is dealing knee braces. A word to the wise. (This is health information, but you should speak with your doctor about medical advice for your particular situation.)

Friday, January 31, 2014

Ways to Strengthen Your Knees

The muscles that surround the knee being the quadriceps in front of the leg, the hamstrings in the back of the thigh and calf muscles all are involved in having a strong and functional knee. if one of these groups are not doing their job it can lead to muscle imbalance and associated knee pain or fatigue.

In this article I will mention just a several of the exercises that an older adult can do that will assist in strengthening their knees. Strong muscles act as a supportive brace for your knee. If that support has been weakened either through a previous injury or lack of physical activity the knees will either buckle upon standing or cause some discomfort when walking. If your orthopedist has ruled out a knee injury or severe osteoarthritis then muscle weakness could be the main issue.

For simplicity sake There are three exercises that will strengthen you entire leg and the muscles that support your knees.

1. Calf raises. Standing on a flat firm surface using a counter top or other non-moveable object stand up as up as high as you can on your tip toes and hold that position for a slow count of five. Complete 10 repetitions to start with working your way up to 20. These are also excellent for your standing balance.

2. Short-arc quadriceps exercises. Lie flat place either a rolled pillow that is high and firm or take a five gallon bucket and place it under your knees. Place either a rolled up blanket or pillow inside the bucket if the weight of your legs buckles the bucket. Lift your feet up in the air making sure the back of your knees do not lift off the bucket. Hold your feet in the air for a slow count of five. This will place direct emphasis on your thigh muscles. Complete 10 repetitions to start with working your way up to 20.

3. Straight Leg Raises. Lie down on a firm surface. Take one of your legs and straighten it out. take your opposite leg and bend your knee. Take both your arms and place them by your side. Lift the straightened leg up even with your opposite knee and hold that position for a slow count of five then lower slowly. Again start out with 10 repetitions and work your way up to 20.

Follow these exercises from one to two times a day. If your are consistent with these exercises you should see some results. As you get stronger then you graduate to more complicated exercises.

There are many exercises out there that will strengthen your knees and your entire leg. Find the ones that work for you and give them a serious try. Strong legs are needed for a strong foundation no matter what your age.

Clinical Studies With Arnica

Arnica Montana is one of the most popular alternative remedies used by consumers today. This remedy is commonly called leopards bane or Arnica. Arnica is a plant that blooms around July throughout Europe.

Arnica Montana is touted as a remedy that can reduce soreness, bruising, traumatic injuries and sprains. Arnica comes in two forms. A herbal form and a homeopathic form. Arnica in the herbal form is basically extracts of the blossoms made into a liquid, ointment, gel or cream. Many times this extract may be combined with alcohol and shaken vigorously. This combination of extract and alcohol is called the mother tincture. Homeopathy may call this 1X or Q potency. Most gels, creams and ointments are made from the mother tincture. This remedy is rubbed into your body where the injury has been sustained. The herbal form or homeopathy tincture is not to be digested as it will cause nausea and vomiting.

The homeopathic form of Arnica is diluted in water or alcohol. The homeopathic form is safe to eat since the dilutions have weakened the side effects of this remedy. The dilutions of Arnica vary. The more diluted Arnica is used to treat more traumatic injuries. Less diluted Arnica is used to treat less severe injuries. A potency used to treat a severe injury would be Arnica 30C. A potency which helps less severe or chronic injuries would be 6C.

We are going to examine several trials with Arnica gel. In the first trial with Arnica, we are going to look at a trial with carpel tunnel release surgery. This trial actually uses both homeopathic Arnica tablets and Arnica gel. This study compares how much bruising is experienced post carpel tunnel surgery. These medicines are compared against a placebo group. 37 adults participated in this trial. The results showed that grip strength and wrist circumference were exactly the same as the placebo group after surgrry. However, perceived pain was significantly less in the Arnica group. It is difficult to determine in this trial if the Arnica gel had an effect or the homeopathic Arnica tablets.

A small study done in Miami looked at arnica gel to see if it would reduce bruising after laser surgery to the face compared to a placebo. There were 19 participants. They were divide into two groups for making a comparison. The study found Arnica gel to be no better than a placebo at reducing bruising after surgery.

Another trial examines Arnica gel trial for treating osteoarthritis in the knee. In this study, 26 men and 53 women were given herbal Arnica gel. The participants reported significant reductions of pain with the gel. The study did not have a placebo group so the trial was far from conclusive.

The final trial compares Arnica gel to Ibuprofen in a double blind study. This study compares 204 patients with osteoarthritis in their hands. The study had 2 groups. The study compared pain intensity and hand usage after 21 days of using an Ibuprofen gel and Arnica gel. The study found that Ibuprofen and Arnica were both equally effective in treating osteoarthritis in the hands.

More studies are needed on Arnica gel to see if it is effective. Most studies are too small to draw any definite conclusions. However, there seem to a few positive studies suggesting Arnica gel is effective in reducing pain and swelling.


1) Jeffrey SLA, Belcher HJCR. Use of arnica to relieve pain after carpal-tunnel release surgery. Altern Ther Health Med. 2002;8:66-68.

2) Alonso D, Lazarus MC, Baumann L. Effects of topical arnica gel on post-laser treatment bruises. Dermatol Surg. 2002; 28:686-688.

3) Arnica montana gel in osteoarthritis of the knee: an open, multicenter clinical trial. Knuesel O, Weber M, Suter A. Department of Rheumatology, Valens Clinic for Rheumatism, Valens, Switzerland.

4) Reto Widrig, Andy Suter, Reinhard Saller, Jorg Melzer. Choosing between NSAID and arnica for topical treatment of hand osteoarthritis in a randomised, double-blind study. Rheumatol Int DOI 10.1007/s00296-007-0304-y.

Public Speakers - Number 1 Myth about Speaking That'll Keep You From Success

Myth Number 1 declares that performance nerves are to be expected; everyone has them. Further, that they are necessary. They are what give a speaker the energy to be exciting or interesting.

Let's take a hard look at these assumptions. What happens to you, personally, when you have an attack of Performance Jitters? of a rollicking Stage Fright?

  • Your predominant emotion is that of dread. You want nothing so devoutly as Getting Outa Here
  • You get tight around the chest and diaphragm. Your breathing--if any--becomes shallow and your energy wanes.
  • You sweat. (Icky!)
  • Your mouth dries up and you can scarcely swallow.
  • Your hands shake.
  • Your knees knock and are in danger of collapsing.
  • Your mind goes blank; did I have a speech in there somewhere? Gone!
  • In other words, your body tries to shut down! Now why would such unpleasant body symptoms serve you? Do they really make you an exciting and interest speaker?

    It's important to separate stage fright and the deep fear of speaking in public from excitement. Think of excitement, not as dread, but as pleasant anticipation. When you're looking forward with pleasure to an activity your body does not try to shut down. It perks up. Your brain goes into high gear. What is about to take place feels good, fulfilling, gratifying, perhaps fun.

    You may be one of those people who has some of the good feelings, but still suffers from some of the nasty ones.

    Here're some things that will help you:

  • Think about your responses to having to speak. Separate the actual fear-symptoms from the excitement feelings.
  • See how many of the negative responses you can tweak your mind to shift to the excitement category.
  • Learn and use deep breathing in your daily life and certainly use it in your speaking life!
  • Various energy techniques and hypnosis can be very powerful in developing and fulfilling positive, healthy expectations.
  • Check out your Self Talk. If it's full of "I'm going to be a failure", consciously change it to "I'm an excellent speaker and I enjoy speaking in public." Never mind if that's a screaming lie. Your subconscious mind, which has diligently helped you feel like a failure can change its tactics and, over time, alter your belief so that you do indeed enjoy speaking in public and you've become very good at it. It takes discipline to continually remind yourself to cancel your negative Self Talk and replace it with healthy thoughts.
  • During my thirty-some years as therapist and public speaking coach I've observed that these techniques work very well for many people. If, however, a person has underlying and deep feelings of insufficiency, counseling may be helpful in clearing out the personal debris to free up a person to
    be--and to feel--truly successful.

    Supination - What Exactly is it and How Can I Fix It?

    What Is Supination?

    Supination in the foot occurs normally in the gait cycle when the foot returns to a stable position before push off of. Excessive supination is associated with high arches and is a tendency for the foot to roll outward...or not to move inward (pronate) enough during the gait cycle. As your heel lifts from the ground and the weight moves to the ball of foot area and toes to push the body forward, a natural amount of supination occurs. Over-supination may cause you to appear bow-legged.

    The natural movement that is the opposite of supination is called pronation. This occurs when the outer edge of your heel hits the ground and the foot rolls inward. If overpronation occurs during standing, an individual may appear knock-kneed. Pronation and supination are natural movements in your gait cycle, however, with overpronation or over-supination occur, foot problems often follow.

    Overpronation is more common than over-supination, but either problem needs addressed. Too much supination causes an issue because the foot is less able to provide shock absorption. It also causes extra rotational force on the feet, shin, knees and thighs, adding further stress on muscles, tendons and ligaments.

    What Problems Can Excessive Supination Cause?

    Supination places extra strain on both muscles and tendons that stabilize the ankle. This can lead to a number of foot problems which may include:

    - Ankle sprains
    - Ligament ruptures
    - Arch pain
    - Heel pain
    - Knee pain
    - Hip pain
    - Back pain
    - Corns and calluses
    - Achilles tendonitis
    - Shin splints
    - Stress fractures
    - Plantar Fasciitis
    - Metatarsalgia
    - and more...

    How Can I Tell if I Over Supinate?

    To see if supination could be a problem for you, look at your feet while you are standing to see if there is a high arch at the inside of the foot that doesn't move toward the floor much when you stand or walk. This is one clue. Also, look at your shoes. If your shoes are worn mostly on the outside of the sole, especially around the ball of foot area, you may have excess supination when you walk.

    Another method is to examine a wet footprint. If the area between the heel and ball of foot shows only a thin strip at the outside part (little toe side) of your foot and you see no print at all in the arch area, supination may be occurring. A normal footprint should have a strip that is approximately half the width of the foot. Pronated feet often fill the footprint all the way through the arch.

    Can I Prevent or Treat Supinated Feet?

    Excessive supination (or pronation) is a biomechanical and foot alignment issue. A pedorthist or podiatrist may complete an assessment and gait analysis to determine the specific alignment and biomechanical problems and prescribe foot orthotics (arch supports) to help you. Foot orthotic insoles work to distribute your weight more evenly and to correct or accommodate abnormal foot posture. They are usually the best option for treatment of supinated feet.

    Your choice of footwear is also important when supination is a problem. You should search for shoes that match your foot type. A general rule of thumb is more stability for pronators and more cushion for supinators, but reasonable shoe stability is still important. Make sure they are the most appropriate size and are not too tight or too loose. Try on shoes in the later half of the day because your feet swell a bit as the day goes on and will be slightly larger. Also try both feet, because one will be a bit bigger than the other and you should fit to the larger one. Wear the socks you plan to wear when using your shoes. Feet with over supination often have a high instep, so laces are important for the ability to adjust this area. Running shoes tend to be best for supinated feet to give a good combination of cushion and stability.

    These are just a few measures that may be necessary to decrease your risk of injury due to supination. One of the best ways to deal with supination problems is by using arch supports or foot orthotics designed for high arches or supination. These redistribute pressure away from the pressure points of supinated feet and provide better shock absorption. Custom foot orthotics are an option, but expensive. The best over the counter foot orthotics providers offer specifics for different conditions and different areas of pain.

    Pain - Knee Pain Relief for Pain

    With today's on-the-go mentality, it is no wonder why knee pain is the most common musculoskeletal complaint people have when they visit their doctor. Depending on the injury or condition, some knee pain can be excruciating. That's why millions of people seek knee pain relief. Knee pain relief will vary from person to person. Some may simply need to rest the leg to find knee pain relief, while others may only find knee pain relief after surgical procedures.

    Knee Pain Relief for Severe Knee Injuries

    There are many types of injuries that cause severe knee pain. If you are an athlete, you are most likely familiar with knee pain resulting from torn ligaments, cartilage, or muscles. The more active you are, the more likely you are to experience knee pain from a sport-related injury. For a torn ligament, meniscal injury, or a completely ruptured tendon, doctors will usually recommend surgery in order to receive permanent knee pain relief.

    Knee Pain Relief for Knee Osteoarthritis

    To receive knee pain relief from knee osteoarthritis (degeneration of the cartilage), exercise is necessary. Doctors will prescribe certain exercises and stretches that can greatly increase flexibility of the muscles that support the knee. These exercises will reduce stress on the sensitive knee joint. For instant knee pain relief, some people may take over-the-counter medication, such as Advil or Tylenol, to help with osteoarthritis soreness.

    Pain Relief for Overuse Knee Injuries

    Sometimes it's the simplest things that can cause damage. Something as simple as overuse of the knees can cause people to seek knee pain relief. Muscle strains and tendonitis can develop as people grow older. Inflammation occurs, therefore leading to pain. Stains and tears must be treated with care and allowed to heal over time. Some people use ice or heating pads for knee pain relief. Others take over-the-counter medications

    Pain and Inflammation

    In treating many types of knee pain, inflammation is the first thing you must bring under control. When you have an injury, substances that cause inflammation invade your knee, causing further injury, which leads to further inflammation, and etc. leading to continuation of your knee pain. So, the substances that cause inflammation must be brought under control to limit further injury to the tissue.

    Some common care techniques to control inflammation:

    1. Knee padding.

    2. Rest the knee.

    3. Ice on the knee 3X a day for 20 to 30 minutes.

    4. Knee brace or wrap when you are on your feet.

    5. Prop the knee up higher than your waist whenever you can.

    6. Use Ibuprofen as an anti-inflammatory agent. NO aspirin.

    7. Do all the above. If still pain after three days...see your doctor.

    So, is your knee pain a slight annoyance or severe problem? Well, it all depends on what is causing your pain. If you feel a small amount of knee pain resulting from minor injury, you may be able to use self-help methods to find knee pain relief. However, if you experience a large amount of unbearable pain, or a nagging discomfort exists for a few of days, speak with your doctor to determine the correct knee pain relief plan for you.

    For more information on knee pain relief, check out The Centre for Pain Relief. Educating yourself about knee injuries and condition.

    Facts on What Causes Arthritis

    Arthritis is a disorder of joints where it involves inflammation of one or more joints. What causes arthritis can be from having an autoimmune disease, broken bone, infection or a general wear and tear on joints. There are various forms of arthritis. These are:

    • Rheumatoid arthritis

    • Rheumatoid arthritis

    • Psoriatic arthritis

    • Septic arthritis

    • Gonococcal arthritis

    • Autoimmune diseases

    Breakdown of cartilage occurs as the result of arthritis. Cartilage acts as a lubricant to prevent friction or resistant between the bones. Its main function is to protect a joint, allowing the joint to move, absorb shock and able a person to walk and move smoothly. Without it or the normal amount of cartilage in the joints, bones will rub together that can cause tremendous pain, swelling and stiffness.

    Identifying what causes arthritis can be divided into biological, mechanical and biochemical causes. Biological causes are factors that involve infections in the body that affects joints or tissue breakdowns. Mechanical causes include physical traumas or accidents that cause misalignments of the joints, ligaments or tendons. Lastly, biochemical causes includes nutrient deficiencies or toxins that can be found around or within the joint.

    Here is a detailed list of what causes arthritis.

    • High calcium level in the body

    • Copper toxicity

    • Imbalance or high sodium and potassium ratio

    • Excessive tissue breakdown

    • High toxic metals in the body such as iron, manganese, copper, or lead

    • Thyroid activity

    • Calcium and magnesium ratio greater than 10

    • Emotional imbalances

    • Fatigue

    In addition, there are studies that wrong diet is linked to the cause of arthritis. Consumption of acidic foods may also cause damage to cartilages and bones. Diet foods are also linked to the cause of this condition. The lack of vital nutrients for a long period of time can trigger arthritis. Examples of diet foods are canned foods, overly processed foods, too cooked foods, and refined foods. With the lack of vitamins and minerals needed in the body and blood being too acidic, cartilages in the body can dissolve.

    Treating all types of joint inflammation starts in figuring out what causes arthritis. People diagnosed with arthritis need to have changes in their lifestyle. It may include exercising regularly in order to reduce the pain. These changes can help patients in improving the strength of their muscles, bones and most importantly, the joints. It is advisable before taking any medication or exercise, consult a medical practitioner or a specialist who can identify the cause of the condition and the appropriate treatment that goes with it. They can also provide an exercise routine that can relieve and eventually heal arthritis.

    Thursday, January 30, 2014

    Knee Pain and It's Causes

    Inner knee pain is a problem for many Americans. The fact that so many individuals have issues with pain in their knees makes for a very lucrative career for anyone interested in Sports Medicine. But the way the economy is many people don't have the money that is needed to pay someone to either tell them what is wrong with them or to fix the problem.

    Home diagnosis is becoming more common place than ever due to a lagging economy and the current state of the healthcare system and unfortunately some of the information that people are getting is either no good for their situation or is just plain no good.

    People want to know the reason that their knees are hurting and I am here to help elaborate on that. One of the most common causes of knee pain is age.

    As we grow older, our bones begin to breakdown and give out on us. The muscle fibers begin to lose the necessary elasticity that is required for them to move the way that they need to. At a certain age, we need to be aware of how our bodies are changing and respond accordingly. By adding certain vitamins to your diet you can help to revitalize your deprived joints.

    Another cause is a person's health, and by health we are referring to not only the amount of exercise that they engage in on a regular basis but also the types of food you take into your body. Things like salmon and almonds are great for your joints because they contain nutrients such as omega-3 fatty acids and are good sources of protein.

    Omega-3 has anti-inflammatory compounds that work wonders for someone who has issues with how their knees respond to certain activities. The protein that it provides also helps to rebuild muscle fiber and helps to rejuvenate your swollen and sore bones.

    One of the best things you can do, not only for your legs but for your life as a whole, is to start or continue a regular workout regiment and implement foods that are high in protein and healthy fats so that your body can take in what it needs and ensure that you are going to be able to maintain an active and long-lasting lifestyle.

    These are just a few of the reasons you may have pain in your knees but there are a gamut of causes and each instance is different. For situations you may feel are more than you can handle on your own please consult a physician for a full diagnosis.

    Get Attractive Legs With Knee Fat Removal!

    There are some people who have serious problems with deposits of fat around various parts of the body. The most often troublesome areas are abdomen, thighs, buttocks, below neck region, and so on. Falling in this category is knee fat. Unlike others who have abdomen or thigh fat, some people experience knee fat problem. These people find excessive fat deposited around knee. Such people must understand that it is not difficult to lose knee fat. By exercising the whole body, one can reduce a sizeable amount of fat around knees.

    The problem of knee fat removal does not cater to one particular region. The condition can easily be corrected by exercising the whole body. This will result in removal of fat from the whole region rather than a particular region. It is not difficult to lose knee fat. By following some simple exercise routine one can get into shape. The condition can be corrected by surgical removal of excess fat too. It is not that difficult to get rid of the fat deposits.

    A person can also get rid of this kind of problem by performing some exercises such as squatting, push ups, walking. By exercising specific muscles around the region, you can get rid of knee fat. If your focus is knee joint, doing single joint exercises like leg extensions will help you reduce fat around the knees. Knee fat removal is not that difficult.

    You can also benefit from laser liposuction. This is also known as smartlipo, laser lipo and lunchtime lipo. This technique is mostly used for the removal of the fat area. It is an advanced technique which contains a lesser amount of risk. Low level laser devices were developed to treat all forms of sports injuries, pain control and provide improved wound healing. It is known to be one of the safest methods of cosmetic procedures. This technique is mostly used for the body parts such as face, neck, arms, knees, back, bra strap, mons pubis, breasts, and areas of loose and flabby skin.

    By undergoing laser liposuction, you can easily get rid of fat deposited around your knees. Many women have excessive fat deposited around their knees. This gives an unsightly look to the knees. It also results in excessive weight around knees. Due to this condition, women find it difficult to carry out day to day tasks such as walking, lifting heavy objects and so on. It starts affecting their life on a daily basis. One can overcome this kind of situation by laser liposuction. The knee fat deposited around knees spoils the look of the legs. Undergoing this procedure is the best way to get rid of the problem.

    How to Beat Jumper's Knee, Or Patellar Tendinosis, With 3 Easy Tips

    You have Jumpers Knee, and you've been in chronic pain for months now. Physical Therapy hasn't been working too well and your Orthopedist says you'll probably need surgery. The truth is, that in the vast majority of the cases surgery can be avoided. Here's how:

    Get Prolotherapy or Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy

    Both Prolotherapy and Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy are excellent alternatives to surgery that thousands of people are seeking out in order to heal soft tissue injuries like Patellar Tendinosis. Both of the procedures use a technique of injecting the injured soft tissue (like a tendon or ligament) with some sort of substance (like a dextrose solution), turning the chronic injuries into a temporary acute injury, and forcing the body to heal back the injured area. It's quite impressive!

    There is a difference between Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy or PRP and Prolotherapy. Doctors who use Prolotherapy like to inject the area with an irritant which causes the body to heal the area. While doctors who use Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy take your blood, spin it down to get the healing parts out of it called "platelets", and then inject those platelets into the injured area to heal it. Generally, doctors who use PRP also use an ultrasound to visually see the injured areas, whereas those who use Prolotherapy usually don't think it's necessary.

    While Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy is more accepted into mainstream medicine, up to the point when this article was written there doesn't seem to have been extensive studies done comparing PRP to Prolotherapy. Depending how bad your injury is, it might be worthwhile to try Prolotherapy first since it is the cheaper option and seems to work as well. The important thing is to find a known doctor who is skilled in Prolotherapy or PRP and has experience since while the procedures are non invasive they still are injecting you with a needle and you want someone who knows what they are doing.

    Do Eccentric Squats

    Eccentric, One-Legged Squats have been shown to help Jumpers Knee. It is recommended that you do them on an incline board. To do them, get an incline board, and stand on it. Then with one leg only, squat up to the point that your knee reaches your foot, and raise yourself again. Do 3 sets of 15 of those twice a day on both legs. This is supposed to be extremely helpful in healing Jumpers Knee.

    Do Cross Friction Massages

    Do this only if you haven't just gotten the Prolotherapy or Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy. Put your finger or thumb on your tendon where you feel the pain, and strongly move it back and forth across the tendon giving yourself a deep massage. The cross friction massage is supposed to be extremely good at helping to heal the injury.

    There You Have It...

    There you have it, those are the 3 tips you need in order to help heal your Jumpers Knee. So what are you waiting for? Go out there and heal!

    Arthroscopic Menisectormy - Minimally Invasive Surgery Used in the Knee Replacement

    Arthroscopic Meniscectomy is an outpatient minimally invasive surgical procedure used to treat a torn meniscus cartilage in the knee. The meniscus helps to stabilize the joint. The meniscus is often torn as a result of sport-related injury in athletic individuals. The procedures take about one hour to complete.

    A small incision is made in a arthroscopy surgery a small camera about the size of a pencil is inserted into the joint.Then using one or more other incision your surgeon places others instruments inside the knee to remove the torn cartilage. Whenever possible, the surgeon will remove only the damaged portion of cartilage, rather than all of the cartilage. A drain may be inserted through an additional incision, to drain away fluid. The incisions are closed with stitches, which are usually removed in the surgeon's office one week later.

    Open Meniscectomy/Arthrotomy :

    A larger incision is made, which exposes the interior of the knee. This involves cutting through more skin and muscle than for an arthroscopy, and generally results in a longer recovery period. This technique is usually reserved for more complicated situations, such as associated bone fracture or ligament damage.

    If the meniscus was removed, it generally takes three to six weeks to return to full activities, and if the cartilage was repaired, it can take up to four months for full recovery.

    Some specialized hospitals for Joint Replacement surgery in India like Indraprastha Apollo Hospital (New Delhi) , JCI Accredited Apollo Hospitals (Chennai), Wockhardt Hospital, Mumbai. MOIT Hospital, Chennai etc. They availed high quality and cost effective advanced surgery in India.

    Hip Resurfacing - An Alternative to Total Hip Replacement

    Total hip replacement is a very successful operation for hip arthritis. The purpose is to remove the two damaged and worn parts of the hip joint- the "ball and socket" and replace them with smooth artificial implants.

    However for younger patients, there is a high chance that a traditional hip replacement will wear out during their lifetime and need to be replaced. A second replacement is more difficult and tends not to last as long. in addition high impact activities are not generally recommended after total hip replacement.

    Hip resurfacing is a procedure which replaces the two surfaces of the hip joint. This conserves bone as the femoral head is retained. Instead of removing the femoral head, it is reshaped to accept an anatomically shaped metal sphere. This results in lower risk of dislocation compared to traditional total hip replacement and the potential for higher activity level.

    Who is a candidate for resurfacing?

    Generally people who require a hip replacement under age 55 yrs are candidates unless they have certain types of arthritis which has deformed the femoral head. Hip resurfacing is rarely considered for people over the age of 65yrs.

    Results of Hip Resurfacing

    Long term results are not known as this procedure has only been in clinical use for just over 10 years- however the results to date have been very good with success rate better than conventional total hip replacement over the first 5-10years.

    4 common conditions that may indicate the need for hip resurfacing:


    This is a disease which wears away the cartilage between the femoral head and the acetabulum ( the ball and socket) causing the 2 bones to scrape against each other. This results in pain, stiffness and instability. Some patients even develop bone spurs.

    Symptoms include pain in the hip or groin area during weight bearing resulting in limping. As it worsens the pain may be present all the time even at night.

    Rheumatoid arthritis

    RA is a chronic inflammatory disease that results in pain, stiffness and swelling. It is commonly thought to be an autoimmune disease perhaps triggered by virus or bacteria in those with a genetic predisposition.

    Developmental Dysplasia

    One in 10,000 people are born with this altered hip anatomy leading to early wear and tear. There is often a family history.

    Avascular necrosis

    This occurs when poor blood circulation starve the bones that form the hip joint. Over time the starved bone dies and the hip collapses.

    Alcoholism and corticosteroids are by far the leading causes of this.

    Post op recovery

    Most patients walk the day after surgery usually with crutches or walking sticks. You will then commence an intensive physiotherapy programme. This is critical to strengthen the muscles around the hip correctly to protect the new hip and give it the best chance of lasting as long as possible. Also many patients had months of pain and were limping before the operation so the hip muscles were often very weak prior to the operation.

    Your surgeon will tell you how much weight you are allowed to take initially. For many patients full weight bearing is allowed within the first week and normal walking is usually achieved by 4-6 weeks.

    During the first 6 months post op impact activities should be avoided as the bone initially remodels to "grip" the new implant.

    In the weeks after surgery it is important to gradually build up your activity under the guidance of a physiotherapist to strengthen the hip muscles and ensure normal walking gait.

    It is normal to feel more tired than normal after surgery so allow yourself enough rest during your recovery period.

    Further precautions:

    * No heavy lifting

    * Do not twist while lying or standing

    * Avoid extreme movements of the new hip

    * Do not cross your legs

    * Do not lift your knee higher than your hip on the operated side

    Knee Replacement and Deep Vein Thrombosis - What You Need to Know Before Your Operation!

    Deep vein thrombosis or DVT is a blood clot that forms on the walls of veins in the extremities, most common in the calf. The risk factors for DVT include: Surgery - particularly orthopaedic surgery to the lower limb Immobility Advanced age Obesity Active cancer Infection Previous DVT Oral contraceptive pill Clotting disorders.

    With most people undergoing knee replacement over the age of sixty, they have multiple factors increasing their risk of DVT. The thrombosis itself causes pain and swelling, but the major risk is that the clot will break free and travel via the heart to the lungs where it causes a pulmonary embolism. A Pulmonary embolism (or PE) is where the clot from the legs blocks an important artery in the lung and prevents the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide.

    A large pulmonary embolism can be immediately fatal so precautions are taken to protect patients from DVT. Clots form when the blood pools in the calf. The lack of blood movement allows it to get 'sticky' and attach to the wall of the vein. Preventative measures aim to keep the blood moving and decrease the 'stickiness' of the blood itself. Compression stockings help the blood return to the heart and prevent pooling. Intermittent pneumatic calf compression can be provided via a pump at the end of a hospital bed that squeezes the legs to maintain blood movement.

    Ankle movement also turns the leg muscles on and off creating a pump effect inside the leg. Unless their medical history makes it unsafe, most patients are given a blood thinning medication after their operation to help prevent clots. This is usually what is called a Low Molecular Weight Heparin, and is often administered by injection. It is not given before the operation as it can lead to excessive blood loss.

    In the event of a clot being diagnosed in the calf, higher doses of blood thinning drugs are given to break the clot up. Often patients will be required to continue taking blood thinners via tablet form an extended period after the clot or even for life. Your hospital will organize preventative measures and treatment if required, but everyone should remember that moving your ankles up and down does not hurt (even immediately after the operation) and is a very simple thing that can reduce your risk of complications. Remember - there is no such thing as too many ankle movements!

    Wednesday, January 29, 2014

    Deciding on a Fitness Center: Tips for Choosing

    Joining one of the many fitness centers in your area can have a lot of benefits, but can also be a big expense. Since most centers ask you to sign contracts that can be difficult to cancel, make sure that joining a fitness center is for you and that you are happy with the one you choose, before signing on the dotted line.

    Deciding on your Needs

    Since you are reading this I guess you would be more interested in weight training than aerobics, swimming and other things. Now those are important but it does not matter to some people whether there is a swimming pool available. You might not be concerned with the number of aerobics classes held each day.

    All you want to do is weight train. So choosing a gym that has a wide variety of exercise equipment is idea for you. Now if you are still not sure, you need to look for a location that has a variety of programs and exercise equipment. Maybe once you get started you can decide on your specific needs.

    Shop Around

    There are many fitness centers out there, too many to review individually. But keep in mind that they are not all alike. If you want to join, make sure to find a club that suits you. Do your homework and comparison shop-it will definitely be to your advantage. Here's what to look for:

    * Make sure it's convenient to work and/or home. If it's not, you won't go.

    * Request a free or guest pass to try out the facility.

    * Ask about the qualifications of the staff. Unless you already know what you're doing, you want to work with professionals.

    * Visit your choices during the times you would most likely go to exercise and check for crowding conditions.

    * Check out the cleanliness of the exercise areas as well as the locker rooms and bathrooms. Make sure exercise equipment appears to be in good condition.

    * Ask for operating hours and class schedules to make sure they fit your needs.

    * See if child care is available on site.

    * Talk to other members and see how they like it.

    Joining a fitness center can be a major expense, so use these tips to avoid any financial surprises and get the most for your dollar.

    * Before you shop, determine how much you're willing to spend. Don't go above this amount. Working out should not break the bank.

    * Find out exactly what is included in the monthly fee and what is considered "extra." Be sure to get a price list of services.

    * Skip low-cost "trial memberships." You will most certainly be pressured later on to continue at a higher fee. Don't join until you're ready to make the commitment and only pay what you're willing to pay.

    * See if you are eligible for discounts through your employer or health insurance company.

    * Completely understand all refund and cancellation policies before signing a contract.

    * Review the contract at home, without the pressure of a salesperson. Ask questions and make sure you understand what you're signing.

    The Benefits of Joining

    Fitness clubs allow you access to equipment that you could not afford to purchase or have no room for at home. Many also offer a variety of classes led by trained professionals, therefore increasing the variety of exercise options available. You also have access to fitness professionals who can provide guidance and help you develop a personalized weight training program.

    For those who HATE to waste money, joining a fitness center can be a good motivator, feeling compelled to go so they get their money's worth (this is true only for those who really go out of their way to get value from their money, no matter what they're spending it on). Those who would just be constantly interrupted trying to work out at home may find getting out of the house to exercise the only way to go.

    Alternatives to Fitness Centers

    Remember, the large fitness center chains are not the only way to go. Some employers as well as local hospitals or wellness centers have fitness facilities.

    Also, make sure this is the best value for you. A few hundred dollars investment in work out equipment you can use at home will still give you excellent fitness results. Or you could join a fitness class through your local YMCA or community center, where membership is not required.

    Are Flat Feet Causing Your Knee Pain?

    Sometimes, it may not always be obvious that you have flat feet, as your arches may appear to have shape when you are standing upright. However, when moving the motion can cause them to flatten. In order to maintain your balance, your body may rock or twist your knees. These have only a very limited range of motion and twisting can cause many problems.

    If you look at your shoes, and then have serious wear on the inner sides, it is a clear sign of that you may have flat feet.

    A good idea is to get a friend to take a picture of your feet in parallel stance, from the back. You will then be able to see whether or not you are rolling in from the heels, with your arches pushed toward the floor. It is good to try and spot if your heels and kneecaps lean and turn inwards when you are standing. You must be standing in a relaxed stance, without your thighs being held rigidly. If you then turn your feet outwards, they may adjust someone, and the heels will pull straighter, with the arches lifting slightly. This can be helpful in avoiding knee injury.

    Unfortunately though, this exercise alone is not enough to correct this. Just lifting the arches up by rolling your feet outwards is also not a good correction.

    My main advice would be to locate and try and strengthen the smaller muscles in your feet. This will hopefully help your flat feet and send their workload upwards, toward the muscles in the calves and shins. You can roll your feet and try to squeeze them almost into a fist by pulling you toes downwards and then alternating this by stretching your toes upwards.

    If you often experience pain in the ankles, lower legs or knees, it is a good idea to see either a Osteopath. They may give you orthotics, which are shoe inserts that are quite supportive, and even a heel counter, which is an insert in your shoes heel that will help to stabilize your heels, just for every day shoes. This will also help to prevent you from twisting your ankles.

    Another common cause of a slight roll inwards when the foot moves is Morton's foot. This is when you have a larger second toe then your big toe. This often also happens when you jump. This may seem surprising, as the weight transfers away from the feet in these movements. However, this happens very often every dance class, and causes uneven pressure in the bones and foot muscles.

    It is a good idea to try to have the weight in your feet spread equally, from the centre of the heel, big toe joint and little toe joint. This will give a level base, which is like the platform a house could be built up on, for your skeleton to balance above.

    Another useful practice is Tai Chi. Some of the older, more traditional styles have a group of practices often called the foundation exercises. These are used to program your body to move more naturally and remove bad movement habits. A good teacher can work wonders in helping to correct these sorts of problems. You may have to hunt as most Tai Chi is taught fairly superficially, but there are teachers who will be able to stop problems almost instantly.

    Stop Runners Knee - Best Ways to Stop Your Pain and Recover Strong

    Do you feel pain in your knee during or after your run or workout? Does the pain get worse when you walk down stairs or hills?

    If so, you might have a case of Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome, commonly known as Runners Knee. As the name suggests, Runners Knee is one of the most common injuries that runners experience, although it can affect any athlete that engages in repetitive knee bending, such as climbers, hikers, and cyclists. If you do any activity that requires bending of the knee, you might be at risk for developing Runners Knee or a more serious knee injury. If you're in marathon training mode and ramping up miles according to your training schedule, you should be especially on guard for niggly knee pain. Maybe you're already feeling some pain and praying it doesn't develop into anything more so you can continue with your marathon training.

    For many years runner's knee was considered to be a direct result of softening of the cartilage of the kneecap, but current research proves that poor running mechanics are the real cause of Runners Knee.

    When healthy, injury-free runners are in neutral alignment, the leg absorbs shock with every step. However, poor alignment results for MANY runners because the repeated back-and-forth, limited range of motion involved in running not surprisingly weakens all the core muscles surrounding your legs and hips. Without the lateral side-to-side movement that would naturally strengthen your core, your trunk loses its natural stabilizer muscles and your core wears away little by little. Weak core leads to unstable pelvis which inevitably leads to misalignment of your legs. The alignment then causes imbalanced wear and tear on the knee joint, resulting in pain, injury, and possibly the end of your running career!

    You might think that strengthening and stretching the legs would be the right approach to relieving knee pain. However the very TOP way to cure Runners Knee is to train the core muscle groups of the pelvis. The goal is to maintain good form during running, reduce loads to your joints, and eliminate any further breakdown of your tissue.

    Other forms of therapy such as IT Band stretches and massage might also be helpful in relieving symptoms, but improving core strength and achieving proper alignment is the most effective and only sustainable way to relieve Runners Knee for good!

    I've developed a unique training program for runners and any athlete who suffers from knee pain, a discrete set of proven core exercises that have been shown to accurately identify your muscle imbalances, prevent and cure pain, and -- then improve performance in runners. Because of what is definitionally involved in running, ALL runners, regardless of performance and training level, are highly susceptible to repetitive motion and impact injuries. ALL runners need to strengthen to be able to enjoy running.

    Many runners with knee pain simply don't prepare for the worst-case scenario when it comes to possible injury. By the time you've realized that you're injured and in need of a new training routine, your performance has already suffered greatly and you're in a lot of unnecessary pain. Don't wait until you must stop running completely before seeking help!

    If you're in the process of training for a marathon, it's so important to accept and embrace a strengthening regimen as part of your training schedule. Consider this: during an average one-mile run, your foot strikes the ground 1,000 times. So during one "peak" training run of 20-miles, your foot strikes the ground 20,000 times. And the the force of impact on the foot is 3 to 4 times your weight! So during one peak training run, your foot is striking the ground 20,000 times with the force of 3-4 times your body weight. Your marathon training probably includes 3 of these peak 20-mile runs, so the numbers just continue to pile up. For each 'landing', your core muscles have to be strong enough to land foot on the ground in a strong, aligned way -- or you're bound to feel the knee, hip, or hamstring pain that plague so many of us.

    Remember - it's actually not about leg muscle strength. Your training more than adequately covers that. In fact, it's just the opposite: you're most likely overly repeating the front-and-back motion of running while the rest of your surrounding muscles which laterally stabilize -- and are SO important to safely landing each step -- just continue to atrophy. This pattern is no surprise because by definition, running is a forward-and-back motion. That's why the injuries that plague runners are common and predictable.

    If you're already injured and struggling with Runners Knee, take action and get to the root cause of your injury. Don't waste time and money dabbling on superficially alleviating the pain. Instead, know that your injury can be cured by targeting the specific muscle deficiencies causing it -- and can be done so very quickly!

    To find out about special strengthening techniques designed to get you running without pain and even faster, check out my book on In it, you'll find out how you can cure your Runners Knee and become a stronger, faster runner with just a few simple exercises involving no equipment or down-time -- just some honest work in strengthening yourself.

    Knee Supports for Running

    It is estimated that when running, around four times an individual's body weight is passed through the knee joint with each and every step. It is therefore no surprise that knee pain is a frequent complaint amongst runners.

    Most knee injuries from running are overuse injuries, meaning they develop gradually due to repetitive stresses on the joint and surrounding soft tissues. These may include Runner's knee (IT band syndrome) and Patella pain syndrome. Overuse injuries such as these do not compromise the stability of the joint and so high level knee supports are not necessary. A simple, neoprene sleeve may be effective to provide heat retention and compression to the joint, to encourage the blood flow and maintain soft tissue flexibility whilst providing mild support for the joint.

    In some cases, specialist knee supports and straps are available. For example in cases of IT band syndrome, an IT band strap can be worn above the knee to apply pressure to the IT band on the outer knee, reducing the strain and encouraging blood flow. Similarly for jumpers knee (patella tendinopathy), a patella tendon strap may be worn.

    Patella mal-tracking is a big issue in runners, typified by an aching pain at the front of the knee, especially when running downhill or after a run. The important feature of a knee support for this condition is the patella support. This may be in the form of a circular buttress (area of foam padding) surrounding the knee cap which will help to stabilise it. In more advanced models, a buttress and a strap to pull the patella medially work to prevent excess lateral movement.

    More acute injuries such as ligament and cartilage tears only really occur through falls or twists of the joint. For those who have suffered an acute knee injury and who want to return to running, more support may be required to reduce lateral and twisting movements at the joint which strain healing structures. Whilst a stabilised support will do this, it is important to consider your comfort whilst exercising. A lightweight stabilised support which does not restrict knee flexion or extension, such as the LP709a or LP X-Tremus would be ideal. Anything more bulky such as a hinge knee brace may not be suitable for running due to the weight and restrictions on full motion. If you really need something a heavy duty knee brace for running, then chances are you are probably not ready to return to running just yet!

    One of the Side Effects of Obesity? Knee Pain!

    There are many side effects of obesity and related diseases stemming from the condition. Studies have shown that being just a few pounds overweight can contribute to health problems, so is it any wonder that common knee injuries are on the rise among those who are obese? Unfortunately, knee pain in overweight patients is something that doctors are seeing quite often these days.

    Why are the knees so affected? The reason is very simple. When you walk, pressure is concentrated on your joints. Those closest to the ground handle the majority of your weight, of course. But did you know that the amount of pressure put on those joints can actually be many times your actual body weight? Your joints take a hefty beating even when you are at a normal weight, so for individuals who are obese, that pressure and joint stress is even more magnified. The joints take as much as they can, but at some point they can begin to weaken and then give out. That is the beginning of joint pain.

    The above is a very simple explanation, but it illustrates the point: Knee injuries are more common in overweight people simply because there is so much more stress put on them. With that kind of stress, it's easy to twist a knee the wrong way, or to have situations where inflammation develops or cartilage is torn.

    If you are overweight, how can you protect yourself from those common knee injuries? Knee strengthening exercises are good for keeping the knee pain at bay. Doing regular squats and lunges help to strengthen the muscles around your knees. Avoid high-impact activities, such as running or power aerobics, as the constant motion and demand on your joints can hurt your knees more than it will help. Engage in a low-impact exercise regimen until such time as you've lost enough weight to be good to your knees! Then you can more safely engage in more strenuous forms of exercise.

    What exercises can you do that will be beneficial for you? Swimming and underwater exercises work wonders for your body. Water exercise takes the pressure off your legs, while you still get the benefits of increasing your heart rate and making your body work hard. If you prefer something on dry land, walking is always good. Make certain that you are fitted with appropriately supportive shoes and wear loose-fitting, comfortable clothes. Take it slow and easy at first, and as your body and your knees become more accustomed to exercise walking, gradually build up to a faster walk and longer distances.

    When you are exercising, beware of pain in your knees. If your knees begin to hurt, especially if you feel sharp, shooting pains in them, it's time to back off and rest. If the knee pain worsens or lingers for a few days, it's time to go to the doctor and get things checked out.

    The side effects of obesity are legendary, but how often do we think of knee pain until it's too late? Avoid contracting knee pain from the beginning by choosing exercises and activities that are good to your joints, and avoid those that put a lot of pressure on them. Most of all, start losing weight! Even a few pounds off your frame will do your knees a world of good.

    Knee Instability and Pain - What Are the Treatment Options? Special Report on Reducing Knee Pain

    Do you have knee instability?

    How about pain in your knee?

    In many cases, someone can have instability of the knee and not feel any pain. In other cases, someone can have a great deal of pain in the knee and not feel any instability. When there is both knee instability and pain, the cause is usually a damaged cartilage or a torn ligament.

    When you have injured your knee it is usually due to an accident or injury to the knee. Sometimes these injuries are self inflicted. Some immediate incidents, some come from natural wear and tear.

    There are treatments for this type of injury that include surgery. Most doctors will prefer to treat a damaged cartilage of the knees with conservative treatment at first, rather than resorting to drugs or surgery.

    Rest and Relief

    One of the most common recommendations by doctors for knee instability and pain is rest and relief from the pain. The patient needs to get off their knee and keep it elevated. If the patient has to walk, they should do so by using a knee brace. To ease the pain, and add well needed stability so something bad doesn't happen. Over the counter medication can be used as well as ice packs to keep the swelling down.

    Pain Medications

    Many doctors will prescribe pain medication for damaged cartilage. Patients need to be aware of the fact that pain medications can be very addictive. If you are in severe pain, you can take pain medications, but be sure to take them as prescribed for the pain and do not overuse them or you will find that you build up a tolerance and need increasing amounts of the medication to get the same effects. (Speak with your physician prior to using any medications.)

    Physical Therapy

    Physical therapy is another way that you can treat an injured knee. A patient needs to go to a qualified physical therapist for this option, however, as exercising the cartilage or injured ligament may result in more knee instability and pain if done incorrectly. Using proper techniques, physical therapy coupled with the use of over the counter pain medications and knee braces are often very successful treatments.

    Knee Brace

    A knee brace is often recommended for someone that has hurt their knees, as it will help to keep your knee in proper alignment. If you have a damaged cartilage or an injured ligament, most doctors will recommend that you use the knee brace rather than opt for surgery, unless a surgical procedure is the only way to help you. This type of support will often times help to alleviate the knee instability and pain that is often the result of a damaged knee cartilage.


    Let's face it. Sometimes surgery is unavoidable. When you have no other conservative options left your physician may require you to have surgery to help treat your knee. Wearing a knee brace after a surgical procedure can also be effective because they can help provide the meaningful support you need.

    Tuesday, January 28, 2014

    Doctor...Tell Me about Boswellia and Arthritis

    Boswellia is also know as Indian frankincense, salai guggal, and boswellin. The proper botanic label for boswellia is Boswellia serrata. It is derived from the resin of the bark of the Boswellia tree. While it grows in other parts of Southeast Asia, it is found abundantly found in the Indian subcontinent.

    Boswellia is available in either pill or capsule form. The dose for most people is generally 300 mg to 400 mg taken three times a day.

    For a product to be effective, it should contain at least 60 per cent boswellic acid. It is the boswellic acid that contains the active ingredient. A number of nutritional supplements now contain boswellia. Look for a reputable manufacturer.

    The condition for which boaswellia has had the most supporting evidence for a beneficial effect is arthritis.

    The most convincing study was published in 2003 (Phytomedicine. 2003 Jan;10(1):3-7) when a research study examined thirty patients with osteoarthritis of the knee. Half of the patients received daily supplementation with 333 mgs of Boswellia. The other half received placebo. After the first intervention, washout was given and then the groups were crossed over to receive the opposite intervention for eight weeks. All patients receiving boswellia reported decrease in knee pain, increased knee flexion and increased walking distance. The frequency of swelling in the knee joint was decreased. Radiologically there was no change. The observed differences between drug treated and placebo being statistically significant, are clinically relevant. Boswellia serrata extract was well tolerated by the subjects except for minor gastrointestinal symptoms.

    The conclusions were: "Boswellia serrata extract is recommended in the patients of osteoarthritis of the knee with possible therapeutic use in other arthritis."

    Other studies have demonstrated anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. Diseases that have been studied where good results have been reported include rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, and bursitis.

    How to Get a Good Nights Sleep With Arthritis

    So, what can you do?

    There are a few general principles for getting a good night's sleep that applies to everyone. But, if you have arthritis, you have to be sure that it is well controlled, that's the first step. You should make sure that your doctor is working with you to resolve any problems related to your condition that is affecting your sleep. Your doctor may decide to switch your medications or instruct you to take them at different times of the day. I have taken my medications the same way for over four years and decided to use Google medical profile to keep track of my medical conditions and medications. Wow! Was I surprised to find out that the way I was taking them was wrong. I had four of the seven that inter acted with each other and that would cause some of the symptoms I was having. I switched the times I take them and now I've noticed a change in my pain levels, and my fatigue levels, for the better. Also, if pain is keeping you awake, it certainly makes sense to try and time your pain medicine so that it works for you at night. While arthritis makes getting a good night sleep more difficult, a good night's sleep can minimize arthritis pain and make it more manageable.

    You won't want to leave the work of controlling your arthritis to just medicine alone. You can use other strategies besides medicines for controlling nighttime pain. You can take a warm shower or bath before you go to bed to reduce pain and make sleep easier. If there is a problem with one joint then you can try using a warm, moist heating pad or ice pack for 15 - 20 minutes before bed. You might want to try doing gentle stretching, relaxation, or guided imagery exercises before going to bed will also help you to sleep better at night as well. You do want to remember though that you shouldn't exercise to close to bedtime, because it can actually make it more difficult to fall asleep. I've read several articles that say not to exercise 2 hours before bedtime.

    Here are six other ways to make sure you get a good night sleep.

    1. A great bed. A comfortable bed is a must and fortunately there are many new mattresses and mattress additions on the market that can make your bed more comfortable. You could use a bed board, which is placed under the mattress and can help make a soft and saggy mattress more supportive. This is important for those of you with back problems. You could add an inexpensive foam egg-crate pad or a more expensive pillow-top mattress pad can make a saggy mattress feel just like new. You can buy a new pillow-top mattress or a Sleep Number mattress and who knows, you may enjoy the Sleep Number mattress because you and your partner can each adjust your own side of the mattress to your preference. The mattress is so easy to use that if you start feeling uncomfortable during the night all you have to do is adjust with a push of a button. Have you ever tested one of these mattresses? They are fabulous! For those of you who like mattresses that can change positions at the head or the knee, you might want to try an adjustable bed that is just like the traditional hospital bed that can be bought for your home. The costs for all of these items can vary widely, so make sure you try the less expensive options first.

    2. Perfect pillows. It is very important to find a pillow that is comfortable for you, so investigate the material, thickness, and firmness of any pillows you buy. Sometimes snoring is a symptom of a sleep disorder known as sleep apnea. If you already have back and neck pain you might want to consider a cervical pillow. A cervical pillow supports your neck and also your head, and allows your head, neck and spine to remain in proper alignment, which can help to decrease your pain. When you have lower back pain, lying on your back and placing one or two pillows under your knees so that they are slightly bent will help support your back. You can also purchase a foam wedge that does the same thing. If you have knee problems, you should avoid sleeping with with a pillow under your knees so your knees are bent. This may increase knee stiffness and make it more difficult for you to straighten you knees. Putting a pillow under your entire leg helps as well. Putting a pillow between your knees as you lie on your side helps maintain back alignment, which can reduce hip and back pain. There again, there is a special pillow is for this purpose. Another helpful pillow is the dual position bed wedge, which can be used both for sleeping and in a different position, for reading or watching TV. You can find specialized pillows at medical supply stores and on the Internet.

    3. Bed equipment. Some people with arthritis or fibromyalgia are bothered by heavy covers that press down on their feet at night. There is something called an adjustable blanket support that can keep your covers off sore feet and ankles and makes it easier to turn and change position without disrupting your sleep. The supports can attach easier on the sides or foot of a bed. You can also purchase sheets made of satin or another smooth material that can make it easier and less painful to turn over in bed. Partial side railing that anchor by sliding under the mattress to keep them in place are made to adjust in four positions and you can use the railing to help you turn over more easily during the night.

    4. Other strategies. The best environment for sleep is one that is cool, dark, and quite. Is your sleeping environment this way? This is the only way I can get to sleep and stay that way. This is sometimes easier said than done but ear plugs or sleep machines can help with outside commotion and with noisy sleeping partners. Sleep machines create what is called "white noise" that drowns out other sounds. Weight and alcohol in the evening can contribute to snoring so if you lose weight and avoid the alcohol your snoring will go away. You see the alcohol will relax the muscles in the throat and cause your snoring. There are some people that like to use special tape on the nose to open up the nasal passages during sleep, although there is little hard evidence that this works. If your nasal passages are swollen because of allergies, be sure to ask your doctor whether it's okay for you to take allergy medicine to reduce the swelling and this will help reduce your snoring. Sometimes snoring is a symptom of a sleep disorder known as sleep apnea. Here's some more good strategies for getting a good night's sleep; go to bed at the same time every night and wake up at the same time every morning, even on weekends. Use your bedroom only for sleeping and sex, don't watch TV or read. If your partner snores or moves all over the place and you can't find any other way of dealing with the problem, you might want to move to another room.

    5. Are you the type of person who has no trouble going to sleep but you wake up in the middle of the night and can't get back to sleep? If you are walking up to go to the bathroom, you might want to think about not drinking whatever you're drinking, a few hours before you go to bed. If you wake up and are upset or worrying, you can try to top the upsetting thoughts by using a technique called progressive relaxation, in which you relax each muscle in your body, one at a time. To do this, first tighten all the muscles in your face for several seconds and then release them. Work from the top to the bottom, tightening and relaxing the muscles in each area of your body until you reach your feet. Concentrate on the relaxation process rather than on the fact that you are upset because you are awake. For me, I have a busy mind and will wake up thinking about what I needed to do tomorrow. My doctor gave me the term "busy mind". I now do a brain dump. I write down everything going on in my mind, everything I have to do, phone calls to make, or if there is just something that's bothering me. This technique works great for me. I no longer have a busy mind.

    6. Foods and medicines. Did you know that the medicines you take and the foods you eat can cause sleep problems or at least make them worse. Prednisone and other corticosteroid drugs, which people with inflammatory arthritis often take, can cause sleeplessness. Other medicines that can do this are decongestant and some blood pressure drugs, can cause sleep problems, also. If you think that a drug is causing your sleep problems, check with your doctor or pharmacist. Here are some more drugs that cause problems with your sleep; caffeine, nicotine, and amphetamines, these are all stimulants. You may want to try reducing your intake of caffeine from coffee, tea, energy drinks, or soda to one cup or glass a day, preferably before 5 pm. Others have to stop drinking these drinks altogether, and don't forget that there are some headache reliever, such as Excedrin, that may contain caffeine. You should also avoid alcohol before bed if sleep is a problem, because alcohol does more than make you snore, it can suppress deep sleep and REM sleep. Do you remember hearing about drinking heated milk at bedtime? Well it really can help some people relax and get to sleep faster. Sleeping Pills. Hopefully the change in your sleep habits, sleep environment, and behavioral strategies will do the trick, there are also medicines that can help you sleep. Most experts believe, however, that these drugs should only be used short-term or as a last resort, because they are not risk-free. Some people try over-the-counter sleeping pills. These pills usually contain an antihistamine. These drugs are not recommended for long-term use and can interfere with alertness during the day. They often reduce the quality of your sleep, and you may quickly develop a tolerance for then. Check with your doctor before taking these. Sleep medicines your doctor might prescribe include olpidem tartrate (Ambien CR), zalepion (Sonata), and eszopiclone (Lunesta), all of which works in a different way; also there is ramelteon (Rozerem). Tranquilizers such as fluraepam (Dalmane), temaepam (Restoril) and estazolam cause drowsiness. They tend to be effective for only a few weeks and then they can lead to drug dependence. Some antidepressants, such as trazdone, are used for sleep problems. The tricyclic antidepressants, which include amitriptyline, can, when taken in small dose, help a person obtain deep, restorative sleep. They are often prescribed for people with fibromyalgia. Benadryl, an antihistamine, can help people relax and is available over the counter, sometimes in combination with Tylenol (Tylenol PM). Most of these medicines are used to help with short-term sleep problems, but some people do take them regularly.

    7. If you and your doctor have tried all the strategies described here and nothing seems to help it's possible that not all of your sleep problems are caused by arthritis or the other common causes of sleep difficulties. You might have an underlying sleep disorder. Examples of sleep disorders are sleep apnea (in which you stop breathing temporarily while you sleep), narcolepsy (in which you skip the non-REM stages of sleep and go straight to REM sleep), and restless legs syndrome (unpleasant sensations in the legs while you are at rest). You might want to go to a doctor who specializes in sleep disorders or even to a sleep center, where doctors can observe your sleep to better diagnose your problem.

    I've tried some of these sleep aids with no success. I've tried Ambien and it did the opposite to me, it kept me awake. Not only that, but the reports of sleep walking and driving while taking Ambien came out. That made it a no brainier for me to stop. Then there was Trazadone. That one worked for a while but about every year I had to have the dose increased. Then one day I had ran out and wasn't able to get my prescription and when I was finally able to go and get it, I had a panic attack on the way home from the pharmacist and got a speeding ticket. I got off of it real quick. I've even taken an all-natural sleep aid called Midnight, and it would put me to sleep giving me about two hours of sleep but then I would wake up. I take amitriptyline now and I've had excellent results with it. I take it about two hours before I go to bed and as soon as the lights go out I am asleep.

    Arthritic Knee Braces - What Are the Best Ones?

    How will you know if you have knee arthritis? There are so many different forms of arthritis, the causes are likely to vary. Scientists are currently examining how the roles of major factors including genetics and lifestyles affect the development of arthritis.

    You may not notice the pain from this arthritis immediately. Arthritis pain usually develops slowly over a long period of time. You may notice that your knee is stiff and swollen. You may find it difficult to bend or straighten it. You may feel pain and weakness in also. You may especially feel pain after walking, climbing stairs, or kneeling.

    You can only know for sure if you have arthritis if you get a thorough medical examination. This can include physical tests, lab tests, x-rays and from studying medical history. This examination can also determine the type of arthritis it is.

    What types of Arthritis affect the knee? There are three common types of arthritis that can affect your knee. Osteoarthritis is the first type. The cartilage in your knee joint slowly wears away when you have osteoarthritis. It is the most common type of arthritis.

    The second type is called rheumatoid arthritis. Rheumatoid arthritis will cause inflammation which can destroy knee cartilage. Post-traumatic arthritis is the third type of arthritis. If you fractured your knee or had some kind of ligament surgery, you may develop this kind of arthritis.

    Will a brace help my Arthritis pain? Knee arthritis often occurs because your knee is misaligned. These misalignments are known as varus (bow legged) or valgus (knock-kneed). Varus alignment causes more stress on the inside of the knee, and valgus causes more stress on the outside of the knee.

    Damage to the cartilage in your knee and joint damage can be as a result of this stress. To make sure that you do not have unnecessary stress on your knees, you may want to use a brace. Arthritic knee braces can help you make sure your knees are properly aligned. Proper alignment can ease pain.

    Arthritic braces include braces like: the Ossur Express Arthritis Brace, the DonJoy OA Adjuster Brace, and the Bledsoe Thruster RLF Arthritis Brace. Arthritic knee braces like these help to lessen your pain and improve the joint function.

    These three arthritic knee braces are level IV braces, which means they provide the most support. These arthritic knee braces cost $550.00, $669.95, and $669.95 respectively. Based on customer reviews, the DonJoy OA brace seems to be the most well liked of these three arthritic knee braces.

    These prices have been referenced from

    Arthritis - Can it Be Prevented?

    Overview of Arthritis

    Effective help is currently available for people to pro-actively manage arthritis and enjoy life to the fullest. But the actual prevention of arthritis itself is yet another story.

    With rheumatoid arthritis (RA), the membranes or tissues lining the joints become inflamed. There is no known way to prevent any form of this disease, including osteoarthritis, adult-onset arthritis and juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. The exact causes of all these conditions are unknown.

    It's very important for people who fear they are at risk of rheumatoid arthritis to realize that at this time there are no medications to take or lifestyle modifications to make that can completely prevent this crippling disease. However, by making changes to your weight and diet and engaging in moderate exercise, you may be able to slow or even halt the disease's onset and progress.

    But you can only really take the measures needed to control arthritis after it is diagnosed. Until it is known for sure if certain bacteria or viruses trigger the disease, contact with people suffering from it will not change your risk of developing it.

    Traditionally, medications and physical therapy have been used to manage the disease. A massive amount of nutrient research has also shown the effect diet and supplements have on the body's healing processes. Lifestyle changes can also make a big difference.

    Causes of the Disease

    Joint injuries caused by accidents or overuse increase the occurrence of some types of arthritis. You can also inherit certain genes that may increase your risk. More research is needed to find out how to reduce the disease's onset from these factors.

    Some individuals have an inborn tendency to degenerative joint disease because they have changes in the structure of the important protein-building blocks of the articular cartilage which covers the surface of their joints. These seemingly small but significant abnormalities predispose their joints to wear and degeneration. In other cases, joint injuries may contribute to the development of DJD.

    No foods have been definitively shown to cause or exacerbate arthritis in most individuals. A variety of diets and "hand-me-down" information exists about certain foods and arthritis, in particular the night shade plants, but none of it has been proven.

    There is a rare form of arthritis called Spure which is caused by allergies to wheat products. Avoiding those will eliminate this disease. Associated features include weight loss, diarrhea and osteoporosis. Consult your health care provider if this is a concern.

    There are things you can do to reduce your risk for getting certain types of arthritis or to reduce disability if you already have arthritis.

    Overweight and obese people have a higher frequency of arthritis. Excess weight increases risk for developing osteoarthritis in the knees, and possibly in the hips and hands. Women are at special risk. In men, excess weight increases the risk for developing gout. It's important to maintain your recommended weight, especially as you get older.

    Arthritis Prevention Programs

    The Center for Disease Control has implemented programs in several states to reduce the onset and consequences of arthritis. The National Arthritis Action Plan: A Public Health Strategy delineates the actions necessary to better understand the arthritis burden in the USA and helps to fully apply known and effective interventions.

    This document represents the combined efforts of nearly 90 organizations, such as the Arthritis Foundation, government agencies and many other groups and individuals with an interest in arthritis prevention and control.

    The NAAP proposes a nationally coordinated effort for reducing the occurrence of arthritis and its accompanying disability by focusing on these three areas:

    1. Surveillance, epidemiology and prevention research to strengthen the science base.

    2. Communications and education to increase awareness and provide accurate information about arthritis.

    3. Programs, policies, and systems promoting increased quality of life for people with arthritis and facilitating arthritis prevention measures.

    The CDC continues to accumulate scientific knowledge on the benefits of physical activity. Because healthy eating reduces a person's risk of becoming overweight, good nutrition plays an important role in preventing knee osteoarthritis. In addition, moderate physical activity is essential for maintaining the health of joints.

    Resources/The information outlined in this article is originally from:

    HealingWithNutrition, Arthritis Facts, Disease Prevention and Treatment Strategies

    Center for Disease Control, Framework for Arthritis Prevention and Control

    The University of Washington Orthopedics and Sports Medicine Frequently Asked Questions About arthritis.