Friday, January 24, 2014

Pilates Workout and Your Body

Pilates happens to be an excellent way to undertake exercises to strengthen the right muscles and improve body awareness and posture improvement. One of the best reasons for this is that a Pilates workout generally begins with non-weight bearing exercises and body positions that make it easier to support finding better alignment.

If you have forward head posture, knock-knees, bow-legs, or other postural alignment issues, the on-your-back starting position for both matwork and Pilates equipment exercises allow gravity to assist in postural correction. While you're stretching and strengthening the muscles needed for posture improvement during your Pilates training session you're also coordinating breathing with body awareness so that everything you've learned with your Pilates exercises can be applied to every-day life activities, thus reinforcing good health and optimal improvements in body posture.

The long term goal from using Pilates is that the posture improvement habits you are developing shift from conscious exercises and action to unconscious lifestyle habits and become the way that you naturally move, sit, and stand. It is a fairly simple concept that to improve the body's posture and reduce current pain, it is important to practice quality posture principles for your health. This is the secret, hidden benefit for anyone who undertakes Pilates training as a method of exercise. The great benefit of this is that you can contribute to maintaining the healthy lifestyle of your youth by improving posture.

It is a clear easy common-sense approach that a Pilates training program teaches to create and keep efficient movement habits for maintaining health to the whole body. You won't miss out as every Pilates exercise in a training program will combine strength and flexibility including aspects of improved breathing and to induce total body awareness. It is very important to learn the means of listening and understanding what you body is doing and how it moves in order to gain the most benefit from Pilates training.

Pilates training, which was developed as a physical system or movement regime provides the student with a range of choices in bith execises and specialised equipment to assist in the reinforcement of good body movement habits. With over five hundred exercises in the Pilates system, there are lots of exercises to choose from to keep you focused, motivated, and progressing towards your wellness goals. Done correctly, the Pilates exercises help teach you how your body is put together and how to find and use all the right parts for safe, efficient, injury-free movement.

The use of Pilates is not just restricted to the actual training sessions but can be practiced during other sports and fitness activities, resulting in these new habits improving overall fitness and health and a better quality of life.

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