Friday, June 21, 2013

Knee Replacement Exercises - Pre & Post Operation Exercises to Improve Recovery & Function

Knee Replacement Exercises - Pre & Post Operation Knee Exercises

There is a lot you can do to prepare for and ensure a successful knee replacement surgery. Prior to surgery, there are excellent exercises that you can do to maintain your range of motion and build strength. One of the main symptoms of osteoarthritis is the decrease in range of motion in a joint. In the knee joint, you will either experience a reduction in range of extension, the ability of the knee to straighten, or flexion, the ability of the knee to flex or bend. Once you know where your limitation of range is, you can select specific exercises to target maintaining range of motion.

The reason addressing this range of motion is so important is because it affects your ability to do daily functional tasks such as walking, going up and down stairs, driving, and standing. If your knee is unable to perform at its regular function, then other joints and muscles will unnaturally assist in executing movements which can cause pain. There are simple, easy to follow, quick exercises you can do at home that will help you target optimal knee flexion and extension. Some of these exercises will include stretches and some are strength exercises.

Strength Exercises

The most important muscle to strengthen prior to knee replacement surgery, is undeniably the quadriceps. When this muscle is strong, it acts as a shock absorber and protects the knee by absorbing some of the load placed upon the knee joint. Unfortunately when the pain of arthritis progresses at the knee joint, it spirals a chain reaction of events that weakens the quadriceps. When you have pain in your knee, you unconsciously transfer more weight on to the other leg which begins the weakening of the quadriceps muscle.

In addition, when your body experiences pain in the knee joint, the lack of use and range of motion creates a shortened, tight quadriceps muscle. Pre operation quadriceps strengthening may need to be non weight bearing depending on your level of pain. Also, you should select unilateral, or one leg, strength exercises in order to strive for balance in strength across the limbs such as the one leg press on the shuttle.

Post Operation Knee Replacement Exercises

Immediately post operation, you will be given an exercise program by a physiotherapist and supervised to ensure successful healing and return to daily activities. This may last up to eight weeks and it is imperative to continue your exercise program after you are released from physiotherapy supervision. Patients who continue with progressive, consistent exercises for a year post operation, gain amazing results in functional ability way beyond what they had at the three and six month mark. Your post operation exercise program will continue to include the range of motion exercises and stretches you need to target either knee flexion or extension.

Also, you will be advanced through a series of incremental leg strength exercises that will move you from isolated muscle contractions to dynamic, functional strength exercises. The post operation exercise program includes gait, balance, and agility training that will promote your safe, confident return to hobbies, sports, and daily life demands. In addition, once your swelling is gone, your range is good, and your strength improves, you can then gradually increase your cardiovascular training as part of your post operation goals.

The Incredible Benefits of Exercise for Knee Replacement Candidates

Exercise improves many of the symptoms of arthritis and can speed up recovery post knee replacement surgery. Gentle non weight bearing range of motion exercises lubricates the knee joint thereby reducing stiffness. By doing range of motion exercises that target where the joint is limited, either in flexion or extension, an individual can improve their function in daily tasks. Improving strength in the quadriceps muscle supports the knee joint and protects the joint by absorbing some of the load placed upon it.

If you want to participate in the management of your osteoarthritis by doing exercises, you will not only improve your overall function, but you will also recover quicker post surgery. With a small commitment of a handful of exercises done two to three times a week, you can drastically improve how you feel, what you can do, and your quality of life.


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