Saturday, November 2, 2013

How To Avoid A Knee Replacement

Avoiding a knee replacement is something that every individual with knee pain due to osteoarthritis tries to avoid or put off to the very end as a last resort. Depending on the amount of damage that osteoarthritis has caused inside thee knee compartment will determine how much time you have. You can buy some time and avoid surgery by following these three key ideas and putting them into action.

1. Ask Your Surgeon If You Are A Candidate For Viscosupplemntation.

You can check and discuss with your orthopedic surgeon if viscosupplementation injections will work in your case. The use of this procedure will depend on the amount of osteoarthritis you have in your knee and where it is located. This procedure helps replenish the natural lubrication you have and, helps to maintain the shock absorber qualities inside your knees. This can be discussed with your doctor to determine if the benefits outweigh the risks.

This procedure is given through a series of injections and you can feel either immediate results or may find some relief in a couple of weeks.

2. Lose Some Weight To Help Decrease Impact Forces In Your Knees.

The amount of weight you carry greatly impacts the health of your knees. As we age we tend to put on more weight if we do not make a conscious effort to exercise and eat right.

By carrying extra body weight you place a greater amount of force through your knees.

For every extra pound you carry over your ideal body weight, you add three pounds of added force to your knees when you walk and, ten pounds of added force when you run.

Ten extra pounds of body weight can add anywhere from thirty to sixty pounds of force through your knees.

Your diet and controlling your weight may be the most important thing you can do to maintain healthy knees and decrease the chances of developing osteoarthritis.

3. Keep Your Legs Strong With Resistance Training.

Maintaining strong knees involves keeping the surrounding muscles strong. The muscles involving your quadriceps, hamstrings, and calves when sufficiently strengthened allow them to absorb the impact of your daily activities such as walking and decrease the amount of stress that is placed through the knee joint itself.

Exercise activities such as bicycling and swimming also are highly recommended to build sufficient leg strength if you are unable to start a resistance training program.

Bicycling will build both quadriceps and hamstring strength and will help in developing your cardiovascular system which helps in delivering nutrients to your knees.

Swimming assists in taking stress off your joints and allows for more freedom of movement.

Avoiding a knee replacement through weight loss and exercise can be very successful if properly followed with discipline and determination. If you need viscosupplementation than it may be just a matter of time however before surgery will be required. it can buy you six months or more before replacement is required.

God's Difficult Answers

The lagging spiritual fruit of our religious efforts are glaringly evident. We seek God religiously more than we seek Him by His Spirit. We say "yes" with our mouths but down deep in our soul and convictions (all the things that God really cares about), we are disobediently reserved.

We suppose that God doesn't notice the little compartments in our lives, which we presume to salvage for our own uses as we dedicate ourselves to the Lord only so far as it is convenient. But this is neither dedication nor obedience.

Many of us presume to obey two masters. But friends, this is impossible. God is too smart to fall for this and He is too consistent within Himself to put up with it for long.

God has proven over and over that His grace is superior to every worldly thing. Our best game-plan has always been to surrender everything, even our most treasured compartments, over to Him. But don't we already know this?

His Spirit will work in us, from an inside-out direction, to bring about a whole new quality of faith that we could never have expected or manufactured on our own. And, when we spend more open and honest time with Christ, He will work out this impossible thing called "surrender."

We churchgoers would like to reserve for ourselves some right to call the shots at least sometimes. We would like to keep our religious inventions and claim at least some credit for the way God gets things done. Our religious and non-religious clutter is comfortable and we like it.

The fact that we churchgoers value our own comforts more than we desire God's Presence in our lives is obvious even to the casual, outside observer, no matter how our pretty prayers might sound otherwise. We pray with our words for God to show up, while, in our heart of hearts, we desire anything but life-altering Godliness.

Let's be at least honest enough to admit that we don't like to listen to or obey God. We know that, if we stop to listen to Him, then He'll probably tell us a lot of things we don't care to hear. We know that He will command us to keep moving forward, right into a mess of unfamiliar, spiritual territory. And He requires what seems like endless, painful growth. Indeed, true fellowship with God must be hopelessly inconvenient for the hypocrite because it is directly linked to basic, everyday life.

Apparently, many people manage to pray with their mouths and, at the same time, rebel with their hearts. Prayer time comes around so that people can say the word they've been practicing for whoever is scheduled to listen at that time.

For this reason, religious prayer (from God's point of view) is a sour wind springing from rotten, worldly hearts. The purpose of flesh-inspired prayer (which is not prayer at all) never rises above comforting the flesh.

Granted, if we want to seek out Christ, then wherever we are is a good place to start. But we know deep down whether we're seeking Christ as innocent children or acting like proud, religious specialists.

Total Christ-consumption is God's only reply to churchgoers who pray occasionally for miraculous things, when they happen to feel the need, though with no intention of ever relinquishing their worldly enchantments. And total Christ-consumption is God's reply to our lopsided, westernized idea of devotional life, where we treat every slight discomfort as an opportunity to throw a pity-party for ourselves. (I want to encourage people in general, but I also must speak the truth about these things).

We should keep in mind, as we present our issues to God, that neither His answers nor our faithful obedience will ever guarantee greater convenience for our flesh. In fact, our nearness to the Lord can only spell doom for our worldly infatuations. But don't fret in any case. Christ will let you in on your true relationship to Him and lead you on from there if you only ask.

If we are infants still (which is the case for most western church-folk) then it is well for us to fall to our knees when houses, cars, or whatever little things related to our standards of living are threatened. But afterward, as we keep moving forward, Christ will teach us to accept this likelihood, that He will not replace our superficial, material losses with more superficial material. If God blesses us from a heavenly standpoint then, at the same time, He will probably downsize and minimize our excessive clutter, religious or non-religious.

God pays no respect to the flesh as He destroys our sinful emptiness and replaces it with a superior, heavenly contentment. But, if we cling to our junk for comfort's sake and not because God specifically gave us these things, then we are deliberately rebelling against Him. And, if we continue praying and yet also clinging for years and years, then this is a good indication that we have not been praying at all.

God is answering the prayers of institutional churchgoers, only He is not giving us the answers we want. God's answer for us church experts continues to be, "Obey Me in the little things first. Get rid of useless distraction so you can hear Me at all."

If knowing the Lord's mind depends on how well we are listening, and we don't care to listen, then how can we know what is on the Lord's mind? If effective faith in Christ depends on our openness and honesty with Him, and we are neither open nor honest with Him, then our westernized version of living by faith must be fundamentally misguided.

God might move us toward bigger things, such as effectively establishing His kingdom on earth... but we'll never know so long as we do not take care of this minor thing, which is to surrender our entire, everyday, physical and non-physical way of life over to Him.

Our relationship to God right now is not too much different from a pouting teenager who is upset because his parents won't let him take the car out. God is like the parent who doubts that His teenager can handle the responsibility of driving a car when he can't even pass his classes or clean his room.

Has a physical makeover ever changed a person's inward motivations? No. So also for us religious folk, our everyday lives will manifest the spiritual truth as to whether or not we have a clue about Christ's mind or His kingdom on earth.

We have freedom from acting some religious part because our exclusive Audience is the Lord, who sees right through us, straight to our heart of hearts. Our simple calling is to present to Christ whatever is really on our minds. All who desire Christ can start exactly where they are and Christ will build them up from there.

Our encouragement is still only in Christ. Because He is God, He is fulfilling His promises in His people throughout the world no matter what the world has to say about it. He is carrying out what He explicitly set in motion for God's glory.

As of now, we can approach the fullness of God in Christ because it is part of His unchangeable, gracious character to give undeserving people good things. On the whole, it is for reasons outside of ourselves that God chooses to hear us and answer us. Whether or not we perfectly comprehend Him right now, the Spirit of God is listening, moving and transforming us as we actively seek, ask and knock.

by Patrick Roberts. Find his book and additional material at

Portable Carpet Shampoo Machines

Sometimes, stains happen at the most inopportune time. It always seems that you knock something over when you do not have the time to clean it up. Either you are in the middle of watching a movie, cooking dinner, entertaining guests, etc. Who has the time to drag out a full upright carpet shampoo machine? There is a solution to this problem and it is a portable carpet shampoo machine. These portable carpet shampooers are small handheld devices that you can use for targeted stain removal and quick cleaning projects.

There are several advantages to having a small carpet cleaner at your disposal. First, they are easy to store. You can fit a portable carpet shampoo machine under your kitchen sink, in a corner of a closet, or even under an end table in your family room or living room. I have end tables that have small shelves underneath then and I store my Bissell Little Green Carpet Shampooer on the shelf of the end table that is between the couch and the wall. You cannot see it unless you are down on your hands and knees right in front of the table. However, I have easy access to it if I spill something. I can reach the machine quickly and easily. Another advantage is that these small carpet steamers can reach into places that regular upright carpet shampoo machines cannot. They typically have long hoses and small brush attachments that make it possible to reach in between pieces of furniture or around table legs much more easily than a large machine. Sometimes, I use my small portable machine after I run the regular carpet steamer over a room to touch up in places that I could not reach.

I have encountered one possible negative to using the portable carpet shampooers. Sometimes, my hose attachments become disconnected during a cleaning. The hoses and attachments are not permanently in place, so it is rather easy to dislodge them. If I am not paying close attention, I can pull the hose too far or catch it on something causing the system to fall into pieces while in use. This leads to spills of both clean and dirty water. You need to be very careful when using a machine that you do not pull it apart. Another possible disadvantage is that these portable machines are not meant for large scale cleaning. You will only be able to use this type of carpet cleaning machine for small stains and hard to reach places. It is necessary to buy a full size carpet shampooer or rent one to clean entire rooms.

Arthroscopic ACL Reconstruction Surgery (Anterior Cruciate Ligament) - Patient Review

Arthroscopic ACL (anterior cruciate ligament) reconstruction surgery procedures have come a long way over the years. Orthopedic surgeons get a lot of practice with this particular knee injury because it's so common. According to the AAOS (American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons) their was 50,000 hospital admissions in 1994 for ACL and PCL related injuries. I later became one of those statistics when my ACL tore during a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu tournament. When I stood up after the grappling match, the injured knee buckled backwards and my heart sunk. This knee injury wasn't going to disappear and it was time to see an orthopedic surgeon.

After a traumatic knee injury, people will find themselves in the local emergency room getting X-rays, MRI's, Casts, and other diagnostic testing to determine the damage. Initial treatment after injury is ice, anti-inflammatory medication, and some form of physical therapy to restore range of motion in the damaged knee. ACL tears occur from a sudden direction change, landing incorrectly, traumatic collision, and over rotation. Patients typically report a popping sensation (and sound) deep inside the knee followed by instability that they've never had before. In some televised sporting events an athlete will damage this ligament and continue to play, but once they put weight on the injured leg they collapse. The anterior cruciate ligament is the major stabilizing ligament in the knee (especially rotational stability) and prevents the femur from sliding backwards on the tibia. It's located in the center of the knee joint and go's from the thigh bone (femur) to the shine bone (tibia). This ligament essentially prevents the knee from buckling backwards.

Some knee injuries will force patients into the emergency room. However, a lot of people will tear the ACL or other ligaments in the knee and wait a few months to see how the knee holds up. Interestingly, many knee surgeons suggest that patients put off ACL reconstructive surgery until the swelling go's down, range of motion improves, and quad strength is increased (thigh muscles). Strengthening the injured leg and getting range of motion back prior to surgery is the strategy. This works on people with complete or partial tears. Severe knee injuries involving several ligaments and other fractures are usually operated on immediately.

Arthroscopic anterior cruciate ligament surgery is performed by an Orthopedic Surgeon who are amongst the elite in the medical field. These highly skilled surgeons have a lot of responsibility because lives are literally at stake. Orthopedic surgeons are medical doctors who diagnosis and treat injuries to the musculo-skeletal system including ligaments, bones, joints, tendons, nerves, and muscles. For ACL repair, surgeons use a small instrument called a arthroscope that allows doctors to view and repair ligament damage without having to open the patient up. The tiny incision which the camera is inserted will be hooked up to a television monitor. This not only gives the physician an excellent surgical vantage point, but physicians are able to digitally record surgeries for patient review, doctors records, and insurance purposes.

Knee doctors that specialize in arthroscopic knee and ACL reconstructions often use the term "minimally invasive" to describe this procedure. This means surgeons can repair the ligament without causing a lot of physical trauma to the patient. Rather then the traditional "open knee surgery", doctors can get into the knee and repair it through three tiny holes. Arthroscopic and reconstructive knee surgeries are done at an outpatient facility where you can go home the same day. Other benefits of this type of surgery is quicker recover time, less pain and discomfort, and very little scarring. Anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction has many surgical techniques and types of grafts to regain stability between the femur and tibia.

Success with this type of surgery depends a lot on who the doctor is. A tip to anyone looking to do this type of knee surgery is find the best orthopedic surgeons in your city who works with professional, Olympic, and college level athletes. If professional sports teams are trusting a particular surgeon that's a good sign. A great way to find the best knee doctors in your city is by asking local Physical Therapists. Full return to sports after surgery is around six months and your doctor will prescribe a full medical release when your ready.

How to Manage Osteoarthritis Pain

Millions of people suffer with osteoarthritis pain and many spend their later years in chronic pain because of osteoarthritis, believing painkillers to be the only solution. So can sufferers expect an improved quality of life and at least reduce their osteoarthritis pain or will they to just have to knuckle down and make the best of it.

Advice from the medical profession varies so much. One GP can be an angel sent from heaven and another can be a complete waste of time. I have personally spoken to hundreds of people who have been suffering with osteoarthritis pain and some say the doctors are marvelous and others just throw away lines like, it's just wear and tear, it's your age, there's nothing you can do but take pain killers.

Since I am not a doctor nor am I willing to stand in judgment I have to believe that most doctors are diligent hard working, caring people, who are doing their best to cope with a massive workload and they just don't know all the answers. None of us knows all the answers but I believe we are all free to look for alternative ways to improve our own situation, especially where our health is concerned.

I am happy to tell you that my own father is alive and well and looking like emulating his father who reached the grand age of 93. Unfortunately Dad is going to reach that age without all his original parts. When he was in his mid fifties he had a painful calcium spur on his shoulder. His doctor told him he had too much calcium in his blood. They would do keyhole surgery and take the spur off but he must cut down on calcium.

Even then with my limited knowledge of alternative therapies and remedies I knew this was the opposite of the truth. I said Dad, you have too little calcium in your blood, not too much and its leaching what it needs from your bones. But my Dad comes from a generation who believe the doctor is next to God in terms of wisdom and is one of the few people in society that cannot be questioned. Believe it or not his bank manager is another. Well he cut down his already low calcium intake despite my advising him to supplement his diet with Calcium, Magnesium and Vitamin D for maximum absorption. By 65 he was the recipient of two new knees and since they were done 6 months apart he hardly walked for best part of his retirement year. And do you know Dad is eternally grateful for the wonderful job the doctors have done even though he fully expects to have them done again when 10 years has passed. And he still thinks he's got too much calcium in his blood!

I guess what I am saying is, you are your own doctor first and foremost. Nobody knows how your body feels like you do. If you took a supplement for a month or six weeks and it made no difference you may have wasted a few pounds but you could just stop taking it, it certainly won't hurt you. But what if it did make a difference, then you'd feel the benefit and be glad to pay for it, wouldn't you? Only make sure you buy a decent one, you get what you pay for. I pay 40GBP a month for my supplement regime, I have done for years and it has been worth every penny.

So eat right and take supplements. A lot of older people just don't feel like cooking a meal, especially if they are on their own and so the quality of the building blocks they give the bodies to repair itself is often poor. Their circulation system is not what it used to be so the goodness they do get doesn't get to the parts that need it.

The lymphatic system is the wonderful mechanism that keeps our bodies clean right from a cellular level but as we get older and especially if movement becomes painful the whole system slows down. This can leave toxins in the body and as they build up a downward spiral begins. More pain, less desire to exercise, less lymphatic drainage, more toxins. Where toxins are left in the joints they can crystalize and exacerbate the problem.

It is important for osteoarthritis patients to get exercise although they don't always feel like it and often they really can't manage it. The goal is to keep the joints mobile and functioning properly. Regular exercise also wards off muscle loss and may be key to managing osteoarthritis pain. Patients should consult with a physical therapist or qualified personal trainer which they would find at a good fitness centre. They will always tell them to check first with the doctor before starting a fitness program and that is good advice.

One therapy I like to use myself and to recommend to our customers is a powerful electric massage that was invented 62 years ago and has been used all over the world in hospitals and clinics and in hundreds of thousands of private homes too. Because it aids the circulation and increases the throughput of blood in the muscle being massaged it acts as a kind of passive exercise. We have been in the health business for 14 years and mainly providing condition specific herbs and vitamin supplements but when we discovered this massage it revolutionized our business because of how quickly our customers felt the benefits. We regularly have measurable results on the first treatment with further improvements on subsequent treatments if these are done within a few days of each other.

I have personally applied it to hundreds of people some of whom could hardly walk without extreme pain. In a 20 minute massage many have experienced amazing relief. Some have even cried as they told me it is years since they felt that good. Cycloidal Vibration Therapy (CVT) definitely works for at least 80% of osteoarthritis sufferers. It improves the circulation, relaxes the muscles around the joints and enhances lymphatic drainage.

There are a couple of drawbacks though. First it can be a little difficult for a person alone to treat themselves with the hand unit that I use to demonstrate the therapy. Even when there is a couple they tend to do it every day at first but eventually the partner starts to find it tiresome. Of course it loses its benefit if it is not done regularly and the benefits are cumulative if it is. At least 20 minutes three times a day is recommended.

That's why I use Cycloidal Massage built into a specially constructed chair. Many of my clients find it hard to get out of an ordinary chair so there are extra benefits to using a rise and recline chair. The chair has multiple massage motors built into the electrically adjustable footstool, the seat and the back so the whole body can be treated while the client watches TV. The second drawback is the cost of course, they certainly don't suit every budget. Unfortunately cheaper alternatives do not contain the deeply penetrating therapy that Cycloidal Massage provides. It's probably best to take advantage of trial massage at home and then measure the benefits against the cost. Some customers who could not afford the cash price have found it is worth the 25 pounds a week or so that it costs to buy on a finance deal.

Cycloidal Massage Therapy is available in most countries and I am sure there will be someone willing to demonstrate the benefits without obligation wherever the need arises. Certainly I have traveled the length and breadth of Northern England and Southern Scotland doing just that. Our reputation is very important to us, so we do a massage in the customers home and only if they feel a marked difference in the affected parts to we recommend a purchase.

A marked difference means greatly reduced pain or even no pain at all, together with increased functionality and movement in the affected joints.

There are lots of things a sufferer can do to help themselves at least to manage the pain of osteoarthritis. To remain dependent on the medical profession is a matter of choice but our philosophy is to encourage people to help themselves as far as they can, they should seek expert medical advice as soon as symptoms are noticed in order to maintain good health and if the problem does reach crisis level we would hope they don't just go straight for the surgery. They should carefully think through what alternatives are available, look at what others have tried successfully and try it for themselves.

How to Change Your Eating Behavior

Being obese doesn't happen overnight. It often happens over years. Whether we realize it of not, it is a combination of many factors all coming together that results in constant sustained weight gain. In simple terms it includes physiological drivers that cause us to eat, eating the wrong foods, eating too much food and lack of physical activity.

Most weight loss surgeons will want you to demonstrate a commitment to lifestyle change before they perform surgery on you. Whether you're preparing for surgery or you just want to break your weight gain cycle, the info in this article will help you.

The 1st step in any change is to break the cycle of your current habits. Often people are rooted in their existing routine and find it incredibly difficult to make any kind of shift. Inertia keeps us in the same old rut because it's easier to continue to do what we're familiar with. Add on the satisfaction and rush we get from the physical and physiological drives that cause us to eat, and you face an extremely difficult challenge.

Great news! This challenge is not insurmountable if you use some simple techniques to help you shift your lifestyle to healthier choices. If you're pre-op, demonstrating your commitment to sustained lifestyle change will persuade your surgeon that you're serious and move you faster toward your surgery date. If you just want to loose weight, then these techniques will increase your success rate. After all, the statistics through diet alone are pretty disheartening, so anything that increases your success opportunity is a benefit. Right?

Lets begin. We're going to look at the four main obstacles that prevent you from changing your lifestyle and losing weight. We'll start with wrong foods, eating too much food, physical activity and last but not lease physiological drivers.

Wrong Foods - Making Right Choices To Change Our Diet

Everything thing in the food industry today is driven to get you to buy food that has high profit margin on it. Even the lay out of the average super market emphasizes poor food choices. Guess what? All the bad food for you fits this category.veg

Here are some specific tools to help you change your habits in choosing better foods:

* Stay out of the center aisles in super markets. This is where most of the bad food choices are. It's also where you'll spend the most money. Try and shop around the parameter of your super market (except the bakery section - stay the hell out of there completely)

* Don't buy "white" foods. This means carbohydrates and includes potatoes, flour, fortified wheat products, rice, pasta, pizza, crackers, cookies. get the idea. All of these add pounds fast and provide little or no useful nutrients.

* Don't buy prepackaged foods and fast foods

* DO buy and eat in this order - proteins (chicken, fish & leaner cuts of meat are best), vegetables and fruit, preferable fresh. Frozen is the next best choice. Canned is not so good, because it usually contains too much salt and sugar. Deli meats are NOT considered a good choice of protein because of their high levels of fat and nitrates.

* No junk food. It's in a center aisle to start with, but once in your house, it's also one of the greatest temptations to browse/snack on. If you must have something to nibble on, pop your own popcorn. Use PAM vegetable spray as a topping and your favourite spice/herb for seasoning

* Shop often and only buy what you'll eat in 1 or 2 days. Our forefathers shopped every day. Mostly because they didn't have minivans to carry 2 weeks worth of groceries and also because refrigeration wasn't available and you needed to buy only fresh food. If you don't have 2 weeks of food in your fridge and cupboards, you can't snack on it in the evening. You'll end up eating fresher foods, it will cost you less and of course you won't eat as much.

* Stick to the 5/5 rule for any food you buy. Five or less grams of fat per serving and five or less grams of sugar per serving.

Too Much Food - Size Does Matter

Human beings are visual by nature. It's no accident that marketing in the Fast Food industry over the last few years has steadily increased the portions size of their menus. Just look at the pictures and commercials. Every picture of a hamburger and french fries is deliberately staged to make them look as big as possible, dripping with fatty juice. People want "bigger". Super-size it! Increase the price and tell the customers they're getting more for their money. It still annoys me even now after my surgery. When I want a treat I'll got to the Golden Arches and order 1 chicken wrap with no sauce on it and a small diet coke. Even though I can't drink more than that small coke, the guy always asks if I want to super-size my drink. Then I'll get 5 times the diet coke for only a few pennies more than the cost of the small drink.

So lets look at some strategies that can help with portion size of food we eat.

* Change you plate. Yep. This will make the biggest difference on the quantity you eat. There is nothing worse than placing proper sized food portions on our traditional dinner plates. The food sits in a small pile in the middle of a vast empty expanse of plate. I sear some times the food looks like it's shivering in loneliness. Start using lunch size plates for all you meals. The portions you should be eating will fill the plate and your eyes will think you're eating lots.

* Start measuring. Get yourself a good scale and set of measuring cups. There is a BIG difference in calories between a 12 oz steak and a 6 oz steak. You'll find that after you use measuring cups for a while, you'll be able to gauge how much a proper food portion is. This comes in handy when you're out at a restaurant. Take a look at the plate when it arrives and push away those parts of the food that don't fit your portion sizes.

* Serve your plates in the kitchen before bringing them to the table. No bowls of food on the table to get second helpings from.

* If you do have a snack after dinner, leave the food container in the kitchen. Bring only the serving size to your favourite recliner in your living room.

Move! Any Movement Is Good

We've all heard the message. Exercise, exercise, exercise! I thought I'd scream if I heard that word one more time from my surgeon during my journey. If only it were that simple. Everything becomes 100 times harder when you're obese. Feet hurt, legs hurt, knees are excruciating, can't breath, heart rate is 200+ and feels like it's going to explode. Yes, exercising is more fun than the morning after your 1st mickey of Lemon Gin.

Put that together with the sight of all the jiggling fat jogging past the neighbors window and you have a perfect reason to hit the refrigerator, eat that piece of chocolate cake you've been hiding and go to your bedroom for at least a week of depression rehabilitation TV watching.

Once you crawl back out of your bedroom, you're still going to have to increase you physical activity some how. The simple reason is that more activity equals more calories burned. Put it together with eating the right foods, eating the right quantities of food and you're close to a "knock it out of the park" winning home run against obesity behavior changes. Lets take a look at some reality suggestions to "get moving".

* Set yourself an exercise goal, but start with a reasonable one. Remember, commitment and sticking to it is the single biggest success of your exercise program. No matter what you do, if you're sticking to your commitment, you're a WINNER!

* Don't join the local "10 Milers A Day Club". What ever exercise you choose, start with 20 minutes 3 times a week. When you can do 20 minutes, increase it to 30 minutes. When you can do 30 minutes increase the number of days to 4 or 5 a week.

* If you can't walk, sit on a chair and move your arms, twist from side to side.

* A stationary bike is a great tool as long as you don't let it become a clothes hanger in your bedroom.

* Walking is great, but most of us obese folks find it too hard on our lower limbs. If you can walk, it's a bonus for you. Get out there and see the world!

* Bike riding is another great activity. It's a lot easier on your lower limbs. Some of us however, are just too large for bike riding. If you fit that category then try....

* Swimming! - Swimming is by far the best alternative for most obese people. It's easy on the body, yet the constant resistance of the water gives you a great physical work out. Almost all public pool recreation facilities have a swimming program for YOU!.I're think how awful you'll look in a bathing suit. Been there, done that, still do. I found out that nobody cares or looks. Half the place is filled with people who have the same problem as you and I do. I go to the "seniors fitness class"...not because I'm a senior, but because the exercise program they do is more suited to some one who is obese and has a limited range of motion with lower limb aches and pains. Beside, there were a bunch of other overweight people in that program doing exactly what I was doing

Am I Crazy? If not, Why Can't I Control How Much I Eat?

If only we could answer this question. Who ever does, will be a very rich person. I do think we're crazy. At least I'm suspicious about me! Many of my friends and family have accused me of being mentally deficient...although that might be something different than mentally deranged.

All kidding aside, most of obese people got that way because of some sort of internal struggle with their own personal demons. Could be as simple as your mom to tell you to clean you plate or you might have been seriously abused as a child. What ever the reason, before you can move on you need to address it. Most of us will need professional help. Here are some tips to start you journey on discovering why you eat?

* Think back to the 1st time you remember being fat. What was going on in your life?

* Make a list of reasons you honest! Find a good friend you trust to go over your list. Don't ask for solutions. The idea is to just let you verbalize why you eat.

* Find a Life Coach to work with

* Talk to your doctor about wanting to address the reasons you eat and ask her/him for a referral to a good eating disorder councilor.

* Ask for a referral to a physiologist or psychiatrist.

In the end, we all have to come to terms with who we are and why we eat. Lots of people have destructive behavior patterns. Some parachute out of perfectly good planes, bungee jump off of bridges, go mountain climbing or motorcross bike riding. People who eat too much food aren't the only ones out there who are dealing with life issues. I say, lighten up on yourself. Make today better than yesterday and plan for a good day tomorrow. If you do that, you're off to a great start on fighting your obesity.

Friday, November 1, 2013

NFL Football Practice Basics - Ball Control, Security, and Safety

Constant motion drill to increase ball handling skills

Ball handling is one of the most vital skills that a player can have on the field, and this drill's goal is to help players get a better feel and control for the football. The secret to this drill is having the ball constantly moving around and from hand to hand. The drill is simple and starts by having the player pass the ball around their head, torso, arms, knees, and even between their feet from one hand to another in constant motion.

Coaches can mix up the drill by shouting out body parts that the players will have to start circling with the football; they can also reverse the direction that the ball is traveling by calling, "reverse". Changing the direction of the football ensures that they don't form a habit, and that they remained focused on the ball and controlling the movement.

We recommend that you end this drill by doing several football drops. The player will drop the ball and quickly pick it up again. They also should rotate which hand they are using to pick it up so that you can increase ball handling with both.

Gauntlet Drill for Ball Security

Ball security has to be the most important aspect of a strong offensive team. This of course is even more important for wide receivers and running backs as they handle the ball more than most. A great drill called the gauntlet practices ball security. This drill is set up with one ball carrier, there objective is to run through a group of opponents that try to knock the ball out. A coach can set up short fast runs or longer relays with several obstacles and defenders prying at the ball. To be effective with this drill have the ball carrier run the drill holding the ball in several different positions.

Protecting the football as you run

A team that prevents fumbles is a team that wins. Nothing is worse for your offensive team then turning it over carelessly to the other team in a fumble. Basic ball security can be broken down into four steps. The claw position is the first point, meaning that you grab the football clawing at the point of the football with your fingers. The second point is making sure that your forearm is wrapped tightly on the outer rim of the football. The third point is securing the other point of the football with your bicep making sure that it is right up against it. Last point is to hold the back of the football right up against the ribcage and as you run keep it high and tight. Practice holding the football and having defensive players try and knock out the football by any means possible. In this way you can practice great defensive moves to force a fumble, and also focus on offensive ball protection.

Running Drills are a big help

Endurance is the name of the game when it comes to football, and running will help you endurance grow. Though dull and sometimes boring, these running drills will help you play your hardest until the end of the game. Even with all of these benefits you will notice that most of the complaints in practice come from running drills. Because in the end, the team or players that are the fastest are the ones that win the championships. Running has a final help to your team, and that is learning how to push beyond your limits, you will be surprised how often that happens in football, and in life

The Abuse Of Arthroscopy?

There has always been an uneasy relationship between the british medical profession and BUPA the UK's biggest private medical insurer. This is particularly so in orthopaedics where surgeons are very industrious and BUPA picks up the cost. The latest battleground is arthroscopic surgery of the knee.

There has been no increase in the fees paid to surgeons by BUPA for the best part of a decade. In the old days the British Medical Association had its own fee schedule, but this was considered uncompetitive by the predecessor to the Competition Commission, which gave the insurers the upper hand. The surgeons being a resourceful lot realised that even if the cost per case remained the same, doing more surgery made it pretty irrelevant. And this is where arthroscopy comes in. There are two types of arthroscopy as far as the insurers are concerned. Just taking a look, for which the fee is around 瞿250, and doing something inside the knee, for which the fee is around 瞿600. As a quick wave of a shaver blade or the odd biopsy can mean 瞿350, it comes as no surprise that the "look see" arthroscopy has become an endangered species.

In addition to this, convincing a patient to undergo an arthroscopy is much easier than for major surgery. A quick look in with telescope, day case procedure, low risk of complications is an attractive option for a troublesome knee. Even if, as is often the case it all takes much longer to recover than expected, and the procedure turns out to be a bit more than the patient bargained for.

So BUPA has realised that there are lots of arthroscopies being done, the indications for which are to say the least a bit woolly. Some surgeons do far more than others. This may of course mean that this signifies they have busy practices with a lot of deserving patients. It may of course indicate that not all are necessary. The solution as far as BUPA is concerned is to try and put a stop to over servicing. Rather than tackling those surgeons who are obviously practicing on the wilder shores of surgery, which might have been more sensible, they are having a go at all knee surgeons. They have commissioned a review of all the indications for arthroscopy by Bazian an outfit which has "independent" expertise in evidenced based healthcare. The result is a document entitled "Clinical best practice in knee arthroscopy, which is full of tables and a colour coding system not dissimilar to that used by supermarkets to indicate the harmful ingredients in food. To top this BUPA now requires surgeons to justify why an arthroscopy is required by provision of relevant documentation by the consultant before they will sanction payment.

This is all wrapped in conciliatory language about what is best for their clients. It is of course all about cutting costs, by attempting to take over the decision making process of the professionals by applying a list of criteria devised by people who would not know one end of an arthroscope from another if they saw one.

What BUPA will come to realise is that the medical profession, orthopaedic surgeons in particular are a slippery lot. If hurdles are put in their way they will simply adapt to circumvent them. All the relevant paperwork will duly be honed to fulfill the necessary criteria.

There are sharp practitioners in all walks of life. BUPA should get on and identify each of them properly and deal with them. Instead they are in danger of creating a bureaucratic monster taking up valuable time and money to administer which will not reduce the amount of surgery performed, and will cause massive resentment among their clients. The cry of "My surgeon says I need an arthroscopy, but why aren't you prepared to pay for it?" will be hard to silence. Worse still may be litigation from clients forced to follow the route of self pay surgery which cures the condition BUPA refused to pay for. There is nothing worse for an insurance company, than to be seen wanting when it is time to pay up. The competition won't be slow to announce that they prefer to leave decision making to the professionals and will honour any reasonable claim.

It would be a simple matter to analyse the outcome of surgery carried out by consultants who are causing concern by contacting the clients and requesting clinical information. The risk of investigation would make many surgeons more wary of how they behave.

The majority of knee surgeons are acutely aware of their reputations within the community. After all the patients all attend the same social activities. The news of operations that don't work or worse still make things more painful travels fast. Asking permission to operate is therefore intensely irritating. You can only infer so much from a meta analysis. Experienced surgeons are the only ones who can correlate the clinical findings with the internal pathology in any one individual. It is an insult to imply that they do not fully understand the criteria for surgery.

So is the whole process about saving clients from unnecessary pain and suffering?

Not really. It is all about money and an attempt by BUPA to limit its liabilities. They should admit as much to their clients and see what the reaction is.

The choice lies between believing an insurance company which says that statistically you don't need an operation and a professional who has examined your knee and says you do. Both have a financial interest in the transaction. One loses the other gains. But only the surgeon might have to explain to you afterwards why surgery hasn't worked and believe me that is not in anybody's best interests.

Is a Roundhouse Kick Effective?

The roundhouse kick when preformed properly is one of the most powerful strikes that exist.

Some people believe that this type of technique is too fancy, elaborate, and not practical. This misconception may be due to movies where people do a very high or spinning roundhouse kick.

While these are not bad, they are difficult for most people to do effectively with speed and or strength.

The fastest, easiest and most powerful roundhouse kick is the one that is below that waist of the person kicking. If the roundhouse kick is higher then the waist of the person performing the strike, it looses power and take more time and flexibility.

It can be used very effectively by targeting the lower targets of the inner or outer thighs or more importantly to target the nerves that supply these large muscles. It can also be used to target the knees and cause serious damage.

You can use it as a very effective distracting strike from your front leg or as a very effective power strike from your rear most leg.

A low roundhouse kick is also good because many people while fighting or sparing are too concentrated on their upper bodies and a low attack may be unexpected and harder to block.

The reason the roundhouse kick is one of the more powerful strikes is because it is a whole body motion. The roundhouse kick using the back or front leg starts with bringing the leg up, turning the non-kicking foot so that is parallel with the object that is being struck, and extending the kicking leg while rotating the upper body through. This, if done correctly, can generate a powerful force able to stun or knock down most opponents.

An important note to remember while performing the roundhouse kick or any strike is to aim at least six inches past the target. This will ensure that this technique strikes through the opponent, not just hit the outside of the target without the maximum force that could have been applied had the aiming been correct.

Aside from points of aim, the roundhouse kick offers several options for the person kicking. The target can be struck with the top of the foot, shin, or the ball of the foot when the foot is pointed instead of flat. All of these options offer distinct advantages. Striking with the top of the foot offers a greater reach if the opponent is further away, while striking with the shin creates a stronger force since the shin is a stronger and harder then the top of the foot. Striking with the shin also provides a larger area to strike and therefore there is a greater chance of making contact with the target.

Another option is to strike with the ball of the foot. This option allows the kicker to penetrate into deep tissue or access nerves more effectively. While this technique can look fancy it is very practical, simple, and powerful while offering many different options to the kicker on what part of the foot or leg to use.

For these reasons, the roundhouse kick is one of the best options to use whether sparring or if involved in a real fight.

March Madness - Give Me The Ball!

March madness is great to watch not because I have
basketball ability, (you can tell that by my
height), but because every year there are some
good players that become great players. Some of
the tournament games are nail bitters and come
down to last second shots. When they do there are
maybe one or two players on the team that have
this attitude of, "just give me the ball." They
want that pressure shot, they want to be the one
making or breaking the teams future. Those are the
players that go on in life to be the Michael
Jordan's, Larry birds, and Magic Johnson's of this

Do you know that Jesus is just like one of those
players? He lives for the moment. He wants the
pressure shots, and he wants to have the ability
in our lives to determine where we are going.

A few of you know I have had a hard time finding
understanding in events in my life these last
three weeks. Events out of my control, events with
seemingly not much logical understanding, and
events mixed with love, frustration, and fear.
Monday evening I happened to be working late at my
office, which I rarely do on Monday's. Also I
parked my car on the side of my office, in which
any one passing by wouldn't have known I was

Finally realizing that I had no control, there
doesn't have to be any logic to love, and
frustration was just giving me headaches and
stomach aches. Monday was one of those days in
which I felt in my heart I was turning the corner
and releasing everything that the past three weeks
had brought upon me to God and moving on with my
life. At 5:00 my last client left and I decided
to be still for a while. (A common theme I heard
on three separate occasions this week in sermons).
I guess you could say, I finally needed and wanted
to pass the ball to someone else.

As I sat there quietly in my office I had this
sudden urge to get on my knees and pray. But not
the normal attitude prayer that normally comes out
of my mouth. That morning I turned to Matthew and
read about asking for things, knocking on Gods
door and receiving his blessings. This time I
said, "God you say in Matthew, now I am asking,
just give me a "sign" one way or another with
Amber that's it. That's all I am asking." And I
said all in a confidence and a strong voice.

As God as my witness not even five minutes later I
hear a knock at my office door, in walks Amber
Smith! I have not spoken, seen her nor thought I
ever would again in almost three weeks. Then all
of a sudden she walks in. Needless to say, I was
shocked not just because of her showing up, but
because of what God had just did. Saving you with
all the mushy details (which is none of your
business anyway) we spoke for fifteen minutes
answered some concerns of each others, took a step
forward, hugged and said our good byes.

But, much greater than the details is what Jesus
did because I handed the ball off to him. All
along he would say to me, "Be still, give me the
ball, let me make the pressure shots, and let me
have your play book of life." However, all I
needed to do was take the ball of burdens stretch
out my arms and hand it to him. The minute my
hands (thoughts and emotions) left the ball (my
willingness to control and have answers) he
answered and took the pressure shot. But not until
I totally let go and let God.

What I learned was this, humble yourself before
God (on your knees be the team player it's not
about you)? Continually read the word and stand on
it (study the play book). Go boldly to Jesus for
answers (give him the pressure shots)

I don't know where my future is with Amber Smith,
I still love her and I hope she believes that.
What I do know is this; God is faithful on his
time table. Whether we know it or not he watches
over us always. And practice the Golden Rule no
matter what.

So the next time you want to make the great shot,
remember there are greater players around you if
you just give them the ball.
March madness is great to watch not because I have
basketball ability, (you can tell that by my
height), but because every year there are some
good players that become great players. Some of
the tournament games are nail bitters and come
down to last second shots. When they do there are
maybe one or two players on the team that have
this attitude of, "just give me the ball." They
want that pressure shot, they want to be the one
making or breaking the teams future. Those are the
players that go on in life to be the Michael
Jordan's, Larry birds, and Magic Johnson's of this

Do you know that Jesus is just like one of those
players? He lives for the moment. He wants the
pressure shots, and he wants to have the ability
in our lives to determine where we are going.

A few of you know I have had a hard time finding
understanding in events in my life these last
three weeks. Events out of my control, events with
seemingly not much logical understanding, and
events mixed with love, frustration, and fear.
Monday evening I happened to be working late at my
office, which I rarely do on Monday's. Also I
parked my car on the side of my office, in which
any one passing by wouldn't have known I was

Finally realizing that I had no control, there
doesn't have to be any logic to love, and
frustration was just giving me headaches and
stomach aches. Monday was one of those days in
which I felt in my heart I was turning the corner
and releasing everything that the past three weeks
had brought upon me to God and moving on with my
life. At 5:00 my last client left and I decided
to be still for a while. (A common theme I heard
on three separate occasions this week in sermons).
I guess you could say, I finally needed and wanted
to pass the ball to someone else.

As I sat there quietly in my office I had this
sudden urge to get on my knees and pray. But not
the normal attitude prayer that normally comes out
of my mouth. That morning I turned to Matthew and
read about asking for things, knocking on Gods
door and receiving his blessings. This time I
said, "God you say in Matthew, now I am asking,
just give me a "sign" one way or another with
Amber that's it. That's all I am asking." And I
said all in a confidence and a strong voice.

As God as my witness not even five minutes later I
hear a knock at my office door, in walks Amber
Smith! I have not spoken, seen her nor thought I
ever would again in almost three weeks. Then all
of a sudden she walks in. Needless to say, I was
shocked not just because of her showing up, but
because of what God had just did. Saving you with
all the mushy details (which is none of your
business anyway) we spoke for fifteen minutes
answered some concerns of each others, took a step
forward, hugged and said our good byes.

But, much greater than the details is what Jesus
did because I handed the ball off to him. All
along he would say to me, "Be still, give me the
ball, let me make the pressure shots, and let me
have your play book of life." However, all I
needed to do was take the ball of burdens stretch
out my arms and hand it to him. The minute my
hands (thoughts and emotions) left the ball (my
willingness to control and have answers) he
answered and took the pressure shot. But not until
I totally let go and let God.

What I learned was this, humble yourself before
God (on your knees be the team player it's not
about you)? Continually read the word and stand on
it (study the play book). Go boldly to Jesus for
answers (give him the pressure shots)

I don't know where my future is, what I do know is this;
God is faithful on his
time table. Whether we know it or not he watches
over us always. And practice the Golden Rule no
matter what.

So the next time you want to make the great shot,
remember there are greater players around you if
you just give them the ball.

Take Fish Oil For Arthritis and Get Rid of the Swelling and Pain

There is evidence that proves that fish oil rich in omega 3 fatty acids can get rid of the pain and swelling of arthritis. Several studies reveal the potency of fish oil for arthritis as an effective anti-inflammatory agent. In fact, it is widely accepted as a better alternative for prescription medicines.

Arthritis is the inflammation of body joint characterized by swelling, pain, and stiffness. Most of the people, who suffer from arthritis, if not all, complain of pain that may range from simple to worst. Pain is the common and constant feature of arthritis that is usually felt in the back, neck, hips, knee, or feet.

We can treat arthritis in several ways. Treatment includes physical therapy, prescriptive drugs, cold compress to minimize the swelling and pain, and in severe cases surgery. These treatments, though effective, are costly and may sometime result to adverse effects as in the case of prescriptive drugs.

The aforementioned are the treatment options until researches revealed the natural healing properties of fish oil for arthritis. Now, more and more individuals suffering from arthritis have discovered how effective and potent omega 3 is in the treatment of arthritis for relieving them from the swelling and pain.

The EPA and DHA fatty acids found in omega 3 work as a natural anti inflammatory agent. Studies have shown that individuals suffering from rheumatoid arthritis who were administered omega 3 supplements have demonstrated relief from the pain and swelling associated with arthritis.

It is by many miles safer than prescriptive drugs when you have to take it long-term. Prescription medicines, though effective, may produce adverse effects especially when taken over the long haul. These effects may range from easily bruised skin to brittle bones to life threatening kidney failure.

Avoid compromising your over-all health condition just to relieve the pain and swelling brought on by arthritis. All you have to do is opt for regular exercise and benefit from the natural anti inflammatory healing properties of an omega 3 fish oil for arthritis supplement.

The best is from a high-quality, pure and safe omega3 supplement that is free from metal poisons, pollutants and other contaminants. A supplement that is made from the best sourced cold water fish which have been put through a purification process prior to molecular distillation and concentration. And, has gone through clinical trials and has been independently reviewed.

Do yourself a favor and take fish oil for arthritis to get rid of the inflammation. Why bear the pain and swelling when you can use a fish oil arthritis supplement? Do a bit more research and take a look at a company that uses pure and safe fish oil. A high-quality omega 3 supplement that contains hoki and tuna oil harvested from the most remote, cleanest and purest oceans.

For Knee Pain, What Is The Best Test For Diagnosing A Knee Problem?

What is the best test for diagnosing a knee problem?

The knee is one of the most complex joints in the entire body. It withstands a tremendous amount of stress and abuse being forced on it on a daily basis. With our bodies placing so much dependence on it, it is no wonder that it is also one of the most commonly injured areas in the entire body.

But due to the immense complexity of this joint, it can be rather difficult to pinpoint and diagnose the source of a knee problem. While utilizing x-rays are typically the most common first approach to a diagnosis, they usually do not offer the amount of pertinent and in-depth information that is necessary.

How knee problems are diagnosed

Unlike most other joints, the cause of knee pain is rarely immediately evident. It typically requires obtaining a brief medical history as well conducting a thorough physical examination in order to be able to come to a conclusion. Even then, it often isn't a guarantee that the cause of the problem will be obvious as a large majority of knee problems simply cannot be diagnosed through a physical exam.

By far, the best and most accurate way to diagnose knee problems is through the use of an MRI. Although some types of knee injuries, such as fractures, can be detected through the use of a common x-ray, a considerable number of these cases require the use of an MRI in addition to standard x-rays.

An MRI offers doctors a much more detailed analysis of the knee and it's numerous intricate components. Being given such a complex view of the knee allows doctors to be much more precise in their diagnosis. This also allows for a form of treatment that is better suited for the individual.

When to see your doctor

Knee pain is not something that you should ever ignore. Even if you feel that the pain is irrelevant to anything serious, it is still a good idea to have it checked out by your doctor. Many individuals who initially choose to ignore these warnings are left with knee problems that plaque them for the rest of their life.

Never dismiss knee pain as being unimportant. Let your doctor conduct an examination and determine if what you are experiencing is nothing to be concerned about or if it is a persistent issue that requires your immediate attention.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Common Causes Of Knee Pain - Are You Dealing With Knee Pain?

Any type of movement relies on the knee so when you deal with knee joint problems it pretty much feels like your entire life has stopped; that is how important the knee is. It doesn't matter how old you are you will find a knee problem very disturbing.

One thing that you need to know is that knee pain is usually brought about by not just one problem. There are many possible causes of knee pain. Sometimes it could just be one cause and other times it could be a combination of various things that lead to knee pain.

One very common cause of knee pain is Arthritis. This is simply irritation of the joints that leads to knee joint pain. There are many conditions of arthritis but the main one is osteoarthritis. This one brings about damage to the knee cartilage and as one grows older chances of getting this condition also increase. The treatment of the condition is totally dependent on its cause and the type of arthritis that one has.

Gout which usually tends to develop because of the joints getting filled with uric acid is a leading cause of knee pain. This substance can be accumulated over time. The condition could cause attacks that might end up lasting several days and then vanish while others suffer worse problems. At times knee pain is brought about by Baker cyst. This tends to happen mainly when a fluid accumulates.

At certain moments the inner parts of the knee begin to calcify and this leads to Pellegrini-Stieda syndrome. Using ice packs, resting enough and using corticosteroids will help lessen the knee joint pain.

Chondromalacia is usually found among young females. When this happens using ani-inflammatory medications offers a solution to the symptoms of the problem. Also in some cases the use of physical therapy could help to improve the quality of the quadriceps muscles.

For such a problem ice will relieve you of the knee joint pain. It is extremely critical for anyone dealing with the pain to engage in as much physical activity as they can in order to develop their thigh muscles better.

Once the joint or bone get infected it could lead to some terrible knee joint pain. This is particularly rare but when it occurs the pain is simply unbearable. It is usually followed by extreme heat on the area that is affected, chills and plenty of fever. Just like with most infections the use of antibiotics will solve this problem.

There are instances when a tumor is developed within the knee. This can lead to knee joint pain too and could also lead to ambulatory issues. Most times, the remedy for this is surgery so that the tumor can be eliminated. Sometimes, amputation could actually be the only possible and logical remedy to this condition.

Best Natural Joint Pain Treatments in 2012 - Arthritis Explained

So you're starting to suffer from joint pain, it began recently and it's afflicting your everyday lifestyle - what can you do?

Joint pain breakdown:

What is a Joint?

A joint is the end of the bone that meets another bone, for example the elbow.

What is the cartilage?

The cartilage is that gooey lubricant that exists between two joints, providing a slippery tissue for the joints to maneuver, while cushioning them from hard impacts and sudden shocks.

What is Arthritis?

Arthritis is a disease that makes the joints swell, grind, lose mobility and hurt. There are a number of reasons though as to what causes this.

The 2 Most Common Arthritic Causes

1. Rheumatoid Arthritis: In essence, rheumatoid arthritis - RA, is your body's immune system turning against you and attacking healthy cell tissue in the cartilage, called the synovium tissue.

This places more pressure on the ligaments and tendons and they invariably weaken. RA occurs most commonly in the wrist.

2. Osteoarthritis: This is the most common form of this disease and is caused by the wear and tear of the joints over a period of many years, or an innocuous injury from childhood, like falling heavily on your hip in the snow, or twisting your knee badly playing football.

The joints over time thicken and swell, causing an often painful throbbing sensation or jolts which shoot through the joint when stress is placed on it.

Arthritic Symptoms

*Note: There are 100 plus arthritic conditions which can occur in the neck, back, chest and genitalia. This disease spreads to such diverse parts of the body that only a doctor can properly diagnose.

Below are what many people may consider typical arthritic symptoms.

  • Joint is warm and tender to touch.

  • Joint hurts with or without pressure applied.

  • Exact same joints hurt on both sides of the body - often RA condition.

  • Nodes on the fingers and toes start to form.

  • Joint pain migrates: One minute your shoulder is in pain, the next that exact pain migrates to the knee.

  • Joint pain travels: One minute your lower back hurts, then the center of the back, then the upper back and shoulder blades.

  • Having trouble breathing, due to pressure on the lungs.

  • Every joint in your body hurts.

  • Can't stand up or walk for too long for fear your knee joints won't support you.

  • No pain, fever, headache above the neck.

Arthritic Treatment

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory Drugs - NSAID's

NSAID's do one thing - they help reduce the swelling in the joint which should relieve the pain somewhat.

This is all they do. Many people become dependent this type of treatment which is dangerous as they can have serious repercussions on the health of your internal organs.

These are only to be used for the short-term - they do nothing to treat the disease or the health of your bone and cartilage.

Control Tested Natural Anti-Inflammatory Supplements

Glucosamine and Chondroitin are the two active anti-inflammatory ingredients that are combined with additional elements Co-Q10, ALA, L-Carnitine, Bioflavonoids and Ginseng, that are now being manufactured in pharmaceutical labs in the U.S.

These work on 2 fronts:

a) They balance your auto-immune system surrounding the joint restricting the disease from further demineralizing the joint and cartilage.

b) They block pain impulses emitted from the inflamed joint from being transmitted to the brain.

What I Know and Remember About Baseball - First Base Reach

It is a tight game and the batter is a known bunter. Third and Second baseman are playing in on the grass in anticipation. The Pitcher delivers an inside fastball. Just as the Pitchers arm is ready to release the batter squares around and shows bunt.

Third base crashes down to gather up the ball which takes a funny hop to the infield away from his glove. Not a good bunt as the ball moves between third baseman and the mound. The batter is fast and is halfway to first when the third baseman finally gains control of the ball. As he grasps the ball the throw the runner is now one third of the way there. He launches a frozen rope to first. The throw is off and low. Stretch into the splits the first baseman reaches and scoops the ball into his mitt as the runners foot touches the bag. OUT, the umpire calls as the ball was in the mitt before the runner reached the bag.

These are the exciting moments of baseball that get every ones heart racing. It happens in the brief moment between successfully hitting the ball and the seconds it takes to cover the distance from home to first. Yet, how does the first baseman know when to stretch and how far? Most of all , how does he get there? A newbie to the position will take a step towards the man with the ball before their release. True, making a step with the glove side foot is correct. However, the step is too soon as there is no information about the path of the ball to be caught.

Ideally a baseman will wait until the ball is released before take the step to the ball. From a comfortable position, feet should width apart, knees bent, heels off the ground, the baseman has plenty of time to make the appropriate stride to receive the ball. Being in a strong, athletic position gives the baseman the proper position to react as quickly as their body will allow.

To stretch before the ball is thrown puts the baseman in an non balanced position using weaker muscles. Think about it for a moment. Which is faster and under more control; standing and taking a step directly at the ball or being stretched out and lifting your forward foot off the ground to redirect your position.

Worse yet, if the ball is high, the baseman has almost no position or strength to make a jump to at least knock the ball down and keep it in the infield. It is a recipe for batter success to turn a tough single into a stand up double.

This method of tagging a bag can be applied to any base virtually 100 percent of the time where the baseman is to receive a throw for a force out. In all aspects of baseball, the greater the balance, the higher degree of success the player will have. Remember, comfortable position, tag foot on the bag, step with the glove foot towards the throw after the ball is in the air, adjust as needed to receive the throw.

Essential Bariatric Products For the Physical Therapy Clinic With Obese Patients

Patients who are obese have special needs when it comes to completing physical therapy. This is often the case when an obese person decides to obtain bariatric surgery or other surgical means to reduce their weight. This can cause a challenge for physical therapy clinics as they must have available special equipment in order to provide the same level of care to obese patients as their average sized patients. Knowing what types of quality equipment are available to accommodate the needs of obese patients is half the battle. Here are the recommended essential bariatric products for the physical therapy clinic treating obese patients.

Mobility Products
When it comes to providing physical therapy to patients of any size, certain essential products are required to help patients retain mobility throughout this process. These items may include, but are not limited to canes, walkers, crutches, wheel chairs or braces. Normally, it would not be a problem to fit a patient with these items if they are of an average size and weight, but if you have an obese patient it's difficult to safely fit them with any mobility devices that will not cause them pain or fail to provide adequate support. Another factor to consider is that the equipment must withstand additional weight so the products must be built to last. It's recommended that in order to accommodate patients of a larger size and weight, that physical therapy clinics choose products that are adjustable, manufactured out of sturdy materials (steel vs. wood or plastic) and be able to take the pressure off of already strained joints. Wheelchairs should have wider seats and allow a full range of motion to encourage obese patients to use them as needed.

Beds and Support Surfaces
When treating the obese patient in the clinic or providing in-home care, there is a great need for a bed, tables or support surfaces that can support their size and weight. Treatment may occur at home and the patient should have enough support so that their back and neck are not having extra strain put on them as the result of leg and arm exercises. In the clinic, it's essential to have at least one larger treatment table that can be utilized by all patients including obese people. One excellent type of table is the Powerline Treatment, made by Oakworks. This remarkable treatment table features a sturdy padded surface, solid hardwood frame and an adjustable bed that can handle patients up to 500 lbs.

Patient Lifts
When it comes to ensuring safe treatment of obese patients, nothing comes in more handy than the hospital style weight bearing patient lift. These lifts give the caregivers and physical therapists another set of hands when lifting the patient or helping them learn to sit up and stand again. A lift can make sure the patient isn't falling out of bed or causing injury to anyone, most of all themselves, during treatment.

Respiratory Aids
Obese patients often have trouble breathing properly when participating in physical therapy. Therefore it's essential to have some type of respiratory aid, such as oxygen and masks, on hand just in case. This will ensure that the patient gets the right amount of fresh air to breath and doesn't pass out due to lack of oxygen, which would be a very injurious experience for them and for staff.

Floor Scale
When an obese patient presents for treatment, it can be difficult for them to be weighed to see how they are progressive with their weight loss following bariatric surgery. Standard hospital scales only go up to 400 lbs so it's necessary to obtain a floor scale that can weight up to 1,000 lbs. A floor scale also makes it easier for the patient to get up and down off the scale, especially if mobility is an issue.

A Baker's Cyst Could Explain A Bulge In Back Of Your Knee

A Baker's Cyst is a well defined sac of fluid that arises in the back of the knee. This type of cyst is also know as a popliteal cyst due to its location in the popliteal area (backside) of the knee. These cysts contain knee joint fluid that has been forced out of its encapsulation. This article explains why these cysts form and the medical symptoms you want to be aware of.

Baker's Cyst

The most noticeable symptom is a visible mass that can be seen as a bulge in the back of the knee. This bulge will be most easily seen when the person is standing with the knee fully extended This mass will be able to be felt and will generally feel soft and may be tender or painful. Some persons will experience an ache or tightness around the knee while others will experience no discomfort.

Baker's cysts are fairly common and may result due to an injury to the back of the knee or may be associated with an underlying condition such as arthritis or gout. Some cysts may occur without a known cause.

The initial diagnosis of a Baker's cyst will come from the afflicted person as they will likely observation the cyst protruding from the back of their knee. This condition should be evaluated by a physician. The evaluation may include a physical examination, radiological testing (i.e. x-ray, ultrasound, arthrogram or MRI scan) and possibly blood and/or a urine tests depending on the suspected cause.

If the cyst is associated with an underlying condition, treatment will be focused on that condition. If the cyst is painful or is interfering with activity, surgical removal may be necessary. Baker's Cysts typically resolve when the protruding fluid is removed. Joint aspiration or cortisone injections may be necessary.

What is Severe Knee Tendonitis? - Overview - Braces For Support

Do you have inflammation in your knee joint?

Have you wondered about tendonitis and how this effects your knee. Severe knee tendonitis is an injury typically seen in individuals who participate in sporting activities on a regular basis. This is a condition that occurs when the tendons that make up part of knee joint become inflamed.

The knee is protected behind a plate of bone known as the patella (your kneecap). There are two main tendons that are part of the knee. These tendons connect the patella to two separate parts of the leg. The quadriceps are the upper thigh muscles and the shinbone is the lower leg bone. Both of these parts of the leg are connected to the patella by the knee tendons.

Different Forms Of Tendonitis

Patellar Tendonitis - Patellar Tendonitis is generally caused by overuse of the quadriceps muscles. Activities such as running and jumping exert strain on the quadriceps. Engaging in too much of these activities can cause inflammation of the tendons connecting the quadriceps to the patella. In this form of tendonitis, pain occurs below the knee, in the patellar tendon.

Quadriceps Tendonitis - Quadriceps Tendonitis is also typically caused by overuse of the quadriceps. Unlike Patellar Tendonitis, however, this form of tendonitis is characterized by pain above the knee.

The types of activities that generally cause both of these forms of tendonitis are the same, however.

Treatment of Severe Knee Tendonitis

Treatment of severe knee tendonitis tends to be more long drawn out than most other knee injury treatments. This is because tendons have lesser elasticity as compared to muscles. They also receive less blood from the bloodstream. This means that that injured tendons take much longer to heal than injured muscles generally do. After the initial period of the injury, it is important to carefully stretch the tendons as they heal to improve their elasticity (see your physician on details about stretching). Failure to do so will render the tendons much less elastic than before and more prone to further injury.

Prevention of Severe Knee Tendonitis

One of the most important things you can do to prevent severe knee tendonitis is to stretch the whole body including the knees before any form of physical activity. Stretching gives the muscles greater flexibility during exercise, allowing them to absorb more impact and twisting motions. This greatly reduces the chances of sustaining tendonitis.

Another effective preventive strategy is to wear knee braces while exercising. A knee brace is a "tool" that goes around each knee, helping to provide it with the necessary support and protection. Knee braces help prevent the knees from slipping into awkward positions that are likely to sprain or strain the knees. They also help to support you from the impact of running and jumping, easing the strain on the joint. A knee support can also help keep your knee warm and will remind you, if not stop you, from making excessive and painful movements.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

My Rude Introduction to Arthritis and how I am Coping with It

Let me begin by stating upfront that I realize that a great many people suffer from much more serious arthritic conditions than I. This article is not to trivialize their conditions in any way. My intent is to explain how this disease manifested itself in me and the treatment that I have undertaken.

Being an avid golfer, I like many other men can hardly wait for spring to arrive. In 2004 spring came early. My first round I walked 18 holes with a push cart as I usually do. I did not feel any abnormal pain at this point. The next day I went to the driving range to work some of the kinks out of my swing, and hit a large bucket of balls. Later that evening my left knee was in so much pain that I could not stand with any pressure on it, walking was very painful. This persisted for 2-3 weeks, it did finally start to get better, but only marginally, golf had been degraded to using a power cart, there was just no way I could walk 9 holes, let alone 18. Making any full swing was painful from the pressure put on my left knee.

I finally went to an Orthopedist, and after x-rays of both knees and a range of motion exam, was told that I had Osteoarthritis. The doctor showed me the small space left between the bones of my left knee, and told me that the meniscus (a pad of cartilage that cushions the joint and prevents bone to bone contact) was thinning and was in all likelihood torn. He told me that a few years ago, the standard treatment was to surgically repair the meniscus . however this type of repair was only effective at relieving pain about 50% of the time.

The more accepted treatment now, was to prescribe a series of exercises designed to strengthen the muscles around the knee joint, and a pain reliever to control the pain, so that I could exercise. He also suggested that I investigate and take glucosamine which is a natural healing product not regulated by the FDA. He stated that recent large scale studies had shown that glucosamine was effective in slowing down the loss of cartilage and may even contribute to regeneration of damaged cartilage.

Because I had previously had problems using Ibuprofen, he prescribed "Bextra" (a cox 2 inhibitor drug) that seemed very effective. Of course 2 weeks later came the scare about "Vioxx" also a cox 2 inhibitor drug, and I stopped taking "Bextra", which is now not prescribed by many doctors. I started taking Ibuprofen again, however only in great moderation, I have had no ill effects. I continued with the exercises, some gradual improvement was noticed. I also continued taking glucosamine.

All of these measures have contributed to effective pain relief, however even more relief was noticed after losing about 10 lbs. This reinforces the notion that excess weight plays a large role in knee pain.

As of now (going into spring of 2005) the pain seems to be under control, my activity with the possible exception of running, is not restricted in any way. And my golf swing, once again needs work!

Resources for more information:

Arthritis and Glucosamine Information Center -

Flexicose Homepage

Arthritis Foundation

National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases

Johns Hopkins Arthritis Center Arthritis National Research Foundation

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Arthritis Insight

To Your Health,

Jim Newell

A Jogging Knee Brace - Braces For When You Jog Can Make All the Difference! - Special Report

Do you enjoy jogging, but you are faced with some bad knee pain or instability issues?

Introduction: Jogging is a wonderful way to stay in shape. Ever time you go outside, even in some pretty touch weather, you can find one running enthusiast exercising. - The problem that so many of us run into (pardon the pun) is that knee pain or instability issues can stop you even before you lace up your shoes! - So, what can you do about that problem? - Let's discuss this issue, and help you get rid of that knee pain!

1.) Are Knee Braces A Waste of Time, or Are Knee Braces Helpful?

Some people think that a knee has got to be really heavy and bulky to provide you with support. Others sometimes think that they have to be hard to wear. - Unfortunately, this is not the case. With all of the improvements in design, knee braces are more low profile and light weight than ever. Many people will tell us in a clinical setting that their knee brace instantly helps to reduce their knee pain. In fact, we can not remember the last time that someone has not said this... Sometimes it is the compression of an elastic knee sleeve that will help to provide gentle support. Other times, people will have major instability issues. People will say that it is the security that a knee brace can provide, that will help feel the stability that they need to run again.

2.) Knee Stability and Support When You Jog

The support that a knee brace can provide when you jog can make all the difference. It will not cure your knee problems, but it will help to promote healing. This is very important to remember. You will feel like the brace can remind you not to make certain movements that will hurt you. You will also find that due to a growing demand, many are very light weight and will not slow down your running at all. - Knee braces can help you keep your career going. Although anyone with knee problems should always talk to their doctor about medical advice, these supports have been known to help a great many people. - Do not look back wishing you would have done more to help your knee while your problem was still a minor one. Well designed knee braces should be overlooked.

3 Knee Replacement Facts You Should Know

If you have pain and stiffness in your knee joint that restrict you from doing your normal activities, your doctor may suggest you to undergo knee replacement surgery. The surgery helps to alleviate your knee pain and to rectify a knee deformity. It is the best way to help you reverse your disability caused by arthritis or previous serious knee injury. The surgery involves eliminating a damaged or diseased knee joint and replacing it with an artificial part made of plastic or metal. Knee -replacement surgery is safe and effective. More than 96% patients who have undergone this surgery do not face any major complications.

3 Important Facts You Need To Know About Knee Replacement

1. Knee Replacement Implants

Knee replacement involves removing damaged joint lining in the knees and implanting artificial parts that function like a normal knee. According to the severity of your pain and type of damage, you may need partial knee replacement or total knee replacement. There are numerous types of knee replacement prosthesis. Your surgeon will determine the right prosthesis, after analyzing your age, severity of joint deterioration, weight, lifestyle and gender. He/she will also look at the possible range of motion with the implant, its stability and the wear resistance capability of the materials used in the knee implants.

2. Signs That Help Determine The Right Time To Undergo Surgery

Replacement of knee is a major surgery and you need to understand the right time to undergo the operation. More often, people aged between 60 and 80 needs to undergo the operation. Sometimes, younger patients suffering from knee problems may also need a surgery. If you are diagnosed with osteoarthritis, your doctor may recommend you to undertake a surgery. Operation is especially important, if your pain limits you from carrying out day to day activities. The pain may be so severe that makes it difficult for you to sleep at night and you may need to take painkillers to get sufficient sleep. If medications, injections and physical therapies do not work for you, the only option is to undergo a replacement surgery.

3. Risks In A Knee Replacement Surgery

Although replacement of knee is safe, there may be some risks. It is therefore important to know about the risks, to avoid complications of any kind. Blood clots may be a major risk in any type of surgery and knee replacement is no exception to this. However, this risk can be avoided by taking blood thinning medications after getting the advice of your doctor. Infection of joint replacement is another risk. Infections may occur in implanted joints, which could cause serious problems. Nevertheless, the risk can be controlled by taking various precautionary measures at the time of surgery. Antibiotics may be given before and after surgery to reduce the risk of infection. It is important to check whether advanced sterilization techniques are followed in the operation site. Knee_replacement surgery can help treat severe osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, ligament damage and bone dysplasia. You can get recovery quickly, if you follow the diet plan and exercise program suggested by your doctor. HIPPA Privacy Rule is enforced by the office for civil rights. Under this rule, patients are offered optimum protection for health information that is individually identifiable.

Fantasy Football Preview - RB Rankings

Tier 1

1. LaDainian Tomlinson(Chargers)

-the biggest sure thing in all of fantasy football, Tomlinson put together arguably the greatest single-season performance in NFL history last season. An astounding 31 total TD's virtually guaranteed victory for anyone who got lucky enough to draft him last season(editor's note: I drafted Tomlinson third overall in my draft last season after Alexander and Johnson....needless to say I won my league easily). Of course counting on Tomlinson to duplicate those numbers is like saying you will win the Lotto just wont happen. However at a young 28, LT has a few big years left in him and another 25 TD's sounds about right. If you don't have the top pick in your draft, you can forget about selecting him. Either that or you have an absolute moron in your league that passes on him.

2. Steven Jackson(Rams)-RISING

-some will be surprised I have him ranked over Larry Johnson but here is all you need to know: Jackson caught 90 passes to Johnson's 41. Though Larry may be the better runner, Jackson is the better overall player. If you are in a points/reception league, then Jackson is even more of a sure thing over Johnson. Although the additions of Drew Bennett and Randy McMichael will surely steal some of Steven's catches, look for another top statistical season from this fourth-year back. Depending on your league, you may be able to snag him as late as the fifth pick. Don't hesitate if he is there.

3. Larry Johnson(Chiefs)

-back-to-back season's of heavy workloads, along with the threat of a possible holdout has knocked Johnson from the top spot in the fantasy rankings. Although I don't believe the heavy toll on his body will make him hit a wall, I do believe that the weakening of the Kansas City O-Line will negatively impact his numbers. 15 TD's is still possible but I think Johnson takes a step back this year. Don't however downgrade him so much that you let him slip by you. Unless Steven Jackson, LT, or even Frank Gore are available, then you must take Johnson. Just don't expect 2005 numbers ever again.

4. Frank Gore(49ers)

-strongly considered ranking him over Johnson but there is always a risk of injury with Gore who has had both of his knees surgically repaired. When healthy however, he is an absolute beast who can run and catch with the best of them. Gore is playing on an improved 'Niners team and will almost surely surpass his total of 9 TD's. He probably won't surpass his 1,600-plus rushing total due to the additions on offense but his overall production will make him a better producer than he was last season. Could be in line for an MVP-type season. An almost sure-thing.

Tier 2

5. Shaun Alexander(Seahawks)-FALLING

-a broken left foot derailed Alexander on the heels of his record-breaking 2005 season. His 7 total TD's was only a third of the 28 he scored in that incredible year. Shaun is somewhat of a question mark due to the injury and the fact he is 30 years old which typically is the age many RB's begin to decline. I do believe he has one more good year left in him but don't expect anything close to the 28 TD's he put up in 2005. One of fantasy's great TD scorers however, Alexander should still put up around 15 tallies this year. One caveat here is that if you are in a points/reception league, then you may want to snare Brian Westbrook instead due to the fact Alexander has never shown much as a receiver. Risk here but more than likely he will be decent.

6. Brian Westbrook(Eagles)

-in a points/reception league, Westbrook is definitely more of an asset than 7th ranked Addai. However in non-points/reception league's, the reverse is true. Westbrook is the best receiver in the RB group and is a terrific dual threat. Many grow frustrated with the fact he always seems to be questionable each week but if you can stomach the injury risk, than Westbrook is your guy. Has really stepped up his game and could still be improving. Without the injury risk, he is a top five back. Draft him and hope for the best.

7. Joseph Addai(Colts)-RISING

-Addai's coming out party went as smooth as could be last season as the Indianapolis front office didn't hesitate in labeling Addai the starter once the off-season began. With Dominic Rhodes' departure to Oakland, Addai will grab the lion's share of carries. Questions about whether he can handle the pounding of a full load will knock his stock down a bit but be the smart player and aim for him over more known commodities such as Rudi Johnson and Willie Parker. A good receiver out of the backfield, Addai will help in points/reception leagues. A riser who could break down the door to the top five fraternity. The sky is the limit with this guy.

8. Laurence Maroney(Patriots)

-another RB in the mold of Joseph Addai, Maroney has been granted the full-time gig in powerhouse NE. Maroney showed flashes of brilliance during his rookie season but seemed to, wear down as the season went on. Like Addai, there are questions whether Maroney can handle a full workload. He is more of an injury risk than his Indy counterpart but the sky is also the limit for him. NE loves to run the ball and if Coach/Yoda Bill Belichick believes he can handle the full time job, than who are we to argue. Draft with confidence.

9. Rudi Johnson(Bengals)

-Mr. Consistency turned in another solid but unspectacular season in 2006, posting over 1,300 rushing yards with 12 TD's which nearly matched his output from 2005. So with Johnson you pretty much know what you're going to get. Another positive is Johnson's durability as he pretty much has been injury -free since becoming the full-time starter back in 2004. Now for the negatives. Rudi is not a pass catcher by any means and thus is a liability in points/reception leagues. Also the drafting of rookie Kenny Irons signals that a possible sharing of the workload may be in order. It was no secret head coach Marvin Lewis craved more of a HR threat out of the running game and even though Johnson hasn't done anything to lose the lion's share of the carries, this development could hurt his value. Pass if you're in a points/reception league unless he fall far.

10. Willie Parker(Steelers)

-this may seem like an extremely low ranking for Parker after the monstrous season he had in 2006 when he tallied 13 TD's while rushing for an insane 1,494 yards. However new coach Mike Tomlin has let it be known that he plans to find a goal-line back in the mold of Jerome Bettis. While Parker proved last season he could score from in close, it seems the Pittsburgh front office feels better with a bigger back running the ball in. It is entirely possible this plan will be scrapped by the time the season begins so monitor this situation closely. If he does get the goal-line work then bump him up in your rankings ahead of Johnson. Tread carefully here however. I am not a fan and plan on passing on Parker in all scenarios due to the questions marks he carries going into the season.

Tier 3

11. Clinton Portis(Redskins)-FALLING

-it was a disappointing year for Portis due to injuries and inconsistency. The man with the million costumes ran for a career-low 523 yards with 7 TD's. After backup Ladell Betts literally took the ball and ran in his absence, there was some talk about a possible platoon coming into this year. That however has been shot down by coach Joe Gibbs and so if healthy Portis will get most of the carries. Still young at 26, with excellent vision and quickness, Portis could have a comeback season. However the injury risk is always there and if he does in fact struggle, the 'Skins have a more than reliable backup to replace him. Stay away from this situation.

12. Travis Henry(Broncos)-RISING

-after seemingly becoming a forgotten man in the gridiron world after his departure from Buffalo, Henry thrust himself back on the fantasy radar with a decent year in 2006 with Tennessee. Given the starting job four games into the year, Henry showed he still has the ability of a number one NFL runner. The fact he now is in the Land Of The Excelling RB's(AKA Denver) adds even more appeal to his prospects. While he doesn't catch the ball much, Henry should have a good to possibly great year in Mile High. Target him as a sleeper and don't hesitate to grab him earlier than your buddies project him. They might laugh at you at the draft but you will get the last laugh when you take their money.

13. Reggie Bush(Saints)

-in another year or so when Deuce McAllister has moved on, Bush will see his value soar. However the fact that he is still in a time-share with Deuce hurts his value. If you are in a points/reception league, then Bush's value is much better and those who play in that type of setup should not hesitate to make him your number two RB. Those in the traditional setups should try and look elsewhere for a second back. Its not that Bush is not talented or that he won't put up good numbers. It's just that his RB numbers(rushing TD's and yardage) won't be up to par with what you need to get out of your second back.

14. Ronnie Brown(Dolphins)

-ever since he was drafted into the league, I have been a big fan of Ronnie Brown. Blessed with great hands(alert: points/reception leagues) and tough running ability, Brown has it all. However injuries and a somewhat lackadaisical approach to practice have conspired to prevent him from reaching his full potential. The fact he came into off-season workouts overweight further solidifies this problem. Despite this, I believe Brown will have a decent year in Miami and will be a more than adequate second RB for your club. He even has the chance to out-produce his projected numbers if he stays healthy. Could be sitting on a great year if he puts all the distractions aside. Draft him based on his upside.

15. Willis McGahee(Ravens)-RISING

-after struggling mightily in Buffalo last season, McGahee got the trade he was seeking and he couldn't have landed in a better place outside of Denver. Baltimore's offense over the years has centered on the run with Jamal Lewis serving as the bulldozer for 7 productive years until being released this off-season. In steps McGahee and his cutback ability. Despite only running for 990 yards and a paltry 6 TD's last season, McGahee has the goods to be a smashing success for the Ravens. Look for him to easily exceed last year's totals and to rake in 10-12 TD's along the way. Draft with confidence as your number 2.

16. Edgerrin James(Cardinals)

-Edge had a year to forget last season as arguably the league's worst offensive line opened up very little daylight for him to run through. A model of consistency in Indy, James had to deal with failure for the first time in his career. 1,159 yards and 6 TD's just won't cut it both for you and for James himself. However the drafting of LT Levi Jones and the hiring of offensive line genius Russ Grimm will do nothing but help Edge have the year many expected when he signed his big deal before the 2006 season. Although you shouldn't expect Indy numbers from James, feel confident that he can produce somewhere along the lines of 1,200 yards and 8-10 TD's. Good but not great option.

17. Maurice-Jones Drew(Jaguars)

-this 5-7 dynamo opened the eyes of many around the NFL last season as he plowed his way to 941 yards rushing with 13 TD's. A good receiver out of the backfield, Jones-Drew also supplied 46 receptions. Although he still shares the job with Fred Taylor, look for Jones-Drew to get 2 carries to every 1 for Taylor. The only problem here is that there are indications that third RB Greg Jones will get a look as the goal-line back which will hurt Jones-Drew's value. If that is the case, draft him as a number 3 back. If not, then he moves up to number 2 status, especially in points/reception leagues where he will contribute more to his fantasy total each week.

18. Deuce McAllister(Saints)

-the Deuce once again will share the backfield with Reggie Bush which knocks him down to borderline number 2 status. Once a sure-fire first round pick, McAllister is still feeling his way back from reconstructive knee surgery. He did however rush for 10 TD's last season and his 30 receptions were OK. His health is back and don't be afraid to draft him. Just make sure you have someone better as your first option.

19. Cedric Benson(Bears)

-it is now time for Benson to show the world why Chicago made him the number four overall pick back in 2005. With Thomas Jones being dealt to Chicago, Benson has no one in front of him to impede his progress. Question marks abound here such as his inability to remain healthy, poor work habits, and non-existent pass-catching ability. However the man was a monster in college and should have the ability to put up decent numbers in Chicago's ground-based attack. Draft him as your number two but don't be surprised if he lets you down due to all his red flags.

20. Thomas Jones(Jets)

-I probably should have ranked him higher but there is nothing about him that wows you. However he is a decent runner who is a good fit as your number two RB. After hearing early on that he was a bust with Arizona, Jones has put together a solid career and seems to be a perfect fit for the New York ground game. Never a TD machine, Jones will struggle to collect 10 on the ground. However he will move the pile and contribute decent receptions to make him viable as an every-week play. Quietly has made himself into a useful fantasy resource.

21. Brandon Jacobs(Giants)

-with Tiki Barber off into the NBC studios, the job now belongs to this bruising third year player. Blessed with freakish size and nimble feet, Jacobs could open many eyes this year around the league. Already a reliable source for TD's(9 last season), Jacobs only has to keep Reuben Droughns on the bench to fulfill his promise. Whether that happens is the one question that dogs his ranking. Draft him due to the fact he will score TD's but be aware the yardage may not be there.

22. Jamal Lewis(Browns)

-now with the team he tormented for so many years, Jamal Lewis is looking to re-establish himself as a top NFL RB. Still only 28, there is a ton of tread on his tires which is the reason you shouldn't expect too much out of him. Playing on a bad team such as Cleveland won't help the matter and thus he is no more than a 2nd RB at best. Temper your expectations however and he will give you an honest effort week in and week out.

23. LaMont Jordan(Raiders)

-seemingly on the verge of stardom after a decent year in 2005, injuries and all-around horrid play by the Raiders ruined whatever momentum Jordan accumulated during the season before. With Dominic Rhodes signing over from Indy, the situation becomes even more muddied for LaMont. However he does have a decent amount going for him such as possibly having the best hands at the RB position along with a decent running ability. There is no reason he shouldn't be a starter after a year where the whole team stunk but this is a situation that you need to keep an eye on. If he does get the full-time gig, his ranking will soar(especially in points/reception leagues). However if he has to time-share with Rhodes, than he is no more than a number 3 back who you grab for insurance.

24. Carnell Williams(Buccaneers)

-an absolutely dreadful year ruined any sort of momentum Williams had after his eye-opening rookie season. Failing to rush for 1,000 yards, the Cadillac sputtered its way to an embarrassing finish. Things don't look much better in TB as coach Jon Gruden doesn't have a QB worth mentioning and the WR corps is this. Thus Williams will still see 8-man fronts until the Buc's prove they can open up the offense. Don't expect much other than the occasional big game out of this broken down vehicle.

25. Marion Barber III(Cowboys)
-in a time-share with Julius Jones for two years now, Barber has shown that at the very least, he can score TD's by the bunch. Tallying 14 scores last season, Barber was the rare committee RB who could serve as your number 2 runner. Though head coach Wade Phillips plans to use the same rotation as Bill Parcells, look for Barber's role to increase. If Jones does in fact ever get traded than this guy shoots up the charts like a rocket. Monitor to see if Jones is dealt. If not, than draft him as a number 2 but more as a number 3.

The Rest(Draft as Third Back and As Insurance)

26. Chester Taylor(Vikings)-FALLING

-the drafting of rookie Adrian Peterson sabotaged any type of fantasy ranking Taylor had after his more than decent 2006 season. A great producer across the board, Taylor proved himself to be a solid starter for many fantasy teams who acted on his sleeper potential. Yours truly drafted him in round 5 and after hearing chuckles, made sure he grinned while I collected everyone's money. However Taylor's value is low due to Peterson's presence and despite being a points/reception gem(42 catches), it really is in your best interest to pass on this mess.

27. Julius Jones(Cowboys)

-seemingly on the verge of a breakout after his incredible performance as a rookie back in 2004, Jones never won over coach Bill Parcells and thus was stuck in a time-share with Marion Barber. With goal-line carries going to Barber, Jones' value is that of a third back. If he ever does get traded to a team where he gets the lion's share of the load, than his value soars. I am a big fan of his and believe greatness is right around the corner if he can just get himself dealt. Pass for now.

28. Fred Taylor(Jaguars)

-splitting carries with rookie Maurice Jones-Drew, Taylor had somewhat of a comeback season last year. However his advancing age(31) and loss of goal-line work places him in the barely draft able category. Draft him for insurance.

29. Ahman Green(Texans)

-the fumble-prone Green showed he still had something left last year as he put up good but not great numbers in Green Bay. Now that he has moved out to Houston, Green's value will plummet. He does catch the ball well and is ranked higher in points/reception leagues. However he is injury prone, getting older(30) and will lose goal-line carries to Ron Dayne. That's way too many negatives to ignore. Draft as insurance as he will sprinkle in a good game once every four weeks or so.

30. Warrick Dunn(Falcons)-FALLING

-one of my favorite NFL players(not fantasy players), Dunn is showing signs that he might finally be hitting the wall. At the age of 32 it is surprising it didn't happen sooner due to the fact he is on the small side and has played many downs year in and year out. Expected to lose carries to second-year man Jerious Norwood, Dunn will begin to slowly fade into the background. Draft him as a number 3 and root for him to succeed. I certainly will do that.

31. DeAngelo Williams(Panthers)-RISING

-in a time-share with DeShaun Foster, Williams is clearly the one Carolina would love to see take hold of the job. With a quick burst and elusive moves in the open field, Williams is the lighting to Foster's thunder. If Williams were to ever take hold of the job on a full-time basis, than his value will rise. That doesn't seem like the plan right now however so expect a modest increase in his overall numbers. Draft for his potential.

32. Kevin Jones(Lions)-FALLING

-another former favorite of mine, Jones has never been able to stay healthy enough to fulfill his once-seemingly infinite potential. Having as good a set of hands as any RB in the game, Jones is a bonus in points/reception leagues. Injuries however have killed his progress and there is no guarantee he will start the season on time after more off-season surgery. The addition of Tatum Bell further clouds his outlook. Monitor his progress however as he does have great ability when he is healthy which sadly is a very rare occurrence.

33. LenDale White(Titans)

-heading into the season, White has the inside track on the starting gig. However battles with his weight and a less than exemplary effort in practice have led to much skepticism that he can get the job done. White is looking more and more like a bust and you should steer clear of this immature waste.

34. DeShaun Foster(Panthers)

-the other half of the time-share in Carolina, Foster has blown many chances at the full-time gig over the years. Injuries have been the main culprit and it appears he will be nothing more than a platoon player/decent backup. You don't need that kind of player on your team.

35. Marshawn Lynch(Bills)

-with Willis McGahee traded to Baltimore, the Bills needed to find a runner who could make up all those lost carries. They think they found their man in RB Marshawn Lynch out of Cal. Although the current plan is for Lynch to cede goal-line carries to Anthony Thomas, he stands a good chance of getting the majority of the carries if he can prove he can handle the load. Will be interesting to see how Lynch will handle the cold climate in Buffalo after playing in the warm climate of California. Draft him for his potential but don't expect many scores.

36. Brandon Jackson(Packers)

-the rookie with the best chance to be granted starter carries, Jackson could be this year's offensive rookie of the year. With only inconsistent Vernand Morency standing in his way, Jackson could become a rookie version of Edgerrin James on a lesser scale. Blessed with good power and decent speed, look for GB to take a chance with the kid from the start. Draft him due to his immense upside.

37. Tatum Bell(Lions)-FALLING

-brought in from Denver, it's never a good sign when you're deemed unworthy in The Land of The Great RB's. Bell is a chance-of-pace back and nothing more who will split carries if/when Kevin Jones comes back from injury. Pass.

38. Chris Henry(Titans)

-another rookie who has a chance to start from day 1, Henry only has to pass the overweight LenDale White and the frail Chris Brown to grab the starting gig. Although I don't think it will happen by the opener, I believe Henry will be a big part of the offense by at least Week 7. Draft for his potential.

39. Vernand Morency(Packers)

-keeping the seat warm for rookie Brandon Jackson is not something that fantasy owners should be interested in. Morency is a classic journeyman who has very little fantasy value as he's never shown he could hold down a starting gig. Waste of time here.

40. Adrian Peterson(Vikings)

-the most skilled rookie at the position going into the season, the presence of Chester Taylor cuts into the fantasy potential of Peterson. In a year this guy is a top 10, maybe even top 5 talent. However look for him to share carries with Taylor for the entire season due to the fact his predecessor is still a more-than decent player.

41. Reuben Droughns(Giants)-FALLING

-part of the two-headed committee that will replace the irreplaceable Tiki Barber. Droughns does have some talent as evidenced by his two 1,400 yard seasons in 2004 and 2005 but the G-Men plan to use him as more of a secondary compliment to Brandon Jacobs. Jacobs will also surely get all the goal line carries so Droughns really has very little to offer his owners.

42. Chris Brown(Titans)

-signed only a month ago to compete with LenDale White and Chris Henry for the starting job in Tennessee, Brown is looking to recapture the potential he showed during the first half of the 2005 season when he was the starter before injuries ruined a potential breakout year. Looks to be third in the pecking order going into the season and injuries further solidified his status as someone you need to avoid altogether.

43. Ladell Betts(Redskins

44. Leon Washington(Jets)

45. Jerious Norwood(Falcons)

46. Correll Buckhalter(Eagles)

47. Anthony Thomas(Bills)

48. Michael Turner(Chargers)

49. Ricky Williams(Dolphins)

50. Mike Bell(Broncos)

51. Ron Dayne(Texans)

52. Kenny Irons(Bengals)

53. Dominic Rhodes(Raiders)-FALLING

54. Wali Lundy(Texans)