Saturday, July 13, 2013

Knee Joint Pain Prevention - An Effective 10 Minute Exercise Is All You Need

Knee joint pain remains one of the most common joint pain complaints. The knee joints bear the total body weight. During movement this pressure acting on the knee joints are 3 to 5 times that of the weight. The functionality of these knee joints never cease. Whether it is in the day time or during sleeping hours. The only relief from the weighing down pressure is probably during at rest or sleep.

All you need is a simple and yet effective knee exercising routine. It takes just 10 minutes of your time on a daily basis. This will keep the knees fit and healthy.

Osteoarthritis of the knee joints affects a great population of the elder people. Joint pain tends to surface as one grows older. These weight bearing joints are prone to become less flexible. Cracking or popping sounds during movement maybe heard as well. Subsequently pain or inflammation are natural conditions that follow.

Typical joint pain remedies deal directly in suppressing these symptoms. Pain killer and anti-inflammatory drugs tend to work decently in addressing the joint pain. It can also delay its progression. It is beneficial to be conscious about keeping our knee joints healthy. Effective exercises is a good idea.

This simple 10 minute knee joint exercise routine is based on the Chinese acupuncturist's theory of energy flow in the body. For a healthy person the energy flows throughout the body in a fluent manner. This is much like a drainage system without blockages. Pain around the joint occurs when this energy flow is impaired. This means the blood flows within the body is not balanced.

The way to maintain a healthy knee joint only requires you do a 10 minute daily massaging routine. This exercise can be done with a clenched fist beating lightly onto the required knee areas. They are:

• the outer of the knees (lateral collateral ligament) for about 2 minutes

• the inner of the knees (medial collateral ligament) for about 2 minutes

• behind (concave part) the knee caps for 2 minutes

• the knee caps (patella) for 2 minutes

• walking in kneeling down position on your knees for 2 minutes

For people who have difficulty walking in their kneeling position, it is recommended that this be substituted with massaging the back of the knees for another 2 minutes. This has the effect of a hard press to the anterior ligament and the medial and lateral meniscus. It improves energy flow. "Beating" can be substituted with presses or light massage to the above areas which are relevant acupuncture points.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Plastic Surgery

When it comes to the advantages and disadvantages of plastic surgery, you really have to look in more depth on the specific procedure you plan on having done. Although each possible procedure has its own list of pros and cons associated with it, they can all be generalized for simplicity. The biggest disadvantages associated with plastic surgery are the risks as well as the price tag, however when compared to the benefits, these will usually outweigh the disadvantages of plastic surgery. For starters, whether you are having a reconstructive procedure or a cosmetic procedure, the goal is to make yourself look better.

While some people who decide to undergo the knife may already look great, there are many others who have been teased and taunted their entire life about their features. Not only do years of teasing and taunting take their toll on a person's emotional well being, but a person who does not like something about themselves will also cause an emotional scar. Since who we are has a lot to do with our emotions, then it is safe to say that even the smallest procedure that effects our self esteem in a positive manor can outwardly make you seen as a whole new person. Isn't it what it is all about, changing ourselves so not only we look better, but feel better as well?

The obvious risks associated with plastic surgery are the possibilities of not only having a complication, but also receiving bad work. No wants to pay a substantial amount of money to end up looking worse than before they went in for the procedure. On top of this, there is also no one who wants to pay to have a procedure dine just so they can have nerves damaged.

In order to better understand the advantages and disadvantages of plastic surgery, you really have to talk with the surgeon who will be in charge of your procedure so that he or she can better explain the risks. It is also important that you are as well informed as you can be in case you have to make a decision as it is better to make an informed decision rather than a guess.

About Knee Osteoarthritis - Causes, Treatment by Prolotherapy

Joint damage is one of the most common impairments that the human body suffers from during the ageing process. As we spend our years of life, the body undergoes a great deal of wearing down, gradually causing what is known as osteoarthritis. As the body gradually ages, the cartilages present at the joints become thinner and weaker due to the constant use in daily life. Osteoarthritis starts with a mild but constant pain in the affected joint region and gradually becomes more and more acute if it is uncared for. The pain will become a part of the daily life and thereafter you need to take precautionary measures to relieve yourself of the pain to some extent. The most common areas where the trouble might arise are the joints in fingers of kinds, knees as also in elbows. Although every joint in the body is susceptible to osteoarthritis, these areas mentioned are more likely to suffer as they are used in the daily routine of life.

A joint region having lesser cartilage is bound to give you more pain. The areas around joints get stiffened over a period of time. Severe cases of osteoarthritis can also lead to lack of mobility of those joints. The cartilage which acts as a cushion is no longer functioning normally, which causes immobility in the affected regions. Joint pain can lead to acute discomforts and hence the doctor's medication and advice must be strictly followed to get relief.

Although, there is no cure to the osteoarthritis problem, the problem can be dealt in a way so that the overall effect is reduced to some extent and the pain factor gets reduced for the time period of treatment. The treatment generally lasts for a considerable period of time. To reduce the effects of osteoarthritis, exercising on a regular basis along with the ongoing medication process helps immensely to slow down the deterioration of the affected joints.

Prolotherapy, a revolutionary treatment used by doctors has proved to be a boon for patients suffering from osteoarthritis. This form of treatment includes injecting the affected joint region with a saline solution of certain ingredients which cause a natural inflammatory effect in the joint region to give you relief from the pain. However, it,must be said that prolotherapy, like other medical treatments must be followed holistically without any breaks in between to get relief from acute osteoarthritis. Many doctors today advocate this treatment procedure as a life changing experience that must be tried at least once by the patients in order to feel the beneficiary effects of prolotherapy.

Short Woman Bike Shopping - Bike Hunting Tips for Shorter Riders

If you're under 5-foot-3 and shopping for a bike, you'll be pleasantly surprised at how many bikes really do fit you. And chances are, one of those bikes is going to reach out and knock you over the head with its styling, its "cool factor," and its general overall suitability. But, just in case the bike that speaks to you the loudest doesn't fit you perfectly the way it sits on the salesroom floor, there are a few simple modifications ("mods") you can keep in mind that just might solve one of two key height-related problems.

Problem 1: You can't "flat-foot" the bike.

In order to have the most and best control over the bike at slow or no speed you should be able to sit in the saddle with the bike pulled upright off the kickstand, knees bent, your feet planted flat on the floor. If you're up on the balls of your feet, or worse, tip-toed, you won't have complete control when you roll up to a stop and put your foot down or when you're straddle-walking the bike backwards out of the garage or into a parking spot.

Solution: Lowering the bike.

You can physically lower the bike itself a couple of ways, but they both involve changing the suspension components - namely, the shock absorbers. On most bikes, the shocks are mounted to the frame and to the swingarm. You can purchase a special bracket that will allow you to loosen the mounting bolts, slide the shocks to slide the shock back an inch or so, bringing the frame-with-fender down a bit closer to the tire in the rear, which might be enough to get you flat-footed.

You could also replace the stock shock absorbers with shorter shocks, bringing things down even further. If you go this route, make sure you don't go so short that the tire is likely to rub on the underside of the fender when the shock is compressed (i.e., you hit a bump, or add a passenger or luggage.)

If that's still not enough, you can also purchase a kit that lowers the front of the bike by changing the springs inside the fork tubes. Again, make sure you aren't creating a situation where parts of the bike will rub together that weren't intended to do so. Alternate solutions: You might be able to flat-foot the bike just by changing out the seat. A bike with a wide seat will spread your legs farther apart before they head toward the ground. A narrow-profile seat might give you just enough extra room to get you flat-footed. And, if you're just up on the balls of your feet instead of tip-toe, it's possible you could get by just by purchasing boots with a taller heel and sole.

Problem 2: You can't comfortably reach the handlebars.

Obviously, being able to reach the handgrips is key to comfortably operating and controlling the bike. From a design stand-point, lots of bikes today have "drag bars" - drag-racing style handlebars that come out in a nearly-straight line from the triple tree, extending left and right but not coming back toward you. These bars can force the shorter rider to hunch forward and reach way out to the right and left, putting body weight on your wrists and causing a burning sensation between the shoulder blades after only a short ride. (Kind of like that old ten-speed you used to ride with the curled-under handlebars - which, not coincidentally, was also originally designed for aerodynamic racing.)

Solution: Different handlebars, or pullback risers.

Depending on how far you have to hunch forward, you can try a couple of things here. Pullback risers are little chromey bits you put in between the tree and the bars to bring the bars up and back toward you in inch-increments. Small risers can make a big difference, so ask your dealer to help you determine how much pull-back you need.

You can also try a different handlebar style altogether. Buckhorn bars (and their next-bigger cousin, mini ape-hangers) bring the hand grips back toward you, and put your hands at an angle on the handgrips so your body sits back a bit and your weight rests on your butt and lower back instead of your wrists. Full ape-hangers will likely raise your arms above shoulder-level, which looks "old-school cool" but might make the upper arms ache. Finally, beach bars form a wide curve back toward the rider - like using half a steering wheel from the city bus. These have a distinct look and bring the grips back toward you, with your hands in a straight position similar to the drag bars (but probably with better weight distribution). Of course, if choosing different bars you'll want to consider the design and look of your bike, too. Beach bars might look hot on a wide cruiser, but they'll likely look out of place on a narrower bike.

An important caveat here is that adding risers or changing the bars could also mean you'll need longer or shorter clutch control cables and/or brake lines to accommodate the adjusted distance.

Shorter riders needn't fear the bike-shopping experience. While it's true that making these modifications will change the final price of the bike, it's also true that making a bike fit you perfectly is actually part of the process - and part of the fun!

ACL Injury - The 5 Most Common Causes

The ACL measures between 31 to 35 mm in length and is believed to withstand almost 500 pounds of pressure before failure or tearing. Normal activities apply about 100 lbs of force on the ACL. The ACL can also withstand up to 25% of lengthening without failure in younger and healthy adults.

Hyperextension of the knee and the medial rotation of the tibia apply the greatest amount of force on the ACL. These same positions also place the ACL at highest risk for tearing or rupture. Hyperextension of the knee is the excessive straightening of the knee that forces the tibia excessively forward in relation to the femur. Medial rotation of the tibia is the excessive inward turning of the tibia.

Non-contact Injuries vs. Contact Injuries

When the ACL sustains forces beyond its capacity, tearing or rupture of the ACL occurs. The injury is commonly incurred from one episode, although repetitive strain to the ACL may also cause the injury. The ACL is injured mainly through two mechanisms of injury: non-contact and contact.

Non-contact injuries

The most common mechanisms of ACL non-contact injuries include:

1. Planting and cutting - abrupt or sudden alteration in direction or speed with the foot fixed on the ground

2. Straight-knee landing - the foot strikes the ground with the knee straight

3. One-step-stop landing with the knee in hyperextension - the leg abruptly stops as the individual with the knee in excessively straightened position

4. Pivot-shift - rapid slowing down followed by a quick turn in one direction with the feet securely fixed on the ground; the most common mechanism of injury

In these situations, the ACL injury results from the application of indirect forces to the knee. And so, these injuries are classified as non-contact injuries. Non-contact mechanisms occur in 70 to 80% of ACL tears. The pivot-shift mechanism is the most common non-contact injury. The incidence of non-contact ACL injuries in female athletes is between 4- and 6-fold higher than in male athletes.

Contact injuries

The ACL is also injured through direct force or blow to the front of the knee and through collisions that force the knee to hyperextend. Contact or traumatic mechanisms usually cause injuries of the surrounding structures. In addition to ACL, the medial collateral ligament and the medial meniscus are also damaged. Next to pivot-shift mechanism, contact injuries are the most common mechanism of ACL injuries.

Female Susceptibility

So why are women more likely than men to incur ACL injuries? Some of the reasons are biological: for example, a wider pelvis, less muscle strength, a shorter ACL, greater knee laxity; and some are simply that women are more vulnerable in executing the movements that typically lead to ACL injuries: for example, jumping and landing.

To mitigate these traits and increase knee strength, women should include agility drills and plyometrics in their training programs. Women should include exercises that strengthen the knee and the hamstrings, such as leg presses, squats and lunges. Learning to use the hamstrings instead of the quadriceps through muscle control techniques is also important for women. This can be done with OKC (open-kinetic chain) exercises.

Friday, July 12, 2013

Knee and Hip Replacements - Tips on Exercise Frequency and Duration After Surgery

During your rehabilitation process from either a hip or knee replacement, you will have been presented with a host of exercises to complete to assure your success. The exercises should be presented in an orderly fashion taking into consideration the date of surgery, your overall medical condition and age.

In the hospital immediately after surgery, most of the exercises you will have been given will be what is known as isometric in nature. The frequency and duration that you will be advised to complete these type of exercises will depend on either your surgeons protocol or, the acting physical therapist assigned to you.

After leaving the hospital, you will then be assigned to either a skilled nursing facility or out patient clinic or,receive home health to continue your physical rehabilitation. It is generally within one of these three settings that your exercise program will intensify and the ease in which exercise can be carried to far is at its most prevalent.

Exercise frequency and duration is a key component that needs to be discussed with each patient not only before but after surgery. There is so much information out today on how and when to exercise along with the amount that it leaves most people confused. Along with that most information is conflicting. There is also the old school thinking of " no pain no gain" which from my previous writings I have mentioned that it is not necessarily the case and progress can be made without excessive pain. In fact, it has been determined in most patients that by promoting excessive pain after surgery actually will slow down the healing process and also promotes noncompliance with the exercise protocol.

When recovering from your replacement surgery the ideal exercise frequency that I find with my patients is twice a day. Once in the morning another exercise session in the afternoon. The timing of these two sessions can be critical as well. Proper spacing of the sessions needs to be taken into account to avoid excessive fatigue and pain. Anything more then three exercise sessions a day is counter productive and will only break the body down physically.

Its is recommended that the exercise sessions be spaced approximately 4-6 hours apart. If the exercise session was intense enough this time frame will allow your body to recover and be refreshed for the next session.

By properly spacing out the exercise frequency along with the duration or time spent exercising you will have much better control over your levels of pain along with edema in the affected limb.

There are many components involved in having a successful hip or knee replacement. One of the major issues though you will want to understand will be your exercise frequency and duration. If you can master that and listen to what your body is telling you will have a successful outcome.

Remember no more then three sessions a day but preferably two. Total exercise time during your sessions should be no more then 20-30 minutes, with no more then 5-8 exercises total each session.

Terrible Knee Pain - ACL Tears - Knee Braces That Help Stabilize Your Injury

Do you currently have an ACL injury?

Maybe it made a large popping noise or you can just tell something is wrong because your knee is not entirely stable. If you have this kind of injury, then we suggest you read on. We will discuss the anterior cruciate ligament first, and then discuss At the end how to help support your knee. When you do this you can get great pain relief and meaningful stability that will promote the healing of your injury.

The Anterior Cruciate Ligament:

The ACL is one of the four most significant knee ligaments that you currently have. It helps to provide the knee joint with essential stability and helps to limit excessive joint mobility (in a good way).

The Purpose of the ACL:

Essentially, forward motion of the shin bone (tibia) in relation to the thigh bone (femur) is controlled by the anterior cruciate ligament. This is HUGE! Just imagine this for a second, if you will, if your thigh and shin bone were totally free to move back and forth. If this sliding motion could easily occur you can probably foresee a scenario in which a injury might occur... At the very least, instability in your leg would be highly likely. If you did not have your knee ligaments then the bones might not stay aligned.

When it comes down to it, without the use of your knee ligaments to help stabilize your knee, the knee may dislocate. The problem with an ACL injury is that when you have resulting instability in your knee and various movements like pivoting can becoming more difficult. Cartilage tears and arthritis can also be occur with a higher frequency as well, when you have an ACL tear.

The remaining knee ligaments that work to stabilize the knee joint are the posterior cruciate ligament (PCL), the medial collateral ligament, and the lateral collateral ligament (MCL / LCL).

The Problem With ACL Tears:

People with ACL tears will often state that their knee is not stable, and has the sensation of "giving out on them". This feeling is due to the fact that knee joint is sliding excessively.


The demands that sports can place on our bodies are higher that of our daily lives. (You already know this is true.) ACL tears are more common in sports like football, basketball, skiing, hockey, and wrestling and rugby; as you can imagine how your knees are asked to perform in each sport. People may be able to get along fairly well with a torn ACL in normal daily activities, but it is wise to think about getting some extra support when you have this kind of knee injury.

Knee instability can be both mentally and physically difficult to deal with. When you have problems with instability and your knee feels like it might give out, other problems in your life can become less significant in a sense. If you have problems with your knee, such as increased knee pain or instability you should seriously consider using a well designed knee support. ACL type knee braces can be very helpful for people when you suffer this kind of injury.

Get Well From Surgery Gift Baskets

When someone arrives home from the hospital following an operation, they may be stuck in bed for several days or weeks. For most people, finding ways to pass the time while they are cooped up can be a challenge. If you know someone about to go into the hospital, how about putting together get well from surgery gift baskets? All it takes is a little creativity and time to put together or purchase the perfect basket. Here are a few things to consider:

What are their hobbies?

If you know a crafter, you might want to offer small craft kits that can be laid out on the bed for easy working. Cross stitch or crochet supplies are good ideas that take time to complete.

If you know someone who enjoys sewing, give fabric squares in a variety of colors and patterns for a small quilting project. Be sure to include a miniature sewing kit with thread, needles, thimbles, and other necessary items.

Model airplane and model automobile kits work well for men or boys, especially if you know, for example, a certain muscle car or sports car they have always wanted.

What kind of surgery are they having?

If they are having heart surgery, why not encourage future healthy eating by purchasing cookbooks filled with heart-healthy recipes. Another great idea is signing them up for a fruit of the month club so that fresh fruit is always handy. If you include snacks in your basket, make sure they are low in sodium and fats.

If they are having cosmetic surgery, they will surely welcome the best quality sunscreens with a high SPF, anti-aging lotions, creams, and gels, or makeup specially formulated to cover new scars from plastic surgery.

Patients undergoing back or knee surgery will have problems in the beginning with mobility. Many great tools are available for helping them do the necessary daily tasks. Dressing sticks aid in putting on shirts or jackets, shoehorns help in getting shoes off and on when bending is difficult, and "grabbers" help pick things up from the floor that they might otherwise be unable to reach.

How long is their recovery time?

If the surgery is a minor one, and they will recover quickly, think short-term. Fashion or sports magazines can be read fairly quickly. Crossword puzzles or other games can be fun while confined up to bed. A mug with a funny get well saying might give them a chuckle with their morning coffee.

If the patient will be in recovery for some time, you might think about ways to help them do the things they cannot do. Offer to mow the lawn, water the flowers and plants, do the laundry, cook, take care of pets, and run errands. As you can see, the list of thoughtful things you can include in your gift basket is limited only by your imagination.

Get Rid Of Arthritis Pain Forever

I know the secret to getting rid of arthritis pain forever and it is not taking drugs. A few years ago I accidentally discovered how to rid one's self of arthritis pain, naturally. Osteoarthritis affects joints in a different way depending on their location in the body, causing various symptoms. Arthritis pain can be experienced whenever a stiff or swollen joint is used. The first step when looking for solutions to an arthritis pain problem is to understand how arthritis works.

Collagen is the essential protein in cartilage; it forms a mesh to give support and flexibility to the joint. The combination of the collagen meshwork and high water content tightly bound by proteoglycans, creates a resilient, slippery pad in the joint, which resists the compression between bones during muscle movement. Cartilage contains a high percentage of water, but it decreases with age.

Most experts now believe that osteoarthritis results from a genetic susceptibility that causes a biologic response to injuries to the joint, which leads to progressive deterioration of cartilage. Injuries sometimes can be the start in the arthritic disease process; osteoarthritis can develop years later even after a single traumatic injury to a joint or near a joint. The cause of arthritis (osteoarthritis) and the factors leading to the deterioration of cartilage in osteoarthritis is still not understood.

Making a ginger tea, by adding a thin slice or two of fresh gingerroot to hot water, is helpful to many people I know. A study in Great Britain touted the beneficial effects of cod liver oil on osteoarthritis; relieving pain and stiffness, and reversing the destruction of joint cartilage within 24 hours. For snacks, choose raw nuts without salt instead of lifeless roasted nuts.

Natural treatment for arthritis is usually a better choice because it's non-invasive to the body. One natural treatment method involves avoiding all inflammatory foods. Dried Montmorency tart cherries seem to be helpful for arthritis pain also.

If you really want to get rid of your arthritis pain forever it may take a radical change in your diet and an ongoing commitment. Keep in mind, if you take a joint supplement it should help do three things -- build cartilage, relieve everyday joint pain, and enhance your flexibility and movement.

Make smoothies with fruit only using a base of two bananas, adding a cup of frozen or fresh blueberries and mango chunks or substitute any other fruit and add an energy boost of two tablespoons of coconut oil; add one or two leaves of kale for another highly nutritional boost -- no one will ever know. I eat a diet of living foods (fruits, raw veggies, raw nuts and raw seeds) to relieve my arthritis pain and this should be tried for at least 30 days, thus eliminating any foods that might be culprits.

There are a number of exercises which can benefit arthritis sufferers regardless of how much restriction of movement there is. Exercise your affected joints every day, to keep them flexible. If you have pain and swelling in your fingers, try squeezing Thera-putty made for this purpose or exercising with two Chinese chime balls. Exercise in a heated pool; it will help reduce the pressure on your joints and the heat will help you loosen those joints.

Sign up for water aerobics classes at your local community center. Even the lightest exercise can go a long way to maintaining your joint mobility and overall health. Important exercises for arthritis are range-of-motion exercises, isometrics, and some weight bearing exercises.

Once you become more informed about arthritis you'll be able to plan an arthritis treatment program, natural or conventional or a combination of both. At the very least, understand what the side effects and adverse reactions are for any drug you take. Only you know which treatment option is best for you.

Once you understand the facts about arthritis, possible causes and treatment approaches you can take, you'll be on your way to recovery and pain will disappear. Arthritis pain relief is the ultimate goal - understanding arthritis is a good way to get there. Changing your diet to predominately fruits and raw veggies, like I did, can turn your arthritis pain around almost overnight.

How Crucial is Good Customer Service to Your Bottom Line?

As I am both a service provider and a consumer, I'm quite comfortable saying I believe good customer service is essential to maintaining or growing your business. Excellent customer service is what begins to separate one from the crowd. So, it stands to reason that, regardless of how great your service or product is, poor customer service will eventually bring your business to its knees.

4 Elements of Customer Service

Manage Expectations: Whatever your service or product may be, ensure you consistently deliver on your service promises. If your company promotes that it guarantees a maximum 24-hour turn around on services, make sure that's what you deliver...every time.

Communicate Expectations: Let the customer or client know what they can expect from you and what you're going to do to ensure they get it. Ensure everyone on your team is aware of the customer service standards you've set for your company. They should understand how important consistent delivery of superior service quality is to your bottom line.

Exceed Expectations: Once you've set the standard for your customer service, try and find ways to deliver above and beyond. Your client is already expecting what you've promised; now knock their socks off by taking it a step further.

Follow Up: Particularly in the professional service industry the golden rule is "Follow up, Follow up and then, Follow up some more." Never leave a client wondering where things stand. Make certain you have a communication plan in place to always keep clients updated on progress during the project as well as maintaining continued success upon completion.

Too often companies can make the mistake of putting most of their effort into getting new clients and not enough into delivering on the services they've promised. I firmly believe that customer satisfaction from your current clients is the most valuable resource for attracting new customers.

Most clients won't complain about poor customer service, especially when it's the 2nd or 3rd time, they'll just go elsewhere. And, these days, they'll share their bad experience with their network of connections in person and through Twitter, Facebook, as well as various other online business review services. Local business reviews through Google serve as a very public platform for customers to easily comment on the businesses found in their directory. Here's where the impact of bad customer service can begin to drastically impact your bottom line.

Superior customer service is one of the most important tools left that seldom costs money and creates the most impact. It's more costly to attract and secure new clients than it is to keep the ones you've got satisfied.

Customers and clients are not only interested in the service or product you're offering; it's the additional elements of service that create loyalty.

Juicing For Vitamins Can Help With Osteoarthritis

There are actually more than 100 types of arthritis! The most common form is osteoarthritis, also known as degenerative arthritis or degenerative joint disease. Osteoarthritis is caused by the wearing down of cartilage in our joints over time, causing the joints to become stiff and painful. Certain joints are more susceptible to developing this health condition, such as the knees, hips, hands, neck and the lower back. However, every joint can develop osteoarthritis symptoms. The cause of this degenerative joint disease is unclear, though definite risk factors include aging, joint damage/injury, obesity and heredity.

At present there is no known cure for osteoarthritis. However, there are treatments for osteoarthritis joint pain reduction, maintaining joint movement and slowing down the degeneration. These osteoarthritis treatments includes drugs (such as NSAID's and cortisone shots), alternative methods such as acupuncture and the arthritis diet. Here we will focus on some key vitamins which can obtain through juicing.

Vitamin D

A study has found that vitamin D is beneficial for those who suffer from osteoarthritis in the knees. The Framingham Osteoarthritis Cohort Study of 1996 suggests that elderly people with a low intake of vitamin D and low blood levels of vitamin D were 3 times as likely to see their osteoarthritis symptoms worsen. Vitamin D is not found in fruits and vegetables, so it is not something we can obtain from juicing. Great food sources includes, fish, eggs and vitamin D fortified orange juice.

Vitamin C

1) Pain Reduction - Several studies have suggested that vitamin C is beneficial as an osteoarthritis treatment for pain. A double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled, crossover trial was performed on 133 patients. Those that were given 1g of calcium ascorbate per day (containing 898mg vitamins C) had significantly more pain reduction than those given a placebo. Another study also showed that taking 200mg of vitamin C a day reduced the chance of developing osteoarthritis knee pain.

2) Degeneration reduction - Taking 120-200mg of vitamin C per day has been shown to decrease the progression of this disease threefold.

3) Connective tissue and cartilage - Vitamin C is necessary for the production of connective tissue and cartilage and is suggested that it may help with some joint repair.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant for mopping up free radicals that attack all the bodies cells, including the cells in joints. Vitamin E is also a good anti-inflammatory agent for Joint Pain. Many sufferers claim that vitamin E helps reduce their pain.

Juicer Recipes for Osteoarthritis Treatment

The following list of juices will all provide good amounts of vitamins C and E to help provide relief from pain and help slow down degeneration of the joints. Vitamin E is not really found in vegetables. On the other hand vitamins C and E are found in a number of fruit. The recipes below will all be fruit based.

Osteoarthritis Treatment Juicer Recipe #1 - Berry Bonanza
1 cup of blackberries
1 cup of blueberries

3 kiwis Wash blueberries and blackberries thoroughly. Peel the kiwis. Juice them and then give them a good stir and enjoy.

Osteoarthritis Treatment Juicer Recipe #2 - Apple Zing!
3 Apples
1/4 of a lemon

Pick 3 of your favorite tasting apples, peel and core them and remove the stem. Scoop out the flesh from a 1/4 of a lemon, but don't juice the rind as it will taste too sour. Juice and enjoy.

Osteoarthritis Treatment Juicer Recipe #3 - The Subtle Strawberry
1/3 cup of strawberries
1 cup of blueberries
1 apple

Wash and top the strawberries. Wash the blueberries. Peel, core and remove stem from the apple. Juice and enjoy! This one is real tasty.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Pain Relief - The Psoas Muscle Can Be the Key

What if I told you that this muscle you've probably never heard of could be the key to releasing your knee pain, your ankle pain, your shoulder pain and your neck pain? It may be hard to believe, but by the end of this article you will understand why releasing this muscle can relieve pain and tightness from our feet to our heads. Releasing the psoas can be the key to opening up the body and allowing it to expand and relax.

You have two psoas muscles, one on each side. The psoas is your hip flexor. It is attached to every vertebrae of your lumbar (low) spine. It descends into the pelvis and joins with the iliacus muscle in your hip socket and then dives down to attach to your femur in the back, near your sits-bone. It is the muscle that lifts your leg when you walk, run, and bike. It also does a little bit of rotation of the leg and can bring the low back closer to the pelvis and legs. If tight it will pull the legs up and into the hip sockets at a slight rotation. It will also pull the back down and forward, compressing the joints and tilting the pelvis. This pull can cause repercussions in the knees, feet, shoulders and neck. If I compared you body to a bicycle wheel, the psoas would be the center, and if the center gets warped the outside will get warped too.

When the psoas is tight it will rotate the femur. Of course we walk with our feet straight which puts a twist where? That's right...the joint that really doesn't like to twist. The knee. It has been my experience that knee problems that aren't caused by blunt force (i.e. a ski accident), are often a result of a chronically tight psoas muscle. And even when there is a traumatic reason for a knee injury, releasing the psoas can ease extra strain on the knee and result in faster healing and decreased pain. I have a regular massage client who is in his 50's, in good shape, plays basketball and golf, but was plagued by pain in his left knee. He even thought about quitting basketball, but after releasing his psoas and maintaining that release, (I see him every six weeks or so), he really has no knee pain and has been able to continue and even increase his exercise regime.

The psoas can also pull the whole upper body down toward the center. Our body is all interconnected. One thing pulls another thing, which pulls another thing. A tight psoas can pull the shoulders down and in, which can cause everything from sore upper back muscles, to arthritis, bursitis, bone spurs, and torn rotator cuff muscles. This shoulder pull will also affect the neck, pulling it down and forward.

The psoas muscle is the muscle that pulls us into a fetal position. We tend to hold a lot of trauma there, and in our bellies in general. This is one reason we often have trouble with this muscle. Of course sitting all the time doesn't help either. We spend much more time in flexion, (at our computers, in our cars) than we do in extension. When our psoas gets stuck in flexion it will tilt our whole pelvis and puts extra stress on our spine which we tend to feel in our neck and low back. This cronic pelvis tilt can also cause tight hamstrings, which you can never seem to stretch. You can't stretch them because they're already stretched do to the pelvic tilt.

There is hope! There are many wonderful ways to release your psoas muscle. You could see a massage therapist that is comfortable working on the psoas (just ask them before you make the appointment). There are great stretches to be done and something called creative rest where you lie on your back with your feet up on a chair and allow your low back to fall on the floor and your hip sockets to release. Yoga and Pilates can be effective ways to work on the psoas.

Being successful in decreasing our pain and stiffness lies in treating the cause, not just the symptoms. Once you release the pull (which is often the psoas) everything else can release. Now that you know what the problem might be you will be much more successful at finding solutions.

Yoga Blankets

What is a yoga blanket? Who can use a yoga blanket? Or at least, that is what you might be thinking when confronted with the option to purchase one. A yoga blanket is an important yoga prop, that many people have long forgotten during their yoga lessons. Despite the fact that they make a very versatile prop for yoga; many people don't seem to realize the need for one. That is, until they are caught un-prepared during a weekly lesson. A yoga blanket can be used for many different poses, as well as the meditation before and afterward. Helping to make it one of the highest priority yoga props around.

A yoga blanket can be used to raise the hips above the knees, whenever a seated pose calls for it. As well as a cushion for any reclining poses that you might be asked to do during your lesson. Not only that, but it can be used as any other blanket can; to keep you warm while you are practicing the final relaxation during your yoga lesson.

You might be under the same mis-conception as many, that yoga blankets are ugly and useless items. Instead, you will find that they have endless uses during yoga class; as well as being extremely beautiful to look at. From the common Mexican-style yoga blanket that is often found during yoga class; or a more contemporary style yoga blanket can be obtained. There is a slough of colors and prints available. All of them able to help keep both your yoga lessons safe, as well as your fashion statement intact.

Another plus side to yoga blankets, is that they are extremely affordable. From a price-point of ten dollars all the way to hundreds of dollars for designer yoga blankets. There is something for everyone with these handy yoga props. The only true unfortunate part of yoga blankets, is that they aren't as readily accessible as many would like. No mass-market retailer carries quality yoga blankets, instead offering cheap knock-offs. For this reason, you should trust in your local and online yoga specialty stores. They will often times giving you more bang for your buck, and a quality that you can't question. Quality is key for anything, and that would include yoga blankets as well.

While you are searching for the perfect yoga blanket, you can consider several alternatives. Not only in prints and colors, but fabrics and the way they are made as well. From your traditional factory manufactured yoga blankets, to a more environment friendly version made to be "green". So, with all of the choices available to you; why not select a couple for your new (or experienced) life in yoga?

Buy MMA Clothing Online - Anderson Silva Silver Star T-Shirt Review

A couple things I like about Anderson "the spider" Silva is his quick hands and his vicious elbows and knees. He has quickly become a "superstar" in the UFC, after his long run in Pride. Now he takes his flawless record, along with his "devastating" knock-outs to the Silver Star clothing line brand. The Silver Star Black Anderson "the spider" Silva premium long sleeve thermal shirt offers the ultimate in "style" and "fashion".

Silver Star took championship style to an entirely new level when they created this signature series t-shirt. You can enjoy the comfort of wearing a "breathable" thermal tee that features a royal monogram design with metallic foil graphics of true spider webs! Some of the attributes of the Silver Star Black Anderson "the spider" Silva premium long sleeve thermal shirt include:

  • Lightweight and "breathable" thermal tee

  • Premium fitted

  • Softhand screen printed graphics

  • Metallic "foil" graphics

  • Rib knit collar and cuffs

  • Tagless collar

  • 100% Made in the U.S.A.

  • 100% Cotton

You can show your allegiance to one of MMA's "pound for pound" best fighters in style by sporting this t-shirt. Not to mention, all your buddies ( and street thugs ) will "think twice" about messing with you as you wear this shirt with pride. This shirt is great to wear in both the summer and the winter times. Along with the soft hand screen and foil graphics, and the rib knit collar and cuffs, it makes for a very comfortable fit. This shirt is not only "stylish", but also "tough" at the same time.

Proper Tens Electrode Placement Following ACL Reconstruction Surgery

The use of tens machines for post surgical treatment is being widely used today in the orthopedic surgery area. The use of a tens machine is generally done as a way to prevent and control pain following trauma to tissue and bones caused by surgery. The tens unit electrodes are put on the patient while the patient is still unconscious and under anesthesia. In most cases the electrodes are sterile electrodes, however since the placement occurs after the wound is sutured it's not necessary to only use sterile electrodes. This is a general guideline on how to place the electrodes and more importantly why.

If the tens machine is being used solely for pain then the electrode placement is not as crucial as it is when the electrical stimulus of the tens unit is being used to facilitate faster healing of the damaged tissues. We recommend the tens electrode placement include both aspects of post surgery healing, faster healing and less pain. Electrical stimulation has historically been used to heal non-union fractures, non healing decubitus ulcers, and the processes for those type uses is the same one uses for healing tissues following surgery.

Most clinicians are familiar with how electricity goes through the body from a tens machine. A tens machine has two "channels". A channel is nothing more than a circuit from the tens machine and the machine sends electricity down one wire/cable to one electrode to go into the body. After the electricity enters the body it then takes the shortest easiest, less resistant, route to the other electrode that has been placed on the body. It is the area between the electrodes that is important.

Let's take an ACL reconstruction on the knee and show how this works. Many surgeons and tens company reps will place two electrodes on the same channel directly above the knee on each side of the leg. The current flow is about 3 - 6 inches above the knee - NOT IN THE AREA WHERE THE SOFT TISSUE AND BONE TISSUE WERE INJURED. Because the current is solely flowing above the injured tissue there is probably no beneficial acceleration of healing of the bone or soft tissues due to the electricity. It simply does not go into the affected area therefore it's unlikely faster healing occurs. There is some pain control from this tens electrode placement, but not any faster healing.

The proper placement would be to place one electrode behind the calf of the knee, and the other electrode on the top of the thigh about 3 - 4 inches above the knee. What this does is:

A. control the pain by stimulating the afferent nerves in the area, and

B. directs the electricity through the area where the surgery occurred.

Above is the better tens electrode placement following ACL surgery for pain control, and to get the patient healed and restore full function quicker.

Here is a video to show how the use of Functional electrical stimulation can be used to regain full activity levels 8 - 10 weeks after acl reconstructive surgery. This is especially important for the athlete or child participating in high school athletics.

Arthritis Knee Pain - What Can You Do About It?

Arthritis knee pain affects so many Americans over the age of 50. The things you use to enjoy in life all of a sudden have become a chore. Simple things like going up the stairs and squatting are being done gingerly and with careful consideration. You can't remember the last time you danced, golfed, biked, jogged or walked with ease. So lets take a look at arthritis knee pain and in particular arthritis itself and find out what are the possible causes and can something be done to help you enjoy life again.

Arthritis is a degenerative joint disease that causes swelling and pain in the joints. It mostly affects the knee joints because the knee is the joint that we used most often. We stand, sit, walk, squat with the knees so the degeneration of the joint start here most often causing arthritis knee pain. There are several classifications of arthritis but the one that is most familiar is Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid arthritis. Osteoarthritis affects millions of Americans each and every day causing arthritis knee pain . Not only are we talking about arthritis in the knees but also arthritis can affect the hips, hands, spine and legs as well. As osteoarthritis starts its course, degeneration of the cartilage that protects the bones begin to wear down causing the rubbing of the bones against each other. This causes swelling and pain in the joints that are affected. Over time, the pain and swelling become worse causing limited mobility and range of motion. For arthritis knee pain sufferer, flare ups occur with the change in whether, falling barometric pressure, and first thing in the morning upon rising. There is no true consensus as to what causes osteoarthritis but food allergies, poor diet, and mineral deposits have been linked.

So how can we alleviate arthritis knee pain? Let us focus on diet. Diet is an effective way to alleviate arthritis pain if you know which foods to avoid and which foods to consume in adequate quantities. One food that has been found to be essential is cold-water fish such as salmon and mackerel. Cold water fish is loaded with essential fatty acids and have anti-inflammatory properties that decreases swelling in arthritis knees. Increasing the amount of fiber intake such as raw fruits and vegetables is another way to decrease arthritis knee pain. Fiber acts as a sweeper that sweeps away excess mineral and acid in the body. To get a double benefit, eat vegetables like cauliflower and broccoli because these vegetables are not only provide fiber for sweeping but also have anti-inflammatory properties as well. Also eat foods high in sulfur such as garlic, asparagus, and onion because sulfur helps repair cartilage and bone which we know is essential for fluid joint mobility. Finally, drink plenty of water especially when you first get up in the morning to help lubricate the knee joints and thus decreasing the arthritis knee pain.

Now that you know what causes arthritis pain start looking at your diet and other risk factors. Start consuming foods loaded with essential fatty acids, fiber and sulfur. Drink 6 to 8 glasses of water a day and get plenty of rest. You can take control of arthritis knee pain and start enjoying life once again.

Discover the Knock-Off For Public Speakers

Fear of the podium is very common for most public speakers. Sunday School teachers, even the preacher, experience fear when they speak to their audience. Nobody wants to have their knees knocking every time you get up to tell a story, a joke, or give a serious documentary.

Some folks tell us that podium anxiety is only temporary for the newbie. I'm not so sure about that as many old timers seem very nervous on their feet too. Usually, a new audience causes some anxiety for the speaker, always wondering how they'll react to our story. Can we expect courtesy from these guys? Will they be kind to the speaker or try to challenge various theories? Public speaking has some risk for those who deal with serious topics and the super intellectuals. Many aspiring business executives miss an excellent opportunity to grow and advance in their career by refusing to speak in a group meeting.

Public speaking can be nerve rattling, cause us to get confused and break out in a sweat. Even a blank stare can haunt us at the podium. Some speakers experience eyes burning and watering before they begin. Fear of being embarrassed or made fun of can surface as another fear with a particular audience. Practice is very important to all speakers who aspire to excel in the industry and be recognized as an industry expert and professional.

Before jumping off the deep end, it's best to begin your training with small groups familiar with you and your subject matter. Usually familiar faces will be comforting to the speaker. Later you can expand to other less familiar groups who invite you to speak to them. Networking in your industry is a primary key to your future business growth and success.

It's helpful to recognize that all audiences want you to succeed. Most executives have been in your shoes when called on to speak with a group so they are aware of your anxiety as the speaker. One huge step in overcoming fear and concern is to look at your audience. Watch for a head or two expressing agreement with your comments early on which will be reassuring that you've connected with at least some folks in the audience.

Remember, any goof ups are soon forgotten. Your audience is not there to catch you in an error or to see you make a serious error in comment or judgment. As a public speaker it's your challenge to bring quality ideas, new information to your audience. You'll miss the hot button with some in the audience but that's an OK. Not everyone is equipped with the same education, exposure to the issue, or there may be a distraction from other sources you're not aware of from the podium.

Everyone one of us needs feedback from our audiences. Maybe some of your friends have been to hear you speak previously or they're with you now.... ask them for feedback. Did they get what they came for? Why did they come? Was your speech on target as they understood the purpose? Ask and ye shall receive is reality. Most of us are reluctant to be critical of fellow workers in the vineyard.

If you make mistakes and falter, you can always correct yourself with a familiar audience. Also, your goof ups will be among friends who care about your success as a speaker. However, mingling with your audience prior to facing them from the podium will ease your fears.

Hopefully, you took the time before the meeting to seek out some folks personally, talk with them about their business or life in general. Call their name and recognize their expertise when you can. People like to feel important and you can be the one to bring a big smile when acknowledging someone in the audience who has shared a few personal minutes with you.

Familiar faces or a familiar subject will ease your fears. Make sure when you start out as a public speaker that everything is not all new to you. Pick old faces or an old topic you can talk about with your eyes closed or recite the message without notes. Don't try to be a hero with the newest and latest.

Try to connect with your audience as quickly as possible. Tell a funny story with a good punch line. Be sure to practice telling it or you may fall flat which is not a good thing. Don't talk over folks head using big words you don't understand either. Talk at about the 8th grade level or sometimes 5th grade is better. Mainly it's all about being prepared as wide and deep as possible. No winging a speech off the cuff or you'll flounder around and hear hissing from the audience.

Public speaking can be fun as well as rewarding in many different ways. Ty Boyd, a member of the National Speakers Bureau, has an excellent training institute for aspiring speakers located in Charlotte, NC. Hundreds of trainees have gone on to head corporations and excel in life and business with the confidence gained from attending Ty Boyd's classes. Been there done that many years ago.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Are You Suffering From Menopause And Arthritis?

Climb up to a life free from menopause arthritis

Recent studies have shown that women in their late forties and early fifties are displaying signs of menopause arthritis - a form of osteoarthritis triggered by menopause. Was it not enough that menopause brought on the hot flashes, night sweats and a variety of aches and pains which kept a woman up at night, that menopause arthritis has now been added to the list? The thought of a flight of stairs makes you want to balk and makes you want to move to a more comfortable but expensive apartment on the ground floor.

But before you start looking at adapting your lifestyle to accommodate this new phenomenon, understand what is happening with your body first.

Understanding what is arthritis

Osteoarthritis or arthritis is a common complaint of women in the age group between thirty to fifty years. Arthritis is caused by the wear and tear of the cartilage around the joints. As this wear and tear is gradual arthritis usually is a complaint of people belonging to an older age group.

Menopause arthritis - What is the connection between the two?

Arthritis has always been more of a complaint with women than with men. The logical hormone connecting menopause with arthritis then seems to be the hormone estrogen. When a woman's ovaries stop producing eggs during menopause her body experiences hormonal imbalances. Especially the levels of the hormone in a woman's body start reducing. Researchers have laid the blame for arthritis on estrogen because of the following reasons:

· The occurrence of arthritis in twice the number of women as the number of men suggests that the trigger to arthritis has to be some hormone exclusive to the female body

· Pregnant women have experienced the symptoms of arthritis more extremely than the average woman. A pregnant woman is also known to have higher levels of estrogen

There are multiple causes which trigger arthritis. While estrogen leads the race in this matter, there are other changes in the woman's body which affect arthritis. During menopause, owing to the hormonal imbalances, a woman is prone to gaining more weight. The weight gained adds more pressure on the knees, causing further wear and tear of the cartilage.

Besides estrogen, there are other hormones in a woman's body which experience the imbalance brought on by menopause. The secretion of these hormones causes the tissues and cartilages around the joints to deteriorate more rapidly.

Menopause arthritis can it be avoided?

There is no fool-proof plan which will keep you free from the clutches of menopause arthritis. However, the onset of arthritis can be prevented by taking small but simple steps:

· Applying hormone topical creams on aches and pains which begin early, can delay the onset of the arthritis. These creams are designed to balance out the estrogen levels in the body and hence help relieve the pain caused by inflammation

· Regulating your diet and switching to a gluten-free diet will make sure that you do not gain more weight and add more pressure on your knees, aiding the wear and tear of tissues around the knee joints. Weight gain also affects other joints besides the knee, like the back, ankles and wrists

· Using a mild anti-inflammatory cream during peri-menopause delays the onset of menopause arthritis

· Using supplements to strengthen the bones from an early age, prevents the early onset of arthritis

Menopause arthritis Herbs that can help

There are also home remedies you can resort to when you begin to first experience the aches in your joints. Indian researchers have placed great faith in the practice of Ayurveda and the use of medicinal herbs to ease aches and pains which lead to the arthritis caused by menopause.

· Boswellia - An Indian herb with no side effects interrupts the inflammation in the joints and the release of biochemicals which cause pain. Many women who have used this herb during perimenopause have had a menopause free of joint and back aches

· Turmeric - Turmeric is the wonder herb of India. The uses of turmeric are vast and varied, primarily used as an antiseptic to heal wounds, turmeric is known to have curcumin which reduces inflammation and eases pain. Application of turmeric paste over aching joints reduces the pain

· Cayenne - More popularly famous as a spice, Cayenne contains capsaicin which works as a soothing painkiller on joint aches. Capsaicin actually encourages the body to release its own hormones responsible for relieving pain

While menopause arthritis is a painful truth most women have to deal with, it does not have to become a way of life. There are natural and medical ways to prolong the onset of arthritis and to deal with its early onset. Switching to a healthier diet and taking care of your body from an earlier age will help you have a more comfortable and pain-free menopause.

In conclusion the best practices for handling arthritis or any of the other 34 menopause symptom is to take a proactive approach to staying healthy, eating a clean, adding more daily fibers to each meal, lower fat and sugar intake, and exercise at least 30 minutes everyday.

Demystifying PRP Or Platelet Rich Plasma

Recently, there has been a lot of buzz surrounding the use of PRP to heal injuries that have been resistant to other forms of treatment. So what is PRP?

Platelet Rich Plasma or PRP is the biologic factor that is obtained when human whole blood is spun in a centrifuge and is separated from other liquid blood components. The Plasma has been shown to contain many healing factors that aid the treatment of injuries in humans and animals.

Why is there so much excitement about it?

Studies have shown that a PRP injection can be more successful in treating tendonitis than treatment with cortisone and offers less risk than a surgical procedure. If PRP is not successful, its use does not preclude additional treatments or surgery. Because the factor is made entirely from the patient's own blood, it is entirely natural and does not cause the numerous side effects of NSAIDs and steroidal medications, whether taken orally or injected. Surgical treatment of tendonitis is not always successful and carries risks as well. FDA approval is pending for treatment of tendonitis, but the FDA has approved PRP for other orthopaedic indications. PRP is done as a single injection which can be repeated in 6 weeks if necessary.

Does insurance cover PRP injections?

Most do not cover PRP injections when used for tendonitis. If your carrier does not, you can self-pay your provider for PRP.

Who can have PRP injections and who cannot?

Any adult patient with a history of tendonitis which has not responded to other treatments, whose symptoms are significant enough that they are considering surgery or repeat steroid injections would be a good candidate.

Patients who would not be good candidates are those taking blood thinners, who cannot stop taking anti-inflammatory medicines, those who cannot follow the prescribed rest and rehabilitation regimen after PRP injection.

How is it done?

Patients are advised to discontinue use of anti-inflammatory medications (Aleve, ibuprofen, aspirin) for one week prior to their injection.

During a visit to the orthopaedist's office, blood is drawn from the patient's arm and is then spun in a high-speed centrifuge. After the blood components separate, only the platelet rich plasma is drawn off to be used for the injection into the patient. After numbing the injection site, the injured tendon is injected with the PRP. The patient is monitored for a short time after the injection. This process takes around 1 hour.

Will I have any special precautions to follow after the injection?

Patients are advised to rest, apply ice to the injection site and to take it easy for a few days. Anti-inflammatories continue to be a "no-no" for one week after the injection. Your physician will instruct you according to your own specific needs, but for most patients, sports activity will be limited, physical therapy will be prescribed and patients may be given a sling, a brace or crutches to use. You may be prescribed a medication for pain after the procedure.

Are there any downsides to having PRP?

As with any procedure or treatment, there are risks to be considered. Although minimal, there is a risk for infection at the injection site. There is also no guarantee that a PRP injection will provide relief or a reduction in symptoms. Discuss this and any other treatment option thoroughly with your doctor to make sure it is right for you.

Episodic Oligoarticular Arthritis and Podagra

Podagra-severe inflammatory arthritis at the first metatarsophalangeal joint-is the most frequent manifestation of gout. Patients usually describe waking within the middle of the night with dramatic pain, redness, swelling, and warmth of the region. Flares of gout typically create one of the most intense forms of inflammatory arthritis. The toes and, to a lesser extent, the midfoot, ankles and knees are the most common websites for gout flares. Gout flares often occur in circumstances that improve serum uric acid amounts, such as metabolic stressors leading to elevated DNA or adenosine triphosphate (ATP) turnover (eg, sepsis or surgery) or dehydration.

Agents that reduce prostaglandin synthesis (eg, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), decrease neutrophil migration into the joints (eg, colchicine), or decrease the activation of myelomonocytic cells (eg, corticosteroids) decrease the duration of the gouty flare. Gouty arthritis can be diagnosed by examination of synovial fluid from an actively inflamed joint under a polarizing microscope.

Monosodium urate crystals could be seen as negatively birefringent needle-like structures that extend across the diameter of and therefore are engulfed by polymorphonuclear neutrophils. Firm, irregular subcutaneous deposits of monosodium urate crystals may occur in individuals with chronic gout and therefore are referred to as tophi.

Tophi most frequently form along tendinous tissues on the extensor surfaces of joints and tendons as well as on the outer helix from the ear. This kind of tophi might extrude chalky material, containing urate crystals, onto the skin surface and can be viewed for diagnostic purposes under polarized microscopy. In some individuals, the total body burden of uric acid increases greatly over many years; deposits of monosodium urate crystals occur at numerous joint websites.

This may result in a persistent but more indolent inflammatory arthritis related to remodeling from the thin synovial membrane into a thickened inflammatory tissue. Destructive and irreversible joint deformities resulting from bone and cartilage erosions often produce in this circumstance. Renal tubular injury and nephrolithiasis can also produce below these problems.

Treatment for acute gouty arthritis consists of brokers that reduce inflammatory cell recruitment and activation towards the involved joints. In contrast, prevention or prophylaxis of recurrent attacks of gouty arthritis demands chronic treatment to reduce serum uric acid amounts into the normal array, exactly where dissolution of crystals is favored.

A number of brokers are obtainable that can achieve this objective. These include uricosuric agents (eg, probenecid), which improve excretion of uric acid to the urine, and allopurinol, which inhibits uric acid synthesis by inhibition of xanthine oxidase (a critical enzyme in the uric acid synthetic pathway). Xanthine oxidase inhibitors are conceptually suitable for treatment of uric acid overproducers (10% of individuals), and uricosuric agents for treating uric acid underexcretors (90% of patients).

However, brokers that decrease uric acid production can be utilized for therapy of hyperuricemia irrespective of trigger and are frequently a lot more convenient in terms of dosage regimens. Several newer recombinant molecule therapies, including an enzyme called uricase that directly breaks down uric acid, and a soluble IL-1 receptor antagonist, have shown promising early outcomes within the remedy of refractory gout.

What to Expect After Total Knee Replacement Surgery

Arthroplasty, or total knee replacement surgery, is a major surgical procedure and to ensure proper healing it is important to follow the directions given by your orthopedic surgeon. The knee bears a great deal of weight and a well designed physical therapy plan should be followed after knee surgery to ensure restoration of movement and mobility to the knee joint.

Very basically, arthroplasty involves replacement of the knee joint cartilage with a prosthesis made up of special metals and plastics and involves a hospital stay of 3 to 7 days after the knee replacement surgery. Most hospitals will not discharge a patient who has had replacement knee surgery unless they can walk with the aid of crutches. Knee rehabilitation therapy commences almost immediately after the surgery and can continue for several months. This is a crucial key to good recovery.

Since it can take up to 3 weeks after surgery before the repaired knee joint can be expected to bear any weight, it may be necessary for patients to receive in-home assistance. If in-home care is not available then there are rehabilitation centers that can provide that service. This would mean staying at the center for 2 or 3 weeks after the operation. During this time the leg should be kept elevated as much as possible and use ice packs to help minimise swelling.

Since we are all different with different health, fitness and motivation levels and the complexity of knee surgery varies with each operation, the recovery procedure and recovery time can vary. The following are guidelines only and can vary from case to case.

For the first three to four weeks after the knee replacement, walking with aid of crutches or a walker is necessary.

After that period the use of a cane is recommended for two to three weeks.

Usually, after around 8 weeks, most people can walk unaided.

It generally takes from 6 to 12 months for the knee joint to heal completely. This time frame is dependent on the knee exercises and rehabilitation program being followed and on the knee not being damaged by trying to pursue some activities too soon.

The level of mobility of the knee following the surgery varies from person to person, however, most people should be able to bend the repaired knee joint to 90 degrees with two to three weeks after their knee replacement surgery. Eventually, many will get over 110 degrees of motion in the repaired knee.

It should be possible to return to jobs that are sedentary by 6 weeks after surgery. More physical jobs should be looked at on an individual basis in conjunction with your health care professional.

After about 12 weeks, most people are back to their normal activities and the pain experienced before the knee replacement has usually disappeared by this time.

It is important to remember that the components used in the knee joint prosthesis are not able to heal if the knee is damaged and so common sense must prevail when considering undertaking leisure, sporting and employment activities to lessen the risk of injury. Here is a list of recommended activities, activities that are allowed in moderation and ones that should be avoided altogether.

Recommended activities

* Swimming and water aerobics
* Cross-country skiing
* Golf
* Dancing
* Cycling
* Using training machines like cross trainers and exercise bikes
* Desk work

Permitted: Allowable in moderation:

* Hiking
* Sports like gentle tennis or gentle downhill skiing
* Jobs that do not require heavy lifting (driving, walking, standing etc).

These activities should be avoided at all costs:

* Jogging or running
* Impact exercises
* Contact sports and those sports that put a lot of stress son the knee through pivoting or twisting e.g. basketball, squash, football etc.
* Heavy labor and lifting.

With the advances made in total knee replacement surgery procedures and prosthetics, almost full use of the knee can be expected for many years.

Reduce Knee Pain With Infrared Light Therapy

It is a well-known fact that we all need light in order to be healthy. But these days we are learning just how important light really is, and that it can be used to treat a number of health conditions, from mental health to physical pain. Natural light helps to provide some of the nutrition we need, and it plays a role in our mental health. This therapy can be a wonderful tool for helping to keep your body and mind healthy, and can help ease certain ailments, ranging from pain to depression. Many people are using light therapy to treat a number of aches and pains, including knee pain, which can be quite excruciating, depending on the type of injury.

What is Infrared Therapy?

This is basically the simulation of natural light using various sources of artificial light that are similar to natural light. It is a proven method of pain relief, and you will find many people visiting clinics to have light therapy treatments. Basically, infrared light is used to warm and relax the muscle tissues, and it is a perfectly safe method of pain relief, which, unlike many painkilling drugs, is not addictive or harsh on the body. It has been proven very effective in the treatment of knee pain, as well as many other types of physical pain.

Therapy at Home

Although you can visit a clinic to have light treatments, this is something that, unless you have a great health plan that covers a lot, is going to become quite expensive. You can save yourself a lot of money by using a light system at home. These units are easy to use, and not only are you going to be saving money, you will also be having your light therapy in the comfort of your own home, which for many is a really big deal. If you are interested in light therapy and like the idea of being able to do it yourself at home, you may want to look into the Lumiwave Infrared Light Therapy Device, which is small and lightweight, but really does the trick when it comes to knee pain management. This is a deep tissue light therapy device that helps to provide relief from knee pain without any harmful or negative side effects.

At less than $500, this device will really save you money in the long run, and you will be able to have light treatments whenever you like, at your own schedule. And you only need to use it a couple of times per day for just ten minutes at a time. You will be able to adjust the temperature yourself, and the Lumiwave Infrared Light Therapy Device will shut off on its own, so if you happen to fall asleep, you don't have to worry about the device still operating. Because it is portable, if you are on the go, you can take it with you just about anywhere, and you can even use it at work.

Knee Dislocation - Painful, But Easily Treated

Among the many painful injuries that can happen to the knee, one of the most painful is knee dislocation. Basically, this happens when the shin and thigh bones (tibia and femur) are not in the proper alignment, or out of place. These bones are held together by ligaments, and when the ligaments become torn, usually due to an injury of some sort, the bones can dislocate.

Most often, knee dislocation is caused by a major trauma to the knee, such as sports injuries, falls and automobile accidents. It is pretty easy to tell if one has a dislocated knee, because the knee will look crooked following the injury. If the injured person is lucky, the knee will go back into place on its own, and the only remaining symptoms will be pain and swelling for a few days, which can be treated by RICE (Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation).

Symptoms and Care of Knee Dislocation

The most common symptom of knee dislocation is pain. Other symptoms may include swelling, to the point where the patient may not be able to feel a pulse in their foot. The knee will look crooked or deformed, and there may even be numbness in the foot, especially if there is a lot of swelling. If you think that you may have a dislocated knee, it is important that you seek medical treatment right away. Take a trip to your local emergency room, where x-rays will be taken to ensure that it is a dislocation, and not something even more serious, such as a broken bone.

Other tests may include ultrasound or Doppler to see the level of blood flow through the leg arteries. Because it is possible that there could be nerve damage associated with a dislocated knee, the physician may also check for this, testing for numbness and ability to move.

Although there are some treatments that can be done at home, it is not a good idea to completely treat a knee dislocation yourself. Of course, you can ice it to help the pain and swelling until you can see a physician, who will probably have to put the knee back into place. There is almost always artery damage with knee dislocations, and surgery is necessary in 21% to 32% of all knee dislocations, usually with optimal results. Some patients do report chronic pain following the injury and surgery.

Following treatment by a physician, you will be told to rest the knee joint completely, and immobilization will probably be necessary to relieve knee pain. This is done by wearing a brace that will prevent bending of the knee, and usually must be used until the injury is healed. And, because there are often breaks involved with knee dislocations, it is often necessary to see a bone specialist once the dislocation has healed.

Knee dislocation is a common injury, and one that is treatable. But, it is also an injury that is avoidable in a lot of cases. For instance, if you avoid extreme sports that involve jumping from high places, you avoid risking knee dislocation, as well as a host of other injuries. Take care of yourself, and you will be less prone to knee dislocation and other injuries.

How to Avoid Knee Injuries

The knee supports the bulk of ones body weight is subject to the many physical stresses of everyday life. The knee is one of the most important joints of the body, and one of the most complexes. Because of this complexity, the knee is susceptible to many ailments. Among the most common are:

  • Arthritis caused by a deterioration of knee cartilage leading to wear and tear on the bones.

  • Ligament tears due to traumatic contact injuries or hyperextension that is stretching because of a sudden change of direct or pivoting.

  • The kneecap (patella) is connected to the tibia and femur by the patellar and quadriceps tendon. Overuse of the knee can cause tendonitis, an inflammation of the tissue.

  • Between the femur and tibia bones there is cartilage, known as the meniscus which keeps the bones from rubbing together. Repetitious movement or sudden turns of the knee can lead to meniscus tears, often in conjunction with other knee injuries.

  • Bursitis which refer an irritation of small fluid sacs which enclose the knee.

  • Dislocated kneecap while the patella slips to the outside of its usual alignment.

  • Hyperextension is used when the knee bends back away from the hinged lock position.

Fortunately many injuries can be avoided or tempered if one knows how to strap a knee.

Strapping a weak or injured knee provides support. A strong knee resists injury while an injured knee supported by sports tape will heal more quickly.

How to strap a knee

Knee taping techniques are designed to support the knee and to reduce stress on the knee during activity and they can be used for both to prevent knee injuries and for the treatment of existing injuries. Taping a knee is simple and, if done correctly, can be extremely effective.

You will need

  • 38mm rigid strapping tape

  • 75mm elastic adhesive bandage


The ideal angle for the knee when beginning strapping is 10繙. This can be achieved by placing a roll of tape under the heel of the knee to be taped, or by putting a folded towel under the thigh.

Begin with an anchor of 38mm rigid strapping tape around the lower thigh and the upper calf, taking care that they are not too tight as this can impede circulation. Subsequent straps will be attached to these anchors.

Next, make a cross on either side of the knee, starting from the mid-point of the shin and ending behind the thigh as well as starting behind the knee and ending at the midpoint of the thigh. The knee will be surrounded by a diamond shape. Support can be increased by repeating these steps several times.

Vertical straps from anchor to anchor on the inside of the knee add greater support.

Finally, using 75 mm adhesive bandage wrap the entire knee, making sure to cover the rigid tape completely.

Knowing how to strap a knee in the correct manner can provide support for weak knees, allow injured knees to recover faster and, generally, make getting about much easier.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Housemaid's Knee - Starts With a Bursa

A bursa is a sac-like membrane filled with fluid that lubricates joints. They are generally located between tendons and bones. "Bursitis" is the name for inflammation of these membranes. The most commonly plagued areas for bursitis are the hips, lower knees, elbows, shoulders and your heels.

The cause of bursitis can be arthritis, trauma, infection or strain. The role of a bursa is to provide a cushion between moving tissues and bones thus allowing friction-free movement. Sometimes the bursae can become a chronic problem if calcified deposits develop around them.

An inflamed bursa can form under the heel or in the back because a tendon is strained and this in turn prevents full range-of-motion encouraging swelling to occur. Bursitis in the heel is commonly caused by shoes that do not fit properly. Take the time and money to invest in shoes or sneakers that fit properly regardless if you are simply going for long walks in the neighborhood, standing on your feet all day, engaging in a strenuous activity, or participating in any sport.

Another form of bursitis affects the front of the knee caps and is called "pre-patella bursitis." When a bursa in the front of the knee becomes inflamed a large egg-like bump will form over the kneecap. You will not miss the bump because it will be inflamed and it will hurt if you press on it. Sometimes a physician will advise draining the extra fluid in the inflamed bursa. Draining a bursa can often have an after effect of even more extreme swelling. The swelling will diminish in a few days and the bursa should return to normal. Constant pressure on the front of the knee causes pre-patella bursitis, for example if you kneel most of the day while doing gardening you may develop mild to severe bursitis.

Other problems that can cause you to develop bursitis on the kneecap are taking a direct kick to the knee or falling and landing on your knee. Years ago this type of knee bursitis was often called "Housemaid's Knee." As the saying goes: "We've come a long way baby." To prevent so-called housemaid's knee follow these guidelines:

#1. Do not kneel on an injured knee,

#2. Do not put pressure on this knee,

#3. Do gentle stretching exercises such as using a Pilates Reformer with low resistance,

#4. Apply an ice bag to to the swollen area.

There are also many other fluid-filled sacs behind the knees which are interconnected with tendons and tissue to provide friction-free movement. If these become inflamed you will develop a swelling that protrudes at the back of the knee. This is usually diagnosed as "popliteal bursitis." Even though this form of bursitis might not be painful, it may limit your ability to move your knee. Popliteal bursitis may be due to a sports injury created by excess friction around the knee or it can be disease related. Your physician may recommend having a surgical procedure to remove the swollen sac. If there is no need for surgery, the best medicine is exercise that stretches your hamstring muscles and quadriceps. Gyrotonic® exercise is also beneficial to improve and prevent poptileal bursitis.

Overuse strains are common for the hip-flexors, especially for athletes. Your hip flexor muscle has a tendon that is attached to the thigh bone. If the bursa between them becomes inflamed, your hip area will become very painful.  The inflammation often results from one of the bursa hidden under the tendons, instead of between the tissues. Treatment would include:

#1. Apply an ice bag to the area,

#2. Rest, especially laying on your back to avoid pressure on the hip area,

#3.  Gentle stretching to regain flexibility; do this with a physical therapist or certified personal trainer to avoid further injury.

Shoulders are very over used and also sensitive to sports' injuries. Between the tendons and tissue in the shoulder, there are many large bursae to allow friction-free movement. They become inflamed when you exercise or play sports using the wrong form. Bursitis in the shoulders is extremely painful even with the slightest movement of your neck, back and shoulders. If you develop shoulder bursitis get it checked out by a physician because very often anti-inflammatory pills or injections are necessary to speed up the healing process.

You can also enhance the effectiveness of any medication, or help prevent bursitis from even developing, by using natural remedies and taking extra precautions. Here are some suggestions:

#1. Always stretch before and after exercising,

#2. Regularly take Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Vitamin E and zinc to keep your bursae healthy,

#3. Take Vitamin B-12, when needed, as it has been known to give quite rapid relief from bursitis,

#4. Take bromelain to help reduce inflammation,

#5. Get ultrasound treatments (performed by a physical therapist) to diminish calcium deposits,

#6. Avoid putting too much pressure on your knees by using padding or by standing up and moving frequently, otherwise...Housemaid's Knee!

#7. Use a padded floor mat if you have a job where you are required to stand for long periods of time,

#8. Commit to an exercise program, no matter what your age is. A personal trainer can help customize a program with a well balanced and symmetrical approach appropriate for your fitness level. The right exercise program provides increased strength and endurance, better balance, increased range-of-motion, better circulation and improved posture. All of these attributes help protect your tendons and bursae.

So now that you know more about how bursitis can be prevented and treated, pay attention to these little "sacs" that play a big role in your well being. Start your preventative exercise program today. 

GSP Rushfit: How It Keeps Me Fit With Less Joint Pain

Like some people over 40, I am developing joint pain. I am also a fitness fanatic. These two characteristics can work well together or be disastrous. After going through other, similar workout regimens, I had huge health gains but pretty severe joint pain. It was beyond "no pain, no gain" stuff -- this was full-on pain in the bone. So, when I discovered Georges St. Pierre (GSP), one of the best MMA (mixed-martial arts) fighters in the world, had just released a home workout regimen on DVD, I had to check it out. I was, of course, a bit skeptical and concerned, as GSP is not a very talkative guy and I was still a bit sore from my last cycle of another regimen. I was not disappointed, though, as GSP Rushfit is not as hard on the joints as my previous workout cycle. GSP is also a fairly colorful guy, as well, which made the DVDs much more watchable than I thought they would be.

The GSP Rushfit package itself is a fairly comprehensive kit. It includes the main course on several DVDs, along with bonus DVDs with extra workouts for full-body conditioning and one for balance and agility. Also included are three training calendars -- one for the beginner, medium and expert, and extra guides with workout tips and nutritional information. Seven workouts are included in total, each lasting around 50 minutes (including warm-up and cool-down). The package is obviously professionally done, so there are no complaints about book or video quality.

One may be surprised that GSP does not actually lead the exercises. His trainer, Erik Owings, conducts the actual workouts while Georges participates alongside. Erik is the more vocal of the two, with GSP contributing color commentary when appropriate. Erik Owings is an accomplished MMA fighter himself, so the workouts are certainly MMA-themed. You certainly get a "fighting focus" with these routines, and Erik does an adequate job of transforming mundane exercises into fighting techniques. This is not, of course, a self-defense course, but it's certainly MMA-themed. Most men, and plenty of ladies, will still enjoy this thoroughly, as it breaks the monotony of other workout routines.

GSP Rushfit's main advantage in this genre is that it's a bit less harsh on the joints. I found that after my cycle of GSP Rushfit I was not in as much pain as I would be after a run-through of other multi-week fitness plans. My knees and elbows were not banged up, and I felt that GSP Rushfit's focus on stretching and joint warm-ups eased the pressure on my joints. This was a huge benefit for me and it's the reason why I will be putting the other DVD series on the shelf for a long time.

GSP Rushfit has been a very entertaining and effective method for my home-based workout regimen. It's easy on my joints but keeps intensity high, and for that reason, I'm sticking with it.

Alternatives For Physical Therapy Continuing Education

Physical therapy continuing education is distinctive from state to state, based on their requirements and conditions imposed to physical therapists and assistants. Should you be prepared to begin a career in this domain, this provides major chances, starting with public and private colleges and universities offering health courses. They give a range of opportunities for the physical therapy continuing education idea through their applications, offering both traditional classroom and distance learning settings. These types of continuing education degrees can be obtained through four primary programs:

- if you have obtained a bachelor' s degree in other domain and you are motivated to become a physical therapist, you can apply for a two years Direct Entry Master' s degree. Physical therapy concepts classic learning is the objective of the first year of this course, and the second year focuses on internship clinical experiencing settings.

- the Transitional Master' s degree targets those who previously obtained a bachelor' s degree in physical therapy preceding the modifications in continuing education requirements, permitting bachelor degree holders to go on with their education experience in an effort to meet the current conditions.

- a Direct Entry Doctorate degree is one year longer than the direct master' s, but by getting this degree you can earn a Doctorate in Physical Therapy. It will earn you a better revenue and the entitlement of doctor.

- if you have a bachelor' s or a master' s degree in physical therapy, you are accepted to attend a doctorate program - the Transitional Doctorate degree

The five most popular specialty segments in physical therapy continuing education are:

- Orthopedic, in which physical therapists have to diagnose, manage and treat patients with musculature injuries and offer remedy assistance for patients who have suffered orthopedic surgical procedure. Some of the few areas physical therapist specialize in are configured by amputations, arthritis, joint, acute sport injuries.

- Geriatric is the field that typically aims the elders and if you decide on geriatric physical therapy continuing education, you can choose between various areas such as hip and joint replacement, arthritis, osteoporosis, cancer pulmonary fibrosis, Alzheimer' s disease.

- the Neurological field gets physical therapists specialized in dealing with Alzheimer' s disease, brain injuries, multiple sclerosis, stroke, cerebral palsy and many other.

- Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation addresses those showing their interest in focusing on patients with heart diseases, coronary bypass surgery, pulmonary diseases, pulmonary fibrosis and other.

Pediatric is the area that specializes in treating children, adolescents and infants being exposed to congenital, muscular, skeletal, developmental problems and also treating children with cerebral palsy, spinal and other.

A physical therapy continuing education can be attained by completing the programs either traditionally, on campus, or via Internet, through online programs. Internet programs grant continuing education for physical therapists, occupational therapists and physical occupational therapy assistants. This way, they assure the quality of the physical continuing therapy education and the means to assist students encounter their professional targets. If you are overly busy for traditional education, the virtual implementation for physical therapy continuing education is much easier and convenient. They can be finalized in your own time, at whatever time it is most suitable to you, and are done so far by rehabilitation professionals for rehabilitation professionals.

The Tensor Fascia Lata and Unequal Leg Length

The tensor fascia lata (TFL) is a muscle continuous with the fascia lata (iliotibial tract \ IT band), a tendon of unusual shape, a broad sheath that runs along the outside of the thigh and inserts at the side of the tibia near the knee.

Despite analysis based upon its location, the TFL functions as neither an abductor nor flexor of the thigh at the hip, but lifts the opposite side of the pelvis by pulling down on its attachment near the AIIS (anterior inferior iliac spine) during the foot-grounded period of walking or running. That is, when weight is on one leg and stabilized by the ground, the tensor fascia lata pulls down on its side of the pelvis and elevates the opposite side, as the opposite leg swings forward.

The action of the TFL is aided by the quadratus lumborum (QL) of the opposite side, contraction of which helps elevate that side of the pelvis.

In effect, the TFL and QL together cause a reaching action of the leg. The abdominal obliques of the QL (opposite) side usually participate, as well,

Movements of these muscles are synergistically aided by a movement of the opposite leg knee-forward in hip flexion, as the iliopsoas muscles and gluteus minimus bring the free leg forward.

This synergy is better understood not as "muscles helping each other," but as "the brain coordinating movements," since coordination is a brain function and coordinated leg action is inherent in organisms with legs. For movement education purposes, a higher level of brain-integration results from movement training that involves both legs at the same time, each leg doing its respective, opposite, contra-lateral movements of walking, than of training that addresses one leg at a time.

Problems of apparent unequal leg length often involve a habitually contracted TFL on the longer-leg side and contracted psoas and obliques on the shorter leg side. Hip joint compression due to contracted glutei may also be involved, a problem that often leads to hip joint replacement surgery. Heightened tension of the TFL places strain on the fascia lata, inducing "IT Band Syndrome," which can be relieved by freeing the person with a tight TFL from the reflexive muscular tension holding the TFL and its synergists tight, generally through sensory-motor training (a sub-speciality of somatic education).

Leg retraction (along its length - as would result from action of the same-side QL or obliques) inhibits or interferes with, or otherwise confuses the action of the same-side TFL and must be addressed for movement training to be optimally successful. That means the movements of both leg protraction (reaching) and retraction (pulling short) must be freed and improved, When working with the TFL of one side, a movement of knee toward chest of the other leg is useful.

Unequal leg length generally indicates an injury to one side of the body (not necessarily a lower extremity injury) at some time in life, where the change of leg length came not from the injury, but from the protective cringing at the site of injury, leading to retraction of the extremity. Activity in stressful athletic situations (such as downhill walking or running) may further trigger the retraction response.

With this understanding, it is evident why movement training via somatic education is a superior approach to unequal leg length than massage, stretching, orthotics, icing, or cortisone injections, and how somatic education can complement and accelerate progress in physical therapy.

Dancing Dresses

Shivering in a jacket much too thin

for this night of sleet and freezing rain

She wanders in mad dog attack darkness

feeling for the strength to step one

more feeble step, knowing panic

well enough to call it by its first name

She had felt the approaching void

screamed to God, but his cell was

out of minutes, as many times before

Insanity rode her like a jockey

who was hell-bent-for-leather

Given a treasured bus pass, she rode

the streets of Nowhere and End-of-the-line

Had to find a place to sleep

Had to hide away

Safe place, no rapes tonight

At a familiar stop she descends

the steps of her mobile champion

Home called her

Home was there

just up the street

before the trees

Pausing on the sidewalk she watched

the Dale Kincaid lights in her home -

that was hers no more

She chose him, married him, so

tough luck, baby

you're screwed now


Ice Storm

Incredibly cold

Stumbling into the grocery store

parking lot, she sees the wink of

a Goodwill donation truck

Under it are parcels and pieces

like presents under a Christmas tree

Needles sewed the ice pellets to

cheeks as hollow as yellow eggs

sucked out to make beautiful art

Jacket no warmer than a shirt

Last place she stayed, they stole

her coat and put her out at 3:00 A.M.

Threw her into the night rain

Sleep sucked her at the way a baby

sucks at the teat where warm milk is

A little mouse

afraid of cops

who ask her

where she's going

They know damn good and well she

isn't going anywhere she hasn't

already been, but wherever she is

they don't want her there

Ducking beneath the Goodwill truck

she sees bags and wonders if a warm

coat might be crouching there, waiting

Won't do to dig, cops roust you for that

In one brave swoop she picks up a

little suitcase, as forlorn as herself

Scurrying away, rat-like

smelling her sour fear

she heads for the urban woods

Just past home

that is not home

dragging the bulk of an old refrigerator

carton by the string around it,

she feels the burden

blow up and knock her in the knees

Not young

Not well

Not sane

F*cked up

The trees welcome her

They twinkle like stars in the sleet

Fever grips her like an avid lover

Got to go in far enough no one sees

Brittle brush fingers grab at her

Hidden hazards laugh if she falls

But the suitcase is a comforting


Finds a fallen log, a hollow by it

Lines the refuge with cardboard

Trembling like a virgin lover

she opens the suitcase and there is no coat

There are dresses

Sparkling dresses

Cocktail dresses


unyielding dresses

Alive with sequins and tulle

that pulls itself out of her swollen


Jackie Kennedy dresses

Rich woman's baubles, but no coat

Freezing rain coats her hair

Cools her fevered cheeks

Leg infected where he shot her

yellow pus running down her leg,

gluing her pants to flesh

Pulling the fabric away tears skin too

Half the dresses make a pallet

Half the dresses make a slippery

covering, sequins sliding

That suitcase, Judas, liar

serves as a tent when put upside down

over the log and some brush

Keeps the worst out of her eyes

It would be logical that she die by morning

but she never seemed to have a bit of luck