Saturday, October 26, 2013

Surgery For a Hurt Knee Ligament? Is it a Good Option? - Brace Yourself For Conservative Treatment

Should you consider surgery for a hurt knee ligament?

This is something that you might want to ask yourself when you are confronted with knee problems that are chronic in nature. A hurt ligament can continue to get worse and may eventually cause you to stop being active. Knee surgery can help, but this approach is not always "the cure" for a hurt knee ligament.


Surgery of the knee usually can involve an invasive procedure. As with any other surgery, knee surgery has its risks. Sometimes the surgery works just fine, other times it does not. It could even make the knee worse than before.

Not everyone who undergoes surgery for a hurt ligament comes out of it with a knee that works as good as new. Many times the surgery can help, but you have heard your fair share of horror stories probably. In most cases, those who undergo surgery will be able to use their knee but will still experience some problems. There is also the possibility that the ligament can tear again. Due to complications that can arise from a surgical procedure, many doctors would rather treat a hurt knee ligament conservatively rather than with surgery.

Conservative Treatment - Pain Medication

If you have chronic pain, you will want to look at ways to alleviate the discomfort so that you do not have to take drugs. Pain medication is usually only given when you have severe, acute pain. If you tear a ligament, you may experience severe pain in the knee that may result in you being prescribed pain medication. Most doctors will offer some type of "pain killer", for a limited time, for any patient who is in severe discomfort because of a hurt knee ligament (speak with your physician about particular situation before taking any drugs).

However, because pain medication can be so addictive, most doctors will not want to prescribe this medication long term for someone who experiences chronic pain. This is usually dealt with by other means such as possible exercises, ice packs and the helpful use of a knee brace.

Knee Braces For a Hurt Knee Ligament

One of the most effective and non-invasive treatments for an injured knee ligament is a brace. These days they are not big and bulky and are actually affordable. This will help keep the knee straight and keep the joint from buckling or hyperextending, and will also help deflect knee pain. A brace will also help take the pressure off from the joint. You can use a brace if you have a knee injury or even to prevent a knee injury from occurring as this device will protect the joint and offer you an enhanced level of comfort.

Not only are the physical attributes noticeable the moment you put on a brace, but many individuals tell us that the mental security that their brace provides is equal to that of any physical benefit. After you hurt your knee ligament, wouldn't it be nice to walk around with a little more confidence, instead of always worrying that your leg will go out from underneath you?

Boswellia Serrata For Knee Arthritis Pains and Inflammation

Having arthritis is never pleasant. With age being one of the main factors involved with arthritis, it is hardly something you can guarantee you will avoid-especially if you do not do anything to improve your bone and joint health. Having arthritis in your knees or profoundly in your knees can be one of the worst places to have it. You depend on your legs and knees to get you from point a to point b everywhere you go. Walking and even sitting can hurt your knees. So what do you do to protect yourself from a life of pain? You can start by learning about the problem and what there is you can do to help find relief and regain strength. Boswellia serrata is one substance in particular that can help with pain and inflammation.

Boswellia serrata comes from India. You can find it in the resin of the boswellia tree. The resin from the boswellia tree has long since been time tested to treat arthritis. It is particularly known for treating knees specifically. Of course it will promote all around healthy joints as well. The resin can help reduce inflammation and in turn relieve a lot of the pains associated with arthritis. Boswellia serrata is also called frankincense. With no surprise, this substance is also said to be able to help prevent cancer.

One of the main causes of knee pains is osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis (OA) is the general wear and tear of joints over time. With your body putting so much weight and use on your knees on a daily basis, it is no wonder why OA is so common.

Another thing you may want to keep in mind if you are dealing with knee joint problems is exercise and a healthy diet. The heavier your weight is, the more pressure you are putting on your joints when you stand. Maintaining your weight will certainly help reduce pressure and pain. Excessive and repetitive movements, however, will only agitate the condition and make it worse. Avoid doing the same motions over and over again with the same joints. Also, getting your eight hours of sleep a night will help improve your situation.

You can easily find supplements with boswellia serrata in their formula. It is a popular ingredient for those suffering from arthritis. Taking natural supplements on a daily basis is a great way to keep all of your joints and cartilage healthy.

Should You Opt For Meniscus Knee Surgery?

Meniscus is a cartilage that is shaped like a half moon and it is located between the lower leg bone and the upper leg bone. The main purpose of this cartilage is to assist our knee to bend as well as move. If this is damaged or diseased then you may have to consider the meniscus knee surgery. You may or may not know this but this cartilage is extremely vital because as long as it is in good health, your knee is in good health. So if the meniscus is injured or damaged then it will not be easy for a person to walk or move about properly. This is where the important of meniscus knee surgery is felt.

Now the question is: Should you opt for meniscus knee surgery?

The answer is yes if you are unable to do your regular day to day activities like you used to. Depending on someone else to get your daily activities or chores will definitely not make a person feel comfortable. However, if your knee is not in good condition then you will have no choice but to depend on others for help. On the other hand, thanks to the meniscus knee surgery, you can now get your knee back in good form.

As soon as you sport these symptoms, you should go and visit a doctor immediately:

1. Difficulty or inability to stand properly on the leg that has been infected or affected.
2. Inability to move about like you used to.
3. Pain on your knees.
4. When you find that your knee has swollen up.

The meniscus knee surgery is performed with the help of a small camera. This is the camera that is used by the surgeon to look inside the joint and perform the surgery. The surgeon will not make a big incision on your knee to get the surgery done because he can very well perform the knee surgery by making small incisions. Usually, patients are allowed to go home on the same day that they undergo the surgery but if you would prefer to stay in the hospital or clinic for a few days then it is also possible.

Just imagine how perfect your life is going to be after you get the meniscus knee surgery done. You will no longer have to suffer from the pain in your knee and most importantly, you will be able to live a normal life like before.

What is Arthroscopic Knee Surgery?

There are different types of orthopedic surgeries and one of the most common types is the arthroscopic knee surgery. This is a surgical procedure that is carried out to get rid of the torn cartilage that is located within the knee.

A few small incisions are made on the skin in order to carry out the arthroscopic knee surgery and this procedure is conducted with the help of an arthroscope. Even though this surgery does not involve use of a lot of anesthesia and it also does not involves making a big incision on the skin, an arthroscopic knee surgery can not be treated as a casual one. The doctor will have to find out the cause of the knee pain or injury before he recommends this surgery to his patient.

Basically, an arthroscopic knee surgery is one where a small camera is used to see the inside of the joint. This camera is inserted into the knee through the small incision that is made. The surgeon will then make one or maybe a few more incisions to get rid of the torn cartilage from the joint. After the surgery, the incisions will be covered with a bandage for a few days so as to keep the incisions germ-free.

The cartilage that has been damaged will be removed by the use of small scissors, shavers and other tiny instruments. The surgeon will be able to get a better look of the joint with the help of the arthroscope and through this way; he will be able to spot the problems that are inside the knee.

While this is just like any other form of surgery, it does not cause much pain to the patient who is undergoing this procedure. During the surgery, you can expect the presence of an anesthesiologist. He will ask you whether or not you are comfortable through the whole procedure and if you feel that you are not comfortable then you can always say that to the anesthesiologist.

After the surgery has been performed, you will have to take certain medication(s) to reduce the discomfort from the surgery. Of course, it will help you a lot if you use an ice pack on that region. You will also benefit by elevating your knee. Usually, people who undergo the arthroscopic knee surgery are able to resume their normal activities in no time.

Why Vitamin D Is Important To Your Health

Vitamin D is essential for the proper formation of the skeleton. It is vital for bone growth and renewal as it helps our bodies absorb and retain calcium and phosphorus. Vitamin D is also required for nerve and muscle activity and can help combat chronic inflammation. Research is also determining that vitamin D may help keep cancer cells from growing and dividing.

If we have too little of this valuable nutrient, our bones are not able to mineralize properly. This can lead to a condition called rickets in children, which is characterized by bowed legs, knock-knees, swollen joints, and malformed skeletons. In adults, vitamin D deficiency leads to osteomalacia, a condition in which there is inadequate mineralization of the bone. Deficiency may also result in osteoporosis due to decreased calcum abosrption, and vitamin D deficiency has also been associated with muscle weakness.

Vitamin D is produced naturally in our body by exposure to the sun's ultraviolet rays, and is also available in certain foods as well as supplements. Vitamin D is often referred to as the "sunshine vitamin" because we can make vitamin D out of a cholesterol compound that is naturally present in the skin when our skin is exposed to ultraviolet light from the sun. However, if we are not receiving the sunlight we need to manufacture vitamin D, we need to consume vitamin D fortified foods or take a vitamin D supplement.

Vitamin D production in our skin is greatly affected by the seasons and by the latitude at which we live. Here in Canada, we experience "vitamin D winter" between October and March because of the lack of sunshine and our ability to stay outdoors in the cold weather. " Vitamin D winter" is also extended for those who live closer to the poles.

Although our bodies do have the ability to store vitamin D to a certain extent, it is wise to supplement in addition to the sun exposure we are able to obtain during the winter. In North America, on average, light skinned people need about ten to fifteen minutes of sun daily on our face and hands while darker skinned people need more, as vitamin D synthesis is poorer in dark skin. It is also important that we take care not to overexpose ourselves, which may increase the risk of skin cancer.

We know the best way to obtain vitamin D is from exposure to sunlight, but when we aren't getting the sun we need to manufacture vitamin D there are a few foods that can help increase vitamin D intake, and there are also vitamin D supplements. Fortified dairy products, fortified orange juice, and fortified soy-milk are good sources of vitamin D. Margarine, eggs, chicken livers, salmon, sardines, herring, fish oils (halibut and cod-liver oils), and mushrooms all contain small amounts. Because dietary intake may not always provide enough vitamin D that our body requires, supplementation is necessary to obtain adequate levels.

Vitamin D isn't only for adults either. Babies right trough teenagers need this important and essential nutrient also. As a matter of fact the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition released a study last January that found "low blood levels of vitamin D during pregnancy may result in less muscle and higher insulin resistance in children". Even breast-fed babies and toddlers should receive the recommended dose of vitamin D drops daily.

You can visit the Health Canada website at: for a complete list of the updated Dietary Reference Intakes for both vitamin D and calcium as well as other related information.

As of July 2010, Osteoporosis Canada's new guidelines recommend: "daily supplements of 400 to 1000 IU (international units) for adults under age 50 without osteoporosis or conditions affecting vitamin D absorption. For adults over 50, supplements of between 800 and 2000 IU are recommended. For people who need added supplementation to reach optimal vitamin D levels, doses up to the current "tolerable upper intake level" (2000 IU) are safely taken without medical supervision. Doses above that require medical supervision. A daily supplement of 800 IU should be regarded as a minimum dose for all adults with osteoporosis."

There are two forms of vitamin D. Vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol, generally made from yeast) and vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol, manufactured from the skin of sheep, cows, and pigs, and from sheep's wool). Vitamin D3 is the kind our body produces as a result of sun exposure. Although there is ongoing controversy among vitamin D experts about the safety and effectiveness of supplementing with vitamin D2 as opposed to vitamin D3, the basic difference between the two forms has to do with how they are manufactured and the costs associated with manufacturing. On the other hand, researchers have found vitamin D2 to be less effective as vitamin D3, so it makes sense for those who prefer to use the form of vitamin D that is not of animal origin, to increase their intakes of vitamin D2 accordingly.

Vitamin D has many health benefits and there is a vast amount of scientific evidence to prove it. Although it is most famous for its role (along with calcium) in maintaining strong, healthy bones, it is becoming increasingly clear that vitamin D provides many additional health benefits. Simply said, vitamin D is important to your health.

Radiation Therapy - A Beneficial Treatment For People Who Undergo Total Hip Replacements

On September 17, 2007, New Jersey Governor Jon Corzine underwent a single radiation treatment to his hip area the morning of his hip replacement surgery. The purpose was to prevent the recurrence of a medical problem he incurred, after his shattered hip and thighbone were operated on after an automobile accident he sustained last April.

The condition is called heterotopic ossification (hereafter referred to as HO). The role of radiation therapy for this non-malignant medical problem is relatively unknown by most people but is quite useful.


HO is the formation of rigid bone in places it doesn't belong, namely in the flexible muscles that surround the hip joint. It occurs as a complication of total hip replacements, anywhere from 8-90% of the time, with an average occurrence rate of 40%.

HO can be identified on x-rays of the hip as early as three to six weeks after the operation. However, its effects, such as hip pain and impaired joint mobility limiting the person from climbing stairs, bending forward to tie his or her shoe laces, and arise out of a chair, usually take six to twelve months to develop. The only effective treatment for HO is re-operation, as in the case of Governor Corzine. Needless to say, it is desirable to avoid such a complication.

Who is at Risk?

Risk factors for HO include: male gender, people over age 60, history of severe osteoarthritis, arthritis of the hip following hip trauma, previous surgery on the same hip, and prior HO in the opposite hip.

How does HO occur?

Although the mechanism is not clear, one theory is: in the setting of hip trauma or surgery, bone fragments shed into the surrounding muscle tissue. There, immature connective tissue cells mature into bone cells, which then multiply and form bone in the muscle.

How radiation therapy works

Radiation therapy interferes with the production of DNA by the aforementioned immature connective tissue cells. Thus, the cells cannot multiply and give rise to bone tissue where it does not belong.

History of radiation therapy to prevent or decrease the risk of HO

Radiation therapy was first used to prevent or decrease the risk of HO in the 1970s. With the emergence of new technology, radiation therapy techniques have evolved over the decades.

For example, in the past, radiation therapy was delivered over a series of several treatments administered over the course of one to two weeks. Today, it is usually administered in a single dose.

In addition, as the prosthesis (artificial hip joint) used in total hip replacement surgery has also improved over the decades, so the area of the hip that needs to be treated with radiation therapy after the operation has gotten smaller.

Timing of radiation therapy

It is known that radiation therapy is effective when it is delivered to prevent HO. This is called prophylactic radiation therapy. Radiation therapy is not beneficial once HO has ensued. Therefore, radiation therapy needs to be administered either within 96 hours after the surgery or within four hours prior to surgery.

Radiation therapy for joints other than the hip

Prophylactic radiation therapy is also used for other joints, such as the elbow, wrist, shoulder and TMJ (the hinge joint of the jaw).


The incidence of HO decreases from an average of 40% in people who do not undergo radiation therapy, to 5% for those who do. This translates into a significant benefit.


Theoretically, radiation therapy can cause cancer. However, to the present, no such complication has been documented in the medical literature.

Also, because the area that is exposed to radiation therapy is near the reproductive organs, fertile people need to practice birth control for one year. This is because radiation has the potential to cause genetic damage in sperm and eggs.

In reality, there are usually no adverse side effects from radiation therapy to treat HO.


Radiation therapy is a useful and safe treatment to prevent heterotopic ossification in people who undergo hip replacement surgery. For more information about radiation therapy, visit

Friday, October 25, 2013

Don't Let Fall's Cool Weather Cause Hand Or Knee Pain, Use These Tips

Fall's loom means a lot of time outdoors prepping your landscape for winter's impending arrival, or partaking in seasonal fun like pumpkin carving or baking seasonal cookies and apple pies. Hand injuries may be the last thing on your brain during this demanding and happy season, but professionals warn that many autumn activities necessitate repetitive motions that may advance to problems, or aggravate existing conditions of the hands and knees.

One in five American adults has received a diagnosis of arthritis from a health professional, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). And, by 2030, 67 million people 18 and older will have been diagnosed with arthritis, the CDC estimates.

Whether hand or knee pain is triggered by a serious condition such as arthritis of the hands and knees or is just the result of overusing and overtaxing muscles, joints and tendons, it can prevent you from performing even the most simple tasks. Repetitive movement injuries are among the most common types of hand injuries, costing American companies more than $20 billion a year in worker's compensation, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) reports.

You can take steps to stop repetitive motion injuries this autumn, and to achieve pain relief if you exceed it, or suffer from arthritis of the hands.

Take this simple tips this Fall

Taking breaks throughout tasks that require repetitive motion is an important way to help avoid hand pain and possibly injury. It's worth putting off some errands - like raking leaves - for as long as possible. Instead of raking every week (or even every day), use your lawn mower's mulching setting to cut up the fallen leaves into small particles. The natural mulch will be good for your lawn, and the exercise of walking behind a mower will be healthier than the possible back and hand strain that raking can cause.

For activities that involve fine motor skills and hand strength - like carving a pumpkin - it will also be vital to take a break. If you already have a condition like carpal tunnel or arthritis, it's essential to relieve wrist pain or hand discomfort before you take on a task that could make it worse. An assortment of supportive braces, like the SmartGlove by Imak, are available to help provide wrist support while doing repetitive motions.

Pain relief should be at your finger tips reach

If you've already been identified with arthritis, carpal tunnel or another hand ailment, or if you simply overdid it, it's important to find easy, speedy ways to achieve pain relief. Hand pain can obstruct everyday responsibilities, from opening a jar to driving a car. Assistive devices can help relieve hand pain, and many easy-to-use options are available.

On its website,, the Arthritis Foundation rates and lists products that are customer-friendly or contain packaging that is simple to open for people with hand or wrist pain. Products like SmartGloves or Arthritis Gloves earn the Arthritis Foundation Ease-of-Use Commendation for being comfortable, beneficial and simple to use. Pain relieving creams are also useful and safe. Look for menthol based topical analgesics rather than heat base creams with capsaicin (chili peppers). The medicinal herb Arnica has a world-wide reputation for its natural anti-inflammation properties and its ability to penetrate into the muscle tissue and relax tense muscles. Topical gels or creams can be safer to use over time versus oral pain medicines like aspirin and ibuprofen.

With some caution and preventative measures, it's probable to enjoy all that autumn has to offer - free of pain and injuries.

How To Get Clients To Take Immediate Action

Are you tired of excuses? Looking for a persuasion technique to get people to take immediate action? Are prospects saying things to you like: "I'll think it over and get back to you?" "I need to talk it over with my wife." "Call me next week and we'll set up an appointment." Then create a sense of urgency and get your clients to want what you have now!

The first step in getting people to take immediate action is for them to perceive your product or service as being in demand or in limited supply. People want what is "hot" right now! Psychologists have proven, people find more value in things they have a difficult time obtaining. If you're told you can't have something, you want it even more.

Infomercials tell you that if you call now they will give you another one free or knock $20 of the original price. Shopping networks use a time limit or tell you they only have so many left. Marketers know how to create a sense of urgency.

Have you noticed when you are starving for new business you have an attitude that you would do anything to get business. You make promises you normally wouldn't make. You're practically on your knees begging them to do business with you. You can feel it and so can your customers. They see the look in your eyes and hear the tone of your voice and will do anything to get rid of you. People figure if you're desperate for business then you must not be any good, because if you were you would be in high demand. People want to do business with successful people.

How do you put this persuasion technique in action and create a sense of urgency?

First, don't be so accessible. Make it difficult for people to get an appointment with you. What I mean is, don't say I can do it any day this week. Instead use a more persuasive technique by saying, I'm very busy this week, however, I might be able to squeeze you in. Give them a deadline. If people think they have unlimited time to make a decision about your product or service they will stall and procrastinate. Set a time limit for your offer and stick to it.

Be selective about who you work with. Set standards for the type of client you are willing to work with. You will give people the impression that you are busy and that you don't work with just any one. Some people will even go out of their way to conform to your standards to work with you.

Use the persuasive technique of "take away selling". What I mean is say something like, I'm not sure that our product is right for you. Or maybe our service isn't the right match for your company. Remember, people want what they can't have. By taking it away from them they will search for reasons why they want it now.

Creating a sense of urgency in sales is a win - win for both you and the client. For the client it helps to move them to make a decision to buy something they wanted anyway. For you, it means more sales and the sense of accomplishment for moving people to make a decision that will benefit them.

What to Expect in Total Knee Replacement Surgery

If you are considering knee replacement surgery, chances are you have been in pain for quite some time. The decision to have this type of surgery should not be taken lightly. While it is a common practice these days, there are still many complications that can occur during and after a total knee replacement. You need to seek out as much information as you can before you schedule a surgery date. Make sure you have all your questions answered so you can face this surgery feeling confident that you made the right decision and you know what to expect.

There are several websites that will show animations or live action shots of a total knee replacement surgery. Before you watch one of these videos, get a pad of paper and a pen ready. That way you can jot down any questions or concerns that you have as you see the surgery process. Having questions in writing will enable you to get the most out of the limited time you get to spend with your physician and the surgeon. It is a terrible feeling to go into surgery thinking that you forgot to bring up an important concern.

One site that will walk you through what you can expect before, during, and after a total knee replacement surgery is KneeReplacement.Com. Click on the tab titled About Knee Replacement for some excellent information and graphical representations of a replaced knee. You can view actual footage of several knee surgeries on the Medline Plus website. Just scroll down the list of surgeries to the Bones, Joints, and Muscles section, where you will find several knee replacement surgeries to select. WebMD video also has a large selection of videos to help you prepare for this type of surgery.

Once you know what to expect before and during a total knee replacement surgery, your next step in considering this measure is to understand what the recovery period will be like. You will have pain and swelling immediately afterwards, but the real rehabilitation comes when the surgery wounds heal. How well you recover is up to you. It will be a difficult process, but you can have great results if you put in the time and effort. Your goal should be to have a pain free lifestyle and get back to the activities you love. For more information on reaching that recovery goal, take a look at the website of Pain Free Knees at

Straighten Knock Knees With The Right Kind of Exercises

Knock knees can be described as a condition where a person's knees bend inwards and possibly touch one another when the person straightens his or her legs. This condition is caused due to a weakness of the person's abductor muscles that are present outside the thighs and hips. To straighten knock knees, practicing abductor-strengthening exercises would be a good option. Many muscles like the tensor fascia lata, gluteus medius, etc... are involved in the abduction. Here are some of the exercises that may help people with a knock knee condition:

Side lunges: This form of exercise is capable of offering workouts for the quadriceps, hamstrings and abductors in the patients. Here, the patient will have to stand with his feet hip-width apart and arms in front of his chest. In a stable movement, he will have to take a big step crossways to his left. When his foot reaches the ground, he will have to bend his knees and will have to push his butt backwards. When a strong contraction is felt on the hip and the other thigh, the foot should be brought back to its position and the same should be repeated on the other side. For more resistance, he can hold a medicine ball in front of his chest.

Side step-ups: For doing this exercise, a chair or a weight bench will be required. Here, the exercise should begin with standing with the right side facing the bench and the arms should be in front of the chest. Then, the right foot should be placed on the bench and the other foot should be pressed on the floor, the body should then be lifted slowly. The same should be repeated with the other leg as well.

Cable abduction: With this method, a cable machine is used, to strengthen the outer hips and thighs. Here, an ankle cuff should be attached to the low setting and it should be attached to the lower right leg. The person should stand with his left shoulder facing the weight stack.

Lying abduction: This is done by lying on the floor in side position, where the patient should lie on his right side with his legs stacked. The left leg should be lifted at a 45 degree angle and should be held at the same position for some seconds. Then, the leg should slowly be lowered and the same should be repeated 10-12 times. The same should be done on the other side of the body as well. These exercises will be of great use to patients, who want to straighten knock knees.

The Best Way to Burn Fat - It Needs Some Thought

Most people's New Year Resolution always seems to be to lose weight. After the excesses of the Christmas Holidays, everyone want to shed a few pounds or get a flatter set of abs. The problem is, that while many of us strive to get good results, only a few actually succeed. Why? Well, because its hard work.

You might think that getting that set of rock hard abs is impossible, but with the right approach you might be surprised to discover that its a lot easier than most people imagine. There are two important things to consider when you are planning to lose fat and ditch the excess weight. Good diet and a regular, well planned exercise regime are both equally important to your success.

Let me get this clear, if you want, say, a set of rock hard abs, then the only way you are going to get them is by doing hard and regular exercises. Luckily your abs are smaller muscles, and they do recover from this kind of punishment very quickly.This is not the case for all of your muscles though, and so you should avoid inappropriate or too vigorous exercise regimes, especially if you are starting out, in order to avoid injury and a halt to your progress.

One of the best ways to burn fat is to do a series of crunches which, despite what many people say, are actually very effective.Perform some hanging raises, this is where you hang from a bar and raise your knees up to your chest, if you want to really blast those upper and lower abdominals. Any aerobic exercise is also amazingly good at helping to burn the fat.If you need your workouts to be more fun, then take part in some team sports. They are a great way to meet new friends, and get a real workout into the bargain.

Of course, there's no benefit in doing all of these exercises of you are still visiting the fast food joints on a regular basis.One of the best ways to burn fat is to change your diet to match your exercise patterns.By boosting your metabolism to match your workouts, your chances of losing fat at the fastest rate possible will be maximised.

Most people can actually get the ultimate prize of that rock hard core and washboard tummy with the right approach.Staying motivated is a major hurdle for many people, and most of us give up before we really start to see any results.By setting out your milestotes and goals before you start you can chart your progress and identify where you are going wrong, as well as what is working.

Keep it simple, a small notebook is all you need, and chart your progress as you go. If you are doing well one week, take it a little easier the next, but always stay focused and enjoy your successes as well as your failures.The best way to burn fat for your individual circumstances will soon emerge, and you acn target your efforts on this.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Stop the Agonizing Pain With a Knee Brace For Arthritis - Special Report

Arthritis, a much dreaded word, especially as you get older. The term arthritis is a general name for several specific diseases that all result in degeneration of the joints can can cause stiff aching sensations. Osteoarthritis is by far the most common form of arthritis and it is characterized by the progressive wearing-away of the cartilage within the knee joint. The severe pain that accompanies osteoarthritis can seriously hamper the movement of the sufferer. If you have been diagnosed with osteoarthritis one of the best things you can do for your knees is to wear a knee brace for arthritis.

The Structure of the Knee

The knee is essentially a joint where the ends of the two leg bones meet. The structure of the knee is such that it allows the knee to flex naturally without much resistance or any pain. This is due to two pieces of cartilage found within the knee joint that lie at the exact point where the two leg bones meet each other. These two pieces of cartilage allow the knee to flex smoothly and prevents the ends of the bones from grinding against each other.

How Arthritis Affects the Knee

The most common problem that patients suffering from arthritis face is that the cartilage in their knees gets progressively worn away. In the absence of cartilage, the bones in the knee begin grinding against each other causing a pain that is often simply unbearable. Sometimes, simply flexing the knee becomes extremely painful when you have this condition. Patients with advanced arthritis find it impossible to put any weight on their knees.

How a Knee Brace for Arthritis Can Help

Given that the knees have to bear almost the full weight of the body, there is a typically a great deal of pressure causing wear and tear within the knee joints. If some of this pressure can be relieved degeneration of the knee cartilage could be staved off or slowed down.

A knee brace for arthritis serves to help provide this additional support. A knee brace wraps snugly around the knee and helps take some body weight off the knee joints, thus reducing the pressure exerted on them.

For patients who are just developing arthritis, a knee brace can help prevent permanent damage to the knee whereas for patients who are in the advanced stages of arthritis, a knee brace for arthritis can be useful in helping you to maintain proper alignment. Many times one side of your cartilage is more worn away than the other side of your knee, and a knee brace will help to keep your knee in alignment as a result. This can help individuals who were previously rendered bedridden to regain at least a modicum of mobility.

Wearing A Knee Brace On A Regular Basis

Even if you do not have arthritis, you would be doing your knees a huge favor by wearing knee braces for arthritis on a regular basis. The cartilage of the knee is prone to wear and tear even during simple everyday activities such as walking and more so when indulging in high impact sports that involve a lot of jogging, running or jumping. If you are going to engage in one of these activities you should consider supporting your knees by wearing knee braces.

Obesity and Arthritis

Arthritis, in general terms, is wearing out of the lining of the joint, which is called cartilage. Every joint- knee or hip joint, which moves has a layer of about 8 to 12mm of cartilage, which is as smooth as a billiard ball. If cartilage is injured or eaten away or goes through natural wear and tear, it leads to arthritis.

Osteoarthritis is a form of arthritis which can affect any joint, including the spine. It is the form of joint disease and is more pronounced in the case of elderly persons. Wear and tear of joints, due to aging leads to osteoarthritis. But this is not the single reason for the disease. There are other contributing reasons such as genetic factors, lack of nutrition and vitamins, (Vitamin A, C and E have the potential to protect against tissue damage. Vitamin D plays an important role in bone mineralisation). Female hormonal deficiency in the case of post menopausal women, leading to estrogen deficiency is also considered a risk factor and women are more susceptible to osteoarthritis.

In most of the cases, increased body weight contributes to the increased load transmitted across the weight bearing knees by a factor of three to seven times the body weight and leads to accelerated damage of the cartilage.

Obesity is a potential risk factor for the onset and deterioration of musculoskeletal conditions of the hip, knee, ankle, foot and shoulder. Majority of research have focused on the impact of obesity on bone and joint disorders, such as the risk of fracture and osteoarthritis. However, evidence indicates that obesity may also have a profound effect on soft-tissue structures, such as tendon, fascia and cartilage. Although the mechanism remains unclear, the functional and structural limitations imposed by the additional loading of the locomotor system in obesity have been accepted to unduly raising stress within connective-tissue structures and the potential for musculoskeletal injury. Considering the global increase in obesity and the rise in musculoskeletal disorders, there is a need to determine the physical consequences of loading of major structures of the locomotor system in the obese people and to establish how obesity may interact with other factors to potentially increase the risk of musculoskeletal diseases. Besides, the relationship between obesity and osteoarthritis is stronger for the disease and is greater in women. The load transmitted to the knees varies with increased body weight.

Increase in life expectancy, coupled with overweight/ obese conditions of the population shall lead to a larger number of patients with knee problems due to osteoarthritis . Several changes, metabolic as well as functional, connect obesity with Osteoarthritis. Random trials show substantial and clinically relevant disability and symptoms - relief in obese patients with knee osteoarthritis following moderate weight loss. While exercises are good for the functional status in general, it is advisable initially to prescribe weight loss as therapy for patients with a combination of obesity and osteoarthritis.

Treatments / Tips to avoid Osteoarthritis:

1. Avoid being obese/ overweight, with weight management diet schedule and proper exercise.

2. Ensure intake of vitamins A and C, through food and nutrient supplements.

3. Ensure muscle strength in quadriceps (thigh muscles).

4. Increased activities of kneeling, squatting, climbing stairs and lifting heavy loads cause abnormal loading across the knee joint and cartilage damage. To the extent possible, this may be reduced.

5 Emu oil is considered to provide relief for joint pains and arthritis.

7. Liberal intake of orange juice, sweet lime juice or Vitamin C enhance the efficacy of any anti-rheumatic drug, since Vitamin C can reduce skeletal pain.

8. Body massage with sesame or mustard oil helps to reduce the pain. The joints affected by pain can be massaged for longer time for pain relief.

9. Guggul, as a medicine for traditional Ayurvedic treatment is prescribed for osteoarthritis and obesity. However patients electing to undergo this treatment should be closely monitored and counseled about the need for dietary modifications and exercise.

Arthritic Knee Treatment - How to Stop Arthritis Pain Without Taking Those Deadly Drugs

NSAIDs are commonly prescribed anti-inflammatory medications. They are very powerful, may provide temporary relief, but also come with many potential adverse side effects. They only treat symptoms,(pain) but do nothing to help your condition and can actually make it worse.

Most common side effects of NSAIDs are vomiting, nausea, constipation, diarrhea, drowsiness and headache.

The most serious are kidney and liver failure, ulcers, internal bleeding, shortness of breath, perforation of the intestines or stomach, raising of blood pressure and increased risk of a fatal heart attack or stroke. Drug interactions with medications you may be taking are possible and seniors are more likely to suffer the worst effects of NSAID drugs.

If you are considering using one of the NSAID drugs, take another look at the serious downside and start to look for better options. Ask your doctor about the effect of exercise, possible diet changes, losing a few pounds if you are carrying some extra ones, and trying a good, natural joint relief supplement.

More than likely, your doctor may not be able to give you a complete, knowledgeable answer on this. Why? Because modern medical training offers very little in the way of natural treatments or nutrition. So your doctor treats, the way he or she is trained.

However, your doctor should be able to tell you if moderate exercise is appropriate for you condition. In some cases of arthritis, it isn't. If your doctor gives the okay, start out slowly. There is no need to overdo it. A great advantage of exercise, is that it helps to strengthen the muscles surrounding the joint, which gives it more support. Start slowly and increase as you can.

Your doctor should also know what foods may have a negative impact on your condition. For instance, tomatoes and potatoes can be foods you might want to avoid.

Your weight is very important too. If you're like many of us, you might be carrying some extra pounds. For a weight-bearing joint, like the knee, an additional pound of weight equals three or more pounds of additional stress. Even a few pounds lost, can make a big difference for you.

Exercise, proper diet and weight control naturally translate into positive benefits for your overall health as well. Small changes can equal a big difference.

Why not also try a good, 100% natural joint relief supplement too? Taking the right one can stop the pain, and actually start to rebuild your thinning cartilage. So, you can forget the pain while you're correcting the problem and there's no need to worry about those weird side effects of NSAID drugs.

Help For Knee Joint Pain Sufferers

Nobody wants to suffer with pain, and for those of you who have to suffer with thing such as knee joint pain day in and day out it can get quite wearisome. The problem with things like knee joint pain is that it doesn't always come and go, sometimes it comes and stays and the pain can be quite unbearable at times, whether you are sitting still or if you are moving around. If you suffer from problems such as these then I'm sure that you are looking for some relief. Here are some things that can help, depending on the type of injury that caused the pain in the first place. Remember that this article is not meant to be medical advice so if you are unsure about something and if it is right for you make sure you talk to your doctor first.

There are some natural supplements that you could take that would help you, not only to perhaps rid yourself of the problem but to mask the pain and help you to endure it until you can get some more permanent relief. Did you know that the ancient Roman soldiers used to carry wild lettuce into battle? It has been said that it is the strongest pain reliever that there is, and it is all natural. There are also some natural remedies that may help to do many things from relieving suffering from arthritis to building up the cartilage in your knees. Just make sure that before you do anything drastic you make sure that it is OK with your doctor.

Knee Pain and Running

Knee pain is a very common complaint amongst runners. This isn't surprising as it is estimated that around four times an individual's body weight is passed through each knee joint with every step! Running on hard surfaces will also increase this impact. On top of this, biomechanical factors can also result in extra stress on structures around the knee. For example overpronation at the foot places a rotation force on the Tibia (shin bone) and more stress on the medial (inner) joint.

Whilst minor aches and pains at the knee may come and go, there are several injuries which are typically associated with runners and if left untreated, may affect the runner's ability to train. The most common ones to look out for include:

Iliotibial Band Syndrome

IT band syndrome is caused by the IT band flicking back and forwards over the bony outer part of the knee. The more this happens, the more inflamed, swollen and painful it is.

Common symptoms include:

  • Pain at the outer knee.

  • Pain is commonly worse when running downhill.

  • Pain will often come on at the same point during a run, although as it gets worse it may occur earlier.

Patellofemoral Knee Pain (Anterior knee pain)

There are many names for this condition, but basically they all relate to the same idea, that the knee cap (patella) 'mal-tracks'. When the knee is bent and straightened the patella should run straight up and down in a groove at the front of the knee joint. If it doesn't do this and instead is pulled to one side, damage can occur to the cartilage lining the back of the patella, resulting in pain.

Symptoms may involve:

  • Poorly localised pain around the patella.

  • Pain may occur during or after running.

  • Pain is often worse on walking downhill or stairs.

  • Clicking or grinding feelings may occur.

Popliteus injury

The popliteus is a muscle which runs across the back of the knee joint. The popliteus can develop tendonitis or go into spasm due to overuse which is usually linked to tightness in the hamstrings or weakness in the quad muscles.

Symptoms include:

  • Pain at the back of the knee

  • Tenderness on palpation of the muscle, just below the crease of the knee.

  • Pain on resisted knee bending with the lower leg rotated outwards.

Patella tendon pain

Pain below the knee cap could be coming from the patella tendon. Whilst tears rarely occur from repetitive motions such as running, tendinopathy (sometimes known as jumper's knee) may occur. This is a degenerative condition causing micro tears in the tendon.

Common symptoms include:

  • Well localised pain in the tendon below the knee cap.

  • It is usually tender to touch.

  • The area may ache or feel stiff after exercise or long periods of rest.

  • The tendon may appear thicker or redder than on the other knee.

Treatment of running injuries

The important thing to remember with running injuries is that they happen for a reason. So, when treating a running related injury, always remember that the cause of the injury must be corrected before running is resumed, otherwise the pain will simply return. For example:

  • Firstly, check your running shoes

  • They should be suited to your style of running and not be worn out! (replace them on average every 400 miles)

  • Flexibility is another important aspect to consider

  • Tight calf muscles in particular are a massive cause of many injuries, including shin splints and Achilles tendinopathy.

  • Muscle weakness and imbalances

  • These contribute to injuries such as Patellofemoral pain. If not corrected before returning to running the same problem still exists!

Prevention of running injuries

Prevention is by far the best treatment and many of the factors of treating a running injury should be applied earlier in order to avoid a running injury happening in the first place!

Running shoes, flexibility and strength are all key to avoiding injuries, as are allowing enough rest, alternating running surfaces, cross training and not increasing mileage too quickly. Other prevention methods such as sports massage may also be effective.

For more information on knee pain and running, visit the Virtual Sports Injury Clinic.

Knee Ligament Injury - Twisted Or Damaged Ligaments Can Be the Worst - Pain Relief and Knee Braces

Have you ever twisted your knee and hurt one of your knee ligaments?

Have you ever been in some sort of collision with an object, or another person and now you found that you injured one of your knee ligaments?

Introduction: It may have never happened to you in the past, but knee ligament injuries happen everyday. If you want to help prevent knee problems, or if you want to help stop one from getting worse, then you should seriously look into the idea of getting a well designed knee brace. They can help to provide the meaningful support you need, in a low profile design. This alone can be the one thing that helps you to recover from a ligament injury that is trying to keep you down!

Benefits of Knee Braces

A.) Support

One of the best things that a well designed knee brace can do for you, is to provide meaningful support. Why does this matter? Excessive knee movements from side to side, or front to back, can really help to keep your knee and its internal structures injured. Excessive movements can actually cause a knee ligament injury, in the "right" circumstances. A well designed support can really help to control these painful movements that can really stop your knee from healing itself.

B.) Pain Reduction

Once you can help to control the movements that will hurt you, you knee discomfort can greatly reduce. Just ask anyone on the street why they are wearing a knee brace and they will probably tell you that their pain goes down when they wear it. Not all braces are created equally, so you will need to get a good one, but this is one of the overwhelming responses we get from people who try on a support.

C.) Protection

If you need to preserve the integrity of the internal knee ligaments, then nothing will help in the same way as a knee brace. Sure, sometimes we need to have surgery and this will help repair some ligament damage... but, if you want to help allow you knee ligaments to heal naturally, you should seriously look into a well designed brace. They will remember to help protect your knees when you forget you need to...

(*Please remember that this is health information. You should speak with your physician about medical advice, as we are not your doctor.)

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Knee Injuries Limit Future Athletic Activity

A study from East Germany shows that athletes who tear the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) in their knees will have permanent knee damage if they return to competitive sports ( Arthroscopy, June 2005). The ACL runs from the top bone of the knee to the bottom one and prevents the top bone from sliding forward when the foot hits the ground during running and walking. If it is torn, the knee becomes so unstable that a person will have difficulty walking, so all torn anterior cruciate ligaments must be repaired.

In this study, East German Olympic athletes who tore their knee ligaments in 1963-1965 returned to competition after having their ligaments repaired and were examined 10 and 20 years later. Virtually all had severe knee cartilage damage and more than half had total knee replacement surgery.

Athletes with repaired torn anterior cruciate ligaments probably should never run or jump again, although they may be able to pedal a bicycle. Another study showed that people who have broken cartilage in their knees can walk and cycle, but should not run or jump.

To keep bones from wearing down at joints, their ends are covered with a thick white gristle called cartilage. Even one bleed into a joint damages cartilage forever. Doctors cannot replace or heal broken cartilage, they can only replace entire knee joints. Operating and removing broken cartilage probably increases a person's chances of needing a knee replacement, particularly if the exerciser continues to run and jump. Sheering forces on the knee are very great during walking downhill and running, and minimal during walking on level ground and cycling. So people who have ever damaged cartilage in their knee should walk on level ground, swim or cycle, and avoid running and jumping.

Knee Injury Series Part 1: Knee Physiology

If you are a healthy, active individual, there is a high probability that at some point in your life you will have a knee injury. If you play sports that require quick pivots such as basketball, soccer, football, gymnastics, dance, tennis and skiing, you are particularly at risk. While ankle injuries are slightly more prevalent, a knee injury is much more likely to be debilitating. 50% of sports knee injuries will require medical attention and more than 400,000 individuals have full-on knee replacement surgery each year. Ask any sports medicine professional, and they will tell you that knee injuries are the most common reason a player is sidelined for an entire season.

The knee is a remarkable hinge joint between the femur (thigh bone), the tibia (shin bone), fibula (long slender bone next to the tibia) and the patella (knee cap). It has considerable stability thanks to a network of ligaments, cartilage and muscles, but an injury can destabilize the patella, forcing an athlete to wear a patella stabilizer during training. The Q-angle, or the joint area between the tibia and femur, is a portion of the knee that is prone to overuse injury and osteoarthritis.

Critical knee-related muscles include the quadriceps and hamstrings. The quadriceps (quads) are the longest, leanest muscle group in the human body. They connect to the top part of the patella / kneecap and when the quads contract, they pull laterally, extending the leg. Your quads are made up of four muscle groups, the vastus medialis, the vastus lateralis, the vastus intermedius and the rectus femoris. When individuals experience a knee injury in this area, they often lose significant strength in the vastus medialis, located at the lower inside potion of the quad. This muscle is critical to patellar stability, so an effective rehabilitation regimen should pay specific attention to strengthening that area in order to restore knee tracking alignment. Conversely, the hamstring muscle group provides medial knee stability and controls the knee flexion (i.e. bending your leg at the knee.)

When it comes to knee injuries, tendons are particularly at risk. The knee relies on four key tendons for stability, specifically the MCL, LCL, ACL & PCL. The medial collateral ligament (MCL) is part of the medial stabilizers and is located deep within the knee below the knee. It connects to the lateral meniscus, so it is not uncommon to have other injuries, such as a meniscus, ACL or cartilage tear when you injure the MCL. For this reason, many MCL tears are effectively treated with an ACL brace. The anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) connects to the femur to the lateral meniscus. Like the MCL, an ACL injury is frequently accompanied by other ligament or cartilage injuries. The lateral collateral ligament (LCL) runs along the side of the knee, connecting the femur to the tibula. This ligament is not attached to the lateral meniscus, making it less likely to be injured. Lastly, the posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) also connect the femur to the tibia, holding the knee into place and preventing the tibia from moving posterior to the femur.

Down With Doomsday

There have been many doomsayers who have jumped on the bandwagon and used December 21, 2012 to target their doomsday from their fatalistic perspective. For example, some scientists speculate the winter solstice will mark the arrival of the next solar maximum, which is just a normal period of heightened solar activity in the eleven year solar cycle of the sun. There will be a large number of sunspots, and according to some, due to increased gravitational forces from planetary alignment; severe solar flares could potentially disrupt the electrical grid, regional weather patterns, and knock out communication systems and GPS satellites.

In the past few years, various other prophets of doom have also come forward, all respected authorities in their own fields, to proclaim that things are going to get a lot worse before they get any better. All of them have argued that their pet calamity is going to be the knock-out punch to bring mankind to its knees; but despite their differences, they all agree that there are numerous converging factors that threaten the existence of humanity right now, and they all feel the end may be near unless there is a serious course correction.

According to the most vocal doomsayers, here is a brief summary of the major convergent fiascos that potentially may destroy the human race if we don't change our wicked ways:

  • Global Financial Crisis - this will lead to an inevitable worldwide economic meltdown that will disrupt global trade and create mass unemployment and food shortages.

  • Increased Unemployment - this will lead to shortages in tax revenues, disrupting government payments on debts, resulting in mass foreclosures and bankruptcies.

  • Increased Government Spending - continued out-of-control deficit spending will lead to an economic collapse when taxes will not cover interest payments on debts. When debts are called due, the U.S. government will officially become insolvent, even though it functionally has been for years.

  • Clean Water Scarcity - the U.S. is quickly running out of clean water. Many of the aquifers created by glaciations are being depleted and are not being replenished by nature. Soon rationing may have to be imposed to supply the growing demand from the increasing population.

  • Overpopulation - the growing population of the earth has exceeded the carrying capacity of the earth for food and fresh water. When fossil fuels become depleted to the point of scarcity, the existing food production and distribution methods will collapse, resulting in mass global starvation.

  • Peak Oil - the U.S. reached the point of extracting cheap oil in 1970 and has used oil from other countries to supply its demand ever since. The world reached its peak oil limit in 2006 and oil production will now cost much more as existing supplies are used up; until it completely runs out around 2025. Gas rationing may have to be implemented, and public transportation will become more regulated and limited.

  • Isolated Nuclear Events - as shortages arise in food and fresh water, terrorist aggression will continue to increase, with a strong possibility of global thermonuclear war. Stockpiles of plutonium fuel exist and it is just a matter of time before some terrorist group cobbles together a nuclear device to hold world governments hostage, or remove a major city from the map. The threat of nuclear radiation contamination may also come from destruction to power plants from earthquakes or meltdowns, such as occurred in Chernobyl and Japan.

  • Computerized Global Nuclear War - conflicts in the Middle East could escalate into full-scale nuclear warfare between Iran and Israel, or elsewhere in the world between rival nuclear powers such as India and Pakistan, or the U.S. with North Korea; should the technology be developed, and the leadership remain unstable. The world could survive one or two isolated nuclear events if it were just limited to that level, however, the fallout and nuclear winter which could follow a full-scale nuclear war could potentially destroy all plant and animal life on the earth.

  • Bioterrorism - involves the intentional release or dissemination of toxic biological agents such as bacteria, viruses, and toxins, which may be in a naturally occurring or human-modified form; intended to cause sickness and death to humans, plants, and animals. Viruses such as smallpox and anthrax have already been used to attack human populations. The use of biological agents that do not cause harm to humans, could instead be used to target the food chain and disrupt the economy, cause widespread fear and panic, and destabilize the normal function of business and societies. For example, the highly toxic pathogen, the foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) virus, which caused the 2001 and 2007 FMD outbreaks in the UK, had little chance of infecting humans, yet it caused widespread economic damage and overwhelming public concern.

  • Mass Famine - because food comes from 1,500 miles, on average, from where it is consumed, the transportation of food and goods deplete reserves of fossil fuels. This, coupled with increasing scarcity of fresh water for agriculture, may result in limited food production and starvation for millions of people. Food production needs to be localized to the market area in which it is consumed; perhaps on roof tops, balcony decks, vacant lots, or in dedicated community gardens.

  • Climate Change and Global Warming - greenhouse gases are raising the temperature of the earth and oceans severely causing melting of the polar ice caps. Rising Gulf Stream temperatures is accelerating polar ice cap melting, which is raising water levels along coastal properties and creating more frequent, and larger hurricanes, and more intense storms. The UN's Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) reports that climate disasters are increasing, and roughly 70% are now climate related, up from 50% only two decades ago. Destruction to human populations comes from intense tropical storms, heavy rains, hurricanes, tsunamis, flooding, droughts, rising sea levels, and the general vulnerability of local communities who are not equipped, or prepared, to handle such catastrophic emergencies.

  • Global Pandemic - should a strain of flu virus, or one like the HIV virus, ever mutate and become as transmittable as the common cold, then the world would face another potential Great Plague disaster. Any pathogen that kills its host slowly will allow carriers more time to spread an infection; thus spreading it around the world in only a matter of hours on airline passengers.

  • Ecological Disaster - there is a strong potential for the collapse of ecosystem services, which were formally defined by the UN in 2005 in a four-year study called the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MEA); conducted by more than 1,300 scientists worldwide. A global ecological disaster, such as a world crop failure, could be induced by existing trends in overpopulation, economic failure, and non-sustainable agriculture. Most of these scenarios involve things like the disruption of the food chain due to scarcity of fresh water, overfishing, massive deforestation, desertification, oil spills and water pollution episodes, pollinator decline, decomposition of wastes, pests and diseases extending beyond historical boundaries, and the Holocene Extinction Event, which is mainly based upon climate change and humanity's presence. Currently there are up to 140,000 species of living organisms going extinct per year on earth. The period on earth since the emergence of humans has shown an ongoing reduction in biodiversity and an accompanying loss of genetic diversity. The reduction is caused primarily by human impacts, and particularly by habitat destruction, especially in the Amazon rain forest.

  • Natural Disasters - super volcanoes and asteroid collisions pose a real, existential threat to our species, but they are risks that cannot be listed as immanent or calculable. Any real threat that will terminate intelligent life on Earth will likely be a man-made event. If several earthquakes or volcanoes erupt simultaneously around the Pacific Rim of Fire, then the loss of human life from the ensuing tsunamis may pose a significant tragedy to coastal populations, but not an extinction event. Civilization would continue on.

  • Biotechnology - most threats to civilization may come from humanity itself. Advances in medical science and nanotechnology, which is the manipulation of matter on an atomic and molecular scale; may create many new devices and materials. This new biotechnology has an enormous range of applications in medicine, electronics, biomaterials, and energy production. However, these new technologies could lead to grey goo, in which self-replicating, out-of-control robots consume all matter on earth while duplicating themselves, either deliberately or accidentally. This hypothetical scenario is known as ecophagy ("eating the environment").

  • Artificial Intelligence - some future disasters may lie in the unforeseen consequences of technology. Someday soon, it has been suggested, a moment may come when computers and robots become smarter than humans. This has been called "the Singularity", and it may prove to be quite dangerous for humans if machines ever develop a high degree of intelligence and decide they no longer need mankind to service their needs. They will potentially be able to process thoughts at the speed of light, compared to the speed of bio-chemical processes in humans.

Doomsayers and whistle-blowers, although quite annoying, serve an important function in our society to raise awareness about potential wrong-doing or danger, and to call attention to serious things that need to be changed in our society for the common good. Consciousness is not raised without a price, however, and most prophets of doom often only fan the fires of fear and hysteria, offering no real solutions. Al Gore, for example, certainly performed a valuable contribution to the world in his attempt to raise public awareness about climate change and global warming just a few years ago, resulting not so much in stimulating corrective action, as seeding a great debate in the scientific community as to whether it really existed or not.

Well, just because there seems to be a long litany of hysteria and fear being recited the closer we get to the winter solstice; I wouldn't pull the kids out of school and move out to grandpa's farm just quite yet. If you're subjected to a lot of negative television programming about doomsday scenarios, then simply don't watch it. The Doomsday Preppers and Survivalist programs grab a lot of media attention, but they provide no positive purpose. Despite what little information value they convey, they actually only contribute to the overall undercurrents of worry and apprehension. People have enough to worry about anyway without having to deal with the end of the world in addition to every other stress factor in life.

Amid all this clamor and furor, the fear and anxiety, there are several interpretations of the transition that will occur on December 21, 2012, and they are actually quite reasonable and positive. The Mayan Calendar, for example, will mark the end of one Long Count and the beginning of another; and time will keep pressing forward. Both the Mayans and Hopis recognized mankind is nearing the end of a World Age, but neither prophesied that everything will completely come to an end. The message they give is rather about how we choose to enter the future ahead; with resistance or acceptance.

The transition into the next World Age could either be done through a series of cataclysmic changes, or through gradual, peaceful events and tranquility. Scholars from numerous disciplines, including astronomers, have dismissed the idea of a final cataclysmic event, saying that such negative interpretations actually conflict with simple astronomical observations and scientific data and distract attention away from more acute concerns such as global warming and the loss of biodiversity. Many professional Mayan scholars are also coming forward to set the record straight. They claim that the predictions of impending doom are not valid, nor found in any of the classic Mayan books, and that the idea that the Long Count Calendar will end on the winter solstice misrepresents Mayan history and culture. What doomsayers fail to mention is that the next Long Count period will begin on December 22, 2012 and continue for another 5,125 years.

The New Age interpretation is that we are entering the "Age of Aquarius"; the start of a new age of spiritual and intellectual enlightenment. Many see this transition time as nothing more than a grand New Year's party; something very positive, and more in the spiritual plane than in the physical realm. This is not to say that there may, indeed, be physical and social changes that may converge and will have to be managed; but the end of the world is not in the crystal ball just quite yet. There is always hope.

Mankind may experience an epiphany and realize that we are all a single family of man, and that we all share this planet and its resources together. What will end is the notion that races of man, divided into autonomous, independent countries, can no longer compete for, and consume, natural resources as if they have no end. The world economies, based upon greed, are non-sustainable and need to be retooled; and the world's resources need to be distributed so that everyone in the family of man can share and benefit, not just a privileged few. The wealth of the world needs to be redistributed so that all may enjoy a basic and reasonable quality of life. There can't, and shouldn't be, such a large disparity between the rich and poor; the haves and have not's. Perhaps the awakening will be the realization that we are all in this together and either we all win, or no one wins. Mankind is at a crossroads, not the end of the road.

According to Wikipedia, the Greek translation of the word Apocalypse actually means "lifting of the veil, or revelation". An apocalypse is a disclosure of something hidden from the majority of mankind in an era dominated by falsehood and misconception, i.e. the veil to be lifted". It is possible to have an apocalypse in human consciousness without having a doomsday of the earth.

Hitting the Ski Slopes in Breckenridge: What to Know

So, you are getting ready for your first ski vacation to Breckenridge. You're excited, of course. And maybe a little nervous about what to expect. There are a couple of things you will want to know. Experience itself is the best teacher, and you may wish to have an instructor. But, a little knowledge ahead of time may be nice to have. Here's just a couple tips on what to expect, how to be prepared, and a few things to know.

When you get to Breckenridge, get yourself a current winter trail map, which you can also find online if you prefer to do so ahead of time. This map will give you the most up to date visual guide to where to go. Other than just being a visual map, the maps themselves can be so informative in other areas. It will show you each mountain, each peak and their numbers, where the lifts are, the trail difficulty, how to transfer between peaks, transportation in the area, a list of restaurants, etc.

There are 4 peaks to ski in Breckenridge: Peaks 7, 8, 9, and 10. You're going to want to check that map out and determine which you may prefer. You may want to purchase a ski pass ahead of time. You can often save by buying early online. And you'll want to determine how long you plan on skiing. You'll also want to determine if you are going to have an instructor or not and either set that up or have a plan for your day of skiing, if not. If you choose to have an instructor, he or she will let you know about the color and trail difficulties. If not, this is info you will want to be aware of.

The bunny slope or bunny hill is the very first place you will start. Don't even worry about the trails and their difficulties yet, until you begin with the bunny slope. This is a very small hill designed just for beginners, where you are simply getting used to what it feels like to be on skis and the basics of skiing. This is where your instructor will begin you anyway, if you choose that route. You will learn how you need to keep your knees slightly bent, how to steer yourself, and how to stop yourself by pointing your skis like an upside down "V". You will also be working on getting yourself back up that bunny hill using somewhat of a pulley system that you hold onto while standing, that will pull you back up that slope. At this point, an instructor will move on to more tips and tricks that you will practice and work on before you beginning skiing an actual trail.

But before you can even learn what it feels like to ski down an actual trail, you are going to have to experience riding a chairlift, which wouldn't be a big deal if you weren't wearing skis and carrying around poles. But, since you are, the chair lift becomes a learning experience, in and of itself. You need to know where to go, you need to make sure you have your lift ticket to be scanned or checked, you need to know how to line yourself up while waiting for the chair, quickly ski to it and sit down and bring the bar down. You'll get a nice leisurely break from learning, at that point, to relax and ride up to the trails. But, you need to be prepared, because when you come up to your trail, you need to get off quickly. Getting off the lift can sometimes be tricky for beginners. Be prepared for that quick moment when you need to get off, to try to maintain control so you don't knock others down that are getting of the lift with you.

So, on the lift, you need to know where you will be getting off and/or how to navigate to the next chair lift if you need to get to another level. However, as a beginner, you will of course be beginning on the green trails. Those are the easy or beginner's trails. These color coded difficulty ratings are standard in North America, and will always be as follows:

  • A green trail is an easy, or beginner, trail. These trails are not very fast and aren't too long.

  • A blue trail will be your intermediate trail. There may be some obstacles and they may be steeper.

  • A black diamond is a difficult trail. It's going to be filled with obstacles, and it will be steep and narrow.

  • A double black diamond is really only for those very good skiers. It's still a good idea to go with someone else on these, even if you feel you are good enough for these. And even if you are ready, you still aren't ready for the ones marked with an "EX" for "Experts Only."

Another thing to remember is that these difficulty ratings are to be compared to other trails in the area. Even though it will always go from green to blue to black, a blue trail at one resort may be more difficult than a black at another resort. You should always start with green and work up, until you determine what the trails are like at each resort.

If you are skiing on your own, only you will know when you are comfortable and ready to move on to the next trail of difficulty. But, don't expect to move up on your first day. And don't move up on any day until you are completely confident and comfortable. You don't need to just consider whether you feel like you could handle it or not, you also need to remember that you are going to have much more experienced skiers in front, behind, and all around you when you move up to the next trail level. But, if you have an instructor, you won't have to worry at all. They won't move you up until they are sure you are ready and will be there along the way, if you need any help on the current trail or the next one up.

Whatever level of difficulty you choose at a given time, you need to become familiar and comfortable with those slopes. Because even on, say a green, you may have different trails on that green that have varying degrees of difficulty and you want to take the easiest one when you are starting out.

This is just a very basic intro to skiing. But, ask plenty of questions, do your research, be well prepared, go with someone else who knows skiing or get an instructor. But, you will be guaranteed to have a blast on your first skiing experience. That's for sure!

Arthritis Symptoms You Should Know About

Many people have arthritis symptoms and don't realize it. It takes a while to get full blown arthritis. It's something that gradually builds up and before you know it, you have arthritis and are seeing your doctor for medication. Any medication you take does not address the cause of arthritis and will not improve your condition.

If you show any arthritis symptoms, then expect to have arthritis 4-10 year down the road. Typically when people have symptoms, they just ignore them and actual don't recognize them as arthritis symptoms.

Here is a list of arthritis symptoms that you need to look out for. Each person will show different symptom because of the nutritional make up will be different.

* Dry scalp with dandruff
* Dry skin which shows a whitish in different parts of the body
* Ear has no ear wax
* Fingernails that are brittle or splitting
* Premature color change to gray
* Skin wrinkles in the neck area
* Ringing in the ears
* Complexion color is pale
* Stretch mark which appear after losing weight
* Rectum itching
* Accumulation of dried flakes at the corners of the eyes
* Nose is constantly itching
* Feeling stiffness when getting up in the morning
* Hands and legs get cold and clammy
* Bleeding gums
* Teeth have etch lines
* Varicose veins in the legs
* Being sterile

From this list of arthritis symptoms, you can see that many symptoms relate to your body being dry. One of the causes of arthritis is the lack of essential oils. If you lack oil in your body, you will have dryness throughout your body. You will lack the oil that provides the lubrication to the body joints.

You can have one or many of these arthritis symptoms. If you do, you can start at any age using the oils good for preventing arthritis. You can start eliminating those foods that are detrimental to your joints and health. Some times it takes awhile to eliminate specific foods from you eating habits. So the sooner you start the better.

Without the proper oil reaching your joints, your joints will slowly degrade. The cartilage of your joints will be dry and this causes friction. This friction causes heat that will help in the slow degradation of your joints. Because the cartilage has no blood vessels, nutritional oils cannot be directly delivered its cells. Oils have to be absorbed into the cartilage by osmosis.

Look over this list of arthritis symptoms and decide if you have one or more. Remember, arthritis takes many years to appear after the symptom does.

How to Effectively Get Rid Of Knee Pain

Pain in the knee is a clear sign that you need to see a medical practitioner. This, along with other problems like a deformed knee, constant knee pain or knee pain that arises even when you are simply resting are reasons enough for you to pay your doctor a visit.

Also if you have a knee that will not bend or one that buckles instead of offering support, you too will need to pay the doctor a visit. There could be instances where the joint just swells and you start to suspect that you could have an infection.

If however, your condition is not one that requires a visit to the doctor then it is important to you pay close attention because you could actually be able to solve the problem all by yourself. Many of the knee treatments that are recommended may not be of great help in certain conditions but there are instances where they are actually the perfect remedy. Make sure you know which one to go for and when to go for it.

Apply a gentle massage on the knee then put it in a resting position. The importance of resting is to ensure that the inflammation reduces. Sometimes this is all you have to do for the pain to stop completely. It is also vital that you use crutches so that the pressure and weight on the joint is reduced massively. This should be until such a time when the knee can hold the weight again without experiencing any pain at all.

Sometimes knee pain can be controlled by using heating pads or ice packs. Make sure that you always remember that if there has been an injury to the joint there is need for heat and therefore using ice may not offer the best solution.

Other times, knee pain can be controlled by simply applying some stretching to the tendons and muscles around the area of the joint. Make sure you come up with a good routine that you stick to on a regular basis. If need be, visit a physical therapist who will give you the best advice on which technique to use. Only they can tell which technique will increase strength and help the movement while helping the knee to get back to its original state.

It is also important to maintain a diet that is full of natural ingredients as you try to make your joints stronger and free from pain. Items that you should have are hyaluronic acid, glucosamine sulfate and chrondroitin. These will come together to offer better prevention measures against problems of the joints.

The treatment that you embark on for knee pain will be determined by the reason for the knee pain. In case you are not really sure what caused the problem or how serious it is you are better off contacting a doctor for advice before you decide which treatment you would like or what supplements you should take.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Canine Cruciate Ligament Injuries - How They Happen and How To Treat Them

If you've got a dog, or have ever looked into the health problems occurring in different breeds, you've probably heard of cruciate ligament injuries. Unfortunately, this is a common condition which affects a variety of breeds, and many dogs are diagnosed with it each year. It is usually treatable, and there are some things you can do to prevent injury or recurrence.

What and Where Is The Cruciate Ligament?

A dog's knee is a complex joint. It is made up of the patella, or kneecap, cartilage, and ligaments which connect the thigh and shin bones. When all of these parts work together, the knee is fully functional. In order to allow the joint to work properly, there are two additional ligaments which cross over one another, providing essential support. These are called the cranial (or anterior) and caudal (or posterior) cruciates.

Cruciate ligament damage is the most common knee injury in dogs, and can occur for a number of reasons. Once damage has been done, the injury is likely to cause great discomfort, and possibly lameness. Some dogs seem to cope with the injury better than others, usually depending on how severe the damage is and what can be done to fix it.

What Causes Cruciate Ligament Injury?

Most cases of cruciate ligament damage occur due to athletic injury. In most cases, a dog is simply running or jumping and lands awkwardly. This can occur in healthy dogs, but is also common in overweight dogs. The extra weight weakens joints and makes landing more difficult, which can lead to an increase in ligament damage. Some breeds are genetically predisposed to cruciate ligament damage, due to breeding making the knee structure weaker.

There is no real way to protect your dog from cruciate ligament damage. Keeping your dog fit and healthy is a good defence, as it will reduce the chances of injury occurring. In the case of obese dogs, effort should be made to reduce the weight down to a reasonable effort. If there is concern over the joints, a vet may recommend exercise methods which support the joints, such as swimming.

Diagnosing A Cruciate Ligament Injury

Dogs who are suffering from a cruciate ligament injury will often limp, or keep stopping. In severe cases, they may be unable to walk at all. As the injury is painful, your dog may yelp or whimper, but lack of noise should not be taken as an indicator of no injury.

Your vet will conduct an examination to try and isolate the pain as much as possible. In the case of cruciate ligament damage, a vet must first ensure the pain does not come from the hip, hock or foot. Once a knee injury is suspected, the joints will be gently manipulated. This allows the vet to feel for instability in the knee. Typically, the vet will attempt to move the tibia forward without moving the femur - a sign that the bones are no longer being supported by the cruciate ligaments.

In most cases, an examination is sufficient to diagnose the problem. If your vet is still unsure, or if you request more evidence, a stifle radiograph will be done - this can also check for signs of arthritis or fractures. In severe cases, an MRI or arthroscopy may be requested.

Treatment Options: Conservative Management

Some owners prefer to try a conservative management approach to treatment, rather than surgery. This typically involves the dog spending several weeks on complete cage rest, with very brief and calm bathroom visits. The dog will usually wear a supportive knee brace to prevent further damage and support the joint, and anti-inflammatory medication is usually prescribed to reduce pain.

This can be successful for very small dogs - usually those who weight under 25lbs. However, even in these dogs, the rate of re-injury is high. Conservative management is very rarely successful in bigger dogs, due to the stress on the joint. However, it may be attempted if surgery is deemed to be too risky due to age or health problems.

Treatment Options: Surgery

Surgery is the most common treatment for cruciate ligament damage. There are a number of different surgical methods to correct the problem, and in general they are very successful. Most dogs will recover quickly, and show no long-term complaints.

Extracapsular repair is the traditional ligament surgery. This involves removing the damaged ligament and replacing it with a very strong suture. The suture then acts as the ligament should, supporting the joint, and restoring normal function. Over several months, the knee tissues heal, and the suture eventually breaks completely. The healed skin then supports the joint. This is usually the cheapest surgery option, and is quick and easy to perform. It has a good success rate in small and medium sized dogs. The only downside is the long-term success - this type of surgery has more of a chance of re-injury than the others, but it is still significantly less likely than with conservative management.

Tibial plateau levelling osteotomy, or TPLO, is a more complex procedure. It does require a surgeon who is trained in this method, which does tend to increase costs. Rather than replacing the ligament, TPLO changes how the knee functions, removing the need for a cruciate ligament. Put simply, the surgery involves cutting the top of the tibia, and rotating the tibial plateau to change its angle. A metal plate is attached to keep the bone in place, and the joint is let heal. Dogs who have undergone this treatment usually show some improvement within days, and significant improvement over the months. Usually, the plate causes no problems, so it is left in even after the joint has healed into position.

Tibial tuberosity advancement, or TTA, is a very new surgery. It works on the same principal as TPLO, in that it allows the knee to function in the absence of a cruciate ligament. The basic surgery plan is the same, with the tibial plateau moved and metal inserted, but some vets claim TTA is less invasive and that dogs will heal faster. In studies, results from both surgeries have been the same, including recovery time. However, some dog's anatomies are more suited to this surgery type. The cost of TTA is around the same at TPLO.

The Operation

On the day of the operation, your dog will usually be admitted early in the morning. Most dogs are not permitted to eat prior to this operation. A vet will re-examine and weigh your dog to confirm the injury, and a blood sample will be taken to ensure anaesthetic is safe, if your dog has not been operated on before.

Most vets will use a drip to during these operations. It is routine that dogs are given analgesics (painkillers) and a sedative prior to surgery, so inserting the drip is usually not stressful. During the operation, your dog will be intubated to protect the airway, and monitored by a theatre nurse.

Your dog's leg will be shaved and washed before the procedure. After the surgery, the wound will be sterilised using saline, and a spray bandage applied. A sterile bandage is wrapped on top of this. If your dog has undergone TTA, a post op X-ray may be required to confirm the metal is in the correct place.

Post-op, your dog will receive painkillers as necessary to keep them calm and comfortable.

What To Expect When Collecting Your Pet

When you arrive to pick up your pet, a vet will talk you through the procedure. If there were any complications, you'll be told about them. Usually, you'll be given a sheet to remind you of how to look after your dog post-op, but the vet will also talk through this with you.

Before you collect your pet you may be asked to make a follow-up appointment. There is typically one three days later, to check on progress, and one ten days post-surgery. This allows any problems to be spotted and dealt with quickly.

The instructions you receive will depend on the surgery type you chose. Traditional surgery usually requires almost complete rest, apart from toilet breaks, for four weeks. Jumping, stairs and boisterous play are also forbidden during this time. TTA is more flexible, with walks of a few minutes allowed from the day after surgery.

At three or four weeks post-op, a rehabilitation plan should begin. This might be controlled by the vet, or your vet may just offer guidance on things you could do with your dog. Hydrotherapy is a common choice, as it allows exercise without putting pressure on the joints. Using a water treadmill twice a week has shown great improvement to many dogs, especially medium and large breeds.

Your vet may also give once weekly injections for four weeks, to prevent swelling and inflammation around the joint which can affect healing.

Should I Worry About Arthritis?

Unfortunately, due to the nature of cruciate ligament damage, it does often lead to arthritis. However, arthritis is a progressive disorder and there are plenty of things you can do to slow down progression and minimise the effect the condition will have on your pet.

Weight is very important here. Having an overweight or obese dog will not cause arthritis, but it will antagonise the condition and lead to faster progression, as the extra weight will put stress on the joints involved. Being overweight a with a weak leg means an increased pressure on the other legs, and cruciate damage in another leg is a big possibility.

Exercise should be carefully managed. Your dog will need daily exercise to keep him in good condition, but strenuous activity can be just as damaging as none at all. It is important that your dog has gentle exercise daily - having no exercise all week before a big workout at the weekend is not beneficial. If you are concerned about your dogs exercise, your vet will be able to advise you. You might also find hydrotherapy a good option to relieve joint pressure.

Supplements and medications. Supplements have an important role to play in protecting the joints. If your dog is on other medication, speak to your vet before you purchase any, to prevent any interference. Some supplements are poured over food, others come in tablet form. These are usually given daily. Medication is the prescribed drugs which can manage stiffness and inflammation. These are typically given after surgery and during arthritis flare-ups, but can also be prescribed long-term if necessary. This usually occurs much later in the condition, when it cannot be managed anymore.

For well-managed cases, arthritis may only cause a slow decrease in activity, an adverse reaction to cold weather and some stiffness, usually after periods of inactivity.

4 Simple Ways to Cure Knee Pain - Just by Eating the Right Foods

All around the world millions of people suffer from knee pain. Even if none of your friends have mentioned it, at least one of them will be experiencing some kind of knee pain, however mild or not so. You are definitely not the only one suffering, and there are many ways of ending your pain. The medical field suggests many ways of doing so, such as losing weight, surgery, medicines and just generally doing more exercise.

Surprisingly, there are many foods which can help. Examples of these are:

  • Aloe Vera. This plant contains many useful nutrients that help reduce inflammation. It is particularly effective for knee swelling. It can be bought from almost any health food shop. It has a slightly bitter taste, but can be mixed if the taste is not to your liking.

  • Fruits. Some fruits contain high amounts of Vitamin C, an important vitamin throughout your body. Vitamin C helps to lower our risk of developing lesions in the bone marrow. Fruits that contain high amounts of vitamin C include kiwi, papaya, oranges, mangoes and grapefruits, so it is recommended to eat these.

  • Fish and Fish Oil. These often help to soothe pain throughout the joints. Some fatty acids contain Omega-3, which blocks protein that wears down cartilage in the knees. It can however, cause inflammation if you have osteoarthritis, which can be extremely painful, and is very bad for the body. I personally would recommend eating oily face twice a week, but a daily supplement of fish oil can be extremely good for you. The fish containing the most Omega-3 are mackerel and salmon, they contain many fatty acids.

  • Apple Cider Vinegars. This is a well known home remedy, which can treat a number of more common pains and aches. I know many people who will strongly recommend this, as they take one teaspoon of it daily, and it has worked wonders for them. You can receive arthritis pain relief in many parts of the body from taking these. Apple Cider Vinegar tablets will be easy to get hold of, especially at your nearest health food store.

  • Soy Products.These are a less known remedy for knee pain, but work equally well. They contain isoflavones and plant hormones, which are anti-inflammatory. If you consume any sort of soy products for a short number of months, less pain will be felt. Soy products are usually either soy milk or edamames.

However, if the pain becomes unbearable, I will always recommend that you should visit the Doctors', where your Doctor may give you a prescription course of medication.

Osteoarthritis - The Risk Factors and Management Options

Osteoarthritis is the most common type of arthritis, occurring in up to about 10% of adults, with as many as 50% of the elderly suffering from it. It is basically a degenerative form of arthritis, in which the cartilage, whose function is to cushion the joints, gets worn out with age.

This "wear-and-tear" of the cartilage over time, results in the bone surfaces becoming less protected and increases friction between the bones during movement. This friction eventually results in pain, swelling and loss of mobility. In more advance stages, the joint loses it normal shape and bony spurs may grow on the edges of the joint. Bits of bone or cartilage may break off and float inside the joint space, further causing pain and loss of mobility.


The cause is multi-factorial, but the following would increase your risk:

  • Being overweight

  • Getting older

  • Previous injury to the joint

  • Mechanical stresses on the joint from high impact sports, certain jobs, pathological or congenital mal-alignment of bones


Symptoms in the initial stages may include pain, tenderness, stiffness, creaking and locking of the affected joint. As the arthritis progresses, there may be swelling of the joint due to collection of synovial fluid within the joint. In the more advanced stages, there is bony deformity (caused by bony spurs) and mal-alignment of the limb (eg. "varus" deformity of the knee). Patients experience increasing pain upon weight bearing, thus limiting walking, and ultimately, even standing.

Osteoarthritis commonly affects the hands, feet, spine and weight-bearing joints, such as the hips and knees. In the smaller joints, such as in the fingers, hard bony swellings called Heberden's nodes and Bouchard's nodes may form. These are typically not painful, but they do limit joint movement.


Diagnosis can often be made by your doctor with reasonable certainty by a thorough physical examination. X-rays are used to confirm the diagnosis as well as to document progressive X-ray changes (thinning of cartilage, bony spurs, loose bodies, mal-alignment of joint etc) as the condition progresses.


1. Non-Pharmacological:

  • Weight loss - Excess body weight puts more strain on the knee joints. A typical vicious cycle exists: (1) Overweight person develops knee osteoarthritis (2) painful knees reduce mobility (3) with reduced mobility, more weight is gained (4) more weight worsens the arthritis.

  • Regular exercise - regular aerobic, strengthening and range of motion exercises help strengthen muscles that stabilize the joints.

  • Adequate intake of Calcium and Vitamin D for bone strength.

  • Warm soaks and heat packs to help relief pain.

  • Avoid excessive walking during periods of acute pain.

  • Orthoses and walking aids - splints and braces help with joint alignment and weight redistribution. Walking frames and crutches help take load away from the arthritic knee.

  • Physiotherapy

  • Acupuncture

2. Pharmacological Measures:

  • Pain-killers - paracetamol-based medication, Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) etc.

  • Glucosamine and/or chondroitin sulfate.

  • Topical rubs with NSAIDS or capsaicin.

  • Intra-articular joint injections

3. Surgical Treatment:

  • Joint lavage (wash out) and arthroscopic debridement (clearing)

  • Osteotomy - a wedge of bone located near the damaged joint is removed to realign the knee. This causes a shift of weight from the area of damaged cartilage to the area where there is more healthy cartilage.

  • Total Joint Replacement - considered to be the last resort option in which the severely arthritic joint, having failed more conservative methods of therapy, is replaced with a prosthetic joint.

The decision to treat as well the type of treatment appropriate must be individualized according to the needs of the patient.

For example, young athlete with arthritis to the knee from a previous injury, will require treatment because his arthritis impacts his activities. For him, conservative treatment with possible arthroscopic lavage and debridement would be more appropriate than total joint replacement, in view of his young age.

In contrast, severe osteoarthritis of the knee in an elderly gentleman, which when examined in isolation, would lead one to consider total knee replacement. However, if this knee belonged to a bed-bound gentleman, then perhaps simple pain-killers would be all that is needed.

Dr Ang C.D.