Saturday, August 10, 2013

Arthritis and Your Pet - Symptoms, Treatment Options, Exercise and Diet

What is Arthritis?

Arthritis means "inflammation of the joint." Inflammation is characterized by swelling, stiffness, and pain. It is a common condition in older dogs and occasionally occurs in cats. This affliction can cause painful swelling and stiffness. Joints which are commonly affected include elbow, ankle, shoulders, and most often, hips.

Signs of Arthritis

Personality change
Lagging behind on walks
Difficulty sitting or standing
Resistant to touch
Weight gain
Moving stiffly or straight-legged gait
Weight gain
Sleeping more
Being less alert
Yelping in pain when touched
Hesitancy to jump, run or climb
Less interested in play

Types of Arthritis

Degenerative Joint Disease
Hip osteoarthritis - hip dysplasia
Elbow osteoarthritis - elbow dysplasia
Knee osteoarthritis - knee dysplasia
Knee (stifle joint)
Hypertrophic arthritis
Shoulder (degeneration)
Wrist Arthritis (carpi)
Kneecap (dislocation)

What Should I do if I Suspect my Pet has Arthritis?

DO NOT try to give your pet human medication! Anti-inflammatories and Acetaminophen can be extremely dangerous for your pet. Acetaminophen is actually toxic for cats.

The first thing you should do is seek the advice of your veterinarian. He or she can help you find out what kind of arthritis your pet has by taking X-rays, blood tests, joint fluid tests, and sometimes MRIs. Though it is relatively uncommon, sometimes arthritis can be caused by a bacterial infection inside a joint or an autoimmune disorder.

Treatment Options

Depending on the breed, age, history, and weight of the pet, there may be alternatives to medication. Arthritis caused by hip, knee, or elbow dysplasia can sometimes be treated with surgery. Arthroscopic surgery can be used to remove bone chips. In large breed dogs veterinarians will sometimes replace the entire hip joint. In cats and smaller breeds, they may recommend removing the top of the upper leg bone. The leg muscles will compensate in most cases where this is done.

Many pet owners are moving to more holistic approaches to treating arthritis.

Some practitioners are supporting herbal supplements and antioxidant vitamins.

Acupuncture is also gaining popularity among pet owners for chronic pain.

Massage therapists can also give your pet relief. It is not wise to massage your pet unless you ask your vet to show you how first. You can hurt them if you are not sure where and how to message their muscles and joints.

What About Exercise?

You should always follow your vet's advice regarding exercising your arthritic dog. There is a fine line between your dog needing exercise and exercise that will overexert your pets joints. If you can find a doggy pool close to you, and your veterinarian agrees, water sports can be a wonderful source of exercise that does not stress inflamed joints.


As always, you want to be sure your dog is on a healthy diet, and especially if your pet has arthritis. Obesity adds to stress on the bones and joints, which adds to their discomfort.

Last but certainly not least, have you hugged your pet today?

High-Stress Holiday - Taking the Easy Way Out

This is the time of year when stress levels run extremely high. It's a time when family relationships teeter on the brink of disaster and loneliness is the number one killer. I'd like to talk about that last one.

This past weekend my sister tried to kill herself...again. Taking large amounts of Vicodin severely damaged her liver and almost ended her life. She did this once three years ago.

What brings a person to that ledge and entices them to look over? Is it all an emotional decision or can some of it be attributed to circumstances or choice? Does the person in that state of mind have a clue of the ripple effect of their choice? If I only had all the answers I could help my sister. I could recommend she read this book or go see this other psychologist who seems to know what they're talking about. But when I reflect on these possibilities, I honestly don't think either is the answer.

What keeps me from losing my mind and making really terrible decisions is a close relationship with a loving, understanding Father in heaven. I'm not being clich矇 about this at all. I've sat many hours listening to a psychologist try to talk my sister down from this latest episode and I'm concerned she's being fed the wrong information. Our circumstances don't cause us to lose touch with reality and make bad choices. When we believe the lies that Satan is trying to feed us and when we do not have a relationship with the One who has all the answers, we lose sight of what is really important in life! That's how we really go off the deep end.

We need to focus on the One who created us and cares for us more than an identical twin sibling or even our parents. He is the living, never sleeping, ever-present God of creation who knows us inside and out and loves us with an undying love that is unmatched. He's ALL these things!

If you're being attacked by the demons of depression right now, shut down your computer, get down on your knees, and get back in touch with the Father of Light, God himself. Read His Word with a passion like a thirsty camel. Drink it in! Seek Him! Stop believing all that Satan wants you to believe. God CAN and DOES change lives if they seek Him!

"Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened." Matthew 7:7-8

Panhandling in the Information Age - Ask For Money Online!

So, most of us have seen them - the sad, grimy, down-on-their-luck types - perhaps holding a sign saying, "Will work for food," or "Homeless Vet." (One of my favorites - yes this was an ACTUAL sign and a web search will turn up pictures of it - is "Ninjas killed my family - need money for karate lessons.")

No matter how we feel about begging for money, it happens all around us. And as unbelievable as it may seem, people can actually make a very good living panhandling. A television news crew in Memphis recently reported on several local panhandlers who make $150 a day, just by asking for it. One beggar follows groups of tourists and hits up friendly-looking couples with nothing more than a smile... and averages $200 per night doing it!

In the information age, "virtual panhandling" is slowly becoming known as an option for anyone who needs money for any reason. Examples of cyber-begging, as it's come to be known, can be documented as far back as 1998. During the summer of 2002 it became widely known when a woman in Brooklyn, New York, started her web site asking people to save her from her credit card debt. She wanted to raise $20,000, and in a mere 20 weeks her website received over two million hits and her debt was paid off! 

Since then, there have been countless other examples of cyber-begging - successful and not. People are trying to raise money for everything from plastic surgery to divorce to house payments to vacations - and a significant number of them achieve at least a modest level of success! 

Now, I'm certainly not encouraging anyone to give up their day job and hit the street - physically or virtually! But if you have a financial need, and can present it online in a compelling manner, it may very well be worth it to you to ask for money online! You don't even need any experience creating your own web site. 

If you'd like to capitalize on already existing website traffic and search engine rankings, simply sign up on one (or more) of the available sites that have sprung up to help people ask for online donations. On most of them, you will pay a minimal monthly charge (with a few upcharge options for things like links that are bolded or shown in a different color, or preferred positioning for better visibility), and you are given your own page to tell your story and ask for money in whatever manner you choose. They will also provide you with a personal link straight to your page; this is very helpful if you wish to generate some extra publicity for your cause on an online forum, website classifieds, or even your local newspaper.

If you choose to go this route, you will want to carefully examine the site you choose to post on and the image it projects. Some sites definitely offer a more professional, caring, and welcoming design, while others offer a more cheesy/sleazy bent. While there is undeniably some room for "cheese" if you are trying to raise money for breast implants, you may want to project a more sympathetic appearance if you need money for medical school tuition.

If you're feeling a bit more adventurous and technically savvy, go ahead and set up your own personal cyber-begging site dedicated just to you! There are several places online that will allow you to set up and host your own site for little or no cost. In most of these cases, you can also choose to purchase your own domain name for your URL, or stick with the subdomain the host assigns to you. However, using this method, you need to be prepared to wait a bit longer for the donations to start rolling in. You will need to submit your new site to the search engines, optimize it for search keywords, and publicize it to drive people to visit it. That's definitely do-able, but will take a great deal more time and effort.

Either way you go, a PayPal account is a must. Using a PayPal account, you can receive donations from your new online friends anonymously - no one needs to send cash to your address, or a check to your name. PayPal makes it anonymous for the giver as well, freeing them from worries that you may contact them later to hit them up again! 

So, next time the money blues hit - whether you lose your job, want to finance your next vacation, or simply need a bit extra for that little pick-me-up - consider asking for money online. Who knows; the rewards could be, well, rewarding!

Dancing Dresses

Shivering in a jacket much too thin

for this night of sleet and freezing rain

She wanders in mad dog attack darkness

feeling for the strength to step one

more feeble step, knowing panic

well enough to call it by its first name

She had felt the approaching void

screamed to God, but his cell was

out of minutes, as many times before

Insanity rode her like a jockey

who was hell-bent-for-leather

Given a treasured bus pass, she rode

the streets of Nowhere and End-of-the-line

Had to find a place to sleep

Had to hide away

Safe place, no rapes tonight

At a familiar stop she descends

the steps of her mobile champion

Home called her

Home was there

just up the street

before the trees

Pausing on the sidewalk she watched

the Dale Kincaid lights in her home -

that was hers no more

She chose him, married him, so

tough luck, baby

you're screwed now


Ice Storm

Incredibly cold

Stumbling into the grocery store

parking lot, she sees the wink of

a Goodwill donation truck

Under it are parcels and pieces

like presents under a Christmas tree

Needles sewed the ice pellets to

cheeks as hollow as yellow eggs

sucked out to make beautiful art

Jacket no warmer than a shirt

Last place she stayed, they stole

her coat and put her out at 3:00 A.M.

Threw her into the night rain

Sleep sucked her at the way a baby

sucks at the teat where warm milk is

A little mouse

afraid of cops

who ask her

where she's going

They know damn good and well she

isn't going anywhere she hasn't

already been, but wherever she is

they don't want her there

Ducking beneath the Goodwill truck

she sees bags and wonders if a warm

coat might be crouching there, waiting

Won't do to dig, cops roust you for that

In one brave swoop she picks up a

little suitcase, as forlorn as herself

Scurrying away, rat-like

smelling her sour fear

she heads for the urban woods

Just past home

that is not home

dragging the bulk of an old refrigerator

carton by the string around it,

she feels the burden

blow up and knock her in the knees

Not young

Not well

Not sane

F*cked up

The trees welcome her

They twinkle like stars in the sleet

Fever grips her like an avid lover

Got to go in far enough no one sees

Brittle brush fingers grab at her

Hidden hazards laugh if she falls

But the suitcase is a comforting


Finds a fallen log, a hollow by it

Lines the refuge with cardboard

Trembling like a virgin lover

she opens the suitcase and there is no coat

There are dresses

Sparkling dresses

Cocktail dresses


unyielding dresses

Alive with sequins and tulle

that pulls itself out of her swollen


Jackie Kennedy dresses

Rich woman's baubles, but no coat

Freezing rain coats her hair

Cools her fevered cheeks

Leg infected where he shot her

yellow pus running down her leg,

gluing her pants to flesh

Pulling the fabric away tears skin too

Half the dresses make a pallet

Half the dresses make a slippery

covering, sequins sliding

That suitcase, Judas, liar

serves as a tent when put upside down

over the log and some brush

Keeps the worst out of her eyes

It would be logical that she die by morning

but she never seemed to have a bit of luck

Hot Yoga For Knee Pain

Do you suffer from knee pain? Either from an injury or surgery? My knee pain was due to a torn medial meniscus (cartilage) that I had removed in 1983. About 2 years ago my knee pain had intensified so I started to look for an exercise that I could do that would not aggravate my knee. Running definitely was not it! My search lead me to Bikram (hot) Yoga.

I had never heard of this type of yoga before, so did a bit of a search and found that there was a studio nearby. Bikram Yoga is practised in a room heated to approximately 38 degrees C, goes for 90 minutes, with 26 poses which are practised in a certain sequence. Each pose is held for 20-30 seconds, is done twice and prepares your body for the next. During the class you will work every muscle and every system of your body. You will feel like you've had a great workout. I found that the heat was very healing and alleviated my knee pain both whilst in class and after.

After attending Bikram (hot) Yoga for only a few months, I found that my knee pain had gone. I could do some poses that I never dreamed I'd be able to do, like this Fixed Firm Pose. I couldn't go all the way back in this pose yet, but I could sit with my knees flat and get most of the way back, and for me that was such an achievement. I always gauge myself through pain. If it hurts, then stop! Back off a little and just breathe into that pose.

Remember to focus on yourself, and not judge your class by what others can or can't do. Take it slowly and always check with your Yoga teacher if you are uncertain of anything.

Body Weight Exercise - Utilizing Your Body to Obtain Tremendous Strength and Fitness Gains!

You are probably wondering how in the world you can create a knock-out fitness and strength program without using any weights, machines, or by having to buy a gym membership. Remember that no matter your goals you absolutely have to increase your level of physical exertion in order to achieve optimal strength and muscular development. In order to do this you have to incorporate certain body movements that involve the overall tension and action of multi-joint exercise. Remember that if I want to work my chest muscles then why do a fly movement when I can do a push-up. This way I not only work my chest muscles, but target my shoulders, abdomen, triceps, and hips all from this single movement.

Lets start out by you asking yourself a question. How many exercises can you think of right now that involve using nothing but you and your living room floor or front yard? How ever many you came up with that number is a good start for this body-weight strength program. Also, thinking in this way will cause your program to be better because you have to get more creative in order to challenge yourself and to get to greek-god status! Now I'm going to start by helping you think in a creative way like a "strength and conditioning specialist" would think.

I have always thought of ways to challenge the athletes and clients I work with because a true strength and conditioning program has to be ever-changing and highly innovative. Lets look at the age old exercise that we know as the Push-up. Now you might not be capable of doing a single push-up, you might be able to do 10 or 20, or you may even be able to do a 100 push-ups! Nonetheless all levels can be improved. For instance, the individual that is not capable of a push-up should be. He or she can practice lower intensity drills like doing them on their knees or with their hands elevated on a bench putting more force on the feet instead of the upper body. As they get better at these they can eventually progress to the floor to execute ordinary push-ups. If we look at the person that can do 10 or 20 then he or she can start into practicing more intense one arm drills like the one-arm push-up. They can start their practice in ways like the no push-up group mentioned above by starting with one-arm on a bench with having more weight distributed to their feet until they are ready to go to the floor. Looking at the third group that is capable of doing a 100 push-ups we can still challenge their abilities by including even more intense drills like the very dynamic dive-bomber push-up or the one-arm one-leg push-up! These are both intense and impressive my friend.

Next, lets think of a way that you can challenge more of your legs and cardiovascular system. Here you can perform a normal standing squat. Just like the push-up you are familiar with the squat. You may not be capable of executing a proper squat, you may be able to do 10 or 20, or you may be capable of doing a 100 standing squats. Just like the push-up drills we can learn the basic squat and once mastered we can learn and execute other more intense variations of squats. For the person that isn't capable of a proper squat we can learn this technique with the use of a wall. We'll use the wall to incorporate a drill I like to call a "form drill." First, you need to walk up and face a wall with your feet slightly wider than shoulder width. You should only be about 3 to 4 inches from the wall. From here execute the form drill by squatting and lowering your body in a controlled manner down the wall. The key here is to not "frog" the knees or "bow" them out. You must descend in a controlled manner or you will bump the wall with either your face or your knees. You should feel the muscles in your spine tension. This is a proper "form squat." You want to progress by going as low as possible. Just like the push-up drills the people that are capable of doing 10 or 20 squats at a time can move on to practicing single leg squat drills with the aid of a chair or bench. You can do this by lifting a leg in front of you and then on one leg lower your rear to touch the bench or chair before standing up. From here you can lower the bench until you progress to eventually going all the way to the floor. For the people that can do a 100 squats we can incorporate similar drills and continue to challenge them with the inclusion of more dynamic movements like squat jumps and single leg squat jumps!

I think you get the picture. Hopefully you understand that the basic exercises of the push-up and squat can be utilized to create more results for you than any other method of training you have ever done. You now should understand that a basic push-up or squat can be manipulated into many variations to continually challenge you for explosive results! Think like a "strength and conditioning specialist!"

Injury of the Quadriceps Tendon - The Reason Why Your Knee Is Painful

Is your knee hurting? If you want to be relieved from the pain as soon as possible, then you need to learn what is behind the pain. If you are into sports or recently had a minor fall, you most probably have problems with your quadriceps tendon.
What exactly is the quadriceps tendon?

This special tendon is actually what connects the four different muscles of the quadriceps. At the same time, it is also connecting the knee cap to the quadriceps. The quadriceps tendon is playing an important function when we are running, walking, or jumping. This is actually the tendon that absorbs the shock as you land your feet to the ground. Thus, it is one of the parts that are really prone to injury especially in demanding physical activities.

With this crucial function in the body, quadriceps tendon is designed to be actually strong to handle the demands. It is quite tough to injure; however, there are cases when it can rupture due to extreme demands from sports and overtraining. It may also be torn because of old age or disease. In most cases, however, quadriceps tendon tear is actually experienced because of an accidental fall.

How do you know you have this problem with this particular tendon? With this injury, you will usually notice that the knee cannot bear anymore the weight that it can normally carry. You will also have problems with running or even the simplest activities such as walking and climbing the stairs. There will also be some bruising, swelling, and pain in the affected part.

The problem with the above observations is that these signs are quite common with other injuries of the knees. But one sign that you have indeed quadriceps tendon tear is that you will have a strange alignment in the knees. You will observe that the knee cap is out of its proper position and it has an obvious gap to the muscles of quadriceps, which is quite weird. Together with the signs mentioned previously, it is time to consult a doctor.

What do you need to do when you experience problems with your quadriceps tendon? It is advisable that you consult your doctor as soon as possible. This problem requires proper treatment and some cases would even require surgical methods. When it is only a partial tear, you need to discuss the specific plan with your physician to treat this successfully. You may need to limit physical activities until you fully recover. Proper treatment is essential to prevent your individual case from progressing into a stage where it would require surgery.

Now that you have been informed, it is time to have your knees checked to combat the real cause of your pain. Seek professional help as soon as you can. You need to understand that this problem cannot be handled by self-diagnosis only.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Hip Replacement - How to Cut the Cost in Half!

Hip replacement surgery is one of the most common orthopaedic procedures performed in the world, with more than 350,000 operations per year in the United States alone.

Reducing Hip Replacement Costs

Today, you can have the best surgery, and also benefit from hugely reduced costs.

By having your hip replacement operation abroad, you can use the cost savings to enjoy a relaxing holiday.

Before we look at the cost savings, let's look at the hip replacement operation and why it is necessary.

Hip Replacement Procedure

Recent developments in hip replacement surgery have seen the operation become a safe and reliable method to treat severe hip arthritis pain.

Hip replacement surgery (known also as arthroplasty) is usually undertaken when osteoarthritis has resulted in the wearing down of the hip joint.

In a hip replacement operation, the worn out and arthritic parts of the hip joint are taken out and a new artificial (prosthesis) hip joint is inserted.

Successful hip replacement surgery improves mobility, by improving the function of the hip joint and reducing the discomfort felt by the patient.

How Hip Replacement Surgery is performed

Hip replacement surgery involves removing the ball and socket of the arthritic hip joint.

The surgeon removes the top part of the thighbone (femur), and an implant fits within the central canal of the thighbone.

The surgeon then removes the remaining excess cartilage and bone from the socket part of the joint (within the pelvis), and replaces it with a new socket, allowing free movement at the new joint.

What does it Cost?

The cost of hip replacement in a UK private hospital or clinic is around £7,000 to £9,000, depending on the treatment.

In India costs are significantly less, starting at just £3,700 or less than half the price!

Patients from the USA can also make huge savings, as can patients in all other western industrialized nations.

What are common symptoms of hip arthritis?

Patients who have severe hip arthritis normally suffer from one, or all of the following symptoms:

· Difficulty in walking

· Stiffness of the hip joint

· Pain in the groin and thigh

The most common location to experience pain from hip arthritis is in the groin area. Sometimes however, patients may also complain of thigh, back, and knee pain.

Patients who have hip arthritis normally develop a limp, which is the body's reaction to minimize the stresses acting on the joint.

What Causes Degeneration of the Hip Joint?

The most common cause of hip arthritis is osteoarthritis, or degenerative joint disease.

Other causes of joint problems include rheumatoid arthritis, and osteonecrosis also called avascular necrosis.

India - A World leader in Medical Tourism

Indian corporate hospitals are comparable to hospitals anywhere in the world. In fact, India offers world-class medical facilities that are comparable with the USA or UK.

The high concentration of expatriate Indian medical staff working abroad particularly, in the USA and UK, gives patients confidence in healthcare in India generally. Patients are of course, already used to the expertise and professionalism of Indian medical staff.

India is the world leader in medical tourism and its medical tourism industry is set to be a multi billion pound growth industry, and considered an important part of economic growth by the government.

Low Hip Replacement Costs and the Holiday of a Lifetime

By having your hip replacement surgery performed in India you get greatly reduced costs, world class medical facilities and the chance to enjoy a holiday in a country that has a huge diversity of holiday options for you to enjoy.

Arthritis Treatment: Knee Osteoarthritis And The Epidemic Of Knee Replacements - Part 1

The most common form of arthritis, osteoarthritis (OA), affects more than 20 million Americans. One of the primary targets for this disease is the knee.

OA affects articular cartilage, the gristle that caps the ends of long bones. Articular cartilage is a "pudding" that is made up of a matrix of proteoglycans (arrangements of proteins and glycogen molecules.) In addition, there is a framework of tough collagen fibers. Within this proteoglycan/collagen structure are cells called chondrocytes.

The maintenance of normal cartilage integrity is highly dependent on the metabolic function of these chondrocytes.

Osteoarthritis is a wear and tear disease of articular cartilage. It arises as a result of the lack of ability of cartilage to keep up with excessive breakdown.

The first step that occurs in the process of OA is an alteration in the matrix. This causes loss of cartilage resiliency. In addition, proteins that promote inflammation (called inflammatory cytokines) are produced by the joint lining. These cytokines activate destructive enzymes, called proteases which degrade the matrix and cause the chondrocytes to malfunction.

So far, the treatment of osteoarthritis is mostly symptomatic. Various medicines, called non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS), analgesics (pain-killers), exercises, physical therapy, and injections are used to provide palliative relief. Ultimately, though, patients will go on to have knee replacement surgery.

While this operation has generally been reserved for elderly patients, joint replacement surgery is increasing at an alarming rate among Baby Boomers who want to maintain a certain level of activity.

According to a recent report (Associated Press, Lindsay Tanner), "nearly one in twenty Americans older than 50 has an artificial knee- that's four million people!"

The federal Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality has issued a recent report showing that knee replacements tripled in people ages 45 to 64 between 1997 and 2009. While it's admirable and speaks to the increased activity level in a group of patients that formerly would be sitting in rocking chairs, in another sense, it raises other issues.

This is particularly disturbing because revision surgery (replacement of the replacement) will be needed in the future and this is a much more difficult and costly endeavor. Revision surgery takes longer, requires more expertise, is more complicated, and has a greater likelihood of complications.

Obviously, there is a public health problem if people with knee OA are going on to get an operation that will add tremendous costs to an already overburdened healthcare system. More in a future article.

Total Knee Replacements - How Long Does it Take to Heal?

When you finally decide to go ahead with a knee replacement, you can get bombarded with a lot of information from friends, family, and hopefully the surgeon. When it comes to friends and family, most of the information you will get are opinions though they mean well you get very little fact. The time it took for their knee to heal can vary and unless they had the knee operated on within the last 4-6 months the information you get may be inaccurate.

Your surgeon may or may have not discussed with you some of the experiences you will encounter when, it comes to the actual amount of time it will take for the knee itself to be completely healed.

During the healing process your knee will go through what I consider three phases from a rehabilitation standpoint. The phases are the acute phase, the post-acute phase, and the long term healing phase.

These are phases that I have discovered are important for a patient to understand. The time I feel to discuss them with the patient is not only prior to surgery but, again after surgery as there will be information during the pre-operative briefing that will not be retained.

In general the phases mentioned above tend to play out for the patient in the following way:

1. Acute Phase: This is without question the most painful. It lasts from the day of surgery out to week six.. This time can vary from patient to patient but by week five there is a noticeable decrease in pain. The knee will go through the swelling phase and "throbbing phase" when it comes to pain. It is vital that your understanding and compliance with pain control measures are followed. The use of ice before and after rehabilitation are recommended along with foot elevation to keep the swelling to a minimum. Sleepless nights are generally in store in not un-heard of due to pain. The best measure found to relieve the pain you will encounter during sleep is to move or pump the knee back and forth five to ten times as the knee gets stiff and the spasms occur.

2. Post-Acute Phase: This phase kicks in from roughly week seven to week twelve. Here is where you begin to get a better handle on how to control the swelling and you also have learned as well how temperamental the knee can be. In other words as you become more active the knee will fool you. You will be tempted to do more then the knee is ready to handle physically. if you take on more then the knee is prepared for, the next day you will pay the price in increased pain and swelling. The use of pain medication though not as frequent is still advised. You should at this point be up on a single point cane and away from the walker which with the new found freedom add to the subtle ability to overwork the leg.

3. Long Term Healing Phase: This is the phase that most orthopedic surgeons will tell you will take close to a year for the knee to be totally healed. You will be able to however to do most anything within reason at this point unless it involves a high-impact activity like constant running and jumping. Pain, swelling, and muscle spasms at this point have completely subsided. You will have obtained all the range of motion of the knee that you will get. Your strength gains however can always be improved in the muscles surrounding the knee. Your walking pattern has now been established and the knee can and will endure most anything you ask it too.

There will always be some differences among patients when it comes to set time frames with pain and recovery. Having a total knee replacement is considered a major surgery and the advances made in surgery have shorten the time frame by weeks if not by months with some.

The key to joint replacement recovery is patience. By having some patience you develop a stronger more pain free recovery instead of pushing yourself to the edge of suffering from chronic pain and overall physical breakdown.

Riser Recliner Chairs

It is best to know about riser client chairs before you invest in one. With old people or elderly parents at home, there are numerous times when you have to help them out of a chair. Or if you are a senior citizen and staying alone, these disability friendly chairs are a boon.

Thus, if you are feeling that with limited mobility you need to spend a lot of time getting in or out of the chair, it is bets to seek help and start looking for riser recliner chairs. There are manifold advantages of buying a riser recliner chair and having the freedom from the associated pain. Basically riser recliner chairs have a mechanical lift inside the chair seat that gives you the thrust you are looking for to get up from the chair.

Most people who suffer from knee replacement surgery, arthritis, back pain, spinal disabilities require rehabilitation and help to get in and out of chairs. The complete recovery process from any back or leg related surgery is easier when you have support, when you begin rehabilitation. The main benefit of these chairs is that you can easily get up and out of the chair without any effort and thus, injuries or aids recovery during post operative surgical care.

However, purchasing in a riser recliner chair requires research and a chance to see what is currently available. Though there are numerous specialty stores that have a select variety of riser recliner chairs, you may search online for a chance to look at a variety of choices in design, style and upholstery that is available at online stores.

If you are planning to buy a recliner chair but not too sure about online research, ask a friend or family member to help you as there are numerous deals going on that can help you save when you purchase online.

Though you may buy a riser recliner chair with the basic functions, numerous recent models are well equipped with massage pads, heating and converting into beds while others can be custom designed on request. With a multitude of comfort options available, minimize your physical exertion to ease off the pain and feel better. However, the most important feature still remains the ability of a person to reach a standing position by the thrust of the riser chair that takes away all the pressure from your spine and back. People with weak leg muscles, back pain and those who have difficulty rising from beds or chairs benefit highly from it.

Catering to the aesthetics of your home, you will be pleasantly surprised to see that there is a wide variety of riser reclined chairs upholsteries to match your decor. No longer will you see your riser recliner chair the odd one out in the room but now it is going to be a complementing feature to any room.

It is best to research online, see the price variability, features based on other considerations such as your requirement and budget. This will help you shortlist the company and model of the desired chair.

Children's Walking Issues: Cause and Treatment

It's incredibly important to deal with foot and ankle pain at a young age. Your feet are what carry you for your whole life. It's important to build a strong foundation for your body. If you don't have that strong foundation you may develop knee, hip, back, and shoulder pain, just from problems in your feet.

In a young child's feet the bones are soft and more apt to develop deformities with abnormal pressure. This includes wearing shoes that are too tight, which may halt development. In the first year of life a child's foot develops to almost half the size of an adult's foot. This first year is critical to their development.

While a child is growing it is very important to change shoes and socks sizes every few months. This gives their feet the room to grow and develop that they need. Shoes should also be flexible and comfortable for the child. You should be aware of your child's walking pattern in order to catch any underlying defect or condition. We are able to treat foot and ankle conditions and address any concerns you may have.

Sports injuries are on the rise in children as more and more become actively involved. One of the most common sports injuries are ankle sprains. X-rays are often the best way to detect any fracture or break, which can be treated with a fiberglass cast. There are other treatment options for ankle sprains such as soft casts and pneumatic walking splints that help treat both ankle and foot problems. Soft casts can be used for fractures and are more comfortable than fiberglass casts. It allows more movement, but still provides support. A pneumatic walking splint immobilizes the foot and ankle, but still allows the patient to walk with the splint on. After patients are taken out of a boot or a splint, a light or structurally sturdy ankle brace is usually dispensed to them.

After a full recovery from an ankle sprain the ligaments are still weakened. Custom made and over the counter orthotics can help provide the support needed to the weak ankle. Our over the counter orthotics can be dispensed directly to the patient. These orthotics are low cost if they are not already covered by insurance. Physical therapy is also an important step in the recovery process so that your child can get back onto the field as soon as possible.

Heel and arch pain is a major condition treated in the podiatric world. Heel and arch pain are usually symptoms of an underlying issue. Heel pain is often felt by 8-14 year olds because their feet are still growing and developing. During the growth their heel bone is weak and any stress put on it can often cause this pain. Heel and arch pain can be treated with orthotics. If this pain is not treated during childhood years later on they will experience worse pain. Treatment with orthotics is often a way to keep children with heel and arch pain from seeing an orthopedist for these problems later in life.

Limb length discrepancy is often a problem experienced by young children. This problem is simply when one leg is longer than the other leg. The difference can be anywhere from 1 centimeter to more than 6 centimeters. The greater the difference the more the patient has to compensate in their walking technique, posture, etc. Leaving this untreated can lead to many problems including back, ankle, and hip problems. Orthotics can help to correct any walking and posture changes. A simple adjustment to an orthotic can help to easily treat any length discrepancy.

Another common issue experienced by many children is called knock-knees which is when your knees touch but your ankles are not touching. This becomes apparent from age 2-3 and gets progressively worse until age 4. This can develop when a child is learning to walk and is trying to achieve balance. Sometimes it only occurs in one knee. Leaving knock-knees untreated can result in difficulty running and walking. Knock-knee can be treated with braces. Often night braces are used to correct the position of the knee.

In toe and out toe are 2 of the most common gait issues. This type of gait, or walking, causes abnormal stresses on the foot and ankle as well as hip, knee, and back. Many deformities in the foot such as flatfoot and a high arch foot can cause a weakening of musculature. There are multiple types of braces can help a patient walk better. Sometimes the muscle of the upper leg and torso are weakened by the foot deformity; certain types of physical therapy and muscular strengthening exercises need to be addressed. Toe walkers don't land on their heels when walking; because of it certain muscles in the back of the foot, leg and ankle area become very tight and certain stretching exercises will help along with certain types of braces. The shoe a child wears is extremely important to the way they land on their foot and need to be evaluated.

There are many common concerns over the type of walking pattern, pains, etc that children experience during growth. It is important to have these problems evaluated by a podiatrist so that this problem does not turn into a long-term malady. It's important to keep a close watch on these issues because often time there is a quick fix.

Copyright (c) 2010 Mitchell Wachtel DPM

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Varus - What Does This Mean in Osteoarthritis of the Knee?

Doctors have very little time with each patient these days so it pays to be able to speak a little of their language. Of course you should always try and clarify any points you do not understand before making major decisions but this is easier said than done.

'Varus' is a term used by the medical profession to describe joints that form an angle different from the usual. It does not apply only to the knee. Varus means that the part of the body furthest away from the torso is angled towards the midline position. In simple terms, if the knees are described as varus, they are 'Bowlegged'

Varus knees indicate that the arthritis is mainly on the inside of the knee. If the doctor says your knees have become more varus between visits, the degenerative process is progressing.

Due to natural variation, knees come in a range of angles than can still be 'normal' for the individual. What is important is when the angle changes over time. This angulation can begin before the onset of other symptoms such as pain. When knees get to the stage that they require surgery, the good news is that surgeons can correct this angulation (up to a point). It is common for patients to have legs straighter after their operation than they have had for years.

It is also important to note that the initial stages of degeneration can occur very slowly over a number of years. As the disease process progresses however, there can be rapid advances in degeneration in relatively short periods of time with angulation increasing markedly in the knee.

Mind Your Posture

Do you spend a lot of time sitting in a chair? Are you a postural slob when talking on the phone? Does your backache at the end of the day? Or even before? Do you expect the back of the chair to support you? Do your shoulders and neck hurt by lunchtime? Do think that your posture and your general health are unrelated? Do others ask you to speak up because you are mumbling? Did you know that clarity of voice and posture are related? Are you aware of how important posture is to your singing voice? Then maybe its time to... Mind your posture Here's how...

1. Place both feet firmly on the floor and feel as if they are super-glued. Being grounded is important.

2. Imagine that the crown (not the centre) of your head is reaching as high as possible. You will feel as if the back of your neck is stretching and getting longer. Make sure you do not tilt your chin up or down-it is just a passenger. You can also imagine that your head is being supported or pushed up from the middle of your upper back. You can help yourself by either placing a hand just above your head and reaching for it or by grabbing the nape of your neck and pulling upwards. You will feel your spine begin to stretch. Not only will your spine begin to lengthen, your tummy will begin to flatten.

3. Make sure your knees are gently loose. Notice your knees. Are they loose or locked. Braced or locked knees tend to have a knock on effect of causing the lower back to arch and the bum to stick out.

4. Make sure you are balanced. Take a moment to feel whether your weight is balanced towards your toes or your heels. Gently shift your weight forwards and backwards while remembering that your feet are super-glued to the floor so you will not fall. Find a new centre. Ideally the weight is equally balanced between the ball of the foot and the heel. A good way of checking balance is by rising on your toes. Ideally you will be able to rise by pushing through the feet only with no other adjustments in weight shift or hips, head, etc. You can see this by observing yourself in a mirror or video. You must be turned sideways to see it. Most people are stunned to find they have been walking around for years in a most unbalanced manner.

5. The only difference in sitting and standing is that your knees are bent. The integrity of the whole spine from head to tail is still important.

If you wish to change your balance, remember the following:

1. Your muscles have learned a new pattern and will let you know that this is different by making you feel as if it is very strange. However, check yourself in the mirror or with a video camera to see that you do not look as weird as you feel. Your muscles will soon get the new message and be happy with it. We are dynamic beings full of vibrating atoms that can adjust to our desires and needs. While you may feel different muscles working, the body does not enjoy being rigid or fixed. Your posture and balance are dynamic and constantly readjusting to keep you from being gravity prone.

2. Place post-it notes to remind you to be taller and wider, rather than shorter and shrunken at the end of the day.

3. Particularly be aware of how you hold your phone. Do you always want to have a head that tilts towards the 'phone' side? And, how are you sitting??

4. Relaxing is a popular word for physical collapse. Note that you will not want to be in a state of collapse during an important meeting. What is laid back to you may look like disinterest to some one else.

5. Changing your physical alignment can help you--

• live a healthier life with less chance of injury
• sing better
• speak better
• play sports more easily
• breathe better
• give you a more confident image

Above all: Remember that how you perceive yourself and how others see you can be very different.

Natural Products For Achilles Tendonitis

Some Natural Products for Achilles Tendonitis Really Work.

For pain caused by inflammation, the German combination remedy Phytodolor, a blend of ash, poplar, and goldenrod extracts, is backed up with the best scientific evidence. No fewer than ten scientific studies confirm its usefulness in controlling muscle and bone pain with a virtual absence of side effects. This remedy may be particularly appropriate for Achilles tendon pain because it normalizes red blood cells in contact with the affected tissues.

This product is sold in the UK, Ireland, and continental Europe under the trade name Phytodolor; in the United States and Canada it is marketed by Enzymatic Therapy. Because Phytodolor works by reducing inflammation, it is most helpful during the first few weeks after injury. Unlike NSAIDs, it will not aggravate the underlying tissue damage.

SAM-e, best known as a treatment for depression, also relieves pain. Like Phytodolor, it has the advantage of very seldom causing side effects. Various studies have found SAM-e as good or better for pain relief as Advil, Motrin, Naprosyn, and Nuprin. A study involving 20,641 people with osteoarthritis of the finger, hip, knee, and spine found that SAM-e alone was as effective as their ordinary pain relievers.

In the longest-running study involving the supplement, various minor side effects occurred in 20 out of 97 patients from time to time during the first 18 months of the intervention. In the final 6 months of the study, however, no patients experienced any side effects from SAM-e. Patients received relief of morning stiffness, pain at rest, and pain on movement, and depression as well.

Although the use of individual herbs for Achilles tendonitis is not especially well documented, several herbs are likely to be helpful. Animal studies show that boswellic acid extracts (produced from the Ayurvedic herb guggul) stop inflammation, increase glycosaminoglycan synthesis needed to repair injured tissue, and improve blood flow, the latter especially important in the treatment of Achilles tendonitis.

When used at a dosage of 400 mg per day, there are no reported side effects from boswellic acid. The Ayurvedic formula Yogaraj Guggulu has the same effect, as does a modern Ayurvedic product from TheraVeda (Organix South) called Nartana.

Some people should avoid boswellin, boswellic acid extracts, and guggul (guggulu). Both boswellic acid extracts and Yogaraj Guggulu alter the body's production of thyroid hormone. They should be avoided by people who have Graves' disease or other forms of hyperthyroidism. Boswellic acid supplements should be avoided by persons taking beta-blockers, especially propanolol (Inderal, Inderide), or calcium channel blockers, especially diltiazem (Cardizem), for high blood pressure, since boswellic acid can make these drugs less available to the body.

Capsaicin, devil's claw, menthol, and willow bark all offer pain relief. Capsaicin is the chemical that gives hot peppers their heat. As anyone who has cooked with chiles knows, capsaicin can cause burning, redness, and inflammation, especially to the eyes and mouth. The first time it is applied in a cream to the skin over a painful injury, capsaicin causes these symptoms, but the nerve fibers serving the back of the leg become insensitive to it-and to pain.

The product Tiger Balm works through providing a combination of capsaicin and menthol.

Capsaicin works best when there is good circulation to the skin to which it is applied. Do not apply capsaicin to your legs if you have diabetes and never apply capsaicin to ulcerated skin.

It is also important to keep capsaicin out of your nose and eyes. Allergic reactions to capsaicin are rare but are not unknown, and there have been cases of hypothermia in people who used capsaicin in an especially cold room. It is theoretically possible that capsaicin absorbed into the bloodstream could reduce the bioavailability of aspirin, and when aspirin does not relieve pain, people tend to take too much; if you use capsaicin, use pain relievers other than aspirin.

Devil's claw relieves knee pain, but only if it is taken in an enteric-coated form that protects its analgesic compounds from being digested in the stomach. Do not use devil's claw with NSAIDs such as aspirin and Tylenol and avoid it entirely if you have duodenal or gastric ulcers.

Willow bark is a natural substitute for aspirin. It contains a pain reliever less potent than the salicylates found in aspirin but that does not generally cause bleeding or stomach irritation. Do not use willow bark during pregnancy, if you have tinnitus (ringing in the ears), or if you are allergic to aspirin. Do not give willow bark or aspirin to children who have colds or flu.

Products that are effective for osteoarthritis, such as the cetylated fatty acid formula Celadrin, are not specifically shown to support recovery from Achilles tendonitis. Celadrin will, however, relieve Achilles tendon pain through the action of menthol in the formula, and is clinically proven to relieve pain in the knee, wrist, and elbow with or without menthol in the formula.

Homeopathic arnica is frequently prescribed for Achilles tendonitis by medical doctors in the UK and Germany. Arnica is most likely to help during the first few weeks after injury and when there is redness of the skin over the heel. Never take any arnica product internally, and do not ever apply the fresh herb to skin.

Controlling Arthritis, Inflammation And Pain

Most of us by now know that it is important to eat fish and to take our fish oils to keep our memory sound and our joints lubricated. However what do we do when despite our best efforts our body is beginning to seize up and we have pain in our joints and cramps and we have arthritis?

Inflammation is often directly responsible for joint pain and tissue damage in Arthritis. It is important to choose foods that decrease inflammation such as avoiding refined, processed and manufactured foods since these contain inflammatory fats, preservatives and carbohydrates.

It is possible to increase inflammation with Omega 6 fatty acids. They are found in soybean oil which is often used in biscuits and biscuit snacks. Another problem is corn syrup which is often used as sweetener. It is a carbohydrate that we digest quickly but disturbs the metabolism leading to the body making inflammation in some instances.

On the other hand extra-virgin olive oil has the antioxidant (polyphenol) which helps protect tissues from inflammation. Omega 3 (oily fish such as salmon, sardines and herring) will help reduce inflammation. We need to eat fish three times a week but as we all know fish oil supplements are essential for people with arthritis.

It is also important to distinguish good carbohydrates from bad by understanding the glycemic index and how they affect the blood sugar. Controlling blood sugar lowers inflammation so replace high-glycemic foods made with sugar and flour with lower type foods such as whole grains, sweet potatoes, beans and squash. If you must eat pasta then do so but not too often. It is better than bread and potatoes. You also need less animal protein, especially red meat and chicken as these contain an amino acid which may cause inflammation. Instead eat more vegetable protein such as beans and soy. It is also important to check if you have wheat and yeast sensitivities as these can add to your problems for all your cells in your body.

Fruit and vegetables are a must on your list. Choose three from each colour daily and add ginger and turmeric, both which have anti-inflammatory effects. Green tea also makes for a good anti-inflammatory drink.

From the list of supplements which will help Celery is essential for arthritis as it has anti-inflammatory and anti-rheumatic properties. It is detoxifying, helps the kidneys dispose of waste products and is good for the digestion. It is useful with bio-flavanoids for rheumatism and gout.

Glucosamine hydrochloride is another supplement which may regenerate cartilage and synovial fluid. It is important that you take it at the same time each day and 2 capsules a day. You will not see the effects until after about 3-6 weeks and do not take it if you are allergic to seafood. Sometimes is can upset your stomach a bit and give you loose bowel motions but this only happens in a few people. It is only a temporary measure and you need to tell your doctor if you are a diabetic or are on certain medications.

Another product in the glucosamine group is Glucosamine Sulphate which is a natural constituent of our bodies formed from glucose. It is important in making cartilage and synovial fluid that helps cushion the joints. As we age our ability to make this decreases and it has been found to stop the pain of Osteoarthritis in some cases. It may also be used as a preventative. It is good for knee Osteoarthritis and sometimes better than ibuprofen. It helps athletes and sports people reduce risk of training injuries. Arthritis sufferers should take 1500mg for acute pain followed by 500-1000mg for general maintenance. It does not act as quickly as medication and should be taken at least 6 weeks.

Since everyone is different if you do not have success with the above try Devils Claw which is yet another herbal remedy to reduce inflammation and pain. Take 1-2ml of the tincture three times a day.

If you have had success with homeopathic remedies then try some Bryonia which can help in rheumatism and arthritis, chest conditions and headaches. Get it from a homeopath. It often assists with swollen, intensely painful joints in rheumatism.

If you prefer something more in the line of teas, try some Cats Claw which is a woody vine grown in rainforests of Peru. Traditionally the Indians used it to treat Arthritis. It has immune stimulating, anti viral, antioxidant, anti- inflammatory effects and has some anti-tumour and anti-microbial properties. It also comes in capsules.

Remember also that your digestion is important as it is important to have a good digestion to actually absorb the supplements you are taking and your nutrition from your food. Otherwise you are loading up with pills and they are just going straight through you with hardly any beneficial effects. Ginger has warming properties, is good for the digestion, circulation, helps with the inflammation and lowers blood pressure. It also helps reduce the pain. Studies in Copenhagen have found it is as effective as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs but without their side effects. However it is slower to work and takes about three weeks to ease symptoms. 500mg daily is a good preventative or for long-term ailments.

To add to the above there are 12 Biochemic tissue salts which help to create a balance back to the body. Ferr Phos (phosphate of iron) is used in acute attacks with fever, inflammation of joints which are swollen and red or painful when aggravated by motion. Nat Phos (sodium phosphate) is useful when there are acid conditions and alternate it with Nat Sulph (Sodium sulphate) Nat Mur (Sodium chloride - which is ordinary salt) when there is creaking of the joints, Mag Phos (magnesium phosphate) alternated with Calc Phos (calcium phosphate) for pain relief in Osteo-arthritis. Sometimes it is good to combine Ferr Phos, Nat Phos, Nat Sulph and Silica and this was a remedy called Zief developed way back in 1964 for pain. It is important to get the chewable, biochemic salts as these are usually more effective.

The above is a long list and I cannot emphasise enough that different things work well for different people however It is possible to control Arthritis with proper diet, alkalising your system and proper supplements. Consult your natural practitioner for a balanced health plan. It is important to not 'self-medicate' so to speak and a 10 minute chat with a practitioner at a health food store does not suffice. You need a proper, in-depth assessment by a Naturopath or Nutritionist who will make a plan to specifically suit your needs and take into account other illnesses and symptoms also.

Avoid Knee Surgery With This Simple Exercise

I've been there. I played over twelve years of professional football, basketball in high school, soccer before that. I hyperextended my knees more than I care to remember and wore knee braces most of my high school and college career. I remember looking for ANY solution I could find to stop the nauseating ache in my left knee. I took Advil like they were tic-tacs and used Bengay like it was going out of style.

Nothing gave me the relief I was looking for... until now.

I fell into the category of "don't move around too much and your knee will be fine". What a pathetic philosophy! Now I have been enlightened to the fact that exactly the opposite is true. What I am about to share with you came from a man that had BOTH his knees crushed after being struck by a car. After numerous surgeries, he was asked to go through one more but declined. Instead, he came up with this very simple yet effective technique to allow his knees to heal NATURALLY. I know, I know, that sounds too good to be true but think about it.

Is your body smart or stupid? If you cut yourself does it heal on it's own or do you have to think about it? If you get sick how does your body know what to do to rid itself of the invading bacteria or virus? Sounds like it's pretty smart to me. Did you know that the lining of the mouth regenerates every four days or that the entire skeleton regenerates after about 16 months? We are living, breathing creatures that are CONSTANTLY breaking down and rebuilding. This is the basis for the simple knee rejuvenation exercise.

Patellar tracking problems are not addressed in this exercise and should be diagnosed by your healthcare practitioner as they can lead to biomechanical problems with your gait and structural damage to the intrinsic muscles of the foot and lower leg.

Assuming the patella is tracking properly, the exercise is performed as follows:

Get some ankle weights from the local sporting goods store. Depending on your size, 10 to 25lbs per weight may be in order. Find a table you can sit on that allows you to dangle your feet like you used to do as a little kid. Put the weights on your ankles and dangle them with a slight swing back and forth (no more than a few inches). Do this for ten minutes each day twice a day and you will be on your way to pain free knees!

Here is how this works. The knees are the biggest joint in the body (no it's not the hips... look it up). They involve the femur or thigh bone and the tibia of the lower leg. It is a synovial joint that includes a medial and lateral minuscus which are like thick cartilage in the joint to act as shock absorbers. There are also several ligaments involved but we aren't concerned about those here. The miniscus can have small tears in them from basic, everyday wear and tear that accumulates over time. The ankle weights distract the knee joint during the exercise which allows fluid to be pulled into the joint itself. This accelerates the healing of the knee. A hot pack can be added to the knee to speed up the process by increasing the circulation to to area.

It's that simple. Obviously, total ACL, MCL, LCL tears won't be miraculously cured by this exercise, but for the everyday achy knees that just feel worn out, this works GREAT!

How Can He Fight Against a Blood Infection?


Last summer my partner, who has had a knee replacement, had an accident and went to hospital, where they found he had an infection in his knee. He had surgery but became seriously ill and was diagnosed with septicemia. He needs more surgery on his knee, but the infection is still showing in his blood. How can we help improve things?


Blood is the principal supplier of nutrients, such as protein glucose, minerals and oxygen, to the body. Bacteria and viruses find blood an ideal medium to thrive in, and some parasites do the same; for example malaria, which, after incubating in the liver, makes its way into the bloodstream, causing fevers and chills as red blood cells rupture to release new batches of malarial parasites.

When infection enters the bloodstream directly, due to an injury or via an injection with an infected needle, the white blood cells-the front line of the disease, fighting immune system - try their best to swallow up the bacteria. However, because the bacteria multiply so fast they are able to thrive unhindered. The danger is that septicemia will ensue where, if left untreated, the infection is carried to different parts of the body and can attack multiple organs. The body may go into a potentially fatal sate called septic shock where the bacteria produce toxins that damage blood vessels, causing a drop in blood pressure and widespread tissue damage. Clotting may also be affected.

Sometimes the blood supply becomes susceptible to infection when the body is run down, due, for instance, to chronic ailments, prolonged use of immunosuppressant drugs, cancers of the blood, or widespread burns (where the burnt skin produces toxic proteins and is also wide open to penetration by bacteria). Any bacteria living in the teeth, tonsils, gut, urinary tract, appendix, skin (eg, boils) and sinuses can then enter the blood and thrive, causing septicemia.

The most common symptoms of initial infection of blood are fever, chills, nausea, vomiting, diarrohea and fatigue. It's vital to get anyone with these symptoms to hospital immediately. Blood cultures will then be taken to identify the bacteria and which antibiotics should be given. Since your husband has a chronic blood infection, I assume that antibiotics have not contained the bacteria. This is a serious situation and your partner needs to be monitored by his medical team. You can help by improving his immune system to fight off the infection more effectively.

Here are my suggestions

* Avoid coffee, alcohol, yeast products, excess sugar, canned or processed products, because they weaken the immune system. Eat fresh, simple food.

* To boost energy eat 200g avocado and ten whole almonds (soak for 74 hours in water at room temperature, remove skin and eat with 20g Manuka honey) daily to support liver function, eat 250g papaya daily.

* Drink a glass daily of freshly juiced organic carrots and fresh peeled root ginger, which have valuable fresh enzymes.

* Drink ready-juiced mangosteen fruit - two tablespoons full twice a day for a month -to combat chronic infection.

* Drink this at bedtime for energy: six to seven saffron strands infused in l00ml organic full-fat milk with 50g manuka honey.


* Multivitamins and Minerals capsules: one daily for three months.

* Kolonji oil: one teaspoonful with half a teaspoonful of manuka honey, daily for two months.

Oxygen therapy

This boosts the immune system. Your partner should sit in an oxygen tent for an hour every week if you can locate this resource. Or ask his physician if he can arrange low - dosage oxygen for 2O to 30 minutes twice or three times a week for a month. He should also walk in the fresh air for an hour a day. Practicing cleansing breath is also beneficial: sitting or standing, with your arms relaxed by your sides, straighten your upper back and pull your shoulders back; close your mouth and look straight ahead. Breathe in fully through your nose. Breathe out quickly, pulling your stomach in. Pause between breaths for a second or so, and then breathe in again at leisure. Repeat up to 25 times. Follow with retention breath: inhale for three seconds, hold your breath for three, then exhale slowly for six seconds.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Knee Surgery to Repair Cartilage is Worthless

Arthroscopic surgery to trim cartilage in the knee is a worthless procedure. I have seen many patients who have had cartilage removed by surgeons for an average charge of $5000 and then they must have a knee replacement several years later. The surgeon must know about the harm he is doing because he has to see the same patients for followup when they require knee replacement surgery.

A report in the New England Journal of Medicine (July 11, 2002) shows that knee surgery to remove cartilage is worse than doing nothing. The headline from Baylor Medical School, where the landmark study was performed, is that "Study Finds Common Knee Surgery No Better Than Placebo." Patients with osteoarthritis of the knee who underwent placebo arthroscopic surgery were just as likely to report pain relief as those who received the real procedure. The researchers say their results challenge the usefulness of one of the most common surgical procedures performed for osteoarthritis of the knee. Lead investigator Dr. Elda P. Way states, "The fact that the effectiveness of arthroscopic lavage or debridement in patients with osteoarthritis of the knee is no greater than that of placebo surgery makes us question whether the one billion plus dollars spent on these procedures might not be put to better use,"

In the study, 180 patients with knee pain were randomized into three groups. One group received debridement, in which worn, torn, or loose cartilage is cut away and removed with the aid of a pencil-thin viewing tube called an arthroscope. The second group underwent arthroscopic lavage, in which loose cartilage is flushed out. The third group underwent simulated arthroscopic surgery; small incisions were made, but no instruments were inserted and no cartilage removed. The people who did not have surgery on their cartilage did better than the people who had some of their cartilage removed.

In the United States, more than 650,000 arthroscopic procedures are performed each year, at a cost of about $5,000 each.

The knee is just two sticks held together by four bands called ligaments. Bones are soft, so the ends of bones are covered with a hard gristle called cartilage. Cartilage serves as a padding to protect the ends of bones. Once cartilage is broken, it can never heal. And once you break a small amount of cartilage in your knee, your knee cartilage can never fit together properly, and every time you put force on the knee, you break off more cartilage.

When surgeons remove cartilage, they leave less cartilage than the person had before the surgery. Eventually the knee joint runs out of cartilage and when bone rubs on bone, it hurts all the time and a peson must have a knee replacement just to be able to sleep at night. Surgery to remove cartilage just hastens knee replacement. On the other hand, doctors can replace torn ligaments, which stabilizes the knee joint. They can also remove a loose piece of cartilage that is blocking the movement of the joint. People with loose cartilage have sudden locking of the knee when they walk or the cannot fully straighten or bend their knees.

As a result of this study and my own impression from treating hundreds of damaged knees, I recommend that you do not get knee surgery unless you have a torn ligament that needs to be repaired or you have sudden locking of the knee during walking or you cannot fully straighten or bend you knee. Otherwise surgery is likely to hasten your need for another major surgery, knee replacement.

Osteoarthritis Knee Pain - Overuse Knee Injuries - Braces That Can Provide Meaningful Support

With the many demands placed on you today, and the fact that many of us live fast paced lives, it is understandable why knee pain is one of the most common musculoskeletal complaints people have when they visit with their physician. The knee pain can range from being mild to excruciating, as a result of having different knee ailments. As a result of this knee pain, millions of people seek pain relief in one form or another.

Knee pain severity varies among people, and as a result, you may require a unique treatment method tailored to your personal needs. Some people may simply need to rest their knee to find knee pain relief, while others may only find knee pain relief with the use of a knee brace, or as a result of having surgery.

There are many types of knee disorders and knee injuries that cause severe pain.

For example, If you are an athlete, you may have severe knee pain resulting from tears of the ligaments, muscles, or cartilage at the knee joint. Unfortunately, the more active you are, the higher the risk of a sports-related injury. In the case of a torn ligament (such as your ACL) your physician may look for you to obtain a knee brace to help provide meaningful, or they may recommend surgery in order to receive knee pain relief. In some cases, your physician may require the use of both surgery and a knee brace to achieve knee pain relief long term.

Knee Pain Relief for Knee Osteoarthritis:

Physical therapy and the use of medicines can help you manage the pain caused by osteoarthritis. Physical therapy is a special exercise program done with the help of a trained therapist, who helps you regain movement and flexibility of your knee, in the effort to reduce painful symptoms. Stability and balance may improve when the muscles around the knee are strengthened. It can be reasonably assumed that you will need physical therapy if you choose to undergo knee surgery.

Moreover, your physician may tell you to use pain-relieving creams or sprays that you can apply to your skin around your knee, to achieve some pain relief. In addition, your physician may recommend that you take oral medications, such as acetaminophen (brand name: Tylenol) or prescription medications to help relieve the pain.

Pain Relief for Overuse Knee Injuries:

Something as simple as overuse of the knees can cause people to seek knee pain relief. Minor insults to your knees, can worsen over time and become a more involved problem. Muscle strains and the inflammation caused by tendonitis can develop and worsen as people grow older. Tears, sprains and strains must be treated with care and allowed to heal over time. Some people use ice or heating pads for knee pain relief.

Knee Pain While Hiking? A Trekking Pole May Be Your Solution

Love hiking but hate the price your knees pay for it later? Consider adding a hiking trekking pole or even a pair of trekking poles to your gear.

Trekking poles, also known as hiking or walking poles, resemble ski poles when assembled.  Like ski poles, they have rubber padded handles, wrist straps and baskets at the bottom of the pole.  Unlike ski poles, they are made in several sections so that they can be lengthened or shortened as needed during a difficult hike. 

Trekking poles are commonly used by hikers who experience knee pain during or after a hike.  When planted on the ground, each pole has the ability to reduce the weight being carried by the legs and back, giving problem knees a break. Some studies show that using trekking poles can reduce the external and internal loads on the knee joint by up to 20%. By reducing the force being put on the knee joint, those with a history of knee pain can build up their strength while doing the least amount of harm to an already problem area.  A 1999 study in the Journal of Sports Medicine stated that using poles on a 25 degree downhill grade reduces the amount of force being placed on the knees by as much as 25%.

Trekking Pole may be the best solution. So don't let knee pain keep you from enjoying the joy that comes from exploring.  Preparedness and the right tools could be all that is keeping you from the view of a lifetime.

Osteoarthritis - Learn How It Affects The Human Body

Osteoarthritis defines the failure of the synovial lined, movable joint. The basic factor in Osteoarthritis is the destruction of the articular cartilage that lines the facing side of the bone that forms a joint.

In Idiopathic or Primary Osteoarthritis, which is the most common form of the disease, no definite predisposing factor is established.

Secondary Osteoarthritis is completely distinguishable from the primary Osteoarthritis. There is some disease that leads to is formation.

Osteoarthritis is, by far, the most common arthritis disease of the human and more than 100,000 persons in the United States are so crippled by this disease that they are unable to go to toilet from the bed.

Age is the most prominent risk factor for the disease. Researchers have found that, among women below 45 years of age, only 2% were suffering from it.

Between the ranges of 45 to 64 years, the prevalence is 30% and over the age of 65 years, the rate is more than 68%.

Major bodily injury and repetitive use of the joint are the next common culprits. Meniscus damage and or Anterior Crutiate Ligament injury can lad to knee Osteoarthritis - the joint mostly involved.

Obesity is a substantial risk factor for both hand and knee Osteoarthritis. It as noted that mere reduction of 5 kilo weight lowers the odds ratio of potential chance to having Osteoarthritis by 50%.

Sometimes the role of heredity as a risk factor for developing the disease is mentioned. It is noticed that the mother and the sister of a woman with DIP (Distal Interphalangeal Joint) Osteoarthritis (Heberden's nodes) are two to three times risk of developing Osteoarthritis in the same joints.

It is stressed that Osteoarthritis is the destruction of the articular cartilage of a joint. But it is not the whole scenario.

In Osteoarthritis, the entire joint is affected- the synovium, subchondral bones, the menisci, ligaments and the surrounding neuromuscular tissues.

The main clinical finding in Osteoarthritis is acute pain in the affected joint. Nocturnal pain, hampering the sleep process is seen in the advanced hip Osteoarthritis and may be debilitate a patient.

Stiffness of the joint occurs as there is inactivity. Joint instability, because of stretching of the capsule of the joint occurs besides muscle spasm.

The diagnosis of the Osteoarthritis [] is usually dependent on clinical and radiological finding. In early stages, the radiography may be normal except there is some loss in the joint space. Gradually there is formation of osteophytes and subchondral sclerosis.

No laboratory tests are useful to diagnose a case of the disease except to determine the cause in the secondary Osteoarthritis.

Treatment of Osteoarthritis is intended towards relieving pain, preserving joint mobility and reducing disability.

The first option is weight reduction. As the joints become weak in Osteoarthritis, they can not bear the same weight as they were used to. Losing some weight lowers the load to a particular joint, thus improving the pain situation.

Patellar taping is a less expensive, useful way of reducing pain. Mere taping over the patella with some isometric exercises improves the power of the muscles around the knee joint.

This in turn helps to qualitative weight bearing capacity of the joint. Hot fomentation and cold compress are equally effective to reduce pain. Rational engagement in exercise can control it a lot.

Among the medication, the first line of therapy consists of using NSAIDs (Non Steroidal Anti Inflammatory Drugs).

The newer generation Selective COX-2 inhibitors are doing a good job in effective controlling of pain and reducing the incidence of Acid Peptic disorder.

Invasive methods of treatment include Intra-articular injection of Steroidal component and Hyaluronan.

What Should I Do to Reduce My Knee Pain?

Pain in the knee can be extremely distressing. The structure of the knee is such that many areas of the joint are susceptible to severe pain as they readjust or wear away. Knee pain could be caused by accidents, sports related injuries, and slips and falls. If neglected, it could result in many problems in the knees such as cartilage or ligament tears, inflammation, sprains, tendonitis, dislocation, joint infection, ligament injury, bone bruises, edema, sub-articular stress fracture or collection of fluid in the joint.

Knee pain can interfere with your daily activities and make your life difficult. You must ensure that you do not neglect it because lack of medical attention might further worsen the condition.

Treatment Options

There are many ways of treating knee pain, and most of these aim at breaking the inflammatory cycle. If the pain has just begun, you could try some home remedies such as over-the-counter anti-inflammatory pain medication, protection with knee pads, rest, ice packs, compression with a wrap or brace, and elevation. But if the pain does not respond to these remedies within a week, you would need to consult a physician or an orthopaedic specialist for further evaluation of your condition and the recommendation of the ideal treatment option. Only then would you be able to get effective and lasting relief.

A proper treatment plan is designed only after your physician diagnoses the root cause for the pain. An x-ray or MRI of the knee is required in most cases.

Physical Therapy as a Treatment Option

It is essential to mobilize and strengthen the muscles surrounding the knee during treatment. Therefore, the entire program of physical therapy is designed in such a manner that the pain can be reduced and at the same time, greater flexibility can be brought about. This in turn, can also improve the function. Apart from that, some other knee pain treatment methods include:

• Massage and Myofascial Release
• Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS)
• Ice or heat to eliminate muscle spasm and inflammation
• Ultrasound to treat soft tissue injuries
• Traction

Other Pain Management Techniques

There are many more knee pain treatment options available. Some of the most common of these include:

• Exercise
• Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS)
• Manual Techniques
• Administration of analgesics, NSAIDs, narcotic medications, muscle relaxants, and anti-convulsants and antidepressants
• Radiofrequency radio ablation
• Surgically implanted electrotherapy devices
• Prolotherapy
• Injections

However, it is always advisable to seek the help of the expert before deciding upon any of these options for treating knee pain.

The Ten Worst Pieces of Training Equipment I've Ever Used

Almost every single gym in the world has a piece of equipment in it that every member hates to use. It sits in the corner like a mousetrap, waiting for the next victim to get close. I've traveled the world in search of the worst of these diabolical machines (well, not really, but you get the idea).

Keep in mind, these are real pieces of equipment that I've actually used (but not for long!).

1. The Power Rack With Aluminum Safety Rails - if a rack has safety rails that are 1 inch in diameter, weigh 3 pounds each and are BENT, stay far, far away.

2. The Eight-Foot Pulldown Machine - have you ever used a pulldown machine where you needed to stand up on the seat to be able to reach the bar? It's about as practical as playing golf with a bowling ball (a little tricky to get into position if you're using more than your bodyweight too).

3. The Back-Breaker Crunch Machine - try a rep in this thing. It'll fold you up like an enchilada and not in a good way. That sharp, shooting pain in your lower back does NOT mean your abs are working.

4. The Short and Skinny Flat Bench - I have no idea who built this thing as I've only ever seen it one gym but this guy needs to be fired. This wonderfully unstable twelve-inch long bench is perfect for exercises that don't require a good base of support or pretty much any support at all. It was the only "bench" in the entire gym that wasn't nailed down so it was all I had to use for 500-pound partial bench presses. Fun!

5. The Shoulder-Separator Flye Machine - the designers of this machine must not have realized that your shoulders don't bend backwards quite as far as they go forward. Never before had I seen a machine that almost made your elbows touch behind your back for a "complete" stretch.

6. The Self-Impaling Cable Row Machine - I quite like cable row machines that have a support pad for your chest. I encountered one version that had a pad that was all of 2 square inches and set so that it pressed directly into your solar plexus as you rowed. It was like getting punched in the guts with every rep!

7. The Trampoline Stair Machine - what could be better than a stair machine that automatically shoots your one leg back up so fast as you push the other one down that you almost knock your teeth out with your knee? How about an escalator.

8. The Crooked Smith Machine - normally when you look at the bar on a Smith Machine, it is horizontal. Not this thing. I must confess, I didn't actually use it though. The fact that everyone who did any exercises on this machine walked away leaning at a 20-degree angle kind of scared me off.

9. The Seatless Stationary Bike - I didn't actually use this one either, for reasons too painful to discuss.

10. The Knee-Cracker Leg Extension Machine - the leg extension is not the healthiest exercise for your knees to begin with but the designer of this machine for some reason felt it necessary to enhance this danger by inclining the seat. Imagine doing a leg extension with your hips down, your knees up level with your chest and your heels forced back underneath your butt. When the sounds of someone crushing bubble wrap comes out of your knees, you know something is not quite right with the machine.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Knee Arthritis Treatment

What you need to know about arthritis of the knee.

The most common form of arthritis in the knee:

The most active type of arthritis in the knee is osteoarthritis. This is where the disease causes a gradual deterioration of the cartilage in the joint, resulting in swelling, sometimes excruciating pain and loss of mobility.

The most likely affected:

Most at risk are women over 50 who are overweight. A hereditary link also seems to be a factor, plus men or women who have experienced fracture to the bone near the joint, a ligament injury or a meniscus tear.

Symptoms associated with knee arthritis:

There is no typical progression of pain as this disease worsens. Weather can play a key factor so cold symptoms can be particularly difficultly in winter months, while summer days can be remarkably easy on the knees but that doesn't mean the arthritis is in remission.

Time is the key factor in measuring its progress along with constant monitoring through x-rays and blood tests.

Most reported symptoms:

  • Bow legs or knock-knees.

  • Discomfort when active.

  • Restricted movement.

  • Joint inflammation.

  • A sensation which feels like the joint might "pop out".

There are three ways to treat knee arthritis, you can treat the symptoms, have surgery or you can treat the cause - which ideally will fix if not put the disease in to remission.

Treatments for the symptoms of arthritis in the knee:

First things first and that's to go and get a physical examination and an x-ray. A second evaluation is also not a bad idea also as early stages of osteoarthritis can often go undiagnosed.

Each case should be valued on its own merit, so do not interpret this article as a definitive guide for treating arthritis in this region, it merely serves to highlight the practices that patients and practitioners generally follow today.


You won't find this endorsed on but acupuncture has to be one of the fastest and more effective methods for acute and serious cases of osteoarthritis, yet it can still be practiced on less damaged joints.

Prof Dr Anton Jayasuriya's methods while often frowned upon in the West, is an art of acupuncture which dates back centuries and is reported to provide instant and permanent relief.

It can reduce the swelling, relieve a patient from pain by up to 80% and provide almost sudden mobility.

Four needles are inserted in to specific stress points - not just points of acupuncture - to a certain depth, then heated till they glow piping red, then gently and swiftly removed one by one.

This practice is repeated 2 to 3 times a day until the swelling has all but disappeared and the pain has relinquished.

Once the course of treatment is complete it is stated to be permanent.

Soothing oils and warming pads are then used by the patient at home to complete the treatment.

Acupuncture does not treat the deterioration of the joint directly, but rather the pain inflammation and lack of movement - the symptoms.

Anti-Inflamatory Prescription Drugs

These have provided the earliest breakthrough in the West for an initial pain release but the effects these have on your body now that they've been on the market for more than two decades, are coming to light.

Prolonged usage of theses NSAID's as they're known have shown to have a debilitating effect on the liver, kidneys and heart, so before deciding to take a quick fix for the inflammation and pain, make sure you lay out what initial health problems you may have with your doctor so the prescription won't conflict with your current medication.

Physical Therapy & Relaxation

Physical therapy and controlled periods of relaxation both help strengthen the muscle around the joint, lightening its burden and reducing the stress.

Meditation, sleep and hypnotherapy are all forms of relaxation that can reduce the amount of pain you're experiencing in your knee and exercise will prevent atrophy of the leg muscles.

Arthritis Surgery

If the disease has simply become unbearable in pain and has left you almost immobile, then surgery today is the last resort.

a) Knee Osteotomy

This is effectively for only young patients who have caught the disease early on and have had a total knee replacement.

b) An Unicompartmental Knee Replacement

Or simply known as a partial knee replacement, this again is for a small surgical replacement of the knee when the disease is limited and this is more common among middle to elderly aged patients.

c) Total Knee Replacement

Now that the joint can no longer function the will be the last resort where a plastic and metal implant is fitted in to the knee.

Treatments to Influence Remission of Arthritis in the Knee

a) Biologically Injected Medications

Cortisone injections which ooze the pain and reduce the swelling are much safer and more beneficial than NSAID's, and while they won't influence remission, you can safely take additional joint supplements without any side-effects that can help treat this disease.

b) Joint Supplements and Non-Prescription Treatments

Glucosamine is still lacking in research data, but it is showing signs that it may help the remission process of arthritis in the knee.

Additional non-prescription natural treatments include active compounds found in Capsaicun, Tonkat Ali, Omega 3 Acids and Reishi.

These ingredients not only treat inflammation effectively, they also naturally help block the pain signals being sent from the joint to the brain.

More importantly they assist in rebuilding the cartilage.

Now dry and deteriorated from this disease, these are just some of the ingredients when taken regularly in high concentrations that can help the cartilage function better.

Cod liver oil tablets have for years been used to free up stiff joints for mild arthritis of the knees, but now research over the last decade has given birth to new supplements that not just treat the symptoms but fight it.

Stuck In A Rut? - Life Can Stop You Temporarily, Only You Can Stop Yourself Permanently!

Have you stopped striving for what you want from life?

Do you look in the mirror and see a shadow of your former self looking back at you?

Are you sick and tired of the situation that you have found yourself in?

Isn't it time that you made a stand?

Life has a funny way of waiting until everything is going along swimmingly for you and then throwing a huge spanner in the works.

You are not alone.

I know that sometimes you think that no one could possibly know what you are going through, or that your situation is "different" to everybody else's.

The truth of the matter is that you are a unique individual and there is no one on the face of this earth who is exactly like you.

However there are millions of people on this earth who have found themselves in the same predicament as you, or even worse.

They managed to get through it, and so must you.

You must not allow the feeling of being stuck in a rut to stop you in your tracks.

I know that it is easier said than done some of the time.

But you must realise that it is the limitations that you have placed on yourself that are keeping you feeling stuck in a rut and keeping your greatness held hostage.

Life can and will throw you a curve ball from time to time.

That is just part of life.

It's not what happens to you in this life that matters, it matters how you DEAL with what happens to you in this life.

Do not give in to adversity.

Adversity is a part of life.

Don't let adversity knock you to your knees and keep you there.

You are more powerful than you could possibly imagine.

The only thing that can stop you achieving everything that your heart desires is you.

Are you standing in your own way?

Are you keeping your greatness held hostage?

You need to make sure that you get out of your own way.

At times life will attempt to beat you to your knees and keep you there.

Do not allow this to happen.

Life will trick you and play games on you.

Life will put temporary barriers in your way just to see how bad you really want to succeed.

Life can stop your temporarily, but only you can stop yourself permanently.

Types of Magnetic Therapy Products

There are a wide assortment of biomagnetic products depending on a person's needs. This article contains a brief description of some of the more common types of magnet therapy products and their uses.

Medical or Spot Magnets

These individual medical, or spot, magnets can be affixed to any part of the body using various methods including surgical tape, adhesive or elastic bandages, or wraps. Spot magnets can be applied directly over any areas to be treated or, alternatively, can be affixed to acupuncture points.

Ankle Braces and Wraps

Magnetic therapy ankle support products, such as braces and wraps, not only provide compression support for injured or weak ankles, but also apply magnetic healing to the ankle. These types of supports can be used for ankle strains, sprains, or generalized pain in the ankle due to injury or overuse.

Shoulder Supports

Magnetic shoulder supports provide stabilization and support for shoulders and upper back, and also provide magnetic healing to these areas. Magnetic therapy shoulder supports can be used for painful shoulders and upper back for such problems as muscle pain, joint pain and swelling, and arthritic shoulder pain.

Back Wraps/Supports

These types of magnetic wraps cover large areas of the body to be treated, and include a large number of magnets in order to apply a magnetic field across a broad area. These types of products can be used for all types of back pain, including strains, aching muscles, and pulled muscles.

Knee Braces

Biomagnetic knee braces provide stabilization and compression for painful and/or injured knees, as well as surrounding the joint with a healing magnetic field. Magnetic therapy knee braces and wraps are utilized for a variety of knee injuries and conditions including strains, sprains, tendonitis, as well as osteoarthritis knee pain.

Elbow Braces

Similar to magnetic therapy knee braces, magnetic elbow braces provide stabilization and support for injured and/or painful elbows and also apply magnetic healing to the joint. These types of magnetic products are utilized to treat various elbow-related problems such as tendonitis, strain, as well as arthritic pain.


Magnetic therapy jewelry, including biomagnetic bracelets, are not only available in wide variety of fashionable and attractive types, but are also a convenient way to use magnetic therapy on a daily basis. These types of bracelets supply a constant magnetic field to the bloodstream, which may help to improve circulation, increase blood flow, and reduce pain.


Similar to biomagnetic bracelets, magnetic therapy necklaces come in a variety of stylish and attractive types and styles, and also provide an easy way to utilize magnetic therapy every day. Like magnetic bracelets, biomagnetic necklaces supply a constant magnetic field over the body.

Mattress Pads

Magnetic therapy mattress pads and mattress covers generally contain thousands of individual medical magnets, which then cover the entire body in a healing magnetic field while sleeping. These products are often used by people who suffer from chronic pain, especially back pain. Many people also use magnetic pads and covers as a holistic tool for better overall health.


Magnetic massagers are one of the newer magnetic therapy products, and they provide the benefit of allowing users to target specific areas of the body with magnetic fields. They come in a variety of types and strengths. Generally, the more powerful the magnetic field (higher gauss measurement), the deeper the penetration of the field will be. These massagers can be used for increasing blood flow and to treat pain in various joints and other areas of the body.

Degenerative Knee Arthritis - The Knee Pain Nightmare! - Improve Your Knee Stability and Reduce Pain

How painful are your knees right now?

Osteoarthritis of the knee or degenerative knee arthritis is a debilitating condition that affects millions of people throughout the world in different ways. While some people find it necessary to get knee replacement surgery, for some others this is simply not a viable option for several reasons. It could be the high cost factor or the high risk factor brought on by an underlying medical condition. Moreover, there is no guarantee that your knees will be fully restored even after surgery.

If you are suffering from degenerative arthritis, you should know that there are several non-surgery options that are available and which are very effective at treating the symptoms of the condition.

1.) Recognizing the Symptoms

Before you deal with the condition, you have to first be familiar with the symptoms. One thing that sets degenerative knee arthritis symptoms apart from other disease symptoms is that the swelling, pain and stiffness in the knee joint will be intermittent. The knee will not bother you every day but you will suddenly have a flare up for no apparent reason. You will start to notice an increase in the pain from time to time but it can subside just as suddenly. Walking, running and damp weather can often exacerbate the problem.

2.) Getting the Diagnosis & Treatment Recommendations

You should never self-diagnose or self-medicate your condition as your knee pain could be brought on by some other condition. If you feel that you have degenerative knee arthritis, you should speak to your physician who will first take an X-Ray to help confirm the diagnosis.

Your doctor will most likely recommend that you wear a knee brace to support the knee and will possibly advise you to take anti-inflammatory medication or over the counter pain medication to manage the swelling and pain (speak with your physician before taking any medication). Most doctors will treat this condition in a conservative fashion such as the use of a knee brace and pain killers and only recommend surgery, such as full knee replacement surgery, as the last option.

3.) Exploring Your Treatment Options

Anti-inflammatory medication, over the counter pain medication and a well designed, low profile brace are usually very helpful treatment options for degenerative arthritis. These measures will help control the pain and swelling and do not entail any invasive procedure.

If you have degenerative knee arthritis, it is important that you maintain flexibility in your knee. Osteoarthritis is essentially progressive and incurable and resting the knee will not help "cure" your knee. Instead, it will cause your knee to become stiffer and even more painful. Swimming and a select few low-impact exercises are the best way to keep the knee joint flexible and stave off stiffness.

While over-frequent use of pain medication is not recommended, it is an effective measure when the pain is too much to bear. At other times, the knee brace will keep the swelling down and allow you to maintain physical movement. Wearing the knee brace can help provide you with meaningful support and they do not have to be heavy or odd looking. They will help allow you to participate in activities by helping to maintain proper alignment and if you have osteoarthritis you will want to consider what is called an OA (osteoarthritis) knee brace..