Saturday, July 6, 2013

Boswellia and Its Health Benefits

Boswellia, also known as "The Indian Frankincense" or "Salai Guggal," is used in Ayurvedic medicine to treat a diverse range of conditions. A genus of trees from the plant family of Burseraceae, Boswellia is native to tropical America, but a few species occur in Africa and Asia as well. The oleo-gum resin of Boswellia, popularly known as frankincense, was used in biblical times as incense and medicine.

A gummy resin of the boswellia tree, the plant is native to India and has been extensively used in the traditional practices of Ayurveda. Plants of this family are characterized by leaves that alternate along the stem and are composed of many leaflets, solitary or clustered flowers, and fleshy fruits.

Boswellia supports the overall flexibility of the body and provides a sense of well-being. It further contributes to the healthy functioning of the joints. The herb also acts as COX-2 inhibitors and alleviates inflammation and pain without affecting the gastric mucosa. It soothes the joints and also assists in treating levels of synovial fluid, thereby lubricating the joints and making movement easier. Boswellia is also known to support normal respiratory function.

The resin of Boswellia has anti-septic, expectorant, anti-inflammatory and diuretic properties that help in treating a number of health conditions. The herb helps in reducing joint inflammation in people suffering from Arthritis and is also used to counter fever and convulsions.

Studies show that Boswellia may be beneficial for people suffering from asthma. A study conducted in 1998 revealed that 70 percent of patients who took 300 mg of boswellia three times daily for six weeks showed improvement in their symptoms (including number of attacks), compared with 27 percent of patients in the control group.

Boswellia is also known to boost physical functioning of people suffering from Arthritis of knee as well as rheumatoid arthritis. It's anti-inflammatory properties are efficacious in reducing swelling and pain and consequently bringing relief.

Latest studies show that Boswellia possesses certain active anti-inflammatory ingredients, which are commonly referred to as Boswellic acids. In animal studies, Boswelllia was observed to significantly reduce inflammation. The herb prevents inflammatory white cells from infiltrating damaged tissues. They are also known to improve blood flow to the joints.

The most active ingredient of Boswellia is the Boswellic acid which works as an ointment to relax facial muscles and eases micro-contractions, helping to reduce and prevent the appearance of wrinkles. The acid also has strong anti-inflammatory actions which help in relieving swelling and pain. Boswellia has no known side-effects. Research shows that the herb is superior to over-the-counter drugs, in terms of effectiveness as well as minimum side-effects. Some of the many forms of the herb include pills, capsules and tablets as well as a number of topical creams that can be applied directly to the affected skin areas.

So You Have A Painful Knee Problem!

Knee pain is one of the most common complaints we see in our office. Although most doctors will exam, diagnose then just treat the knee, there are many other factors that often can cause or, at the very least, contribute to the ongoing problem. Other than simply masking the painful condition with cortisone injections or pain killers, another typical "treatment" choice for doctors reminds me of an old joke. A patient sees his doctor for pain and says, "Hey Doc, it hurts when I do this. " The doctor then says, "Don't do that!" This is another easy solution for him or her, but is not a very realistic one for you. After all, why should you stop doing the things you love to do just because your doctor doesn't want to spend the time it takes to find the real cause of your problem?

For instance, most lateral knee pain of runners is due to something called iliotibial band syndrome or ITBS. The Iliotibial band is located at the end of the muscle that runs along the outer part of your thigh called tensor fascia latae. What can cause this syndrome? Any problem from the hip to the foot can actually be the culprit in an ongoing knee problem. The cause of an over contraction of the tensor fascia latae muscle is often due to a weakness of the hip abductors, which bring the leg out to the side of the body. Another cause could be what are called trigger-points in the thigh or calf muscles. These are nodules or knots in the muscle that causes weakness or over-contraction.

How do we find the problem?

Only through a thorough physical exam and muscle testing regimen can we ultimately determine which part of the kinetic chain (in this case: the hip, knee, foot and ankle) is distorted thus causing the painful condition, irregardless of where the actual pain is.

How do we fix this type of problem in our office?

After locating, testing and identifying the problem area whether it is a weak muscle(s), an over contracted one or the presence of trigger-points, we then treat by reducing the spasms, strengthening muscles and eliminating the trigger-points by various techniques. In our office, we have found the most beneficial form of treatment in reducing and eliminating trigger-points is deep tissue laser therapy. Our Class IV Laser not only reduces trigger-points, pain, swelling and inflammation but more importantly actually promotes and accelerates healing.

This is really the only way to permanently and realistically eliminate painful musculoskeletal conditions as opposed to masking the pain with tissue deadening procedures such as cortisone and pain killing medications.

Top Yoga Moves for Joint Pain

The yoga craze doesn't seem to be losing steam because of its vast and long-term health effects: among other benefits, it creates lean muscle mass, facilitates healthy digestion and helps with balance and flexibility. According to a 20-year-long study performed by the Duke University Medical Center, practicing yoga can improve joint pain for persons suffering from osteoarthritis, fibromyalgia and carpal tunnel syndrome.

If you suffer from the most common joint disorder, osteoarthritis, then yoga can alleviate the pain and stiffness in your joints. For people with muscle and joint tenderness as a result of fibromyalgia, or even people with the constant pressure around their forearm to their palm from carpal tunnel syndrome and want to avoid carpal tunnel braces (link), try out this quick yoga guide for joint problems.

Child's Pose (Balasana)

  • Child's pose is a basic relaxation pose that works well during a yoga practice if you start feeling tired, dizzy or need a break.

  • How to: Get down on the ground with your hands, knees and shins on the floor. Slowly glide your buttocks back to your heels as you sit gently onto your heels. You may feel an easy stretch in your knees and quadriceps. Stretch your head toward the ground, aiming to connect your forehead to the ground. Your arms may naturally lay backwards alongside your legs or you may outstretch them forward past your head. Hold this pose for a few seconds.

  • Joint friendly: Use a rolled-up blanket or a yoga block under your buttocks, so it separates your tailbone and your legs.

Crocodile Pose (Makarasana)

  • Crocodile pose is another relaxation pose geared to trigger rest in your body after rigorous activity.

  • How to: Lie stomach and face down on the floor with your hands rested at your sides. Stretch your legs and feet toward the back of the room as you cross your right arm to your left shoulder and your left arm to your left shoulder. Align your elbows into a stacked triangle position and rest your forehead in the triangle as you breath.

  • Joint friendly: Turn your feet out at right angles to your legs and concentrate on breathing. This pose helps release vulnerable and tense tendencies in the joints.

Triangle Pose (Trikonasana)

  • Triangle Pose is performed on both sides of the body and has many variations to work multiple parts of your body.

  • How to: Stand with your feet about a leg's length apart and your legs with a slight ben. Turn your right foot to the right 90 degrees and slightly angle your left foot to the right about 45 degrees. Lift your arms and spread them out parallel to the floor while standing stretching your upper body straight to the ceiling. With your palms facing down, extend sideways to the right as far as you can. Then, drop your right arm toward your shin (or a yoga block place inside your right ankle). Extend your left arm vertically while your back gently twists. Be careful not to hyperextend your legs or over twist in this pose. Hold for 5 breaths and return to the starting position. Alternate sides.

  • Joint Friendly: Make sure you don't lock your knees and overextend the straight legs.

Tree Pose (Vrikshasana)

  • Tree pose is a variation of the basic standing mountain pose and focuses on balance and alignment of the lower body while toning lower extremity muscle. It is performed on both sides of the body.

  • How to: Begin in mountain pose (standing with your feet together and your hands relaxed at your sides). Shift weight to your left leg as you bring your bent right knee to your inner left thigh. Your right toes should aim toward the floor with your right knee pointed to the right, opening up your hips. Extend your hands, in prayer position, up toward the sky. Hold for 20 seconds. Work to holding for 60 seconds. Alternate sides.

  • Joint Friendly: Keep your left foot, hips and head aligned vertically and avoid twisting your body. Keep your left knee facing forward, without twisting.

Head-to-Knee Pose (Janu Sirsasana)

  • Head-to-Knee pose helps stretch and strengthen the hamstrings while loosening up your hips, legs, knees and back.

  • How to: Sit on the floor with your upper half upright and your legs spread out comfortably wide and straight. Place the bottom of your right foot on the inside of your left thigh. Slightly bend your left knee and realign your torso so that you are square. Bend forward over your extended left leg and relax your head onto the extended leg. Breath for as long is comfortable in this position and then switch sides.

  • Joint friendly: Place a towel below your buttocks to help with tight hips. You can also use a towel to lasso around your extended foot if you cannot reach your foot comfortably when beginning.

Yoga is praised worldwide for its health and healing benefits and is practiced by more than 15.8 million Americans alone. It is often used as a non-aggressive way to exercise and strengthen muscles for those suffering injuries or joint pain; however, take caution to ensure you listen to your body's strain and warning signs and do not push into a pose too far. Pay special attention if you use carpal tunnel braces or other support braces before beginning an exercise program. Beyond beginning to incorporate yoga postures into your joint strengthening program, hot and cold therapy is recommended as a complement for minor discomfort.

Note: this information is not intended to supplement or replace advice from a medical professional, or to diagnose or treat any condition.

Self Defense For Women - How to Subdue an Attacker

While not always the case, most attackers of women are of the opposite sex and most men will have more strength to subdue them. It makes it vitally important, therefore, that women learn self defense and really "hit them where it hurts" so that they can successfully defend themselves against an attack. In light of this, however, key being successful in escaping a potentially dangerous situation is the knowing of exactly where to hit a man to make him most vulnerable in order to give your self enough time to get away from harms way.

The single most painful area to a man is the groin area. On a man it will provide the most intense pain but only when you hit with enough accuracy. You can apply a hit, kick or any other type of contact there in order to buy time to escape. What should be kept in mind, though, is that you do not want to try and kick your attacker in the groin. Self defense involves the ability to assess potential dangers. It would be too easy, for example, for the attacker to retaliate by grabbing your leg or foot, putting you off-balance and vulnerable to his nefarious attentions. In close situations, using your hands, elbows and knees are most likely to be your best bodily weapons against the groin.

When going for a groin strike, it is essential that you are in good position to make the attack. You do this by aligning your body to the side of the aggressor when you strike. By doing so it will allow the attacker enough room for his body to fall forward without putting yourself in further danger with the assailant falling onto you and hindering your own escape. Where possible, try and use your hand to grab the testicle area and squeeze hard as this is the most direct and successful of injuries. A natural reaction for a man is to protect the groin area, thus giving you valuable seconds for your getaway. Often times though, you may not have this self defense luxury so improvisation will be key. An elbow or knee can be used to strike a blow to the groin.

Targeting the eye itself is yet another vulnerable area to inflict pain on your attacker. The actual structure of the head tends to be a very hard target area. As such, bones on the face, including the eye socket are rather thick and sturdy but the eyeball is gelatinous blob just ripe for injury. When the attacker grabs you, he is using both hands. And unless he has both of your hands, you can use one hand to grasp his neck and jerk it down and with the other, you can use your thumb or index finger to grind into the corner of his eye. If you happen to holding a set of keys in one of your hands, they can be used to scrape the attackers' face and try to gouge the eye area. While the thought of fighting off an offender may not be the most pleasant thing to imagine, protecting yourself should be your number one task. The attackers' instincts will then be to let go of you to protect him self. While both hands are near the eyes to protect them, it is the perfect time to employ the groin attack. Take those precious seconds and strike with a full blow.

The throat, particularly the windpipe, is also a fragile area which can be easily injured should the need arise. It takes only a few sharp jabs of the heel of a hand, elbow or other body part to render the attacker vulnerable to your escape. When the opportunity presents itself, use an open hand and hit the front of the throat with all the force you can muster. Envision trying to knock his tonsils right out of his throat. Do not waste the opportunity to strike the throat with a shoving match as this gives the attacker time to readjust his assault on you. Rather, go full force with a hit to the throat area. Each second is vitally important in the event of an attack and should be taken advantage of. You may also wish to try and grab the windpipe itself to inflict enough damage to escape. Again, like the groin area, the windpipe can be a perfect target area to overcome an attacker. If you can, submerse your fingers and thumb into windpipe and larynx area and squeeze as if you were trying to make your fingers meet in a fist. During the squeeze, pull with all your might. Take advantage of this move as this maneuver in particular can be performed effectively even if your hand and upper body strength is not very strong.

While there are a few other defensive maneuver to execute like bending a finger backwards to the point of breaking, the eyes, throat and groin are the most vulnerable. You do what you can self-defense wise depending on the position you find yourself.

Arthritis Treatment: Stem Cells And Scaffolds For the Treatment Of Osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis affecting more than 20 million Americans. It is a disease due to disordered cartilage.

Normal cartilage in the young healthy adult consists of a matrix constructed of a mixture of proteins and sugars (proteoglycans), water, as well as collagen. Within this matrix sit chondrocytes, cells that actually manufacture the matrix they sit in. Picture a bowl of gelatin with grapes sitting inside the gelatin and that is what cartilage looks like.

Under normal situation, cartilage is capable of withstanding both compressive forces as well as shear forces. It deforms when loads are placed on it and then rapidly expands to its normal contour once the load has been removed.

When cartilage is damaged as a result of trauma, injury, or other means, a change occurs in the normal functioning of cartilage. Chondrocytes begin to elaborate destructive enzymes; the underlying bone begins to deform, and the lining of the joint, the synovium, begins to produce cytokines, protein messengers that stimulate inflammation.

The end result is the gradual wearing away of cartilage accompanied by chronic inflammation, and deformity related to abnormal mechanics of the joint.

To date, the treatment of osteoarthritis has been palliative only. Symptomatic relief with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS), physical therapy, and joint injections of either corticosteroid or hyaluronic acid have been among the measures employed.

The rapid development of stem cell science has provided a glimmer of hope that the treatment of osteoarthritis will also include the ability to restore cartilage integrity.

A caveat: The proper application of stem cells is not merely injecting stem cells into a joint and hoping for the best.

Multiple attempts by various laboratories have searched for a method of introducing stem cells along with a scaffold to enable stem cell propagation in an organized fashion that will best stimulate cartilage regeneration. A whole new branch of basic science, termed "tissue engineering" has been used to describe these ventures.

An excellent review of the current state of the science was published by the Harvard Stem Cell Institute.
(Willerth SM, Sakiyama-Elbert SE. Combining stem cells and biomaterial scaffolds for constructing tissues and cell delivery.)

The authors reviewed the literature regarding types of scaffold materials that had been studied.

These included natural biomaterials such as collagen, fibrin, silk, sugars, algae cell walls, hyaluronan, and chitin as well as synthetic platforms such as various polymers, peptides, and ceramics.

These scaffolds are generally "seeded" with growth factors that stimulate stem cell multiplication and division while protecting the stem cells in an undeniably hostile environment, the arthritic joint.

Currently, the use of autologous stem cells in clinical medicine requires the use of fat as a matrix scaffold. When combined with growth factors from blood components, the environment simulates the biomaterial scaffold models described above.

More Than A Knee Pad - Why Knee Braces Must Be A Part Of Your Motorcycle Gear

When it comes to sports injuries, there is almost nothing more frustrating than being on the sidelines with a bum knee or two. And with the extreme sport we love most being so dangerous and hard on our bodies, there is just no reason not to prepare for that inevitable fall. You must protect yourself with the proper motorcycle gear - head to toe, your body should be covered.

The purpose of a quality motocross-specific knee brace is to transfer the weight of impact from the knee to the brace. By offering strength and stability to the joint, you are protected from a possible shattered knee or torn ACL. Do you really want to be the one missing out on killer riding conditions because you didn't wear the proper motorcycle gear? I didn't think so.

Aside from a motorcycle helmet, knee braces are one of the most important pieces of motorcycle gear you can own. Some still think that standard knee pads are enough to keep their knees safe, but knee braces that fully simulate the natural knee motion of bending and straightening provide unparalleled protection that cannot be overlooked. This is especially important considering how painful knee injuries are, as well as the permanent damage they often cause.

While any type of type brace is better than wearing nothing at all, there are some things to look out for when choosing the right pair. Remember that like anything, you get what you pay for-if you think a cheap pair will suffice, great. Just make sure you don't regret not spending the extra cash on quality gear when the MRI bill comes along. The following is a list of features you should not go without:

• Protection above, below and in front of the knee
• Dual strapping at the calf to prevent slipping
• Adjustable tension straps
• Poly-axial hinges for natural joint movement
• Foam padding for comfort
• Side impact protection

Having a set of knee braces that truly protects your knees without being overly constricting and uncomfortable will not only increase your confidence while riding, but also prevent a possible life changing injury.

Not convinced? Just read up on supercross champion James Stewart, Jr. who had to sit out the 2008 supercross season for knee surgery. Hurting your knee can mean big time damage, so do all that you can to prevent it. Wear the right protective motorcycle gear and prolong your years of racing, tricking, jumping, or whatever quenches your need to ride.

Friday, July 5, 2013

Common Forms of Knee Injuries and Proper Treatment

The knee is a joint, and it is the largest joint in the body. Your knees provide stability and flexibility for your body and allow your legs to bend, swivel, and straighten.

The knee is composed of the lower end of the femur (thighbone), which rotates on the upper end of tibia (shinbone), and the patella (knee cap), which slides in a groove on the end of femur. Large ligaments are also present in the knee. They help control motion by connecting the bones together and by bracing the joint against abnormal types of motion. The meniscus is another important structure of the knee. It is a wedge of soft cartilage between the thighbone and shinbone that acts as a knee cushion and helps the knee absorb shock when in motion.

Knee Injuries

The parts of your knee are all working as one. A stress or damage to any parts of your knee is generally considered as knee injury. Your knee joint's complex design and its active weight-bearing characteristic make your knee one of the most commonly injured joints.

Knee injuries are classified into two types:

• Acute injuries - Injuries which are caused by sudden trauma, such as an awkward fall, collision or twist of the knee joint

• Overuse injuries - Injuries which are caused by continuous activity or overload, such as running, jumping, cycling, weight training or bushwalking

Some Common Forms of Knee Injury

• Ligament injury - Injury to the ligaments usually result from trauma or playing sports. It may occur in the inner portion of the knee (medial collateral ligament), the outer portion of the knee (lateral collateral ligament), or within the knee (cruciate ligaments). Ligament injuries may also occur in several forms: a complete tear, a partial tear, a stretch injury, or an alteration in function caused by an adjacent fracture. An injury to the ligament in the knee is usually painful at rest and may be swollen and warm and may worsen with bending of the knee, putting weight on the knee, or walking.

• Meniscus tears - The meniscus can be damaged with the shearing forces of rotation that are applied to the knee during sharp, rapid motions. This is especially common with athletes who are involved in sports which require active body movements. Aging and degeneration may also increase the risk of meniscus tears. A single meniscus may have one or more tears. A rapid onset of a popping sensation can be felt during a knee movement or certain activities that can affect the knee.

• Patellar tendinitis - Tendinitis is inflammation, irritation, and swelling of a tendon resulting from an injury, overuse, or aging as the tendon loses elasticity. Patellar tendinitis occurs in front of the knee below the kneecap at the patellar tendon. This knee injury is most common in athletes whose sports involve frequent jumping, such as in basketball, soccer, and volleyball. For this reason, patellar tendinitis is commonly known as "jumper's knee". The pain is usually found in the section of your patellar tendon between your kneecap and the area where the tendon attaches to your shinbone. Sharp pain can be felt during physical activity.

• Fracture - Excessive pressure in a bone can cause a crack or a split. This is referred to as fracture. Fractures usually happen due to aging, car accidents, falls or sports injuries. When a fracture occurs into or around a joint surface, that joint has an increased risk of developing arthritis because of the injury.

Nonsurgical Treatments for Knee Injuries

The knee is vulnerable to a variety of injuries. Mild knee injuries may heal by themselves. However, it is important that all injuries no matter how mild or severe, should be checked and diagnosed by a doctor or a physiotherapist. Prompt medical attention for any knee injuries increases the chance of having a complete recovery. Many knee injuries can be successfully treated without surgery.

Some forms of knee injuries such as fracture, ligament injuries could eventually lead to osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint disorder that can cause joint pain, loss of function and reduced joint motion and deformity due to lack of lubrication. Viscosupplements are used to replace normal component of the joint involved in lubrication. Supartz Joint Fluid Therapy is a viscosupplement used as nonsurgical therapy for osteoarthritis of the knee. It replenishes the fluid in the knee that cushions the bones during physical activity. When a bone is properly cushioned, it is less likely to fracture or grow spurs which can cause pain.

For some athletes who have joint injuries, they look for quick relief through cortisone to reduce inflammation. However, cortisone can be very dangerous. They have an adverse effect on bone and soft tissue healing. Cortisone, as well as other corticosteroids can lead to a decrease in bone, ligament, and tendon strength. Sarapin can be used as an alternative for cortisone. It is equally effective with cortisone in reducing inflammation and providing pain relief. Typical joint conditions such as bursitis (inflammation of the synovial fluid-containing sacs called bursa), arthritis, and tendinitis can benefit from Sarapin. But unlike cortisone, Sarapin is non-toxic and has no damaging effect on cartilages, bones, and tendons.

Rehabilitative physical therapy may be recommended for proper healing of knee injuries. Specific exercises may be provided in order for your knee joint to improve in its range of motion and also to prevent stiffness and scarring as during your knee's healing process. Stretching and strengthening exercises may also be recommended to stretch and strengthen the muscles surrounding the knee.

Prompt medical attention and proper treatment for any knee injury increases the chances of a full recovery. Trying to rush your recovery after an injury before you get the "go-ahead" approval from a health professional just to get back to your usual activities can put you at risk for future injury and may further extend the healing process.

When looking for a treatment, it is best to choose a clinic that uses nonsurgical and nonsteroidal relief for knee pain. A physician that provides non-invasive and holistic treatment can be the most appropriate health care professional to visit. Having a treatment that values overall health and has less risks and complications is a great way to enhance recovery and prevent further injuries.

Sport Knee Injuries - The In's and Out's

Every athlete and sports person are prone to injuries. Knee injuries are very common among them. 60 percent of runners are injured every year. One third of them are related to knee injuries. Knee injuries constitute about 15 percent of the overall injuries. Knee joint is made up of bone, cartilage, ligaments. Tendons connect the muscles with bones. When there is a change in the structural order, results in great pain and difficulty in walking. Hence it will be better to understand the functionality and the structure of knee joints and we can take great care.

Arthritis is the most common disease found. Severe pain and swelling are encountered in the cartilage. The famous and common injury is Cruciate Ligament (ACL). ACL can be caused by a sudden twisting motion. ACL is found in equal number among male and female athletes. But women are prone to ACL than men. It can be treated by a micro surgery. They do not pain but certainly cause a "pop" sound. Young athletes often encounter condromalacia. This is caused due to trauma, overuse and due to the poor alignment of knee joint. This will lead to friction and rubbing under the knee cap and thus resulting in damaging the cartilage. On frequent practice session, this will create more pain and will not allow them to even walk. All aspects would become difficult to pursue.

Another major disorder found among athletes is Osteoarthritis. It will gradually degenerate the wearing of joint cartilage. Pain, Swelling and inability to move knee are the best symptoms. Tendonitis is caused by overuse. It is a rare case found among athletes and often called as "jumper's knee". A sudden jerk or strained movement may force the quadriceps muscles to contract forcefully resulting in jumper's knee.

Treating knee injuries play a vital role in a speedy recovery. Because the treatment will decide the future course of action for the players. So better the treatment, faster is the recovery. For chondromalacia, doctors recommend exercises which can strengthen muscles. An arthroscopic surgery may do the job perfectly. At the early stages of ACL, general physical exercises are enough. And in the worst cases, doctors may recommend the surgery. The torn ends of ligaments are re-attached in the surgery. Most of the strains and strains can be easily treated by RICE method. Osteoarthritis can be overcome by exercises. Weight loss is mostly preferred in this. They are treated with analgesics like aspirin.

Let us see some of the ways to prevent knee injuries. A very simple yet effective way is to follow the 10 percent rule. This indicates that one should limit the exercises and training to a maximum of 10 percent each week. Doing too much of exercises in a quick session is the cause of most knee injuries. Flexibility exercises must be undergone periodically. This will help in further strengthening of muscles. Athletes must also undergo skills training. Know your body and start your works is a simple motto to prevent knee injuries.

Attention Golfers - If You Have Joint Pain, Mona Vie Might Be the Answer!

Mona Vie is a powerful antioxidant nutritional drink with four distinct formulas for different nutritional deficiencies. The company was started in 2005 by visionary Dallin Larsen to market this antioxidant rich drink made from the acai (ah-sigh-ee) berry, a palm fruit grown only in the Amazon rain forest. The products are sold through direct sales on a one on one referral basis. In its first three years, Mona Vie became a leader in direct sales marketing with record sales of one billion dollars. With a line of nutritional health beverages anchored by the powerful acai berry and 18 other fruits from around the world, Mona Vie has become a leader in the health and wellness business.

I have worked hard all my life and my bad eating habits, as well as the hard work, have taken a toll on my body. With sore knee joints, lower back pain, and a chronic pain in my left shoulder, I had to give up the one thing I loved to do in my spare time which was to play golf. I was unable to enjoy the game with the constant pain.

I heard about this product called Mona Vie and attended one of their "open meetings" to find out more information on their product. I was told that Mona Vie would probably help with my joint pain if I used the "Active" formulation. Being the skeptic that I am, I figured it was a scam and the only one to benefit from my purchase of the product would be the guy who sold it to me. I went home and did my own research and discovered many positive reports about Mona Vie. At this point, I thought I didn't have anything to lose by giving it a try.

I can honestly tell you that was the best decision I ever made and it has changed my life! After two months of using Mona Vie, my knees, back, and shoulder pain were gone. I had renewed energy and discovered what it was like to feel good again. I returned to playing golf three months after starting on the Active Juice. I now play 18 to 36 holes a week pain free. I have been playing some of the best golf of my life, posting two eagles on par 4's in a two week period. It doesn't get any better than that.

Before I started using Mona Vie, I was taking 8 to 12 ibuprofen a day and I still hurt. Now I don't need ibuprofen or aspirin. In fact, I haven't used pain medication since starting on Mona Vie. Mona Vie doesn't profess to cure disease but there are many studies that prove that antioxidants do treat many modern day maladies when used in conjunction with a common sense diet and moderate exercise. It's like using a fuel booster in your car's gas tank. It just makes the body's own immune system work more efficiently so you aren't as susceptible to disease.

The Acai berry, which is being labeled one of the worlds super foods because of its high antioxidant and nutrient levels, is used in all of Mona Vie's blends along with other body beneficial fruits from around the world to provide your body with the antioxidant and nutrient levels of 13 servings of fruit and vegetables a day.

Mona Vie is fast becoming one of the best direct sales home businesses to partner with. With a strong management team and ongoing scientific research into new and improved products, they are positioned to be a leader in the surging health and wellness business. Distributors are paid 50% of products sold.

If you're interested in Mona Vie as a health supplement or the business opportunity, I highly recommend both. This is truly a wonderful product and I believe everyone can benefit from using it.

In Good Health
Michael Holmes

End a Fight Quickly - Top 7 Targets That Will End a Conflict Effortlessly

In order to end a potentially dangerous conflict, one needs to understand where to target their strikes. Some people think that secret pressure points are the answer--but they're not. Weak points--which are usually larger, easier-to-strike pressure points--are the best to use in a fight. Below is a list of the best places to target in a real fight.

1. The eyes. The eyes are extremely sensitive--this is almost a no brainer. But a lot of people over look the power of just sticking their fingers into their opponents eyes.

2. The temple. Hitting the temple can easily knock someone out. Try using a ridge hand strike or hook punch for this.

3. The groin. Hitting the groin is also underestimated. But a hit to the groin will make any man of any stature bend over to his knees--even pass out.

4. The throat. The throat, like the eyes, is almost a no brainer as well. Strike this place, or grasp the wind-pipe. All of these will seriously hurt, knock out, or even kill your attacker.

5. The ear. At first this sound weird, but its not. Hearing has a huge effect on a person's equilibrium. Slap someone's ear and they may pass out--but they will always be knocked off-balance.

6. The jaw. Just under the ear and behind it are clusters of nerves on the jaw. This is a knock out point used in martial arts and boxing all the time. You should too. Also try under the jaw with your thumbs if your in a tight jam like a headlock.

7. The solar plexus. This one is a bit harder to get than the others, but can work extremely well. The solar plexus is a bundle of nerves just under the sternum. If you punch someone there, they will experience extreme amounts of pain, loss of breath, and may even pass out.

Of course you can also strike the insides of joints and study other pressure point areas on the body. But these are the easiest and most practical areas to hit in a fight. Train these and you will become a much more dangerous person to mess with on the street.

Arthritis Treatment: Is There Data About Effectiveness Of Stem Cells For Osteoarthritis Treatment?

Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common form of arthritis. It is a disease that affects articular cartilage.

Cartilage is a complex tissue that consists of a matrix substance made up of water, collagen, and proteoglycans (proteins mixed with sugars). In addition, cells, called chondrocytes, sit inside the matrix and are responsible for manufacturing the matrix.

The development of OA is a complicated process that is hastened by genetic factors, trauma, and aging.

The exact sequence of events that leads to OA is still a subject of conjecture. However, because it is the most common form of arthritis and affects so many people (approximately 20 million Americans), it is the subject of intense investigation.

Unfortunately, the treatment of OA, to date, is poor. It consists primarily of symptomatic relief.

Anti-inflammatory medicines, ice, injections of cortisone and viscosupplements (lubricants), physical therapy, and eventually joint replacement are the current forms of treatment.

The ideal treatment for OA should, of course, include pain relief. But also, slowing down the rate of cartilage loss or even reversing it by building new cartilage should be a major goal. And so is avoidance of joint replacement surgery.

That is why the use of autologous stem cells (a patient's own stem cells) has garnered so much interest. Here are the results of a patient who underwent an autologous stem cell procedure for OA of the knee at our center last year...

- Started having considerable pain in my right knee in January 2010

- Diagnosed with irreversible arthritis of my right knee in October 2010 by both Rochester (Michigan) Knee and University of Michigan Orthopedists

- Knee stem cell procedure on December 10, 2010 performed at the Arthritis Treatment Center

- 3 months recovery and physical therapy

- Bay Shore Marathon May 2011

- Solstice 10 miler in June 2011

- Peterborough 70.3 July 2011

- WAM 300 mile /3 day bike tour July 2011

- Crim 10 miler August 2011

- Ironman Wisconsin Sept 2011

- Completed the Marine Corp Marathon October 2011

While these results aren't meant to show the typical outcome, many of the active "Boomers" who have undergone this procedure at our center have done well and been able to return to a high level of activity.

Our results involving the first 22 patients with OA of the knee, which is what we specialize in, are reported here.

(Wei N, Beard S, Delauter S, Bitner C, Gillis R, Rau L, Miller C, Clark T. Guided Mesenchymal Stem Cell Layering Technique for Treatment of Osteoarthritis of the Knee. J Applied Res. 2011; 11: 44-48)

Who knows...someday... joint replacement surgery may be a thing of the past.

Synovial Fluid Replacement Therapy

Summary of the Therapy

  • lubricates the joint and restores the elastic properties of the fluid

  • ability to act as a shock absorber

  • movement of the joint becomes easier and more comfortable

  • decreases pain for up to six months and also improves function in patients with OA of the knee

  • patient's reliance on other pain relieving medications is significantly reduced

  • available on Medical Card Scheme

  • may delay necessity for knee replacement surgery

  • effective in treating patients with early to middle stage arthritis who wish to improve their function and reduce pain

  • effective in patients with more advanced arthritis who may experience delays in receiving a total joint replacement

  • valuable tool for GPs whose patients find themselves on long waiting lists to see an orthopaedic surgeon

  • effective use in treatment of sports injuries particularly in the knee

  • can prevent further loss of cartilage

  • may stimulate the natural production of synovial fluid by the body a process know as visco-induction

  • is a longer lasting alternative which is safe and could help to reduce dependence on anti-inflammatory medication
  • Is Synovial Fluid Replacement Therapy Painful?

    No, Synovial Fluid Replacement Therapy is not painful. Naturally, as with all injections, there is mild and short-lasting discomfort during the actual procedure, but aside from this Synovial Fluid Replacement Therapy is virtually painless. Often your physician will use a topical anaesthetic to reduce the discomfort.

    If there is considerable inflammation around the joint, the physician may remove some of the excess fluid (exudate) prior to an injection.

    Synovial Fluid Replacement Therapy can be an effective alternative for all stages of Osteoarthritis.

    Thursday, July 4, 2013

    Functional Training Reduces Knee Pain and Increases Physical Strength

    Exercises which target isolated specific muscles are functional training exercises; there are specific exercises and exercise machinery which focuses on these areas. These exercises were originally designed to help a patient during physical therapy as they worked to restore patterns of exercise which they were strong in before their physical challenge. For example, this type of exercise may have helped them focus on moderate lifting and endurance if it were a parent with young children; or if they were a marathon runner the training would be focused on rebuilding their endurance level.

    There are many benefits to functional training including muscular balance and joint stability. Focusing on this side of training exercises should assist the athlete in developing fewer injuries during performance and exercise. There are benefits from this type of exercise which involves the body's natural ability to move freely without restriction; and improves flexibility greatly. If you are looking to improve your exercise performance than include a foundation of fundamental training exercises as this will improve your balance and overall performance. Those who are experiencing joint pain should consider these movements as well as they are proven to decrease the amount of joint pain experienced. The resulted decrease in joint pain is due to the focus on rehabilitating the joints and flexibility. The health of the joints and their surrounding areas is essential for strength and movement.

    The use of standard resistance equipment is beneficial for functional training. This type of machinery is focused on mimicking natural movement and the effort of a single muscle group. Some machinery which can be used for this type of exercise is: cable machines, medicine balls, kettlebells, resistance troops, whole body vibration equipment, balance disks, a suspension system and many more. Core stability will be the main focus of these exercises and they should be integrated with progressive training which steadily increases your core's strength through the demand of the workout.

    If you are looking to work on functional training then you should be doing sport specific exercises that develop and maintain your sport's movements as well as traditional training that will benefit all natural movement strength. Integrated functional training exercises will also help you focus on your flexibility, your core, in your strength, your balance and your power.

    How Can You Get Rid of Arthritis?

    Many people suffer form join pain and inability to move their limbs because of arthritis. Generally arthritis is caused to the aged people but now irrespective of the age many of the people have this disease. Arthritis is a common health condition which will result in many other ailments. This disease will cause pain, stiffness and swelling in the joints.

    Mainly the elbow, hip and knee joints are prone to this disease. The pain in the joints will be severe and the patient will be unable to move. The inflammations are causing the pain and this can happen to any parts of the body. There are many kinds of arthritis and they can happen in both men and women.

    One of the essential things to prevent arthritis is to take diet rich in all essential nutrients and vitamins. This will improve the immune system of your body and reduce the chances of getting arthritis. You will have to take certain essential nutrients if you are suffering from this disease. This can be overcome by a balanced diet.

    Another effective method to cure arthritis is to take herbal anti arthritis pills. These herbal pills have proved to be effective for a wider range of arthritis and other related diseases. You can consume these products as they are completely made of natural herbs. They contain no artificial chemicals in it. All the components are organic which has the least chance of causing allergies and other side effects. The anti-inflammatory property of these herbs will give a great relief from the pain for a longer period of time.

    The Incredible Health Benefits of Tai Chi Ball

    The Incredible Health Benefits and the Development Of Taiji Chi Ball, Qigong Balls, and Tai Chi Training Balls

    Tai Chi (tai chi chuan) has been relied upon for centuries as an alternative healing tool, and it's meditative, calming and soothing traits are only a tiny part of its appeal. Tai Chi ball is an additional Chinese type of workout exercises and mediation that had a place in history as it was uses by warriors to prepare for battle. Adding the specialized ball is connected to traditional Tai chi, and it has been demonstrated to assist in the reduction of aches and pains and physical impairment in men, women, and children who suffer from fibromyalgia, knee arthritis, and other arthritis related conditions.

    Traditional exercises involve performing slow procession of postures or movements that are extremely low impact, and put little or no stress on the joints and muscles. Incorporating the ball tracks the similar principles of this ancient practice; however it employs a weighted ball to execute movements, while using proper breathing techniques. Muscle function, balance, strength, and flexibility can be enhanced considerably. These unique exercises are simple to do; they can take years to perfect, and this is only part of the alluring appeal that guides many people to undertake the challenge.

    The Health Benefits Of An Ancient Martial Art

    These art forms are clinically proven in research studies to improve your health.

    In a clinical research study, practitioners of tai chi in their sixties, that suffered from knee osteoarthritis carried out weighted ball or traditional exercise forms for an hour two times a week for 12 weeks, while a similar group did an identical quantity of distinctive stretching exercises over the same period. The people in the research study who performed tai chi exercises, experienced; a reduction in pain,less depression and enhancements in physical function and overall health. This and similar studies are an significant book mark on arthritis studies as the participants who took part in the study had knee osteoarthritis an average of ten years. What this means is that chronic arthritis or advanced arthritis with cartilage that has been worn down, can find relief, and repair some damage.

    This study was controlled by Dr. Chenchen Wang of Tufts Medical Center in Boston reported at a meeting of the Yank School of Rheumatology in San Francisco, who stated "Tai chi mind-body exercise seems to supply a vital approach for self-care and self-management for knee (osteoarthritis)," The study provided the most recent proof that these exercises in all its many forms may offer advantages for many individuals with arthritis. The Arthritis Foundation advocacy group sponsors, and endorses it for improving the standard of life of folk with arthritis.


    This is a unique type of exercise developed in China centuries back, and has a loyal following. Performing tai chi ball was once a highly used and prized tool for preparing the mind and the body for battle, but due to its secrecy it was virtually disappeared. It has numerous health benefits as its main objective is to strengthen the torso, and center the core muscles. The slow posturing movements provide to the user body conditioning, improved eye hand coordination, in addition to improving meditative properties that focus and strengthen the mind.

    All these incredible health benefits of only take a few minutes a day. Find step by step Tai Chi Ball DVD's, and you will soon be on your way to feeling great, living better, and healthier.

    There are special exercise DVDs for Arthritis created from a combination of the Sun and Yang styles to help ease the pressure placed on joints and encourage mobility, and flexibility. Use for centuries the benefits of Tai Chi Ball.

    Over Coming Knee Pain With the Russian Martial Art - Systema

    It was almost 9 years ago that I was at Judo and had partnered with a friend to practice a hip throw. I had done this throw thousands of times over the course of my career in Judo and was reasonably successful at it. One of the times I was coming into this hip throw and my friend tapped my hip a little. All of a sudden I found myself on the ground not understanding at all what just had happened.

    Being full of myself, I looked at him and said, "Try that again!"

    I came into the throw again and once again I found myself on the ground not knowing what just had happened.

    I asked him, "What did you do?"

    The response came, "I just relaxed your tension..."

    I got up and said, "That was pretty cool. I want to learn how to do that!"

    That was my introduction to Systema and my life has not been the same since...

    In and around the time of that fateful practice I had sustained a severe injury to my left knee and had torn the (ACL) anterior cruciate ligament as well as a couple of pieces of cartilage. I was in "recovery" mode after surgery trying to strengthen my legs so I did not feel so stiff, sore and prone to more injuries as a result of the left knee.

    However, the more Judo I did the more I seemed to "hurt" myself.

    I am not talking about big injuries either. I am talking about the pulled muscle in the back or the neck that leaves you unable to really practice for a week or so. Nagging injuries that keeps you from practicing because you know it will just get worse and then who knows what situation you will be faced with.

    The only examples I had were the "older" Judo black belts who could not kneel, or had back surgery, or who could no longer do the throws they did when they were younger.

    This did not seem like such an "appealing proposition."

    So I began to train Systema and Judo at the same time.

    Systema scared the hell out of me. People were punching and kicking each other in all sorts of scenarios (on the ground, standing up, one on one, in a group). Up to that point I had never been involved in a "punching art." Judo was all about throws, chokes, arm locks, and hold-downs.

    However, there was this feeling I had after practice, no matter how scary practice was, where I felt "light." A light feeling that felt really good. Like I had begun to deal with the fear in my body that held me in such a tense tight place causing all of the pain I was feeling from my knee injury and all the other injuries that had been there for a very long time.

    The more I practiced Systema, the less Judo I did, the better I felt, the more fluidly I moved, and my knee pain went away!

    The bonus to all of this is all of the great people I have met along the way.

    Great people with solid character and values. Great people who are willing to look at their fears and really work on them (of course while they are punching yours out! J) Great people that recognize their own ego and self-pity and use humor to let go of these "crutches." Great people who show up day after day to practice knowing that Systema is a way to improve themselves letting go of what does not serve them in their lives.

    I am so thankful to have found Systema. It has improved my life on many levels physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. I can't imagine my life now without it. I only hope that I am able to carry that feeling of Systema forward and share it with others so I may improve their lives like it has mine.

    Elderly Beware, It's Painful Indeed!

    About four months ago I was suffering from severe neuralgia, a complication brought about by shingles. It was such an agonizing pain that I suffered insomnia. The pain was very stressful and depressing, much more when I learned that the anguish may last for months or even years. I thought like ordinary chicken pox, shingles will disappear even without the help of medication. So I did not bother to see a doctor. Blisters are painless, you can live with it, however, the end result is unforeseeable. The complication did not graze my mind. Later, I realized ignorance of the disease is fatal, very disastrous.

    It was too late then when I learned that to avoid complication, shingles must be medically cared for within seventy two hours. I was regretful that I did not see a doctor immediately. It was futile then to see a doctor at that juncture. What was needed was over; the only thing left is pain management, to be discussed with the doctor as to the appropriate pain reliever. It was really grueling to wait and predict whether the pain will stay forever or not. I never stopped asking myself, "Do I have to accept it as part of my whole being for as long as I live?"

    I am in my late fifties. I never heard of shingles before, so I was really caught unaware about the disease. Thanks to the internet. A little research broadens my understanding of herpes zoster, the scientific name of shingles. It is not the same as genital herpes that is sexually transmitted. Nonetheless, it is contagious. It can be spread to children or adult who have not had chickenpox. But, instead of developing shingles, they will have chickenpox. Before I realize it, the critical seventy two hours had already elapsed and I was deeply disheartened to learn that I had the complication already. After a month, the blisters were gone, no scars were left, skin discoloration is apparent but the pain, the excruciating and debilitating pain lingered on and continuously injured me.

    Herpes zoster is commonly known as shingles because of its small waterborne pebble-like blisters on the skin caused by herpes virus. My research apprised me that those who had chicken pox before are most probable victims of this disease. Shingles commonly occur in older people from ages 50 upward. It seldom befalls to younger people. The reason is obvious. Chicken pox virus never leaves our body after the blast. They remain dormant inside. Once activated, the awakened virus travels through the nerve into the surface of the skin. With this struggle to resurface, there is friction and blisters start to appear like air bubbles in a coat of paint. The blisters are not painful; it's the undersurface where the blisters appear that is unbearable. The only positive thing about herpes zoster, it attacks only a portion of the body, unlike chicken pox, it is all over.

    In my case, only my left leg and a part of my left hip were grievously affected. It was ironic, there was numbness of my lower limb and yet the pain was unbearable. Only one side of my body was smitten. I did not mind the blisters; it is the agonizing sensation underneath that brought great discomfort and pain. I really couldn't withstand it. I suffered other illnesses before, but this one it was fatally unacceptable. More agonizing and disturbing is the knowledge that it may linger for months or even years. That time is indefinite and that what made me grieve more. I had an open-heart surgery before. It was painful too but I knew for sure that after the healing process, there shall be no pain anymore. The thought that there is an end to it is already consoling.

    Not with herpes, I often asked myself, "how long shall I suffer, shall I accept it and live with it as it is?" I cannot forget the trauma until now that they're gone. The feeling of despair remains and cannot even be forgotten as long as I live. If only I could roll back the time, I would never ever hesitate to take the vaccine. This is one of the reasons why I fear the thought of getting older. Older people are prone to different kinds of pain. I hate pains. I have had enough of it, physically, mentally and emotionally. It is really hard to avoid the will of nature. Nurturing is a must, otherwise, you suffer. A simple neglect may cause mammoth regret.

    During those agonizing moments in my life, my only consolation is my bed. Lying comfortably in bed with soft pillows underneath my afflicted leg somehow soothed the excruciating pain. Cool compress was a great help also. I tried expensive pain relievers but they only hurt my pockets, so I tried cheaper ones but the same, of less relief like expensive ones.

    For psychological reason, I did not stop using a cheaper one, one with fast relief muscle relaxant. Muscle relaxant drugs somehow lessened my anxiety that helped me get some sleep even for an hour or two. Unexpectedly, my over dependence on the drug had made my skin extremely dry and rough. I was compelled to use expensive ultra healing extra dry skin moisturizing with vitamin 3, and it works for my skin. It penetrates through five layers of skin's surface to start healing at the source.

    I really don't know whether it's the lotion or the fast relief muscle relaxant that heals me, but the tormenting pain is now over. Although from time to time I could still feel some pain on my knees and the surging sensation striking a nerve fiber in my leg, but the pain is now bearable. I could even forget I had pains. Soft pillows are still my comforts when it strikes from time to time.

    Oftentimes, we do not give importance to little things in life. We cannot see their importance until we are faced with certain dilemma or suffering. Pillows for example, we only need them for sleeping and that's it. Its role stops from there when we woke up and left the bed. I came to realize that pillows are not meant to give comfort only while we sleep. For the whole period of my suffering from neuralgia, my soft pillows were my constant companions. Most of the time, they served as my beddings for my left leg, although the initial touch was quite disturbing. Afflicted parts are sensitive even to the touch of your clothing, even the gush of wind brought unexplainable and negative sensation. However, after a while the soft touch in my skin somehow relieves me for a moment of my suffering. A tiny but firm pillow also served a lot while I was recuperating from my open-heart surgery. The wound was painful but that little firm pillow when pressed to my chest gave me comfort and relief like a caring fellow. Ah, pillows, unobtrusive but dependable!

    Four months of tormenting sleepless nights, loss of appetite, immobility and very stressful expectation in life, sometimes you will choose not to live any longer than to live with it longer. I am luckier; I suffered only for a few months, while others take years. So elderly beware. Impair not your immune system. If you could possibly have a vaccine against herpes zoster, have it right away. You may not know when shingles will knock into your doors. I tell you, it is harrowing. You can bear to remain single the rest of your life but you cannot bear to live with shingles for the remaining years of your life. However if the strike is inevitable prepare your comfortable bed, have soft pillows within your reach and pamper your shingles to relief with ice or cold compress. Prepare yourself to cool baths twice or thrice a day. At the onset of the disease, there is no pain only reddening of the skin, but when blisters appear see your doctor immediately. Beware of postherpetic neuralgia, it's painful indeed!

    Four Words That Men Fear The Most

    Nothing strikes fear into the heart of a man more then these four words. These words have been known to bring men to their knees leaving them weeping in a pool of tears. These words have crushed men in the four corners of the world. What are these evil words I speak of?


    Yes, those horrible four words. You arrive at her house to pick her up or you come home from work to your love and she is standing there in front of you, a big smile on her face, and stares in your eyes and asks you WHAT DO YOU THINK? The sweat forms in the back of your neck and runs all the way down your spine. Your right knee begins to knock. Your left eye starts to twitch rapidly. All of a sudden that cool, calm and collected man you once were has now disappeared to be replaced by a blob of jelly.

    Why do men fear those words so much? Because we have no idea what we are supposed to be looking at. Is it her hair, did she get it done? Do you have new furniture? We are not sure if it is the same furniture as when we left this morning. Maybe it is the carpet or the paint or a hundred other things. Our brains are on overdrive. We feel like our head is going to explode. God save us from this torment.

    What should you do? Should you just make a general statement like, "It looks great," and hope that satisfies her? The danger here is the follow-up question. Meaning if she pushes you for more input and you can't give it because you are struggling. Now comes the moment of truth. She gets that look on her face, which tells you that your game is up. She knows you have no idea what she is talking about. She asks you and you break down in a well of tears and confess your ignorance. You beg for mercy. There is none coming. She storms into the bedroom and bolts the door. Now you have to spend the next day apologizing for something but you are not sure what it is.

    You wrack your brain and look all over the house to see if anything is different. Nothing rings a bell. You check photos of your love on the table to see if she changed her hair color without you noticing. Nothing there either. In desperation you know you have to give up so you go crawling to the bedroom door and knock gently. No answer. You knock again. She tells you where to go in her best flowery language. You ask her to please tell you what it is you are supposed to notice. She shouts back in anger that she bought a new dress for the upcoming dinner party you are both going to and you didn't even notice she was wearing it.

    Feeling like an idiot you continue to beg for forgiveness and plead your case. Not getting anywhere you head to the sofa to watch TV and most likely sleep for the night as you are not going to get much comfort from her.

    Lesson to learn lads. Always write down what she is wearing when you leave the house and carry photos of the furniture and the inside of your home with you at all times so you can always check and see if anything has changed. God forbid you leave it up to your memory.

    Wednesday, July 3, 2013

    The Three Aspects of MMA

    Aspect 1: Standup/Striking
    This is one of the most obvious aspects. Nine out of ten people that watch any of the major promotions on pay per view or television are looking for one of the fighters to knock the other fighter's head off. There is actually quite a bit more disciplines and techniques involved with the striking game rather than just swinging your fists wildly around. The most popular discipline right now in MMA is Muay Thai Kickboxing. This striking art was developed in Thailand and involves using the fists, elbows, knees, and shins. The reason why this translates to mixed martial arts so well is that it utilizes control through the clinch, it gives more opportunistic and dynamic striking, and it gives more opportunities for a referee stoppage.

    Aspect 2: Ground game/Wrestling
    This aspect is a bit more subtle but is slowly gaining more recognition with the fans of the sport slowly starting to educate themselves on all of the techniques that goes into the ground game. One of the aspects within the ground game are take downs. These take downs are usually achieved through techniques based on collegiate wrestling, judo, or sombo. These things are important because they can give you the edge in a fight if someone is a better striker than you. Once the take down is achieved however, another part of MMA begins. Once on the ground, the fighter is looking to do one of three things: the first being to submit their opponent with either a choke or a joint lock, the second is to land effective strikes while on the ground and either knock out their opponent or cause the referee to stop the fight, the third is that the fighter wishes to get back up and either start striking or work towards another take down.

    Aspect 3: Conditioning
    This aspect is probably the most looked over but one of the most essential aspects to master. When a fighter is training for a fight they have to incorporate a heavy amount of conditioning. These intense workouts help prepare the body for the fight that is going to eventually happen. A fighter is working out so that they can exert themselves to their truest potential for at least 15 minutes. The conditioning will also help their minds prepare for the fight as well. They will be working out, sparring, and wrestling for hours to not only help their bodies, but to show that their mind that they can push themselves. Most fighters will train with the thought that "train hard so the fight is easy" running through their head.

    Orthopedic Surgery for Gulf NRI's in India

    The NRI community in the Gulf has promoted medical tourism to India for orthopedic surgery. People of Indian & Asian origin in Gulf countries like Oman, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, feel safe in the hands of Indian Doctors, although Free health is available in Government hospitals.


    Doctors, nurses, para-medical staff of Indian origin constitute the care providers in many of this ministry of health hospitals. Private hospitals also have the same pattern of employment; However para medical staff from Far East countries like the Philippines is more common. The ministry hospitals are fairly well equipped for delivering reasonable care in emergencies like road traffic accidents.

    Elective orthopedic surgery

    Indians find this hard to get at an affordable cost. The number of Outpatient days for expatriates is very much less in relation to the demands of the proportion of the population. This may be one day in a five day week. Where there is no fixed outpatient day/clinic for Indians, they have to wait for long hours to see the doctor. Ministry Waiting lists for visiting orthopedic surgeons from Europe or USA totally excludes expatriates. In some countries, the ministries of health hospitals have started charging Indians for deliveries and it will be not long before they are charged for other elective surgery as well. The health budget has no provision for the advanced orthopedic treatment of expatriates.This is reflected in the numbers of patients from countries like UAE and Oman visiting Chennai for medical tourism.

    Having worked in this region, I have come across non uniform levels of care being provided to the locals versus expatriates in ministry hospitals. This is but natural. Many Indians are forced to put up with this maltreatment as the cost of private treatment is exorbitant. Health insurance provides a cushion for the affluent. However not all can afford it.

    Is Orthopaedic treatment in India of excellent standards?

    This is for you to judge. Indian doctors have excellent qualifications and skills like their counterparts in the UK, Australia and US. A recent article in "INDIA TODAY" quoted that Indian hospitals and doctors have become the health care destination for foreigners.
    Is it cost effective?

    When you can get world class orthopedic surgery in Chennai at half the cost as in the West, or even in the Gulf, then it is certainly cost effective. For e.g.: A total knee replacement in some of the private hospitals in the Gulf costs about 50,000 UAE Dirhams (17 000 US$). The same treatment can be provided in India for half or three fourths of the cost. An ACL reconstruction can be done in Chennai for 60-70,000 rupees as opposed to $ 3500 in Dubai and Abu Dhabi.

    How to Get Him Back in 3 Simple Steps

    If you find yourself reading this article, then you must be a dead person, trying out tricks and tactics to get him back to you that made you land nowhere. Not your fault exactly, because many people stand clueless as to what need and need not be done when an important relation falls apart.

    Winning back your ex may not always prove to be a success story, but what's the harm in giving it a last try? Following are the 3 step ways of getting your ex back to you in the least time possible.

    Make yourself rarely visible - Yes, the lesser your partner sees you, the better will be his desire to see you just again and after sometime your partner ill be looking for you everywhere. Trust me, this is true. Your ex would not like to see your loitering around after him/her; coincidental encounters are not really impressive any longer. Rather, if you can give up all bonds with your partner for some time, it would be better for you in the end.

    Tit-for-Tat-Break-ups happen all of sudden; they never knock at your door and let you know that they're shortly approaching. Think of those miserable hours in your life that you had to live when your ex declared that he has decided to break-up.

    The rejection was really painful to be accepted, right? And after the break-up, now it's your turn to pay him back and make him realize how it feels to get dejected. Whenever you meet him or speak of your separation with your ex, pretend to accept the fact with ease and that it was the right decision.

    This for sure will turn the table and let your ex feel the same that you've felt earlier. And even better, this will take him by surprise, because your partner always thought of you to be an emotional wreck.

    Revolutionize yourself - Instead of falling upon the knees of your ex and begging them to come back promising to change yourself the way he wants you to be, it is advisable that you first change yourself and then think of getting him back in your life.

    Now changes can either be in terms of looks and appearances or even personality change. Depending upon your priorities whatever change you undergo, things can always take a positive turn.

    Stem Cell Therapy for Osteoarthritis of the Hip: Current Perspectives

    The most common form of arthritis is osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis is caused by the premature wearing away of cartilage, the gristle that caps the ends of long bones.

    Osteoarthritis has a predilection for weight-bearing joints such as the neck, low back, hips, and knees.

    One of the areas that has gained a lot of interest in recent years because of its apparent increased incidence and prevalence, is osteoarthritis of the hip. Unlike osteoarthritis of the knee, there is very little correlation with obesity as far as the initiation of disease. However, once osteoarthritis has developed, worsening of symptoms occurs with increasing adiposity.

    There is also a correlation with prior trauma to the hip as well as the presence of congenital abnormalities that may predispose the hip to early deterioration.

    Among these include a history of Legg-Calve-Perthes disease, hip dysplasia, and prior fracture.

    That being said, with the growing number of Baby Boomers, particularly active Baby Boomers, osteoarthritis of the hip is a significant contributor to activity restriction.

    The hip is a ball and socket joint. The ball is the head of the femur and the socket is the acetabulum of the pelvis. Both the acetabulum as well as the head of the femur are covered with a layer of hyaline cartilage. The hip is constructed such that multiple ligaments and muscles provide stability for the joint.

    Unfortunately, the peculiar angulation of the hip contributes to steady worsening of osteoarthritis once abnormal forces come into play and cartilage begins to wear.

    The progression of osteoarthritis often leads to the formation of bony spurs called osteophytes. These osteophytes may eventually cause what is termed "femoroacetabular impingement" or FAI.

    These osteophytes develop in two distinct locations: either at the outside rim of the acetabulum or at the junction between the ball and neck of the femur. When spurs develop on the acetabulum and cause pinching with hip movement this is called a "pincer" deformity. When the spurs on the femoral head/ neck cause pinching, this is called a "CAM" deformity.

    Symptoms of osteoarthritis of the hip include pain in the groin and/or buttock that is aggravated by internal rotation of the hip such as occurs with walking. Pain may also radiate down the front of the thigh to the knee. As pain progresses, nighttime discomfort becomes an issue. Shortly thereafter, restriction of range of motion develops.

    Treatment, to date, has been primarily symptomatic including analgesic and non-steroidal-anti-inflammatory drugs, glucocorticoid injections, massage, chiropractic, and physical therapy.

    Surgical remedies have included osteotomy (where a wedge of bone is removed to line the joint up better), resurfacing (a modified replacement), and total joint replacement. While surgical treatments are by and large effective, they are irreversible and they do carry attendant risks, some life-threatening.

    So the search has been to develop treatments that will be effective but also preserve the joint. One such approach is the use of autologous stem cells. In our hands, the procedure which involves the use of autologous stem cells (a patient's own stem cells) along with autologous fat, and growth factors has been relatively successful. [At the same time, osteophytes are trimmed using a special fenestration technique.]

    Quite frankly, so far, our hip results have not been as good as with the knee. There may be a number of factors involved including patient selection, the difference in joint mechanics, the fact that the iliopsoas bursa- a large cushioned sack- sits in front of the joint and stem cells may dump out into the bursa rather than staying in the joint, inability to go at complete non weight-bearing after the procedure, and so on.

    We are continuing to modify our approach to this technique and our patient results are now beginning to approach what we initially hoped.

    Nonetheless, the procedure needs to undergo constant improvement to eventually achieve the results we want and the patient deserves.

    ACL Injury - Diary of a Female Athlete

    The ACL or Anterior Cruciate Ligament is one of two major ligaments in the knee that are critical for lateral stability. ACL tears have been on the rise in females since the 1980's. In fact, I was the first female athlete in my high school to suffer an ACL injury and it seemed to snowball after that. The following is my narrative of how I was injured and how I returned to sports. Every case is different so if you suspect that you have an ACL injury or any other injury, please seek medical assistance.

    1986 was just like any other year except I was a freshman in high school playing Varsity basketball. After the season I had the opportunity to try out for the Junior Olympic Basketball team. This was an elite traveling team and competition for a spot was fierce. Each athlete showcased their talents and as I went to do a layup, I heard something pop in my knee. It was when I landed on the floor that I knew something was wrong. I did not have excruciating pain, but I began to notice swelling almost immediately. My basketball days were over, for now. The doctor pushed, pulled, and prodded, and then confirmed on an MRI that I had torn my ACL and that I would need surgery to repair it. My question was when I could return to basketball. His answer was not what any athlete wanted to hear. I would miss an entire season, and maybe by Spring I could play softball.

    My surgery went well, but I suffered damage to my patella, basically the kneecap and I had to have cartilage removed. I was in a full leg brace and in a lot of pain. A week passed and after seeing the doctor again, we scheduled physical therapy. Now, back in 1986, the protocol for ACL repair was almost a full year of rehab after surgery. Now, since ACL repair is more advanced, the rehab usually takes less time. I saw the physical therapist 3 days a week to start. Then 2, then 1. It was as full 8 months of intense rehab. I was committed to at least making Spring softball a reality. My hard work paid off and after being custom fit for a knee brace, I made it for Spring ball. But, I could no longer play the position of catcher, because the brace did not allow a full squat position. That is something that has changed since the 80's. The braces are much less cumbersome and allow for full range of motion. Oh, an I would have to learn to slide on my opposite side. The brace was made of fiberglass and metal, so sliding on it was not an option. So it was that I now learned to pitch and play first base. No problem, I was back on the field and back playing sports.

    Basketball season came around again, and a funny thing happened. The way I suffered my injury was constantly on my mind. I knew my brace would protect my knee, but the fear of suffering another injury was holding me back. This is very common amongst athletes. You will even see it on the professional level. I played basketball and softball for the rest of my high school days and declined a softball scholarship at a local University. I wanted to stay active, so I played intramural sports.

    I made sure to continue post-rehab work so my knee would never again fail. That's the point of this article. When you tear your ACL you can never stop taking care of yourself. Here is what I recommend:

    1. Do not get hurt - Enroll in a Sports Performance program designed to make you stronger. This is the best investment you can make.

    2. Do not let the doctor push you out of rehab before you feel ready. Some insurance companies limit the time you have for rehab. Try and extend it if you can.

    3. Pay attention to the exercises you are performing, you will need to continue them post-rehab.

    4. Educate yourself. There are volumes of information about prevention and pre and post rehab for the ACL. I recommend the ACL book on website. Dr. Steve is a great resource.

    5. Be committed to taking care of yourself. That means, working out regularly, eating right, and taking joint supportive supplements like Glucosamine. I recommend the liquid natural form.

    6. Do not forget to have fun.

    Meniscus Tear - Signs, Symptoms, and Signals

    The word "meniscus" means crescent shaped structure and owes its origin to Greek. The C-shaped meniscus made of tough cartilage is wedged between the cartilage surfaces covering the three bones that form our knee joint. Meniscus aids the function of the joint by distributing weight and improving its stability. The function of meniscus is of grave importance for the general health of the knee. Meniscus tear or torn cartilage can severely impair the mobility of the knee joint.

    Meniscus tear is one of the most common knee injuries that results in severe pain in the joint. It is especially common among athletes and sportsmen who play contact sports such as football, boxing, and hockey. There are two chief causes for meniscus tear ñ It can be due to traumatic injury, primarily seen in athletes or due to degenerative processes that are seen in older patients who have more brittle cartilages. Sudden twisting and turning or bending the knee joint is sometimes responsible for torn meniscus. Rotating the knee while slightly bent can cause meniscus tear.

    Symptoms and Signs of Meniscus Tear Mishap
    The primary symptoms of a meniscus tear are usually that of pain and swelling in the knee that makes it worse for the knee to bear more weight while doing activities such as running, or jogging. Joint locking or incapacity to completely straighten the joint is another common complaint that is especially painful while trying to get out of the car. These are the signs to look out for when in doubt about the possibility of suffering from a torn meniscus:

    * sharp pain in the knee caused by even a minor movement
    * swelling of the knee
    * stiffness of the knee
    * obvious presence of fluid in the knee

    While these signs can be rectified without medical intervention, the following severe symptoms of meniscus tear require professional medical attention:

    * inability to move your knee
    * loss of balance when trying to stand
    * locking, clicking, or popping within the knee
    * extreme difficulty in straightening the knee
    * piercing sensation in the inner and outer edges of the knee

    Clinical Testing of Symptoms

    The symptoms can be clinically tested by a physician to determine if the pain is caused because of a torn meniscus. The McMurray test is conducted to examine the swelling by pressing on the joint line on the affected side of the knee while stressing the meniscus to determine if it has produced tenderness that is typical of a torn meniscus. Steinmann test and Appley test are similar tests where the patient is sitting in the former and the latter involves a grinding motion while the patient lies flat with the knee bent at 90∞. Squatting and bending the knee can be quite painful especially with a meniscus tear since the movement of the joint if the meniscus is torn is often restricted. Cooperís sign, which is a symptom of pain in the affected knee that is usually felt when turning over in bed, is present in over 92% of tears. The twisting motion of the knee affected by meniscal tear results in the capsular attachment getting stretched and the meniscal fragment getting strained that causes the pain.

    Meniscus Tear Treatment

    Nonsurgical treatment involves adequate rest, administration of ice pack to the affected area, compression, knee elevation, physical therapy, and even wearing a temporary knee brace. Surgical repair is to sew the tear together. Partial meniscectomy removes the torn section while total meniscectomy removes the entire meniscus. The last option is general avoided as it increases the risk of osteoarthritis in the knee.

    Tuesday, July 2, 2013

    How Does Partial Knee Replacement Surgery Differ From Total Knee Replacement?

    Arthritic knee joints may be repaired either partially or totally - known as partial knee replacement and total knee replacement.  A partial knee replacement is also called unicompartmental or "UNI".  If the bone disease is restricted to the inner side of the knee (the 'medial' side), the surgeon will simply reshape those damaged surfaces. The repaired surfaces on that one side of the knee are then partially covered with a combination of metal and plastic bearings. For this reason, a UNI knee replacement is considered less invasive and can provide much shorter recovery times from the operation.

    The primary limitation with the UNI procedure is that the surgery only works for bone that has not been too damaged by the arthritis. It also requires that the other ('lateral') side of the knee joint have healthy cartilage. The average age of UNI knee patients will therefore be a lot younger than those going for total knee replacement. This means that the UNI resurfacing option may only be a good choice for a small percentage of knee patients.

    Generally speaking, UNI knee replacements are not performed on patients with arthritic damage on both sides of the knee. In more arthritic knees, there will be considerable erosion and deformity on both sides of the knee joint (as in 'medial' and 'lateral' sides). This will require more repair of the upper joint bone and the lower joint bone and sometimes also behind the knee cap. The UNI knee cannot accommodate such destructive changes in bone structure. Therefore in this case a surgeon will often opt to perform a total knee replacement - resurfacing bone with metal cap and tray.

    Note that the most common method of fixing both implants to the bone is with bone cement. There are also options to provide for bony attachment and ingrowth onto the implants (bone ingrowth fixation). The final step is to insert a plastic cover onto the metal tray to act as the bearing knee for the knee joint.

    There are other options to consider. The majority of knee patients do not get their patella replaced although this may become an option further down the road. There are also indications for knee operations that make use of smaller incisions (MIS: 'minimally invasive surgery') and use different kinds of instrumentation such as computer-assisted navigation (NAV).

    Your doctor should explain to you which type of knee replacement surgery is best for you and why.

    New Hope For Osteoarthritis Sufferers

    Hopeful news for a promising new osteoarthritis treatment was revealed in a routine interview of Yvonne Lungershausen, the Senior Director of Clinical Services for CPR Pharma Services. CPR Pharma is a 25 year established Clinical Research Organization that recently performed a phase II clinical trial of a new drug called Ampion to treat 100 patients suffering severe pain from osteoarthritis of the knee. Their pain was so extreme most of them were considering knee replacement surgery. Some had even scheduled the surgery but enrolled in this trial as a last chance for a long shot fix.

    Patients were treated with only one injection of Ampion, a naturally occurring substance produced by the human body that is known to control inflammation. Most drugs can cause adverse side effects but Ampion is completely safe and has a 50-year history of safety being administered to millions of patients as Human Serum Albumin (HSA).

    In only a few hours after the injection, the results were not what anybody was expecting. They were shocking.

    In the interview by Trader Investor Alert, the first thing Lungershausen said was, "In terms of safety issues, there were none". "There were no adverse events and I would say that Ampion had an exceptional safety profile". When asked if there were any surprises she replied, "Yes, CPR has been performing clinical trials for over 20 years." "Some of them failed miserably... some were slightly positive... but Ampion has been amazingly positive." "Patients came in hobbling, limping and depressed but after they received an injection of Ampion, they were literally skipping with joy." "One man completely disabled from his knee pain was finally able to put on his shoes and walk his dog; something he loved to do but was unable to do for the past five years.

    Another miracle story recently published on YouTube by an Australian television station is about Norm Johnson who found it very difficult just to walk on flat ground and almost impossible to go up and down stairs. Norm was in so much pain that he was ready to schedule knee replacement surgery; until he joined the Ampion clinical trial. Within one hour after receiving the injection, his pain was completely gone and he was able to walk pain free. Six months later he remains pain free and can be seen climbing up and down a steep ladder. After receiving the Ampion treatment Mr. Johnson cancelled his plans for knee replacement surgery. Watch this short video of Mr. Johnson's amazing recovery.

    Lungershausen went on, "Patients were followed up in 30 days and then again at day 84 with pain questions and CT scans and the data just kept getting better and better". The benefits of one injection are lasting far longer than anybody ever expected. "Patients describe Ampion as a miracle drug and want to be involved in future trials."

    Dr. David Bar-Or is the inventor of Ampion and also the Director of Research at two of Colorado's three Level I Trauma Centers. During his 30-year tenure in Trauma Centers, he observed that brain swelling from severe head injuries stopped very quickly compared to most swelling and deduced that there must be some natural body mechanism that shuts down the immune response of inflammation. After examining the blood and cerebrospinal fluid of severe head trauma patients, he was able to isolate two naturally occurring amino acids and reproduce them as Ampion. Dr. Bar-Or has developed several other promising drugs for diabetes and sexual dysfunction and is now working on his most exciting discovery; a promising drug for cancer that has demonstrated remarkable results.

    Ampio Pharmaceuticals, the developer of Ampion has been granted successful guidance from the FDA to begin a phase III trial with 1,500 patients. Patient enrollment for the trial is 50% completed and results are expected by the end of this year. The company is on fast track with the FDA and expects to have Ampion approved and available to patients next year.

    Osteoarthritis affects more than 27 million Americans and there are over 630,000 joint replacements each year in the U.S. alone and the number is growing rapidly. Approximately 1 in 2 people are expected to develop symptomatic knee Osteoarthritis in their lifetime.

    Common Reasons of Knee Pop and Nose Burn

    The sound that comes from knee is somewhat like pop and crack. If there is some other sound, that it means that the knee is broken. Knee popping may be part of warm up exercises for many athletes but they don't do it for its own sake. When it comes to the burning sensation of nose, it isn't caused by cigar ember and the smoke. It depends on the degree of the burning sensation and the causes may be irregular.

    The knee popping sound is not meant for laughing because it happens at a time when one is not ready for it and is often comes with pain. As the burning of nose is concerned, one wants to know first what's going on inside the nose. The nose consists of a sensitive inner coating made up of membranes. Hair-like membranes are present called cilia that protect the nose from dirt and infections while keeping it clean and free from allergy. The nasal membranes remain moist when they are sufficiently covered.

    When the ligaments rub against each other and knee socket, it causes knee popping. The popping sound usually comes from the front knee around the knee cap. When the ligaments rub against the knee socket or it gets torn, a popping sound is heard. It's not a popping sound but sometimes sounds like grinding and crunching. Arthritis patients have grinding knees because their cartilage is wearing off. All popping sounds are not accompanied by pain. When there is pain in the back of the knee, there is probably a cyst that is beginning to form around the area.

    Nose burn generally results from irritation in nose, damaged nasal nerve, and sun burn, chlorine in the swimming pool, too much blowing of nasal fluids, high altitude and diabetes. The irritation in nose means that your nasal membranes have been irritated because of colds and viral allergies. A burning sensation is felt when air enters and rubs against the nasal membranes.

    Unprotected sun-bathing is dangerous for health and this can cause nose burn. If a person has been swimming in a pool for a long time, chlorine can build up in the nostrils seeping into the membranes causing a burning sensation. Excessive nasal discharge at because of flu or colds can also cause nose burn. High places have thin oxygen that makes the lungs work double time and the air passages from the nose down also work equally double and harder for pumping in air. This results in a burning sensation. Diabetic patients may feel a burning sensation in their noses if the respiratory track is the troubled part.

    Knee popping sound and the pain can be temporarily relieved by doing morning stretching exercises, maintain a diet rich in Vitamin C and calcium and seeing an orthopedic doctor regularly. On the same hand, there are some handy ways to lessen nose burning by applying Vaseline, using a humidifier and staying away from nasal decongestants.

    Get Quick Relief From Knee Pain

    Knee pain has become a common problem these days. The knee is a complex part of human body. In case, you injure it accidentally or experience knee injury that reoccurs frequently, you should consult a medical practitioner.

    There are several techniques available these days to provide knee pain relief. One of the best techniques in this regard is to work towards healing knee injury as soon as it occurs. This technique is known as RICE technique. It is an acronym where R stands for rest, I stands for ice, and C stands for compression and E stands for elevation.

    Whenever you injure your knee, it is important to provide it some rest. Never ever take any chance by staying active. Staying active can further injure the knee. The best thing to do is to lie down and put ice on your knee. The ice will cool down the knee and reduces the blood flow. Reducing the blood flow will ultimately reduce the swelling in the knee. For compression, you need to keep a bandage on the area of pain for sometime. The bandage should not be overly tight. Make sure that the injured leg is elevated. This facilitates the healing process and provides great relief to the patient.

    If your knee hurts on a regular basis, you need to check with a health care practitioner. You can also go for a lot of over the counter or non-prescription treatments available for knee injuries such as bandages to help stabilize the knee. You can also go for an ointment to keep the knee area hot. This facilitates healing process. Many effective pain relievers are available to help you keep tabs on the discomfort you are facing due to knee injury.

    The best thing to do is to consult a pharmacist or orthopedic physician for safe suggestion on knee pain relief.

    Over the counter and prescription medications are available in the form of acetaminophen or Tylenol, aspirin and many non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or NSAIDs such as ibuprofen to reduce inflammation and pain in the knee joint. You can also use home remedies such as ice packs and capsaicin. These have similar effect as other prescription and non prescription drugs available on the market.

    You can opt for certain natural supplements available to reduce knee pain such as chondroitin and glucosamine. These are popular alternatives to some of the traditional medicines as they do not have many side effects. Both the supplements occur naturally in the body. Chondroitin helps in the development of joint cartilage and the latter fights against degeneration of cartilage. According to the studies conducted, it has been proved that both these supplements are highly effective in providing relief from osteoarthritis joint pain.

    Knee activity can also be modified with physical aids including crutches, splints and padding, taking a good rest can also help a lot in taking the pressure away from the knee.

    Go for certain exercises meant for knee pain relief such as stretching, biking, swimming and walking. These exercises enhance joint strength and flexibility and facilitate healing as well as reduce the risk of any further injuries.

    Post Operation Assistance Is Available For Any Band Over Bypass Surgery Is Available

    While any weight loss operation will help you lose great amounts of weight, it is still important for one to take care of their health and make sure they still have proper nutritional intake. While many patients may have the proper knowledge to care for their bodies and eat the proper foods so healthy weight loss is properly maintained, there are many who are not sure what should be done. There are many specialists and groups ready to help in these situations who can properly guide the patient in making healthy choices. These groups will also provide support to help people get on the path to a better, healthier lifestyle.

    Many bariatric groups have nutritional specialists dedicated to meeting patients after the operation. They will meet with the patient in order to go over their new diet and customize it according to the individual needs of a patient. This way, the patient will be able to continue losing weight in a healthy manner and won't have to be concerned with any malnutrition. This is not always a simple task however and there are many groups dedicated to helping give support to these individuals so they can to a healthier website faster. It is always good to be reminded that there are others in the same situation that can help in times of need.

    So while Band over bypass procedures will help lose vast amounts of weight, it is only the beginning. With proper diet and fitness, any patient after the procedure will be able to enjoy their lives in a happier and healthier manner.

    Monday, July 1, 2013

    Stretch Your Way to Healthy Knees

    Believe it or not, stretching can be as beneficial to the health of your knees as exercise itself. When your muscles are tight and lack flexibility, it can cause your knee joint, and the surrounding tissues, to become atrophic, therefore exacerbating pain.

    Stretching will help to keep the muscles surrounding your joints from becoming so stiff that you lose range-of-motion. If your goal is healthy and pain free knees, keeping the surrounding muscles and ligaments supple is imperative. 

    Here are some excellent stretches for improving the health and flexibility of your joints:

    Iliotibial Band Stretch

    Stand up straight and cross one leg behind the other. Lean on the front leg until you feel a stretch across the outside of the thigh. Hold this pose for a full thirty seconds, repeat five times, and then switch legs. 

    Quadriceps Stretch

    Hold a standing position and place one hand on a counter top or chair for balance. Bend one knee back as though you were attempting to touch your heel to your bottom. Use your free hand to help pull your foot as close to your bottom as possible and hold the position for at least thirty seconds. Repeat this exercise five times with each leg.

    Hamstring Stretch

    Sit on the floor and extend both legs straight out in front of you. Reach your arms forward as though you were sleepwalking and bend at the waist as far as possible. Keep your knees straight and try to touch your toes. Hold the position for ten seconds before resting. Repeat the process five times.

    Calf Stretch

    Sit on the floor with your legs extended in front of you. Use a towel, belt, or sheet to form a loop, holding one end of the towel or belt in each hand. Place the loop around one foot (preferably between the ball of the foot and the toes). Pull the loop toward your body thereby pulling your toes toward you as well. Pull until you feel a firm but comfortable stretch in your calf. If you feel pain, stop. Hold the pose for twenty seconds and repeat five times on both legs. 

    Hip Replacement Complications

    Close to 200,000 hip replacement surgeries are performed each year in the United States. Over 90% are successful with no hip replacement complications during or after surgery. But as with all surgeries, the risk of complications is always a possibility. However, complications are infrequent and often reversible.

    The older the person is the higher the risk of complications. A person over 80 years old has a 20% chance of developing at least one complication after hip replacement surgery.

    Hip replacement complications during surgery

    Nerve damage

    The sciatic nerve is at risk of being accidentally surgically cut due to its close proximity to the capsule of the hip joint. This same nerve may also become over-stretched during hip manipulation during surgery.

    Depending on the extent of the nerve damage, temporary or permanent damage may result. There may be loss of muscle power and feeling in parts of the leg. It may take up to 6 months or more for recovery. Most patients have some numbness around their incision site which may be permanent.

    Vascular damage

    The damage involves direct trauma to the blood vessels in the area of the surgery. The damaged blood vessel can be repaired by a vascular surgeon if it is caught in time.

    Femur fracture

    Force is applied during the surgical procedure. This can result in a femoral shaft fracture, especially in older or osteoporotic patients. Again, the problem is addressed during surgery, but may lead to extended rehabilitation. The surgeon may place weight bearing restrictions while you are walking.

    Leg length discrepancy

    In some cases, it may be difficult to get the exact same leg lengths. The result is usually a longer leg on the surgical hip. It may be unavoidable and deliberate in order to improve muscle function or stabilize the hip. If there is more than a quarter of an inch difference, a shoe lift may be necessary.

    In some patients, both legs are the exact same length but they think their surgery leg "feels" longer. In most cases this "feeling" goes away as the patient adjusts to their new hip.

    Rarely does shortening of the leg occur. If the leg is significantly shortened after surgery, it may have dislocated.

    Anesthetic complications

    Complications can occur, and in rare cases even death. Your anesthesiologist will explain the risks involved prior to your surgery.

    Hip replacement complications after surgery

    Blood clots (DVT-deep vein thrombosis)

    This is one of the most common complications after hip replacement. The most common area is in the calf. Increased leg pain is usually the most obvious symptom. Redness around the area of the clots may also occur. It's a minor problem if the clots stay in the leg. But if they dislodge, they can reach the lungs (pulmonary embolism) and can possibly result in death (very rarely).

    If your surgeon suspects blood clots, he will immediately order an ultrasound to confirm or rule out clots. Most surgeons will order bed rest until the test results come back positive or negative for blood clots. He will prescribe a blood thinner. Compression boots and ankle/leg exercises help reduce the chance of blood clots.


    Infection can occur during surgery or develop afterwards. It is one of the most serious risks to the joint replacement. If the infection settles deep into the joint and surrounding tissues, the new joint often has to be removed until the infection clears with treatment. If the patient develops an infection elsewhere in the body (bladder, teeth, chest), it must be controlled to prevent the possibility of it spreading through the blood to the new joint.

    If you have rheumatoid arthritis or diabetes, or have been taking cortisone for a long time, you are more prone to infection in the weeks following your surgery.

    Infection can occur many years after the surgery. Bacteria can travel through the bloodstream from an infection in other parts of your body (bladder infection, infected wound, kidney infection). Oral antibiotics may need to be taken before and after routine dental work years after your hip replacement operation.

    Hip dislocation

    The first six weeks after hip replacement is the most vulnerable time for your new hip. During this period, muscle tension is the only thing holding the metal ball in the socket. If the metal ball slips out of the socket, it's dislocated. As the hip muscles regain their strength and scar tissue forms around the ball, the risk of hip dislocation diminishes.

    Traditional hip replacement requires that certain precautions be taken and some positions/movements are restricted, at least for the first 6 weeks. Your surgeon and physical therapist will instruct you in your hip precautions. Basically, the precautions are:

    • do not turn your toes inward
    • do not cross you legs
    • do not bend your hip more than 60-90 degrees (when sitting, your knee should not be level with your hip, it should be lower)

    If dislocation occurs, call an ambulance to get you to the hospital. Your surgeon will pop the hip back into place. If it happens frequently, a hip brace worn for several months will prevent further dislocations. Hip replacement using the anterior approach eliminates the need for hip precautions or restrictions of positions/movements.

    Those people who are overweight or have weak muscles are more prone to dislocation. Avoid heavy exercise that puts too much stress on your new hip (running, playing basketball, tennis, heavy lifting). Instead, participate in activities such as walking, swimming, stationary bike.

    Trochanteric problems

    Your greater trochanter, a large boney part of your femur, is located below and to the outside of the ball of your hip joint. Many of your large hip muscles anchor on the trochanter, so it's essential for normal hip function.

    During lateral approach surgery, the trochanter is detached to access the hip joint. It's then reattached. If the trochanter does not heal back on the femur bone, it remains as a separate piece. This may result in pain, weakness, and loss of hip function.

    Bowel complications

    Constipation frequently occurs for the first week or so after surgery. This can be caused by medication, immobility, loss of appetite, not drinking enough fluids. Stool softeners or enemas may be needed.

    Urinary problems

    A catheter may be inserted during surgery. Your doctor will order its removal as soon as is practical, as catheters pose an increased risk of urinary infection.

    Hematoma formation

    During surgery, the main areas of bleeding are controlled by cauterization. But some oozing of blood and fluids still occurs, so a drain is attached from the wound to the outside of the body. If the drain does not work as planned, a collection of blood and fluids forms in the hip area. This can cause pain, pressure, and possible infection. Your surgeon may take you back to surgery to drain the hematoma.

    Loosening of the prosthesis

    The harder your bones are, the longer your hip replacement will last. Hard bones create a stronger bond. People with rheumatoid arthritis and osteoporosis are more at risk.

    Running and heavy impact activities can also loosen the bond of the implant. Keep your weight down, as this will put more stress on the hip joint. Every pound you gain adds three pounds of force on your hip.

    Choose a surgeon who has performed many hip replacements. Talk to some of his previous patients to see how they are doing after their hip replacement. Not all surgeons are alike. I have seen a few hip revisions that were necessary only because the initial hip replacement was done poorly by the original surgeon.

    Pressure sores

    In the immediate days after your hip replacement, you may be spending quite a bit more time in bed. Spending a long period of time in one position can lead to pressure sores. Your heels, especially on your surgery leg, are very susceptible. A pillow or towel roll under your calves will float your heels and relieve pressure. The elderly are especially prone to pressure sores because their skin is softer and they do not move around as well. A close eye should be kept on their heels and tailbone area, and should be regularly repositioned in bed with pillows.

    Blood transfusion complications

    All blood intended for use in transfusions is screened for Hepatitis B virus, Hepatitis C virus, syphilis, Human T Cell Leukemia virus, and the AIDS virus. But infections still occur. Hemolytic Transfusion Reaction occurs due to incompatibility with the donors blood type. The most common cause of Hemolytic Transfusion Reaction is clerical error (mislabelled specimen or improperly identifying the patient receiving the blood).

    If you plan to use your own blood for possible transfusion, let your doctor know ahead of time so arrangements can be made. Your blood can only be stored for 35 days. Collection should begin at least 10-14 days before your surgery. The final collection occurs not later than 5 working days before the surgery date. Your blood will be screened as well.

    About hip revision surgery

    Most people who undergo hip replacement surgery will never need to replace their artificial joint. But because more and more people are having hip replacements at a younger age, the wearing away of the joint surface can create problems. After 15-20 years of wear and tear, replacement (revision surgery) of the artificial joint is becoming more common. Revision surgery does not have as good an outcome as the initial surgery.

    Consider all the hip replacement complications before you decide on surgery. This is not a complete list of risks, as there may be some rare complications not mentioned here.