Saturday, December 7, 2013

Deep Vein Thrombosis Can Occur After Hip Replacement Surgery

One of the most important side effects to be aware of with regards to hip replacement surgery is that of deep vein thrombosis. This condition, which is also known as DVT, is something that can be bothersome to the leg that is near the hip that has been replaced. You should know that this condition can be prevented.

DVT is a condition that can occur after a surgical procedure on the hip. In this condition blood clots in the hip area will form in the blood vessels around that area. As a result of the condition blood will not be able to flow at a proper rate around your hip. When this happens swelling can occur in the hip. The area can also feel very painful.

A good thing to know is that DVT can be prevented after hip replacement surgery takes place. One of the best things that you can do is to be as active as you can be after the surgery. Not moving around after hip replacement will cause DVT to occur. It will keep from allowing blood to be able to be active in the treated area.

It also helps to use the medications that your doctor prescribes to you after the surgery. A surgeon can prescribe things that can be used to help you to prevent blood in the hip area from clotting. The need to work with a medication will generally last for a few weeks after the surgery takes place.

It also helps to think about wearing pressure stockings on your legs for a period of time. Pressure stockings can be worn as a means of working to help encourage proper blood flow in your legs. Using these stocking can help you to keep from having blood clots develop in your treated area.

Swollen Joints - Most Outstanding Symptoms of Psoriatic Arthritis

Causing substantial amounts of pain to psoriatic arthritis sufferers, swelling in the joints is one of the most obvious symptoms related to this condition. Besides being painful, this swelling also leads to patchy skin. Since psoriatic arthritis is related to psoriasis and therefore can be responsible for other health problems throughout the body, including issues in the scalp, knees, and elbows and the appearance of lesions on the fingers and toenails. Swollen fingers and swollen toes are also commonly seen in psoriatic arthritis sufferers.

Causes Not Fully Understood

Although researchers have come to believe that contracting psoriatic arthritis seems to be linked to a person's living environment and their genes, the specific causes of psoriatic arthritis are still not fully understood by doctors. It is important for an individual who begins to notice symptoms commonly associated with psoriatic arthritis to visit their doctor and find out whether or not their symptoms are indeed related to this disease.

Diagnosing psoriatic arthritis can be done by a doctor after they have conducted a physical examination that could involve taking x-rays and doing blood tests. Doing these tests will allow the doctor conducting them to determine with more certainty whether or not they are being caused by psoriatic arthritis or some other disorder. It is always better to visit your doctor as soon as possible so that you can begin to treat your symptoms properly.

The nails, joints, and skin are usually affected in a negative way by psoriatic arthritis. Even though this type of arthritis will not cause swelling in every joint of the body, you can expect that a large number of joints will become red, get hot, and ache. This can also occur in the feet, knees, and ankles.

Psoriatic arthritis can cause a finger or toe to swell up so much that is begins to look like a little sausage. This, though, is a less obvious symptom than stiffening in the joints. This stiffening is most commonly experienced with more severity in the mornings. Other outstanding symptoms include a stiff neck, stiff buttocks, stiff lower neck, and inflamed spine.

If a doctor does diagnose you with psoriatic arthritis, you will have several different treatment options available to you. Some are simple self-help treatments while others involve taking medication that has been specially designed to treat psoriatic arthritis.

Remember that there are other negative symptoms that psoriatic arthritis can cause apart from swelling of the joint; acne can form, nails can change, tendonitis can occur, and the lungs, eyes, and aorta can swell.

Life Before and After a Knee Replacement

Having surgery to replace one's knees can be quite stressful on the body, as well as the psyche. Life after knee replacement is probably not going to be the same as life before the surgery. Those who loved having an active lifestyle were probably concerned they would have to alter their lives drastically after they undergo the procedure. While it is certainly true that there are going to be some differences in life, it doesn't have to be as frightening as you might believe. Understand more about what is going to happen via the orthopedic surgeon and your own research. You will find that you should be able to resume the majority of your normal activities, although you should avoid those activities that are going to put stress on your knee.

What to Expect in the Hospital

After knee replacement surgery, while you are still in the hospital, one of the things that the doctors are going to require is rest. The procedure can be demanding, and it is important to make sure that you get plenty of rest before attempting to mobilize your knee. The orthopedic surgeon will be able to let you know how long you should rest before you begin to rehabilitate. The leg muscles are likely going to be weak when you first start to use your knee again, and having a good physical therapist to help you through the early stages of recuperation will be very beneficial. The therapist will show you some exercises that you can do while you are still recovering in the hospital.

Managing your pain is also quite important during the first stages of recovery. Pain medications can be useful for this, but one never wants to grow dependent on pain pills to help them deal with pain. Other medications that those who have surgery are sometimes prescribed include antibiotics to prevent infection and blood thinners to prevent the possibility of blood clots. In the first days after knee replacement surgery, you are going to have a dressing on your knee, as well as a drain to remove any fluid buildup.

Most of the time, patients are going to stay in the hospital for between three and seven days, but it depends on the patient. As long as you are able to get in and out of bed on your own, bend your knee to about a 90-degree angle, extend your knee, then they will likely discharge you. They also want to make sure that you can use crutches or a walker on a level surface and that you can climb some stairs with them. You also must remember to do the exercises given to you by the hospital's physical therapist.

Going Forward

Chances are that you will need someone to help you around the house those first couple of weeks after knee replacement surgery. Make sure that you keep your wound clean and dry, and do not shower or bathe until the staples or stitches are removed. Take care with all of the normal daily activities, and go slow. If you have any side effects that you believe could be from the wound, the surgery, or your medication, then you should contact your doctor right away.

Over the course of about six months to a year, you will be able to start to add other activities back into your life that you did before the surgery. In general, it should take about six to eight weeks before you can return to work or drive. Keep up with the physical therapy, start walking, go swimming, and heed the advice of your physical therapist and orthopedic surgeon. You will not heal overnight, but you will heal and get back to your normal routine.

Bumps and Bruises

Every bump and bruise is more than what it seems, no matter how large or small and serves to deliver a gentle reminder that your thoughts are straying, be it ever so slightly off the track.

Life requires a concentrated and dedicated effort to fully make the most out of it. It's easy for the mind to wander, and it takes a rare individual to be focused in such a way that avoids bumps altogether, but luckily for us, we are able to navigate ourselves - albeit unwittingly - through the day by using our own body as a guide towards the right path, that will not only yield the best results, but improve our lives and those closest to us ten fold. After all, that's what we desire the most - to do what's best for us - for our families and for our communities.

The bigger the bump, the bigger the problem, with the severity of the action implying that a much-needed turn around of events is required to instil positive change. If you take a moment to contemplate where it is and what it is you are thinking at the time a bump or small knock occurs, you will find immediate assistance in an area that you may not have even recognised needed it.


This is an indication that you are charging ahead with intentions that are not of the best ilk. You need to take a look at why you are choosing this method of action and take measures to adopt a kinder and more thoughtful attitude and response.


This is showing you that your thoughts have are wavering towards the unsavoury. Usually selfish in nature. Not as bad as the foot region, but a look towards a change is advisable.


A sharp reminder to extend yourself - for you have settled into something that is no longer suited and is potentially stunting an area of much needed growth. There is a tendency towards mental laziness - often family related - in terms of parents and slowness in extricating yourself from old ideas.


Not as common as the others - it is gender based and a bump here is to remind you to embrace some of the more obvious claims to your gender, wether it be female or male. Older people in particular, when it becomes much more serious in nature and involves surgery, need to realise that a lot of their beliefs about gender no longer hold true.


This is attributed towards the structure of your day and the mindset involved. Your mind - for example - will be on more personal affairs whilst at work and vice versa. You are virtually leading yourself away by the elbow; time off from either will help you to make the necessary adjustments.

Hands and Fingers.

This is largely dependent on the location. You need to look at what it is you are doing that is not working to your advantage. Too much time spent on something - and especially when you feel it's too much time - can end up working against you. It's usually too much time at work or at home, either way the time spent needs to be adjusted for a positive result. You need to manage your time in this area more effectively - usually a complete over haul is needed to regain the balance needed.


Backs literally hold the backbone of your chosen reality. A knock here is telling you in no uncertain terms that your belief system has taken a knock - that you are no longer adhering to any positive change- and that your stuck in a downward spiral. Your beliefs appear to be no longer obvious and anger is prevailing. You need to look towards the true nature of your situation - you will see that it will be easier to navigate through once you realise that you have been ignoring your core beliefs.


This is the most serious and direct assault to the body. It is a call for immediate action to turn your thoughts completely around. You are literally giving yourself a slap on the head to motivate yourself towards a better path. Invariably you would have been straying towards an area that is not best suited for you in terms of growth - and a sharp slap is needed to stop you in your tracks, to make you think hard about your goals and what it is you should be actually doing.

All About ACL Injury

The Anterior Cruciate Ligament is a vital part of the knee that is used for movement. When this ligament is torn, it can affect a person's ability to perform certain physical activities depending on the degree of the injury. ACL injury is common among athletes who are involved in high impact sports like football and basketball. This type of injury is categorized according to degree.

The first degree involves the stretching of the ligament. Although no tear is found in the fibers, a little swelling and tenderness may be experienced. People who have first degree ACL injury have no problem walking at all. In fact, physical activity may still be possible without compromising the knee.

Once a fiber in the ACL ligament is partially torn, this can be considered a second degree ACL injury. The swelling and the tenderness is worse compared to what is experienced during a first degree and since there is a torn in the ligament, walking becomes a little bit difficult. In this case, involving in physical activity may worsen the problem.

The most serious case of this injury involves a completely torn ligament. At the time of the injury, constant pain may be felt, but after a while, the pain may subside. A third degree causes the knee to swell a lot, and because of that, walking is made completely impossible at times. Typically, a visit to a doctor is required for people who have third degree sprains. The doctor may advise the wearing of crutches, or worse, surgery.

Symptoms may include a popping or cracking sound when walking. Right after an injury, the knee joints may begin to inflame and be constantly in pain. It would also be difficult to stretch the leg that is injured. Usually, ice pack application is recommended to reduce swelling and pain in the injured knee.

For some individuals, a knee brace may prove to be an effective solution for this type of injury. For athletes however, ACL reconstruction is required. The reason for this is that athletes constantly involve themselves in heavy physical activities and only a surgery may reduce the risk for further complications such as arthritis. ACL surgery is usually followed by rehabilitation for physical therapy.

Chondromalacia - Cause of Anterior Knee Pain in Middle Aged Women in India

Middle aged women in India commonly experience Anterior knee pain. Chondromalacia patella was an old synonym for pain in the front of the knee. Technically, chondromalacia patella means a softening of the cartilage of the knee-cap.


Pain in the front of the knee, which is worse on sitting for prolonged periods, descending or ascending stairs and rising from a squatting position. Crunching or grating in the knee. The pain can radiate to the back of the knee. Repeated swelling with out any significant injury may pose a diagnostic challenge to the clinician. There is no pain at rest.


Certain sports like athletics especially running, sailing, fencing, soccer, and football. Trauma. Anatomical factor include a high kneecap, which makes it easily dislocatable, a low knee cap which increases the stresses to which it is subjected and muscle weakness. Increased inward twisting of the thigh bone (ante version) and outward twisting of the leg bone (external tibial torsion) alter the line of pull of the quadriceps tendon and subject the knee cap to stresses. Increased Q angle. This is the angle between the line of pull of the thigh muscle tendon and the ligament patella. The normal angle is 12-18°. Muscle pull of the inner thigh muscle. This muscle can be congenitally weak or it may waste from disuse.


Four theories exist:
a)Malalignment of the patella due to an increased Q angle, increased femoral anteversion,increased tibial torsion.
b)a tight lateral retinaculum
c)Dysplasia of the medial musculature.
d)a biochemical cause precipitated by mechanical damage to the proteoglycan matrix.


Avoidance of the precipitating sport. Restriction of the activity responsible for an increase in symptoms.


R I C E (Rest, Ice, compression and elevation) are the common measures advised. Muscle building activities under the guidance of a physiotherapist. Use of patella curout braces to support the patella. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug are used to neutralize the prostaglandins leading to articular cartilage breakdown. Further investigations like skyline views or a CT or MRI scan will reveal the status of the kneecap and the presence of maltracking of the kneecap.

Knee surgery in India is available to alleviate symptoms. An arthroscopic assessment may be advised to study the degree of damage to the cartilage. Simultaneously, the damaged cartilage can be debrided. If there is a clear cut evidence of maltracking of the patella then a lateral release can be done. Open operations involve decreasing the load on the joint by elevating the tibial tubercle.

Realignment procedures restore the alignment of the patella proximally or distally. In tibial tuberle transfers the bony attachment of the patellar tendon is moved medially or anteriorly. Patello femoral joint replacement is the last resort in the knee surgeon's armamentarium.

A tibial tubercle transfer is a good procedure to relieve pain on stair climbing and squatting.

Change For Who? We Should Stop Lying

Everyday young black males and females are challenged to be the best they can in a country that continues to tackle discrimination within the cord of the community. Recently we all saw history in the making with the first African American, President Barrack Obama who take the oath of office and became our 44th President of the United States. We know much about this man of honor and his intelligences to lead a nation out of the trouble waters into a sea of hope. However, you continue to see the masters at work stopping everyone from getting ahead. The Stimulus package the former President Bush provided under the former Treasury Secretary Paulson did not do anything for the economy and it only helped those that wanted it in the first place, Wall Street's fat cats. They continued to have parties and give out lavish bonuses to themselves even though President Obama was applauded at their action; they did it anyway. What did President Obama and Congress think that they could improve the stimulus package to help the community, country, and businesses when former President Bush did nothing to change the mode of the county and continue to drive steaks in our hearts? That is just what they did while spending millions of dollars to get a position that pays less that what a NBA players makes. Bush and his Administration help each other get richer while looking down on the poor or just not caring. Look at New Orleans nothing has change for the people at all. Wall Street didn't go into New Orleans and provide a bailout, why should we have bail them out, when they don't come into your community at all. They are like most banking institutions they stay out and never put fuel on the poor only for the rich. Wachovia, Chase, Indy Mac, Bank of America, SunTrust, and others that reside in the poorest communities don't do anything to uplift the community they just take and take. The government sent Billions of dollars to these businesses; however the community continues to suffer. What is wrong with that picture? The financial infusion was supposed to help contribute to the unemployment, education, outreach, and development of the community where the people in the community spend their hard earned money. Most of the American people have direct deposit into one of these banking institutions but none of them have a direct deposit into the community. Community is what President Obama talked about during his campaign and still no one is getting it. It was it a smoke screen. People in poverty live in an internal world, only those that are inside the circle can benefit from the wealth of it.

Many times when developers are buying up property in the inner city they displace the poor outside the community in an external world that has nothing to offer them but more poverty. Why are we still blind to the problems in this country, which should focus on sensitivity of life among all people in this great country, United States of America? We need more passion to help others in times of need, but the stimulus (environmental changes) is suppose to help the people, not knock them down farther. This country helps corporations benefit from the poor directly and indirectly. Review this list of corporations that don't give back to rural area towns: Parke-Davis, Upjohn, Microsoft, NBA Licensing, Kodak, Lockheed Martin, Dell, Marshall, and the list goes on, these companies employ prison labor, reference: Title: Corporate greed and Private Prison in the newspaper: The Final Call ,date April 24, 2007. Billion of dollars from these corporations only help when it benefits them, they don't go into rural areas such as Louisville, Mississippi; Texarkana, TX; Macon, GA; Brandywine, Maryland; Stanford, NC, and others to help where socially disadvantage and underserved youth live. We don't help these forgot communities because they don't matter to these corporations. Most of those living in communities listed, pay taxes so that the billion dollar corporations can pay less taxes and all of them have a Dell, Microsoft, Marshall's, and Kodak products in their homes. We will not help people in poverty because they are not in our internal circle of advancement. The poorest Americans pay the most taxes and we continue to do it time after time because it's the law. Why should the poorest families pay the most taxes? Unfortunately, Congress has it set up that way, and none of our political powerhouses have to foreclose or file bankruptcy because of the economy. Politicians need to feel what we feel in a world that they the Politicians set the rules but the burden of poverty is always on the people. When are we going to stop letting these criminals stop driving us into death. From 2005-09 we have had many committing suicide because of their financial woes. No one should take their life because of the mistake of others, but they do. We are not helping the community, but the rich get richer and the poor get worst.

This is the America way. Why don't we uplift the poorest people in this country instead of taking from them? During the summer of 2008 CNN reveal several stories about "Being Black In America" it was OK and Black in America 2 was Ok. But, it really didn't show the true racism in this country among Blacks against and Whites against Blacks. It only showed race from their eyes and how they thought race played a part in our lives. The crime in the streets continues to play a role in the courts, communities, and where small businesses are located, and it only fuel poverty and its internal suffering. We see these problems and look the other way as if it doesn't exist in 2009; however, what is President Obama willing to do about race relations in this country? Will he fix the employment problem, fix discrimination on the job; will there be accountability on the job for management wrong doings? What will we get from President Obama that is about change? Will his change of climate bring a diverse future for change the course in America? Will race in the work place rebuild the walls to prosperity in this country or will nothing change? When will greedy corporations see that without consumers they too will fall under the bus, yes they will probably be able to keep their mansions and fancy cars but at what cost to this country. Corruption has destroyed this country and the justice system continues to let the high price criminals get away with it unless it their money. As we watch the hit shows on television and musical rappers perform their special talents we see drugs dealer, addicts, and alcoholics (DUI)'s however, many of them get off free with community service, but the street hustler goes to jail for 5 to ten. Is that justice for you or is it racism or discrimination in a different form of justice. In the US, if you get caught doing a crime sometime jail is your next stop, but the money determines justice you can spend getting out of it or getting serious charges dropped . Why Former President Bush should not be held to the same standards as who break the law? D. L. Hugely on the CNN said and I quote "why are we impeaching former Governor Blagojevich for allegedly trying to sell former Senator Obama seat and not impeaching former President Bush for lying and sending thousands of our young soldiers to death while bringing this country to its knees in debt, corporations bail out, mortgage failure, etc...

Why should we the people keep bearing the problems of former President Bush and Congress? The laws should change regarding accountability and who we really can trust. Millions of Americans are hurting because of the policies that were hammer down to the American people from the Former Administration. Why it is that no one of real power has step up to the plate and made these individuals accountable for their actions for destroying the foundation of the country? It leads me to believe that making a political power accountable is not how American works. However, we will try to impeach members of political branches for having call girls, same sex partners, marriage affairs the list goes on but when it come to the American people losing everything they have worked for no justice happen for them. We force them out of office only if it's an immoral act, but we keep those that bring the country down. What planet are we living on? The people of poverty continue to pay for the actions and mistakes of our political parties. This is a form of discrimination to the American people over and over again. We continue to report the news as if nothing is wrong in this country. The news should read another corporation getting away with murder, causing families to lose their homes, life saving, retirement fund, breaking up homes, and the list goes on. Why should we continue to ignore and endure this type pain on the people of this country and not stand-up for them. Protesting on issues only goes so far in this country and than its silent. However, we move on to the next problem, but never take fixed the last problem. Often on the job we are asking to multi-task and make our deadlines, but Congress and pass Administrations are totally exempt from any commitments or deadline. Congress keeps on getting paid to do nothing and causes the American people grief and never become liable for not meeting its deadlines. This country should be about justice, we preach it all over the world but we don't stand by it among our own citizens. Everyone is equal, not when it comes to the slums of Brooklyn, NY; Southside Chicago; Southside Atlanta, GA and the surrounding cities and towns that are left to die. If everyone is getting a chance to ride another bus, why hasn't the bus change colors; poverty? Vernon Jones, Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Jr., Malcolm X, Rosa Parkers, and others were tired of not being able to ride equally and rally for justice. Why are we still not equal?

Friday, December 6, 2013

Knee Joint Pain - What Could Be Causing It?

Whether or not you lead a physically energetic lifestyle, a sedentary one, or somewhere in between, you might probably realize how vital it is that your knees be functioning effectively and be pain free. The knees certainly serve plenty of functions. Not solely do these bear the weight of the body; the knees are additionally important for almost any movement. As such, it comes as no surprise that knee joint ache is a typical drawback, experienced by individuals of all ages, sizes, and origins.

What Causes Knee Joint Pain?

What individuals may not be conscious of is that there's not just one factor that causes joint knee pain. As such, there isn't a single prognosis for the condition. If you're feeling pain in the knee, it can be caused by a minimum of one of many of circumstances, which include:

Arthritis. Arthritis is joint irritation, inflicting knee joint pain. There are totally different kinds of arthritis, common of which is osteoarthritis which causes the gradual degeneration of the cartilage of the knee. The chance of contracting arthritis will increase with age, and treatment will rely upon the sort of arthritis contracted by the patient.

Gout. Gout occurs when there's an excessive buildup of uric acid deposits in joints. Some people have attacks that last for a number of days after which disappear, whereas there are those who have a more sever the condition. You may be surprised to know that the exact explanation for gout has yet to be discovered.

Baker cyst. Baker cyst is a type of cyst occurring in the back of the knee because of the accumulation of fluid within the space, causing pain in the knee.

Pellegrini-Stieda syndrome. The inside of the knee joint can calcify, causing a condition known as the Pellegrini-Stieda syndrome. A combination of rest, application of ice packs, and corticosteroids can treat this condition to relieve knee joint pain.

Chondromalacia. Chondromalacia occurs when the cartilage below the kneecap softens, causing pain and stiffness. Young women are significantly vulnerable to contracting chondromalacia. Anti-inflammatory medications are normally prescribed to alleviate the symptoms. Physical therapy may also be beneficial to strengthen the quadriceps muscles.

Bursitis of the knee. Bursitis happens when the bursae, or the small sacs within the joints that contain synovial fluid, become inflamed. Bursitis of the knee normally occurs in the kneecaps and the inside of the knee. A prescription of anti-inflammatory medications and ice packs are normally given for the remedy of this type of knee joint pain. Sometimes, corticosteroid injections and painkillers may additionally be given, and the affected person might also be helped by doing physical therapy to develop the thigh muscles.

Infections. Infections of the bone or joint are rare and serious conditions that cause knee joint. Symptoms of infection include fever, extreme heat on the contaminated joint, and chills. Like other kinds of infections, these are normally handled utilizing antibiotics.

Tumors. Like infections, having a tumor in the knee is an uncommon condition that causes joint knee pain and ambulatory problems. These are normally treated with surgical procedures to excise the tumor. In worst-case eventualities, the leg may be amputated.

So, diagnosis and remedy of a condition that causes knee joint pain will depend on what the actual condition is. Read more to find out about the different kinds of acute knee joint pain, signs, prognosis, and treatment.

Alleviating Hip Dysplasia Pain In Dogs

Hip dysplasia in dogs is a horribly painful disease. It is a disease that doesn't just affect large-breed dogs, though traditionally it is assumed that these are the only dogs that get it. There are some solutions to ease your dog's pain and work with the disease however. The avoidance of obesity, a regular, low impact exercise routine and glucosamine all seem to be parts of the solution. With the proper insight and attention, a dog's suffering can be assuaged.

The simplest way of looking at hip dysplasia is that the bones of the hips don't fit together correctly. The thigh bone (the ball) is supposed snugly fit into the hip bone(the socket). Part of that snug fit is for movement, and another part of that fit is for weight support. Obviously, there is more than just bone there, there is a layer of cartilage involved. When any of these factors are compromised, it is called hip dysplasia.

The technical terms of this are that the femur is supposed to fit into the acetabulum. The femur being the thigh bone and the acetabulum being the hip socket. Think of your own leg and how easily it rotates within of your hip. Now imagine an air pocket in there, or a layer of sandpaper covering the femur. Or imagine that it is just loose, and that you can reach down with your hand and wiggle your leg inside of the socket. You are well on your way to comprehending a dog's hip dysplasia.

If the bones don't fit properly, there will ultimately be some friction and that can lead to all sorts of arthritic pain issues. The degrees of pain can be mild to none, or extreme. If the ball is knocking around in the socket, this is called subluxation (partial dislocation). If the ball drops completely out of the socket, this is called luxation (complete dislocation). More interesting still is the fact that both legs will be affected, this isn't a "single-side" issue. The limp that a dog will demonstrate is merely on the most compromised side.

Think again about the sandpaper between the ball and socket. There is supposed to be a smooth surface called the articular hyaline cartilage (or gristle) surface. It is basically a layer of springy cartilage. Obviously, this would be the oil or grease for the machine, but in the case of hip dysplasia, this layer of meaty lubrication is no longer present. What results is bone grinding against bone for each motion in the hip. The ugliest part of this entire cycle is that the dog's body tries to compensate for this by creating more bone within the hip socket and on the ball of the femur. This in turn can cause lots of painful, freakish misshaping as new bone is worn away.

With the extra "wiggle room" between the bone sockets, joint issues such as arthritis come into play. Interestingly enough, it isn't just the large breeds like Great Danes, Rottweilers and Mastiffs that succumb to this genetic defect. Smaller dogs like Bulldogs and Pugs suffer from this as well. The breeds of dogs that seem to escape the plague of hip dysplasia are the sighthounds. Greyhounds for example, have low incidents of this disease. It is a tricky disease because it does skip generations. However, if there is dysplasia in the immediate ancestry of the dog, the chances of your pet having it are definitely heightened and that even goes for mutts as well.

Overweight dogs are more prone to hip dysplasia as are dogs with too much or too little calcium in their diets. Other theories suggest that over-exercising a dog at an early age can trigger hip dysplasia as well. Exercise is good, however. A dog that is suffering from hip dysplasia has underdeveloped upper thigh muscles. Muscle mass in that area is said to possibly lessen the chances of the disease.

One way to tell if a puppy will develop into a dog with full-blown or even minor hip dysplasia is to examine how it moves about. If the puppy is slow to do things like pop up on all fours, take stairs or jump, these could be signs of possible joint issues. Another way to determine possible hip dysplasia is if the back legs are cow-hocked. Cow-hocked is a term that refers to a look that similar to being knock-kneed (genu valgum) in humans. Quite simply, the legs bow in at the knees and then back out. A cow-hocked puppy is a strong sign of hip dysplasia.

If you have the finances there are several surgeries that can be done at varying stages of the dog's life. The most obvious and most expensive being a total hip replacement once the dog reaches adult size. Hip dysplasia in canines is a difficult subject to tackle because it is a hereditary disease. It has been programmed into the dog's DNA. Relief is what an owner needs to consider. Part of this relief would be exercise that doesn't involve impact like jumping. Also, the exercise routine should be a regular one and not something that is sporadic. Another aspect would be managing the dog's diet so that obesity isn't an issue.

One of the simplest measures a dog owner can employ to help a dog with hip joint issues is to begin dosing the dog with glucosamine. Glucosamine is a proven, preventative additive that is found in some dog foods and can be purchased separately. It is absorbed into the system and goes straight to the joints. It is already in the dog's system, concentrated in the cartilage. The best thing about glucosamine is that it is anti-inflammatory and actually helps regenerate cartilage. Of course, it isn't an absolute solution, but a dog can feel the benefits of glucosamine supplements as short as ten days after it has started taking it. Also, there are few adverse reactions to glucosamine. Heavy doses of it can cause an upset stomach which might lead to diarrhea or even vomiting. Glucosamine is mostly known for being easily ingested (some dogs find a dose to be a treat) and helpful to a dog's system.

Hip dysplasia in dogs is a disease that brings extreme discomfort. It is a disease that affects most dogs, and it is inherited through the family tree. There are some treatments for it, and there are some ways to ease the pain it causes. Proper weight, low-impact exercise and glucosamine all seem to be parts of the solution. Obviously, it would be better if dogs didn't have to contend with such a hereditary disease, but with proper attention and care, a lot of the suffering can be alleviated.

Elbow Joint Replacement - Low Cost Surgery Under Knee Replacement in India's World Class Hospitals

Elbow joint replacement is also called elbow arthroplasty. The elbow is a hinge joint consisting of three bones: the humerus bone of the upper arm, and the ulna (bone on the small - finger side ) and radius (bone on the thumb side) bones of the forearm which are side by side. All three of these bones are in contact with each other.

The most common reason for an artificial elbow replacement is arthritis. There are two main types of arthritis, degenerative and systemic. Degenerative arthritis is also called wear-and-tear arthritis, or osteoarthritis. Any injury to the elbow can damage the joint and lead to degenerative arthritis. Arthritis may not show up for many years after the injury.

Joint replacement surgery is usually considered a last option for a badly damaged and painful elbow joint. It is highly technical procedure; each step plays a critical role in the outcome.

Procedure of Elbow Joint Replacement as below :

The orthopedic surgeon makes an incision, usually in the back of the upper and lower arm, to expose the elbow joint. Special, precision guides and instruments will be used to cut the ends of the humerus (upper arm bone) and ulna (forearm bone), and prepare the bone to accept the implant.

The orthopedic surgeon then drills out a portion of the center of the humerus and ulna and inserts one part of the artificial joint into each bone. The artificial joint consists of two stems made of high-quality metal. They are joined together with a metal and plastic hinge that allows the artificial elbow joint to bend. The artificial joints come in different sizes to fit the patient.

Usually, bone cement is used to hold the stems in place.

The surgeon then attaches the two stems together with the hinge system. The orthopedic surgeon closes the wound with stitches, applies a bandage, and might place the arm in a splint for stability.

This procedure is done under general anesthesia. The surgery usually takes one to three hours. Depending on your specific situation, you will probably remain in the hospital from one to three days.

In this surgical procedure complications can occur. Some of the most common complications following elbow replacement are -

o anesthesia
o infection
o loosening
o nerve or blood vessel injury

The success rate of TER ( Total Elbow Replacement ) is approximately 80% (Conzemius and others 2003). This means that 20% of dogs have complications with the procedure and this can lead to the need for further surgery perhaps requiring fusion (arthrodesis) of the elbow, or even amputation.

Every case is unique and requires careful evaluation before an estimate can be given. However, elbow replacement cases typically cost in the range of $5000, but can run higher if additional surgery becomes necessary.

Shoulder, hip replacement, hip resurfing, knee replacement surgery and other most advanced computer navigated joint replacement surgery is done at serveral hospitals in India such as Apollo Hospital in Mumbai, Wockhardt Hospital in Mumbai, Apollo Speciality Hospital in Chennai, MOIT hospital, Chennai etc. which compares with the USA & U.K.

Coping With Arthritis Knee Pain

Arthritis is a disease of the joints connecting the bones of the body. This happens when the said cartilage of the joint becomes weak, brittle, or deteriorated; the effect of which is the exposure of the bare bones to conditions leading to arthritis.

Knee arthritis is the most common form of this disease. Generally, it is due to old age, being overweight, or just hereditary. It is common because the knee is a part of the body that is mostly used everyday, when walking, running, or doing outdoor activities; only the degree of pain varies.

Pain can be suffered not only from arthritis; there are many sources of knee pain. It may be from bursitis or the inflammation by reason of frequent and constant pressure like overuse and kneeling. Pain may also come from tendinitis or the pain in the knee while ascending or descending from the stairs or when engaging in sports and outdoor activities. Other causes includes a strain or sprain, torn ligaments due to accidents, dislocation of the knee cap, injuries, infections in the joint, and tumors.

There are several causes of arthritis knee pain and it consists of the Baker's cyst, rheumatoid, osteoarthritis, connective tissue disorders, gout, and lupus. The Baker's cyst is characterized as a fluid-filled bulge behind one's knee that accompanies inflammation. The bad thing about the Baker's cyst is that when the cyst bursts, it will not just affect the knee but also your calf.

In osteoarthritis, the cartilage of the joint slowly deteriorates revealing the joints to arthritis attacks. In rheumatoid, it is not just gradual deterioration but the cartilage is destroyed because of the inflammation. Simply put, the Baker's cyst, rheumatoid, connective tissue disorders, gout and lupus have the same serious effect of severe inflammation including the tissues, bones, ligaments, nerves, and muscles around it.

Some common arthritis knee pain includes inflammation of the joints, swelling of the bones near the joints, problems in standing, walking, or running, and intolerable discomfort.

Arthritis pain varies depending on the cause. If the person suffering from arthritis belongs to the 50 years old and up bracket, the knee pain is pretty much tolerable but it is very hard to stand, walk, or run. In this case, the person suffering from this ailment must use a cane or a wheelchair for mobility. With respect to persons under 50 years of age, the cause of arthritis may be overuse, overweight, or genetic.

A knee is considered overused when the person is sports inclined and does not rest for a sufficient number of hours. In this type of arthritis the inflammation in the knee is serious and unbearable, but may still be cure through proper rest. When the person is overweight, the pain is experienced when walking or running. In this case it is having a hard time to carry the weight of one's body.

God's Difficult Answers

The lagging spiritual fruit of our religious efforts are glaringly evident. We seek God religiously more than we seek Him by His Spirit. We say "yes" with our mouths but down deep in our soul and convictions (all the things that God really cares about), we are disobediently reserved.

We suppose that God doesn't notice the little compartments in our lives, which we presume to salvage for our own uses as we dedicate ourselves to the Lord only so far as it is convenient. But this is neither dedication nor obedience.

Many of us presume to obey two masters. But friends, this is impossible. God is too smart to fall for this and He is too consistent within Himself to put up with it for long.

God has proven over and over that His grace is superior to every worldly thing. Our best game-plan has always been to surrender everything, even our most treasured compartments, over to Him. But don't we already know this?

His Spirit will work in us, from an inside-out direction, to bring about a whole new quality of faith that we could never have expected or manufactured on our own. And, when we spend more open and honest time with Christ, He will work out this impossible thing called "surrender."

We churchgoers would like to reserve for ourselves some right to call the shots at least sometimes. We would like to keep our religious inventions and claim at least some credit for the way God gets things done. Our religious and non-religious clutter is comfortable and we like it.

The fact that we churchgoers value our own comforts more than we desire God's Presence in our lives is obvious even to the casual, outside observer, no matter how our pretty prayers might sound otherwise. We pray with our words for God to show up, while, in our heart of hearts, we desire anything but life-altering Godliness.

Let's be at least honest enough to admit that we don't like to listen to or obey God. We know that, if we stop to listen to Him, then He'll probably tell us a lot of things we don't care to hear. We know that He will command us to keep moving forward, right into a mess of unfamiliar, spiritual territory. And He requires what seems like endless, painful growth. Indeed, true fellowship with God must be hopelessly inconvenient for the hypocrite because it is directly linked to basic, everyday life.

Apparently, many people manage to pray with their mouths and, at the same time, rebel with their hearts. Prayer time comes around so that people can say the word they've been practicing for whoever is scheduled to listen at that time.

For this reason, religious prayer (from God's point of view) is a sour wind springing from rotten, worldly hearts. The purpose of flesh-inspired prayer (which is not prayer at all) never rises above comforting the flesh.

Granted, if we want to seek out Christ, then wherever we are is a good place to start. But we know deep down whether we're seeking Christ as innocent children or acting like proud, religious specialists.

Total Christ-consumption is God's only reply to churchgoers who pray occasionally for miraculous things, when they happen to feel the need, though with no intention of ever relinquishing their worldly enchantments. And total Christ-consumption is God's reply to our lopsided, westernized idea of devotional life, where we treat every slight discomfort as an opportunity to throw a pity-party for ourselves. (I want to encourage people in general, but I also must speak the truth about these things).

We should keep in mind, as we present our issues to God, that neither His answers nor our faithful obedience will ever guarantee greater convenience for our flesh. In fact, our nearness to the Lord can only spell doom for our worldly infatuations. But don't fret in any case. Christ will let you in on your true relationship to Him and lead you on from there if you only ask.

If we are infants still (which is the case for most western church-folk) then it is well for us to fall to our knees when houses, cars, or whatever little things related to our standards of living are threatened. But afterward, as we keep moving forward, Christ will teach us to accept this likelihood, that He will not replace our superficial, material losses with more superficial material. If God blesses us from a heavenly standpoint then, at the same time, He will probably downsize and minimize our excessive clutter, religious or non-religious.

God pays no respect to the flesh as He destroys our sinful emptiness and replaces it with a superior, heavenly contentment. But, if we cling to our junk for comfort's sake and not because God specifically gave us these things, then we are deliberately rebelling against Him. And, if we continue praying and yet also clinging for years and years, then this is a good indication that we have not been praying at all.

God is answering the prayers of institutional churchgoers, only He is not giving us the answers we want. God's answer for us church experts continues to be, "Obey Me in the little things first. Get rid of useless distraction so you can hear Me at all."

If knowing the Lord's mind depends on how well we are listening, and we don't care to listen, then how can we know what is on the Lord's mind? If effective faith in Christ depends on our openness and honesty with Him, and we are neither open nor honest with Him, then our westernized version of living by faith must be fundamentally misguided.

God might move us toward bigger things, such as effectively establishing His kingdom on earth... but we'll never know so long as we do not take care of this minor thing, which is to surrender our entire, everyday, physical and non-physical way of life over to Him.

Our relationship to God right now is not too much different from a pouting teenager who is upset because his parents won't let him take the car out. God is like the parent who doubts that His teenager can handle the responsibility of driving a car when he can't even pass his classes or clean his room.

Has a physical makeover ever changed a person's inward motivations? No. So also for us religious folk, our everyday lives will manifest the spiritual truth as to whether or not we have a clue about Christ's mind or His kingdom on earth.

We have freedom from acting some religious part because our exclusive Audience is the Lord, who sees right through us, straight to our heart of hearts. Our simple calling is to present to Christ whatever is really on our minds. All who desire Christ can start exactly where they are and Christ will build them up from there.

Our encouragement is still only in Christ. Because He is God, He is fulfilling His promises in His people throughout the world no matter what the world has to say about it. He is carrying out what He explicitly set in motion for God's glory.

As of now, we can approach the fullness of God in Christ because it is part of His unchangeable, gracious character to give undeserving people good things. On the whole, it is for reasons outside of ourselves that God chooses to hear us and answer us. Whether or not we perfectly comprehend Him right now, the Spirit of God is listening, moving and transforming us as we actively seek, ask and knock.

by Patrick Roberts. Find his book and additional material at

Thursday, December 5, 2013

How to Build a Strong Pair of Calves After a Knee Replacement

Whether you have had arthroscopic surgery on your knee or, had the whole knee replaced, one muscle that seems to get over looked is the strengthening of the calf muscle. The large muscle located on your lower leg has several responsibilities when walking. If the muscle is not properly rehabilitated after surgery for instance your walking or balance will suffer.

Most knee surgery patients will be happy to just get the muscle back to its previous status regarding strength. There are others that not only want to get the muscle back to where it can perform properly but, also want to add size to it as well. There is nothing short of a big pair of biceps that is more impressive then a great looking pair of legs no matter what your age.

After knee surgery and depending on your age and previous level of activity, there are two main exercises that I recommend everyone do to get the calf to respond.

1. Standing Calf Raises: If you are at home go to the kitchen counter or sink where you have a stable surface, grab on with both hands and then get up as high as you can on your tip toes. Hold that position for a slow count of five then slowly lower yourself. Try 15-20 repetitions to start. If you are at the gym you can find a standing calf raise machine and do the same. The gym machine is great since you can add weight as needed.

2. Seated Calfs: This exercise when seated and your knees are bent to a 90 degree angle works the soleus muscle which lies underneath the calf muscle. The soleus adds fullness to your lower leg and also helps strengthen the ankle. While seated, raise your heels as high as you can up onto your toes and hold that position for a slow count of five then slowly return to the starting position.

When completing your rehabilitation or just working out at the gym, be sure to pay attention to those calf muscles. Stronger calves after surgery mean a smoother walking pattern, stronger ankles, and improved standing balance.

Happy Wheels Game - Review

Call us sick, but somehow, dragging a legless office worker across a wild obstacle course from the back of a Segway in Happy Wheels is... well, a lot of fun. More fun than it probably should be.

Happy Wheels is all about two things: ridiculous obstacle courses and its consistent damage system. The damage system is what really sets it apart from similar games. The obstacle courses mix a little bit of traditional platform gaming with some puzzle and racer elements, but it's the injuries your racers can suffer that really make the game addictive.

These injuries are rendered with just the right level of detail as just cartoony enough that you won't get too grossed out, but just realistic enough to retain a kind of dark humor. In any event, they're really what make the game. When you first bash your head on something, maybe your helmet will split in half and fall off your head, but then you might stick a landing poorly instead of rolling with it and bust your ankle. Fall down a couple more times and you might wind up with nothing below the knees, grabbing the handlebars of your ride for dear life as you whip up and down ramps, through vacuum tubes and across collapsing bridges. As you injure yourself more, it becomes trickier and trickier to operate your character and finish the level.

The characters include a homeless guy in a wheelchair, the a fore mentioned business guy on the Segway, the most irresponsible father ever on a bicycle with his kid in the seat behind him, and a morbidly obese fellow on a heavy duty scooter. The obstacle course level allows you to try these guys out and get a feel for the game's physics, while the other levels will typically assign you a character and a bit of context (the business guy, for instance, might need to get that report to his boss RIGHT AWAY). The courses are really imaginative at times. You'll drive full speed into rickety towers to knock them over and continue on your way and trigger explosions at just the right moment to get some obstacles out of your path.

Control for happy wheels is simple: up is to move, down is to reverse, and you use the left and right arrows to stay balanced. Lean over too far in one direction or another and you may wind up shattering your character to pieces in seconds flat. Sometimes, these little splatter shows can be the funnest part of the game.

Combined with the level editor, you could call this game: Mortal Kombat meets Linerider. The splattery action, the fast pace and the neat physics system make up an addictive, fun action game with endless replayability.

Rheumatoid Arthritis: Joint Protection Program To Protect Your Joints 2

The principles of joint protection program

1. Patients are advised not to engaged in activities or tasks that requires a prolonged fixed grip or grasp on a tool, such as in the activity of cutting (where patient has to hold a knife in a fixed position), knitting a blouse, or even holding up newspapers to read.

2. Patients are to schedule their days and activities, and to schedule rests in between their activities, to prevent exacerbation of rheumatoid arthritis flare up

3. Patients are to respect pain and discomfort when it happens, and not continue to engage in a task or activity when there is pain already present.

4. Be compliant to splints fabricated and prescribed according to the regime informed by the hand occupational therapist

On top of that, all patients with rheumatoid arthritis need to be able to recognize and avoid any tasks or activities that causes pressure on the radial side of any finger and/or puts a strong pressure on the thumb.

We understand that the list of this joint protection program does seem more like a long list of "Do Not Do This", and we have alternative solutions as well for patients to continue as closely as possible to their previously acquired roles and habits. As alternative to knitting, patients can consider engaging in activities that requires use of both hands such as weaving. Reading can be continued with a reading stand to place books or newspapers. Patients are encouraged to participate in as much activity as possible, just have adequate rest and do not push themselves harder when faced with pain in their joint already.

Splints can be alternated (with the permission and approval of the hand occupational therapists) with rests or soft splints for comfort.

Positioning of the joints for the patient with rheumatoid arthritis is THE most crucial aspect of the joint protection program. Because of general pain and discomfort, most patients enjoy the pain and discomfort relief when they sleep or rest with a pillow under their knees. No matter how comfortable this is, this must not be done or continued, as prolonged knee and hip flexion can and will cause joint shortening and tightening, leading to flexion contractures.

At rest, the legs and hips should be in straight (180 degrees), with the feet supported at right angles. If the occupational therapist or physiotherapist observe a tendency to have flexion patterns in supine, then a prone lying position must be encouraged.

Arthritis Treatment: Treat to Target For Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is the most common form of inflammatory arthritis affecting more than two million Americans.

It is a systemic, chronic, autoimmune disease for which there is no cure. RA is capable of causing severe damage not only to joints but to other organ systems as well including the lungs, heart, peripheral nervous system, bone marrow, and eyes.

The 2010 criteria formulated by the American College of Rheumatology as well as the European League Against Rheumatism developed new standards to improve the early diagnosis of the disease. This would, of course, lead to earlier implementation of treatment.

The criteria specifies that a classification of "definite RA" is based on clinical confirmation of inflammation of at least one joint; absence of an alternative explanation that better explains the inflamed joint, and achievement of a total score of 6 or more (out of 10) from individual scores in four areas: number and site of involved joints, positive blood tests for rheumatoid factor and anti-CCP, elevated blood tests for inflammation, and symptom duration.

As a result of these more clearly defined criteria, there has been the move towards "treating to target" meaning treatment should be aimed at a patient with goal of achieving either remission or low disease activity (LDA) as quickly as possible.

There are three steps to this approach:

• The first is to define the target as remission.
• The second is to assess the patient every three months (at a minimum) to see if remission has been achieved.
• The third is to change therapy if remission is not achieved by the three month mark.

Remission is defined as having no more than one swollen or tender joint, a C-reactive protein (CRP) less than or equal to 1 mg/dl, and a patient global assessment of less than or equal to one on a one to ten scale.
Some investigators choose to use a more elaborate Simplified Disease Activity Index which requires, in my estimation, more calculation.

Since disease activity has been shown to correlate strongly with disease presence at one year, after start of treatment, it is extremely important to monitor disease activity frequently. Because of this evidence it's critical to consider a change in treatment early if the patient is not responding and to monitor changes closely.

While not every patient will achieve remission, they should at least be in the LDA category. These changes, I believe are an improvement on the "gestalt" approach we've used for many years to evaluate patients.

How to Defend a Takedown in MMA

Posture and Stance
The best way to defend a takedown in MMA starts with having a great posture and base in your stance. The objective of a takedown artist is to gain leverage and angle over his opponent by offsetting his balance and posture in order to finish the takedown. The best stance is to be squared to your opponent. This means having your shoulders and hips parallel to each other facing your opponent. Your level should be lowered. This is done by bending your knees. How low you should drop your level will be relative to the height/ level of your opponent. In general, your head should never be higher than your opponents. Your level needs to be approximately 2 - 5 inches below your opponents level. Anything more will make you vulnerable to getting clinched and knee-ed or snapped down. Lowering your stance too much will also make you more susceptible to leg kicks.

This is why muay thai fighters stand taller. Standing taller lightens the weight on your legs and allows for you to initiate kicks and block leg kicks faster. The lower your stance is, the wider your feet should be apart from each other from the front to back direction. Your feet should also always be about shoulder width apart as well. You should never be flat footed and always on the balls of your feet for maximum agility in all directions to evade takedowns. Being on your toes also helps prevent your opponent from driving you back. Staying on your toes will help your dig your feet into the ground and counter push your opponents forward drive in clinching and pumbling situations.

Your Arms is the First Line of Defense
Besides our stance and posture, another important factor in helping us defend a takedown is placement and use of our arms. Our arms are the first line of defense against a takedown. Whether they try to take us down with a shot or by clinching first. Getting past our elbows means they are close to our hips. Once our hips are accessible, our balance can be compensated which will lead to giving up the takedown. So we need to keep our elbows in close to our body. If a wrestler was simply just worrying about a takedown and not attempting any sort of offense himself, he would have his elbows in against his ribs with his arms low and his hands by his thighs.

But unfortunately, as a striker, we are simply not just defending a takedown and we have to worry about strikes both in the offensive and defensive aspects. So our arm position must be modified for ability to strike and block strikes. So instead of having our hands low, we need to have them by our temple. Our elbows will still be tucked in. this will help if an initiation of pumbling and clinching occurs. This will also help protect our body from body kicks, and body shots. Offensively this will allow our punches to be sharper and faster as well.

A common mistake most MMA practitioners make when defending a shot is to drop the hands from protecting their head down by their thighs to defend the takedown. This mistake creates a huge opening for the opponent to fake a shot and strike to the head that is unguarded and most likely looking down in attempts to defend the fake shot. Instead of the striker dropping his hands, he should drop his level and use his forearms. The focus should not be to get the underhook to raise the opponent's level, but rather to use your forearms to stop the grappler's momentum. Your body should be leaned forward as your head follows your arms as they push against your opponent which will do three things. It will keep your hips away from your opponent, second it will help drive your momentum forward which will counter your opponents forward momentum and third, it will keep your head from separating from your arms to keep your head guard in the case of a strike attempt.

Where Your Eyes Should Be Focused
Another important factor in stopping a takedown is where the focus of your eyes are. A common mistake most MMA fighters make is where they focus their eyes during the fight. Many fighters tend to look at the opponents face instead of focusing on the upper part of the chest where your clavicle meets. This is a mistake for a few reasons. First it allows for a clever opponent to fake with his eyes. A common muay thai trick is to look down at an opponent's legs to make them think they are going to throw a low kick and at the last second go high for a head kick. Second if your looking at your opponents face and especially if your level is slightly lower than your opponent, that would mean that your head is up.

This is the worst position your head can be when receiving a blow to the head. Keeping your chin down enables your head to be stabilized by your neck and allows you to be able to absorb more blows without being knocked unconscious. The third reason someone should not be focusing on the head of an opponent is because one can not see their hips. Without seeing an opponents hips, it is very difficult to see a kick or knee strike quick enough to block, counter, or evade it. The fourth reason one should not being focusing on an opponents head is to be able to detect quicker when the grappler drops his level to shoot for a takedown.

For all these reasons, the focus should be where the opponent's clavicle meets and with your peripherals, you should be able to see the opponent's shoulders and hips.

What A Grappler is Looking For
Just as important as what one should do to prevent a takedown in MMA, there are many things a striker should not do to prevent a takedown as well. A striker should be cautious when attempting to strike and not get overly ambitious when striking. A grappler will wait sometimes for the striker to reach and over step when attempting to strike to easily shoot under for the takedown. A grappler will also wait for a striker to kick also to catch his leg for a takedown as well. A striker should always setup his kicks and use them wisely as the grappler is always waiting for an opening to get a takedown. Kicking to the body is the easiest for a grappler to catch. Majority of kicks should be very low to the leg or high above the elbows.

Back pedaling is also not a good idea when worrying about defending a possible takedown attempt and should not be done for a few reasons. First it forces you to be light on your feet. When defending a takedown, it is best to be heavy and sinking your weight down. Secondly, backing up goes in the same direction as the grappler's drive/shot and just makes his momentum that much stronger. Third when back pedaling, it forces your body posture to be tall which makes your hips much more readily accessible to the grappler as well as allows him to much more easily knock you off balance. The last reason why someone should not backup while defending a takedown is because it puts your back closer to the cage. This allows the grappler to utilize the cage wall in aiding in his takedown attempts. It also restricts your room to get your hips back or sprawl when defending the takedown.

Keep Pain at Bay With a Knee Brace For Meniscus Injury - Improve Your Knee Stability and Reduce Pain

Do you have a meniscus injury?

Of the many injuries that can occur, there are few worse than having a meniscus injury. This can be extremely painful and also takes a long time to recover, making it the bane of professional athletes around the world. Most people will find that using a brace for meniscus injury can help to contain the debilitating pain that is associated with this injury.

What Exactly is the Meniscus and How Does it Get Injured?

The meniscus is made of fibrous tissue found in the knee joint between the ends of the two leg bones that meet at the knee. This meniscus is constructed of cartilage and is smooth, allowing the joint to flex without the two bones grinding against each other. The meniscus also helps to absorb the impact of walking, running, jumping and other physical activities.

Meniscus injuries come in the form of tears in the meniscus. This happens when a twisting force is applied to the knee, forcing it to move in an unnatural direction. Often times, this is caused by a fall or a strong impact to the body. As the body falls, the leg can become twisted and the tears appear in the meniscus. Older people are particularly susceptible to this form of injury as the meniscus tends to grow weaker with age.

Symptoms Of A Meniscus Injury

The first and most major symptom of a meniscus injury is the searing pain. When the meniscus is torn, the ends of the two leg bones begin to grind against the injured area as well as against each other. This causes severe pain in the joint area.

Another common symptom is the swelling of the knee. When a tear occurs in the meniscus, the joint can fill with blood and other fluids. This causes swelling and inflammation in the knee area. Without medication to quelling the swelling, the knee will remain swollen for quite a while, causing further discomfort.

Sometimes, when there is a meniscus tear, a piece of it can get caught in the joint itself. When this happens, it causes the knee to lock up and prevents it from straightening fully.

Treating a Meniscus Injury

A doctor will often recommend using a knee brace for meniscus injury. Wearing a brace does not entail any invasive surgeries or even medication, making it not only one of the most effective but also the safest forms of treatment.

A brace is essentially a device that is especially designed to mimic the function of the knee, taking over the job of supporting some of the weight of the body. Many athletes wear knee braces while engaged in sporting activities to prevent any kind of knee injury. After a meniscus injury, wearing a support can be particularly helpful as it reduces the pressure on the knee joint, helping to promote healing.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Ooohhh, My Aching Knee! Insider Secrets on How You Can Get Relief Quickly and Easily!

When your knee hurts, getting relief is all that's on your mind. Getting the right relief, though, depends on knowing what's wrong. The correct diagnosis will lead to the correct treatment.

Know Your Knee!

The knee is the largest joint in the body. It's also one of the most complicated. The knee joint is made up of four bones that are connected by muscles, ligaments, and tendons. The femur (large thigh bone) interacts with the two shin bones, the tibia (the larger one) located towards the inside and the fibula (the smaller one) located towards the outside. Where the femur meets the tibia is termed the joint line. The patella, (the knee cap) is the bone that sits in the front of the knee. It slides up and down in a groove in the lower part of the femur (the femoral groove) as the knee bends and straightens.

Ligaments are the strong rope-like structures that help connect bones and provide stability. In the knee, there are four major ligaments. On the inner (medial) aspect of the knee is the medial collateral ligament (MCL) and on the outer (lateral) aspect of the knee is the lateral collateral ligament (LCL). The other two main ligaments are found in the center of the knee. These ligaments are called the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) and the posterior cruciate ligament (PCL). They are called cruciate ligaments because the ACL crosses in front of the PCL. Other smaller ligaments help hold the patella in place in the center of the femoral groove.

Two structures called menisci sit between the femur and the tibia. These structures act as cushions or shock absorbers. They also help provide stability for the knee. The menisci are made of a tough material called fibrocartilage. There is a medial meniscus and a lateral meniscus. When either meniscus is damaged it is called a "torn cartilage".

There is another type of cartilage in the knee called hyaline cartilage. This cartilage is a smooth shiny material that covers the bones in the knee joint. In the knee, hyaline cartilage covers the ends of the femur, the femoral groove, the top of the tibia and the underside of the patella. Hyaline cartilage allows the knee bones to move easily as the knee bends and straightens.

Tendons connect muscles to bone. The large quadriceps muscles on the front of the thigh attach to the top of the patella via the quadriceps tendon. This tendon inserts on the patella and then continues down to form the rope-like patellar tendon. The patellar tendon in turn, attaches to the front of the tibia. The hamstring muscles on the back of the thigh attach to the tibia at the back of the knee. The quadriceps muscles are the muscles that straighten the knee. The hamstring muscles are the main muscles that bend the knee.

Bursae are small fluid filled sacs that decrease the friction between two tissues. Bursae also protect bony structures. There are many different bursae around the knee but the ones that are most important are the prepatellar bursa in front of the knee cap, the infrapatellar bursa just below the kneecap, the anserine bursa, just below the joint line and to the inner side of the tibia, and the semimembranous bursa in the back of the knee. Normally, a bursa has very little fluid in it but if it becomes irritated it can fill with fluid and become very large.

Is it bursitis... or tendonitis...or arthritis?

Tendonitis generally affects either the quadriceps tendon or patellar tendon. Repetitive jumping or trauma may set off tendonitis. The pain is felt in the front of the knee and there is tenderness as well as swelling involving the tendon. With patellar tendonitis, the infrapatellar bursa will often be inflamed also. Treatment involves rest, ice, and anti-inflammatory medication. Injections are rarely used. Physical therapy with ultrasound and iontopheresis may help.

Bursitis pain is common. The prepatellar bursa may become inflamed particularly in patients who spend a lot of time on their knees (carpet layers). The bursa will become swollen. The major concern here is to make sure the bursa is not infected. The bursa should be aspirated (fluid withdrawn by needle) by a specialist. The fluid should be cultured. If there is no infection, the bursitis may be treated with anti-jnflammatory medicines, ice, and physical therapy. Knee pads should be worn to prevent a recurrence once the initial bursitis is cleared up.

Anserine bursitis often occurs in overweight people who also have osteoarthritis of the knee. Pain and some swelling is noted in the anserine bursa. Treatment consists of steroid injection, ice, physical therapy, and weight loss.

The semimembranous bursa can be affected when a patient has fluid in the knee (a knee effusion). The fluid will push backwards and the bursa will become filled with fluid and cause a sensation of fullness and tightness in the back of the knee. This is called a Baker's cyst. If the bursa ruptures, the fluid will dissect down into the calf. The danger here is that it may look like a blood clot in the calf. A venogram and ultrasound test will help differentiate a ruptured Baker's cyst from a blood clot. The Baker's cyst is treated with aspiration of the fluid from the knee along with steroid injection, ice, and elevation of the leg.

Knock out knee arthritis... simple steps you can take!

Younger people who have pain in the front of the knee have what is called patellofemoral syndrome (PFS). Two major conditions cause PFS. The first is chondromalacia patella. This is a condition where the cartilage on the underside of the knee cap softens and is particularly common in young women. Another cause of pain behind the knee cap in younger people may be a patella that doesn't track normally in the femoral groove. For both chondromalacia as well as a poorly tracking patella, special exercises, taping, and anti-inflammatory medicines may be helpful. If the patellar tracking becomes a significant problem despite conservative measures, surgery is need.

While many types of arthritis may affect the knee, osteoarthritis is the most common. Osteoarthritis usually affects the joint between the femur and tibia in the medial (inner) compartment of the knee. Osteoarthritis may also involve the joint between the femur and tibia on the outer side of the knee as well as the joint between the femur and patella. Why osteoarthritis develops is still being scrutinized carefully. It seems to consist of a complex interaction of genetics, mechanical factors, and immune system involvement. The immune system attacks the joint through a combination of degradative enzymes and inflammatory chemical messengers called cytokines.

Patients will sometimes feel a sensation of rubbing or grinding. The knee will become stiff if the patient sits for any length of time. With local inflammation, the patient may experience pain at night and get relief from sleeping with a pillow between the knees. Occasionally, locking and clicking may be noticed. Patients with osteoarthritis may also tear the fibrocartilage cushions (menisci) in the knee more easily than people without osteoarthritis.

So how is the arthritis treated? An obvious place to start is weight reduction for patients who carry around too many pounds.

Strengthening exercises for the knee are also useful for many people. These should be done under the supervision of a physician or physical therapist.

Other therapies include ice, anti inflammatory medicines, and occasionally steroid injections. Glucosamine and chondroitin supplements may be helpful. A word of caution... make sure the preparation you buy is pure and contains what the label says it does. The supplement industry is unregulated... so buyer beware!

Injections of the knee with viscosupplements - lubricants- are particularly useful for many patients. Special braces may help to unload the part of the joint that is affected.

Arthroscopic techniques may be beneficial in special circumstances. Occasionally, a surgical procedure called an osteotomy, where a wedge of bone is removed from the tibia to "even things out," may be recommended. Joint replacement surgery is required for end stage knee arthritis.

Research is being done to develop medicines that will slow down the rate of cartilage loss. Targets for these new therapies include the destructive enzymes and/or cytokines that degrade cartilage. It is hoped that by inhibiting these enzymes and cytokines and by boosting the ability of cartilage to repair itself, that therapies designed to actually reverse osteoarthritis may be created. These are referred to as disease-modifying osteoarthritis drugs or "DMOADs." Genetic markers may identify high risk patients who need more aggressive therapies.

Newer compounds that are injected into the knee and provide healing as well as lubrication are also being developed. And finally, less invasive surgical techniques are also being looked at. Recent technological advances in "mini" knee replacement look very promising.

From Someone Who Actually Has Restless Leg Syndrome

First of all, hello. My name is Christina. I am 35 years old (next week) and have suffered from Restless Leg Syndrome since before they had a name for it. At least, before my physician knew what it was. I remember telling him that my legs were "jumpy" only to have him look at me like I was crazy.

I remember feeling this strange sensation in my legs that would cause me to have to move. When it got really bad even that wouldn't help. I would find myself stomping my feet and pacing the floor at night sometimes being brought to tears in frustration. Bruises on my legs from punching them just to get a few seconds of relief was getting old too. I couldn't sit through a whole movie and definitely no long car rides. I have threatened to jump out of our moving vehicle if my husband did not pull over somewhere. Someone described it as feeling like your legs are possessed. Often it's hard to explain to other's who have not experienced it and they think it's just another excuse or the person suffering is a hypochondriac. Don't worry, you are not and it is real.

I am on Requip, which is my survival. They make a generic now, which is actually what I have. I can tell you though that the RLS has gotten worse since I had my knee replaced in June. The condition was totally controlled with one pill a day and now I often have to take two. This is unless I am more active during the day. I think that this is the bigger issue. I was a lot more active before the surgery and then not so much. I would have to access going on just my experience that the trauma of another surgery and the in-activeness have contributed to the worsening of the RLS. Hopefully, when I try to return to work in January that it will get better.

I am sorry to tell you that it is definitely hereditary. My father, his mother, two of my aunts and my little boy suffer too. He is only 5 and it is breaking my heart to see him suffer. I watch him at night twitching and jolting his legs in his sleep. Luckily, he can sleep through it although it can't be very restful. The good news is that I am finding ways to help alleviate it for him. I got him some whole food vitamins. They cost about $12 at the grocery store in the organic department and are called yummi bears. I started myself on an adult version of the vitamins, which of course are not as fun as a gummy. Three "horse" pills daily! Also not the cheapest but worth it if you have medical problems or want to avoid them. Not as expensive as if you tried to buy and eat all of the fruit and vegetables in the vitamins though. Or as filling.

Another thing that I noticed is that if I eat too much sugar (holiday cookies) that it becomes worse. When I was at my Mom's for the knee replacement, I walked in to a homeopathic store with my 5 year old son, Michael, to look around. The owner introduced herself and told us that she is a doctor of Oriental Medicine. I do not know anything about the field however, I was very impressed by some of the conclusions she came up with simply seeing him. She said he looked slightly anemic by his skin color, which would affect RLS. I tried an herbal remedy for the RLS because I don't want him to start up man made medicine unless nothing else works. He's only 5yrs old. I know what it's like to take many pills everyday and it's sometimes very difficult. After some further research, I found that she was right. Low iron makes the condition worse. This is when I started the vitamins and better planning out our meals. My son's legs got so much better. Now, he hardly suffers and I know that when he does that he has not been eating well. It only started up again since he has been going to school where I cannot control his meals as well. Only time will tell if it worsens with age and human factors. For now, I do not dwell on it by making him feel like he has a problem.

Hopefully and assuming this gets published more people will write about there experiences and what they do. I would love to learn more from actual sufferers that have found relief. I wonder if it is related to the nerves because certain sitting positions and touches can bring it on immediately. I read that massage can help but that is totally opposite for me. Warm baths are not helpful either. I tried Acupuncture and couldn't even stay still long enough to try to benefit from it. As soon as she started working on my legs it was over for me. Certain spots on my thighs is what starts the charges of energy. That's a good example. It's like energy running through my legs. Sometimes it hurts and tingles and sometimes I just simply want to run. The strange thing that I cannot explain is that if I have to go to the bathroom and procrastinate my legs can start up. What correlation could that possible have? I can see the topic now "Urination and RLS". Crazy, right. Not if you experience it!

What is a Good Osteoarthritis Diet?

A good osteoarthritis diet is one that centers on fruits, vegetables and whole grains. This is an anti-inflammatory diet that can help you eliminate the symptoms of osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis is a chronic condition that affects the joints of the body and causes the cartilage to deteriorate. People who suffer from osteoarthritis usually suffer from intermittent pain as well as joint stiffness. 

Inflammation occurs around the joint with the breaking down of the cartilage. Many doctors will prescribe an anti-inflammatory drug to take care of the effects of osteoarthritis. However, these drugs are not without negative side effects. Many people today are seeking a more natural way to combat this condition that affects over 20 million Americans, many of them over the age of 50. 

Eating vegetables and fruits as well as whole grains is a good way to have keep inflammation at bay. You should also incorporate proteins into your osteoarthritis diet so that you can replenish the proteins you are losing when it comes to this condition. The cartilage is comprised of proteins that are depleted when you have osteoarthritis. 

A diet that is comprised of healthy foods that feature essential vitamins such as Vitamin D and A, both contributory helping with osteoarthritis inflammation can help you with this condition. In addition to helping you combat the effects of osteoarthritis, a good diet can also help you maintain an ideal body weight.

This is important because many people who suffer from osteoarthritis suffer from this joint condition because of the fact that they are overweight. This is especially true when it comes to people who suffer from knee osteoarthritis as well as those who suffer from back osteoarthritis. Losing weight is often one step towards eliminating the pain that is caused by this condition. 

In addition to eating a healthy osteoarthritis diet that will reduce inflammation, you may also want to take a natural supplement that will give you the vitamins and minerals that you may be lacking. One of the factors that is contributory to osteoarthritis is age. While we cannot do anything about aging, we can replenish vitamins and minerals that are essential to our health and which deplete in our bodies as we get older.

By taking a natural supplement for osteoarthritis, we can replenish our bodies with the nutrients needed to combat this potentially debilitating condition. By starting to eat right and take supplements early, you may be able to avoid getting this painful condition and lead a healthier and more fulfilling life. 

Before taking anti-inflammatory drugs or pain medication to combat the symptoms of osteoarthritis, you may want to consider a good osteoarthritis diet along with supplements to help combat the inflammation and pain that is caused by this condition. It is often best to seek out a natural remedy for a condition that to become reliant on medications, many of which have harmful side effects.

By dieting for osteoarthritis, you are not only helping yourself with regard to this condition, but you are also helping your body.  Maintaining an ideal body weight is important in all aspects of health, including the treatment of osteoarthritis. 

Arthritis Leg Pain and Arthritis Finger Symptoms Are Similar

Arthritis leg pain is a result of metabolic or degenerative arthropathy that occurs in or in the vicinity of ankles, knees, feet and hips joints. Those who suffer from degenerative joint pains experience pain in their joints when actively using them. On the other hand those suffering from psoriatic joint pain, gout and rheumatoid joint pain undergo bout of pain even when the joints are at rest.

Arthritis in general affects the body joints and musculoskeletal system. Arthritis leg pain can be because of leg problem arising due to rheumatoid joint pain condition. Another form of joint pain condition that is concentrated in leg to produce same type of joint pain is osteoarthritis. The general symptoms of arthritis leg pain are

Swelling - The possible joints pain condition produce a swelling around the joint. With a simple glance inflammation may either be seen or not seen but can be felt. Anti-inflammatory medications are used to ease the swelling from joint pain conditions.

Pain - Pain is a most common symptom of deteriorated joint condition in leg. The pain may be dull or severe depending on the type of joint pain condition. The pain arises from bone or muscles within the leg. In that case stretching gives relief from pain.

Walking difficulty - With time cartilages and joints in the leg deteriorate that makes walking difficult. Pain in the knee joints is the cause of person not able to walk.

Stiffness - Joint deterioration with swelling and pain add up to cause stiffness in the leg. Stiffness in the leg may be felt in the morning after sleep or when sitting or standing for too long.

When you have painful joint condition two major things happen. First the joint tissue or cartilage is deteriorating that produces change in the complete structure of the joint. This further affects rest of the skeletal system as everything is connected. Second in order to accommodate the pain in the body you may start sleeping or walking in different way.

Another painful joint condition in your body can be arthritis finger. Since each hand has 27 bones, there are number of joints in fingers. Also the normal daily work is dependent on fingers. There are two types of painful joint conditions found in fingers same as found in leg. Also the symptoms of arthritis finger are more or less the same as stated above.

Since cause and the symptoms of the painful joint conditions in leg and arthritis finger are almost the same, their treatment is in general the same. The treatment includes anti-inflammatory medications, ice and heat treatment, diet adjustments that are joint supporting foods, supplements, weight control and exercise.

To deal with arthritis leg pain and painful finger joint condition you have to work with combination of therapies and diet with an aim to reduce inflammation. Reduction in inflammation will reduce the pain.

Do I Need a Second Income?

I found myself asking this question when the recession was at its peak in 2009. And I am glad to let you know that by the beginning of 2010, I had my answer.

But let's go back to 2007, when the first signs of the meltdown began unravelling itself. The first sector to be hit was the home mortgage business. That was when the world realised, consciously, that you could walk into a bank, tell hem you had a 50,000 $ income a year and probably walk away with a 500,000 $ home loan!!!!! Says a lot about banking wisdom. And then this gradually led to the credit squeeze. And that was all that was required to bring the entire world's economy crumbling to its knees, begging for some respite from the world's leaders. And we, are to this day seeing the knock-on effect of this meltdown.

This knock-on effect has surely touched you too in some way or the other, either directly or indirectly, in a small or big way. At best you will atleast know some one who has been impacted. The big point I am trying to make is, all this happened without you being directly responsible for it. Many millions are affected today because of some one else's poor decisions probably a decade back. But when it comes to facing the consequences, you are on your own or rather the responsibility is yours. And the worst fear is, there is no guarantee that this will not happen again. As a matter of fact, some of the decisions that the world's top financial and economic policy makers are making today could be possibly laying the foundations of the next meltdown. Honestly, let us be optimistic.

But this does not exempt you from your responsibility. Please note, that one of the biggest casualty in this recession has been, JOBS. We could lose our jobs anyday, if not for God's mercy and grace. And for most of us working or salaried class, we just have one job. And that one job, is the most disposable piece of inventory in the eyes of a lot of C-level executives. Not that I am blaming them for it, but that is the reality of today's business world. JOBS will APPEAR and DISAPPEAR with the blink of an eye.

Why do you want to be at the mercy of that? What did I do? What should you be doing right now? Have a PLAN B. Start building a second income stream. Start generating a passive income right now. Pray that you have a job long enough to grow and profit from your own business. So, God forbid, something goes wrong, you a tleast ensure that your important bills get paid. And the opportunity that is most suited for full-time employed people is "Work from home" or a home based business.

So just think about it. Open up your mind, think about the future of yourself and your family and explore alternate opportunities.

Five Reasons You Should Use Hiking Poles

I am sharing five reasons you should use hiking poles, although there are many more. If you have seen people walking or hiking using these poles, you may have assumed it was just a new fad. But, these walking sticks have been popular in Europe for several years and have just recently found their way to the United States. They were introduced originally to give skiers a tool to practice in warm weather when snow was not available.

Here are my five reasons:

  1. Balance when walking

  2. Better than a cane for your back

  3. Exercise for your arms

  4. More enjoyment in hiking

  5. Taking stress from your knees

If you have osteoporosis, you may feel that hiking is out of the question because you are afraid of falling. But users of hiking poles have eliminated that fear. They testify to a feeling of confidence that they had not experienced since they first received their diagnosis. The poles I recommend have rubber tips that prevent slipping. One lady told us that even when walking over wet stones, she was not afraid. As I deal primarily with people who have osteoporosis and osteopenia, I have realized what a great benefit this is.

If you are walking with a cane, there is danger of getting your back out of line because you are leaning to the side of the cane. With walking sticks, your weight is evenly distributed between the two poles to avoid back injuries.

Another benefit of using walking sticks is that you will have exercise for your arms and upper body as well as your feet and legs when you are walking or hiking. This helps to reduce fat and develop muscles instead.

Users also express the fun of walking with hiking poles. In fact, there are clubs forming all over the country for those who enjoy walking with these poles.

If you have osteoarthritis, or other knee problems, some have told of the relief they have found when using hiking poles. They have experienced welcome relief for their knees because much of the weight is transferred to the arms instead of having it all on the legs.

These are just a few of the reasons I am recommending hiking poles or walking sticks as they are sometimes called. If you have osteoporosis or want to prevent it, walking is a great exercise and these poles will make it even more enjoyable.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

How to Get a Better Nights Sleep During a Hip Or Knee Replacement

After having either a hip or knee replaced, getting the required amount of sleep in those first two to three weeks after the surgery can be a daunting process. You will find that you slept better when you were hospitalized then when you return home and the reasons are many.

One reason was that you were better medicated. medication schedules for the most part are better regulated then when you arrive home. Many patients will either postpone taking their medication for pain or forget altogether. You are less distracted at the hospital in regards to family and friends you find you will rest better in the hospital then when you arrive home.

Now there are cases however where this is not always a fact. It will depend on your experience at the hospital some of you may feel much better in your own bed. Something however will change when you get home causing the replacement to create more discomfort and in turn reduce your sleep.

I find the patient that has had a knee replaced will suffer more then the hip replacement patient as having the knee replaced is more painful. keeping the knee comfortable during the night is something that you have to work at. The knee will wake you up at night as it starts ache and you will develop muscle spasms once it has sat still for awhile. The trick here is when you wake up to start moving the knee as soon as possible and you will find the pain will relieve itself.

Here are several things you can do to help yourself get a good nights sleep after returning home after joint replacement surgery.

1. Be sure not to complete your last set of exercises right before going to be. I suggest you do your last exercise session roughly two hours before going to bed.

2. Be sure to take your pain medication before going to sleep. I found this to be helpful in my case and it will help relax you and begin to decrease the pain at the surgical site.

3. Keep your room cool and comfortable. Have found many patients that have tried to sleep with the room temperature higher then normal due to the fact they are not active and feel cold to begin with. Having a room temperature that is higher then normal will keep you uneasy and tossing and turning as well. Use a temperature that is comfortable to you.

4. Monitor you overall workload during the day. Many people when they get home begin to get involved in to much around the home. Remember these joint replacements will not let you know you have done too much until later that night and the next day. By over doing things around the home more exercises then has been prescribed or household chore will also cost you a good nights sleep.

After getting home and re-established, you will find your sleep patterns will begin to get back to normal within two weeks. The first two weeks will be hit and miss. this is something I have found of course that will vary from patient to patient. Sleeping will be a challenge when you first arrive home so try and prepare yourself accordingly.

Things That Empower A Man To Make Wealth

As Christians, we know that it is God who empowers us to make wealth. Any wealth that does not come from God or that is not divinely arranged will not last. Deut. 8:18 "Always remember that is the Lord your God who gives you power to become rich and he does it to fulfill the covenant he made with your ancestors. Power here refers to ideas, knowledge and vision which if worked upon will translate to riches. This is the reason behind why two men will be doing the same type of business and one will be prospering more than the other.( Difference in the power: ideas, knowledge and vision). Any one that fails to grab this power or that does not have this power to make wealth is more than an infidel.

Note that when a man is poor, he will have wrong friends. No mater his education, exposure and age, he will be seen as a no body and will not command the needed respect among his peers. This is why we as men must do everything within our powers to grab this power to make wealth. There are five (5) major things that can empower a man and make him wealthy. These are;

• HOLINESS: Holiness in the site of God will guarantee you wealth. You can only pray to God and receive answers when you are holy. Remember the bible says that the prayer of the sinner is an abomination in the sight of God. Obadiah vs. 17 "But Jerusalem will become a refuge for those who escape, it will be a holy place, and the people of Israel will come back to their inheritance" From the passage above, you can see that the people if Israel could only come back to reclaim their inheritance when the land became holy. Without holiness, a man looking for money will rather have a hole in his pocket.

• WISDOM, REVELATION & KNOWLEDGE: If God gives you wisdom and knowledge, and reveals to you the secret to make wealth, then you will be outstanding not only in making wealth, but in all things. Ephesians 1.17-18 says "Ask God the glorious father of wisdom and understanding so that you might grow in your knowledge of God. I pray that your heart will be flooded with light so that you can understand the wonderful future God has promised to those he called. I want you to realize what a rich and glorious inheritance he has given to his people (you and I)".

• PRAYER: There are no short cuts to reach God except through prayer. If you are a genuine born again child of God, always go on your knees and request for the power to be rich and God will surely heed to you plea. He said ask and you shall receive, knock and the door will be open, so what are you waiting for?

• GIVE: Giving is like sowing. If you sow you reap if you don't sow you will not reap. Most Christians will beat their chest and tell you that nothing can make them to be poor again in life. This is because they have understood the mystery behind giving. In Luke chapter 6 vs.38, the bible says "If you give, you will receive, your gift will return to you in full measure, pressed down, shaken together to make more room for more and running over. Whatever measure you use in giving, large or small, it will be used to measure what is given back to you" So this is the reason why givers will beat their chests and tell you that they will never be poor. You want to make wealth, you want to be rich?, be a giver.

• BE A TITHER: Tithe is the tenth of your income. As Christians we are required to pay our tithe regularly. Most believers are still poor because they don't tithe. I want to ask you one question, if 90% of your income can not solve your problem, is it the 10% that you give to God that will? Many believers who want to make wealth don't play with their tithe. In Malachi 3 vs. 10, the bible says "Bring you the entire tithe into my store house so that there will be enough food in my temple. If you do, says the Lord Almighty, I will open the window of heaven for you. I will pour out a blessing so great that you won't have enough room to take it in. Try it; let me prove it to you." You can imagine, God challenging you to make money and you don't want to do the right thing.

Dear brothers, the power to make wealth is right in your palms, use it and launch yourself into uncommon testimonies. God bless you.