Friday, July 12, 2013

Terrible Knee Pain - ACL Tears - Knee Braces That Help Stabilize Your Injury

Do you currently have an ACL injury?

Maybe it made a large popping noise or you can just tell something is wrong because your knee is not entirely stable. If you have this kind of injury, then we suggest you read on. We will discuss the anterior cruciate ligament first, and then discuss At the end how to help support your knee. When you do this you can get great pain relief and meaningful stability that will promote the healing of your injury.

The Anterior Cruciate Ligament:

The ACL is one of the four most significant knee ligaments that you currently have. It helps to provide the knee joint with essential stability and helps to limit excessive joint mobility (in a good way).

The Purpose of the ACL:

Essentially, forward motion of the shin bone (tibia) in relation to the thigh bone (femur) is controlled by the anterior cruciate ligament. This is HUGE! Just imagine this for a second, if you will, if your thigh and shin bone were totally free to move back and forth. If this sliding motion could easily occur you can probably foresee a scenario in which a injury might occur... At the very least, instability in your leg would be highly likely. If you did not have your knee ligaments then the bones might not stay aligned.

When it comes down to it, without the use of your knee ligaments to help stabilize your knee, the knee may dislocate. The problem with an ACL injury is that when you have resulting instability in your knee and various movements like pivoting can becoming more difficult. Cartilage tears and arthritis can also be occur with a higher frequency as well, when you have an ACL tear.

The remaining knee ligaments that work to stabilize the knee joint are the posterior cruciate ligament (PCL), the medial collateral ligament, and the lateral collateral ligament (MCL / LCL).

The Problem With ACL Tears:

People with ACL tears will often state that their knee is not stable, and has the sensation of "giving out on them". This feeling is due to the fact that knee joint is sliding excessively.


The demands that sports can place on our bodies are higher that of our daily lives. (You already know this is true.) ACL tears are more common in sports like football, basketball, skiing, hockey, and wrestling and rugby; as you can imagine how your knees are asked to perform in each sport. People may be able to get along fairly well with a torn ACL in normal daily activities, but it is wise to think about getting some extra support when you have this kind of knee injury.

Knee instability can be both mentally and physically difficult to deal with. When you have problems with instability and your knee feels like it might give out, other problems in your life can become less significant in a sense. If you have problems with your knee, such as increased knee pain or instability you should seriously consider using a well designed knee support. ACL type knee braces can be very helpful for people when you suffer this kind of injury.

1 comment:

  1. What an informative article. I really learned so much for this. ACL knee injury is one of the most common knee injuries that require proper treatment and bracing. ACL knee brace helps so much in order to regain the stability and strength of the knee especially for active lifestyles, and sports as well. This is indeed so useful in healing the knee injury and allowing the affected area to move properly. Thanks for sharing these insights.

