Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Why Jogging Is A Waste Of Time

It seems logical. People who jog long distances are thin. Therefore, jogging makes you thin. Then again, if you apply the same logic to basketball, then apparently playing basketball makes you tall. The truth is, jogging is an activity enjoyed by thin people who have a natural ability to run long distances, but it is not necessarily the best way for the average person to lose weight.

There have been multiple studies showing that the greatest amount of fat is burned during moderate level exercise (such as when jogging or using an elliptical machine). Because of this, people tend to assume that moderate level exercise is the best way to burn fat. Unfortunately, they're not taking into account what happens after you stop exercising. When you put your body through that, it responds by storing even more fat in the future. Why? Because it wants to have plenty of fat reserves in case you go jogging again. This natural process is so effective that the only way to lose weight while jogging is to eat so little that your body starts metabolizing muscle for energy. This is not a healthy way to lose weight.

Another problem with jogging is how many free radicals it creates. The more oxygen you burn, the more free radicals are released into your body. This is bad for your body in just about every way, and it increases your risk of cancer. Of course, you can counteract free radicals by getting enough antioxidants in your diet, but they won't be enough to stop the damage to your knees. Most life-long joggers have to get knee replacement surgery. It's very unpleasant, and it usually means they can't jog anymore.

Finally, jogging is not as great for the heart as people think. It's true that jogging teaches your heart to handle stress for long periods of time. The problem is that your heart loses the ability to handle extreme stress for short periods of time. When people have heart attacks, it often happens when they lift something heavy, run up several flights of stairs, or hear some devastating news. When you jog, your heart loses its ability to handle events like these.

So what's the answer? Two things: walking and sprinting. Walking is a safe and effective way to lose weight without storing more fat, releasing free radicals, or damaging your knees. Several 30-second sprints once a week can kickstart your metabolism and strengthen your heart. (Note: Please get evaluated by your doctor before you attempt any sprints.)

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