Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Knee Pain? Swollen and Stiff Joints? Is it Arthritis? What You Can Do

I had been suffering from this condition for some time, to the point where I could no longer do what I loved the most: go for walk and, most shockingly of all, I had begun to have problems even during my sleep because of physical hurt. In my case I had already been diagnosed with disease early, when I was a teenager (but I was given no treatment), when I began to have some symptoms in my fingers. You may not be sure and, if you want to be sure of your condition, a simple and inexpensive X-Ray will tell you what exactly you are suffering from. It is always good to know what you're treating. At the same time, what truly worked for me will work for you regardless of the root of your problem. More on this further on.

I was never someone who would pop a pain killer to make things better (it would not have been enough anyway) because I wanted to cure the problem not 'patch up' the symptom.

Some people take traditional anti-inflammatory drugs and manage to resume some quality of life. I wanted more than a 'band-aid'; I wanted a cure and, at the same time, I wanted a treatment that would not cause side-effects nor damage my body in any way in the long run. So I sought the professional help of both a classical and a practical, registered homeopathic expert. Their simple treatments worked wonders for me without any side effects. If you read extensively about it you can treat yourself (you can find these remedies at any good pharmacy or health food store) but you do need knowledge before you choose the right remedy for you so, until you accumulate the right amount of knowledge, you should seek a homeopathic practitioner.

At the beginning of this article I wrote that what worked for me will work for you even if you don't suffer from Arthritis. This because this 'natural treatment' I used for myself treats the whole of you, including the cluster of symptoms you are suffering from, regardless of what the chronic condition may be. So, as with every illness, make sure it's diagnosed accurately but do not be afraid if you feel traditional medicine can't treat it nor can even properly diagnose it; homeopathic remedies and treatments start from the symptoms and work their way up, regardless of the exact condition. Classical homeopathy will treat deep conditions such as childhood traumas or deep-rooted anger (both with the ability to cause chronic conditions like Rheumatism and most other bone diseases) with remedies such as Staphisagria, Medhorrinum, Lachesis. Practical homeopathy will treat your conditions by mixing the classical approach and adding a contemporary medical approach; so, for example, if you are a middle-aged woman it'll treat your condition with Sepia, Folliculinum. The remedies are very affordable and devoid of side-effects. You can do your own research or, if you are not au-fait with homeopathy, you ought to seek a practitioner. I would choose a practitioner who is registered in Practical ('Contemporary) Homeopathy. The positive side of homeopathy is, besides its powerful and wide-spanning effectiveness, that it does not have side-effects and it certainly does not damage your body in any way.

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