Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Easy Stretches After Knee Replacement Will Enhance Your Recovery

You've suffered the pain and frustration of having a bad knee long enough. You and your doctor agree that the best solution for your situation is the have knee replacement surgery. Now your surgery date is approaching and you want to be fully prepared for the day. But are you ready for the after effects of the surgery? You must prepare for your rehabilitation, so that you can take advantage of your new knee as soon as possible. The longer you wait to get moving, the less positive your results will be. You can start your recovery right away by doing some simple stretches after knee replacement surgery.

Why stretching, you may ask? Well, you're not going to be able to get out of the hospital bed and walk a 5K. That can be left for later down the recovery timeline. Doing some easy stretches after your knee replacement will get the new joint prepared for a later course of more intensive rehabilitation exercises. Stretching can be done without placing any weight on the knee, making it a good way to start your post-surgery recovery. Stretching takes just a few minutes, and you can do many simple stretches right in the comfort of your own home.

Before you leave the hospital, your caregivers will probably give you a long list of detailed instructions on how to take care of your new knee. How to do the basic stretches after a knee replacement should be on that list. Insist that your therapist show you exactly when and how to complete these stretches so that you can feel confident you will know what to do when you get home. When you wake up in the morning, you will want to do those stretches to get your day started in the right frame of mind. If you get your knee moving each day, slowly at first, you will be up and walking pain free in no time at all.

It's true; you really can have a pain free joint, and doing stretches after knee replacement surgery is the way to get started on reaching that ultimate goal. Of course, before you start on any exercise regime you must consult closely with your doctor and your physical therapist. You don't want to push yourself too fast, too quickly, only to find you have damaged the new knee. For more information on how to make a full recovery from your knee replacement surgery, check out

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