Friday, September 27, 2013

Discover the Benefits of Camphor Oil

The Camphor tree is indigenous to Japan and China but can now be found in many different regions of the world; the United States, Brazil, Egypt, Madagascar, Argentina and southern Europe. This hardy tree can grow to a height of over 100 feet producing white flowers with red leaves and berries.

In ancient times, camphor oil was believed to hold magical healing properties. It is produced by steaming the bark of the camphor tree to produce a powerfully fragrant, white crystalline substance for medicinal purposes.

These trees are slow in growing and many people in Asian countries believe that real camphor oil is at its best once the treaty reaches 50 years of age. This tradition is also honored in the United States, however due to market demand most of the camphor will you can purchase is synthetic.

Camphor oil was first discovered our Marco Polo in the 13th century where it had been used to treat a variety of medical problems, as an embalming fluid and also for its fragrance. This essential oil also played a large role in the Moorish medical traditions, and the many of the plants is derived from the Arabic words "al kafur" for eucalyptus. In the Ayurvedic medical system camphor oil is used regularly to treat respiratory congestion, strengthen the heart and soothe aching muscles.

It is a primary ingredient in many cold remedies: the oil is used in steam vaporizers and as an ointment to smooth the respiratory tract and control coughs. Traditionally camphor oil has been used to relieve pain from osteoarthritis and discomfort caused by congestion, neuralgia, rheumatism and strained back muscles acting as a mediator between the nerves and the pain impulses sent to the brain.

Modern medical practitioners in Western countries are beginning to fully study the long-term benefits of topical applications prepared with camphor will. The "Journal of Rheumatology" published a clinical study in 2003 that verifies the effectiveness of camphor oil use in conjunction with glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate. The results of the study showed the liberal application of camphor oil preparation such as Camphor Balm by Rawleigh Products significantly reduced pain from osteoarthritis in the knee over a four-week period of time.

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