Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Knee Braces For PFPS (Patello-Femoral Pain Syndrome) - What Are the Best Ones?

What is PFPS (Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome)? This condition causes pain in the knee and is also known as runner's knee.

It can cause you to feel pain under or around your kneecap. When you walk down a flight of stairs you may feel this pain. You may feel this pain after sitting for a long period of time. When you kneel or squat, the pain may worsen.

This knee disorder is a very common one. You may develop it if you have injured your patella. You may also develop PFPS because of prolonged friction between the patella (kneecap) and the groove in your femur (thigh bone).

There are many things that could cause it. One knee or both knees can be affected by the condition.

Some of the common causes are:

Overloading. From sports where there is repeated weight bearing such as running. When you bend your knee, this can cause pressure between the femur and patella

Flat feet. Also known as pronating feet can increase strain in the knee joint.

Muscle imbalance. When the outer fibers of the quadriceps (a muscle of the thigh that extends the leg) are stronger than the inner fibers, this can cause patella tracking to be a problem.

What can you do if you have PFPS? You may want to try using a brace if you are experiencing this condition. Knee braces for PFPS work to stabilize the kneecap.

When you keep the kneecap from moving, the pain you feel from the condition may decrease. Knee braces for PFPS provide both warmth and compression to the patella and knee joint.

Knee braces for PFPS also provide support. These braces give you maximum benefits while allowing you to maintain full mobility. Most knee braces for PFPS are made to help with mild to moderate PFPS.

When choosing a brace you may want to consider braces like: the FLA Neoprene Patella Stabilizer Brace, the DonJoy Deluxe Donut, and the Cho-Pat Dual Action Knee Brace.

These knee braces for PFPS provide different levels of protection and support. Of these three, the Cho-Pat has received some of the best customer reviews. At a cost of $24.95, the Cho-Pat is very affordable. It is a level II brace, which means the brace provides more than just basic support and protection.

The other braces are also excellent braces. They are a little more expensive than the Cho-Pat knee brace. The FLA brace is priced at $43.95, and the price of the DonJoy brace is $68.95.

These prices have been referenced from

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