Saturday, December 7, 2013

Deep Vein Thrombosis Can Occur After Hip Replacement Surgery

One of the most important side effects to be aware of with regards to hip replacement surgery is that of deep vein thrombosis. This condition, which is also known as DVT, is something that can be bothersome to the leg that is near the hip that has been replaced. You should know that this condition can be prevented.

DVT is a condition that can occur after a surgical procedure on the hip. In this condition blood clots in the hip area will form in the blood vessels around that area. As a result of the condition blood will not be able to flow at a proper rate around your hip. When this happens swelling can occur in the hip. The area can also feel very painful.

A good thing to know is that DVT can be prevented after hip replacement surgery takes place. One of the best things that you can do is to be as active as you can be after the surgery. Not moving around after hip replacement will cause DVT to occur. It will keep from allowing blood to be able to be active in the treated area.

It also helps to use the medications that your doctor prescribes to you after the surgery. A surgeon can prescribe things that can be used to help you to prevent blood in the hip area from clotting. The need to work with a medication will generally last for a few weeks after the surgery takes place.

It also helps to think about wearing pressure stockings on your legs for a period of time. Pressure stockings can be worn as a means of working to help encourage proper blood flow in your legs. Using these stocking can help you to keep from having blood clots develop in your treated area.

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