Michael Jordan did not become Michael Jordan in a flash. It took him years of practice to be the greatest pro basketball player of all time. He mastered every aspect of the game from the basics to the most difficult moves. To be successful, the first thing you need to do is to practice. Practice in every game, whether it is a practice game or a real game; Practice to do your best, push yourself forward and strive to do better. Concentrate on your basics first. With consistent practice, you will notice that you will be able to increase your vertical jump, block effectively and play rebounds with considerable ease. This will not just help you become an all-around player but it will also help in creating a name in basketball.
To be an all-around player, the most basic skill needed is the ability to jump. It is so similar to the times in kindergarten where the teacher put in great effort to make you hold the pencil right. Once you get a good grip, you can then proceed on to learning to write letters and of course put in the effort to make it more legible.
The basic stuff you must remember while you attempt to make a jump is given below.
Take one or two preliminary steps: The energy developed in those steps can help generate additional upward lift
Get into position. Your hips should be flexed at 30 degrees, knees bent 60 degrees, and ankles flexed 25 degrees in order to generate the most power without injuring your knees. Be careful that your knees don't point inwards in a "knock knee" position; they should be positioned over the second toe. Have your arms at your sides.
Push your body up with your legs, springing off the balls of your feet. Simultaneously swing your hands up into the air, towards the ceiling, for additional momentum and Breathe out when you're doing the motion (like when you lift weights).
Land smoothly: When you land, land on the balls of your feet and then roll smoothly onto your heels. Bend your knees to absorb the shock.
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