Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Hip and Knee Joint Pains

The occurrence of hip and knee pain together can be excessively inconvenient, which can badly affect the usual activities of the body; such as standing, running and walking. The knee and the hip joint are two of the most important joints of the body. Both joints are situated at the ends of the thigh bone. These joints work together to give support to the whole body weight. At the same time, these joints are responsible for sustaining the movement of our body. Any kind of pressure on the hip joint will definitely affect the knee joint. Also, if the knee joint experiences any kind of disorder, the hip joint will be affected. Hip and knee pain ranges from mild, moderate to severe. It may last for a short period of time or may be chronic lasting for days, weeks or months.


The following are some common causes of hip and knee pain.
1. Bone fracture: Sharp pains usually occur when the bones in the hip and knee are broken. Broken bones in these joints can occur due to shock, such as bad fall. This problem is common with elderly people because they are more fragile due to age.
2. Muscle strain: Both the knee and hip areas include many muscles, and when these muscles are overworked they get strained causing sharp pain in the affected regions. This problem often occurs when one engages in a strenuous physical activity without adequate warming of the muscles.
3. Osteoarthritis: The hip and knee joints consist of a tender tissue known as cartilage which promotes smooth mobility of the joint. When this tissue gets worn out as a result of osteoarthritis, the bones of the joints will start rubbing against each other. This situation causes the joints to be stiff and very painful.
4. Bursitis: this condition causes pain around the knee cap and hip bone. It usually occur as a result inflammation of bursa; a fluid in the sac that provides protection to the joints and bones of hip and knee. The common symptom of this problem is hip and knee pain with a particular sleeping position.
5. Pregnancy: pregnancy can also cause hip and knee pain due to a change in body structure. The increase in the size and weight of the uterus puts more pressure on the knee. And as the abdominal muscles are excessively stretched, the hip muscles get strained. Due to these reasons, pregnant women often experience more hip and knee pain.


The cause of the pain will best determine the nature of the treatment to be taken. Therefore, it is very essential that you first seek professional advice from a physical therapist, a gym instructor or a fitness trainer before indulging in any treatment for hip and knee pain. Proper rest will be of a great advantage in easing of muscle pain. Limiting physical activities can as well help to stop pain from getting bad. Ice can also be applied to reduce the swelling effect on the joints. Pregnant women should apply heat or seek for therapeutic massage to relax the muscle.

Once the pain is reduced, muscle strengthening exercises should be applied to completely get rid of the problem. Some of the exercises you can opt for are hamstring stretching, hip flexors stretch, swimming, water aerobics, Pilates, cycling, weight machines, walking etc.

With strict adherence to the some of these exercises recommended to you by your physical therapist or fitness trainer you can effectively get rid of hip and knee pain and at the same time protect your joint from further injury.

NAFC Master Level Certified personal trainer Rochelle Gravance knows how to deal with knee pain. She combines her expert knowledge from more than a decade's work developing her clients' health and fitness with the personal experience as a young athlete in recovering from a devastating knee injury to help people lost their knee pain. Escape from the costly and risky path towards knee surgery peddled by the medical establishment. Visit Rochelle's website now at to take back control of your health.

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