As a fighter you understand the necessity for power and endurance. These are two traits that you can't do without when it comes down to getting in the ring to knock someone's head off, or to execute a submission. As a fighter you have to have the physical prowess of both power and endurance and this is why I am here to talk to you about kettlebell jerks.
Body Hardening Exercises For Fighters!
Kettlebell jerks are a great way for you to condition your body in order to jump into the ring. This particular lift has several variations, but for the sake of this article I will only discuss one. The short cycle jerk is an amazing lift for you to achieve a super powerful core, a strong back, powerful shoulders, and the cardio to maintain a high level of intensity for minutes on end which is essential in or out of the ring!
So what is the short cycle jerk? Well, in order to pull this lift off you will need the availability of at least a single kettlebell of moderate resistance to start. For beginners make sure to practice with a lighter bell before moving on to a heavy one. The short cycle begins with you standing with your feet at about shoulder width distance apart in length. From here you are going to properly clean and rack the bell at your chest and then follow up with a series of jerk presses. The short cycle only involves a single clean and then is followed up with a series of jerks, unlike the long cycle variation which involves a clean or swing clean movement between each and every jerk press.
In order to perform the jerk you are going to execute a "knee dip" by actually flexing at the knees first as you roll up onto the balls of your feet. Here there is only a mild flexion of the hip to start. As you roll up onto the balls of your feet you are going to simultaneously start to raise the bell above your head with it's building momentum. As the bell rises make sure to fully roll up onto the balls of your feet and simply press your heels down flat on the ground to push your body "away" from the kettlebell that is rising overhead. From here all you have to do is stand up to lock out with the bell above your head. This is a terrific body hardening drill for both MMA and other athletes to ready themselves for competition.
If you haven't already started to implement the kettlebell jerks into your fighting strength program then your program is lacking my friend. Get ahead of your competition by accessing more of my articles on the subject for free. Remember that any fighter can train hard, but only the champions train smart!
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