In order to understand and identify the best places to punch someone for a fast knockout we need to first understand what is the physiological cause of percussion knockouts. The fastest way to achieve an effective knockout involves inducing a rapid drop in the pressure of the blood supply to the brain.
Two very effective methods of achieving this are:
1) A rapid and forceful strike to the head such that the skull is rotated rapidly. The inertia of the brain contained within the skull causes it to lag behind in the rotation and this appears to cause a drop in blood pressure that produces unconsciousness.
2) Interrupting the blood flow to the brain by striking the carotid artery or heart.
Before we look at these methods in depth should also consider extending the definition of punch to other striking methods as the term punch is most often related to the fist. A punch is any thrusting movement and will include the use of palm heel strikes, elbows and even knees. Now, with this assumptions in mind, let us consider the best places to punch someone for a fast knockout by firstly examining the forceful rotation of the head.
The skull is basically a sphere and needs to be struck at points that will bring about a violent movement of the skull such that the brain cannot keep pace with the movement due to its inertia or is bounced against the inside of the skull resulting in a sudden drop in blood pressure.
The best target is the jaw as it provides a very good lever for spinning the head. Striking the chin sideways, upward or downward will produce a very strong and fast rotation. This can be executed with the fist, palm-heel, elbow and even the forearm. By far the most powerful way with the arms is the use of the elbow.
Two of the most powerful striking methods with the elbow strike is either horizontal or downward diagonally striking with the elbow to the head at such an angle that it brings about a rapid twisting jolt of the
If we include knees in our definition of punches then the knee is the best followed by the elbow. Striking the skull upwards at the rear under the occipital lobe with a palm-heel will also produce a rapid knockout.
Another method that sometimes bring about a knockout although, in my experience, not as reliable when used on a strong or very fit subject is the strike to the heart or side of the neck. This momentarily interferes with the flow of blood to the brain, again causing a drop in blood pressure that brings about unconsciousness.
When the side of the neck or the heart is struck with either the side of the hand or fist respectively a change in blood pressure can be also be produced that will produce a knockout. While the strike to the heart is more likely to bring about a knockout the strike to the neck is less likely.
This strike is often the strike used in the so called pressure and nerve point knockouts that are promoted by members of the pressure point knockout community. I have been the recipient of one of these supposed attempts by one of their leading practitioners, George Dilman, and it failed to knock me out, I was not even stunned. The method also required my cooperation for the set up, a situation that is not available in a real fight.
Upon consulting with my physiology professor it was suggested that the method being used would have simply resulted from a back pressure wave being produced by the strike to the carotid artery that was relayed back to the pressure sensors in the atrium of the heart. The feedback nerve loop to the brain would have resulted in the ventricle reducing the pumping pressure in response to a potential rise in bold pressure.
This in turn results in a drop in pumping pressure and resultant drop in blood pressure that produces a potential for unconsciousness. No fancy combinations of nerve strikes, blockages of Chi, death touches or secret techniques; just basic physiology.
So, in summary, the best place to punch someone for a fast knockout is skull in a manner that produces a rapid rotation or jolt, with the best specific target being the jaw because of it's lever potential.
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