Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Knee Pain Relief - Bursitis Pain - What You Can Do About it - Knee Braces That Help Support

What Is A Bursa?

A bursa is a fluid filled sac which is located between tissues like muscles, bones, skin and tendons. Plural form of bursa = bursae. These bursae provide cushioning for movement and pressure. While a healthy bursa creates a smooth gliding surface that can make movement normally painless, an inflamed bursa can feel quite different.

What is Bursitis?

Bursitis refers to inflammation of a bursa. Some symptoms of bursitis include pain, swelling, and tenderness; all pain localized to and around the area of the bursa. Most commonly, bursitis is found in adults, especially for those over 40 years of age. Local inflammation and chronic irritation associated with bursitis can develop from repetitive trauma. The prepatellar (above the knee or patella) bursa is the most commonly affected and when inflamed is called "housemaid's knee." The bursa develops within the first years of life as a result of mechanical pressure and friction, and it serves the purpose of reducing friction on underlying structures and allowing maximal range of motion in the knee. Aseptic prepatellar bursitis can develop for a individual in a kneeling position who is doing work, hence the name of the condition: "housemaid's knee".

How Does A Bursa Become Inflamed And How Is It Treated?

In many cases, you will probably be able to treat bursitis at home (see your physician for your particular situation). Some ways an individual can avoid bursitis is to stay in shape, and to work out moderately (overuse is a common cause of bursitis). Make sure to stretch before and after workouts, and mix up your routine. While kneeling, the use of cushions can help reduce the chances of developing bursitis.

Treatment of a non-infected bursa involves the discontinuation of the irritating activity. Rest is important. Knee braces can also aid in the recovery of bursitis. While they do not cure an individual with bursitis, they can help reduce the pain associated with this condition. For example, when a painful movement from side to side occurs (or in any direction) this may continue to irritate or inflame the bursa, a knee brace can serve as an assistive adjunct to your recovery. The knee brace will help prevent those movements that can irritate your condition, and can therefore can help reduce your pain.

Do not look back, wishing you would have looked into the support a knee brace can provide.

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