Monday, August 19, 2013

Having Fibromyalgia After Hysterectomy Surgery - Their Relationship With Candida

This article is suitable for those suffer from fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) after having a hysterectomy, because I will try to show and explain a good case of my friend, Linda. She developed FMS after having a hysterectomy. She believes that there is a connection between fibromyalgia, the endocrine system and candida. Also, she suspected that the FMS is triggered by the surgery itself, along with drastic drop in hormone production immediately following bilateral salpingo oophorectomy (BSO). So she asked me about that condition. I think this case is not so uncommon out there, so I hope this will help you understand how to deal with it.

If you suspect a drop in hormone levels, you must have them tested. My symptoms also began after a "hormone event" namely the birth of twins and a tubal ligation. After two years of searching, Medical Doctors, alternative practitioners, anti candida diet, Nystatin and the Mayo clinic, I was just diagnosed with adrenal suppression and across the board low hormone levels.

I've just started a hormone replacement regime (using natural hormones) that I hope will put me back on the road to good health. If you suspect hormone problems it might be a good idea to get them tested and interpreted by someone knowledgeable.

I read a book called From Fatigued to Fantastic (a manual for moving beyond chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia) by Jacob Teitelbaum, MD that not only lists what areas should be tested but also how they should be interpreted and treated. In his book he also talks about yeast, parasites and all sorts of things that can cause problems with a self scoring questionairre to help you determine what the problem might be.

At this point, I'm going to take a break from this list and give this a try.

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