Thursday, June 13, 2013

White Bread and Its Evil Counter Parts

If you are in the midst of learning how to eat healthy, in the process of developing a healthy eating plan, you need to pay close attention to the bread that you select as part of your diet. In this regard, you will want to know the pros and cons of eating white bread versus wheat bread. Through this article, you are provided some basic information in regard to the white bread versus wheat bread "debate." Once armed with this information you will be better able to ascertain which type of bread will be the best addition to your overall efforts aimed at how to eat healthy in the 21st century.

Of course, for many people today the most immediate task when it comes to developing health eating plans is the need to lose weight. In this regard, one of the goals is to make sure you determine appropriate calories to eat to lose weight. In other words, you need to pay attention to the sources in which you obtain calories in your daily diet and the amount of calories that you actually do intake.

Perhaps the most important factor that you need to understand and appreciate about white bread when determining what are healthy foods to eat is that white bread typically contains a surprising amount of refined sugar. Without exception, experts in the field of diet and nutrition universally agree that refined sugar is not something that a person needs as part of a healthy diet. In the end, refined sugar contributes nothing positive to a diet and should be severely limited or restricted all together. A fine place to work to reduce the consumption of refined sugar is in the breads that you select to eat on a regular basis.

In addition to refined sugar, white bread contains what is known as "bleached" flour. This type of flour really has almost no nutritional value. Moreover, it is lacking in the beneficial fiber that is contained in whole grains or even wheat that is not highly processed and refined as is the case in white bread.

In light of the problems that are inherent in white bread, there actually are some benefits that can be derived from wheat bread (including assistance with what may be your own personal plea of "help me lose weight"). Of course, you need to make certain that you are purchasing and eating true whole wheat bread as opposed who what very well may be white bread by another name and look. (There is so-called "wheat bread" on the market today that really is nothing more than white bread in disguise.)

Many healthy eating books and the experts who write them maintain that whole wheat and whole grain bread provide a number of dietary and health benefits. First, this type of bread provides to you necessary dietary fiber. The fact is that many people do not get enough fiber in their diets in this day and age. When it comes to healthy eating generally and even the need to lose weight more specifically, consuming the appropriate amount of fiber each and every day is a must.

In addition, whole wheat bread lacks the harmful refined sugar that is a staple in white bread. Again, healthy eating and dieting depends upon an elimination of unnecessary refined sugar from the diet. Finally, wheat bread generally is lower in calories than its white bread counterpart. Therefore, you do not consume empty calories when you select wheat bread.

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