Thursday, June 27, 2013

Self Help For Fibroids Symptoms

Depending whereabouts your fibroids are and how large they are, they may be causing you some unpleasant problems. You can use self help for fibroids symptoms and this is an option many women will try. Although doctors often seem a little unhelpful as far as fibroids are concerned, this is because fibroids are rarely dangerous and will shrink eventually when the menopause comes around.

Relieving fibroids symptoms can sometimes not only help alleviate your discomfort, but can sometimes have the knock-on effect of helping with shrinkage.

Heavy Blood Flow

Menstrual blood can be very heavy when you have fibroids. Taking vitamins A, C and E plus Folic Acid, Vitamin B12 and Iron can all help. Anti-inflammatory drugs (without steroids) can also help to reduce blood loss.

General Pain and Cramps

Heat therapy can be a very good method of self help for fibroids symptoms-try using a hot water bottle or microwaveable heat pad on your abdomen. Place a pillow under the knees when you are lying down or alternatively lie on your side, pulling your knees up to your chest. Many women find that exercise can help as it improves blood flow which can help with pain.

Frequent Urination

This is often caused by one large, or a group of fibroids pushing down on the bladder. Always remember to urinate before leaving the house and wear a light pad if you know it is likely to cause a problem during the day when you are out and about.

Hemorrhoids and Constipation

Fibroids pressing onto the bowel can cause both of these issues. Making changes to your diet can really help. Drinking enough fluid is very important and you should ensure you drink a minimum of 2 liters of filtered water each day. Eating lots of fresh fruits and vegetables can soften stools and make them easier to pass. Also, eating plenty of wholegrains will also help to bulk out the stools.

If you are prepared to take matters into your own hands and take charge of your own healing, you can not only help to relieve your symptoms, but you can get rid of your fibroids altogether using a natural system.

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