Monday, May 20, 2013

Using Social Security to Benefit You After Knee Surgery

Having to go through knee replacement surgery is hard enough without worrying about the expenses that you will incur and whether you'll receive any benefits from Social Security. Before you have your surgery you will need to find out whether benefits could be available. Not all states consider knee replacement surgery a disability so getting the proper information is critical beforehand. You could be a candidate for Social Security benefits to help defray the cost of the surgery as well. Learn what kind of application process is involved towards receiving benefits.

If after six months you are still unable to be mobile you could qualify for Social Security benefits for being disabled. If you have a history of knee arthritis you could receive Social Security benefits as well. You will need to consult with a lawyer specializing in disabilities to see if you can qualify and apply for these benefits. A skilled lawyer will know what you are going through and how to get the benefits you deserve, especially if you have been denied in the past. Remember, claims made by people with attorneys have an increased chance of getting the benefits they need over people who are unrepresented. A lawyer can help you file the correct papers with the proper authorities.

With arthritis, the loss of the range of motion will dictate if you may qualify for certain benefits. You may even qualify for knee arthritis surgery. The National Institutes of Health have determined that paying out for surgery could be less than the expected payout of disability benefits over the expected lifetime of the patient. Having surgery can improve the life of an individual 85% - 90% so that paying out disability benefits would not have to be an issue. Again, hiring a lawyer specializing in disability and Social Security insurance could be a great benefit to you if he finds that you are eligible. After possibly years of living with painful knees and the inability to walk, you should not have to worry about whether you will be financially compensated. Give yourself some piece of mind.

If you have become disabled due to arthritis, knee surgery or a lack of mobility, you may have a right to disability insurance from the Social Security Association. Do not let a lack of information hold you back from getting the benefits you deserve, find out all that you can about how to make your quality of life better and how to be financially secured when the need for knee replacement surgery becomes a reality. You are not alone with your suffering. Learn more at

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