Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Knee Pain When Walking - Symptoms and Treatment Options For Your Knees - Special Report on Braces

Knee Pain While Walking - Treatment Options

As you already know, the knee is an exposed joint. Whenever you move, it takes on stress. It does not matter if you are walking, running, jumping etc. Even if you have never had any sort of incident where your knees were hurt, many individuals can suffer from moderate to severe knee discomfort due to wear and tear.

1.) Diagnosing The Cause of The Problem

We do not recommend self diagnosis. Save this job for your doctor. Once you go and see them, a physician will begin with some initial questions and make some observations about your condition... The physician will ask you about:

A.) Your medical history
B.) Your age
C.) They will want to know if you are having pain, and where it is located before, during and after walking
D.) Was their an incident that caused the pain, or did it come on more gradually
E.) When do you feel the pain the worst and what triggers the discomfort

2.) Typical Symptoms Associated to Knee Problems

A.) A locking sensation (Where you can not fully move your knee in a normal range of motion)
B.) A Popping or grinding feeling in the joint
C.) Your knee is unstable and may feel like it will give out
D.) It hurts to either partially weight bear, or pain comes in full weight bearing on the joint
E.) Edema (collection of fluid around the joint)
G.) The pain gets worse as you move in activities of daily living (walking, climbing stairs etc)

3.) Some Possible Reasons Why You Have Knee Discomfort While Walking

A.) Tendonitis - Literally, an inflammation of a tendon. Overuse, swelling in the knee joint, or pain while climbing stairs or when walking or running, may all be symptoms of tendonitis.

B.) Injuries to Your Meniscus - Meniscus injuries are also a common problem for individuals. You have 2 meniscii; one on the inside and outside of your knee joint (unless an abnormality left you with one or less... ) Severe pain, swelling and locking sensation while moving your knee may result with a meniscus injury.

C.) Ligament Tears: If you have ever heard a "pop" or your twisted your knee you may have injured one of your knee ligaments. The ACL, MCL, PCL and LCL are the four major knee ligaments. If injured you may swelling and instability. Sometimes people claim to have a sensation like their knee will give out from underneath them.

4.) Treatment Options

A.) Surgery: If the case is bad enough, you may need surgery. There are several treatment options that your physician will probably try first, to avoid having to go to the operating room.

B.) Rest & Ice: We all have heard of this treatment method. It has worked for many people, but the problem with rest is that it usually takes a while for something to heal, if it is injured. Many of us get restless and want to get active again before the injury may be healed. - Ice is also good for initial pain control and swelling issues. It has its place.

C.) Knee Braces for Support, Pain Reduction & Protection: If you have knee pain while walking you should consider one of these supports. Many people will tell us in a clinical setting that their pain reduces the moment they apply the brace, and their knee feels more secure. They are not bulky or heavy as some people might think. Improved support can mean protection for your internal structures as well.

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