Saturday, March 30, 2013

Knee Blow-Out Causes Excruciating Pain

Have you ever been riding down the road in a truck and had a tire blow out? It is definitely no fun and knee pain from a blown out knee is no fun either. The question is: "What caused the blow out, in both the tire and the knee; and, could it have been prevented". The answer is yes, but not in all cases. You see, it is basically the same conditions that caused the blow out in the tire that caused the blow out in the knee: age, wear and tear, and possible overloaded (in other words: too much weight) are the major contributing factors. We have control over some of these factors, but not all. Age, we have no control over, but we can affect HOW we age. Wear-And-Tear, we have some control over. As far as being overloaded, we have control over our weight except in some medical conditions.

Lets discuss each one individually:

Age - We all hope we live long enough to get old. As someone told me one time: "Getting old sure beats the heck out of not getting old". The alternative to getting old is, as they say, pushing up daisies.

Wear and Tear - What we eat has an effect on all of our joints, including the knee joint, and whether we have knee joint pain or not. We've all heard the saying, "An apple a day will keep the doctor away". Australian researchers have found that eating an apple a day may just keep the doctor away. Truly another example of the wisdom of our mothers when they told us to eat our fruit and vegetables and we will grow up healthy. Basically we need to consume natural foods, i.e. fruits and vegetables, that increase our levels of vitamin "C" and certain carotenoids, and stay away from foods. More on that in another article.

Overloaded or Overweight - The very first thing you need to do to cure knee pain is to lose weight. Being overweight has many disadvantages, but one of the major disadvantages is that your knee is forced to carry more weight than it wants to. Carrying extra weight can result in acute knee pain. Being overweight increases your chances of suffering from osteoarthritis and other body problems as well. Once you lose weight, your knees will have less load to carry and gradually you will be able to eliminate some of the knee pain. We have vitamins and nutrients that will help you lose weight and help you keep the weight off.

Supplements - Hyauloric Acid (HA) provides lubrication to maintain moisture and function in moving tissues, resulting in pain-free joint movement and a healthy,more moisturized skin. Think of it another way; its similar to taking your car to the garage and getting it serviced. A good garage will always grease the joints in your automobile to keep them from getting dry. If the moving joints in the automobile are allowed to get dry and to rub against each other, there is excessive wear and tear on the joints, and they start scraping against each other grinding the joints down. The joints then have to be replaced. The same for your knee joints. The scraping of joints against each other causes friction. wearing them down creating joint pain. The nutritional formula in our supplement moisturizes the joints and tissues which results in pain-free joint movement and gives cartilage and other tissues their remarkable shock absorbing properties.

As you get older, age greatly contributes to your body not producing adequate amounts of collagen and HA, which leads to rapid aging and deterioration, along with joint pain, inflammation, and loss of elasticity and moisture in the skin. The proteins the body needs and is not now producing need to be replaced by taking vitamin supplements aimed specifically toward these problems.

I have helped many people rid themselves of knee pain over the years and I am ready to help you to get exciting results and start enjoying life again without knee pain.

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