Monday, October 14, 2013

10 Million Americans Have Osteoarthritis of the Knee

According to Medical News Today, you have some options:

If you're among the estimated 10 million Americans who have been diagnosed with osteoarthritis of the knee, take heart in knowing that several nonsurgical options, pharmacologic and otherwise, are available for easing the pain of an arthritic knee, according to Cleveland Clinic's Arthritis Advisor. In addition to the judicious use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and corticosteroids, options include weight control, leg-strengthening exercises, and the use of assistive devices, such as a cane or walker.

Knee braces are also being advertised as helping to relieve knee pain of all sorts. It is logical that a brace would be effective if you have stability problems such as ligament damage and you don't want to add to existing injury. However there is disagreement as to the actual results of braces and whether or not they are the answer.

An article in American Family Physician, January of 2000, we read this: Methods of preventing and treating knee injuries have changed with the rapid development and refinement of knee braces. .... However, no conclusive evidence supports their effectiveness, and they are not recommended for regular use.

Well folks, that leaves us with the prospect of getting a cane, using a walker, having knee replacement surgery, (and now they are saying that is being done too much!), or trying a brace, or taking good old pain killers. Not much for options that sound appealing to me, how about you?

Fortunately there is another option that not enough people talk about or are even aware it is an option and that is helping our bodies heal from the inside out. How can that be? Your body is a miracle and knows how to heal itself but it does need the proper fuel or nutrition in order to do so. What if we could find the right combination of fruits, vegetables, grains, etc. that would promote knee and all joint healing? That would probably take years and then would be just luck if you happened onto it.

To our benefit there are nutrition scientists who have done all of that work for us and put it into a bottle of juice that we can just drink 4 oz. of each day. I have gone from chronic knee and back pain and 40 ibuprofen every week to having no pain whatsoever! Yes, just by drinking 4oz of this product everyday. If you would like to see what it can do for you please contact me soon. What do you have to lose? Pain?

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