Saturday, June 15, 2013

Permanent Solution To Cure Arthritis

Arthritis is a disorder of the joints. The word "arthritis" is a Greek Words "Arthon" which means joint and "Itis", which means inflammation.

That goes to mean that arthritis is the inflammation of joints which a lot of people will experience in their life time. There are hundred types of joint disorder and they are all related. This means everyone will experience joint pain at some time of their life but you may not know when it will be your turn.

Arthritis is usually characterized by pain, swelling and stiffness which can lead to deformity. Sometimes it can also be called rheumatism which is a term use commonly to describe aches and pains in muscles and joints.

A joint is where two bones meet. There are immobile and mobile joints. Immobile joints are referred to as inflexible and semi-inflexible joint of the body. These joints does not move much as they have no cavity, e.g. head and spinal cord.

Mobile joints are the flexible joints of the body; for example the shoulder, knee, waist, toe, finger, etc. They all have a cavity.

There are different type of Arthritis:

1. Osteoarthritis is the most common type that almost everyone will experience at some point of their lives. This is because it is a degeneration or wearing out of joint due to old age, over-exertion or injury. This type of arthritis affects the mobile joints of the body and can be due to wear and tear, heredity or excessive stress on dislocated joint, not properly healed injured joint and overweight that put extra weight on those hips and knees.

Those who stand for longer hours every day are prone to pain on the knees. And those whose occupation requires lifting heavy objects are prone to waist pain which is usually called lumbago.

2. Rheumatoid Arthritis
This is an inflammation of the same joints on the two sides of the body e.g. say you experience a pain in the right knee or shoulder on one side, it will still be showing up at the other side. The pain or symptoms tend to come and go. This is more common between the age of 25 and 55. Infants can also experience this type of arthritis.

This type is usually caused by viruses that live in the body for a long time undetected and never treated. It can be cause by immune-deficiency syndrome, a situation where the anti-bodies that was suppose to fight against foreign agents begin to attack the tissues of the joint which cause inflammation and pain.

Early Signs Of Rheumatoid Arthritis

Pain and stiffness in one or two joints like the hands and feet and the pain come and go. It is usually worst in the morning and wears off during the day. As this progress, the pain and inflammation becomes more painful and starts to spread to other parts of the body such as the elbows, knees, hips, waist, ankles, shoulders and neck. It can make the person weak, tired, feverish and pale plus the eyes become dry due to a reduction in tears. The mouth also becomes dry due to reduction of salivary fluid and lack of appetite which can be followed by weight loss.

How To Eradicate Arthritis Pain

To treat arthritis and eradicate the pain, the aims are:
1. To strengthen the bones
2. Repair damaged joint tissues e.g. the cartilage
3. Strengthen the immune system against bacteria and viruses
4. Eradicate the pain symptoms

To achieve these aims, diet is very important. Processed or refined food and drinks like sugar, cold foods, biscuits and ice-cream or coffee must be avoided. Smoking and alcohol of all kinds must be avoided.

Take plenty of water upon rising up daily and use fruits for breakfast. Fruits and certain vegetables can help mops off uric acids deposited from the joints and help in the healing process.

Get the right bone supplements that can repair damaged cartilage (the damaging of the cartilage is what results in deformity or folding of body due to arthritis) and strengthen the immune system against bacteria and viruses.

Uttaranchal Tourism - Perfect Place For Adventure

Uttaranchal tourism is a must to be done at least once in a life. If you think of planning for adventurous vacation then it is the best place to go for. In this place all the sites and spots are been preserved to experience the adventure. Those who are adventure lovers and hikers they come down here for fun. It is a place where you can get fun and joy in one place. Uttaranchal tourism is the best option to go for it. In this place you can find many areas which are meant for adventure sports. When you visit those places you can see many sights seeing like greenery all over surrounded you, beautiful lakes and river flowing from Himalayas, stunning landscapes and mountains and lot more. It is preserved with various natural beauties and there are even breath taking sites. Many visitors both national and international visitors come here to experience their adventure vacation.

In the Indian culture it is the most famous place and also pure. Uttaranchal tourism can only be completed if one does not go for an adventure water sports. It has been nestled proudly on the earth with many sites. So pack up your bags and wear your sports shoes and get ready for the adventure ride in this place. Do trekking on the rugged mountains and the best place to do so it is at Garhwal Himalayas. This place offers several areas for trekking with groups, pairs or individual. Another best destination to trek is at Milam Glaciers. The best time to trek is in eth summer season or in winter to watch those beautiful glaciers. The activities one can get indulged in Uttaranchal tourism is the camp, hike, raft and lot more. If you want to do white river rafting then Bhrampuri River at Rishikesh is the best place to do. Raft on the rushing white water on high waves and make the worth of it.

Camp in the best river side or do paragliding in Uttaranchal. The best place to watch is at Bunder, Doonagiri, Gangotri, Dokrani and Khatling where you can see those amazing glaciers. The nearest hill station from here is Mussoorie, Lansdowne, Almora, Chamba and Mukteshwar. While exploring in Uttaranchal tourism don't forget to visit the most famous park that is Corbett National Park and Nanda Devi National Park. In Nanda Park you can see the second highest peak in India with 7817 meters. Experience the wildlife in this park and have a closure look of the wild animals preserved in it. Explore in this park by jeep and other various safaris. Really it is a worth to experience the Uttaranchal tourism in life which will give other take of it. Definitely once you visit here you will have a memorable vacation with family and friends. There are many temples present here which the part of Indian culture is. Other than that you can accommodate yourself best hotels located in Uttaranchal tourism.

The Greatest Sciatic Pain Treatment Exercise Ever

Are You Looking for Fast Sciatic Pain Treatment?

Of course you are, this stuff hurts. Up until now, you have probably thought that you were going to be stuck 'riding it out' when that pain hit. That you would just have to grin and bear it until the pain decided to take mercy on you and leave on it's own.

This is no way to live. Thankfully, you don't have to live this way anymore.

Yes, this pain is almost unbearable. Yes, this is the kind of pain that you plan your life around. Yes, this pain completely and utterly stinks.

But there is a light at the end of this miserable tunnel. There is a way to stop this pain when it starts. A way to find real and fast relief. And the best part is that you don't even have to leave the house for it.

That sure beats going to the doctors or pharmacy for pain medicine doesn't it?

The Fast and Easy Sciatic Nerve Pain Exercise - guaranteed to knock your socks off and scare your pain away.

1 - lie on your back (how many exercises start off this nicely?)

2 - have your knees bent and feet on the floor

3 - bring your knees up to your chest as far as you can (don't be a superhero, if your pain gets worse, don't go any further. The worst thing you want to do is find yourself in more pain).

4 - use your abs to raise your booty off of the floor slightly.

Your aim is just to raise and lower. This will stretch out your back muscles without making them angry. Stretching these muscles is very important because it takes pressure off of the sciatic nerve.

Try to start with 5 -10 reps. You can add more or do less depending on what your pain level requires.

What You Should Know About Lift Chair Recliners

Lift chair recliners, also known as rise chair recliners, are a form of mobility equipment. These chairs were designed for the sole purpose of assisting the weak and disabled who find it difficult to sit in a chair and get up out of it.

There are three settings in it. The user can be assisted into a seated position, an upright position or a fully reclined position. Lift chairs have the same appearance as any other ordinary chair; only, they have a few additional components.

When a person wants to get up out of the chair, a button is pressed which uses the motor to tilt the chair in an upright position. When attempting to sit down, the weight of the body causes the motor to lower the chair. A motor can also activate the foot rest to elevate and place the person in a reclined position. Reclining lift chairs are plugged into an outlet but also have a battery in cases where the electricity goes out.

When people have a hard time getting into a chair or re-assuming a standing from seated position, they tend to become inactive. Inactivity or immobilization promotes further weakness and other secondary complications. Many different population groups can benefit from using lift chair recliners. People who suffer from arthritis will present with increased pain and stiffness when getting up from a chair, especially in the morning. Those with neck and back ailments are also advised to use less taxing ways of getting around. Much of the stress of bearing the body's weight can be reduced in people who underwent hip or knee surgery or have degenerative joint disease.

Lift chair recliners not only benefit the disabled person; it can even help the health care professionals treating the patient. Health care workers such as caregivers and private nurses can use chairs that lift the patient automatically. Even when these professionals are trained to use proper body mechanics when lifting, the labor-intensive task can still cause back pain. Using lift chairs does not cause strain and it also saves time for the health care provider, allowing more time to be spent on other treatments.

It can be ordered in different colors, shapes and sizes. Most sizes range from Small to Extra-extra-large. The largest size can be ordered to accommodate obese individuals. When purchasing a lift chair, it is important to know both the weight and the height of the user. The small size can comfortably fit a person who is less than 5' 4'' in height.

The chairs may also come with additional features like a heat and massage setting for added comfort. Cup holders and areas for storage are available. Some models have hand controls for more convenience. When arranging lift chair recliners in a room, it is important to remember that an appropriate amount of space be provided. The lift chair should be able to operate in all positions without coming in contact with other pieces of furniture.

Knee Injury - Ligaments in Action

Sports injury accounting for meniscus or ligament injuries of the knee are common owing to high activity levels. Usually, the patient is a young adult presenting with acute onset pain and swelling of the knee, with sensation of give way while climbing up or downstairs.Young patients often wish to pursue active sports, which makes newer research into the treatment modalities, a prime necessity.

Meniscus Injuries usually present with knee effusion, may cause locking episodes and/or persistent pain along the joint line. Patient usually complain of inability to put full weight over the affected limb. The medial or the inner side meniscus is more prone to injury owing to specific anatomy and peripheral attachments. Ligaments that stabilize the knee include the Anterior and Posterior Cruciate ligaments. They prevent abnormal translation between the Tibia (leg bone) and Femur (thigh bone). An injury to the ligaments may cause a feeling of give way.

The diagnosis can be ascertained with reasonable certainty using Magnetic Resonance Imaging. However, sometimes the findings may not be confirmatory, and an arthroscopy of the joint is required. Knee arthroscopy may be performed both to diagnose and to treat the condition.

Meniscus tears at some location, and if presenting within a week may be repaired using arthroscopic techniques. This provides good long term results. If presenting late, or extensive tear, the torn portion is resected by arthroscopic technique, leaving a thin intact rim. Meniscus tears, if not treated properly have been known to contribute to development of arthritis.

Ligament tears may be treated with physiotherapy or surgical intervention. Tears associated with bony island should be treated surgically on urgent basis. Mid-substance tears do not heal by themselves, and need reconstruction. Ligament reconstructions should be delayed for 4-6 week, and aggressive physiotherapy should be done in the meantime.

Anteior Cruciate Ligament reconstruction is one of the commonly performed surgeries by Orthopaedic surgeons handling sports injuries. It can be reconstructed using tendons from the inner aspect of knee or from the patellar ligament (knee cap region). Both offer equally satisfying results, however Patellar tendon bone graft offers better biological bone to bone incorporation. Meniscus transplants from cadaver donors is the new technology in the closet.

Patients usually require a 6 month period before they can get back to contact sports, with prolonged supervised intensive physiotherapy. Important to understand that, not all patients with Meniscus tear or ligament tear need surgery. However, timely performed arthroscopy helps in early rehabilitation.

Degenerative Knee Changes - The Creature That Torments You - Support Those Painful Knees!

Are you tired of knee pain?

You should be. Let's talk about some ways to get help you get rid of it!

Degenerative knee changes are associated with knee osteoarthritis, which is the most common type of arthritis affecting approximately 20 million Americans. This debilitating condition is characterized by progressive and slow deterioration of the knee causing irreversible damage to your hyaline articular cartilage. It can accompanied by excruciating pain and can lead to an eventual deformity in the affected knee. This deformity can also be problematic for your knee's alignment.

Osteoarthritis is also predicated by other symptoms including joint stiffness and impairment in your normal range motion. Its incidence is influenced by age, weight problems and injuries caused by accidents or other anomalies that affect normal knee functions.

Primary Treatment Options for Degenerative Knee Changes

1.) Exercise: Exercise may be one of the single most important element of your treatment regiment for degenerative knee changes. The appropriate exercise routines can help maintain normal joint motion and reduce the common symptoms associated with arthritis. These exercise routines are generally low impact, non-weight bearing routines designed to maintain muscle support along the knee joint (Speak with your physician about your specific exercise program).

2.) Injections: Injection procedures are primarily performed to help relieve the pain associated to the knee to help restore function. These procedures are generally simple and relatively painless. The beneficial effects of this procedure will last for a few days to a few weeks depending on the severity of the problem. An arthritic patient may receive 3-5 injections a year.

3.) Medication: Your orthopedic physician may also prescribe anti-inflammatory medications to manage the pain that is associated with osteoarthritis.

4.) Knee Replacement: Knee replacement will only be considered as one of the treatment options for degenerative knee changes when the other options have proven to be ineffective or have stopped giving satisfactory results. Moreover all patients who have pain are not considered suitable candidates for surgery.

5.) Arthroscopy: Arthroscopy is a less invasive surgical alternative to knee replacement. Alternatively referred to as knee scope, this procedure is done primarily to relieve the pain associated with arthritis. The procedure would involve small incisions around the knee where instruments and a camera are inserted to "clean the knee."

6.) Knee Braces: Well designed knee supports are also an effective element of the treatment regimen for degenerative knee changes. These braces, known as unloader braces, or OA braces and are designed to transfer the stress away from the affected point of the knee. This action "unloads" the knee and helps to maintain proper alignment. These supports should never be over looked because you can get them very quickly and they are extremely affordable these days. (Especially, when you compare their cost to an invasive surgical procedure.)

These all can be effective treatment options, but you should also talk with your physician about your specific medical treatment. Either way, knee supports among these other listed items can really be helpful because of the meaningful support that they provide. If you want to take your knee stability to the next level then you should check out a knee support today. You can get one quickly and they can be the turning point for your knee pain relief.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Will Vitamins Help Arthritis Suffering?

Studies concerning vitamins and arthritis suffering, positive results have been seen. Vitamins are not the only beneficial nutrients. Minerals and amino acids, as well as unique compounds such as glucosamine and SAM-e have been evaluated for their pain-relieving benefits.

2 Important Steps

Step One, of course, is to insure that you are getting all of the essential nutrients on a daily basis. That is difficult to do, without a good supplement. The value of the popular multi-vitamins is questionable, though, because they contain synthetics and the cheapest forms of the available nutrients. So, always shop for all-natural supplements. Plastic nutrients probably don't have much of an effect.

The Second Step for someone that has sore knuckles, general stiffness or a small amount of inflammation is omega-3 fish oil. Fish oil has been used for hundreds of years to relieve the pain associated with osteoarthritis. Modern day studies have shown that it is beneficial for the rheumatoid type, too.

Scientific comparisons have shown that some fish oils have more anti-inflammatory activity than others. So, look for a supplement company that has had their fish oil tested for its inflammation fighting ability.

Mussel Power

Once you have the basics of a multi-nutritional formula and a good fish oil supplement, you might consider green lipped mussel powder, which is another natural anti-inflammatory. The mussels contain a variety of nutrients important to joint and bone health.

Some of the studies concerning vitamins and arthritis suffering in the knee joints have looked at the value of natural vitamin E and glucosamine sulfate. Although glucosamine has been recommended for years as a dietary supplement for rheumatoid and osteoarthritis, researchers are still debating the effectiveness of the treatments.

This and other studies have confirmed that it is the type of glucosamine used in the studies that accounts for the varied results. Glucosamine sulfate is far more effective than glucosamine hydrochloride. But, since both have a beneficial effect, some of the better manufacturers include both types in their supplements.

Vitamin Research Result

Studies concerning specific vitamins and arthritis suffering indicate that A, C, D and E may be beneficial, because they reduce the oxidative damage done by free radicals, and also because the body's natural antioxidant status decreases with age. In the study mentioned above, researchers concluded that 400mg of natural vitamin E (derived from palm oil) per day was just as effective as glucosamine sulfate.

To date, there have been no studies comparing the effectiveness of other nutrients, such as SAM-e and chondroitin. So, when it comes to vitamins and arthritis suffering, it is safe to say that a combination of ingredients (rather than a single vitamin like E) is the best choice.

3 Factors to Seriously Consider

If combined with a -
1. Healthy diet,
2. Regular physical activity and
3. Good dietary supplements can help repair damaged joints and reduce pain, while the healing process is ongoing. Some consumers say that the supplements are beneficial, even if they don't focus on what they eat or manage to get enough exercise.

If you decide that supplementation is the right choice for you, look for a brand that includes a number of natural anti-inflammatories, including turmeric, piperine and ginger. In studies concerning herbs, vitamins and arthritis suffering, those three spice extracts have proven to be most effective.

And now please visit the HealthyBodySupplements website listed below for more important information on Vitamins and Arthritis Suffering.

Do You Pronate Or Over-Pronate? That is the Question

I've Been Told my Feet Pronate, What Does Pronate Mean?

If you pronate it means you turn or rotate your foot inward when weight is applied. The heel bone angles and the arch tends to collapse, often causing a 'knock-kneed' position. To pronate is a normal motion of the foot that allows the foot to absorb shock as it hits the ground. However, when you pronate too much, the complete force of your weight is not properly distributed. When the arch collapses too much, it reaches its end point and no longer works to absorb impact.

Overpronation also places the joints, ligaments, tendons, muscles, and other soft tissues around the foot and ankle in a compromised position. This creates a mechanical problem with your walking cycle and alters alignment at the feet, knees, hips, and back. It can cause pain and problems in any of these areas.

What Harm Can Overpronation Do?

If you pronate too much while walking or standing, you are at risk for developing several conditions. These may include: foot pain, knee pain, shin splints, Achilles tendonitis, plantar fasciitis, heel spurs, back pain, and many others. People who pronate too much are often said to have flat feet and often experience overuse injuries such as stress fractures and tendonitis.

How Do I Know If I Pronate Too Much?

One sign that shows you may over-pronate is your shoe wear. Take a look at the inside of the shoe to see if there is more wear here than on the outside.

If you pronate too much your heel bone will appear angled with the inside of your ankle moving in over the inside of the heel. If you view your feet from the side, you can check to see if there is space between the arch and the floor or if the arch lays flat when you are standing. If it does lay flat, you have flattened arches and probably pronate too much. You will also see this with a wet footprint...your print should show a space for the arch. If it doesn't you probably over-pronate.

What Can I Do To Help If I Over-Pronate?

Often your doctor will prescribe orthotic insoles to help with your condition. Orthotic insoles work to correct abnormal foot motion and alignment. They are designed to prevent you from pronating too much. Foot orthotics designed for overpronation have a good arch support and usually tip your foot away from the pronated position. They are also firm enough that they do not collapse under your weight when you stand on them.

One of the most important decisions you can make is which footwear you choose. When choosing a shoe, make sure you choose one with very good support and a strong heel counter. This will help control the motion of your feet and help any orthotic insoles you may be using to do their job better.

Foot muscle strengthening exercises may also be helpful. A physiotherapist or physical therapist would be the best person to help you with these exercises.

If you pronate, but are not experiencing any symptoms, you may want to use over the counter orthotic insoles to control your pronation. Most over the counter foot orthotics are too soft to control movement and will allow pronation to occur, but there are some that are firm enough to help stop you from pronating. They may be very beneficial in preventing future problems caused by overpronation.

Perfecting the Pistol

Performing a perfect pistol is a skill. It is the essence of combining strength, mobility, and internal focus the master of the pistol creates a movement that looks effortless and crisp. Like kettlebell drills, the pistol is athletic and powerful. It is a must have for those who wish to be ultimately capable, resilient, and possess strength that is matched by mobility. Pistols are a perfect blend of balance, raw strength, and discipline. With that said, they must be earned.

Just like more advanced kettlebell drills, such as bent presses and windmills, pistols that are simply done to "see if I can do it" are dangerous and sloppy at best. As Pavel put so eloquently, most American's bodies, including athletes, are pretty "jacked up" to begin with. There is no question that the individual who can perform a perfect, smooth pistol without needing a counter-weight has an advanced set of physical and mental skills. This is exactly the reason why we take the time to master this movement.

After talking to Pavel at RKC II, I realized that my preparation for the Beast Tamer Challenge lead me to a unique and simple protocol to master the mechanics necessary to knock off a clean body weight pistol, especially the eccentric portion of the lift. Now, a "naked" pistol has become so easy and my joints feel so strong that pistols feel more effortless than pushups. Weighted pistols are even easier until a certain point. Perfecting the subtle difficulties of the pistol by being patient and having discipline leads to an uncommon combination of assets that directly translate into highly functional movement. Let me explain.

First of all, the obvious stuff. Don't even attempt a pistol if you don't routinely practice goblet/front squats. Without standard corrections such as creating space and length in the spine and hips at the bottom of your squat, stepping up to the pistol too soon will almost certainly lead to back and knee injuries. You need to feel comfortable, very strong, and confident that you can get your butt to your calves and keep an engaged lumbar spine with a wide stance and two legs before even considering trying a to squat down on one leg without the luxury of a wide knee to hip angle. Disciplined breath and cadence also play a huge role. Spend a lot of time perfecting front squats. I can't emphasize this enough.

Next, switch over to body weight, narrow stance front squats to work on the bottom position and the concentric portion of the pistol. Start with your feet touching and descend with straight arms until your butt touches your calves. Hold for a full second, and then come back up without rocking forward. This exercise will let you know if you are anywhere near ready to be safe in the bottom position of the pistol.

If you cannot keep your balance at the bottom, spend a couple weeks using a wedge under your feet and hold a light kettlebell or med ball while descending as far as possible. The wedge and counter-weight will help you feel comfortable and engaged in the bottom position. Hold downward dog position (yoga pose) or a supine hamstring stretch with a straight spine for 10 breaths/30 seconds before your next set. Never let your lower/mid back disengage to get down lower. If you have rock forward to get out of the hole, you went too low. You will get there with practice and patience. Developing the mobility needed in this position may take months, but these improvements will translate beautifully to injury prevention and athletic movements.

Once you feel good and comfortable with this exercise, alternate kicking one leg straight at the bottom of each rep without jumping. Work up to practicing a couple one leg concentric reps, but save the descent for the next step.

Lastly, work on the eccentric portion of the pistol (the descent). The biggest mistake a trainee can make when attempting the full pistol is recklessly dropping to the bottom position, destroying the knee in the process. Trust me; your knees will rebel if you don't take the time to gain control and strength. Here is what I did to learn to control my descent:

• Find something you can stack that is between 1.5-2 inches thick. I used puzzle mats that I use to teach BJJ on. 2x4 inch lumber works great as well.

• Stack them high enough so that they are at least up to mid-thigh. You will be doing 5 sets of 5 pistols per leg. Starting height depends on your starting strength, balance, and control.

• Perform 5x5 pistols/leg on week 1. Your descent should be as slow as possible and your butt should just "kiss" the stack. None of your weight will rest on the stack, but hover at this position for a full second before coming back up. You will feel all the muscles in your quads and glutes firing, improving your holding strength, and preparing your for the more difficult ranges of the pistol. Reach forward with straight arms as you descend, but don't lean forward. Pull yourself down with your hip flexors and make sure to reach the crown of your head toward the sky. Flex the quad of your opposite leg to signal your hamstring to release and keep your leg as straight as possible.

• Each week remove one piece of your stack, unless your form is anything less than perfect for all your reps. If your form, balance, or control gets sloppy, stick to that same height for another week or two. Maybe even work up to 5x5 by starting with 5x3 if you hit a sticky spot. Finish your pistol workout with at least one set of close stance front squats and hamstring and hip stretching. Your patience will be rewarded in the end.

• You will find the range of the pistol that is most difficult for strength will be about when your butt is even with your knee and +/- 6 inches. When you feel ultra comfortable in this range of motion, you are really making progress.

• Work down to the point where no stack is needed for 5x5. Make sure you never bounce at the bottom. Pretend like your calf is the stack...kiss, and then ascend. To your delight at this point, you will find holding a light to moderate sized kettlebell will make the pistol even easier!

Practicing the pistol in a safe manner will improve the health and injury resistance of the knee. Any variation of proper full-range squats will teach the trainee how to stay engaged while increasing the range of motion of the knee joint. The pistol is the most advanced variation, naturally. This sort of training is much safer and more effective than passive stretching that uses gravity and weight to force the knee joint closed.

The pistol is a must for any athlete that needs exceptionally strong legs. The proprioception, balance, and deep engagement will stimulate neurological and muscular adaptations that will literally "program" the athlete to use more power through a huge range of motion when necessary. These individuals will "feel" the benefit of the pistol the most. It is also a must for athletes that are regularly in crouching type positions. For example, wrestlers use a "penetration step" to initiate takedowns. Rock climbers will especially benefit from the pistol.

The aforementioned protocols enabled me to work toward a smooth pistol with the Beast. Once I had the bodyweight pistol down, adding weight was easy and building up my strength was a matter of weeks. I distinctly remember the lift feeling effortless and felt tons of control on the descent. The bottom position felt balanced and rock-solid. The Beast stayed glued to my chest throughout the movement, down and up. What a feeling! Give these protocols a shot and keep me posted.

Knee Pain That Won't Go Away - Preventing ACL Injuries - Pain Relief Without Surgery

How is your knee doing right now?

Do you have knee pain that won't go away?

1.) Introduction

Knee pain that won't go away can not only be painful, but it can hold you back in a number of ways. When you can not move fluidly, without feeling some sort of knee pain, then it takes a toll on your activities of daily living. This article is written to help you avoid injuries and to help you move past your current knee problems, all without you having to go in for surgery!

2.) Surgery

Let's face it, sometimes you have to have surgery to get you knee back on track, but many times you do not! Especially with the right kind of conservative treatment. This is very important to remember. A good knee surgeon, for example, will tell you that they would like to avoid surgery as long as possible, having you exhaust quality conservative treatment options instead first! This is important and we are going to talk with you about some of your options in this article.

3.) Your Knee Pain Options

Many times people will turn to rest as a way to help reduce pain. Along with ice, this can be a useful at home remedy that works, to some extent for many people. However, if you think about it rest and ice are only useful to a point. For example, ice melts and it s hard to do anything with bags of ice attached to your knees. Moreover, rest is always helpful but we are not kids anymore... If you have knee pain, you will have to juggle that with your daily responsibilities and laying around is easier said than done. What if there was another way to help you get moving without having to strap on ice or rest for weeks?

4.) A Very Useful Treatment Option

We have discovered the use of knee braces for knee problems to be very effective. They can help to prevent ACL injuries and knee injuries in general! They will give you a healthy range of motion and help to stop those unwanted movements that can escalate your pain or injury level. This is really important for people with pain, because it is in these moments, when you wear a support that the promotion of healing can begin. If you have a knee problem you should consider using a knee brace because it can provide you with support, pain relief when worn, and it can help your physical and emotional self-confidence when you have a knee problem. Knowing that your knee is more safe with a brace is a great aid to you when you are trying to not let your knee problems get worse!

* This is health information. We have seen knee braces help so many people throughout the years, but we do have to refer you to your doctor for medical advice. Many physicians recommend knee braces to their patients on a daily basis, but this article is not meant to be medical advice.

Vitamin D Is Not Just For Bones

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that possesses both the characteristics of a vitamin and a hormone. It is necessary for growth, especially for normal growth and development of bones and teeth in children. It protects against muscle weakness and is involved in regulation of the heartbeat. It is also important in the prevention and treatment of breast and colon cancer, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, and hypocalcemia. It enhances immunity and is necessary for thyroid function and normal blood clotting.

It can be found in three forms including vitamin D2 (ergocaliciferol) which comes from food sources, vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) which is synthesized in the skin as a response to the exposure to the sun's ultraviolet rays, and a synthetic form vitamin D5. Vitamin D3 is considered the natural form and is the most active. Ergocaliciferol, the form we get from food, is not fully active and requires conversion by the liver and kidneys to become fully active. This is why people with liver or kidney disorders have a higher risk for developing osteoporosis.

Exposing the skin to the sun's ultraviolet rays causes a cholesterol compound in the skin to be transformed into a precursor of vitamin D. Exposing the face and arms to the sun for fifteen minutes three times a week is an effective way to ensure an adequate amount of vitamin D for the body. However, it has been found by researchers that the limited amount of sunlight during the winter months in the upper third of the U.S. continent cannot produce adequate amounts by exposure to sunlight. Therefore, supplementation is required to ensure adequate amounts during the winter months.

A severe deficiency of vitamin D can cause rickets in children and osteomalacia in adults. Rickets results when the lack of vitamin D affects the body's ability to absorb calcium and phosphorus. Early signs of a deficiency include nervousness, painful muscle spasms, leg cramps, and numbness of the arms and legs. Eventually, malformations of the bones may develop due to bone softening. Bowed legs, knock-knees, scoliosis, a narrow rib cage, a protruding breastbone, and/or beading at the ends of the ribs as well as tooth decay, delayed walking, irritability, restlessness, and profuse sweating. Fortunately, rickets is now very rare in the U.S. It is usually seen in children aged six to twenty-four months.

Vitamin D deficiency in adults is referred to as osteomalacia and is most often related to the body's inability to properly absorb phosphorous and calcium. It is most likely to occur in pregnant women and nursing mothers, whose nutritional requirements are higher than normal, or individuals with malabsorption problems.

Osteomalacia may also affect people whose diets are extremely low in fat such that adequate bile cannot be manufactured and vitamin D cannot be absorbed. This condition can be caused by kidney failure. It is difficult to diagnose osteomalacia and it often misdiagnosed as osteoporosis.

Less severe deficiencies may result in loss of appetite, a burning sensation in the mouth and throat, diarrhea, insomnia, vision problems, and weight loss. The New England Journal of Medicine published a study which reported there are indications that vitamin D deficiency is much more widespread than previously thought. This is especially the case in older adults.

In a group of people who had few risk factors for deficiency, 57% were found to have below-normal levels of vitamin D and 67% of those who reported a vitamin D intake below the RDI had moderate to severe deficiencies. Vitamin D should be taken with calcium and avoid mega doses of vitamin D to avoid toxicity. Toxicity can occur from taking over 65,000 international units of vitamin D over a period of two years.

What Is a Nursing Home Rehabilitation Center

Senior citizens often require specialized health services. When they undergo surgery, suffered an injury, or show signs of losing their memories, seniors may need the specialized services offered at a nursing home rehabilitation center. At this facility, seniors can regain their mobility, improve their memories, and overcome challenges to their health.

The staff at a nursing home rehabilitation center caters a patient's care according to the needs of that specific individual. A person who has had surgery on a knee or hip may need physical therapy to improve his or her balance and strength in that part of the body. Physical therapy often includes working out with weights, walking around an indoor track, or bending the affected part of the body in rhythmic exercise routines. Most patients work directly with a therapist as they build up their strength and resistance to the exercises.

On the other hand, a patient who is suffering from memory loss may benefit from occupational therapy. A therapist uses flash cards, puzzles, and games to assist that person in remembering basic skills, such as placing puzzle pieces together or pronouncing words. This therapy is most often used for patients who have suffered strokes or who have been diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease or dementia.

Staff at a nursing home rehabilitation center also assists people who suffer from physical conditions that interfere with basic daily activities. For example, dysphagia tends to be a common condition among the elderly; this condition makes it difficult for seniors to swallow food, water, and medication. People with this affliction feel that they are choking or unable to swallow these substances. In worst case scenarios, sufferers lose weight, choke on their food or medication, or develop pneumonia by aspirating substances into their lungs. Therapists assist these individuals by teaching techniques that make swallowing easier. They may also position patients differently in their beds or at their tables to facilitate eating and drinking. If all else fails, therapists can discuss remedies that include feeding tubes or intravenous hydration.

Patients at this facility may be surprised that their therapies are not dull and lack entertainment. In fact, a nursing home rehabilitation center may use a Wii game system as part of people's daily therapies. Playing a virtual game of bowling, tennis, baseball, basketball, and more lets people work out while having fun. Even more, playing video games has proven to be beneficial for those who suffer from anxiety and depression. Patients often look forward to playing the Wii as part of their rehabilitation processes. This approach and others like it allow senior citizens to regain their mobility, improve their health, and overcome challenges to their wellbeing. They can benefit from staying at this facility.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

5 Simple Activities to Help Young Children Develop Friendship Skills

The first thing I teach young children is about their personal space. As a dance educator, it is more then just "keeping your hands to yourself" but understanding what exactly is space. For example, some children like to talk close in another child's face; other's will instinctively grab a friends hand or sit on top of another child. Some children do not have an understanding of their bodies and when they play they easy knock into others and are considered "rough." When the child's whose space is inadvertently being squished speaks out the squishier can interpret this as the child does not want to be play or be friends.

This can be the furthest thing from the truth but teaching children about friendship is more than using kind words, sharing and good manners. It is also about respecting boundaries and space and achieving a certain level of body control. Think back to your own personal relationships. How do you feel when you are in a conversation with a close talker, or on top of someone in a tight elevator? A certain amount of control is lost. Your body is constricted and it reflects how you feel. The same is true of children.

There are simple games that you can do with children to teach them about personal space, the space around them and how they move their body through the space. Try some of these ideas out with your children or students and watch as their understanding of their bodies change and the concept of friendship develops beyond words.

1. Have every child start in their own special spot. They can use "magic glue" to glue to the bottoms of the shoes to the ground. Ask each child to take their most favorite food out of their pocket. Let them describe it to you. If they need help prompt them. Some good examples are: sticky, gooey cheesy, melty pizza. crunchy popcorn, wiggly spaghetti, and/or jiggly jello. The more descriptive words the better. Now have them pretend to eat it and follow the journey of the food as they swallow it and the jiggly jello jiggles down their throat, jiggles in their bellies and jiggles to the bottom of their feet. Maybe the sticky, gooey pizza travels around their ribs and to their arms. This exercise begins to teach children that we have space inside our bodies. Food gets chewed up and travels through out our body as energy. They can experience the inside of their bodies through a visual and kinesthetic experience. They can move inside their body without traveling from their spot.

2. Every child should still be in their own special spot. They cannot move their feet from their special spot but they can reach and stretch with their arms in any direction. Let them explore the space around them, above them,under them, beside them. Let them explore the close space around their neck, behind their knees, under their chin and reach as far away as they can as well. Space is not only inside them but always around them as well.

3. Now we are ready to move through the space. Make the movement boundaries very clear. You can use cones or painter's tape to mark the movement space on the floor. I usually make a rectangle or square and call it our movement square. We have a defined space and are not to go outside the space. Now that the children worked on moving their bodies in their spots, remind them they have control of their bodies and the space around them. Start slow and have the children walk around the space. They may be close or far from another person but may not touch. This game gets better the more they practice. Have the children meet very close to the center of the space without touching and then get as far as they can from each other. They are becoming aware of their own space and others. After they have mastered walking you can add other steps like galloping, skipping, jumping and jogging. You can move sideways through the space, and carefully backwards through the space as well.

4. Kids like to touch each other. With permission and guidelines gentle touching is a great way to connect to each other. When they are comfortable moving through the space, add touch to the experience. Yell out two body parts like "hand to hand." The children need to touch a child connecting with their hands. "Hand to foot" would be two children touching one hand to one foot. Other fun ones are hip to hip, hand to knee, elbow to knee, back to back, etc.

5. Lastly, see if they can put some of these concepts together. In groups of four or more see if the children can create a shape together that explores space. They can reach in high, middle or low level, they can be close or far from each other, they can choose to touch and they can choose to move their shape through the space. Team work is involved, muscle control, spatial awareness and body awareness.

After working on these activities, a gentle reminder about space when a child is sitting on top of another child or talking very close to a friend will take on new meaning. These kinesthetic exercises give children the practice they need to become better friends; understanding space, boundaries and gentle touch. It gives children ownership of their bodies, the space around themselves and others. Have fun learning with and through the body, developing connections and helping the little ones in your life develop friendships.

Arthritis Knee Pain - 2 Simple Steps to Stop Arthritis Knee Pain - Without Medication Or Surgery

Arthritis knee pain does not discriminate. It can strike anyone, anywhere and at any age. The awful pain and discomfort caused by arthritis is hard to describe to someone who hasn't experienced it: The stiffness, the burning, the inflammation and swelling, the constant creaking and popping, the pain when you stand and walk - Words are not enough to describe these symptoms. Most sufferers are led to think that this is a condition that they must learn to live with, manage, cope with and adjust to. This is not true. Arthritis knee pain can be dramatically reduced - without medication or surgery.

What Causes Arthritis Knee pain?

In one word - Inflammation. Osteoarthritis of the knee is a wear-and-tear condition that occurs when the cartilage in your knee deteriorates with use and age. The breakdown of cartilage causes the bones under it to rub together. The result is inflammation, swelling and pain. If you suffer from rheumatoid arthritis of the knee- inflammation is caused by the body attacking its own joints.

2 Simple Steps to Stop Arthritis Knee Pain

All forms of arthritis knee pain have one thing in common - Inflammation. To achieve fast and dramatic knee pain relief - you must fight and reduce the inflammation in your knee. As always, the best way to achieve this goal is through natural methods - without addictive medication or surgery.

Step 1 - Stay Active!

Keeping active and losing weight (only if you are overweight of course) are the best ways to prevent and fight arthritis knee pain. We all know that losing weight is not so simple and doesn't happen over night, so let's focus on physical activity that can be started today and even right now.

If you have knee arthritis, the more you walk the more the knee will hurt. In time, running, playing golf or tennis and eventually even walking - may become impossible. But - cutting down on activities will not slow down arthritis and will actually worsen your knee pain in the long term. You must stay as active as your pain will comfortably allow. Take a walk every day, as much as you can bear. This will reduce the stiffness and strengthen the muscles around your knee - allowing them to properly support the knee joint. Stop only when you feel the pain is too much and only then. Do this every day and you will feel the results in a few days.

Step 2 - Fight the Inflammation!

There are natural ways to eliminates arthritic knee pain by reducing joint and cartilage inflammation. The most recommended one a combination of enzymes and herbs that fight the inflammation effectively and fast.

Enzymes - Proteolytic enzymes are created in your body. These enzymes fight the inflammation and repair damage caused by overuse of your joints and aging. They also clean your blood, break down scar tissue and even fight viruses and bacteria. When you pass the age of 25, your body produces dramatically less amount of these enzymes.

Herbs - Boswelia and Bromelain are herbs that have been clinically proven be highly effective in reducing inflammation and pain.

A combination of these enzymes and herbs are a powerful natural treatment so stop arthritis knee pain.

Knee Brace Purpose - What Exactly Do Braces Do Anyways? Special Report on Bracing

The 3 Purposes of A Knee Brace

1.) Improved Knee Stability

When you tear one of their knee ligaments, your knee instability can get way out of hand! Many times people will tell us that their knee feels like it is going to "give out from underneath" them. - On the other hand, you may have injured your meniscus or one of your tendons and this can cause your knee to feel unstable as well. Perhaps your kneecap is the problem and it sometimes drifts to the lateral aspect of your knee joint.

It is important for you to think back through your day, and determine which scenarios cause your knee the most instability (if you have any). Think about when this gets the most severe and rate that instability feeling on a scale of 1-10. Ten would be the worst. Record this answer because when you go to a brace website, they will offer you supports based on the severity of your knee instability

Knee braces can help provide you with meaningful support and this will increase your stability the moment you put them on your leg! Some braces provide more support than others, but when you get the correct one for your particular situation, you will find that those front to back movements, or side to side movements that cause instability to flare, are diminished and your knee can start to finally feel more stable again!

2.) Knee Protection

If you have a knee problem already, or you want to avoid one in the future, knee braces can help you do that in 2 different ways.

A.) Throughout your day you may make excessive movements, by accident, and this can cause a mild knee injury to get worse. A knee brace can help you to stop making these kinds of movements that may keep insulting your knee injury, or discomfort level.

B.) If you are in a contact sport, a patellar guard can also be used to protect your knee from collisions or falls. This is usually an attachment to a knee brace and can really help to protect your knee from injury.

3.) Pain Reduction

As a result of using knee braces, many people have told us that their support is like their "pain pill". The support that it can provide them will help reduce pain and actually as a result, some people have gone to reduce any pain medications they are taking orally as a result of their new knee brace. (Speak with your physician about taking any pain medications use.)

Medical advice is administered by your physician. This article can be helpful, but it does not substitute for any advice that your physician may provide to you.

White Bread and Its Evil Counter Parts

If you are in the midst of learning how to eat healthy, in the process of developing a healthy eating plan, you need to pay close attention to the bread that you select as part of your diet. In this regard, you will want to know the pros and cons of eating white bread versus wheat bread. Through this article, you are provided some basic information in regard to the white bread versus wheat bread "debate." Once armed with this information you will be better able to ascertain which type of bread will be the best addition to your overall efforts aimed at how to eat healthy in the 21st century.

Of course, for many people today the most immediate task when it comes to developing health eating plans is the need to lose weight. In this regard, one of the goals is to make sure you determine appropriate calories to eat to lose weight. In other words, you need to pay attention to the sources in which you obtain calories in your daily diet and the amount of calories that you actually do intake.

Perhaps the most important factor that you need to understand and appreciate about white bread when determining what are healthy foods to eat is that white bread typically contains a surprising amount of refined sugar. Without exception, experts in the field of diet and nutrition universally agree that refined sugar is not something that a person needs as part of a healthy diet. In the end, refined sugar contributes nothing positive to a diet and should be severely limited or restricted all together. A fine place to work to reduce the consumption of refined sugar is in the breads that you select to eat on a regular basis.

In addition to refined sugar, white bread contains what is known as "bleached" flour. This type of flour really has almost no nutritional value. Moreover, it is lacking in the beneficial fiber that is contained in whole grains or even wheat that is not highly processed and refined as is the case in white bread.

In light of the problems that are inherent in white bread, there actually are some benefits that can be derived from wheat bread (including assistance with what may be your own personal plea of "help me lose weight"). Of course, you need to make certain that you are purchasing and eating true whole wheat bread as opposed who what very well may be white bread by another name and look. (There is so-called "wheat bread" on the market today that really is nothing more than white bread in disguise.)

Many healthy eating books and the experts who write them maintain that whole wheat and whole grain bread provide a number of dietary and health benefits. First, this type of bread provides to you necessary dietary fiber. The fact is that many people do not get enough fiber in their diets in this day and age. When it comes to healthy eating generally and even the need to lose weight more specifically, consuming the appropriate amount of fiber each and every day is a must.

In addition, whole wheat bread lacks the harmful refined sugar that is a staple in white bread. Again, healthy eating and dieting depends upon an elimination of unnecessary refined sugar from the diet. Finally, wheat bread generally is lower in calories than its white bread counterpart. Therefore, you do not consume empty calories when you select wheat bread.

Knee Pain? Maybe It's Your Feet

There are several painful conditions of the knee that may be caused by problems with your feet. The knee joint is one of the most complex joints in the body. It is a hinge joint, a sliding joint and a rotating joint all at the same time. The proper and pain-free functioning of the knee requires near perfect alignment of the bones, ligaments and tendons that make up the knee joint. Pain in the knee is usually an early warning sign that something is wrong with the alignment. It is important to address these problems early to avoid serious, long term problems such as severe arthritis.

The improper alignment that causes knee pain is often the result of improper alignment of the joints of the foot and ankle. Let me give some examples.

Pain on the inside part of the knee may be caused by bursitis at the location where three of the tendons from the thigh muscles (sartorius, gracilis and semitendinosus) come together and insert into the upper/inner part of the tibia (bone of the lower leg). This condition is known as Pes Anserine bursitis. Pes Anserine is Latin for "goose foot". I suppose it is called goose foot because these three tendons coming together look somewhat like a goose's foot. The pain is caused by inflammation of the bursa beneath these three tendons. A bursa is a fluid-filled sac that is found where tendons and ligaments rub against bone. The bursa is designed to prevent the bone from irritating and damaging these tendons and ligaments as the rub back and forth over the bone. When these bursa become inflamed this is known as bursitis. Pes anserine bursitis is inflammation of the bursa beneath the three tendons that form the goose foot. Pes Anserine bursitis can be caused by excessive pronation of the foot. The excessive pronation (see article on normal foot motion) causes excessive stretching of these tendons which over time results in inflammation. The treatment and prevention of this condition involves an arch support to prevent excessive foot pronation.

Pain on the outside of the knee is sometimes caused by a condition known as iliotibial band syndrome. The iliotibial band runs from the pelvis down the outside of the leg and attaches to the outside part of the knee. Problems with the foot together with overuse (such as running or bicycling) can lead to inflammation where the iliotibial band inserts into the outer knee. There are several different foot problems that can cause this inflammation. If the person is flat-footed (over-pronatnor) this causes the tibia (lower leg bone) to excessively internally rotate. This increases the stretch on the iliotibial band and causes inflammation. On the other hand if someone has a high-arched foot, the foot is in a supinated position (see normal foot motion) and this too can cause excessive stretch on the iliotibial band and inflammation. These two very different types of foot problems result in the same painful condition (iliotibial band syndrome). However the two problems require very different treatments. In order to correct the problem it is essential to determine what exactly is causing the problem.

Knee arthritis can be caused or exacerbated by problems with the foot. Someone that has arthritis pain on the part of knee closest to the midline (medial compartment) may have a supinated foot that contributes to a bow-legged type of stance. Someone with pain in the lateral compartment (the outer part of the knee furthest from the midline) may be flat-footed, a hyper-pronator, which leads to a knock-kneed type of stance. Through the proper use of a foot orthotic I believe that we can, over time, reduce the load on the painful knee compartment, reduce the pain and at least slow down the degeneration of the cartilage.

Pain in the center of the knee is often cause by chondromalacia patella, also known as retropatellar (behind the kneecap) pain syndrome. This is often seen in someone with excessive pronation (flat-feet). As the knee straightens and bends the kneecap is supposed to ride smoothly in a cartilage-lined groove on the lower end of the femur (thigh bone). Someone that is a hyper-pronator has excessive internal rotation of the tibia. This excessive internal rotation changes the angle that the kneecap rides up and down in this groove (known as the Q angle or Quadriceps angle). Over time this leads to irritation behind the kneecap and the retropatellar pain syndrome. An arch support or orthotic can be very helpful in treating this condition.

In conclusion I have discussed a few of the common causes of knee pain that can be relieved or at least improved through the use of a simple foot orthotic. For more information please visit.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Knee Joint Replacement - Low Cost Surgery in World Class Hospitals in India

Total knee replacement is a surgical procedure where worn, diseased, or damaged surfaces of a knee joint are removed and replaced with artificial surfaces. The metal that is most commonly used is an alloy of cobalt, chromium and molybdenum. The plastic is ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene.

Knee joint replacement may be recommended for:

1. Knee pain that hasn't responded to other therapy (including medication, injections, and physical therapy for 6 months or more)

2. Total knee replacement surgery is considered for patients whose knee joints have been damaged by either progressive arthritis, trauma, or other rare destructive diseases of the joint

3. Knee pain that limits or prevents activities

4. Arthritis of the knee

5. Decreased knee function caused by arthritis

6. Inability to sleep through the night because of knee pain

7. Some tumors involving the knee


There are three main components of an artificial knee joint - the femoral component (to replace the end of the femur), the tibial component (to replace the end of the tibia) and the patellar component (to replace the back of the kneecap). In total knee joint replacement surgery, all of these components are used.

The operation is performed under general anesthesia. An incision approximately eight inches in length is made on the front of the knee. The front (anterior) muscles are incised and the joint is exposed. The knee cap (patella) is moved out of the way, and the ends of the thigh bone (femur) and shin bone (tibia) are cut to fit the prosthesis. The undersurface of the knee cap is cut to allow the surgeon to place an artificial piece.The final components may be either cemented in place or press fit in a cementless manner.

During the operation, surgeons check the alignment of the knee as well as test function and stability of the knee joint. The knee is stitched closed, a sterile dressing is applied. A total knee replacement generally requires between one and one- half to three hours of operative time.


Antibiotics may be given to reduce the risk of developing an infection, which would require removal of the artificial joint. You will stay in the hospital for 3-5 days, but the total recovery period varies from 2-3 months to a year.

Infection, Knee Stiffness, blood clots in the leg vein, Heart Attack, nerve damage, stroke these are some risks factors carries in knee replacement surgery.

Total Knee arthroplasty or total knee replacement has a success rate of 95%

There are dedicated specialized hospitals in India achieved accreditation from Joint Commission International ( JCI ) standard. JCI is gold standard in global healthcare standard like Indraprastha Apollo Hospital (New Delhi - located in North India), JCI Accredited Apollo Hospitals (Chennai - located in coastal South India), Wockhardt Hospital, Mumbai. MOIT Hospital, Chennai. They availed high quality and cost effective advanced surgery in India.

Cost of knee replacement at Chennai knee surgery center is cheaper than in other countries. Few examples are as below .

Procedure US UK Thailand Chennai
TKY $ 50000 £ 9000 £ 15000 $ 7000
Hi Flex TKR $ 50000 £ 10000 £ 16000 $ 7500

Approximate cost in India for Knee Joint Replacement surgery of $ 7000 to $ 8000

What Does a Nurse Do in an Operating Room?

The role of the operating room nurse is extremely important. They are the captain of the ship or operating room in this case. I am going to explain their role as a day in the life of an operating room nurses. Hopefully this help you understand and may entice you to explore this as a career goal.

You arrive at work for your scheduled shift. Go in the locker room and change into provided scrub attire. The scrub attire is provided due to need to minimize outside contaminants from entering the operating room area. You will note that the entrance to an operating room area is clearly marked with signs stating operating room attire required past this point. You will also cover your shoes with shoe covers, and your hair with a surgical bonnet, also provided. Now you are ready to proceed into the operating room area and check out your assignment for the day.

Your assignment is usually posted on a schedule, white board, or more recently the schedule can observed on a large monitor like a plasma TV. You will find your OR room assignment, the cases set to be completed in that room for the day, the patient ID, surgeon performing, and surgery to be performed. It may also contain your partner, a surgical tech or perhaps another nurse. Also of importance, the anesthesia provider. This may be an anesthesiologist or CRNA (certified registered nurse anesthetist. Depending upon the surgery, the surgeon may have scheduled an assistant or they may employ their own physician assistant. It is important to remember things change frequently in an operating room. A surgeon may be delayed, an emergency may come in, or another surgery may run longer than expected. So the first case of the day is the only one you can guarantee is going to be done in your room.

Next you need to go to your assigned room and check to see if your case cart is there. This cart contains all the supplies and instruments required for the surgery and usually contains the preference card. The preference card is paperwork that lists all supplies, instruments, equipment, hints for setting up the room, and any surgeon specific preferences. This card also alerts you to what is to be opened for the surgery and what you should have available should the need arise for its use. Depending on the size of the facility and assigned staff duties, this may be your responsibility. I have worked in OR's that have staff dedicated to pick the supplies and instruments and delivering them to the room in the morning. Sometimes it was my responsibility, or the surgical tech's, or the set up staff. Ultimately, though, it is the nurses responsibility to make sure everything needed is in the room.

Then you and the surgical tech will open all the necessary supplies and instruments in a sterile manner and ensure that sterility is maintained. During your perioperative training, you will learn how to properly open packaging and instrument containers and check for sterility. Once all supplies are open, the surgical tech will go to do their hand scrub and return to the room to set up these things in an organized fashion. While they are setting up, you can check your equipment to make sure it is all functioning properly. I usually also use this time to go and interview the patient, and tell the surgical tech that I will return to perform the surgical count.

The patient will usually be in a pre-operative holding area. This area is staff with nurses that perform duties to prepare the patient for their surgery. Once again, it is your responsibility to ensure all pre operative orders have been carried out. Read over the surgeon's orders. Check the order for consent against the consent that was obtained and the scheduled procedure to ensure they all match. Check over lab work to make sure it is done, on the chart, and within normal limits. A standard of care for most surgery performed is giving a prophylactic antibiotic prior to surgical incision. The hospital should have a program in place to ensure this done appropriately and it is the surgical nurse's responsibility to ensure the proper antibiotic is available and ready to be given.

If the patient's chart is not at the bedside, take it to the bedside and interview the patient. Introduce yourself and give your title. Ask the patient to give their name and date of birth, while you check this information against their identification bracelet and chart information. Ask them to tell you what surgical procedure they are having performed and about any allergies they may have. Ask when the last time was that they had anything to eat or drink. Once all is well and you know there is no contraindication to proceeding, explain to them what they can expect upon arrival into the operating room. I usually use this explanation " Well, Mr Smith, looks like everything is in order" "Once the surgeon arrives we will be heading back to the room" "When we get in there is will bright and on the cool side, but I have nice warm blankets back there to keep you warm." "First thing we will do is line up the stretcher and the bed, lock them in place and have you move over to the bed." "But we don't want you to do anything until we say go" "Once we have you safe and secure, we will be connecting you to monitoring equipment to keep an eye on your heart rate, blood pressure, and oxygen saturation." " The anesthesiologist is then going to give you medication through your IV to drift you off to sleep". "We will be with you the entire time." "The surgeon will fix you up and then when you hear us talking to you again, that means we are all done and you are going to the recovery room." "Any questions?" If they have any questions, I answer them honestly. I then excuse myself to finish getting things ready, and tell them I will be back when the surgeon arrives. I then go back to the operating room to finish up with preparations there.

By this time, the surgical tech should be done or just about done setting up. We then count all the instruments, sponges, sharps, and any other supplies we want to be sure do not remain in the patient post surgery. This is very important. You should make sure that you know your facility's surgical count policy and always abide by it.

When the surgeon has arrived and spoken to the patient, and complete what he needs too, you can proceed to the room with the patient. Once in the room follow the steps exactly as you describe them to the patient during the pre op interview. Stay at the patient's side while anesthesia is induced. This is so the patient is assured you are there and so the anesthesiologist will have a second set of hands to help in there tasks. Once the patient is asleep and anesthesia say to proceed, you need to place your patient in the proper position for the surgery. You may need to place a foley catheter. Prep the area to be operated on. Tie up the surgeon's gown. Read aloud the patient name, type of surgery to be performed, allergies, antibiotic given and any other pertinent information.

Now you can accurately document all patient care rendered up to this point. Monitor sterile surgical field to ensure that sterility is maintained. Immediately address and correct any breaks in sterile technique. Dispense any required additional supplies to sterile field. Organize and supplies coming off sterile to ensure ready for final counts. When surgery is nearing completion start counting necessary supplies and instruments to ensure nothing is retained in patient. Report count completion to surgeon, also if there is family in waiting area that needs to be spoken too. Dispense supplies to sterile field to dress incision. Make sure surgical tech cleans the patient prior to moving them to stretcher or bed.

Now you transfer patient to recovery room, give report to receiving nurse. Make sure you address all pertinent information, health history, surgery performed, dressings, drainage devices etc. Complete documentation.

Report to charge nurse and communication board to see what is next in your room. And start the process all over again.

I have worked in general surgery. I like this area because I get a diverse case exposure. I may start the day with a laparoscopic cholecystectomy and next be assigned a lumbar laminectomy or total hip or knee replacement. I like doing different types of surgery. Some of the large institutions have specialty teams ie. the ortho team or the vascular team. This is great for nurse that like one particular type of surgery. I like to change things up, so have been quite happy to work in facilities that don't have that designation.

I hope this article has helped you understand a little better of what a nurse in the operating room does. This is my experience and the role may vary slightly from facility to facility.

Road To The 2013 NFL Draft: Notre Dame 20 - Michigan State 3

The scouting process for the draft runs primarily from September through mid- April. The athletic testing portion of the evaluation process takes center stage starting in February. However, how NFL draft prospects perform in actual football games is what matters most. Here is a closer look at some of the notable prospects in the Notre Dame- Michigan State contest and their impact on the outcome:

TE Tyler Eifert, Notre Dame, Senior: The big Irish tight end did not catch a pass (1 drop and drew 1 pass interference penalty), but contributed in other ways. Eifert gave effort as a blocker and helped Notre Dame ice the win in the 4th quarter with a good seal block on a 4th and 1 run. He is not a punishing blocker, but Eifert can bend his knees and has some tenacity. Notre Dame did not look his way very often in the passing game. Notre Dame moved him around a bunch, but was content to throw elsewhere. The team's freshman quarterback spread the ball around a lot and did not force the ball to Eifert. The talented tight end might have been less than full strength after sustaining a mild concussion the previous week against Purdue.

ILB Manti Te'o, Notre Dame, Senior: Te'o led an impressive Irish defense with 12 tackles, 1 tackle for loss, 2 pass break-ups and a fumble recovery. This was a match-up that suited the Notre Dame middle linebacker very well. The Spartans' offense revolves around a big running back. The Notre Dame defensive line dominated Michigan State's offensive line and Te'o had no problem finding Le'Veon Bell. Te'o diagnosed plays quickly and did a good job of wrapping up and securing the tackle. The veteran linebacker displayed excellent range when defending outside runs. He also was very aware in pass coverage and was quick to limit run-after-the-catch gains. Michigan State's big tight end, Dion Sims, caught 6 passes for only 52 yards (8.7 per). Te'o did a fine job of mirroring Sims and tackling him right away.

RB Le'Veon Bell, Michigan State, Junior: The big back and focal point of Michigan State's offense was limited to 77 yards on 19 carries (4.1 per). Bell was also pedestrian in the pass receiving department (4 receptions for 20 yards (5.0 per) and had a couple of drops). Notre Dame frequently stacked the box against Bell and dared their young quarterback to make them pay by completing passes downfield. He could not and Bell found very little running room. The talented junior flashed good speed for a big man on outside runs, but never could burst into the secondary for a big gain.

Bell, like most big backs, was much easier to tackle because Notre Dame frequently was able to hit him before he could build-up momentum. Bell normally has decent hands, but he dropped a couple of passes and seemed to be pressing to make something happen. He utilized his trademark hurdle to elude one tackler, but he should not get in the habit of trying to hurdle defenders. Bell is a big back who has to consistently run behind his pads to fulfill his potential in the NFL. A power back with light feet has to be careful not to become too finesse-oriented. Bell did a solid job in blitz pick-up. Overall, Michigan State's offense proved to be too limited to give Notre Dame's defense problems. Every talented back runs into a defense that limits him. It will be interesting to see if Bell responds by running with extra determination. The good ones do not like to be stopped and take it personally.

DE William Gholston, Michigan State, Junior: The very talented Spartan defensive end had a relatively quiet 5 tackle, 1 tackle for loss performance against Notre Dame. Michigan State moved Gholston around, but the Notre Dame offensive tackles did a solid job of staying in front of him. Gholston is quick out of his stance, but was predictable with his pass rush moves. He relied primarily on a bull rush and could use some variety (rip and a club move) to keep offensive linemen guessing as to what is coming. He also played high at times, which limited his use of leverage.

However, Gholston's considerable physical gifts were very apparent. His huge wingspan allowed him to trip up a Notre Dame back to prevent a 1st down in the 4th quarter. He displayed the quickness to beat his man to the inside and flush the mobile Irish quarterback. Gholston helped stuff the run several times by overpowering the blocker in front of him. The Michigan State defensive lineman has the build to be an ideal 3-4 defensive end in the NFL. The true junior played hard throughout the game. His ability is similar to Calais Campbell's and there is plenty of upside to his game.

CB Johnny Adams, Michigan State, Senior: The two-year starter was beaten deep early for a touchdown. Adams located the football in the air, but could not elevate and get an arm up to knock the pass down. He ended up interfering with the Notre Dame receiver who still made the touchdown grab. Adams was later penalized again for interference. His aggressiveness was a double-edged sword in this game.

Adams is an effective blitzer and likes to help in run support. He was able to jump a route and break-up a pass in the 2nd quarter. The Michigan State cornerback struggled at times to disengage from blocks. Adams finished the game with 3 tackles, 2 tackles for loss, 1 pass breakup and a sack. He looked more like a zone cornerback at the next level than someone a defensive coordinator would want to leave in man coverage on an island.

General Information About Osteoarthritis

Common Characteristics of Osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis, also known as degenerative joint disease, is one of the most common ailments associated with getting older, and it is therefore most common in those parts of the world where people live the longest. More than 15 million Americans receive medical attention for osteoarthritis each year, and more than twice that many are affected by it to some degree. However, it rarely results in serious disability.

Osteoarthritis is essentially a "wear-and-tear" disorder. In typical cases, symptoms appear after the age of 50, and usually in the large joints that bear the most weight--the hips, knees, shoulders and spine.

Pain and stiffness are at their most uncomfortable upon arising in the morning and are likely to be intensified during damp, cold weather. (This does not mean, however, that symptoms are likely to disappear in a warm, dry climate.) Redness and swelling of the affected joints may also occur. Joints, particularly in the fingers, may become permanently gnarled by osteoarthritis, but this almost never interferes with their function. Painless bony bumps, known as Heberden's nodes, may also appear symmetrically on the fingers of both hands or on toe joints as well.

Causes of Osteoarthritis

When a person is young and spry, the joints between the bones swing freely like efficient, well-oiled hinges. Stresses and strains are absorbed by the cartilage pads that provide cushioning and lubrication at the ends of the bones where they constantly come together as the parts of the body make their coordinated movements.

Over the years, these protective layers become eroded, lubricating fluids diminish and the result is a sensation often described as "creaking" at the joints. In addition to a decrease in smoothness of function, small growths, or spurs, may develop on the bones in the area of the joints. These are 10 times more prevalent among women than among men and are likely to aggravate an already uncomfortable condition.

Signs and Symptoms of Osteoarthritis

Since the weight-bearing joints are the ones most commonly affected, stiffness and discomfort in the knees and hips are likeliest to occur first, especially in the overweight person or in someone whose life style involves long stretches of standing or walking. A visit to the doctor for diagnosis normally includes close inspection of painful areas as well as X-ray examination of the joints in question. (when X-ray pictures are taken for diagnosis of some other condition in younger patients, they usually reveal the beginnings of cartilage erosion in the weight-bearing joints at a stage that does not yet produce associated symptoms.) Other than X-rays and visual examination, there are no other diagnostic tests for osteoarthritis.

Treatment of Osteoarthritis

Where overweight exists as a contributing factor, efforts should be made to lose the extra pounds and keep them off. Application of warm, moist heat, slow and gentle massage of the affected joints and a reduction (not a total cessation) of normal activities are ways in which patients can help themselves when there is an intensification of discomfort. Where pressure on the weight-bearing joints can be diminished through postural adjustments, special exercises may be recommended.

Drug Therapy

Although inflammation is not one of the initial symptoms of osteoarthritis, as the joint degeneration progresses, swelling, redness and other signs of inflammation may occur. When this happens, anti-inflammatory drug therapy may be recommended.

Aspirin. Patients who can tolerate high doses of aspirin may be treated with this drug alone. However, patients on anti-inflammatory aspirin therapy, which may involve taking 16 or more tablets a day, should be aware of possible side effects, among which the most common are ringing in the ears, heartburn and other gastrointestinal upsets. To minimize gastrointestinal complications, the aspirin should be scheduled after meals. Acetaminophen, in smaller dosages, may be recommended as an alternative to aspirin.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents. These are relatively new drugs that relieve the pain and joint inflammation of osteoarthritis. It is the physician's role to match the patient with the particular drug that will be most suitable and effective without adverse effects. Sometimes drugs are used in combination, but whatever the procedure, supervision by the doctor is usually indicated if maximum benefit is to be achieved.

Steroids. In those few cases where other measures fail, steroid drugs (cortisone) may be injected into the damaged joint for temporary relief. However, long-term treatment with steroids is not recommended for osteoarthritis.


When an older person suffers such severe osteoarthritis that most normal activity becomes impossible, surgical replacement of the affected joints may be considered. Hip replacement, in which the entire hip joint or head of the femur is replaced, is the most common operation of this type. The replacement joint is made of plastic and metal parts and is held in place by special plastic cements. The artificial joints allow the previously immobilized patient to be relieved of crippling pain, and most activities can be resumed following physical therapy and regaining of muscle function.

More recent joint replacements include the knee--a joint that is more complicated than the hip and, consequently, poses more engineering problems in replacing. However, the newer artificial knee joints are providing good results, both in terms of pain relief and restoration of function.

Traumatic Arthritis

Closely related to osteoarthritis, traumatic arthritis is usually the result of excessive joint use combined with injury. It is commonly seen in athletes. Rest will usually resolve the problem, although in some instances, drugs or surgery may be required, particularly in the case of athletes who need to quickly regain the use of the injured joints.

Summing Up

For millions of people, osteoarthritis is an inevitable condition of aging. Most cases can be handled by rest and common sense. Anti-inflammatory drugs--both non-prescription painkillers such as aspirin or acetaminophen, or prescription non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents--may be used during flare-ups.

Osteoarthritis rarely turns into a crippling disease, but as newer and more effective drugs are available for reducing aches and pains to a minimum, there is little reason for allowing this particular cause of physical discomfort to be a dominating factor in determining one's life style in advancing years.

Happy Holidays! Here's Your Knee Replacement

The older my parents get - in fact the older any of my relatives get - the harder it is to find a holiday gift that they could really use. I usually end up getting them a gift certificate for a meal out, or some useless trinket that will sit on their coffee table collecting dust - which they then have to clean. I missed the opportunity two years ago to give my mother (and father) something that they could have really used and that they'd both be raving about to this day - a knee replacement surgery in New Zealand.

You heard me... a knee replacement surgery in New Zealand. See my mother had knee replacement surgery about two years ago and it gave her life back. She's able to go on walks, travel, bounce my youngest daughter on her knees; things she couldn't do two years ago. They had money set aside and could afford the surgery.

They were lucky. With the cost of orthopedic medical procedures climbing and wait times increasing, they would likely have been priced out of the surgery today.

This got me thinking. If I knew then what I know now; that health tourism can be a fantastic alternative to high priced surgery in the States; and that it can be safe, convenient and fun at the same time I'd have likely pulled the trigger. My parents have been to New Zealand before and raved about its beauty, the friendly people, the great food and sights. You see, New Zealand also just happens to be a growing mecca for orthopedic related surgeries that are affordable - we're talking 40 percent less or more! And there's financial assistance available through third party financing setup especially for just such trips.

You'll want to do your homework obviously. This won't be a surprise gift to anyone nor should it be. Research the facilities and providers, check testimonials of other patients, and find out all you can about the surgeons. There are online health tourism sites that do a good job of detailing the process and procedures, and some of them have some decent surgery offers to help you make your decision easier. You'll also want to make sure that you steer clear of destinations that may not be suitable for the elderly or less adventurous. You'll certainly want them coming back rested, relaxed, healed and healthy!

Oh well... I guess this year I'll just have to settle for my gift certificate fallback and some pictures of the kids.

Different Forms of Tendonitis That Can Cause Pain in Joints

There are a lot of different forms of tendonitis, all of which can cause quite a bit of pain in joints as well as other complications if the condition is ignored. Tendonitis can usually be diagnosed during a regular examination at a visit to the doctor's office.

X-ray machines and MRIs are not necessary, but an x-ray may be used to make sure that there are no other injuries to the area, such as broken bones, that could be the cause of the tenderness and swelling. MRIs may be used to identify where exactly the swelling is located in order to be treated more directly.

One of the many forms of tendonitis affects the wrist, which would cause a localized pain in the joints in that area. Wrist tendonitis can also be identified as tenosynovitis, a very common condition caused by the inflammation or irritation of the tenosynovium. These are a sort of tendon sheath that allows the wrist tendons to slide and allow the tendons to move smoothly with very low friction. If the condition is left unattended, it can lead to a far more serious condition from the thickening of the tenosynovium, which can keep the tendons from moving as smoothly as they should.

Symptoms of wrist tendonitis may vary, but the most common are swelling around the tender area. There are several forms of treatment, including the use of a wrist splint, which would immobilize the joint and allow it time to heal since the tendons are not being used. Applying ice to the tender area is also an option. This will stimulate blood flow to the area to assist in healing. You may also decide on an anti-inflammatory medicine which will help ease the pain, as well as control the inflammation and give the tendons the opportunity to heal.

Achilles tendonitis affects the large tendon that runs from the back of the ankle up the back of the leg. The condition seems to be more common in middle-aged recreational athletes. If the tendonitis goes untreated, it may lead to tears which could weaken then tendon even more, and make it more susceptible to rupturing.

The most common cause of Achilles tendonitis is a lack of flexibility. Other possible causes of joint pain caused by this form of tendonitis is a change in footwear or an exercise or training routine that the individual is not used to. As people get older, they begin to lose flexibility, which makes them more susceptible to injury-this is why middle-aged people are more likely to get suffer from this condition.

An important thing to remember is that the joint pain is caused by forms of tendonitis that won't go away on their own. Though it may stop hurting for an hour, or maybe even a couple of days, if the inflammation is not taken care of and the tendons healed, the pain in joints may cause other problems on top of the tendonitis.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Sore Knees Got You Down in the Dumps? Secrets to Dealing With the Pain Revealed!

Are your knees sore?

Did you know that you can substantially decrease the everyday soreness and pains that you have in your knees?

Sure there are many ways in which you can approach this problem, but we will discuss a way in which you can save money in treatment in the long term.

You may be amazed to discover that you can provide major relief on your sore knees without high cost medications! All of this is indeed possible through the everyday use of a simple knee brace. We will explain why they can help you...

Have you ever considered how much you use your knees in your daily routine?

Every time you stand up, sit down or walk from one point to another you are calling your knees into action. Sure you already know this, but many of us take our knees for granted. Let's be real about that...

Your knees work over time when you go on runs, compete in sports, or carry out other out of ordinary extracurricular activities. Your knees endure a lot of physical activity on a day to day basis. So there is no surprise that millions of people around the world suffer and endure sore knee pain on a regular basis.

In addition to that, many people also suffer from sore knees due to injuries that they have sustained from sports or accidents. When a knee injury occurs there is generally a long recovery process which usually results in the patient still having some type of soreness or stiffness in the knees long-term.

What Can I Do To Help Ease The Pain Or Stop These Sore Knees Of Mine?

According to your specific condition there are a wide variety of treatments and steps that you can take to lower your soreness level, and to also prevent further soreness in the future. If your knee pain is not the result of a disease for which you have been diagnosed with, there are a few things that you can begin to do to assist in easing or stopping the soreness in your knees.

See A Doctor: Let's be honest here; the best method of relief for sore knees may come from your doctor's advice or suggestions. A trained physician will examine your knee and may take x-rays or an MRI to determine the cause of your soreness. They may prescribe medication, sports therapy or may simply tell you try out one of the two proven steps below...

Get Some Rest!: The best advice may be to simply rest your knees. This is no shocker, but let's also face the problem with rest alone... Rest is nice, but do you have days and weeks to lay around and rest your knees?

Stretch them out and elevate them. Lay down without bending your knees and give them some relief. Your knees may need more rest than they get while you are sleeping. In fact, most people toss and turn in their sleep. If you are such a person then your knees are still moving around and working while you are sleeping. Simply take some time during waking hours to stretch your knees out and rest!

Strap On A Knee Brace: Knee braces have been proven to help promote healing of damaged or injured knees. Knee braces have also been proven to be a great prevention tool in avoiding future knee soreness issues. They are also very affordable and cost much less than a bunch of pain killers. In fact, most doctors will recommend the use of a knee brace the moment you complain about having sore knees. The support that they provide can really be an aid to you.

6 Tips on Coping With Arthritis Pain

1.Get enough sleep. Your body needs rest to repair, rebuild and restore itself. When your joints rest, the inflammation decreases, alleviating the pain and swelling. Try to get at least seven to nine hours each night.

If you need to take a brief nap (around 15 minutes or so), this can help restore your energy level too. If you are having trouble sleeping, read these tips on getting a good night's sleep.

2. How is your attitude? Focus on what is good in your life; enjoy being with your family or friends and discovering what makes you laugh. If you do not have a regular exercise program, then start one. Keep your body moving.

3. Be conscious of your posture. Standing up straight will relieve the pressure on your joints. Also, if you need to get rid of excess weight, you will be amazed at the difference it makes. A weight loss of 10 pounds takes at least 30 pounds of weight off your knees.

4.Keep a health journal to help you notice any improvements and what may have helped. Record the times and intensity of any pain, along with your diet, medications, and exercises performed. When you look back over the journal, you may isolate something that triggers pain. Your health care provider will find a health journal a valuable tool with your next appointment.

5. Ladies: Your foot ware may be glamorous, but if the heels are at least two inches high, it increases the twisting on your knees and the back of the kneecap joint. Check the wear on your shoes. If you are exercising with shoes that are worn out you can overstress the joints.

Note: If you have been using one pair of athletic shoes for a year, it is time to replace them.

6. Evaluate your diet. Diets high in refined carbohydrates, alcohol or caffeine contribute greatly to the distress of arthritis. Also, avoid excess use of antacids...there are other solutions that are not so harsh on your body.

Memo - Sore Knee Joints Disrupt Office Life! - Painful Knees Are the Worst - Do Something About It!

Think about this...

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome used to be the top medical worry that office workers had to concern themselves with. But in recent years droves of long-hour office workers have started to complain about having really sore knee joints. In fact, the soreness in their joints has gotten so bad that they find it nearly impossible to focus on their work without feeling physical pain! This isn't surprising since most office workers are sitting with their knees bent for entire work days without movement at their desks.

It is estimated that four out of every five office workers will experience sore knee joints during their lifetime. Most office workers sit with their knees in a bent position that blocks or upsets blood flow, for no less than four hours at any given time between breaks. This can also lead to numbness, soreness and moderate to severe sore knee joints.

What Can You Do To Avoid Sore Knee Joints In The Office

Most offices realize that their employees do suffer from physical ailments and boredom while at work. This is why many offices have started to implement various physical suggestions in order to make their workers more productive. In fact, in some countries like Japan, they actually carry out entire on-the-job exercise sessions with their employees daily, in order to keep them physically fit and alert on the job.

One addition to most offices has been that of a phone head piece. This works like headphones and is hooked up to the workers telephone. This allows the worker to stand and move about their work area while still taking and carrying out business phone calls. It allows workers to continue doing their job, while at the same time stretching and moving their legs to avoid the effects of sore knee joints.

Physicians recommend that office workers who are confined to desks with little mobility for long lengths of time to actually stretch their legs out straight beneath their desk for at least 15 minutes on every hour. This allows blood flow to return to normal and will keep knees and joints from experiencing long-term pain.

So what happens when you are out of work? Does your knee pain always stay at the office? You know the answer to that one! - Many times if you have knee pain or instability problems, you will want to seriously consider getting a knee brace. These braces can help provide you with meaningful support and help to reduce your knee pain as a result. Many people can stop taking their pain medications for their knees, as a result of increased stability.

A final suggestion is for office workers not to sit at their desks on their breaks or to sit at all. In fact, it is better for individuals who are confined to their desks at their job to move and walk around on their breaks. This assists in alleviating sore knee joints and gets the blood and heart pumping, which will also make the person more mentally alert for when they return to their desk.

Sore knee joints can be overcome with simple movement, exercise, stretching, and the proper use of knee braces or sleeves.

Challenges in the Treatment of Osteoarthritis of the Hip and Knee

Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common form of arthritis and is the one typically associated with aging. According to data compiled by the National Institutes of Health (NIAMS), OA affects more than 20 million Americans.

OA is a disease due to abnormal cartilage metabolism. Cartilage is the connective tissue that lines the ends of long bones. It is tough gristly material consisting of a matrix of proteoglycans and collagen. Within this framework, cells, called chondrocytes, manufacture the matrix.

OA can be a result of genetics (there is often a family history), injury to the joint, and aging.

Weight bearing areas such as the spine, hips, knees, and the base of the thumb are the most common areas affected.

Symptoms of OA include joint pain, swelling, limited range of motion of the joint, and stiffness.

Treatment of this disorder has been largely aimed at symptom reduction. Among the various treatments used have been analgesics (pain killers), non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS), which help reduce swelling and inflammation, injections of corticosteroid and viscosupplements (lubricants), physical therapy, and eventually joint surgery.

Different types of alternative therapies such as chiropractic, acupuncture, herbal medicines, and supplements have also been used.

These treatments, while helpful for symptoms, do nothing to restore cartilage. The end result is that patients end up needing joint replacement.

More recently, there have been attempts to heal cartilage defects. Procedures that have been employed include:

1. Autologous chondrocyte implantation. In this procedure, cartilage cells are removed from a non-weight bearing part of the joint, arthroscopically, grown in a lab, and then re-implanted into the cartilage defect.

2. Mosaicplasty. Multiple cartilage plugs are harvested from a non weight-bearing part of the joint and inserted into the cartilage defect.

3. Microfracture. The cartilage defect has multiple small holes drilled into it to allow blood and a few stem cells escape into the defect and ostensibly grow cartilage.

While these procedures have been used for small isolated cartilage defects- mostly in athletes- none of these procedures has been used extensively for osteoarthritis. In addition, long term data regarding efficacy has been mixed.

So the problem remains... What can be done to restore cartilage?

The most promising approach appears to be the use of autologous stem cell transplantation. In this procedure, bone marrow harvested from the posterior iliac crest of the patient is concentrated to isolate stem cells. Then using a combination of platelet-derived growth factors, subcutaneous fat, and a few other ingredients, the stem cells are reapplied in a regional manner to treat the osteoarthritic joint.

It must be mentioned that the pain of OA is not due directly to cartilage loss. Rather the pain is a result of several factors including irritation of the joint capsule due to bony spurs, called osteophytes, as well as inflammation of the synovium, the lining of the joint.

However, there are significant barriers when it comes to the used of stem cells. First, patients need to be at or near ideal weight. Second, they must be in good physical condition. And lastly there are biomechanical factors that must be considered. For instance, the knee is not just a hinge joint that bends back and forth. There is also a gliding component as well as a rotation component with normal knee range of motion.

The hip is a joint that is capable of significant range of motion. Most osteoarthritis develops in the superior portion of the joint and that also makes the treatment approach difficult since there is a tremendous amount of load strain that accompanies weight bearing.

The upshot is that with cartilage deterioration, there are altered biomechanics that need to be taken into account when treating an osteoarthritic joint, whether it's the knee or the hip.

Limited weight-bearing after the procedure is critical and an early program of directed physical therapy is also required.

Attempts to normalize the abnormal biomechanics are critical.

While the early data for stem cell transplantation looks promising, longer term data, and continued improvements in techniques should improve the long term outlook for patients.