Saturday, August 3, 2013

Arthritis In The Knee & What To Expect

Arthritis, which is a condition that affects one in three adult Americans, is one that affects the bone joints in the body. Because there is no cure, many sufferers are forced to cope with it's painful effects. Arthritis in the knee is one of the common ailments and can make it difficult to walk, bend the leg or even sleep at night.

Many people who develop arthritis in the knee may do so because of an injury or prolonged stress on the legs. Some examples may be playing sports, being involved in an auto accident, falling, etc. If the knee or leg is injured or strained, it will become more susceptible to developing arthritis in the knee. In some cases, arthritis in the knee may also be inherited and occurs naturally through genetics.

Some of the most common symptoms of arthritis in the knee are achy leg muscles and joints, swelling and tenderness around the knee area, a crackling sound when leg is bent or moved, stiffness and difficulty in movement. These symptoms may become increasingly worse during cold weather or when rain is predicted. Weather patterns greatly affect arthritis in the knee, as well as arthritis in other parts of the body.

As the weather changes, arthritis in the knee often worsens due to the fact that affected joints are believed to develop additional nerve endings in an effort to protect the joint from more damage. In addition, sufferers who cope with arthritis in the knee are thought to be more vulnerable in the morning and/or when any movement is initiated.

If arthritis in the knee is suspected, the best way to confirm a diagnosis is through the type of testing that only a physician can provide. During a typical office visit, doctors are likely to inquire about any additional symptoms or ailments that seem to be present with arthritis in the knee. This is important in the diagnosis of whether or not the patient actually suffers from arthritis in the knee or whether another problem is present.

Although there is no cure for arthritis in the knee, there are various treatment options available for sufferers. Among them, over the counter medications, prescription-based treatments, physical therapy, pain management and even surgery in extreme cases. In addition, numerous herbal therapies have been developed to help ease pain that is caused by arthritis in the knee.

The information in this article is to be used for informational purposes only. It should not be used in place of, or in conjunction with, professional medical advice. Anyone with questions regarding arthritis in the knee must consult their physician for further information.

What to Expect After Your Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Reconstruction Surgery

One of the more common knee injuries is a full thickness tear of the ACL. Depending on the patient's age and activity level, a reconstruction of the ligament is performed. This surgery is quite extensive, and the rehabilitation process can be lengthy. It is important to work closely with your surgeon and physical therapist to follow guidelines for the best possible outcome.

The ACL is a large ligament that connects the femur to the tibia. It is commonly torn during sports such as skiing and basketball. While there are many different mechanisms of injury, one of the most common involves a twist with a planted foot. Women athletes are particularly prone to this injury. Some research suggests that women tend to use the muscles around the knee rather than the muscles around the hip to decelerate landing from a jump. While most of the time this is not a problem, during unintended movements such as landing on an unstable surface or being bumped by another player, the muscles around the knee are not able to adequately stabilize the knee, and thus a tear to the ACL occurs.

Most of the time, young, healthy, active patients have a surgery that involves replacement of the ACL with one of three types of grafts. A hamstring graft is made of the semitendinosus and gracilis tendons. They are typically harvested from the same leg, but occasionally harvested from the opposite leg. The patellar tendon graft is made from the middle third of the patellar tendon. Lastly, a cadaver graft is taken from a fresh cadaver. All of these different types of grafts have their strengths and weakness, and it is an important decision to make with your physician.

Post-operative ACL reconstruction is dictated by your physician, based on what he or she found while performing the surgery. It typically begins with a short period of non-weight bearing and immobilization, with gentle range of motion beginning as soon as your surgeon's protocol allows. Partial weight bearing begins after the first week, and progresses to full weight bearing as tolerated and per your surgeon's protocol.

At this stage, your physical therapist will be performing range of motion to the knee, with an emphasis on getting the knee straight. As weight bearing and loading tolerance increase, exercise intensity will increase. Your physical therapist, in conjunction with the surgeon's protocol, will work on strength, balance, coordination, and functional activities. Most of the time, physical therapy will last from two to three months, depending on the rate of recovery, strength gains, and functional tolerance.

After three months, exercise transitions to more sport/activity specific training, with return to sport by about six months depending on surgical protocol. Most contact sport athletes will be fitted with a brace for long term use, with the goal of decreasing re-injury rates. Failure to adhere to any part of post-surgical ACL reconstruction protocol can result in significant long term dysfunction. Performing your home exercise program, as prescribed by your physical therapist, makes all the difference in the world.

Trying To Find The Zone At 62

People ask me "Why do you run?"

After years of gymnastics, competing in springboard diving, wrestling, playing football, pole vaulting, and coaching all of the above, I am left with a back that has the L4, L5, and S1 vertebrates fused together, a right knee that has seen four surgeries> three meniscus cleanups, one that attached a modern day torcher rack to the outside of my leg to help the bone grow a small bit every day(High Tibial Osteotomy), and finally a total knee replacement joint that is supposed to let me do all that I desire except kneel on cement for more than 2 minutes. The surgeon told me after the surgery that all I had holding my knee together that time was the skin.

I also have two shoulders that have been separated with rotator cuff tears and then surgically repaired in the earlier days. Now they have bone spurs that allow my movements to ratchet over small stalagmites and stalactites with each little twitch.

The flexibility of this youthful springboard diver has seen its day and is now just crying to get out again.

The quick repair of muscle, tendon, and ligament damage done during any type of workout now takes twice as long as it did before; if it is repaired at all.

The year of my back surgery (2007) the doctor told me I could walk. Walking would be good for me since I had shot up to a plump 205 pounds without my normal activities. Although my first stint at walking was a distance the length of my driveway. It was still a start. As I began to walk farther, I noticed that my lower back would stiffen up. So I would jog a few dozen steps and the back area would totally loosen up.

Pretty soon this developed into more of a slow jog with a few walking zones. I was walking thirteen miles every other day. The other days I would walk six miles. I met all kinds of people along my walks. Neighbors that now come to my house to see if I am okay if they don't see me on that particular day.

The pounds began to melt away. I eventually lost fifty five pounds through my walking routine.

A special young lady that I worked with suggested that I chart the miles I had been walking and running. I thought about this while I was icing down my back for that evening. I determined that I would keep on logging the mileage that I went every day. At the end of that particular month, I would total the mileage and then plot them on a road map of the United States of America. My idea was to run/walk around the entire perimeter of our great country.

While I was doing my walk/runs every day, I was actually training for some "fun runs" that I had not even thought about. As a distance runner I started late in life. I guess I began when I was 58 after I was told by my surgeon that I had to walk.

And you keep asking that totally rhetorical question, "Why do you keep on running?" or better yet "How do you keep on running?"

I run for freedom. I run to clean the cobwebs and gobbledygook that gets sucked in every day doing normal things like at work, or dealing with others. Running correctly sorts and files this mess as each bird's nest is unraveled, classified, and stored, or discarded.

I run for the freedom to breathe deeply the natural smells from the garden, as well as the kitchen smell of breakfast that gingerly waft through the kitchen windows out onto the sidewalk or roadway below. I run to smell the wet dew on the forest path or on the fresh sagebrush.

I run to see a family of wild coyotes romping across the foothills, or a doe and her two fawns as they step out of the ferns. I run to hear the crunch of fresh fallen snow beneath my feet and feel the amazing snowflakes upon my face.

I run to find friendship with myself.

As the ratio between running and walking become a religion to follow, hydration techniques supply the energy needed to complete a run, and my diet is now a 4 to 1 complex carbohydrate to protein ratio; I feel alive.

I feel more alive than I have in years past. I have set up many goals to achieve. I have achieved some of these and yet other goals will take more in depth physical work, and time.

The past four years have seen me enter, finish, and in some cases place in the top three in my age group. I started entering 5K (3.1 mile) races in 2007. I entered five that year. In 2008, I entered three more 5K races. In 2009, I entered five more. In 2010, I must have become rather energetic because I entered six 5k's and three 10k's (6.2 miles). I had never run a 10K in my life before this year.

At the end of 2010, I was diagnosed and treated for a very rare and aggressive form of Melanoma on my forehead and in three of my sentinel lymph nodes. I was in the latter period of stage two of the disease. My doctors treated me with surgery and radiation. Chemotherapy was held as a final option if I progressed any further. My Chemical Oncologist told me the interferon that they would have to use would just tear me up. So I was glad it did not have to be utilized.

The treatments wiped out my fitness levels and my mental aggressiveness. At the end of my radiation treatments my doctor said I could begin running again. Before the surgery, before the radiation treatments, I was in the latter stages of my training for a half marathon.

But as soon as I jumped onto the treadmill I knew what I had lost. I could not even finish a quarter of a mile at 0.0 incline and a speed of 4.5 miles per hour.

I had a long way to comeback. I had a lot of gobbledygook that needed to be cleaned out and a passion rekindled.

And now in 2011, I entered and completed three 10K races and two half marathons. What will I run in 2012? I am not positively sure but there are thoughts of the Robie Creek Half-Marathon in Boise, Idaho in April. It is said to be the toughest half marathon in the west. The one I missed before all of my treatments in 2010.

Then there is the Mayor's Half-Marathon in Anchorage, Alaska during the summer solstice in June. After that we will see. People say I should enter a marathon. I have watched people train to run marathons. No thank you; I want to find my perfect zone not destroy it; that elusive runner's zone.

Yes, I am in pain before and at the beginning of each run or race. Yes, I am in pain at the end of each run or race and even later on. My body knows what ice, ice baths, heat, deep tissue massage, and physical therapy are. My deep tissue massage lady tells me I have the flexibility in my hips of a granite boulder.

But there is a period in the middle of every run that is totally euphoric. Runners will understand when I say that I am in another world. There are times I could not tell you how I got from point A to Point B because I was in this zone. It is probably the greatest feeling in the world and I am alive.

So when you ask me "Why do I run?" I will probably say for my physical health. But in all reality I run because I am addicted to that period of No Pain, No Reality, Just the Zone.

As a footnote, in early 2012 I will have completed my run/walk around the perimeter of the United States of America. I will have run and/or walked 11,600 miles since my back surgery and I am alive.

Others run farther than I do and could have completed this trek in far less time. But this is my journey and I will write it up as one of my great accomplishments. I will check it off my bucket list, as I have with Paragliding from 4500 feet down to sea level in Alaska, as I have with scuba diving the Great Barrier Reef, and as I have climbing Ayers Rock.

As of August, 2011 and six CAT scans later I am now totally clean. I am also crossing this off my bucket list.

I am Alive and forever searching for the next incredible "Zone".

How Arthritis and Sugar Consumption Can Be a Problem Combination

As a Naturopath who specializes in pain treatments and a sufferer of pain, some self imposed through years of sports and some through natural wear and tear, I am well versed in the various expressions of pain. If you are in pain then perhaps it is time to review your sugar consumption. I discovered the sugar and pain connection in the mid 80's.

Every Tuesday I would have take away chicken for lunch and a well known soda, which contained a large amount of sweetener. It took me a few weeks to connect increased knee pain on my Tuesday walk with the high sugar intake. Years later I learned of the clear biochemical connection between sugar and pain. It doesn't matter whether the sweetener is sugar or corn syrup the pain result is the same.

Sugar is a direct driver of inflammation in the body. The best way of accessing your sugar intake is to keep a food & snacks diary for at least one week. You don't need to measure the sugar, just list the sweet foods. You may be surprised at the amount of sugar consumed. Whatever amount you think you are consuming it is probably 30% higher because of hidden sugars, e.g. sauces and breads. Include all treats and processed foods consumed.

If you accept that sugar equals pain, the more sugar you eat the more pain you will experience. I know it can be hard to give up your much loved snacks, especially if they are part of your stress management. We often eat to feel happier. The first step is to reduce your sugar intake, don't try to stop everything all at once, it may be too stressful. Start to introduce more fruit and nuts. Watch out for hidden sugars in so called healthy foods.

A common problem is to swap sugar for aspartame which will only cause you more problems. There are currently multiple class actions against aspartame. Safe alternatives are Stevia or Xyotol which you can purchase at any health food shop.

An important question to ask yourself is how does this pain affect my life and what am I prepared to do to gain relief. Don't forget that by reducing your sugar or corn syrup consumption you will also reduce your likelihood of obesity diabetes and cardiovascular disease. As usual with health issues one action or one problem will often have a flow on effect.

How quickly you make changes in your life will depend on your personality. It may be a lot, all at once or baby steps, gradually introducing change. Be careful who you discuss your plans with. Some people may be supportive but others may seek to undermine your efforts because it challenges some insecurity of their own.

How to Double Up on Protection When Learning to Spar Full Contact in the Martial Arts

The first thing you will want before you attempt to master full contact sparring is to get the right sparring gear for the job. It is important that you and your partner have the same quality of protection too. Remember, your opponent is punching and kicking you - if you want to soften the blow then they too should have on quality padding. Lightweight foam protection may not be enough if you are planning to do full contact fighting. Get some gear that has professional grade padding and avoid the karate style sparring gear usually designed for point or very light contact sparring.

Would you rather be hit by a aluminum bat or a foam bat?

Consider the difference between being hit by a person with a no gloves as opposed to one with gloves. The same goes for other attacks, like kicks and knees too. If you want to build up your toughness and defense against low kicks (Muay Thai style kicks that target the thigh area of your leg focused on damaging the sciatic nerve), then it will help if your partner is wearing padded shin pads.

With the right combination of protective sparring gear, you can double your safety (this is especially important if your are practicing full contact sparring).

Consider the highest ounce boxing glove matched with a good headgear. You will get the padding protection from the glove and the padding protection from the headgear. In theory, you will double your protection (one plus one equals two). If 100% of your protection is only from the gear you are wearing, then you are increasing your chance of injury. Get a 100% upgrade by ensuring that both you and your partner are wearing the most padding possible.

Though it is rarely used, consider adding chest protection to your sparring set up. This will encourage more knee attacks from your partner without fear of injury. If you don't already have a set in mind, consider the following:

01 Mouthpiece (double by a reputable company that protects the jaw or useable for jaw injuries and issues like TMJ)

02 Head gear (tight fitting with good visual sight)

03 Chest guard (one that you can wear and still move properly - otherwise you will not use it)

04 Sparring Gloves (start with the highest ounce boxing glove and a solid padded glove for grappling or when you need you hands)

05 Cup protection (yes, you should wear a cup in every sparring session and you can consider wearing the outside padding too if you are really going crazy).

06 Thigh padding (yes, you can buy padding and protection for the thighs, this isn't always used but now becoming more important with the low kick training requirements).

07 Shin guards (avoid soccer style plastic guards unless there is a top layer of padding. These are important if you want to kick to your partners legs repeatedly without injury).

08 Feet (these are often combined with shin guards to cover the instep and the top of the foot. There are not a lot options when it comes to foot padding as compared to hand protection). If you are wearing shoes be sure that there isn't anything on the top of the shoe (like laces) that can injure your partner.

Naturally, you will want to adjust your gear according to your skill level and training strategy. If you are a beginner working towards a cage fight - you will want to progressively decrease your padding as you train. If you are working on body conditioning, then you will want to maintain a high level of protection to decrease the chance of injury and be able to train more often.

Perhaps you are a bodyguard and desire to learn to move with restrictive clothing or gear. Either way, when you are just starting out, try to match your gear so that you can get highest level of protection. If you are serious about your sparring consider purchasing two full sets of a particular type of gear so that you will be able invite friends to spar.

When in doubt, knock em out!

Killer High Heels Look Great But Can Wreck Your Plus Size Body

One thing men and women around the world agree on, is that women look great in high heels. There is something about a 4 inch heel which can make even the plainest looking legs appear sexy and gorgeous as if by magic, and combined with the fashionable plus size clothes available from ladies plus size shops you can look incredible! While you may enjoy the way you look in them, you no doubt find the feeling you get from wearing them for more than the time it takes to fall in love with them, is a pain in the...well everywhere. The unnatural angle at which your body is forced to adopt when walking causes your body's natural dynamics to be thrown into confusion, placing a lot of pressure on the ball of your foot and causing increased pressure everywhere else. Here are just some of the serious problems wearing high heels can cause.

Hammer Toes

These nasty sounding afflictions are caused by squeezing toes into the end of those glamorous shoes for a long period of time. The pressure of your body being forced towards the end of your foot by your altered walking angle means your toes can get crammed into a hammer shape and eventually get stuck this way. The results can leave you permanently disfigured and in need of surgery to fix it.


Badly fitting shoes can cause an unsightly bony swelling on inside edge of your foot. The swelling pushes your big toe out towards your other toes, the bump can be very painful and inflamed and your feet are left misshapen and in need of surgery to correct.

Leg Tendon Damage

When you wear high heels for an extended period of time, your Achilles tendon, running up the back of your leg from your heel will be forced to shorten is it is not properly stretched to its proper length. This can cause it to permanently shrink so that when you do eventually where flat heels it is forced to stretch again. This can be very painful and cause tendonitis. To fix, try flat shoes and yoga.

Knee Pain

With the weight of your body forced forwards onto the front of your foot, there is the knock on effect of added pressure on your knees. Over a period of time this can lead to arthritis, which is a painful degenerative joint disorder.

So next time you think about wearing those killer high heels, think again, or at least be prepare for the consequences especially is you wear plus sized clothes and shoes.

Friday, August 2, 2013

The Problem Of Knee Pain When Bending Can Be Effectively Dealt With Thanks To Homeopathy

Your quality of life depends primarily upon how healthy you are physically, mentally, and of course, emotionally. If your body, or part of your body, is not functioning as it should, your life will be impacted. The impact felt is usually negative in nature.

Many people suffer with knee pain when bending, or joints that cause them pain and discomfort. This can drastically reduce mobility and this simply leads to other health problems. It is like a vicious cycle, but you can stop the ride.

Maintaining strong bones is crucial

Building strong bones is crucial but the earlier it is done the better. Maintaining a regime that promotes healthy and strong bones should be something we all do throughout our lives. Bone conditions, such as rheumatoid arthritis and osteoporosis affect millions of people all around the world. This causes millions to live with the pain and discomfort, along with associated conditions, for years, never realizing that there is help available.

What can you do for pain associated with arthritis?

Natural remedies are becoming increasingly popular as more and more people realize that homeopathic remedies really do work. Like most people you might assume that in order to help your bones be stronger and more resilient, you need to increase your calcium intake. This is part of the solution but it is not the end of the matter by far.

Calcium alone is not enough

Bones become weaker because of a number of causes including calcium deficiency. If your diet is not complete and balanced, nutritional deficiencies can also contribute to the breakdown of your bones.

Sometimes the body will not only absorb extra calcium that you provide, but will actually remove calcium from the bones and use it elsewhere in the body. Likewise, if you are deficient in other areas, say with regards to vitamins, your body will simply be unable to absorb the extra calcium.

Natural ways of dealing with bone problems are safer and achieve what science cannot

Your very first course of action should be to review your diet. Make the changes that are necessary so that you are obtaining what your body needs, and omitting what it does not. Aside from dietary changes be sure to get enough exercise. This is crucial for healthy bones. Just like muscles, bones need weight training and your age really should not factor in. We know that human bones will rise to the occasion if necessary.

And finally, seriously consider taking a homeopathic supplement that contains essential ingredients, specifically chosen to help build strong bones and a healthy body.

"Pain in the knees when bending and in other parts of the body is treatable".

Exercising With a Knee Replacement in the Gym

I had a knee replacement completed in 1999 in Tampa, Florida. I was 44 years old at the time and had injured the right knee from a previous motorcycle accident. I was informed by my orthopedic surgeon that weight training will be out of the question once the knee is replaced at least with my right leg.

You are usually instructed to either swim or bicycle for instance as these are low impact activities that will not place stress on the components. For most knee or hip replacement patients that will be fine as most candidates for a replacement will be over 65 years of age.

We are however in this day and age seeing more joint replacement surgeries with younger people. The baby boomers are coming of age and joint disease is becoming more common. Younger patients tend to be more active as well and will find it difficult to curb previous activities.

Knee and hip components have a come a long way since 1999 however, they still are not designed for high impact activities like running for instance. I advise after a knee replacement that once you get the pain to subside and obtain full range of motion again that you get started with a strengthening program with the joint as soon as possible.

Before starting a program remember that you will need to be cleared by your doctor and that is usually 6-8 weeks out depending on the individual and the orthopedic surgeon.

I am a natural bodybuilder and I will admit stopping weight training with my legs would have been hard to do. To keep your legs strong I have found that the leg press found in any gym is a wonderful tool to keep the quadriceps strong along with leg extensions. Keep the weight light work on higher repetitions and you should be just fine.

keeping the calves strong as well is very important and the standing calf raise along with the seated soleus machine will keep the muscles below the knee strong as well. Remember the thighs, hamstrings and calves are there to support the knee as well and you will get more mileage out of the knee replacement if the supporting muscles are kept strong and toned.

Maintaining strong legs will also help and improve your balance after the surgery and will improve your gait pattern as well.

Hit the weights after the surgery, listen to your body and you should be fine providing you have had weight training experience in the past. If you have not been into weight training or lifting get someone competent in the area to instruct you to get you started on the right track.

Return after your surgery stronger then you were before. Weight training will also build muscle which will in turn help you loose some of those unwanted pounds you accumulated before the surgery due to inactivity. The loss of body weight will also buy you more time with the replacement. I have been training with weights on both legs for years now after the replacement without a problem. Strong legs will buy you independence in the years ahead.

Stop Your Dog From Jumping Up

The problem of dogs jumping is very common. Many dog owners unwittingly encourage this behavior by enthusiastically responding to a puppy that scampers towards them and makes small jumps at their knees.

The puppy learns very quickly that jumping up results in him getting plenty of hugs and kisses. Dogs can't possibly understand the difference between a small puppy and a large adult dog jumping up.

Your dog will see no good reason to stop jumping just because he's somewhat older. You will need to make it clear to him that jumping is no longer acceptable.

So when is jumping inappropriate?

Some owners of small dogs see jumping as an indication of affection and enthusiasm. Thankfully, it is unlikely that the rambunctious antics of these dogs would knock anyone over, plus they are so small that the only person likely to be intimidated by them would be a child. That said, most people do not like a strange animal of any size jumping up on them. In a nutshell, you should teach your dog the "off" command in case you aren't close enough to stop the jumping behavior.

The "no jump" or "off" command is necessary for owners of big dogs. Large dogs are often taller than a human when they stand on their hind legs - just think how intimidating that would be for a small child! As well, they are frequently sufficiently heavy to knock over an adult. Being scratched or bruised by your own dog is bad but it's much worse if it happens to someone else. Dog owners should make sure that dogs are furnished with a recall to the "off" command.

So why do dogs jump?

The reason for most dogs jumping is sheer excitement and enthusiasm. Some dogs only jump up when their owner returns from work after being away all day. If your dog jumps up on you at that time, he is simply jumping for joy. A less common yet serious reason is a dog jumping up to display his dominance over the person he is jumping on.

Your dog is obviously displaying his joy and enthusiasm if the only time he jumps up is during playtimes or when he is thrilled to see you. If the jumping occurs under a variety of circumstances, it is likely that your dog is displaying dominance behavior, which is indicative of a communication or attitude problem. Basically, there will need to be major changes in your relationship with your dog, including asserting yourself as "alpha dog".

Your reaction to dogs jumping up on you is key to whether the behavior is repeated or not. Consistent training over an extended period will be required in order to stop your dog's jumping behavior. He needs to be trained that it is always unacceptable for him to jump up. You can't allow your dog to jump up sometimes and not another time. Play and work clothes look the same to a dog so, if he's permitted to jump up on you sometimes, he'll try to jump up whenever he's in the mood.

How to put an end to your dog's jumping behavior

Most trainers are in agreement that the best way to stop undesirable behaviors in your dog, such as jumping, is also the simplest. You just need to walk away when he jumps up. Your dog should be given no attention whatsoever, which includes negative attention like pushing, correcting and yelling.

Here's how this training method works: when your dog jumps on you, immediately turn your back on him, fold your arms, turn your face away, and don't make eye contact with him. Dogs are able to interpret your body language so your posture will make it clear to him that jumping is inappropriate.

All too often, people make the mistake of ignoring the dog's bad behavior rather than ignoring the dog. The behavior is not being ignored (you're not carrying on as if the jumping isn't happening, you are actively ignoring your dog). Giving dogs the cold shoulder treatment is an extremely effective way to quickly communicate displeasure to them. When your attention and reaction are removed, your dog will quickly calm down.

The correct time to give him praise

Once all of your dog's feet are firmly back on the ground, you can heap praise on him. Once your dog's paws have touched the floor, you may give him attention even if you were ignoring him a moment earlier.

The Un-Welcomed Gift of Endurance - It's All About How Far You Go After You Have Been Hit

"... giving no cause for offense in anything, so that the ministry will not be discredited, Rather, as servants of God, we commend ourselves in every way: in great endurance; in troubles, hardships and distresses; in beatings, imprisonments and riots; in hard work, sleepless nights and hunger . . . with weapons of righteousness in the right hand and in the left; through glory and dishonor, bad report and good report; genuine, yet regarded as impostors; known, yet regarded as unknown; dying, and yet we live on; beaten, and yet not killed; sorrowful, yet always rejoicing; poor, yet making many rich; having nothing, and yet possessing everything. (2 Cor. 6:3 -10, NIV)

The Christian of today needs to have the zeal of a zealot, the spirit of a soldier, the guts of a gladiator, and the attitude of an athlete. But that's a lesson in itself.

To endure. It is the ultimate test of faith, because the very definition of endurance - to undergo hardship without giving in - implies no promise of pay-off, no sense of a beginning, middle, and an end. A true test of endurance leaves few clues about how long you'll have to hang on. It offers no light at the end of the tunnel, no marker by which to measure that last, labored sprint to the finish line. If you could see the finish line, it wouldn't be endurance.

The Bible lists endurance as a gift, on the same short list as faith and love. Yet, if you are going through extended tough times, you may be saying to yourself, Endurance - a gift? A booby prize, maybe.

Have you ever wondered as you drive cross-country, as you drive at warp speed with bugs exploding like paint balls on your windshield . . . what this journey must have been like for early settlers who made the trek in covered wagons, with no comfy Motel 6's along the way, no Burger Kings, no roadside attractions. Just miles and miles of prairie. How did they endure, bouncing along in their buckboards, under constant threat of Indian attack, with no clear idea where they were headed or when they were supposed to stop?

Fortunately, being stranded on the prairie is one endurance test you and I will likely never have to face. But we've all suffered trials - spells in the wilderness we thought would never come to an end. My own life, like many of you, has had its share of pain. Most of it came from my own lousy choices, (by the way, as I found out, Stupidity is not a spiritual gift) but the heartache was just as real.

Some of us make nice quiet little mistakes that hardly go noticed; but some of us, like me, make those loud, in your face, "hey look at me" mistakes. Something I have learned though, is I MUST endure it, learn from it, get up, and not walk... NEVER walk, but always get up and RUN! Get back in the race!

We don't have time to walk in this life. Save the victory walk for Heaven when you can walk without being attacked. You haven't accomplished anything yet. If you're still here, then you're still in the race!

I didn't handle things quite so gracefully. I whined and pouted. I stomped my feet and shook my fist at the heavens. Life didn't turn out like I expected, and I couldn't seem to let that go. But slowly and over time, God changed my heart, and still is each and every day.

Hebrews 12:29 "for our God is a consuming fire." When I started to fizzle out, nothing left... He ignited me again. If you will just let Him in, He will always let you win!

James 1:12 (New American Standard Bible)

12 Blessed is a man who perseveres under trial; for once he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him.

What is it that you've had to endure? Chronic illness? Unemployment? An aging parent's slow deterioration from Alzheimer's? When you find yourself faced with what seem like never-ending periods of disappointment and hardship, rather than question His divine judgment, pray for the strength to endure. Then be open to the lessons this experience may have to teach you. The next time you're tempted to think God has singled you out for the "booby prize" of endurance, consider this challenge from the Apostle Paul:

Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured such opposition from sinful men, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart. (Hebrews 12:1-3, NIV)

Herb Lusk, now a preacher but was a professional football player for the Philadelphia Eagles, was known as the "Praying Tailback." He tells a story about a player he saw on his own team that was a lineman.

This lineman went in front of him to block for him, and Herb says he saw this players' finger bend all the way backwards against his hand when the opposing player hit him. After the play, Herb says he looked at the player with the severely dislocated finger... the skin stretched, the bone visible just under the skin, obviously with torn tissue inside and swelling... and Herb says he just about fainted just looking at it.

Then he watched as this man with some obvious pain reached over with his other hand and grabbed the finger, jerked it back into place and put his hands back on his knees, ready for the next play.

After they went to the sidelines, Herb says he was just sure that he would see this player calling for a medic or some kind of medical attention because the swelling and bruising was awful... but instead, this player called out for someone to bring him some tape! They brought him some duct tape, he wrapped his finger and hand until you couldn't see his hand, then ran back out onto the field to finish the game and started clubbing people with that hand!

Now folks, that's the kind of Christians we need to be! Take the hits, endure the pain, keep your eye on Jesus and win the game, and God will keep us going and will heal us in the end! Endure!

In professional football, they measure their effectiveness and strength by what they term YAC-Yards, that is, Yards After Contact. Their strength and endurance is measured by how many yards they can get after they've made contact with the opposing team. Making yards, progress, is easy through the hole when you're not getting hit. Anyone can do that... it's how many yards you can make after you've been hit, when the bottom falls out. Every child of God should be able to make YAC-Yards... After you've been talked about; After you've been put down; After sickness...

Job said "Naked I came from my mother's womb, and naked I shall return. The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away. Though he slay me, yet will I Trust in Him."


Boxing Story

I was reading some history about a prize fighter from years ago, John L. Sullivan, at that point he was the best Heavyweight Champion. Now, there was a pip-squeak guy that had been set-up to fight John L. Sullivan, and they gave this guy 1,000:1 odds in this fight. They knew that he wouldn't even last the first round.

The 1st round, John L. Sullivan hit him so hard his whole body shook!

When this fighter returned to his corner, his trainer asked "How ya doin'?"

Fighter - "Doin' alright, but when he hit me I felt that hit from the top of my head to the bottoms of my feet. But I said to myself, 'If I could just go one more round'."

The 2nd round, John L. Sullivan hit him so hard that it lifted him clear off the mat, and he came down and he fell on his back... saved by the bell, they drug him back to his corner again.

His trainer asked, "Do you want me to throw in the towel?!"

The fighter answered, "No, let me see if I can do it just one more round."

He went back out and John L. Sullivan hit his eyes so hard that they were swollen and puffy and he couldn't see. Back in the corner, they took razorblades and they slit his eyes so he could see.

His trainer asked, "Do you want me to throw in the towel?!"

He said "No, no, no... Just one more round"

The next round he got hit so hard that he was literally praying that it would be the knock-out punch, but it didn't knock him out! And he was saying to himself, "If I could just make it one more round"

This was the longest prize fight in history at that time.

He went back out the next round and got knocked down 3 times! And guess what he said?

Just one more round!

The 20th round - he came out barely standing, bloody, and bludgeoned, trying to cover himself, and guess what he said?

Just one more round!

25 rounds of fighting, beaten down and over and over again saying to himself what?

One more round!

Over and over again he said to himself... One more round!

Bloody & bludgeoned - one more round!

Eyes puffed & swollen, but - one more round!

Legs weak, but - one more round!

Too tired to stand, but - one more round!

And that last round he came out and hit John L. Sullivan and knocked him out cold!

I don't know anything about John L. Sullivan personally, but we have someone who wants to beat us down and destroy us also; the equivalent of a John L. Sullivan in our midst, and his name is Satan; but he's a liar and the Truth is not in him and I say to you, when he hits you, I want you to say;

Just one more round, that's all I want,

Just one more round, just let me stand, just one more round, just give me the strength!

Just one more round, one more round, one more round...

And you will knock him out.

Matthew 24:13 (New American Standard Bible)

13 "But the one who endures to the end, he will be saved.

Matthew 10:22 (New American Standard Bible)

22 "You will be hated by all because of My name, but it is the one who has endured to the end who will be saved.

2 Timothy 2:3 (New American Standard Bible)

3 "Suffer hardship with me, as a good soldier of Christ Jesus.

1 Corinthians 13:7

7 (Speaking about Love...) "bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.

Hebrews 12:4 - 7

4 "You have not yet resisted to the point of shedding blood in your striving against sin;

5 and you have forgotten the exhortation which is addressed to you as sons,





7 "It is for discipline that you endure; God deals with you as with sons; for what son is there whom his father does not discipline?"

James 5:11 (New American Standard Bible)

11We count those blessed who endured. You have heard of the endurance of Job and have seen the outcome of the Lord's dealings, that the Lord is full of compassion and is merciful.

1 Peter 1:25 (New American Standard Bible)


And this is the word which was preached to you."

We don't endure alone; God is with you every step, even when you don't look to Him, even when you don't see Him, when your pride blinds you, anger and not understanding burns inside you, and humiliation deflates you... Jesus understands, as He carries you in His arms gently through it with compassion for you that you can't even begin to understand, but He does.

So, just pray for the strength to go "one more round." In the last round of this life, you can win by knocking out the adversary. You will take some hits in this life, and you will hurt, those are just simple facts that we as humans must face and understand. Endurance is our weapon, our developed skill of taking the hits, still making forward progress... those YAC Yards... and finishing the race. Endure! Gain stregnth! And win!

Make this your daily mantra; Improvise, Adapt, & Overcome! No matter what the challenge or how hard the difficulties, get over them, under them, around them, or through them! Never let your situation redefine who you really are! Beat the odds, meet the challenge, and win by pure endurance... a single blow knock-out!

You, and only you, determine the outcome of a challenge. You have the strength. You have the power. You have a promise from the very one who created you. Even death cannot win. Now, you have a choice... do you make YAC Yards? Do you keep getting up for one more round? You can beat whatever is against you, whatever is hurting, challenging, closing in, and trying to keep you beat down. You have the strength. Use that unwelcomed gift of endurance and get back up where you belong!

Rheumatoid Arthritis Diet - Natural Cures That Treat and Cure RA

If you are depressed and suffer from achy joints and are in constant pain you need help now. The good news is there is an all-natural cure for your arthritis. Listen; there are millions of people just like you who suffer in silence. Arthritis can be a daily nightmare...fingers gnarled, joints sore all the time. You are stressed out and literally in tears from the pain.

Why You Suffer From Arthritis?

Most Americans consume a diet that is acid-forming--too much meat, too many processed foods, not enough raw fruits, vegetables and fresh fish. Here is a list of 12 of the best foods that fight arthritis. If you are looking for an all-natural cure for arthritis start with these. The first 6 foods listed contain high levels of Omega 3 fatty acids which soothe joint pain and inflammation. Tart cherries are a natural anti-pain medicine. The remainder of the foods on this list are good sources of Vitamin C (which is a powerful antioxidant). They also contain calcium and magnesium which are good for bone maintenance.

Wild and fresh salmon
Rainbow trout
Mackerel, except for king mackerel
Tart Cherries
Brussels sprouts

Note that I did not mention milk or dairy products in this list. That's because milk is basically "liquid meat". Dairy products are acid-forming foods. I know the conventional recommendation is to drink more milk, but nothing is further from the truth. Milk and dairy products can exacerbate the problem.

In addition to the foods above you should be drinking powerful herbal teas. Teas like dandelion, green tea, burdock and red clover. These teas are known for their blood cleansing properties. They can destroy the bacteria that is the root cause of rheumatoid arthritis.

What's that? You didn't know that a bacterium has been implicated as the primary culprit for causing rheumatoid arthritis? Well, a doctor over 40 years ago proved this and cured almost all of him patients using this knowledge. Why hasn't the medical establishment made this research public knowledge? Well as Dr. Eli Wallach once said about arthritis, "If the truth were released [to the public], the orthodox doctors would lose an entire specialty [rheumalogy] in short order, so they keep it a secret."

But this is just the tip of the iceberg. If you really want a step-by-step guide to cure rheumatoid arthritis then download a special report that I have written just for you. Learn why I kick milk to the curb and what the medical establishment doesn't want you to know about curing your arthritis with simple ingredients found in your kitchen cupboard. You need to know about a kind of bacteria that is the root cause of almost all cases of rheumatoid arthritis and why most antibiotics usually do not work in eradicating this bacterium.

Feeling Hopeless Over a Falling Apart Relationship?

Is your relationship falling apart?  Is it getting worse, and you feel hopeless?  Has panic gripped you, and you're grasping for anything to help you?  The confusion, pain, and anger you experience when your relationship is falling apart, is one of the most devastating things to endure.  There is help to make it healthy, and you don't have to feel hopeless!  It can be fixed!

Everyone will have problems in their relationship, whether minor or major.  In your case, it's major,  you feel hopeless, and don't know what to do. Your sense of urgency has brought you here for your falling apart relationship.Take a deep breath it can be fixed!

Here are some facts what falling apart relationships lead to.  It's estimated that 50% of men under the age of 45 will divorce in their first time of marriage. For women, it is about 44% to 52% under the age of 45 who will divorce in their first time of marriage. For men, and women between the ages of 45 to 55, it is about 40% who will divorce. The lowest divorce rates are for men and women at 60 years of age, until death, at about 32%. Not good odds, are they?  Don't be a statistic!

How many people have you heard say that their relationship was over? You felt for them, you cried with them, and hoped that something like this won't happen to you.  But it did!  There are 5 extremely important areas that you need to focus on to help your falling apart relationship heal. Series of events led up to it.

1. Are you in love, or just love?

There are many ways to describe love, but concerning a relationship,  It's about being in love!  When you first fell in love, did it take your breath away, make your heart beat faster?  Did your knees knock, and left you shaky all over?   Life gets in the way with the business of making a living, taking care of family, and so on, and it has contributed to diminishing  the magic of being in love!  Re-kindle that magic!

2. Be committed to make your relationship work!

Are both of you committed to stop your relationship from falling apart?  If only one of you is willing to rebuild it, the odds are that it is bound to fail. Both of you will have to sit down, and discuss your willingness to make your falling apart relationship work.  There will be problems, and both of you will need to be willing to work on them, and see them through. 

3. Learn how to communicate with each other again!  

How many couples do you know who were madly in love in the beginning of their relationship? They talked about everything under the sun, and were excited with each others conversation.  Then time past, and you saw them again, both of them so quiet, you could hear a pin drop and hit the floor! Has your relationship reached that point? Communication won't be easy, because the relationship is already in trouble, but you keep trying.  It will get better!

4. Be willing to work on trust issues!

For a relationship to work, it has to be built on a foundation of trust! I don't know what kind of events went on in your home that led up to it falling apart, but if trust has been compromised, it will be a difficult issue to work on. Nobody is perfect, and we all make mistakes! It's when you do it again, that it isn't a mistake anymore, but an intention.

5. Rebuilding your relationship will take time.

Working on a relationship that is falling apart will take time. You have to be patient! It will not heal over night!   Keep in mind, that the damage is done, and you don't want to put a band-aid over a gaping wound! 

Relationships that fall apart are difficult, and unfortunately, too many people give up. They end their relationships when there was a chance it could have been saved!  Yours can be!  You don't have to feel hopeless!

During the Operation of Knee Replacement and the Intervention of Its Complication

Our knee is a body part barely noticed most of the time, but we only become aware of it when activities of daily living is affected by the pain brought about the injury of the knee. What is affected in this is tantamount to difficulty in walking and locomotion because our knee pivots and centers the force of the thighs and the lower leg. If people will have a stiff and painful knee to an extent of performing even the simplest of activities, then they are advised to undergo Knee Replacement Surgery. The people mostly concerned in this are the ones who has vigorous sport activities and that their knees are currently the major obstruction on their play. So to improve their condition, they specifically need to undergo Total Knee Replacement or also referred as Total Knee Arthroplasty.

The anatomy of the knee comprises ligaments, bones and cartilage. Most of the time, unforeseen circumstances happen and those three may be dislocated, rubs each other tremendously, or the lubricant depletes which causes pain in the knee. The condition of the cartilage lining in its joint is a key aspect of a normal function and this is important to the physician when evaluating a potential need for a knee joint replacement.

The technique involves incision of the front of the knee where the knee cap is displaced to get a better look on the distal of the knee cap and proximal look of the tibia. These bones are then reshaped by cutting the ends of it, some cartilages and ligaments are removed but the ligaments of tibia and fibula are preserved. Implantation is then subsequent, where a metal or polymethylmethacrylate cement is fixed on the bone. The other components are molded to complement the formation of the bones in the knee, in this way, distortion are corrected and that ligaments are balanced to give the right flexion of the knee and it will not limit the action of the legs which is pivoted by the knee.

Post operatively, the complication may include fractures, loss of motion, instability of bone formation and infection, but these are counteracted by antibiotic therapy, anesthetics to improve post operative stiffness, lower leg exercises to increase circulation, support stockings and medication to thin blood clots. However, these complications occur in fewer cases as the study goes over this operation helps majority of the population who had undergone this to get back on their feet each year. Also, each year, there are advancements done to improve the outcome of the surgery.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Symptoms, Treatment, and Prevention of Knee Problems

The largest joint in the human body and the most complicated, the knees are usually the most easily injured part of the body. They carry our weight whenever we straighten, bend, twist and rotate. All of these increase the risk of acute knee injuries such as pain while walking. Here are some information about what to do when you have knee pain.


Symptoms usually associated with knee problems include a locking sensation (this is where you cannot fully move your knee in a normal range of motion), and a popping or grinding feeling near the joint. Others are unstable knees and a swelling of the knees. You might feel pain when bearing partial or full weight on them. The injury might get worse as you move while performing your daily activities.


Knee discomfort due to tendonitis, which means that you have an inflamed tendon, shows symptoms like swelling and intense pain while walking or running. Another likely cause might be meniscus damage. Menisci are cartilages which diffuse friction on the knee joint between the lower leg and the thigh. Swelling, severe pain, and a locking sensation while moving may be indicative that you have injured your meniscus. One more probable cause is ligament tears in the knee, a symptom of which is the twisting of the knee or a popping sound.


Usual home remedies are taking a rest and placing ice on top of the damaged knee. Since the latter is the easiest to do, this is a popular remedy choice. The ice dulls the pain and decreases the swelling. The problem is that sometimes people move the knee before it fully heals. Knee braces are another option for people with knee damage. Surgery is also an alternative treatment for knee injury, although usually taken as a last resort.


As the saying goes, prevention is better than cure. Injuries, damages, and knee pain are easily prevented with daily exercise. Try walking and stretching before you run, jog or brisk walk. Warm up before a strenuous workout and do knee exercises that strengthen muscles. These will help prevent knee injuries. Take care to wear the proper footwear, especially when doing high impact exercises, and remember to always keep your weight under control as this also reduces the stress on your knees.

Joint Relief Supplements For Knee Pain

The entire weight of your body is felt by your knees. Each step you take puts pressure on the joints in your knees. Having any type of inflammation, pain, or stiffness in your knee can seriously affect your mobility. Diseases like osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis are two of the leading causes of joint pain in knees. Everyone at some point experiences joint pain-especially in their knees. The sourest tasting realization about OA (osteoarthritis) and RA (rheumatoid arthritis) is that they are both diseases that frequently come with age. With age being the main cause of joint pain, there are many ways you can prepare your knees for the future. Taking relief supplements are not only there to relieve pains, heat, and stiffness, but they are there to help avoid the discomforts before they start.

The joint in your knee is made up of three different compartments: patellofemoral, lateral, and medial. There are many different causes for knee pains. Causes could be arthritis, intermittent infection, and injury. Rarely will you see bone tumors as the cause of knee pains, but they are a potential factor.

Supplements work best if taken on a daily basis. Look for products that include ingredients like glucosamine sulfate, vitamin D3, or chondroitin sulfate. Glucosamine sulfate, for example, is an amino acid that is necessary for joint function and protection. If your body is not making enough glucosamine then consuming it in a supplement can help make up for the loss.

Generally people that seek joint relief suffer from OA or RA (osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis). OA and RA can be caused by a few different accumulative factors. Age is the most common "cause" of joint diseases, although the cause of OA and RA is actually considered unknown. Osteoarthritis is different from rheumatoid arthritis in a few ways. Osteoarthritis is the wear and tear and aging of joints while rheumatoid arthritis is where the immune system is literally attacking the healthy tissue. Supplements can help relieve joint discomforts in your knee whether the pains are derived from OA or RA.

Something that one should know about osteoarthritis in the knee is that is in degenerative. Once the cartilage is gone, it cannot come back. That doesn't mean the cartilage you still have cannot be restored. Supplements are created with high grade ingredients that work to restore cartilage and reverse the breakdown process.

Joint supplements can provide comfort to knee discomforts caused by diseases like osteoarthritis. They can help relieve stiffness, heat, inflammation, and pain.

Bath Transfer Bench - Top 4 Reasons Arthritis Knee Sufferers Should Buy One

If you have arthritis of the knees have you ever considered that maybe you should buy a bath transfer bench? Many people have thought about it. Some went ahead and did it. Some got afraid of the great unknowns and never got started. Let's see now, are any of those reasons really valid? Did they really examine the positive side?

The negatives were covered okay, but how about the positives? Maybe we should take a more balanced approach. Here are four reasons why you ought to consider buying a bath transfer bench if you suffer from arthritis of the knees.

First, Increased Independence.

O.K., I can go along with your objection that you have good days when you knees don't hurt and you can manage getting into the bathtub without much trouble. Yes, it really is a valid observation, but look at it in this way, What happens as you get older and your arthritis starts to get worse. And moreover, you ought to consider that the more stress you place on your knees now, the more damage is done and the faster they will wear down.

Second, Less Costly Alternative Than a Walk-in Bathtub.

The primary reason behind that would be to choose the most cost effective solution. Walk-in Bathtubs can be expensive and installing one can mean having your bathroom out of commission for a period of time while construction is completed.. And also if you sell your home later you will probably not recoup your investment. Additionally, it may limit who would be interested in purchasing your home.

Third, Easy Installation.

And in addition to being easy to install, a bath tub transfer bench can also be easily removed so that others in the family can use the bathtub. There are even some models that are foldable and able to be taken on vacation!

And Fourth, Increased Personal Safety In the Bathroom.

Falling in the bathroom is a common concern of most people with some sort of physical disability. A transfer bench increases balance and provides added stability in a slippery place. When you look at the reasons and evaluate them, I expect that you will have to admit that a persuasive case can be made for purchasing a bath transfer bench if you are an arthritis knee sufferer.

Why Isn't My PEMF Device Helping Me Yet?

As I talk to people who purchase magnetic field systems I frequently get asked "when will I likely see a result?" The other question is "why is the device not helping?"

Both of these questions are actually related. The answers require an understanding of how pulsed magnetic fields work when applied for specific health circumstances, and considering the individual body.

PEMFs, of the kind I usually recommend, typically penetrate all the way through the body without being used up by the body. However, like a light, the intensity of the light is strongest rate next of the light and decreases as you move away from the light. The same thing happens with PEMFs - the intensity drops off as you move away from the applicator. That means that the part of the body next to the applicator will get the highest field intensity and the other side of the body away from the applicator will get a very low level of intensity. This is an important consideration in where to place applicators and will determine often what kind of results will be obtained.

Some health problems require higher field intensities. Some health problems do better with lower field intensities. Some problems require a broader range of frequencies, while others do better with a minimal number of frequencies. So, selecting the right device becomes important to achieve the best results. Every magnetic system will produce benefits to some extent. The right magnetic system for the circumstances will tend to produce results faster. Unfortunately often people have to make purchasing decisions based on affordability and so the right magnetic system may not always be possible to obtain.

If this is the case, then it will likely take more time for benefits to be achieved and patience will be required.

Many people get tremendous results quickly and are very happy with their PEMF system even in the first week or so of use. For some people the results don't happen quickly. This is where we can fine tune the treatment program to achieve better results. I often have to remind people that the body takes time to heal once it's given the appropriate signal or stimulus for that to happen. For example, a fracture will need 8 to 12 weeks to be strong enough for the bone to be able to be used. This does not mean the healing process is finished, it is just a more usable body part. Magnetic therapy can speed the healing rate but it will not be instantaneous. This is an unreasonable expectation.

PEMFs do not drug the body into being painless or euphoric. I call that "numbing and dumbing." Sometimes drugs are important during the therapy process. One of the goals of PEMFs is to be able to reduce the use of drugs if one can and accomplish less pain and improved function.

PEMFs work deep in the tissues to stimulate natural healing processes that have gotten stuck. It is the healing of the tissues that creates a reduction in pain, and improvement of function and health. This is ultimately the best solution and produces the most sustainable, least likely to regress, results. Unfortunately, we didn't get here overnight with our problem/s and it will take time for the healing to work. Despite this, at the same time, other benefits begin to happen in the body, that were unexpected. For example, sleep, mood or vitality, or gut function, etc, may improve before the original problem improves.

So, what are some of the ways to improve results?

1. Setting expectations

Having proper expectations is really important. If one is depressed or very miserable in one's life, small improvements in a problem may seem inadequate to improve the overall quality of one's life. I see this particularly in the elderly who have so many health issues, among others, that it is hard for them to appreciate the benefits they may be getting. Important to setting expectations is understanding the nature of the problem the depth of the damage or dysfunction, the tissue involved and its ability to regenerate, the likely time it will take to recover even in favorable circumstances, and the age of the individual. It is clear that a 20-year-old will heal much faster than an 80-year-old. The body has more vitality and the genetics tends to support faster repair and recovery. 20-year-olds typically don't have as many chronic problems and so acute injuries tend to resolve much faster than chronic problems, which have been around for decades. While often considerable funds are being spent on PEMFs we have a risk of setting expectations that are too high for what the technology can accomplish and the ability of the tissue to regenerate.

When expectations are too high we are unfortunately often very likely to seek magic bullets, including surgery, expecting dramatic benefits. Rarely, miraculous things happen quickly, but this is not the norm. Still, PEMF therapies are a better solution than exposing the body to risky procedures or potentially toxic drugs/medications. PEMF therapies or a more natural solution, most of the time. Often, individuals will seek PEMFs as a solution after they have already been subjected to numerous procedures or surgeries. This unfortunately becomes a bit like putting Humpty Dumpty back together again. I have seen PEMFs work extremely well and quickly in patients who have very little damage in their bodies for multiple procedures. This can happen even in this last situation, if the circumstances are right. Most of the time, however, it takes time for healing to happen that is likely to be permanent or dependable. Often also, PEMFs may not cure or reverse the problem but are necessary on a continuing basis to maintain control of the problem. The same thing obviously happens with the use of medications, physical therapy, massage, etc.

2. Acknowledging the level of tissue damage/dysfunction

This is a critical piece to understanding how long it is likely to take for benefits to be seen in treating specific problems. Problems in the body have degrees of involvement and different tissues are involved in any given injury. The degrees of involvement can be considered in terms of layers or levels. One way to conceive of these levels is: the energetic level, the physiologic level, the pathophysiological level, and the pathologic level. At any given time there can be overlap in the tissues of all of these levels, and they can even all be simultaneously present.

Energetic level

The analogy I use is that of a common cold. When a cold is first beginning, many people feel a vague sense of disease, or discomfort, without any specific sense of where or what the problem is. This is in the energetic level.

Physiologic level

Once a cold begins to produce a sore throat, a slight temperature, a runny nose, sneezing, etc., the infection has moved to the physiologic level.

Pathophysiologic level

If the infection continues in the body and progresses, it may begin to produce bronchitis, rhinitis, a significant cough, mental fogginess, with a green or yellow sputum, etc. This is the pathophysiologic level. In this level there are elements of a physiologic response to an infection and elements of cellular destruction (pathology) with color changes to the sputum indicating infection of the nose, sinuses or bronchial passages. Once the infection descends further into the body, acute sinusitis or pneumonia is possible. Most chronic problems are in the pathophysiologic level, with varying degrees of pathology.

Pathologic level

With significant cellular or organ damage, this level is considered pathologic. A substantial amount of tissue death can occur before an organ or the body as a whole will fail. At a minimum, a number of cells have died. At the extreme, there is either complete or partial organ failure or death of the person.

Responses to treatment at each level

Treatments directed at a problem that is at the energetic level are much more dramatic and likely to produce responses very rapidly, even in minutes. For physiologic level problems, treatments are more likely to produce responses in hours to several days. Once there is some level of pathology, that is, at a pathophysiologic level, the effects of treatment usually take longer, and can take days to weeks. The pathophysiologic level in these cases can be surprisingly affected by magnetic fields, with often dramatic results. At the pathologic level, treatments have very unpredictable results and may take months to years to produce results, if ever. True and complete organ death is unlikely to be reversible with magnetic fields. Magnetic fields do not create the "Lazarus effect".

Once one knows what the probable level of damage to the organism is, it's easier to predict how long it may take for these therapies to produce results. Miracles, that is, much better than expected results, are always possible, however. Treatment may be directed at a particular problem of interest but improvement may first be seen for a different issue, based on which layers are involved. Since more superficial layers will be more likely to respond quickly, these problems will respond regardless of where the MFs may be directed first. This is like peeling an onion; more superficial issues will be "peeled" away first, deeper next, etc. and deepest will be last. This is why holistic treatment may take months to years to clear all the layers.

As a physician, I always attempt to determine the level of damage that's present in the person I am asked to help. Once I have a sense of the levels involved, I have a much better idea of how long it will take to achieve significant relief or improvement or cure. The level and extent of the problem seems to be more important than the strength of the magnetic fields applied, or the frequencies used or how much time is devoted to treatment each day. Optimizing these variables should shorten the process.

Beyond this, all bodies are different and all illnesses or diseases need to be well understood, along with some sense of the mind, body and spiritual states of the individual looking for treatment. All of these will determine how long treatments will take to produce expected or desired results. Without this sense of layers, both the individual seeking treatment and the therapist can experience unnecessary frustration. The body has its own wisdom and will respond in the layers and levels that make more sense to it than to our expectations or fantasies. We need to respect these layers of healing timelines and processes and work positively with them. What gets healed initially and in what order after that is mostly up to the body, not our expectations. The order of healing will follow the body's own wisdom of what level/tissue should be cleared first, second, etc. Patience and acceptance of this natural order will aid the healing process.

The second aspect, beyond the levels of dysfunction, is the tissues involved. The body is constantly regenerating itself and we are informed that we are new bodies about every seven years. However, various tissues within the body have faster levels of regeneration and repair cycles than the overall body. For example, the cornea of the eye repairers itself 24 hours. Intestinal cells can repair within 72 hours. Skin and muscle cells may repair in 2 to 3 weeks. Bone can take up to seven years. Some tissues do not repair well, if at all, for example, ligaments, tendons, nerves, brain, spinal disks and possibly cartilage. The tissues that do not repair well generally do not have great blood supplies or have a low regenerative capacity.

Since many problems for which PEMFs are used involve musculoskeletal tissues, these problems can be very stubborn to get results. Some problems are just very deep in the body and difficult to access without procedures to be able to produce benefits. This is one of the areas where PEMFs are especially useful, since they penetrate rate through the body. We cannot push the tissue to regenerate beyond its optimal capacity for regeneration. The optimal capacity is comparable to what would be seen in childhood. So, for example a fracture may take 8 to 12 weeks to heal to a point of functionality naturally. With the use of PEMFs this fracture may take half to three-quarters of the usual time. It is known for example, with fractures that have not healed for over six months, that the use of PEMFs may be needed for upwards of 8 to 12 hours per day for as long as a year, depending on the fracture gap.

For tissues that do not have the capacity for regeneration, PEMFs are used in the circumstances to reduce pain, swelling in the tissues, improve circulation, and stimulate whatever regeneration is possible. Again, usually in any given problem there are multiple layers involved and multiple tissues. Since we never clearly know what the pain generator might be, the use of PEMFs can still be very valuable.

3. Adequate amount of use

Most of us are under significant time pressures. The amount of time for which treatments need to be applied, will depend on the levels of dysfunction, the tissue type and the particular magnetic system used. Generally speaking, faster results will be obtained with higher intensity PEMFs. Unfortunately, these are usually significantly more expensive PEMF systems. Therefore, if a lower intensity system is all that is affordable, longer treatment times will be needed for more extended intervals to achieve desired results. As mentioned above for nonunion fractures, treatments may need to be applied for upwards of 8 to 12 hours per day for upwards of a year. This is an unusual circumstance but generally, it may be necessary to use the PEMFs for 60 min. to three hours per day on average.

It is generally better to break up the treatment times to give gentle nudges to the body to stimulate the healing processes. So, a common recommendation I make is to do 30 min. three times a day. If this is not possible at least an attempt should be made to do 30 min. twice a day and when possible add another 30 min. session in the middle of the day. When time is available better results may be achieved with 60 min. three times a day. No matter what, at least one treatment session should be done daily usually around 30 min. at a time. One of the most important aspects of treatment with PEMFs is consistent daily application until the problem has improved.

Occasionally frequencies become important and for some problems higher frequency systems will do a better job faster, even if less intense. The same rules for time of use applies to these systems.

4. Duration of use

How long should magnetic therapies be applied for? The short answer is - as long as it takes. Many people stop doing their treatments as soon as they feel comfortable enough. It should be understood that the healing process is not finished itself because symptoms are better. PEMFs work at the cellular level and are repairing and regenerating cells and improving the function of cells at a level way below our awareness. So, healing can take a lot longer than simple symptom reduction. This is one of the reasons we get into trouble in terms of chronic conditions because we don't appreciate that problems are developing until they become symptomatic. A good example of this is hypertension which is silent until a stroke or heart failure occur. A general rule of thumb would be to continue treatments at the same level prior to symptom improvement for least another month. Another caution is that when symptoms have improved we should not necessarily increase our activity level dramatically because it may reenter the tissues. Activity should be increased gradually and the body will instruct us what is tolerable. When symptoms recur we know that we have gone too far too fast and need to back off and continue treatment for a longer period of time.

A common example where PEMF therapy is not always achieve desired results is in bone on bone arthritis. This could be the knee or the hip. In this circumstance the damage is so extensive and so late in the history that a joint replacement is often inevitable. Even though in this situation the opportunity for PEMFs to make a huge difference is limited, I'm constantly surprised at the benefits people get. If however, there is minimal benefit or the benefit is not a sufficient level of reduction of pain, there is still the benefit of assisting the tissues to be as healthy as possible prior to having their joint replacement. After the surgery, the recovery time for the joint replacement may actually be shortened with a decreased risk of complications. In addition, some research and feedback from patients indicates that the prosthesis integrates better with the bone.

In addition there may be long-term benefits in having this osteointegration decrease the likelihood for future breakdown and the need for re-doing a joint replacement. Redoing her joint replacement is much more difficult than the original procedure, and is to be avoided if possible. I have had one patient least whose recovery from hip replacement surgery was dramatically short and painless because she had been using her PEMF system for at least a year prior to the surgery. Her doctors and physical therapists were amazed at how quickly she recovered. This almost never happens with a hip replacement. Again, my point is that we never know what kind of benefits can happen with any given individual, even though not necessarily all of our objectives are met when purchasing the PEMF system.

I consider pulsed magnetic therapy to be a lifetime health care tool. Therefore, the way the system purchased can be used will obviously vary over time depending on circumstances. No matter what, we all need health maintenance, and therefore magnetic therapy should be a component of daily health management.

5. Proper placements

The usual placement of applicators is to the place of pain or discomfort. Often however, the pain is actually generated in another part of the body. For example, low back problems can be referred down to the knee or foot. Knee problems can be referred to the foot. Hip problems can be referred to the knee. Shoulder problems can be referred to the elbow or wrist/hand. Spasticity of the lower extremities is caused by a problem in the spinal cord. And so on. If it is known that the lesion is directly in the tissue experiencing the pain, then it is appropriate to apply the PEMF applicator to that spot. There is never any harm and placing it higher up, particularly the spinal cord because all sensory traffic from the lower extremities travels to the brain through the spinal cord. The brain will perceive the pain and send a signal back to the extremity or location of the pain. So, treating the spinal cord above the level of the problem can be very helpful. For example, if the problem is in the arm then it may be useful to also apply treatment to the neck. A problem in the lower extremities can be additionally helped by applying the applicator to the lumbar spine area, to get the lumbar spinal cord.

Not only is it important to place the applicators in the right locations, but also it may not be as useful to treat the entire body expecting specific areas to receive the same level of benefit. As mentioned above, to lie on your back will not necessarily help the front of your chest, because the field intensity may not be strong enough to treat the chest. So an application may be needed to the back as well as the front of the chest, in this case. Some magnetic systems allow two applicators to be used simultaneously on opposite sides of the body part. This often allows higher field intensity to be generated in the tissues between them, which I call a magnetic sandwich. Some applicators can actually be folded into a tube which also increases the intensity the field in the body part inside the tube. This can also be accomplished with a whole body pad turned sideways and wrapped around part of the body.

Depending on the magnetic system, a pillow applicator may be of higher intensity than a whole body pad. Even if not, a pillow applicator can be applied for much longer periods of time without the risk of over stimulating the body, as would happen with extended treatments with the whole body pad. Generally, tissues in body cavities, such as the abdomen, the chest and the skull, are more sensitive and may be easily overstimulated in some individuals. In this case, lower intensities and shorter periods of time may be necessary to reduce overstimulation.

It is likely that different body parts need different periods of time of treatment, depending on the level of dysfunction, discussed above. Often, acute problems need less time than chronic problems. So, treatment times will need to be adjusted based on the circumstances.

6. Getting support

While often, a purchased PEMF system can be used out-of-the-box following the instruction manual, it may be possible that support is required from somebody who is well-informed about clinical conditions and understanding the technology being applied. Obviously, if the treatment is not going well or producing acceptable results, professional support may be necessary. Most medical personnel will have some significant degree of knowledge about clinical conditions but have very little understanding of PEMF technology and so they may not be able to provide useful advice.

7. Having adequate nutritional support

I instruct patients that you can't build a house without bricks and mortar. It is well-known in medicine that wounds won't heal without adequate nutritional support. In fact, wounds will often stall or breakdown and become complicated because the nutritional state is inadequate. I know surgeons will not operate until patients have been on an adequate nutritional program for several months before elective surgery. We often run into trouble doing emergency surgery because the condition of the body is not up to the stress of the surgery and won't support adequate recovery afterwards. So, for PEMF therapies to work best, individuals need to be on decent diets and using a reasonable number of supplements. At the very least most of us should be taking adequate levels of vitamin D3, omega-3 fatty acids, and a broad spectrum multidose, multivitamin.

It may be desirable to get a consultation with a natural medicine clinician or nutritionist to get set up on appropriate nutritional program. Many people using PEMFs need extra magnesium. Some individuals need support with melatonin as well. A high carbohydrate, high fried foods diet, or what might be called the standard American diet (SAD) does not adequately support tissues to achieve the best results with PEMF therapies. Additionally, PEMFs will work better when the bodies adequately hydrated. It is often recommended that individuals should be drinking about half their body weight in ounces. For example, a 160 pound person may need about 80 ounces of fluid per day. Most of us should be getting minimally, about 64 ounces per day. Caffeinated drinks do not count as fluids since we tend to lose as much as we put in.

8. Effects of medications

Some medications are very challenging to the bodies energy systems. Some of them, particularly the antidepressants, neuroleptics and sedatives may change the way the body perceives pain signals. They may in fact the blunt some of the pain reduction benefit of PEMFs. I would never suggest that somebody should stop their medications without medical consultation. I raise this point only to inform you that occasionally pain reduction is not a successful. This is not to say that all the other benefits of PEMFs in healing and regeneration would not be happening. This only relates to the sensation or perception of pain. On the other hand, is not infrequent that the same medications may actually be improved in their results with reduction of pain symptoms by the simultaneous use of PEMFs and the medications. My experience indicates that medications and nutrients are absorbed better in the body with the use of PEMFs. On occasion, it is possible to reduce medications once PEMFs have been used. Again, this should be done with medical guidance.

9. Toxicity and sensitivity

Infrequently, some individuals are very sensitive to PEMFs and experience increased discomfort or other unpleasant symptoms. These individuals may have a condition called electrohypersensitivity.

When this happens, PEMF therapy would have to be used "low and slow." We would need to use lower intensities, often the lowest possible on the system, and only extremely gradually increase the intensities and the time per treatment. Clearly, in this situation benefits may be more difficult to achieve because the appropriate and necessary intensities in time are not possible. Still, results can be dramatic given the opportunity with this treatment. Consultation with a clinician experienced in the use of PEMFs in this setting may be necessary. Most of these individuals need to be on a significant supplement and nutrition program to achieve the best results.

PEMFs can open cells and cell membranes to the point of unloading toxins stored in the tissues of the body. This type of response is in the long run a desirable action. However it may be unpleasant and will have to be managed by a clinician experienced in doing detoxification. The length of detoxification will vary from individual to individual. Rarely will PEMF therapy have to be stopped, whether temporarily or indefinitely while this is happening. Those individuals will multiple chemical sensitivity PEMF therapy may well be intolerable and may never be able to be used even in the most gentle fashion, at least until major detoxification can be achieved.

10. Psychological issues

Research at Hopkins, in their pain management program, found that some individuals with chronic pain have certain personality traits, that result in very poor treatment outcomes. These individuals often experience negative reactions to even placebo magnetic field devices. And when they are followed over time, some even complain that their problems continue to be worse due to the placebo treatment. In this situation it is not possible to ever please these individuals and PEMF therapy is not an appropriate treatment modality. Psychological counseling is necessary to help with any pain issues in this situation.

11. Wrong device

In the final circumstance, if results are not being achieved as desired, it is possible that the wrong device has been selected. It is often difficult to know in the first month or two months of use whether the device is appropriate or not. Since many health problems for which PEMFs are being used are stubborn and chronic, it may take 3 to 6 months to see desirable results. Usually, people see some degree of change even in the first month. If the treatment program is too gentle with too little time applied, then results may not be seen even in the first month. It would be easier to say with certainty that the device is inadequate after at least three months of intensive and proper use. When this happens, it is usually a matter of having inadequate field intensities. In this case, a much stronger device may be needed. My experience is that this is an uncommon situation.

Understanding and managing the above scenarios would usually lead to positive results with PEMF therapies. Adjustments in the treatment program will likely be necessary over time to address various problems in the body and also to properly handle the needs of any specific body area.

Knee Liposuction - For Pretty Knees

Many women have knee liposuction for prettier knees. You can be thin and still have fat around the knees. There are some professions that require a presentable appearance and to many people wearing a suit with a skirt revealing nice knees is important. Wearing shorts could also be difficult to a lot of women with knobby knees.

This is one of many areas that are resistant to diet and exercise. They can be very annoying and frustrating to some. The bulge of the inner knees is very common with women and this is the reason many of them opt for knee liposuction.

Although knee liposuction is rarely heard of it is very common and many women are having it done everyday. Women resort to this procedure after hopeless attempts to get rid of this fat. The desired look is to have a straight line or slight curve from the thighs to the calves. This can be very possible with knee liposuction. After a short lipo procedure the majority of women love the results.

Knee liposuction is done by inserting a very small cannula into the popliteal or the back of the knee. During the procedure the knee should be bent and only straightened at times to check the aesthetics. The only concern after knee lipo is the stiffness of the surgery area. It will be hard to bend the knees for about 10 days. After 2-3 days exercise and activity is encouraged.

The difference after the surgery could be remarkable. Knee liposuction has changed many lives professionally, mentally and socially. Before consulting with any doctor, make sure you are a good candidate. This means that you must have good health and don't smoke. It wouldn't be safe if you have ever had knee surgery before. If you are out of shape then you should get in better shape also before visiting a plastic surgeon. You are a good candidate if you are greatly bothered by the appearance of your knees. If you know you don't have the prettiest knees but it doesn't really bother you then you are not a good candidate. Having any kind of surgery puts you at many different kinds of risks and it wouldn't be worth the risks if you are doing it for the wrong reasons.

Take the time to choose a good surgeon, it could mean everything. A skilled surgeon will be able to show you examples of the work he has done, and allow you to contact his patients. You can give them a call and see if they are satisfied with the work he's done for them. Many of them will give you their honest opinion on how they feel about their legs and what complications they've had to face post surgery. They may even advise you to either go through with it because it is life changing or they may tell you not to do it because it isn't worth it.

7 Things to Know About Knee Replacement Surgery

Persons with repeat knee injuries or age related knee cartilage degeneration experience knee stiffness, decreased mobility and at times severe pain that is managed by hazardous pain killer drugs.

If you do not respond well to multiple conservative methods of treatment, your doctor will recommend you undergo a partial or full knee arthroplasty, or in lay men terms, knee replacement procedure.

Below you will find 7 Important Things to know about knee replacement surgery:

1. There are 2 major types for knee replacement surgeries, full and partial. A full joint replacement is not recommended for younger patients since an average life span for a metal or ceramic prosthesis is around 10-15 years, therefore it may wear out sooner which may require additional surgery that is not recommended. Partial knee replacement is more suitable for younger candidates with considerable cartilage damage caused by diseases or injuries.

2. The successful knee surgery outcomes strongly depend on the careful patient selection to ensure that knee joint prosthesis will work to the fullest of its ability and provide positive improvements for the patient's lifestyle. The ideal candidate for a knee replacement surgery is over 60 year of age, not severely overweight and has realistic expectations. In addition, a person preparing for a surgery of this kind must be willing and dedicated to go through painful but necessary physical therapy.

3. During your surgical procedure your doctor makes a surgical excision using a scalpel or a laser which greatly reduces bleeding during and after surgery. Once the doctor gains access to the knee joint, he will remove the damaged knee joint and cartilage debris and replace it with a metal or ceramic prosthesis. Modern day technologies allow for the prosthesis to be bio-compatible with the human body virtually eliminating the risk of rejection.

4. The successful knee surgery will allow its patients to return to normal daily activities and even participate in some low impact sports like swimming, golfing and bicycling. However, your artificial knee joint is not intended for high impact exercises like heavy weight lifting, jogging and skiing. Although some individuals are successful in these types of extreme activities but that is quite risky.

5. Surgery to replace faulty knee joints has 95% success rate and helps over 250,000 Americans annually to enjoy more active and pain-free lifestyles.

6. Knee replacement procedure is a major surgery that carries some rare but potential risks of blood clots, infection, adverse reaction to an anesthetic and more.

7. Knee replacement recovery phase will begin shortly after your procedure and will involve physical therapy sessions that are rather painful but must be performed in order to achieve proper knee joint function. You need to have good knee joint flexibility to do simply daily tasks like walking unassisted, getting up from a sitting position and many more. Knee manipulation procedure might be necessary if your knee joint mobility can't be achieved through physical therapy exercises.

Talk to your orthopedic surgeon if knee replacement surgery is right for you and will provide relief for your painful and swollen joints as of result of age related degeneration process or multiple knee injuries.

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Common Knee Injuries and Their Treatment

The knee is the most articulate joint of the human body, and the one that most often suffers injuries. Orthopaedic surgeons use a variety of methods to treat knee injuries. The most common method is RICE: rest, ice, compression and elevation. Rest the knee by not putting load on it, or by walking with the support of crutches; apply Ice to control the edema (swelling); use an elastic Compression bandage on it tightly, but not so tight as to cause pain; and finally, keep the knee elevated.

You should consult an orthopedist if you have the following symptoms in the knees. If you hear a click in his knee at the time of injury; if you have severe pain; if you cannot move the knee; if it begins to limp; or if swelling continues when it is hurt.

When changing direction quickly, if it starts to slow down during a run, or a fall after a jump, you can have a ruptured anterior cruciate ligament. The athletes who play basketball and skiing, and athletes who use tennis with studs, as is the case of footballers, are more likely to suffer ACL injuries. Posterior cruciate ligament injuries are usually caused by a blow to the front of the knee or by the leg landing badly during a vigorous game. Usually when people talk about the rupture of ligaments, they are usually talking about a meniscus tear. This type of injury is very common in athletes (especially football players). The meniscus is a strong cartilage, with a consistency that resembles rubber, and acts as a shock absorber, similar to what happens with car bumpers. The collapse of the meniscus may occur when running on the knee when making a dribble, in the slowing down during a race, or in being tackled (as in rugby). In this type of injury there is usually direct contact between two people while practicing a sport.

If you have pain or persistent edema (swelling), a surgical procedure known as knee arthroscopy may help relieve these symptoms and resolve the problem. Arthroscopy allows orthopedic surgeons to diagnose and treat pathologies of the knee, as it shows the inside of the knee through small incisions using an instrument the size of a pencil, called arthroscopy. The lens allows the transmission of an image of your knee through a small camera to a television monitor. The image allows the orthopaedist to examine in detail the inside of the knee, and determine the cause of the problem. During this procedure, the orthopedic surgeon can insert surgical instruments through small incisions in the knee, so as to remove or repair damaged structures. With the development of arthroscopes, this procedure has become increasingly effective, both for accurate diagnosis and effective way to treat the pathologies of the knee.

For many years, many doctors have been interested in the possibility of being able to observe natural cavities of the human body, but while some were easily exploitable (eg the mouth), others require special equipment not available at the time (eg stomach and bladder).

Knee Arthritis

Knee arthritis mostly affects people who are over 50 years. It is also common in people who are overweight. Weight loss tends to reduce the symptoms associated with this disorder. Heredity is said to be one of the factors that contributes to this condition. This disease has been found to run in families. Other factors that contribute to this problem include trauma to the knee and meniscus tears. Ligament damage and fractures to the bone around the joint are other probable causes of this disease.

Osteoarthritis is the most common type of this disease. Osteoarthritis also referred to as degenerative joint disease is characterized by progressive wearing away of cartilage. Knee arthritis makes the cartilage to degenerate and this may leave the bone bare and exposed within the joint.

Symptoms of this disorder tend to progress as the condition worsens. The symptoms however do not progress steadily with time and therefore you may report good and bad months. Sometimes the symptoms may also fluctuate with the weather. Common symptoms of this condition include pain when going about various activities, limited range of motion as well as stiffness of the knee. Other symptoms are swelling of the joint, tenderness along the joint and deformity of the joint leading to knock-knees or bow legs.

Diagnosis of this disease involves a physical examination as well as the use of x-rays. The first findings are normally used as a basis for evaluating future examinations. They are also used to determine the progression of the disease. Treatment of knee arthritis can be through weight loss, walking aids, physical therapy, cortisone injections as well as total knee replacement surgery.