Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Knee Pain While Hiking? A Trekking Pole May Be Your Solution

Love hiking but hate the price your knees pay for it later? Consider adding a hiking trekking pole or even a pair of trekking poles to your gear.

Trekking poles, also known as hiking or walking poles, resemble ski poles when assembled.  Like ski poles, they have rubber padded handles, wrist straps and baskets at the bottom of the pole.  Unlike ski poles, they are made in several sections so that they can be lengthened or shortened as needed during a difficult hike. 

Trekking poles are commonly used by hikers who experience knee pain during or after a hike.  When planted on the ground, each pole has the ability to reduce the weight being carried by the legs and back, giving problem knees a break. Some studies show that using trekking poles can reduce the external and internal loads on the knee joint by up to 20%. By reducing the force being put on the knee joint, those with a history of knee pain can build up their strength while doing the least amount of harm to an already problem area.  A 1999 study in the Journal of Sports Medicine stated that using poles on a 25 degree downhill grade reduces the amount of force being placed on the knees by as much as 25%.

Trekking Pole may be the best solution. So don't let knee pain keep you from enjoying the joy that comes from exploring.  Preparedness and the right tools could be all that is keeping you from the view of a lifetime.

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