Friday, August 9, 2013

Hip Replacement - How to Cut the Cost in Half!

Hip replacement surgery is one of the most common orthopaedic procedures performed in the world, with more than 350,000 operations per year in the United States alone.

Reducing Hip Replacement Costs

Today, you can have the best surgery, and also benefit from hugely reduced costs.

By having your hip replacement operation abroad, you can use the cost savings to enjoy a relaxing holiday.

Before we look at the cost savings, let's look at the hip replacement operation and why it is necessary.

Hip Replacement Procedure

Recent developments in hip replacement surgery have seen the operation become a safe and reliable method to treat severe hip arthritis pain.

Hip replacement surgery (known also as arthroplasty) is usually undertaken when osteoarthritis has resulted in the wearing down of the hip joint.

In a hip replacement operation, the worn out and arthritic parts of the hip joint are taken out and a new artificial (prosthesis) hip joint is inserted.

Successful hip replacement surgery improves mobility, by improving the function of the hip joint and reducing the discomfort felt by the patient.

How Hip Replacement Surgery is performed

Hip replacement surgery involves removing the ball and socket of the arthritic hip joint.

The surgeon removes the top part of the thighbone (femur), and an implant fits within the central canal of the thighbone.

The surgeon then removes the remaining excess cartilage and bone from the socket part of the joint (within the pelvis), and replaces it with a new socket, allowing free movement at the new joint.

What does it Cost?

The cost of hip replacement in a UK private hospital or clinic is around £7,000 to £9,000, depending on the treatment.

In India costs are significantly less, starting at just £3,700 or less than half the price!

Patients from the USA can also make huge savings, as can patients in all other western industrialized nations.

What are common symptoms of hip arthritis?

Patients who have severe hip arthritis normally suffer from one, or all of the following symptoms:

· Difficulty in walking

· Stiffness of the hip joint

· Pain in the groin and thigh

The most common location to experience pain from hip arthritis is in the groin area. Sometimes however, patients may also complain of thigh, back, and knee pain.

Patients who have hip arthritis normally develop a limp, which is the body's reaction to minimize the stresses acting on the joint.

What Causes Degeneration of the Hip Joint?

The most common cause of hip arthritis is osteoarthritis, or degenerative joint disease.

Other causes of joint problems include rheumatoid arthritis, and osteonecrosis also called avascular necrosis.

India - A World leader in Medical Tourism

Indian corporate hospitals are comparable to hospitals anywhere in the world. In fact, India offers world-class medical facilities that are comparable with the USA or UK.

The high concentration of expatriate Indian medical staff working abroad particularly, in the USA and UK, gives patients confidence in healthcare in India generally. Patients are of course, already used to the expertise and professionalism of Indian medical staff.

India is the world leader in medical tourism and its medical tourism industry is set to be a multi billion pound growth industry, and considered an important part of economic growth by the government.

Low Hip Replacement Costs and the Holiday of a Lifetime

By having your hip replacement surgery performed in India you get greatly reduced costs, world class medical facilities and the chance to enjoy a holiday in a country that has a huge diversity of holiday options for you to enjoy.

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