Sunday, April 14, 2013

Deficiency of Vitamin D - Symptoms and Side Effects

Vitamin D Deficiency Symptoms and Side Effects The article aims to educate you on the severity of not having enough vitamin D and teaches you how to check for the symptoms of vitamin D deficiency.

With more and more office personals going to office in the early morning and leaving only after the sunset, the time exposed to the sun is getting lesser.

Without sunshine, our body is not able to generate enough vitamin D, hence the lack of it, which poses a health risk.

Some Vitamin D Deficiency Symptoms

  • Muscle pain

  • Sudden loss of muscle strength

  • Constant bone pains

  • Low energy / Moodless

Reasons and causes of vitamin D deficiency can vary accordingly.

Usually seasons such as winter forces people to rest at home, hence the lack of sunshine can be the primary cause for people to have lack of vitamin D. 

Dangerous side effect of malnutrition of vitamin D

  • Osteoporosis

  • Osteomalacia

  • Rickets

  • Dental cativities

Osteoporosis, osteomalacia and rickets are diseases related to our skeletal structure.

As you know, bones are mineralized using vitamin D and calcium.

Shortage of vitamin D prevent the growth of bones, which causes rickets in children. Children suffering from rickets causes knock knees and bone deformation!

For adults, osteomalacia can occur which leads to weak bones which might eventually lead to bone cancer. Without mineralization, bone become frail and simple knock to the bone might even cause a fracture!

Teeth will become brittle and will cause them to chip off. This are part of vitamin D deficiency symptoms. 

People who are at risk are 

  • Young children

  • Working office-bound adults

  • Pregnant woman

  • Elderly

When young, the skeleton is constantly growing at a rapid pace. Hence attention must be given to make sure they have their daily requirement of vitamin D.

Office workers too tend to suffer from the insufficient exposure to sunlight, which minimize the body's ability to create vitamin D.

Pregnant woman, too, are at risk to suffer vitamin D side effects as most of their body nutrients are given to the baby.

As our body ages, the body loses its natural ability to create and absorb vitamin D, thus extra care must be given to ensure that the elderly have their requirement amount of vitamin D.

If you or your relatives have any vitamin D deficiency symptoms, it is recommended that you seek a doctor's attention immediately!

Vitamin D Deficiency Treatment Although malnutrition of vitamin D is serious, recovering from malnutrition of vitamin D is easy. Spend an hour for a walk in the park regularly and your body will start to heal by itself.

Another alternative method will be taking supplements to replenish the vitamin D back that is needed by your body.

However, although overdose is rare, check with your doctor for a prescription. 

After recovering, remember to maintain a healthy diet of fish and milk with sunlight exposure and you will never face vitamin D deficiency symptoms again.

Read More at  Vitamin D Deficiency Symptoms

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