Thursday, January 16, 2014

5 Reasons Not to Drink Alcohol When on a Meal Replacement Diet

Drinking Alcohol on a Meal Replacement Diet is not a good idea because...

1. You will get knocked out of ketosis and be back to square 1. Remember week one? It wasn't much fun getting into ketosis was it? So protect your ketone and stay on track.

2. You will probably get too drunk as you are having so little calories and look silly and never want to go out again! (not a good look and after all we are dieting because we want to look better and be healthier, drinking alcohol on a meal replacement diet is not healthy and will certainly not make you look cool!)

3. With drink you will be easily tempted to eat more, oh yes the kebab shop, and the pizza place, all these places that you could easily walk past, now a few drinks will seem much more tempting.

4. If u get a hangover you will want to eat and drink next day, a lot of people will crave high sugar and high fat foods after drinking. So realistically you will probably not get on the band wagon the next day.

5. Also a lot of people say that drinking and ketosis are not good for your general health! Plus you will pile on some pounds by filling up your glycogen levels.

If you are on the choo choo train to slimdom, don't jump off, its a non stop journey, and if you jump off it will hurt, and it is hard to jump back on again.

Once you are the train the journey seems to fly by and the scenery is lovely. Don't jump off. Stay on track and get to your destination. It is a short time to say no... but it gives you a life time of experiences that will make you so happy.

Keep focused and motivated with support, New You diet provides support with an online social network and you can get your diet meal replacements delivered to your door!

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