Saturday, June 15, 2013

Degenerative Knee Changes - The Creature That Torments You - Support Those Painful Knees!

Are you tired of knee pain?

You should be. Let's talk about some ways to get help you get rid of it!

Degenerative knee changes are associated with knee osteoarthritis, which is the most common type of arthritis affecting approximately 20 million Americans. This debilitating condition is characterized by progressive and slow deterioration of the knee causing irreversible damage to your hyaline articular cartilage. It can accompanied by excruciating pain and can lead to an eventual deformity in the affected knee. This deformity can also be problematic for your knee's alignment.

Osteoarthritis is also predicated by other symptoms including joint stiffness and impairment in your normal range motion. Its incidence is influenced by age, weight problems and injuries caused by accidents or other anomalies that affect normal knee functions.

Primary Treatment Options for Degenerative Knee Changes

1.) Exercise: Exercise may be one of the single most important element of your treatment regiment for degenerative knee changes. The appropriate exercise routines can help maintain normal joint motion and reduce the common symptoms associated with arthritis. These exercise routines are generally low impact, non-weight bearing routines designed to maintain muscle support along the knee joint (Speak with your physician about your specific exercise program).

2.) Injections: Injection procedures are primarily performed to help relieve the pain associated to the knee to help restore function. These procedures are generally simple and relatively painless. The beneficial effects of this procedure will last for a few days to a few weeks depending on the severity of the problem. An arthritic patient may receive 3-5 injections a year.

3.) Medication: Your orthopedic physician may also prescribe anti-inflammatory medications to manage the pain that is associated with osteoarthritis.

4.) Knee Replacement: Knee replacement will only be considered as one of the treatment options for degenerative knee changes when the other options have proven to be ineffective or have stopped giving satisfactory results. Moreover all patients who have pain are not considered suitable candidates for surgery.

5.) Arthroscopy: Arthroscopy is a less invasive surgical alternative to knee replacement. Alternatively referred to as knee scope, this procedure is done primarily to relieve the pain associated with arthritis. The procedure would involve small incisions around the knee where instruments and a camera are inserted to "clean the knee."

6.) Knee Braces: Well designed knee supports are also an effective element of the treatment regimen for degenerative knee changes. These braces, known as unloader braces, or OA braces and are designed to transfer the stress away from the affected point of the knee. This action "unloads" the knee and helps to maintain proper alignment. These supports should never be over looked because you can get them very quickly and they are extremely affordable these days. (Especially, when you compare their cost to an invasive surgical procedure.)

These all can be effective treatment options, but you should also talk with your physician about your specific medical treatment. Either way, knee supports among these other listed items can really be helpful because of the meaningful support that they provide. If you want to take your knee stability to the next level then you should check out a knee support today. You can get one quickly and they can be the turning point for your knee pain relief.

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