Saturday, December 7, 2013

Change For Who? We Should Stop Lying

Everyday young black males and females are challenged to be the best they can in a country that continues to tackle discrimination within the cord of the community. Recently we all saw history in the making with the first African American, President Barrack Obama who take the oath of office and became our 44th President of the United States. We know much about this man of honor and his intelligences to lead a nation out of the trouble waters into a sea of hope. However, you continue to see the masters at work stopping everyone from getting ahead. The Stimulus package the former President Bush provided under the former Treasury Secretary Paulson did not do anything for the economy and it only helped those that wanted it in the first place, Wall Street's fat cats. They continued to have parties and give out lavish bonuses to themselves even though President Obama was applauded at their action; they did it anyway. What did President Obama and Congress think that they could improve the stimulus package to help the community, country, and businesses when former President Bush did nothing to change the mode of the county and continue to drive steaks in our hearts? That is just what they did while spending millions of dollars to get a position that pays less that what a NBA players makes. Bush and his Administration help each other get richer while looking down on the poor or just not caring. Look at New Orleans nothing has change for the people at all. Wall Street didn't go into New Orleans and provide a bailout, why should we have bail them out, when they don't come into your community at all. They are like most banking institutions they stay out and never put fuel on the poor only for the rich. Wachovia, Chase, Indy Mac, Bank of America, SunTrust, and others that reside in the poorest communities don't do anything to uplift the community they just take and take. The government sent Billions of dollars to these businesses; however the community continues to suffer. What is wrong with that picture? The financial infusion was supposed to help contribute to the unemployment, education, outreach, and development of the community where the people in the community spend their hard earned money. Most of the American people have direct deposit into one of these banking institutions but none of them have a direct deposit into the community. Community is what President Obama talked about during his campaign and still no one is getting it. It was it a smoke screen. People in poverty live in an internal world, only those that are inside the circle can benefit from the wealth of it.

Many times when developers are buying up property in the inner city they displace the poor outside the community in an external world that has nothing to offer them but more poverty. Why are we still blind to the problems in this country, which should focus on sensitivity of life among all people in this great country, United States of America? We need more passion to help others in times of need, but the stimulus (environmental changes) is suppose to help the people, not knock them down farther. This country helps corporations benefit from the poor directly and indirectly. Review this list of corporations that don't give back to rural area towns: Parke-Davis, Upjohn, Microsoft, NBA Licensing, Kodak, Lockheed Martin, Dell, Marshall, and the list goes on, these companies employ prison labor, reference: Title: Corporate greed and Private Prison in the newspaper: The Final Call ,date April 24, 2007. Billion of dollars from these corporations only help when it benefits them, they don't go into rural areas such as Louisville, Mississippi; Texarkana, TX; Macon, GA; Brandywine, Maryland; Stanford, NC, and others to help where socially disadvantage and underserved youth live. We don't help these forgot communities because they don't matter to these corporations. Most of those living in communities listed, pay taxes so that the billion dollar corporations can pay less taxes and all of them have a Dell, Microsoft, Marshall's, and Kodak products in their homes. We will not help people in poverty because they are not in our internal circle of advancement. The poorest Americans pay the most taxes and we continue to do it time after time because it's the law. Why should the poorest families pay the most taxes? Unfortunately, Congress has it set up that way, and none of our political powerhouses have to foreclose or file bankruptcy because of the economy. Politicians need to feel what we feel in a world that they the Politicians set the rules but the burden of poverty is always on the people. When are we going to stop letting these criminals stop driving us into death. From 2005-09 we have had many committing suicide because of their financial woes. No one should take their life because of the mistake of others, but they do. We are not helping the community, but the rich get richer and the poor get worst.

This is the America way. Why don't we uplift the poorest people in this country instead of taking from them? During the summer of 2008 CNN reveal several stories about "Being Black In America" it was OK and Black in America 2 was Ok. But, it really didn't show the true racism in this country among Blacks against and Whites against Blacks. It only showed race from their eyes and how they thought race played a part in our lives. The crime in the streets continues to play a role in the courts, communities, and where small businesses are located, and it only fuel poverty and its internal suffering. We see these problems and look the other way as if it doesn't exist in 2009; however, what is President Obama willing to do about race relations in this country? Will he fix the employment problem, fix discrimination on the job; will there be accountability on the job for management wrong doings? What will we get from President Obama that is about change? Will his change of climate bring a diverse future for change the course in America? Will race in the work place rebuild the walls to prosperity in this country or will nothing change? When will greedy corporations see that without consumers they too will fall under the bus, yes they will probably be able to keep their mansions and fancy cars but at what cost to this country. Corruption has destroyed this country and the justice system continues to let the high price criminals get away with it unless it their money. As we watch the hit shows on television and musical rappers perform their special talents we see drugs dealer, addicts, and alcoholics (DUI)'s however, many of them get off free with community service, but the street hustler goes to jail for 5 to ten. Is that justice for you or is it racism or discrimination in a different form of justice. In the US, if you get caught doing a crime sometime jail is your next stop, but the money determines justice you can spend getting out of it or getting serious charges dropped . Why Former President Bush should not be held to the same standards as who break the law? D. L. Hugely on the CNN said and I quote "why are we impeaching former Governor Blagojevich for allegedly trying to sell former Senator Obama seat and not impeaching former President Bush for lying and sending thousands of our young soldiers to death while bringing this country to its knees in debt, corporations bail out, mortgage failure, etc...

Why should we the people keep bearing the problems of former President Bush and Congress? The laws should change regarding accountability and who we really can trust. Millions of Americans are hurting because of the policies that were hammer down to the American people from the Former Administration. Why it is that no one of real power has step up to the plate and made these individuals accountable for their actions for destroying the foundation of the country? It leads me to believe that making a political power accountable is not how American works. However, we will try to impeach members of political branches for having call girls, same sex partners, marriage affairs the list goes on but when it come to the American people losing everything they have worked for no justice happen for them. We force them out of office only if it's an immoral act, but we keep those that bring the country down. What planet are we living on? The people of poverty continue to pay for the actions and mistakes of our political parties. This is a form of discrimination to the American people over and over again. We continue to report the news as if nothing is wrong in this country. The news should read another corporation getting away with murder, causing families to lose their homes, life saving, retirement fund, breaking up homes, and the list goes on. Why should we continue to ignore and endure this type pain on the people of this country and not stand-up for them. Protesting on issues only goes so far in this country and than its silent. However, we move on to the next problem, but never take fixed the last problem. Often on the job we are asking to multi-task and make our deadlines, but Congress and pass Administrations are totally exempt from any commitments or deadline. Congress keeps on getting paid to do nothing and causes the American people grief and never become liable for not meeting its deadlines. This country should be about justice, we preach it all over the world but we don't stand by it among our own citizens. Everyone is equal, not when it comes to the slums of Brooklyn, NY; Southside Chicago; Southside Atlanta, GA and the surrounding cities and towns that are left to die. If everyone is getting a chance to ride another bus, why hasn't the bus change colors; poverty? Vernon Jones, Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Jr., Malcolm X, Rosa Parkers, and others were tired of not being able to ride equally and rally for justice. Why are we still not equal?

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